Regicide App: Solo Mode Sneak Peek!

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hi everybody it's luke here from badges for mars and today i want to give you a sneak peek of our upcoming solo mode for regiocyte it's been put into the app by andy um he's done an amazing job and i just wanted to run you through a quick demo of that today for those of you who have not played much of regicide solo it's actually a really good a really good solo experience it's a lot of fun very challenging and it's quite different to um regular ridge's side with your friends so let's take a look here you'll be familiar with the registered app which you can use for scoring and keeping track of regular um games with your friends around the table say you're having to do that yourself but we've also got this option here for start solo game or you'll have it soon coming to a smartphone near you and i thought i'd just go through a few games keep playing until i can get a gold solo victory hopefully this video isn't 14 hours long but we'll see how we go i'll talk you through a couple of my ideas as i play but i'll try and go relatively quick although sometimes you get a little bit stuck a bit of an awkward hand to start with um it's going to be hard to push damage with such low clubs um so got this so you can see i've played the card it's dealt the damage and then it's telling me to discard 10 so i'll choose these to do that don't really have a good double damage option here so i'm going to be taking some this will let me draw four cards and i'll get to get all four of those to my hand which is really important only the one diamond i'm getting for an exact damage a little bit exposed here this has not been a good start and you're very glad not to run into the uh jack of diamonds there a little bit lucky alrighty fully blocked up nine to go it's not the most efficient use of a diamond but it's probably okay just to get on top of the decode luckily replaced with a seven now let's kill this guy and i've got the jack of spades for the jacket clubs okay we're back we're back in business um he's immune to the six but that's okay here because it's gonna let me exact damage him looking strong going into queens again spades is what we're after and we just don't have tavern decks looking relatively healthy i think even blocking four here is going to save me a couple of discards in the long run although having to pump those two is a little bit painful another 11 yeah a little bit rough two i've got the eight of diamonds i wouldn't play the jack of diamonds here but i've got the eight as well to keep me safe so that's actually fine for exact damage we knew that she is gonna turn up at some point toss the seven there an ace would just be amazing right now but you can't always get what you want and in fact i don't need to jack of clubs this 16 maths is hard i guess that does actually let me get home with with an exact damage so it's not terrible in fact it's substantially better than terrible it's fantastic 15 here against the queen of hearts [Music] i think i'm better to take a bit of damage and try and save that queen of clubs for the queen of spades we all know how painful she can be don't draw terribly nice oh not as nice plenty of diamonds there and she's dead queen of spades see you later this pair of threes is going to be pretty crucial for redrawing problem here is where i take my 20 damage if i don't play those pairs of threes now that's not great but i've only got seven in the tavern deck so i do need to prioritize a little bit of healing again net plus cards and the tavern deck is important 26 10 and 10 now can i okay why not oh triple queens that's what you get for exactes all day long 19 in the tavern deck ah that's painful i'll play the five i'll get to draw all five cards really important that you don't miss out on drawing 10 clubs is gone i think i'll be okay 25 to go fully shielded draw a couple more eight to go hey look wait look at this king of clubs exact damage going into the ah guys i think guys guys guys it's done it on the first time i haven't actually uh don't even need to worry now as long as i just i mean whatever doesn't matter got my king of clubs can heal that's it gold solo victory on the first pop i promise that was my first go as well um at least connected up to the computer and recording um so that's the app really fun to blaze through a whole bunch of quick games we will have a cost associated with it when it comes out um so yeah it'll be a great way to play the game quickly on your phone of course you can always play the game for free with a real deck of cards but that's how we're going so far hope um it's what you get excited for and shouldn't be too long until we can get this out to you guys hope you've been enjoying playing a lot of regicide with your friends and family
Channel: Badgers From Mars
Views: 1,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A03QSHg7F_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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