Redux For Beginners | React Redux Tutorial

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good morning my gorgeous friends on the internet in this episode we are gonna talk about Redux all right Redux what is Redux Redux is a state management tool that we can use in our projects so we can use it and react we can theoretically use it in a different frameworks as well now do I like readers no I don't like critics and the reason why you're gonna see a lot of people being like is there's a lot of boilerplate that might be going on into your projects to do a very simple thing and there is also a lot of new jargony words like this patch map state props combined reducer store as Elvis Presley dead what's the point of life so personally I'm not a big fan but a lot of jobs really use Redux because when you have large-scale application you're gonna have some state management tool and Redux being the most popular one with react that's the one that they are looking for so I want to show you all the basic things so you understand how everything works so in case we are ever gonna get hired or maybe even use it on your personal projects but personally I don't think that's really necessary because you can get away with contexts or just passing down props and react oh and lastly thank you everybody who joined me on patreon that's quite crazy I haven't even made a video about it so thank you thank you so much if you want to support me there's gonna be a link up here somewhere you can click it and you're gonna have access to I'll try to put up as much as possible extra projects for you to make tutorials discussions and source files in discord and there's a lot more so check it out up there and thank you thank you again so much okay let's get started first of all I actually want to show you what we Docs solves for us so in react on throw up figma here well look at this design I just made it very awesome okay so we can imagine that we have this app component okay this is all react okay so we have this app component and imagine that we're making a movie searching app so you would actually create a few components to kind of seclude the logic into these small components so maybe you have a search component that only searches the movies for you you will have a movie list that displays all the movies you have a login and then maybe a individual movie alright so from this movie list you would have another component that displays each individual movie all right so just basic basic react up here alright so what we learned is how we can pass data from one place to another so you can imagine that we would have the data alright so the state of our app of our movie list and here alright so if I want to have the movies I would probably put it in here okay there's no real logic of having the list of movies for the actual data and my login okay so let's take this data I made this a circle cuz one that look cool alright so if I want to have the movie data so all the movies I would put the data and here okay very cool now this way I can render out into each individual movie and this movie components I can have this data and if I want to pass down some data from this component to this component we learned that we can do that with props so I can pass some data down here alright the problem is that we cannot pass data from our movie list to something like search all right that's not possible react only flows in one direction which is from up here all the way down alright so if I want to pass some data from the movie list I can only pass it down here so whatever you render inside this movie list in this case we render the movies the movie in individual movie that's the only one that we can pass data to so how can we solve that problem maybe I want to have access to this data with the movies inside my search so whenever I search for something I can examine that data and return a new movie list so that's the first problem here and the way you would fix this is called moving up the state we're lifting up the state I don't know what they call these days but the idea is that you don't have the data about the movie inside the movie lists you would put it up here to the app alright and that way you can pass it down to the movie list if you want you can have access to it in the search if you want so again you can just pass it down and props and now you have access to all the movies inside the search ok and same goes here so I can pass it additionally down here and here maybe I can I can choose not to render things out if I'm not logged in okay now the problem is here the more components you have the crazier this is going to get okay and also why would we have the app the data with the movies in our app here that doesn't really make any sense okay usually we want to have all the logic inside the component that really uses it so movie list and here so that that's kind of the problem that we're trying to solve also imagine that we also want to have an action so maybe down here at the movie I want to delete a specific movie so that means that we would also have to have a function alright that deletes the movie from this data state so we would also have to pass that all the way down here and then delete it and that's gonna affect here so it goes really crazy really quickly so what redux does for us is we don't add the data and here in the app or the movies list alright you can imagine that we can seclude this data into its own place alright so this is a whole brand new place I'll drag it out here and we cannot see it Thank You figma you are really awesome so where is that where is that thing grab look I cannot grab it anymore this is incredible but you can imagine that we have our data now stored completely separately here all right here perfect and now this way whenever I want to use the data so this can be the movies list this can be about anything I want alright so we store the entire states separately here and then when I want whenever I want to access something I can just go to the component I need the information from so maybe movie list and I can just add a bit of code and then I can pull out the necessary data that I need only in this component I don't have to pass down things and props and change the data and things like that so this gives us access to a way of accessing data and the components also changing the data and things of that sort so that's kind of how everything works now let's actually set this up in vs code for it to all make sense so I have an empty project here so I just set up create react app if you want to set it up - all you have to do is run MPX create react app and then give it a name in this case I gave it line Redux so run that once it runs it's gonna create you this new folder here alright and this is just an empty react project and also what you want to install is NPM install react I have my apologies Redux and react - Redux like so okay so redux is the actual state management package and react Redux gives us the ability to connect react and redux together okay so let's get rid of this make sure to install that I already did so I'm not gonna run it again so as you can see everything is installed this person is 7.1 which is really nice because it's gonna give us access to use react Redux with hooks okay I talked too much so let's let's let's kind of let's do oh my god I cannot speak let's do this from scratch I'm gonna delete a few files here that we're not gonna need so open up your source file here and I'm gonna get rid of AB dot test yes we're not gonna need these let's also get rid of tab dot CSS that's fine let me mute this okay the logo we don't need the logo and let's go into app and just get rid of everything I'm just gonna leave an empty just hello okay just for now we're just gonna set everything up here in index J yes I'm gonna show you the basics of it and then we're gonna hook it up to react to make everything work just nice so the first thing I'm gonna need is that thing called store so store now what is the store the store is basically at the state a globalized state so everything I want to have take a look at a figma example here so the store basically holds all the data or state for our application so you wouldn't have a data list of state only with the movie list here like you would normally and react so I would have the movie list here maybe some information some data or state about the login here what you would do is you would separate everything and you would have one big state that you can access anywhere and all your components say you would separate everything you would have all all your data in this big store ok so that's all it is it's just a big data here that holds all the information and state for our application okay so that's the store so a globalized globalized state ok the second thing that we're going to need is something called an action now action sounds like you're gonna do something but it's not really in the case of redux so what an action is it kind of describes what you want to do alright so you can imagine and this one we're gonna keep it simple we're going to we're just gonna build a super simple state that's gonna be called counter and it's gonna be set to zero and whenever we add maybe we hit the button plus it's gonna increment by one all right so an action would be called increment all right it's just a name you just give it you just give it whatever you want to do so you just say hey my action is increment so that's what we're gonna create here increment and there's also another one called reducer and what a reducer is it basically describes how your actions transform the state into the next state okay so what's going to happen is that this action is gonna be called the reducer is gonna check which action you did and based on the action it's gonna modify our store up here all right see how does this get gets a bit really confusing so don't worry if you don't get this straight off and we're gonna write a bit of example code here and then I'm gonna explain everything and there's a final step called dispatch and this is the way where we can actually execute that action all right we can say hey dispatch this action to the reducer so we can send that action to the reducer the reducer is gonna check what to do and then these store gets updated okay cool all right let's take a look at how we can do this because it's very hard to explain this with period so the first thing we want to do is create this store so how can we do that well we can import it from redux so I'm gonna say import create store make sure you add these curly braces here from redux okay that's tap one you create the globalized state perfect now this state is gonna take two things actually it's gonna take one thing it's gonna take a reducer so we're not gonna create the store yet this is how we would create it you would add a let store and set this equal to create store and you would pass in a reducer so reducer all right and the reducer that we're gonna make is gonna be called counter but we're not gonna do this yet okay so you remember how I said that an action just kind of describes what you want to do so imagine you can go to a store and you're like I'm hungry alright so that's the action doesn't mean you're actually buying the food you just describe what you want to do I'm hungry alright so we're gonna do this increment for now so let's create an action how does an action look it's super simple all an action is is just a function that returns an object okay he's simple function that returns an object so if I want to increase a counter I can just create a Const and I'm gonna say increment it's gonna be equal to an arrow like so and all this does again just remember it just returns an object so I'm gonna add a type to it or you can do name so what's the name of this action it's gonna be increment I'm gonna do it all in uppercase usually you're you're gonna see something called type here that for people named them but it's actually just like a name alright so what is my action name increment but you're gonna see type so I'm gonna keep it type and yeah this is what an action is now we can create a reducer that's gonna take care of all the actions related to our counter so in theory we can do another one here so we can do decrement alright and the type is gonna be decrement here okay and now let's set up a reducer so again this is just gonna be another function so I can set up a counter and what this is gonna take again just an arrow function that's gonna return a piece of object so here what we can do well first of all we need to add two parameters one is gonna be how is our counter state gonna look like so what's the initial state of our counter so I can just set state equal to zero for now you can also create this separately in a constant or a let here and then pass it in here but I can do it in here as well so that's fine and the second thing is it's gonna take in an action so now what we can do here is we can switch the action depending on its name so I can see switch action dot type so it's gonna take a look at the name alright so if you either increment or decrement and based on the name of the action it's gonna do something for us so let's open up some curly braces here and we're gonna say case if our case is increment then I want to do something here and what I want to do is I want to return state plus 1 alright so we're gonna take a look at the initial state which is 0 and then we're gonna add 1 to it okay that's all it's gonna do and once we do this it's gonna update our store so hit save on this and then we can have another one if we want so let's do case decrement I guess we set that up as well so what we can do here is we can return state minus one that we want hit save all right so this is our reducer now we can actually add it to the store so store let's say let's store it's gonna be equal to create store and we can pass in this counter ok and finally remember to actually execute that action we need to add dispatch but before we have to do that let's display it and the console so to display it we're gonna do this one so we're gonna say store dot subscribe and we're not gonna use this and react redux so you don't have to worry about it about it too much but this is just gonna take an arrow function and we're gonna say console.log store that get state like so alright and this is gonna display our store for us ok so nothing's gonna happen yet so to actually dispatch an action we're gonna say store the dispatch and all I have to do here is call one that I want I can say increment so I can say store dispatch the increment I'm gonna execute this and that's all I need to do so let's execute this and then we're gonna see what's up npm start alright let's wait for this to open and then we're gonna recap and then we're gonna implement it with dev tools and everything so everything is gonna make more sense ok so let's see if this loaded up here let's open up our console and let's go here alright that's still loading come on boy why you do this my throat is dry see this is why okay take a look we have one all right we got this message here because we haven't used decrement but we have one ok so let's take a look at what we did again what we do is we create the store which holds all of our state we have one piece of state now which is counter you're gonna have multiple reducers depend what you want to do you can have a authentification reducer that's gonna take care of identification you can have a movie list reducer you can multiple that we're gonna have in our big global state but for now we have one okay what we do is we dispatch and action all right so an action all it is is just a function that returns an object would he type increment so it just has a name to it all right and once we dispatch this our reducer it's gonna take a look at what was dispatched which action was dispatched it's gonna take a look at the name so that's why we had its which action dot type name it's gonna take a look at the name and based on the name it's gonna return a piece of state so in this case our zero was the original plus one and that's exactly what it did if I want to decrement I can do it again I guess say store that dispatch decrement alright I can maybe do this another time so two times let's take a look at what's happening so let's not this one my goodness Google Chrome as you can see we have minus one now all right so we dispatch this two times now the thing is you can set this up once but as you can see it kind of took a ton here for us to set this up just to do so little so this is why I'm saying that Redux can have a lot of boilerplate and when whenever you have a small project and it might not be worth it again but let's set this up with react and see how that works so let's start from scratch and I hope everything is gonna make more sense because with this I feel like just exercising and practicing this is gonna make it easier for you okay and we're also gonna add one additional thing so this is how I usually do it there you're gonna find different ways that people do it but usually I like to add I store in here in index Jes and then separate each reducer and action and individual files so first of all what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create two folders here I'm gonna create one called reducers and one called actions so new folder actions okay perfect so now what I want to do is I want to create my reducer so here I'm gonna create a new file and I'm gonna call this index dot J test okay and then I'm gonna create two here so let's imagine that we have a counter and let's imagine that I also have a another reducer that's gonna take a look at if I'm logged in or logged out or maybe a toggle of a navbar so let's create a new file here we're gonna do kind of the same thing here I'm gonna say counter a yes all right now let's make another one new file and this is gonna be let's say is logged a yes alright so we have to so let's set up the first one and we can kind of we could have copy pasted what we had but let's just make it again so I'm gonna say Const counter reducer it's going to be equal to I'm gonna set in a state of 0 and an action ok and we can switch the action dot type you know which is the name and depending on what name it has we're gonna execute different things so I'm gonna say case of increment what I want to do is return a piece of state so state +1 alright and let's do decrement as well case decrement is gonna be returned state -1 perfect alright so this is all we have then we can export this default counter reducer okay let's also set up another one for our is logged in so let's exit this let's go to is logged in I'm gonna create cause let's name this log two reducer set this equal to State and action alright these these are always the two things that we're gonna take in and for this one I'm gonna set the initial state equal to false all right so whenever our application first runs I want to make sure that we are not logged in so this is gonna be false again kind of we're gonna do the same thing over and over again actions outside and we're gonna say it check the name of it and return a different piece of state depending on the name so in this case I'm gonna just have one and let's say case sign in like that and when that happens what I want to do is I'm gonna return the opposite of state so it's gonna be true now all right or optionally what you can do is just say true here all right you can also return that but what I want to do is say and the opposite of false all right so that's it then we're gonna export default logged reducer all right so we have two pieces of state which are our reducers how can we hook that up to our store okay we can go here and we can import our stores so we can say import create store from redux okay that's step one now we can say const store is equal to create store and then we can pass it in but we have a problem here all right we have two reducers and we're gonna pass in here counter reducer and the is logged reducer that's not gonna work so another concept that we have is combined reducers so all that's gonna do is it's gonna take all your reducers and it's gonna combine them together into one reducer that we can actually add to our store so let's remove everything here and what we're gonna do is we're gonna add a comma here and we're gonna say combine reducers okay and actually i created a new file here and our reducers which is called end XJS we're gonna add it there just to keep this index file a bit lean so let's go back into reducers indexed ideas here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna import all the reducers here import the counter producer from counter import let's say is logged you can give any names you want here let's say logged reducer since we exported this as default all it means is that we can pretty much give it any name we want from dot slash is locked all right so these are the two now we want to combine it so we're gonna import from redux we want import combined reducers this is the one and now I'm going to create a you can do Const all reducers or you're gonna see route reducer whatever name you want to give to signify that you have all your reducers and this one constant here so all reducers I'm gonna call it like so just to keep it simple and here all I'm gonna do is call combined reducers and then pass in each individual reducer so it's gonna be a function with an object in here and here what you can do is you can add a counter reducer or you can give it any name you want the counter is gonna be my counter reducer alright so the name that you're giving it in here is gonna be whatever you want so you can give it whatever name you want and you can access it by this name and this is the actual value that's coming from our reducer all right so this can be anything you want you're gonna see a lot of people do something like this counter reducer only one thing and all that means is that there is some es6 syntax sugar here and all it means if you add one it actually means this so you have it both one here and one here alright but you can actually shorthand this like so but what I like to do is actually but a name that I like so I can say counter is gonna be the count reducer and then I can add a comma and logged reducer is gonna be let's say I wanted to appear as is logged and it's gonna be logged with you sir so I actually want to show you how everything in here looks so we can visualize it all right so we have everything stuck in here we're gonna go back here and import this all reducer is now so he can stick it in here okay import let's go to where is my reducer and so we can go to all reducers or yeah all reducer from dot slash reducers and notice here I don't actually need to add index because webpack is automatically gonna look at the index J s in this folder so when you have index you don't actually have to add index in here so once we have this we can add all reducer and here and we're done oh Jesus okay we're done and this is just a setup by the way we actually haven't done anything yet okay I want to visualize this so we know what's going on so what we can do is we can import a a little cool dev tool from chrome so we're having an error here reducers does not contain a default export all right so we actually need to export this all reducers exports default all reducers perfect I save that let's go back here let's see do we still still have that error all right here I messed up counter reducer let's go back here let's see where is my counter reducer it's here remember this is just a function and I messed it up so let's make sure I hit save function okay so make sure we add that arrow function there and also let's go to is logged in and add a default case here so default if nothing happens I just want to return this date so whatever form our state is in this case is false just return false here state all right so hit save and there we go okay so let's take a look in our index at yes we added it to the store and I actually want to visualize everything in my browser so we can use an extension here which is very cool it's called Redux dev tools extension alright and we can install this we can go down here we can add it to Chrome so let's go here to chrome and redux dev tools you can install this and once you do that we can add it to our project if we scroll down here and we can just copy this in here so basic store we copy this and all we do is besides our all reducer we have the comma and we just in insert that thing in there okay perfect and let's take a look if we actually see anything so in here and our app we're gonna press f12 it's gonna give us this and we can go to our redux there it is and take a look if I hit Stape here it's gonna show everything we have in our state so we have a counter which is set to zero so if we take a look again I cannot want to show you this multiple times till it kind of makes sense so here's our reducer again so as you can see we have these multiple reducers counter reducer that's one piece of state we have is logged in that's another piece of state and then we use combined reducers to combine everything in here so as you can see counter is gonna be my counter reducer so counter you're gonna see hey that's counter the name we gave I can optionally change this to my account alright so we can give any name we want here and that's gonna appear in our store as you can see my account so I'm gonna keep this counter for now but hey the counter has a piece of state which is state zero so as you can see that's the value that appears here to the right same goes with is logged in is logged in has a state of false alright we gave it a name so is logged is gonna have that state the logged reducer state take a look it's false alright so hope this kind of makes some sense and this combines everything together and we have the big state ok very cool what we want to do now is actually hook it up to our app that's hope that's why we were here and how can we hook this up so what we can do is we can say we need to import something from react Redux so we can say import from react Redux and what I want to import is something called provider all right and what this does it just connects our global States our store to our entire app down here so it's this is actually very simple all you have to do is just make some space here and wrap everything inside this provider so all your app your whole app now has access to the store so this only takes one argument which is store and we can just pass in to this store all right so this is like my store and it takes in one parameter store my store all right but I gave it the same name just to keep it simple so store ok that's it now we have access to everything inside our app ok so let's take a look how I can display maybe I want to display the counter so how can we do that I'm gonna close everything up here like that ok so you can do this from basically any component you want any component you want to access you can run this so all you have to do is to access a piece of state so maybe I want to use again I just want to use this let me close this one we don't need that anymore maybe I want to access the counter ok so what I can do is I can import something called use selector from react redux ok and now in here let's say I don't want to say hello I want to see counter and here I want to add the actual number of my counter ok so what we can do is we can say use selector and then I can extract that counter from my state here I can extract this I can say Khan's counter equals to use selector this is gonna be a function here and I'm gonna have access the entire state in here so this runs another function here and I have access to this whole big state all right so this states up here yeah I can have access to everything so I can just pull out state that counter from here and that's it now I can display it here if I want I can say counter oops too much view counter hit save take a look counter is zero at the same time I can also extract is logged in if I want maybe I have some sensible data here let's say I have let's see down here I have h3 that says valuable information I shouldn't see if I'm not logged in okay and in here what I can do is I can extract that is logged in if I want so this one I can go up here and say Const is logged I can set this equal to you selector again just state and I can extract State DOT is locked so we're gonna write that is logged and boom we have access to it if I want all I can do maybe I can add a conditional statement here and say hey if is logged like so then I want to run this HTML here else I don't want to see anything so I'm gonna pass in an empty string okay so if this is true this is gonna show up if it's not then nothing's gonna show up and as you can see nothing shows up because our is logged is false okay now how can we modify this so how can we increase the counter I'm gonna add two buttons here button is gonna say plus and I'm gonna add a minus as well so - okay very cool but how would we actually increment and decrement this we have our plus minus here but nothing worked so we would create an action for that and when we click it we dispatch that specific action so in my actions I just made an index that yes here it's empty and this is gonna be very simple what we're gonna do is create an export Const I'm gonna give it a name of increment all right and all this does is it's gonna have it's gonna return an object again with just the type of increment all right so that's gonna be the name of it and remember and when we dispatch this this is gonna go into our counter here it's gonna check what type of action type all right the type is increment so it's gonna return this piece of state state plus one okay so this is all we have just a function again that returns an object good so in here I want to execute that so what we do is we import our action so I'm gonna say import increment from our actions so dot slash actions alright again we don't have to add index because it's gonna automatically know and then one more thing I'm gonna import from react Redux it's something called use this patch alright this gives us the ability to dispatch an action and in here I'm gonna say cause dispatch it's gonna be equal to use dispatch like so alright in here I want to add an aunt like so whenever we click I want to dispatch that function so I'm gonna add just a callback function here I'm gonna say this badge my increment alright so I want to execute this increment thanks so ok run this let's take a look back here it's increment let's not miss ball that and everything seems to be working all right let's go to our state as you can see it's still 0 but when we hit plus but it updates to 1 so that's very cool boom-boom-boom 5 6 7 and everything works the way we want and we have the difference here which is really cool it change it it shows us what changed so let me refresh this as you can see if I have plus it's gonna say hello our counter increased from 0 to 1 and as you can see here it also shows us the function that the action I ran we do it multiple times I can even jump back to 1 if I want to see I can jump back here to see my state in this position and yeah there's a lot of cool things that you can do with this dev tool it's really well made you can also play this back to see what you did take a look very cool ok so that works that's also hook up our decrement to do that we can just go back to our actions copy paste this down here just have decrement and decrement thank so AB dot J yes we import the decrement and kind of copy/paste this so let me just delete this copy pastes down here and just change this to decrement and everything should still work the same way plus plus plus minus minus minus yep everything works perfectly okay lastly I want to show you this what if I want to have an argument here so I want to have an actual piece of dating maybe I want to increment this by 5 like so so what you need to do is let's increment by 5 hit save I'm gonna go back to my actions here and I'm gonna add something else to this so now it takes a parameter here we added 5 so it's gonna take let's say maybe a multiply or the number I want to change it by so maybe it's gonna take an in number of increment so here what you can do is add a piece of data and you're gonna see that people usually say payload to this so I'm gonna return also the number I want to increment by so I'm gonna add number here ok so now in my reducer I'm not gonna return state plus 1 what I can say is I'm gonna return state plus action dot payload alright so this 5 so 0 plus 5 and then it's gonna be 5 it's gonna say 5 plus 5 so let's take a look and take a look now we are incrementing by 5 right yeah okay oh I talk so much alright it's time to go so see me a goodbye song all right I'll let you sing sing the goodbye song now walk away he by my friends
Channel: Dev Ed
Views: 795,010
Rating: 4.9457641 out of 5
Keywords: react redux, react tutorial, redux tutorial, react js, react redux tutorial, react redux tutorial for beginners, react redux firebase, react redux explained, react redux crash course, react tutorial for beginners, reactjs tutorial, react hooks redux, react hooks
Id: CVpUuw9XSjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 43sec (2383 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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