Reflections Seven. Baranof Island - West & East Coasts. SE Alaska

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we continue down the exposed west coast of majestic baronoff Island its towering mountains penetrated by Deep fiords along both coasts weather permitting we plan to round the southern of the island and return North up the East Coast every Beach provides a rest stop for erant logs we enter the rocky entrance to Sandy Bay trees find a foothold in the most precarious of spots other than a landslide and spoiled for choice we find no features of outstanding interest at the head of the field so we reverse course to investigate another arm of the same Inlet closer to the open ocean we find ourselves back in a cemetery of dead and dying trees our research has told us that these are predominantly yellow cedar whose Roots have been exposed to freezing temperatures due to a lack of snow some dispute this and say that the dead trees consist of other species such as Pine Spruce and Douglas fur while yellow cedar are rare and can recover I lack the knowledge to know the truth but the remaining foliage on dying trees looks very much to me like Cedar the following morning Dawns breathless The Still Waters reflect an upside down view of our [Music] surroundings the calm continues as we get underway and leave the protection of the land the ocean is smooth but the shoreline of bare treeless rock is Stark evidence of frequent assault by a remorseless ocean we are soon enveloped in fog and the land disappears from view radar is an essential tool under these conditions we bypass inlets with we previously visited and enter Puffin Bay we see no puffins but the Rocks along the shore are dramatic [Music] [Music] dazzling bands of white interspersed with Crags of black are set against a backdrop of mysterious impenetrable and endless Forest [Music] [Music] the near vertical slopes lead to frequent landslides following a landslide the land is scored down to bedrock and Recovery seems impossible but bright green Alder are the first species to gain the foothold and set the stage for the return off of the Evergreen [Music] species we reached the end of the fiord where stranded logs await to be released for the next stage of their Uncharted Odyssey Destination Unknown once again we decide to move around the corner to a Serene and snug Anchorage backed by towering mountains [Music] a ske of clouds Scurry past the entrance initially we have this idilic spot to ourselves but shortly after we dropped the hook another pleasure boat appears one cannot help feeling some slight resentment at the intrusion and doubtless the arriving boat feels similar disappointment to find us occupying their chosen Anchorage in these Waters you expect to have the remote places to yourself but of course this is both silly and unreasonable and it is not long before social connections are made this distant water is Port Lucy an inlet on the Eastern side of the island only one mile from our present location it is a considerable Distance by water and we will be calling here tomorrow as we can see from our route which takes us around Cape omony at the tip of baronov Island trees with branches are easy to spot under these calm conditions but logs are a real Hazard and discourage traveling at high speed or during the hours of [Music] Darkness tree island is a prominent Landmark adjacent rocks provide a hall out for seals who are very skittish and we have to keep our distance too far for video from a moving boat these photos were taken with a powerful lens here is the boss we take a quick look down Port Lucy close to where we were this morning but we decide to carry on to little Port Walter where we have anchored before here there is a marine research facility float planes are an essential means of [Music] communication we have never previously visited ajacent big Port Walter so we decide to take a [Music] look breathed and Mist we see ruins at its head which the chart identifies as being the remains of a sulter there are so many deserted canaries suies and even Fox Farms scattered throughout Southeast [Music] Alaska [Music] [Music] moving North a distant waterfall gushes from the dense forest we enter Deep Cove and proceed Spellbound to its head rain and low clouds add mystery and drama to this spectacular scene we turn into adjacent Patterson Bay threading our way past precipitous slopes to its extreme Northern [Music] end [Music] Cliffs still bear the scars of sliding [Music] glassiers [Music] we enter a lovely spot where two rivers come together Chris flies the Drone up one of the rivers where we are hoping to see bears Eagles and salmon but we are disappointed we would love to Anchor here for the night but alas there is not sufficient swinging room for a safe Anchorage on our way back up Patterson Bay we encounter the rare sight of a low humpback bubblet feeding the next Inlet is gut Bay which we had entered on a previous visit it was here where during the winter of 1995 French journalist Michelle and her companion Thomas spent 5 months frozen into the ice aboard her 42t steel sailboat nuage Willy Wars gusted to 80 M an hour and avalanches roared down precipitous mountains into the bay I Bound for 5 months they became immersed in this solitary Wilderness surrounded by by wildlife and the Ethereal colors of the Frozen landscape further north is Red Bluff its entrance cunningly concealed by a pattern of [Music] Island we continue North up chattam straight to tats Bay where we spend a couple of nights in heavy [Music] [Music] rain [Music] Kats is one of the best anchorages it is beautiful and large enough to accommodate numerous boats without undue [Music] overcrowding here is a photo of venture taken from another boat in 2018 I close this video with a few still photos of local birds including this juvenile [Music] eagle
Channel: Fleming Yachts
Views: 115,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fleming, Venture, Alaska, Adventure, Cruising
Id: s2Pk6O_-vOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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