Registration Form Validation In java Netbeans with Regular Expression

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video I will show how completely we will validate our application using regular expression in Java so for that possible go to file new project and to divert the web liaison coordinates and give her one station from this JSON right right click on finish and there's our station that goes for the new and going Dave came from and type registration today son um right so go to finish now you will have this pump so in this form we'll just back panel and began it like in previous videos in giveth videos I already don't know how to be then this all means you could right click and go to properties and go to border line border and you give Ignace Oh what you want ok I will get be useful and a little color right and I will this panel labeled read something here and values this race on from validation that we listen right go to properties change the font size are the same is plenty for this way and you can change power go for foreground and change your color right and then Hey okay now in this you need to have is username password email and everything for that I will you take - nothing yeah and I will set for first one side for this bold 14 taking okay so that and call out all that flag only will put flag and non change other than this right all right now copy this one and paste it here again copy paste it here again copy place it here again copy paste it there right now again of it place it here all right now get level and the power gains one size bold 18 right and puppy if it drag it get it again probably yes all right now 10 DS double name email phone number by the name name email phone number other name address and password right now other than this you need to have is gender right this one we taste gender and you sit at your bottom here you're done men rattle girl go to adays good taste font size bold 14 in bold and size 14 and in it neatly okay now after taking this course you need to have a button submit or entity admin photon cancel photon okay so now I have only one button I will begin this boat on on size bold and foot and I will take this tape pencil I did at this one I'll copy this okay wait of the case now and day little submit cancel and easy right - danger variable name name email on F name other name address bus male/female happening right and what is our big button Ragland it and go to events action perform in this boat on the Virgo embroiling to this bottom you have to take each and everything in our tasteful so for that the stove here I click on it go to events and go to events and go to key type or middle-aged event right here event this event or past bottom so type here first of all you need to have patterns go to import Java you can God gave the right person God is time alright so this is the package you need to have to match regular education pattern with your teaching so unclear you live because I need to have it this string pattern now get back on and it is just with exponential exponential and between packet in username just uniquely have all pocket right kappa leave a tip on capitulate digit 0 to 0 to 9 good and your username game should be so hype do 30 this the or length of username and then at the end of this username that's what you will average dollar symbol even gives the pavement in the pattern right now with that on turn that is equal they're gone got compiled we will compare this pattern right okay Apple we need to have after compiling this one you need to have measured matter is equal to that on nature okay now what you need to match means thus whatever you are taking from your name then third get it right you'll note that on fitted taking the values from this button it will mess with your pattern if if it isn't matching if net dot methods click not equal to nature's because we have good eyes appear on it now read either I will use here on level if you nothing and then good properties I will change foreground dead and then one side with Ali alright copy this one and taste again paste again place it again touch it for each and everything right now changed very well yep live a lab table he then was in a level on level Avenue level yep it's all they really do so change this 1ft in this ad lab and finally back home he grabbed the dollar digits so changes with another man passed left okay everything is fine mom so Buddha and no this is young lab god what you hear and okay and they've got a big name naming is in part all right else do not think because else it matches with pattern so for nothing if it is not matching with pattern I would not pattern it should say name is in got it okay so even we will not in do this number in our in our name so let's done this and take it out now use one to take any meeting but it so this will be studies some name that Oh after it village is we are group it and lab God said take the opposite know what in it if it is nothing so it which it now okay so yes because I have given here hi bread and belonging as it be just five it would say even it won't take this pattern so give you zero zero and run it again now I write this is nothing this envelope number you take naming it incorrectly this is how to validate your in user input in java using regular education so you type something here c comma even it is not taking comma just we our pattern is only for a to a to 10 in cap a small later and calculator get EV the live now it is matching right so if you wanna exit number comma and everything in naming there is no comma so if you an exit number does give here from 0 to 9 and compile it on it run it and you get this one and now see number even-numbered is also X it can write it will give comma dot it is same name is in got it right so for that purpose reading this one if you use here HP something but these are a special symbol oh my god oh my god and whatever class everything use this and check it out okay after doing this thus you need to take for each and everything that we have been take number come now I'm giving dot gamma dot it is exiting target they are driving with the fun okay this number and alphabet for in naming so this email go to events go to P and go to peer alleged event and those given pattern appeared it is same right police and fetch it here first change email means you need to have email cattle means about the pattern email header at symbol and then each image dot come read the for this we need to have a done add that it and then again you need to have a to Z let's not let the dead arrow to not type 10 and then after that dot operator and you again a to get a brotherhood that cap of them right now this is back on foot image so we have to take this this thing also obeyed and they should here digit of name use in a communal box it will then email email is incorrect right so run it mean fabric using right this is a valid coordinate but it is saying here so here you add the red gel denied and then be something dot will put the orange code is anyway that's right let's see you seem anything but it so tagging telling is not nothing to use here brought up a dog and then take it out okay No a beach although that give length together good right okay funny now it is matching so it is not saying anything here in this way you have matched each and everything if there is no air there a single in everything but it if there is no dot in put it right God submitted and add the red single okay so in this way you have tail read your email you know what phone copy copy dissolved back on and you go to beeline for the fun go Ravens events here alleged and place it here what phone number there is no need of alphabet so does give one dude there are the 15 no no only third 12 and then just be on fun and he laughs like you have and on a in button okay for next other name define go to Kevin Healey's and just copy let's all that copy and paste it here so there's no parallel but let's take this one like that Oh for this right so you have to yell now this instance of a half lap use EFT lap after lap and yeah okay golden egg go to address and address you need to have number also right so for that code event go to key events and then events given and eerily right so in this you need to have is address number okay so if it is not matching means it should say address you got it right and here give address okay and use here address yeah right and then our password possibly can be anything especially character any other right so go here events cave-ins here alleged and copy and paste it but change here in your pattern means it should be restarted numbered alphabet numbered and combinational comma added single come on added single dot and so on right dot and again a to z a to z and calculate a to capital that again number red you give names on there a good ten okay so change your pass code pass last layer first let's when it that is after moving it will exit passable at your cabin oh that [Music] and now for the design go to submit a get it over okay now for this army Gordon go Ravens go that some accent welcome and then put NASA and that's it there's something so nice a box that's it success cool validation so that's it and go ahead add in both right and then go back ends of the Ravens exon exon perform Plus over and cancel all those things okay and the speaker has named and then what ad some events it's an awesome perform for the same yeah and then the rugby sports right now on this yet donal application and take it out because that given the stage so it's a meeting body good we type together with some email with other now it's fine we are not using hair pod and it is saying in body and eight to nine seven three one nine one six on its product other name the city that is India password take men and submit it is saying successful validation okay
Channel: Pritam Thing
Views: 31,665
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Id: sHqB8dtoVDs
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Length: 36min 18sec (2178 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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