Redneck Reviving my Wife’s 2021 F250 LEMON

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we touch these together oh look at that the truck starts so uh yeah all right so weird day my wife's vet truck which is a 2021 so you know pretty new decided that it's not going to start the battery's good everything comes on but nothing is engaging the starter now yesterday in the garage i smelled some pretty unique electrical smell stuff like someone let the smoke out and i looked all over the place opened the hood of the truck on the side i could get to with the garage door closed didn't smell anything and so you know i thought well whatever it is it's going to get worse and definitely reveal itself in the garage somewhere well it turned out it was her truck so i really wanted to get this lawnmower adapted to a v8 carburetor thing installed today but unfortunately toss we're not doing that today we're going to be doing some electrical troubleshooting so fun i'd like to get this thing done too i did all my cut-to-length plug wires they look all nice and good in there and we're real close to firing that thing off but instead we're over here today so this is a 2021 f250 has about 13 000 miles on it and my wife is an ambulatory veterinarian so it's got this bed box on it now i'm pretty sure this is where ow you son of a gun pretty sure this is where everything went awry with this vehicle so we come all the way over here now we have our nice electrical smell again and ford thought it was advantageous to put a fuse panel up where water and slop and you know we live out in the back woods where all that's going to sling up and sit right on top of this fuse panel now it does have a cover but it was installed very poorly as you can see i'm assuming they tagged an ignition lead and all this wiring for the vet box so now i'm sure if we're lucky we have a fuse blown somewhere so we're just going to start poking around and see what works and what doesn't so we got our multimeter negative lead on the negative cable our multimeter itself set to voltage and we're just going to probe around and see what's what and then we're going to turn our key on and see if basically the things that aren't on would then be on and then we'll look at what never came on as far as power going through the fuse and we'll pull those out and hopefully i find the burned one i could pull each of these individually but since ford and their infinite wisdom full of pretengineers decided to set this in a very difficult precarious area to get to you know that would just be very difficult to do all that so hopefully we reveal something all right so kind of what i'm looking for to find a bum fuse is i'm just probing one side of the fuse itself seeing what voltage we have okay we're at 12 volts which by the way that confirms that the battery is definitely good and then we'll probe the other side of the fuse and again we see 12 volts now if i probe one side of the fuse and i see voltage and the other side of the fuse and i don't see voltage it means that the connection in between is fubar and that you know that's our bad fuse and hopefully it's something like that and not something worse because usually electrical smells do not come with blown fuses that be that comes with fried circuitry which is a bad thing all right so now we'll turn the ignition on and just to show you not doing a thing you saw that we have 12 volts up there so all that's good but now anything that's tied to an ignition source that being that it's energized with the key on only now we can go and probe around that fuse panel and see if there's anything squirrely there and again the reason i'm just looking at this specific area is because that's where the burnt smell is coming from so unfortunately the multimeter didn't reveal anything at least in the sense of blown fuses so now we're going to try our next thing where i'm going to take the battery cables off of the vehicle and i'm going to touch them together now any capacitor anything inside the ecm and all that should fully reset and the reason i'm going to do that and for making my own circuit boards this is a process controls that converts a voltage signal to a 4 to 20 output basically if you shunt something electrically a lot of times the circuitry the actual controller in the board will get shunted such that it kind of locks it up and so this is one way where we can pull the power and discharge everything and do a hard reset on the computer and hopefully they designed it in a way that it protected itself from this scenario at least to some degree all right so since this has a ballot of a thousand wires on it including the folks who ever installed that that box all their tomfoolery here i guess this was the easiest way is just to use a wrench to touch essentially the positive cable to the negative cable over there so in theory everything should be reset now oh yeah it's actually a pretty bad idea to not have the battery cables tight on a fuel injected vehicle because if you lose power you know unexpectedly you can also damage electrical so here we go across your fingers we're going gonna try and turn it over oh and the big nothing solid this is not a good deal and this is literally all because this ignition lead was tagged in here now electrically that wasn't the issue but when i got to looking around i could tell they didn't get that fused panel cover back on here now on a separate occasion we had something weird with this truck where again it was a rainy day the day before my wife is you know bouncing through a bunch of muddy muck and big deep holes splashing water up in the engine bay actually she shut the vehicle off took the key out everything on the dash went off but the engine didn't shut off and so i didn't want to pull the battery cables so i ended up pulling the intake tube and shoving my hand over the intake tube to shut it down so you know we've had some issues but being so intermittent it's been hard to figure out but you know once i obviously discovered this it was a pretty obvious what was going on and they just didn't get the cover in and all the water was ending up on top of this fuse panel which is idiotically sitting flat where water can just get in it anyway in a very bad spot in the wheel well so you know now here we are all right this is a part of this whole deal that's going to get real banjo picking real fast but uh my wife needs this truck this weekend and in my opinion this is a warranty issue either on the truck which not really more so on the folks that installed the vet box if you want my opinion so with that her still needing it and everything else seems to come on but it doesn't start i'm going to crawl under it and see if i can't get a jump pack on the starter so she can use it this weekend she left with my jeep and she's using another individual's vet truck but she doesn't know where anything is and you know so this is extremely important that she has this this weekend it's calving season so i mean she is just hellaciously busy this couldn't have happened to the worst time so if i can get it started i'll just tell her to leave it running all day you know so she can do her job but uh yeah this is the side of the show that i say definitely wouldn't recommend what i'm about to do but hopefully it works all right so we got our trusty jump pack here here is our starter on our 5.0 coyote engine all right so it's got the starter solenoid built into the starter which i've always thought is a horrifically stupid design but that's how they've done it for the last 30 years here's main power coming in and then here is the trigger lead which basically does its thing with the solenoid and engages everything and the engine spins over so if i can see what i'm doing here of course it's super tight but if i can get this in here and touch the solenoid lead in theory the starter should work maybe there we go okay so it looks like we can do that so i'll put the key in run mode and see if she'll start all right so there's not anything else wrong with the vehicle except for the starter circuit or maybe this will shunt everything back into working not sure i was kind of hopeful hitting the starter might fix it but it didn't but right now with the key and run normally after the vehicle started it would you know just keep running so we can get the starter to roll over you know hopefully it can just keep itself on probably not but one can only hope all right things should theoretically start laying right against the wheel so super safe maybe how about that oh man so something with the ignition circuit at least as far as the starter is concerned is foobard and it might be in the circuitry the solid-state stuff that he used to fire it because like i said on a previous occasion when it rained a lot my wife shut the vehicle off the gauges all went out and actually the engine kept running and i had to put my hand over the intake to choke it and shut it off again you never want to pull battery cables off a running engine that's fuel injected because you can back feed into a bunch of stupid stuff with the electronics and destroy them so anyway that is a running vehicle all right i thought we were done with this video but we're not so i did some google foo just to try and figure out what's going on and you know i was kind of looking for the starter relay you know there should be something in the control panel that sends power down to the starters so unfortunately in classic form in modern vehicles and i could be wrong so if i am wrong you know please leave a comment because i'd like to figure this out without it sitting at a dealership for an extended period of time but apparently that fuse panel that we were looking at earlier the starter relay is built into it now this is the fuse that goes down to the starter that's passed through from that starter relay and it looks pretty nice and burnt now one way you can check a fuse and i couldn't check this one from the top because it's one of these weird encased fuses because i don't know makes good sense to have a bunch of different types of fuses in a vehicle so you can't test anything classic form but what you can do is set your multimeter to ohms right here and then this one has a function where i can hit mode and then it has this little sound indicator so let me get this hooked up and i'll show you how you can test these now unfortunately this one is still good which you'll hear so it's probably that starter relay that's supposedly as per the internet built into that fuse panel which is a terrible idea but you know poor pert engineers that's what they did all right so again multimeter on ohms it's got a mode selector we're looking for the sound so we can hear it when it has continuity i.e the fuse is not blown we should be hearing something which we are if it was blown we wouldn't be hearing anything so that's that and like i said it does look pretty burnt up granted i've just wiped it off quite a bit with my hand so you thought that was the end of the video but that wasn't either we're still here and the part has a terrible lead time my wife was able to use her truck and keep it running but just to do something in the intermediate scenario so she could use it tomorrow which i don't know if you're a mechanic or you use tools you know i assume if you watch my channel you do and you know that if you're trying to use someone else's tools or they're using your tools you could about cut someone it gets pretty ridiculous because you don't know where anything is if they use your stuff you never know where to find it and so her having to use someone else's truck is pretty sub ideal if i get the key to go in the key slot here there we go so still has the no start condition i was talking to my buddy lee and he said that it's an integrated uh relay module he had a fancy word for it that i can't remember sorry lee but uh he said that's a thing that dodge does so it wouldn't be a surprise if ford now does it but i came up with something oh boy in the intermediate it'll work until we can get this corrected so as you saw i put the key in the truck and put it in run mode and now i have this white wire spliced to 12 volt and this black wire is down to the starter module i got this little lever nut here that when you're driving around you leave it on the 12 volt source so it can't ground itself to anything but now we touch these together oh look at that the truck starts so uh yeah so stupid you know if we have to continue on like this i'll find the leads that actually go to the starter where the relay would have been i'll put in an auxiliary external relay that could be used for the same function as the integrated unit you know therefore just creating a more legitimate bypass than this but for now you know my wife can use her truck tomorrow this is a rough time of year for her where she's real busy and it's just pays dividends knowing where all your tools are you know and then you don't look like an idiot in front of people and you can go about your business like normal so with that thanks for coming along um hopefully we get this fixed if you know anything i don't which is probably a lot since i normally work on classic cars not so much this stuff um drop a comment let me know what might be going on so thanks for coming along catch you guys later [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: ThunderHead289
Views: 95,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: junkyard digs, vice grip garage, vgg, 2022 f250, 2021 f250, thunderhead289, ford
Id: w74ipiam9ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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