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so what is up everybody I've been waiting for this fog to burn off I would have got out there a little bit earlier this morning but I don't want to go out on the gulf solo and have another Factor against me which is fog so I waited for it to burn off sun's coming up so we should be good so I am having the craving for some red snapper grilled out whole with some butter garlic and all that and I want to see if I can go out and get some so how about y'all come join me on this exciting Adventure let's get out in the Gulf of Mexico and go do some fishing hey look y'all before we get out I have to stop at one of my favorite places J M tackle over here in Orange Beach Alabama absolutely love this place I need to get bait need to get ice and that's what we're going to go in there for so y'all come join me let's go in this taco shop and go get what we need to go out and have a nice day on the water all right y'all I need to get me a bag and get uh let's see a five pound box of cigar minnows uh yep and these are the good ones too see these are the ones from uh see product of USA from Florida so these are the yep there we go those are the fresher ones now if you're like snapper fishing don't really matter they'll hit most anything but you know if you like to king mackerel fish or troll cigar Menace for that yellow label just little hint and then I'm going to get me some squid because I would like to do some bottom fishing as well so I want to do two of these liquid cups and that should do me I'll probably get some more drinks and ice and stuff but for bait wise going offshore bottom fishing I like to have Squid from a little double drops and then my cigar minnows for the slightly bigger fish so oh it is so foggy there's a beautiful frame in there but look at that I'm over here at boggy point in Orange Beach you know it's no secret it's a pretty easy boat ramp to get to and it's right there next to the Gulf of Mexico but you cannot see the Perdido Pass Bridge or any of the condos Korea would be right there Perdido Pass Bridge would be right there so I was hoping the fog would be burned off a little bit faster than this but it's not so we'll see how this goes but we have casted away from the dock and you can't see nothing I've been waiting waiting waiting for the stuff to burn off but uh it's going to take it slow have a good GPS have a good radio there's a bridge barely see it [Music] you know we made it out of the fog that was pretty tricky getting out but you just got to take it slow and be very observant always keep your hand on the throttle too so I'm not at my fishing spot yet but I just wanted to stop and take a moment to just listen see what's going on out here a lot of birds working lots of bait it is absolutely like the lake of Mexico out here right now absolutely gorgeous I just like to share a lot of times a journey of getting out is just an adventure on its own it is just picturesque out here it's hard to share what it really feels like being out here because it's amazing but I try to do my best so hopefully y'all can feel the peace and happiness and Serenity out here well we just made it to our first fishing spot and look at those marks right there that's what we're looking for big marks possibly big snapper we're gonna find out but look at the uh fog it's back in it was just a very brief period I could run without fog so I am going to drop down this little Nomad vertical jig right here and all you do is Tie Your Leader to that solid ring and there's an assist hook now I am running 50 pound fluorocarbon leader about three foot of it so this is a 5 000 size Shimano stratic with 40 pound braid and a seven and a half foot heavy power Saint Croix Avid inshore Rod let's drop this Nomad jig down there this is a 120 gram jig and see what we can find here we go man that thing Falls so good you can almost see it it's super clear water I'm incredibly clean there you are get up get up We're Not Gonna Take me to that Reef there you are this one's a landable one I think oh sharks after him two two big sharks three big sharks wow you're just like a free spool but he's so close to being landed there he is wow can y'all see that shark down there I don't know there's three of them and usually you can freeze spool but but these Jokers if you're free spool they're going to take you down in the roof anyway look at that that's a beautiful Jack he's going to go back I don't want him I want to snap her but that is a nice one nice Jack right there these are so fun hard Fighters they are hard Fighters This is his lucky day he gets to go back and he's still healthy enough he can outrun those sharks the best way to do it is jet them straight down me gone he shot away that is awesome but that's one for The Jig let's try that again all right it's one on Deck let's drop this jig back down after that I'm gonna try to find some Snapper because that's what I came out for but these are fun to catch all right here we go oh quick bottom that looks like a Beneva that is a little toony that's a little toony come on so fast [Laughter] God dang man come here going under the boat um where'd that streak come from bro here he is oh cause he's foul hooked no he's not foul hooked he's just feisty there's a Bonita little toony on The Jig look how pretty those fish are all right here goes The Jig back down this is pretty fun let's try it again foreign gotta get him up fast y'all is that another false Albie yeah it is another Bonita ah there's a barracuda there's two sharks and then there's these seats there we go he's gonna go back let me get that jig out of his mouth real quick but look at that that was fast and fun get him back down that big one there he is Jack's just hanging around they can almost see the lure look he's about to hit that lure damn thank you all right now for my bottom fishing setup I'm going to be using a frozen cigar minnow but I have a seven alt must add circle hook with about three foot of yaziri 50 pound fluorocarbon leader come into a black Barrel Swivel and a four ounce Egg Sinker you can get all that on the Bama tackle shop let's hope that the Bonita do not come and eat my cigar minute there's one yep let's hope that's a snapper using the torque of this reel is to bring it up fish so I don't know what's it what it's going to be come on buddy so we can get you past the sharks oh yeah it's a red oh there's a big shark right behind him but that's a keeper man I'm sure if you wanted that fish you would have got it but that is a keeper red snapper but these Jokers only have to be 16 inches minimum length and you're allowed two per person so I'm going to take that circle hook you are required to use a circle hook and then if you catch a big one in deep water you're supposed to have a venting tool or a descending device or you can have both like I do and then a D hooker for the circle hooks since this one's a keeper he's going to go in the cooler I'm going to see if I can get another one so cigar minnow through both lips you want to just make sure it doesn't spin as bad on the way down if that don't tell you we're sitting on the right spot I don't know what we'll look at that those are some good marks so I'm going to drop that back down here we go again there you are see if this can fill our red snapper limit here got to get you up before the sharks get to you no that's not that's a dome Remora these are shark suckers or remoras that's what their name is very slimy watch see they'll stick to the side of your boat to the side of your arm there go buddy we're gonna get you back I just want to show everybody those are uh not thinned out at all they're not endangered there's so many of them but they're kind of cool though but they will steal your bait and steal your Chum so we're dropping back down all right see this is something that we want to take home oh dang that might be let me put some pressure on it dang okay I think that is something that we want um did not expect that oh come on oh get up here dude I'm just curious to see what this is going to be put in low gear and just winch it up it's in low I hope that's a snapper but that might be a jack no that's a snapper all right I'll be a keeper see I know that's a keeper they're in season so I can Gap it and it's a lot easier for me than the net that's a good one look at that Snapper y'all that will be a great one some good eating fish right there that is an excellent specimen of a red snapper on the conventional setup I'm glad I was throwing that so I didn't quite know what I had but that 50 pound fluoro and that old 7-0 Mustang got it done if Phil open his mouth I can show you the inside of it they the big ones don't have any hesitation eating a large bait just pure aggression so he choked down that whole cigar minnow beautiful American red snapper that's gonna go in the cooler y'all that is my Illumina red snapper for the day but it is ultra foggy so I'm gonna work my way back so I have enough daylight to clean those fish and Grill them up because I am hungry so y'all stay tuned I'll see you back at the ramp floating crab pot buoy so that is actually something I can fish on uh looks like there's a small triple tail sitting under it yeah there it is it'll be any triple tail come on oh he tried to he tried too there is a triple tail on it though come on come on eat it he just grabbed it foreign that was fun oh man that was exciting sight fish to triple tail off this buoy in the middle of nowhere wow look at that color on it he ain't gonna be a keeper unfortunately but that is a very nice triple tail check out that pretty little triple tail right there that is so cool prehistoric looking fish has the best camouflage pattern ever they just look like floating trash we're gonna let this one go because I have to be a little bit bigger but these are the prime reason why I like stopping by buoys like that thank you there you go and he's gone they look just like floating trash it is crazy let's keep on heading back in so I am back home at the cleaning table oh almost fell but look at that really good looking red snapper so this one I'm actually going to fillet up and save but this red snapper here is perfect to cook whole so that's what we're gonna do with this so I'm going to show you how I prep it now I have a fish scaler a filet knife and then a sharpener just to top off that fillet knife typically I like to Stone sharpen my knives but the amount of fish I clean you can just run this little sharpener down couple times just to touch it up and we're not talking about wiggling hair here but it's a great working Edge so you can get all this stuff on Bama the first thing I want to do is scale this fish so I'm going to scale the entire fish because I'm leaving it whole so we're pretty much done don't forget to get around that collar aka the throat right there because there's some good meat up in there as well so once that's scaled the best you can so that fish is rinsed off now I'm going to fill dress this fish that means I'm going to take out the gills I'm going to take out the innards and I take out the eyeballs you can leave them in some people do eat them everybody's different that's what makes this all human so I'm gonna pop his eyeball now I typically don't like to show a bunch of guts and stuff on YouTube's uh policy I don't really like it that much straight incision straight under and you can pull those innards out and then same thing with the gills really easy so there we go it's kind of cool a little fish eye look at that if you've never seen the inside of a fish shop before really really neat looking through it I don't know if you can see through it or not but see how everything's kind of magnified and has that fish eye view that's what gives it to them so now we have a field dressed red snapper which you can do this with pretty much any fish you like but it's cleaned out in there eyes are gone gills are out so before I season this fish I actually like to go through and score the meat and that allows the seasonings to get through there and also so it can thoroughly cook a little bit better it's a cut diagonal you don't have to be scientific about it do diagonal cuts kind of like cutting up a mango and then go through and do cross hatches just like that see thick filet so cook evenly and all your seasoning and juices and stuff will be actually in the meat and not just on the outside of the fish so I'm going to do the same thing on this side there we go check that out now this fish is ready to be seasoned and cooked look at that that's gonna be so good so I have the lump coals going they're going to get nice and red hot so at least coals are actually burning pretty good and I want that high heat I'm going to lay some aluminum foil down just like that alrighty so we have our prepped red snapper all I've done is Pat it dry after cleaning it and I've laid down some aluminum foil onto the grill and I'm gonna lay this fish down right over top and we're going to start seasoning it so all I have here for basic seasoning is salt and freshly ground pepper so we're gonna put some of this cracked salt on there get some on that cheek get some in the middle all right and now some of our freshly Cracked Pepper now the fun thing about cooking is that it's all up to your taste buds you know you don't have to do exactly what I do but I am just showing you a simple way that will be very flavorful okay I don't want to over salt it or over pepper it because we have a pretty strong seasoning and baste that's going to go on there but it should be very delicious because Snapper can take that flavor so the main ingredient is this ready-made Jamaican jerk sauce everything in there tastes pretty good it's not incredibly spicy so if you want to make it spicier or add chili as you can but we're going to baste our fish in that jerk seasoning so pour it on there be gracious with it add a good amount because this Snapper can take it and this is going to be a very good but you can do this in the oven too I'm gonna do that exact same thing on the other side so I'm going to flip this fish real quick that is a seasoned up fish with a store-bought Island flare but it should be really good so next thing I want to do since we're doing it over high heat and I want to keep all that juices and flavors in I'm just going to lift up that aluminum trying to make a little pocket for it so I probably could have used some more just to keep a lot of that juice inside the meat and over that fish like I said you can do the same thing in your oven about 350 375 degrees for about 15 to 20 minutes so it doesn't hurt we can take a fork and look oh yeah that meat's cooked look how white and Flaky that is still firm skin peels right off that's a cooked fish oh I'm gonna have to take a bite of that real quick because of how good that looks and smells even though it's 350 degrees hot but here we go all right that is definitely in the top dishes that I've cooked so far let's get this on a plate I have some white rice cooking as well in the rice cooker inside but let's go ahead and get this on the plate that is ready to go flip this up because aluminum foil doesn't get that hot oh see that folding that up kept all that juice in there man that smells delectable I really wish y'all are here right now to be able to smell this but maybe y'all could try this on your own so we're gonna let this cool down go get some rice and plate this Joker up but first let's garnish it with some cilantro and I just like cilantro you don't have to Lemon is usually good on fish but not with that Jamaican spice because then it'll be a little too citrusy a little too Tangy so cilantro kind of gives a nice garnish to it and it tastes good too so let's take that inside I can't wait to try another bite of that have some more ice cooking in our rice cooker there we go that's hot it does really well with that sauce but I'm Gonna Keep On chomping down here because this is just delicious let's dip it in that sauce and dry bite here it's still really really hot mmm man I think that's probably my favorite way of eating a red snapper over fried I do love the fried Snapper throats but just that flavor alone is absolutely delicious oh my goodness I'm gonna have to do that more often so now I have a really nice bed of white rice and I got a spoon and we're just going to scrape this meat I'm going to properly cooked that's what it's supposed to do scrape it right off the bone and lay it on top and the good thing is there's two sides so there's plenty of meat for everybody you do want to watch out for pin bones and thin bones as well but I want to get as much of that sauce on top of that Rice as I can so we finally have a plated up dish with some of that white rice and that jerk Char grilled snapper man I cannot wait to try some with that white rice so here we go let's take a bite y'all join me for dinner here the 40 plate had a nice expensive restaurant I mean that is a great layer of flavor that came out of a jar and the fish was fresh that's what makes it that is immaculate I'm just going to have to take another bite wow nice and tangy with that jerk sauce and that red snapper can take the flavor of the seasoning and the sauce and it was cooked perfectly on the grill for 20 minutes over direct heat with that foil holding in and retaining in all the juices but I want to be able to finish this dinner with a nice drink and stuff so I'm going to let y'all go I hope you had a fun time out there with me don't forget to go check out the online tackle shop bam with and if you enjoy videos like this and catching Cooks smash that subscribe button we'll see on the next bam I saw a harder fishing video I want to thank the good Lord up above for everything it does for us especially that delectable fish and we will see you later
Channel: Bama Saltwater
Views: 121,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing
Id: 8P58ixLDJKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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