Regaining Control Of Your Mind | Mastermind | Twin Rivers Church

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now listen today i am going to say something that it kind of puts me at detriment but i i'm just going to be honest this series will probably be the most important series of the whole year now it's not good to say that i need to hold that till december to keep you engaged but the truth is this will probably be the most important series of the year it's called master mind mastermind and it's about how you can regain control of your thinking and do away with toxic patterns of thinking and um and so i'm going to be spending the next few weeks on this i hope that you'll join me and here's why i've done a lot of study and i'm going to marry what scripture says with the latest scientific research and show you how they walk hand in hand so that you can regain control of your thoughts okay now um sometimes we do series because i just have a stirring in my heart about a passage sometimes we do series because collectively we're walking through a season and we just need to know what god says about what we're walking through um this series is because i need it i don't care if you need it i need this series okay um my life it just has some demands on it that i'm sure yours does as well i mean problem solving parenting pandemics all of it and and it's just like at times i feel like my mind is just coming unglued it was a couple months ago that kayla had sent me to the store to pick up some things and and i'm going through picking up a few things and i get to the snack aisle and and i just space out like here i am staring at the doritos just you know now a thousand other things going through my mind but i'm just staring at the shelf and i don't know how long i did it i i mean i it could have been you know 10 minutes 20 minutes had a lady not come by and bumped my cart i might still be there like they just and i thought to myself when i came to i thought if a bag of doritos put me in the twilight zone something needs to change and maybe as you evaluate your thinking you would have that same sentiment after semesters of anxiety maybe it's time something finally changes you know maybe maybe after years of self-defeating thinking maybe it's time something would change maybe for you it's it's overthinking or maybe you've just entered a season where there's severe mood swings something needs to change one of god's most prevailing promises is that we would have a sound mind and if you have anything less than a sound mind then something needs to change in this series is for you now um today i want to give you three foundational truths for any time you want to regain your thinking okay now this is so important i'm going to be really getting into the the nitty-gritty in the next few weeks and and really practically help you understand how to change your thinking but these three truths are the foundation for that without these none of the rest of it work let me say it this way any person who's ever freed themselves from toxic thinking and found peace knows these three things and so these are going to be three you write down and then you really build everything else on okay so here's the very first one right out of the gate the first truth you have to know is your thoughts control your life your thoughts control your life now if i were to ask you today what is your biggest problem you you were you would probably give me um something that's very quick right on your head you right on the top of your mind you say well you know i've got a marriage problem or there's this issue at work or um we've got financial struggles or there's a lack of opportunity um or i i've been you know done wrong you could come up with plenty of problems and each of those is a problem but it's not your biggest problem your biggest problem is the way you think see more than your upbringing more than your genetics more than your current career your thinking determines the life that you're living and that's the reason proverbs 23 7 says for as a man thinks in his heart so is he so is he whatever you're thinking is what you're living now modern neurology tells us that you have a brain and a mind a mind and a brain your mind releases small energy packets known as thoughts your brain facilitates those energy packets in actions that direct your body so so um your your mind gives thoughts and most most studies show that you have about 400 billion actions your brain is conducting at any given moment now you're only aware of about 2 000 of them but your mind is giving thoughts and your brain is using chemicals and electrons to send messages to every cell and nerve in your body to carry out actions now in a simplistic way let me say this is this is the process you have a thought that releases a chemical that informs a feeling and then that feeling starts to form your choices and your choices then lead you to take actions and those actions frame your reality so so let me let me give it to you in a positive and a negative works both ways let's say in a positive you read an article about how the power of encouragement can build a marriage so you read this article and you have a thought about encouragement in marriage and it creates an endearing feeling towards your spouse so then you'd make the choice to then say something encouraging about your spouse's appearance you take that action your spouse is blown away that you do this and then you live in a more romantic reality okay that's a positive let me tell you negative how it works you read a different article this one's on a rise of of infidelity and you read it and it puts the thought in your mind about your own marriage and it creates a chemical response that comes in the form of worry that exacerbates your own insecurities that feeling then has you choose to filter all of your spouse's actions through that that that that worry who are they talking to what are they saying why are they late and then you take an action of repeatedly questioning your spouse where you been why were you talking to them why do you why are you friends with them you know this and that create communicates a lack of trust and that leaves a less than romantic reality for you to live in now listen different different um inputs different feelings different realities but both come from thoughts why because the way you think determines how you live so therefore if if if i can think the right way i can live in the reality i want which is why point number two is this um you can control your thoughts you can control your thoughts now um in the up until about the 1970s most scientists believed that your brain its formation and structure was completely genetic meaning that it was set in stone you just thought the way you thought you acted the way you acted based on kind of the genetic lottery that you want or lost but modern research shows us that's not true that as a matter of fact you can change your brain structure and you can change and improve thought patterns it's called neuroplasticity and the last part of that plasticity in it implies there's a plasticness to your brain there's an elastic to it there's a there's a flexibility to your thinking now the way that you um end up in thoughts is is called a neurological pathway now a pathway implies that there's a that it's a pattern your brain's created for your thoughts to travel every time you have a thought it tr travels um chemically and electronically through your brain but your brain's built for efficiency and it recognizes when you're thinking something repeated and it says you know what we want to help them do that faster and quicker so it builds a neurological pathway imagine it's a it's an interstate for specific thoughts and what it does is it says if we can get these thoughts through quicker and more efficiently they won't have to think about this it'll just happen automatically let me give an example how that works um today if you drove here you're going to get a car and your right foot is going to be on the left pedal the brake and when a light turns green your right foot will move to the accelerator without you pausing to consider if it should it'll just it'll just happen you'll see green immediately your foot will move to the right and you will you will accelerate and you'll drive and you won't be thinking about it at all but that's not the way it was when you first started driving right remember when you first started driving you had to pause you had to consider every once in a while you get behind somebody like this like they have to pause and consider okay it's green left foot to the right right foot and this it's because a neurological pathway has been created that that has taken what is a repeated thought and now it appears like it's just automatic okay now i wish some people would develop this for using the blinker right that doesn't seem to exist right now listen so this is powerful that means that you can think a thought enough and repeat it enough that you can determine what's thoughts are restricted and what thoughts are released and your brain will help you create an automatic response that will give you the reality you want so so what you have to do is you just have to decide again and again and again i'm going to think this thought i'm not going to think this thought and eventually your brain gets on board and it literally facilitates the reality that you want or the automatic actions you want to live in now let me ask you this if this is true why are so many people not living the reality they want to live if this is true why are so few people living in a reality they don't want to live in well simply is this they're not controlling what they think listen we control where we go we control who we're with we control what we eat we control um what we drink but if you were to truly able to measure most of us our minds go ungoverned we allow random information to enter we allow internal defeating dialogues to stay again and again again it's just like a free-for-all in there and it's leaving us with chaos in our lives we're literally taking on thinking and patterning thinking getting neurological pathways that are being built so that we efficiently hurt ourselves because of the thinking that we allow now listen at some point you're going to have to decide my thoughts are going to control me or i'm gonna control my thoughts you're gonna have to do that and that's why um paul the apostle paul wrote to timothy a young pastor who was probably struggling with a bunch of crazy people as a young pastor and he writes to him in second timothy 4 5 and he says you better keep a clear mind before i give you any other instructions about anything else you better keep a clear mind and the reason he says that is because paul could not keep a clear mind for timothy i can't control your thoughts your friends cannot control your thoughts here's one for you listen the holy spirit cannot control your thoughts only you you are the gatekeeper of what comes in you're the gatekeeper that determines how long it stays and you're the gatekeeper to determine what's put out in your mind and you will either decide to start keeping the gates of your mind or you'll continue to live less than god has for your life now the reason this is such an important step for you is because the third point is this there is an unseen war in and for your mind there's an unseen war in and for your mind now listen this if you're more on the script or on this the science side than the scripture side let me just ask you a question to get you to buy into this point um it's interesting to know what the mind is and what the brain is that's interesting and it's also equally interesting to know how they work but have you ever asked why universally everyone struggles in the mind like listen it's interesting to know what it is it's interesting to know how it works but no matter where you're at on the spiritual spectrum today let's ask this question why does everybody have this problem it's because there's an unseen war in your mind and that's what scripture tells us in second corinthians 10 3 it's paul writing to a group of believers and he says for though we live in the world we do not wage war as the world does he's saying the the war is not out here in the physical the weapons we fight with are not weapons of this world they're not physical in sense on the contrary they're they have a spiritual tone to them and they're to demolish strongholds what's a stronghold it's a pattern of bad thinking it's it's the it's a pattern of bad thinking it's it's a pattern a neurological pathway of thinking the opposite of what god thinks and he says we demolish those arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of god and and what we're going to have to do in this war is we have to take every thought captive and make it obedient to christ now when he says captive that is a that's like we take them prisoner of war that's what he's saying now to grasp what paul's saying here there's a couple things i need to get first of all here's you don't understand what he's saying without getting this you have a spiritual enemy now i know that's a new idea for some of you and i know that that may even seem like fantasy but it's not fantasy and i want to show you how normalized that is that if you believe anything jesus said you believe anything the bible says you believe anything that the apostle peter paul or john ever wrote if you believe any of that you believe there's a spiritual enemy because all of them fully believe that and wrote extensively on it so you can't believe john 3 16 without believing what john says about having a spiritual enemy okay and and he's a hundred percent evil a hundred percent relentless a hundred percent targeted on your mind listen he is in a spiritual battle with you whether you ever acknowledge it or not okay now his target is your mind and there's two reasons for that first of all he studied human nature long enough to know that your mind is your greatest asset okay so he doesn't attack your emotions or your behavior because if he can get your thoughts he gets you okay the second thing that the reason he does that and this is very powerful i want you to get this is because he has no power except for persuasion so he cannot inflict pain on you but he can lead you to inflicting pain on others or yourself which is why that you live under a barrage of consistent firings of lies mistruths um accusations things about god that aren't true and things about yourself that aren't true and they come through culture they come through a reframing of past memories they come from other people they come from social media he uses any avenue with which you will take an information to plant these in your mind because he can't actually hurt you he can only lead you to hurt others or yourself because he has no power it's just persuasion now listen i'm not going to go any further without addressing this reality some of you are staying listening to me and you're going now now pastor i'm an intelligent person and i think i'd know if a spiritual enemy is lying to me and causing me to to hurt myself with the way i think i think i'd know if i was believing lies let me say this first that is literally the thinking that allows him to remain active in your life that's why you're susceptible because we have this this idea that um we are insulated from these kind of things where it's like because we can't we can't smell it and taste it and it's not physical and then church folk think they're insulated because they think well because i attend church every sunday i'm sure this isn't true for me um so so listen you think you're insulated but let me let me just take it a step further how would you know if you're deceived like in the premise of deception is the fact you don't know you're deceived lies are very powerful things and one author said it this way um a lot believing a lie as though it were true affects you as though it was true let me give you an example um for centuries people thought the world was flat so sailors would not go deep into the ocean for fear that they would fall off the edge now we think that's crazy because now we know obviously the world's round but listen it still affected them as though it were true even though it was a lie and and so you and i have to to grasp this this reality that that we are all way more influenced and impacted by the enemy in our thinking than we would like to admit and i think the proof is in the fact we're losing the war we're losing the war collectively people from different upbringings different realities different economic levels same struggles for example um recent research has shown that 87 of illnesses are attributed to thought life not genetics 75 percent of visits to primary care physicians are now stress related according to the american institute of stress suicides are increasing addictions increasing and our children are now the most medicated group of people that have ever been on the planet how does everybody from different backgrounds and sex and and raised up in different areas how are we all having the same problem because there's an unseen war and it's for and in your mind and until you realize that you're losing i think we're all at times a picture of a story i heard years ago about a man named nick nick was a a maintenance guy on railroad yard and he was a very good employee showed up on time um did his work well but he was known as the most pessimistic guy in the whole group he just always saw you know everything negatively one day the foreman announces to all of the the maintenance people says hey you guys can leave early today so they're all hurrying up and they're leaving well nick um was trying to hurry and he locked himself in a refrigerated box car that he was working on and so he locks himself in and immediately he starts pounding on the door he starts screaming but nobody hears him because they've all left and and so he he's panicking now because he realizes these cars are are kept at below freezing temperatures some of them at five to ten degrees fahrenheit so he knows i'm not going to survive if i stay in here so i mean he spends hours screaming to his throat sore beating on the door until his arms are red and and he's just now he's losing hope nobody's going to find me nobody's going to see i'm all alone in here he sets down and he says there's no way i'll survive this he sees a piece of cardboard in the corner and he goes and gets it pulls a pen out of his pocket and he writes his last will and testament to his family it says i'm so cold shivering uncontrollably i love you these may be my last words the next morning the crews come back they open up the car and they find his body in the corner the autopsy weeks later said that he died of hypothermia the fascinating thing though is is that the investigation for the rail yard came back and here's what it found that that refrigerated car had not worked in months and it was there for maintenance on its refrigeration unit and when the investigation was done what they found is is that nick froze to death in about 60 degrees temperature because he lost the war in his mind some of you are trapped in thinking and you think there's no way out you think i'm always going to struggle with anger i'm always going to be addicted i'm always going to have this problem my mom had it my dad had it it's the way we were people like me genetically that's just who i am you think that this is the way it's always going to be i'm too old to change i'm too broken to grow and this thinking is pervasive in your mind and it's all a lie it's a lie that you have believed and that your brain has restructured around to help you believe it and the reason you believe it is because you're not engaged in the fight that's going on in your mind there is this this idea that it seems to pervasively move throughout many of us who says once i follow jesus there's not gonna be any more battles and it couldn't be further from the truth listen that is a false expectation that will cause you to give up too quickly and miss battles you're supposed to be a part of the holy spirit can't fix your thinking he can only help you fix your thinking he needs you to get engaged in the battle he needs you to step in front of the lie he needs you to step up to what you're thinking repeatedly and to hold up god's truth and to look at what you think and until they match you continue to fight listen we people who have overcome toxic thinking people who are free from the patterns many of us live in they know a secret and here's the secret there's going to be a fight and i'm going to win that's the secret they come into this battle going there's going to be a fight and i'm going to win it's going to be a fight there's there's no options for not fighting but i am assured victory in christ jesus himself said this john 6 16 33 he says i've told you these things so that you might have peace where's peace it's in our mind he said in this world you're going to have trouble but take heart i've overcome the world he says listen there's going to be a fight but you're going to win you're going to receive a tax but you're going to prevail and you just have to get that in your thinking that i i could i could teach you every trick we could download all the apps we could make you more self-disciplined and you'd still lose the fight because we are not fighting a physical battle we're fighting one up here therefore we have to take on the mind of christ in this same mindset that is in christ let it also be in you what's the f the mindset there's going to be a fight but i'm going to win and the reason we know we're going to win is because we have been equipped for this fight you're not mentally weak you have been equipped to walk into this fight and win one of the first things you've been given is scripture the bible is not some dusty old book that some people enjoy and others don't it's essential for you to have the mind that you want to have if the enemy's number one weapon is lies then that means your number one counter is god's truth matthew 4 jesus has fasted for 40 days he's not eaten anything he's not drank anything he's standing in the wilderness under incredibly difficult conditions satan himself comes to jesus to tempt him into defeat how does he attack him in his mind with three lies and jesus stands up and defeats the enemy by quoting three verses how powerful is the word of god three verses is enough for a physically emaciated man who's relationally alone emotionally exhausted and can barely stand to put away the embodiment of evil the word of god is new clear in your life and if you have a casual relationship with it you will live according to the lies of the enemy your entire life now listen not only that though we have jesus we have jesus the sacrifice listen the cross was not just so you could go to heaven it's so you could have a sound mind why do you think that that the details the holy spirit gives us he wore a crown of thorns every place jesus bled is an indication of a promise that you can receive in victory in your life a crown of thorns is god reminding you you can have a sound mind not not because of anything you do but because of what jesus did listen some of us um i i get it we when our mind's racing and and our emotions are out of control and and they're starting to lead us to places that we and to do things we we don't want to do but we end up doing again and again again i think some of us picture like jesus is here joe come on you can do this come on if you'll just try harder joe if you if you'll just download this app come on come on google that blog that teaches you how to come up joe you need more self discipline i've been telling you this i mean i've been telling you you need more self discipline that's not what he's saying when i'm in that moment he is saying 2000 years ago i endured every mental and emotional abuse so that you don't have to my mind was tore apart so your mind could remain whole i had so much anxiety i sweat blood my mind was under such torment that i found the depths of depression as my father turned his face from me and i hung on that cross but i went through that pain so you could have peace i went through that suffering so you could secure your mind you don't have to win a battle 2000 years ago i said it's finished because it's finished but listen what'd he tell you there's going to be a fight though but i've already made sure you win there's going to be a fight you can't sit on the sidelines thinking that it's just going to happen i don't have a magic wand to to fix your mind but scripture says if you'll get in the fight he'll renew your mind there's going to be a fight but you're going to win now now listen this is such a timeless truth such a timeless truth it's throughout every scripture you can find i mean it's just it speaks to it again and again and again and again as a matter of fact the most famous battle in all of scripture the one that the church folk know and people that are here for the first that you know this story is not about what you think it's about it's about the battle of the mind um it's the story of david and goliath david and goliath is not about a boy and rocks and a giant it's a picture of the battle in your mind let me show it to you um if you're familiar with the story the bible tells us that the kingdom of israel has been told by god that they can inherit a land that he set aside for them so they go in their army to inherit this land but there's an enemy on this land called philistines the philistines are led by a giant named goliath and um and you would think they just start fighting but they don't instead goliath suggests not that they fight but he comes out every day on the battlefield and he accuses them of of being less than he says that god's not behind him every day he spews untruths at them they don't fight he just steps out every day and continues to spew lies at him and it so confuses the people of god and so strikes fear in the army that they choose to camp outside of what god says they could have and they do it for an extended period of time believing they are now enslaved to this champion goliath one day a little boy shows up with an uber eats he's bringing some supplies and his name's david and he hears this this giant spewing all this and he sees god's people camping outside of what what is rightfully theirs and a holy anger raises up in him and he goes to the king and he says what are we doing here lead a charge let's go get in this fight and the king reasons away why they cannot do that david i wish we could but but i mean you've heard what he said i mean and if we if i mean you've heard what he's claimed did you hear what he said about god you hear what he said about us and what he's claimed he can do i mean david i wish we could but this is just the way it is now let me recap this for you real quick just in case you're missing it the people of god have been promised something that an enemy decided to occupy and every day that enemy steps out and accuses god of not being who he says he is and speaks to that you cannot have what he said you can have and he does it every day and that it's caused confusion and fear in god's people to where they're now content camping outside of what god said they could have and the only thing that changed this reality is a faith-filled little boy shows up and says somebody needs to get in this fight now here's what the bible says in verse 43 it says that the philistine uh speaking of goliath it hurt he cursed david and he says come here and i'll give your flesh to the birds and the wild animals okay let me just point something out about goliath this is so powerful but it's so it's just so clear i read this in every single translation i could find do you know what goliath never swings a sword or destroys one soldier all he does is talk it's as if he has no power except for persuasion all he does is talk as a matter of fact when they were about to fight he said no no let's fight a different way because he knew he had no power except for persuasion so david sees it and he walks up and he says um you come against me with sword and spear and javelin but i come against you in the name of the lord almighty the god of armies of israel whom you have defiled and then notice what he said this day i will deliver you he said this day the lord will deliver you into my hands and i'll strike you down and cut off your head david steps up and he says there's going to be a fight and it's not going to be with my strong will it's not going to be with my self-discipline it's not going to be because of my upbringing it's not going to be because i'm better than anyone else it's not gonna be because i've got better strategies or i've downloaded this app there's gonna be a fight and i but i want you to know about this fight is i'm gonna win because i'm showing up and i'm not looking for victory i'm coming from victory god's already said what we can have and you're standing in front of it and the bible says that he picks up five stones he puts one in a sling and he lets it rip and he drops it right into goliath's skull and goliath falls like that and that could be the end but you know what the bible says it says that david then goes over to him picks up a sword and cuts off his head now i find that interesting because chances are he's dead already from the rock but david uses a sword and i'm just wondering if it's because when paul writes in ephesians 6 he says you better get up every day and put on the whole armor of god and when you put on that whole armor they're gonna god's gonna put something in your hand and in your hand it's the sword of the spirit which is the word of god so notice it wasn't stones that killed goliath it was a sword so victory came when somebody chose to get in the fight and to cut off the enemy's voice with the word of god this isn't about giants and little boys this is about what's going on in your head now listen listen this time of year seven years ago i experienced the greatest fear i've ever experienced in my life greatest attack of fear it was a tuesday night in brentwood i was in a meeting kayla and i and we were asked to be the pastors of this church now immediately panic just struck through my heart because i i didn't dream of being a pastor i didn't go to school to be a pastor um i'd never been a pastor and i had at that point i'd been in ministry for 10 years and i'd only ever spoken like this about 10 times excuse me six times six times so i'm thinking first we need a new interview process like this makes like what do we ask like taxi drivers to be plumbers too i mean this makes no sense and so kayla and i get in the car and we look at each other and said what is going on and i felt fear grip my mind like i've never felt in my life as we drove all i could picture was this place falling apart all i could see is how inadequate i was my hands started to sweat as i considered my heart pounding by the time we got to our home i was nearing a panic attack i went up to my room and i laid down and i told kayla i said i can't even pray i need you to pray over me for the next 10 days there wasn't a moment daily moment by moment that i didn't experience fear in my mind constant fear constant picturing constant seeing how this would not work out had i been able to figure out a way to escape i would have now here's what's interesting is i've looked back on that i had never dealt with fear before my entire life so strange that at that moment it's almost as if god had given me something to inherit and the enemy put a giant right in front of it i'm telling you you've got a destiny on your life and you don't get it without a fight and the minute that god told you you could inherit it the enemy put a giant right on the path in your career it stands there and says you don't have the connections and the insight to succeed at this in your marriage it says you come from way too much dysfunction for this to work in your dreams it stands there and says is this even what god wants you to do you don't have time you don't have what it takes if you get out here on your own he's not going to back you up and i'm just saying to you that you got a choice you're either going to have to fight or you're going to camp outside of god's destiny for your life seven years later here's what i'll tell you it's been a fight but we won it's been a fight but people have come to jesus it's been a fight but we got more campuses it's been a fight but we're still helping people listen you're going to have to look in the mirror i'll teach you every strategy i can find and i'll teach you how to put it into play but it doesn't matter if you don't look in the mirror this week and say it's going to be a fight i'm going to have to consume god's word to know what's not true i'm gonna have to capture every thought and make it obedient to christ i'm gonna have to go through things that i've believed longer than i can remember and i'm gonna have to hold them accountable to what god says and not what i say it's going to be a fight but when you get in the fight you're going to win because there's no giant that can stand up against what god said about your life and can keep you from the destiny if you'll just get in the fight it's going to be a fight but you're going to win but you got to fight you got to fight we don't have any magic wands scripture don't even offer one it says he'll help you renew your mind but it doesn't say he'll wipe a wand over your mind it's gonna be a fight but you're gonna win but you gotta get in the fight so here's what we're gonna do um they're really just kind of two steps to this if you're a believer in jesus a follower of jesus you need to commit this next 30 days to being in these services i'm going to unpack practically meticulously how you can change your thinking and um so you just need to be here listen this this is for your family this is for your marriage this is for your career nothing i can help you change that'll reframe your life more than your thinking you need to be here okay now here's the second thing if you're not a follower of jesus you say what does that mean i'm not saying you're not a good person i'm not saying that you don't you know uh uh uh like even come to church i'm saying you're not in a relationship with jesus you're not frequent you're not in a relationship you you're not sure he's with you you're not sure that you're going to have you're just there's an uncertainty about your faith you're not you're not a follower of him if that's you listen this is so important you got no victory there's a fight and you're going to lose because the victory is in christ it's not through us so the first thing you need to do if you're not a follower of jesus you better get in christ in order to have the victory that he provides so we're going to take care of that right now i'm going to ask every person will you bow your heads close your eyes as a point of just reflection of your own what the holy spirit's saying to you listen to me if you're here today and you say pastor joe i'm not a follower of jesus if you're watching online and you say i i'm not i'm not certain about it i mean i've been to church and i i think my grandma was something i'm saying if you're not certain about your own relationship with jesus i'm talking to you but you would like to know for certain that you are you want to put your full faith in him and you you want to be be in christ then i'm gonna give you a chance to do that um every head's about every eyes closed i'm not gonna embarrass you but i do want to pray for you this is this is the most significant moment of your life i want to pray for you hey what's up guys we hope that this message you just heard blessed you to always get our newest messages and to stay up to date be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel and click that bell icon to be notified every time we upload now while you're here go ahead and check out our page and some other messages we've got and we'll see you next time
Channel: TwinRivers.Church
Views: 628
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Church, Twin Rivers Worship Center, St. Louis
Id: xgv8-JfLxVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 39sec (2499 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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