Refrigerator Pickles

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today we're going to be making refrigerator pickles I only had a few as you can see there's just a few cucumbers here and I've got half a non onion this recipe is really easy because you don't have to have a lot of cucumbers to make it I've got about one six or seven cucumbers I'm gonna take the tops off and the bottoms and then I'm gonna slice them slice them about a quarter of an inch thick and once I get all these sliced I've taken onion and I'm slicing it if you want round you take the hold on you I had a part of an onion I'm doing mine in little pieces because this way when you take out pickles when they're ready you will have pieces of onion that is also pickled and it makes you great for your hamburgers or just as a side dish so we're going to have our pickles and our onions cut up then we're going to move over to the you okay we have two pork jars here these are just regular jars that I picked up somewhere that had either honey or something else in you don't need a cannon jar necessarily because you're not going to be canning them and you just put your cucumbers and your onions you just kind of layer them in there from top to bottom was it sure how many how many jars I would need if you have a half gallon you just fill up a half gallon the recipe is for a half a gallon but I already have some in the refrigerator so we're gonna use quarts today and you don't want it too full because of they've got to settle in the juice in a few minutes so we're gonna have to corpse when we get now we have a pot on the stove we're going to mix one and a half cups of sugar white sugar we're also adding one and a half cups of white vinegar and then we have half a teaspoon of salt tumeric mustard seed and celery seed it's non-iodized sea salt we use that and every all of our canning we use to non-iodized sea salt and this is ground turmeric 1/2 a teaspoon of all your spices everything is 1/2 spoon Hardy this little seed out these are mustard it says yellow mustard seed and these are the celery seed you've got half a teaspoon of those ok we're gonna turn the burner on bring it to a bowl then we're going to pour half in each one of the jars and it may not totally cover the jars but the cucumber's will shrink down into the okay the vinegar is boiling we're going to see about how much this is a little over 2 cups so I've got to divide this between the two jars want to be able to get some of the seeds and both jars if you're doing a half gallon you don't have to divide this you just pour all of it into one and as you can see the juice is not quite up over the pickles I can make another batch and add to it or I can let them sit and they'll shrink down if you you can double this batch triple it forever how many pickles you need to make and one thing it has to sit in there and cool off when it cools we cap it we use these this is an old mayonnaise lid I saved those type things that's what about my frugal tips things like this don't need your canning jar lids and rings you can use your plastic lids for those things when these cool we're going to put the caps on sit them in the refrigerator and leave them for at least 24 hours within at that time you can eat the pickles they are good but if you leave them at least 48 hours they're even better as you can see these have sat about five minutes and they shrink down some so if I've made more juice I would just have a bug jar full of juice but if you do make too much and you don't want to put it in your jars you can take and put it in a separate jar just the juice and put it in the refrigerator and next time you have pickles take it out reheat it and put it in there once these pickles are gone you can take that juice reheat it and add just a little more to it and use that also at least one more time because you've already got your seeds and your turmeric stuff like that in there so these are ready to cool for about an hour cuz they're a little warm and then we're going to put them in for drill okay these were done about four days ago what we like about these refrigerator pickles yes you might can hear this because I know I can really good they're crunchy most people want a crunchy pickle sorry for talking with mouth full but after three to four days these things are still crunchy they will last at least six months in the refrigerator we do at least two of these half gallon jars ever probably six months because we like them and even if we're not growing cucumbers you can go to a farmers market and get them or wherever and you can make these year-round when you run out you can just make more we also make pickle relish and we can the pickle relish so I have the pickle relish or potato salads egg salad whatever but we use these for snacks this is our refrigerator pickles thank you for watching from Deep South homestead
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 33,272
Rating: 4.9612517 out of 5
Keywords: Deep South Homestead, homesteading, canning, pickles, sweet pickles, refrigerator pickles, cucumbers, vinegar, sugar, mustard seed, celery seed, onion, how to make refrigerator pickles, refrigerator pickle recipe
Id: 2qMOW0zQF-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2016
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