Red XIII Finally Discovering his true self and his Origins - Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Remake 2024

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hey guys it's me I'm back nanaki I can't believe it it I'll is you we were so worried wel come home wa now why don't you go pay your respects to fellow boen hogin go on you can let them through they're good people I promise after all they're the reason I'm here what in the hell was that hey guys it's me he's such a softy real quick got to check something an Airship dropped these on us this morning wanted posters of the terrorists who bombed those [Music] reactors huh but I think we can say you had nothing to do with all that even if nanaki hadn't vouched for you it's obvious H welcome to the sanctum of planetology Cosmo [Music] Canyon I was born and raised here in this Canyon I was to become a watcher of the veil like those before me until I was taken by Shinra now that I'm home and have repaid my debt to you I plan to serve my Village once more I appreciate all that you've done for me thank you we're really going to miss you red a don't say that you're only making this harder I mean I wish we had more time but this is my duty I suppose it was your duty to act the old man I wanted you to treat me as an equal not a dog n a k is that you my boy [Music] coming so was that [Music] goodbye nah I'm sure we'll see him around the canyon the real question is why' we come here to learn the secrets of planetology come on can't forget that material that's for me ah that will do I'm going to steal some sh ey if you don't mind then we can see the [Music] sights thank you for looking after M my name is wenh I teach planetology here in the canyon one could say I know a thing or two about our world a thing or two I doubt there's a thing or two you don't know about [Music] it well it might seem that way to a child like yourself I'm not a child anymore I'm 48 40 what n here has a long life ahead of him in human terms I would say he's about 15 or 16 years old that's more than old enough I can protect our Veil and everyone in it but is more than I can sa for my good Forno father speaking of the members of our little Community have you announced your return to one and all ning not yet be right back [Music] but where are my maners please come in and have a look [Music] around so this is where you've been nanaki what's up up I believe it is because there's something of great import I need to show you and by that I mean all of you join me would you sealed so that none may enter I yes and by my own hand no less however youve a trial to undertake I do if you wish to prove yourself and become a water of the veil that is [Music] I presume you are prepared yeah I will also require your assistance in carrying out the trial much danger awaits within and I wish to ensure his safety when you're ready simply say the word that is a key it's [Music] huge under normal circumstance ances I would stress that you mustn't judge a book by its cover for the ghee however there is fearsome as their appearance implies these are the things that killed my mom nanaki this shall be your first trial you are to explore this place understand the nature of its history okay we'll do seek the relic of our past carry it forth and bring the truth to light only then shall the path reveal itself unto you interesting cuz my first thought was are we going to make it out of this place love it Decor is indeed the opposite of inviting these look like the statue I picked up if there is a reason for everything then one could argue that everything has no reason regardless you know what you must do don't you deliver unto us the remnants of our past restore them to their rightful place our sadness sinks beneath Stone the history of the veil is intertwined with the G for they first came to these lands many Millennia ago this Sanctuary is proof of their persistence for it was built to ensure that they never escaped but if they were sealed away thousands of years ago how'd they break out and attack the veil that I cannot answer only the key themselves could but enough about them you are here to learn about yourself monar W it's definitely good do not allow fear to take hold of your heart you are your own Master man you and no one else never forget that look to the crass and the K began pass through all to complete your trial but that's easier said then [Music] done there is a similarity yes but this sanctum is much more ancient and serves a rather different purpose the altars We Came Upon before were built to imprison the keing this however was built to provide the cetra with a means to commune with them commune with them why would the cetric do that the ghee were the enemy good an evil friend and FK dichotomy is not set in stone as beautiful as the wings but for now Pak let us concentrate on the matter at hand clearing a path to the truth no what is it their ey manifests once more do not underestimate this fo form evanescent ranker Everlasting well done you've become quite the formidable fighter sure have so does this mean I passed the test I'm afraid that decision is not mine alone to make let us consult with one more qualified The Watcher of the veil fought valiantly and offered up his life in defense of our home as you see he still watches over us to this very day wait is that sat my father no there's no way the poisoned arrows of the key transformed his body into stone and there he has stood ever since his watch Eternal Our Savior what about my mom did she know what had happened to him why of course he did it was after all she and setto who asked me to se you off the cave but why why did she never tell me the truth because she knew that if she did you would attempt to seek your father out all by yourself your parents strove to keep our Veil safe but there is one thing they fought even harder to protect you nanaki there she was afraid because I was too small and weak back then perhaps but not anymore Heavens know you've become a fine warrior in your own right and that is precisely why I brought you [Music] [Music] here but this is not where your journey is meant to end my dear boy you must leave the veil once more but I'm a watcher now I got to protect our home like he did listen to me manaki when I first heard your friend's emphatic warnings I dismissed them outright no more than the ravings of misguided youths and you've lived as long as I have you start to believe you've seen it all but no surprises remain and I realize now how very foolish I have been the eyes that I thought saw the world clearly have grown blind to new possibilities but I would hate to impede your progress any [Music] further I bit you leave n before like me you become inure to your own ignorance with sharper eyes and Keener ears go forth and in my stead seek the great truths of our [Music] world look after him for me don't worry we will you failed this trial my boy continue your training and try again are you up to the task not lucky you bet I am after [Music] all I am nanaki Watcher of Cosmo Canyon and Son of stto protector of our [Music] [Music] Veil hearken unto me my name is G natak oh Brave and Noble stto I beseech you once more hear the Urgent pleas of my [Music] people my thanks stto you are as magnanimous as ever the warrior nanaki and you the cetra
Channel: EnigMind
Views: 3,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NzWiRknGdX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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