Rees Howells - Intercessor - The Bible College of Wales

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're in south wales in a district called scatty which is part of swansea and we're here because this is the area where rhys howl lived and after he'd been to africa he came back and he established a bible college here and we're here to learn about the principles for secret why rhys hal became a hero in the christian faith to so many people in fact i was talking to howard condor and said we were coming here and howard said to me gordon he said apart from the bible there are two books that have impacted my life one is the biography of george muller and the orphanages that established the other is this book and this is rhys howell intercessor by norman grubb and i'm here today to discover the secrets that really made him into the man of god that he was but sadly the bible college what he started petered out the place began to fall apart and this particular building began to disintegrate and then a church in singapore heard about it and long to see revival come again to wales and to united kingdom and miraculously they bought it renovated it re-established the bible college and god is now doing amazing things here so much for us to learn about today so let's come on and just discover the secrets of what god wants to tell us through this particular place [Music] lovely to talk to you today thank you you're from singapore you're here just for a few short days tell us about life in singapore for you the church is very vibrant i think with something between 20 to 25 of the population if you include the roman catholics but the church is very vocal very strong and cornerstone is we're about four and a half thousand people uh but we there are many churches that are huge uh in in singapore as well so the influence of the christian uh is very uh significant in my country and cornerstone is the church but you found it we found it have you ever seen a pastor that's right the dna of the church has always been about missions when i first started the church god spoke to me so clearly he said this church must be involved in global missions that was that is the dna of the church and every year we send something like four to five hundred people in mission short-term mission trips and we have bases in eighteen different nations right now uh in africa in asia okay i mean i listened to all that and i think that that must more than occupy your time and yet here we are sitting today in in south wales in a place called swansea and you and your church have invested such time and money into rebuilding the bible college here in wales why have you done it i've always been a student of the welsh revival i think it's one of the greatest revivals since the book of acts i don't think there was a revival that touched an entire nation every strata of society was impacted by this great revival in 1904 1905 with mr evan roberts it was a great move of the holy spirit i was always been fascinated with the revival and i've always been in love with the nation of wales god has put something in my heart the supernatural love for wales and of course uh also the fact that the british singapore is a british colony and and britain has invested so much in singapore our roads our infrastructure our government governance our form of parliament they gave us schools they gave us the law and they gave us the word of god and the lord said you have a debt to pay to the british people for what they have invested in singapore and you know when the opportunity came to buy the bible college of wales i felt it was our debt to pay back to the british people what they have sown into my nation uh and and so i've but i've always loved wales and what god was doing in this country i singapore is the land of my birth but wales really is the land of my adoption so so many key ministers and people have been particularly to the bible college of wales uh i was just as we were walking in the other last night uh duncan campbell i was told preached over there uh evan roberts who led for welsh revival um came to hear uh alfred head i think it was who was the chairman of the keswick convention was brought here and so the list of people goes on what was it about reese howell and the bible college of wales that was so attractive that brought all these leading people here 20 years ago i picked up the book by a man called norman grub who of course chronicled the life and times of mr reece howells that great intercessor you know i think that the depth of intercession in mr howells that mr howell's thought reached i i don't know anybody who had gone that deep into this intercession his identification with the people that he was interceding with when we inaugurated the bible college here last year in may we had dutch sheets and mr lou engel who helped us in the inauguration and they both concurred with me that this is probably one of the deepest wells ever ducked in intercession uh of course you know in in the book uh that they twarted a lot of hitler's plans in world war ii they prayed it was like they were always two steps ahead of the enemy they knew exactly what hitler was going to do they prayed against that and god would somehow shift the hitler's mind or the general's mind and the war would shift and they felt like they were the raf of the of the you know uh of the war and uh mr howells felt like he was a soldier in the heavenlies not in the trenches fighting a war but in the heavenlies praying true victory and he was an amazing man and god would speak to him about what hitler would do and of course they would pray against it and god taught many of the plants and you know in the words of mr winston churchill he said of the royal air force never has so much been owed by so many to so few and i think we can apply that to the praying ban of intercessors here at the bible college they changed the cause of world history and i think that the world would be a very different place today had not mr howells and those praying saints interceded at the bible college of wales and i think that that's what attracts people it's the depth of intercession it's the quality it's the life of intercess the intercessor himself that mr howell so clearly enunciated in his book every christian knows the importance of praying but resale talks very much about the difference between prayers and intercessors he talks about intercession as somebody who's identifies as somebody who's uh goes through agony as somebody who has authority we don't really understand today the difference between praying an intercession that's right but we most christians are generally ignorant about the depth of intercession uh what actually entails intercession my goal really is in purchasing the bible college of wills is to continue the work of mr reece house to teach intercession the way he thought intercession and also to have a praying ban of people here in the college that can begin to intercede in world affairs and change the course of history like mr howells did with his praying band there were about a hundred people here praying right through world war ii and then of course in 1948 with the with the nationhood of israel they prayed through those things and it's amazing the stories of how they pray through and so there is nothing that god cannot do to a praying ban of people that have commit committed themselves to this level of intercession some people won't have heard the stories of reese howell and the way that he prayed and particularly the bible college almost closed down to join the award yes and and they just spent all of their times uh just praying and praying and interceding if i said to you can you just share with us one story of of a particular incident where he was praying through yes and saw victory come can you do that well you know i think the the the event at dunkirk was very very significant of course you know the allied forces were trapped in this uh in this town a french town and uh with the germans all around and it was they would have been massacred uh and of course mr reese howells plunged into intercession and for some reason the generals of course stopped the advance of the german uh army and it gave them enough time for the evacuation mass evacuation something like 300 allied soldiers british soldiers were were very across the channel and i think that was one of the amazing stories of how they prayed and literally stopped the advance of the german uh army now of course in the nashville you could say you know you could give all kinds of excuses but we know better that the war was worn in the heavenlies and they pray through and god intervene in that situation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mark thanks so much for talking to us today the pastors from cornerstone came to wales they wanted to pray in some of the places where wells had taken place they came to hear and it was virtually derelictive i understand right it was absolutely derelict because pastor young is a real man of faith because he putting an offer for this place without even being inside this this room you know or those buildings and so i decided i'm going to go down there and see this place so i said to my dad if he had to recycle he said he's my hero i said well he said if you're going i'm coming with you so we came down here my dad my two brothers and we walked around these buildings to be honest i've never seen such a bad state of buildings everything was out the radiators everything was stripped bare it was just a total mess i sent the picture to pastor yang he because on the outside it looked very nice but on the inside it was it was a shambles every building was a state of disrepair hadn't been used for two three years and yeah but praise the lord what god's done here physically he's also doing spiritually as well you said you came with your dad down here and your dad said reece hell was a hero i've been trying to find out today what is it what was it about rhys hal that that made him so appealing and attractive to people well according to my dad uh when he was growing up many people were talking about rhys howells and the whole aspect of faith and intercession those were the two things that people talk about reese owels how we bought this this whole area with just a few shillings and it was a huge estate not just this this bit here but it was a huge estate and so with very little money he went and he and he was prepared to to to speak out in faith and and try things in faith and god blessed them and the whole area of intercession was incredible you know how they prayed through the war you know the victories that they warned through through intercession and so i think those two aspects of faith and the intercession were the things that people you know were talking about and he would go around the services or people would hear stories about him and he became like a hero of the faith to many people like my dad i haven't talked to many people today about the healing aspect of his ministry but i think the thing i found most remarkable was when he prayed and believed god said somebody's going to be healed it wasn't just they'll be healed it was they'll be healed on this day and at this time yeah it's incredible and in the book it tells a story of even if salvation how he he had a burden to to pray for this particular lady and uh he he wanted to prove that prayer was real and he said lord i believe that this lady will give her life to the lord by christmas day that year and this lady was a rebel she was in the village she had a bad reputation and he just went and prayed he never talked to her he just prayed and prayed and prayed on christmas day she gave her life to the lord many times he saw healings people want for christ amazing things happen uh and he knew that god had spoken sometimes when they're praying in the blue room downstairs and the praying for a particular battle or a particular phase of the war god would say to him okay it's done now you can go to bed and he knew it was done incredible to have that that just that communication with god was just so so incredible and we need that today this is a remarkable room i've never been in anywhere quite like it it's called the blue room and what it's done it's set out with the events that have happened here particularly during the period of almost 10 years of intercessory prayer that took place from 1936 to 45 when rishal and intercessors met day and night in order to pray for britain and to pray for the allied forces against the nazi enemy and what they've done is they've written all the way along on the wall the things that have happened during the period of time starting from reece howe's early beginning as a boy here in wales leaving school at 10 years old going off to america to make his fortune finding christ and then the things that have happened in his life i'm going to be joined now by robert who's responsible for putting all this together and showing all the information robert over here it says 1904 welsh revival reece howell came back didn't he yes he came back to wales when he got back to wales it had completely changed because the revival broke out while he was in the states right so when he came back he didn't recognize the country that well because all the pubs were emptied out there were no court cases being heard in court uh the gambling halls were empty the pubs were empty so he came back to a wales that was completely different than the whales he left that's right it talks here about how two years after his return uh 1906 he had this experience of full surrender to christ yes yes one thing that the lord spoke to him about was to fully surrender to him and come into the purpose and the calling that he had in mind for him now to do that he had to lead a hidden life which meant he spent many hours in prayer as you mentioned he also was called out of his wage earning job his family at that time were tin miners and he gave up tin mining um in order to follow the call of god in his life i mean ruth hall really had had a life that was so different and unusual to to many i mean it says there on the screen doesn't it called to be a nazarite and for a period of time he wasn't allowed to shave and to cut his hair which which sounds just so peculiar and legalistic when you talk about it but it was part of his walk with the lord wasn't it yes he this is something that he decided to do on his own primarily because of of jesus jesus was a uh nazarite you know himself and so he wanted to follow in the footsteps of jesus so he actually began to take on his personality which meant of course the hair grew and the beard grew so he's uh he set his life apart to to really live as close to what jesus would do in this present modern age i mean if we go on here you've talked about him leaving his work and the wage earning and people clearly felt that he'd not have enough money and his family and his mum and dad particularly didn't understand and then he married um and felt were called to africa and perhaps the most peculiar part of his ministry happened then because they'd had this lovely little baby yes called samuel yes and yet he felt as part of going to africa he had to give the baby up yes now what was um all of this came through prayer the lord called him to after him he met elizabeth they got married they had samuel then just right after samuel was born the lord called him to go to africa to do missionary work he said but one thing you must do you must leave samuel behind with relatives and friends while you go to africa but if you go to africa for me i'll give you ten thousand souls for the kingdom so he said okay lord i'll do it. he took it pretty much like abraham gave up isaac for a period of time that's the way he took it as giving up samuel when you read the book you begin to understand the the emotion and particularly for farista's wife it it the tearing apart of leaving her little loved one behind it was a real struggle yeah and yet the lord gave revival didn't he yeah in africa he there was revival there they saw miracles they saw healings uh the lord was faithful to give ten thousand souls into the kingdom of god and also rhys says it was the best six years of their life being in africa during that time and then of course they they come back don't they yeah you return to this country and he's released by his mission in order to be an itinerant preacher and he thought this was going to be fantastic the opportunity yeah but but instead god had plans for him to establish a center here didn't he yes that's right that's right and that was the beginnings really of of the bible college exactly um and he did all this by faith because when he returned from africa he had only two shillings to his name and the lord began to speak to him about buying properties because there were so many people that were saved during the welsh revival but they were new christians they needed teaching they needed a a place to learn more about god so that's where reese house came in but but his vision wasn't just for a bible college his vision also was to start an orphanage his vision was for uh for helping the the i think particularly uh holocaust survivors children uh from uh the jewish people he got a big vision the whole world he did he did and he did so much he started a school emmanuel school and that was primarily for missionaries children but eventually the school got such a high rating from the educational system in wales that they asked if they could possibly accept non-christians into the school and they did and he said he he uh talked with the principal and resell said yes why not so it became an evangelistic tool uh for uh for the school as well but this room particularly is is noted because of the intercession that took place in here this was the place were as the battles were being fought on the front line yes the battles were being fought in the spiritual realm heads exactly yeah exactly what was going on and what from this room the lord spoke to reece house in that he said as you pray i want you to pray as if you were the soldier on the front line take that attitude when you come into prayer with me and so that's what he did so he took it as i'm a soldier my prayers are going out first before the guys before the soldiers you know uh hit the hit the war front but i'm but the lord spoke to him about praying as if he was one of those soldiers as [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] jeff thank you so much for talking to us you were here in the days when samuel howell was still the director of the college weren't you that's correct yeah i came to study here in 1993 i think it was for two years and during that time i met samuel howells he was very uh reflective man of prayer so we didn't see him an awful lot other than meetings uh because he spent most of his time in prayer well we've been talking very much about um rhys howell and and intercessor um samuel was his his son yeah so maybe just knowing samuel will help us to have a little understanding about what reese was like can you help us to paint a picture of what samuel was like well samuel as i said was a very quiet man a shy man in a sense but a very genuine godly man and whenever you came into the room where he was you sense the atmosphere that he was a kind gentleman and that he loved people when he loved god there used to be an aura about him when he came into the room there was i can't describe it other than an aura of god about him his head was bowed it used to have this bow about him and he got up to share the word of god and he just opened the bible and read the passage of scripture but i was amazed and my wife was amazed at the anointing he didn't expound anything he just read the passage the anointing that was on that word filled the room uh i can't describe it unless you're there the atmosphere that comes from an anointing of god and somebody just reading the word but you you know some of the folks who are part of the college in the time when his father and his mother were here yes i remember speaking to some of the ladies who were in their 80s then who had been spinsters they stayed on they started in the regime of intercession with reese's so i asked them what was it like during the war years here when the spirit of god was here and this stadium is speaking to she said there was such a weight to the spirit that we walked around with our heads bowed down so i was amazed that i'd never heard of anything like that but they certainly were godly ladies that gave their lives to god for some people who are listening who don't really know what it was like in the war years here in the college because the college virtually closed and and those who were here just gave themselves to interceding they called themselves the soldiers of christ but as opposed to the soldiers on the battlefield didn't they reese herbals would say we are just as important in our battle as the men that are on the actual ground fighting as we need to do our bet just as much as they do so that was spiritual warfare so this is why they gave 24 7 to pray during the warriors to see the course of the nation changed and they saw the most amazing miracles take place yes incredible uh they were actually interceding about hitler moving off the scene and saw that come to place when he withdrew from britain attacking britain and went to attack russia so they had these downloaded by the holy spirit and they were praying these things into being sadly in our in our country today even in in the church we've we've watered down prayer where we think we'll say a prayer and if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen yeah which is totally different to the kind of experience that was taking place here in this part of wales um earlier on in the century can you just help us to understand and to to know how we can move from our mediocrity into this depth and level of intercession that you're talking about yeah i i remember samuel harold's saying about we need to stand in the gap for situations and that means giving your life to it in a sense it's not just offering up a prayer it's really identifying with the situation and interceding in such a manner that you were trying to break through into the heavenlies that things would change so i i finally he got to grips with me about that standing in the gap intercession and that stood with me that my prayers were quite shallow i thought up until then but intercession was really putting yourself in the place of others [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the scriptures talk about us being a peculiar people and i guess if there was anyone who was a peculiar person it must have been rhys howell and and when you read his story you see the fear of god that he had and his total abandonment of the fear of man i think of a story of his hat and i read it with amazement i never knew that people in britain back in the early 1900s and tens always wore man always wore a hat when he went out and and yet he sensed whenever he prayed he had to take his hat off and he said the the idea of going out into the opener and into the public without a hat was something that sort of made him look so strange and different to people but he he got to this point where god um was all-consuming for him hadn't he which very few of us actually reach yes i think it's it's the uh his models were the prophets of the old testament right he was very afraid of isaiah in particular because isaiah was commanded by god to walk naked for something like three years okay so he was very afraid of isaiah he thought isaiah the prophet isaiah reached the level of prophetic perfection and so he looked at the different models and he he gave himself to the prophetic model uh for example the calling of a nazarite at one time he kept his hair long because he felt he was under a vow of the nazarite uh and uh and then he he he looked at the different prophets and said whether he could come up to the level of these uh amazing prophets and so that was mr ries howell's lifestyle he was completely consecrated reminds me of jeremiah chapter six where the lord talks about the always the ancient what paths where the good way is you know and in the church today we don't have people many people that like the old ways anymore we like the new the trendy the the razzmatazz the we like the you know the the flash and but you know it's the old ways that god loves and i i feel right now as i feel like rhys owls he touched a level uh of intercession and lifestyle as a consecrated prophet of god well here you are today and you've invested enormous resources and personal uh effort and time into establishing the college what are you hoping what's your prayer what's your your vision for here now i want to i want to do what mr howells have done i want to continue his legacy that's that's basically the the whole purpose of this mr reece howells at the end of his life had one focus and that was to pray through the every creature commission he believed that matthew 28 would definitely come to pass that every creature will hear the gospel of jesus christ and to that end he gave himself an intercession and came out from the class one day and said we have secured this scripture i want to continue in that legacy the whole purpose of the bible school is to train people to be sent out into the harvest field that is the purpose i when we get students we're not saying and we get all kinds of students all right but if you're a doctor we don't want to train you to be a better doctor we want to train you so that you can go into the mission field if you're a banker we want to train you so that you can go into the mission field the whole idea is sending people forth into the harvest fields because i believe that we are coming into the greatest harvest that this world has ever known matthew 28 will come to pass do you see god as beginning to to move in our european nations again yes i absolutely believe that god has his eyes on the united kingdom that's why we're here i feel like we are going to see great a great reformation here in the uk absolutely i believe that with all my heart um there was a man called judson cornwall many many years ago he's gone to be with the lord and i was reading an article that he was praying one time and he said lord why don't you judge the united kingdom for all the sin and the iniquity in this land and the lord said how can i judge a nation and forget the prayers of the wesleys and the amy carmichaels and the george whitefields and the the the the men and women that gave their lives for the gospel here to see the nations reached and he has not forgotten great britain i believe this with all my heart mr rhys howells and a host of other people prayed through for great britain and i believe that britain's best days are ahead of her i believe with all my heart that god is going to do something and that's why we're investing so much in the uk god is going to do something here in the in in in britain [Music] if reese hall were here today he would be saying it's nothing about me it's all about my savior it's all about the lord jesus what was it about the teaching what is it about the teaching of rhys hal that is so important that a church from singapore should invest millions into restarting the college and saying look the message that reese howell used to teach is so important we need to get it back out into the christian world today one of the things that strikes me about a man like rusev was is that in many ways he was a very ordinary person he was a minor he worked in the coal mines which many of that generation and age did he had little learning or schooling and in the eyes of many they wouldn't have given him a second look but god takes ordinary people and does extraordinary things in them and through them and and risa well stands out as one of those kinds of people because he totally abandoned his life to god's purposes and and reese learned things through his life experience that he imparts that come very powerfully powerfully through the book that was written about him and also the testimony of the college here that he bought the place with two shillings in his pocket and he bought three centers in all and gods give him supernatural favor because favorite will open doors that god's favor opens those that nothing else will and yet over the ten years after he opened college over a hundred thousand pounds came in in donations a lot of money today was an awful lot of money then so he was a man who who lived what he believed and what he believed affected everything that he lived he often talked about one of the great things that comes out that we'd like to teach the students here from his life about the gained position of intercession he was at heart and intercessor and he would talk about learning not just the gifts of faith but the grace of faith that you can come to a place in prayer and in ministry where you gain a position and and what he meant by that was he used the illustration or norman grebel's book uses the illustration about george muller for instance with the orphans in bristol some miraculous answers to prayer for finance for feeding the orphans and he saw more perhaps provision financially than any other man alive at that time of god's supernatural provision for him but he didn't see many people healed in answers to his prayers but he saw amazing results for finance in answers to his prayers this is george muller youtubers george bullock yeah he saw some people healed yeah but mainly in the area of finance he had great faith he could pray and believe for anything and it would happen and often very quickly he also uses in his book there's norman grubb the illustration of german pastor pastor gerhart very famous healing and deliverance ministry in germany and how for the first 18 months he prayed for a girl in the village it was terribly traumatized and demonized and it took a year and a half before she came through for deliverance and was finally set free but after that people would come to him and instantly almost immediately he saw amazing results and what they said was that like risa was in prayer would gain the position of authority and intercession they had gained an authority in healing or deliverance of finance whereby they could see immediate results because of the place that they had come to and risa was experienced that in intercession and prayer because of the price that he paid and the walk that he walked he saw the most amazing answers and he was able to teach and communicate that to the students who came here and also as a press center for the nations and so there's an amazing legacy we have and we're trying to tap into those wells and into those roots today you know we've got a great legacy but we believe we've got an even more exciting destiny one of the things we say to the students regarding that because we have age ranges here this term from 21 years of age to 71 years of age that in the kingdom of god whatever age you are the best is still to come it's totally opposite in the world you reach a certain age and they say your best is behind you but in god's kingdom the best is always in front of you and so we believe the best for the college is still to come we honor the past but we definitely don't live in it we learn from it and we build upon it so we want to develop the school of ministry right now we have 34 students and we are increasing capacity on siters from next term with new on-site accommodation that will double that so we can take 70 students but it's not just having numbers come we want students to come to be trained to be taught to catch fire for god and go back to the nations and give away what they've learned and so reaching every creature with the gospel is is a major mandate for us as a college and then with that is developing the old prayer ministry of the college a very deep well has been dead here and we are re-digging that well and in future time we may look at putting on a course as a school of prayer and intercession and making again the college a major center for prayer for the nations and a major part of that purpose as well as it's always been with the college prayer for the nation of israel and god's purposes for that nation obedience intimacy discipline life-changing this was the place where i wanted to be [Music] there's just such an open heaven even in this place the experience i had here was far greater than what i imagined to be it is beautiful i came here and all i experienced is love every day it's just been amazing [Music] [Music] linda thank you so much for talking to us i think you're the only student from the united kingdom at the college of a moment i am yes i am tell us your story how did it come right that you ended up here in wales came about through a series of events with a friend really i've wanted to go to bible college for many years when i've read what happens here and just a little bit about its history i just knew i knew it was the place to come so i spoke to my husband and he was like this is definitely the place for you met with my minister he prayed because i didn't have the finances to come and he prayed that god would release the resources and you know the very next day god sent the christian lady to my home i hadn't seen her for five years and she came for dinner and she asked me what is god saying to you at this at this season what is he saying and i shared that with her and she she said that's why i've been sent and she paid for the whole course for me yeah amazing it has to be god yeah but because there's no other way that it could be engendered and made to happen absolutely absolutely and i'm not one i mean i have great faith but i personally at that time don't think i would have filled in the application to come if i didn't have the money in the bank that's just sort of how i am and i felt it was a real confirmation really that god was saying yes i want you to do this you know but even so when she gave me the money i did pray i continued to pray until and then he sent other people with prophetic words about coming to college and you know i heard three things really and i thought actually i better reply now yeah you've been involved in christian ministry you're involved as a counselor yeah in terms of reaching out to people so what new thing have you experienced and learned by taking time to step aside right what i've i think the biggest thing that i've learned here um i know i'm a daughter of god i knew that when i came that has been intensified here and i've experienced the love and goodness of god to a level that i i've never experienced before not only was i blessed by the lady that sent me here and paid that paid for me to come i've been so blessed by the fellow students here a few weeks ago i was asked to be the valedictorian of this of this cohort and i was really shocked i was really explain to us what does that mean well i had to google it gordon as well because i didn't know um and it's it's kind of an honour paid to a student that i suppose does well and you speak on behalf of your fellow students about your experience here but when i was asked i didn't know what it meant so i googled it and i contacted my children my husband and everybody was so they were so blown away by as as i am to to this day because everybody here could be the valedictorian everybody because everybody is of that caliber and i i asked god why why did you choose me and he said to me because of your faithfulness i want to give you honour and it was just you know and i feel really i feel like i've been really honoured here i really do that's one of the biggest things yeah i don't want to cry because it does make me quite tearful to talk about it yeah sandra lovely to talk to you uh as soon as you begin speaking your accent will give you a way tell us where you're from well i'm from australia okay but you're not actually living and working in australia at a moment are you no we're in we've been in cambodia now 14 years my husband and i and what are you doing in cambodia oh we're doing a wide spectrum of things we we have a non-government organisation there that's a khmer run and we started off with the children's home for eight years and out of those children has come a training centre for underprivileged and rescued girls so we train in beauty and we train in hospitality and catering and then and the other so the girls that have been with us for 14 years they run that part of it then the other side of non pen we're based in phnom penh the other side of non-pem we have a house called alabasta and that's in the red light district and that's for um there's a lot of sex workers that live on the streets and so that's a beautiful place for them to come only in the day because at night it's too dangerous for us we haven't got the facilities anyway and they come and have a bath and bring their children and they sleep because they sleep in the talk talks at night so they have a lovely sleep every day and they hear the word and we just love them we just we just love them and um honor them and and want them to feel that they have value how did it happen for you there you are you're australian you're working in cambodia and you felt called to come to bible college in wales how did that happen well i a friend of mine that i work with for a couple of years in cambodia she lives here in wales and she was at the bible college and she said i believe god's told you to come so my that's how i came to come here but my heart now is to go back to australia and cambodia and encourage people to come here and because it's a it's a holy spirit place holy it's so really and it's not only it's not only the teaching that's so good it's the environment of the classroom and and the camaraderie in the classroom is i think it's a good part of it that gets you going and they don't care if you're old they're kind to you when you are but that's how i got here sandra it's it's very impolite to talk about a lady's age so i want to ask you exactly but you're at an age where majority of people are thinking of sort of coming towards the end of their life and yet here you are you're doing a vital work you're in cambodia and yet you've chosen to take time out and come to bible college isn't it wonderful how did that come about i just think it's the most wonderful thing that's happened to me i get a bit teary when i think about it because these three months has been so very special to me and my husband personally it's like god's given graeme and i a lovely time together and um it just i will never forget this has been the greatest time one of the greatest times of my life to be here and the presence of god in this place is just amazing it's so beautiful so i i felt like as soon as i knew it was reese house college i felt like god was giving me personally a gift to come here and i've seen the whole three months as a gift just a beautiful personal gift from god to me and graham yeah so had you heard of retail before you came here oh yes i had i've read his books five times six time was here and i read his book the first time two weeks into my salvation and in chapter five where he where the holy s the holy spirit says to him are you willing to be made willing well i've carried that my whole christian walk when god asked me to do something that i don't particularly want to do you know partic if it's forgive somebody like it's hard sometimes for us to forgive i just say well i'm willing for you to make me willing god say oh yes i know i knew about reese howe what is it about rhys howell that so impacts people his faithfulness for me i just think the faithfulness of this man that he would allow god to use his body and and i've i've travailed in a small way but i've always been a prayer person but i can't imagine what his body carried when the war was on and and i just like when i first went in the blue him i was just grateful to him for what he'd done and his faithfulness to the call in his life and he never he never failed he he allowed god to just to take him and break him and and i thought that was i just respect him so much yeah i love it i love what he's done yeah and look what's that coming out of it so you've been here for three months you've been going through the course what have you been learning oh gosh well the i've i've written i wrote myself a personal letter about this and the calibre of the training is amazing the teaching the lecturers it's amazing they they're world-class lecturers there's no two ways about it they they're humble they share their successes and their failures and they open up the word they open up the words so much for you and it's a very personal interaction in this because we've only got a small class very personal interaction between the the teachers and us it's i've learned too much to even talk about it yet i want to go home and process what we've actually learned because it's too much to take him now yeah so i mean one of the visions of the bible college of wales and one of the visions of rhys hall was every creature uh the whole world and and here you are involved in in cambodia so you're going to plan to go back to cambodia oh yes that's where we're both we're we're that's where we do our work god hasn't called us to retire yet so we're hoping another five years that we've asked god for another five years um we're in the process now of of training our young ones to take it over but you know like we want to come back here next year graham and i because we feel there's a place for us here in wales too but oh no we're not i don't want to be tired yet goodness don't do that to me no i'm ready i don't feel like even when anywhere near no i i believe that this place being here has given me a greater passion to see the red light district saved god gave graeme and i a big vision for the red light district there's a nightclub over there called the heart of darkness and god's told us it would be called the heart of the father so being and i've and when we came out of when we left cambodia our physical doctor said you two are so close to burnout you'd be very careful and we've had excellent health i mean i'm a big lady but i've had excellent health grants and excellent health but she said you're starting to show signs i was getting vertigo a lot and i got shingles and but being here the passion now to see the red light district with revival and two things i asked god when i come here for was a much deeper relationship with him because you know i don't know about other people but for me i let god go a bit and was concentrating on work too much so i wanted this three months to get back with that passion for him but i want a new authority in the red light district and i and i i know something's happened i don't know what yet like it there but oh yes i want more passionate than i have ever been to see themselves saved when in the west you reach a certain age it's almost perceived that you passed it you know and you need to let go and just retire and put your slippers on and put your feet up you clearly haven't reached that stage it's nonsense and so suppose there's somebody watching today and they're just feeling well you know life has passed them by and they've reached that age in my life where they don't seem to have a useful functioning job to do how would you encourage them today oh i just say do it you know i mean there's no two ways about when you're older these little fears come in about your health how much longer have i got well i look at it this way i hope i've got 20 more years yet but if i've only got five i don't want to spend him in front of a telly don't spend them in front of the telly don't spend them playing bingo or whatever you do spend them with the eternal purpose because i look i know in nations like cambodia that's the only nation i know older people have got so much to give the young you know and when once god once you once you step into god's court you don't feel old anymore you know you get rejuvenated you get rejected i would say come to bible college it was for a start because it's a good starting point if you want to do something you're not too old to study i actually hadn't been to school since i was 12 years old i left school when i was 12. and one of my big fears was i wouldn't be able to study and i've got more i've got mostly a since i've been here and i i've had no education and no matter you older guys no matter how tired you are god's not tired when i sit down on that dave i've had three hours sleep when i sit down that desk god regenerates me and i do every night and i'm fine so i would just say folks don't waste your most precious years give them to god and he truly just do what you're not too old just do it we need to get on fire you know i i believe that what god wants to do is not just baptize us in the holy ghost but also with fire the one of the most famous students that graduated from this college was the evangelist reinhardt bonke i've had the privilege of meeting brother bonker many occasions we hosted fire conferences in singapore uh where we chat the conference and um so i just met him a few months ago we hosted something for him and i talked to him about the bible college and we he sort of remnants uh the you know some of the old what happened here in the bible school but in 1998 i remember the first time i met him we we talked for a few moments and i never forgot the incident he looked at me he said young man i must pray for you you know and he laid hands on me and my whole life changed something happened there was an impartation and i believe this is what god wants he wants to impart something to this generation of people it's a supernatural thing it's it doesn't come by by trying more harder you know uh it's not even by praying longer it's it's an impartation of grace that comes from heaven that changes everything and when he laid hands on me my whole life changed i remember it was i was a young pastor i just started ministry but everything changed in my life when he laid hands on me there was an impartation of amazing grace and i feel this is what god wants to do for people right now watching the program that he would just say lord would you just touch me with this grace that will transform me put the fire of god within me i believe god can do that right now in this program all right could i ask you just as we come to an end to look at the camera just behind me and would you just pray for the people who are watching yes thank you so much father i just thank you god for every person that's watching this program like right now lord in jesus name stretch your hands let the fire of god touch them let the presence of god be so real to them let them know that you are lord father release grace over them right now i pray lord the touch of the holy spirit upon their lives and release the fire of god over them right now lord even as i pray this in jesus name amen amen [Music] you
Channel: Revelation TV
Views: 75,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rees howells, Bible college of wales, Rees Howells Intercessor, intercession prayers, norman grubb, What is Intercession?, LA INTERCESIÓN, The Sound Of Intercession, Power Of Intercession, Position of Intercession, Intercession & Prayer, The Power of Prayer and Intercession, Cry of an Intercessor, Defining Intercession, The Ministry of Intercession, A Call To Prophetic Prayer Intercession, Bible College of Wales Graduation, cornerstone church, Intercessor, Bible College, Wales
Id: WkbKeTXT__s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2017
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