Regicide Learn to Play

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hi there my name is luke and today i'm going to teach you how to play regicide a cooperative card game played by one to four players using a standard deck of cards in regicide the players work together to defeat the corrupted royalty they win when the last king has been defeated but if any player should die they all lose let's take a look at how to set up the game shuffle the four kings and place them face down in a pile on the table do the same thing for the queens and place them on top of the kings and then do the same for the four jacks this is the castle deck turn over the top card of the castle deck this becomes the current enemy and the first one we'll need to defeat take the remaining cards and check to see if we should add any gestures we'll demonstrate a three player game today so we need to add one shuffle the cards together and place them to one side this is the tavern deck where we deal and draw cards from deal cards to each player up to their maximum hand size for three players that is six cards for today's example we'll play with open hands but in regicide you are not allowed to talk about the cards in your hand so let's start with player one here on their turn a player will play a card from their hand to deal damage to the current enemy in order to defeat it the number of the card determines the attack value while the suit provides a special power each turn has four steps step one play a card from hand to attack the enemy here player 1 plays the 6 of clubs which means it attacks for 6. step 2 is to activate the suit power red suit powers are resolved in step 2 but black suit powers take effect in later steps clubs are your brutal warriors in this case the suit power of clubs is that it deals double damage so instead of 6 this card will actually do 12. step 3 is to deal damage to the enemy then check if it's dead jacks have 20 health so by dealing 12 or over halfway but he's not dead yet in step four the enemy strikes back the turn player has to suffer an attack from the enemy by discarding cards up to the value of its attack in this case the jack attacks player 1 for 10 so player 1 needs to discard cards with a total value of at least 10. in this case an 8 and a 3 will cover it animal companions only count for one when discarding them if a player cannot fully satisfy an attack from an enemy that player dies and all players lose the game once step four is over we move to the next player starting at step one player two plays a card the six of spades spades are your shield wielding paladins activating the suit power of spades in step 2 means that the enemy's attack is reduced by the attack value of our shields this effect is ongoing and cumulative so instead of hitting us back for 10 and step 4 player 2 only has to take a hit for four next is step three where we deal damage and check to see if the enemy is defeated twelve plus six is eighteen so close but not dead yet so we move to step four where player two takes the hit for four by discarding a six of hearts over to player three now who plays the four of diamonds in step two we activate the card's suit power diamonds are your masters of arcane knowledge the power of diamonds is that it draws the player cards the current player draws a card then the other players follow in clockwise order until a number of cards have been drawn equal to the attack value played so the players collectively draw four cards players may never draw over their maximum hand size and players that have reached their maximum hand size are skipped in step 3 when dealing damage and checking the enemy's health we find that the players have now dealt 22 damage which is enough to kill the enemy all cards played go to the discard pile along with the defeated enemy because the enemy is defeated he can't hit us back so we skip step four the action stays with player three though and they now face the next enemy first starting again in step one player three plays a five of hearts in step one and in step two we activate its suit power hearts are your healing clerics to heal with hearts you shuffle the discard pile then count out a number of cards face down equal to the attack value played place them under the tavern deck with no picking then return the discard pile to the table face up in step 3 we see that the enemy isn't defeated with just 5 damage having been dealt to an enemy with 20 health so moving to step 4 player 3 has to take 10 damage 8 plus four is more than enough and step one you can play an animal companion on its own or pair it with one other card animal companions only count for one but you get to add their power also so when player one plays the animal companion of diamonds and the five of spades we add them together one plus five is six and in step two we get to do both powers at six in this case it means that we draw six cards and the enemy's attack is reduced by six a quick check in step 3 shows that the enemy isn't defeated yet so player 1 has to take a hit of 4 damage in the final step 4 of clubs does the trick player 2 gets to play now and this enemy only has 9 health remaining normally the five of clubs would hit for double damage and deal a fatal 10 but it's not quite that simple you see each enemy has a suit and they are immune to powers of their own suit player 2 can still play the 5 but it will deal 5 not 10 which isn't great fortunately for player 2 they have another option in step 1 cards can be comboed as pairs or sets as long as the total of those cards add up to 10 or less so you can play pairs of fives or less triple threes and twos or even quad twos if you get them all in this case player two is going to play three twos and they work like the animal companions they are totaled and then all effects are resolved where possible in step two player two gets to heal for six and shield for six but it doesn't deal double damage due to the immunity of the jack on to step three and we see that the enemy is not yet defeated only three to go but the attack of the enemy has been fully neutralized thanks to the shield six of player one and the shield six of player two so in step four no damage is suffered by the player player 3 plays the three of diamonds for the kill the players draw cards and the enemy is defeated so they don't get a chance to strike back something important has happened though the players managed to defeat the enemy with the exact damage by playing the three when the enemy had three health remaining when an enemy is defeated by the exact amount they place that enemy straight on top of the tavern deck instead of the discard pile this is huge because the enemies in your hand count as a card of this suit at a value equal to their attack so this jack works the same as a ten of clubs queens count is 15 when you play them and king's count is 20. the jack of spades is a nasty one and he's immune to the power of shields so playing the pair of threes here isn't great player 3 has the gist though and in step 1 the jester can be played on its own to cancel the immunity of the enemy not only that but the player of the jester skips the remaining steps so they don't have to suffer damage and they choose who plays next players are not allowed to share the content of their hands but they can express their desire or reluctance to go next in this case player 2 says that he is really keen to go next so player 3 chooses him player two leads off with the animal companion of hearts and the knight of spades nine plus one is ten so ten cards are healed and the enemy's attack is reduced by ten the shield effect works against the jack of spades because its immunity was cancelled by the jester no damage to take here and so player 3 plays the 10 of diamonds for a whole bunch of card draw and an exact damage kill the jack of clubs makes short work of the next enemy 10 a double damage is 20 for another exact damage kill player 3 leads off against the queen of diamonds queens are bad news because they have 30 health and hit back for 15. a pair of threes is good here shielding for 6 and dealing 12 damage the hit from the queen for 15 is reduced by 6 so player 3 just has to satisfy 9 damage and 8 an animal companion of clubs for one is just enough player 1 plays the 10 of spades fully blocking the enemy's attack she's still alive though so over to player two player two plays the seven of hearts and cards are healed only one to go now now player three has a card to play but playing it would be terrible since the enemy would be killed and player three would then die to the next enemy fortunately players are allowed to yield instead of playing a card this means that you skip step 1 but you still have to take the hit in step 4. fortunately in this case the enemy doesn't deal any damage so the team lives to fight another day all players are not allowed to yield consecutively player one finishes the queen using the two of diamonds no cards are drawn due to immunity but the queen is dead against the next queen player one leads off with a knight of diamonds and things are starting to look a little more rosy for our brave adventurers we'll leave them for now but if they go on to defeat all remaining enemies in the castle deck they will be victorious but remember if a player cannot discard enough cards to satisfy the damage of an enemy all players lose the game i hope you have as much fun playing regicide as we have
Channel: Badgers From Mars
Views: 35,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7XoRlKzLobk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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