Redskins Magic 3

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4th down and inches we pause briefly for station identification this is the NBC television network this is South Florida 7wc Katie Miami like a couple of expectant fathers Shula pacing the sidelines Gibbs irritated there's bill Ernst Barger of course he's made his defensive call battle-ax strategy charity care emotion man until the last it's in the Super Bowl friends and they can yard touchdown fourth and inches and now for point by Mosely let's see if we can see McNeal slip now he will be coming across at the bottom of your picture there he's coming back into your picture he got back late and just barely got a you can't tackle him what just aren't you some bodies on top of right through this too
Channel: realworld51
Views: 128,676
Rating: 4.8979592 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 25sec (145 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2012
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