Red Hat Enterprise Linux Presents: Convert2RHEL

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] freedom [Music] do [Music] good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you're healing from welcome to another episode of rel presents red hat enterprise linux presents i am chris short host with the most of red hat live streaming today we're talking about convert to rel right eric and we're going to start this demo pretty quick and then kind of work our way back if that makes sense yeah i figure out of a uh out of an hour long live stream we don't want to spend 15 minutes sitting there watching the terminals roll by so hey what a great idea i i mean i i think it'd be fun but uh some some folks watching may not so i figured we'd uh we'd start off just kind of talking about what is convert to rel dive into the demo and then we can kind of do some q a and and talk a little bit more about why you'd want to even uh embark on uh on doing a convert to rel on your systems while the well the demo is kind of running so the the objective is we're going to start with the centos linux 8.4 virtual machine and by the end of it we're going to magically have a uh rel 8.4 machine nice so with that being said let's dive in so if you're not sure what we're doing bear with me for just a few minutes here as we kind of talk through things all right helps if you log in first logging in is always good look at you with your fancy schmancy root password and uh and and i learned from our last episode so you'll notice that my virtual machine today is not called rel 8 or something generic it's called iron man by by popular demand okay cool there there were two votes and uh it was you and me and we said iron man so there we go that's how we make decisions around these parts all right pretty much [Music] so do uh do a cat on the release files and we'll see that i have nothing up my sleeves um i do have sleeves but there's nothing of them right right no no trickery here it's it's a rel uh fedora like system we're running centos linux eight um and then and then if if you were so inclined we're running 4.18 that's a whole bunch of stuff for the kernel version so as you can see no no trickery um and and since we're starting with centos linux 8 there's no need to make sure that we're registered because we're not registered yet so we won't run into a problem like we did last time where we won't run into a problem like last time where where we have to unregister and re-regis register a system on air so we're learning here yes we can learn we can be taught we we can be taught so the first thing we need to do is uh eric needs to learn how to talk and type at the same time uh so the the first step that we need to do is convert to rel is a supported operation for uh as as a red hat customer so there is a convert to rel repository uh where you can go and get the official packages to where you can check the gpg keys make sure that you're getting what you think you're getting instead of instead of just joe joe and jack's github repository at some random urls that may or may not be the official package so to avoid all that bash yeah yeah yeah always check what you copy and paste so i just pulled down the gpg key using curl and then our next command will actually pull down the repo config file the fact you have this like size is kind of impressive um i would love to let you think of that no you don't um but i i can't let you do that uh okay i've got uh i've got my notes just off screen here i mean yes i i totally have totally totally just have this all memorized although truth be told i've i've given this demo enough times i could probably do it from uh i could probably do it from memory or at least pretty closely now here's your chance next time next time you get tired all right so so in well in two weeks oh so i should i should probably admit oh yeah that's a good point we we talked about doing a day in the life interview but uh the the guests that we we'd asked to uh to come on the show weren't available this week so we're we actually punted that topic and we we pulled this one out of reserve uh by popular request uh last i think two weeks ago we had someone ask for a convert to rel uh conversation so we're doing that one today and then in two weeks uh we'll do a day in the life of an operating system engineer but there's one other caveat uh it won't be on wednesday it'll be at the same time but it'll be on thursday uh the next couple of episodes will be on thursdays um the next two episodes specifically yes yes the next two episodes will uh will be on thursdays due to some scheduling conflicts on my part uh anyway back to this yes thank you for the programming note i appreciate that yeah um more so you remember than than our audience so if we if we cut out the the convert to rel uh repository file we we see it's pulling straight from the red hat cdn we're doing a gpg check so we pulled down the repo file and the gpg key so we should be good to go there um [Music] and if you don't do this this is like rebooting a system for for packages i pretty much anytime i do some kind of an operation i do a yum clean all ahead of it just to clear out any any temporary files anything that's partially downloaded it and if nothing else it just makes me feel better just knowing that i'm starting fresh it's probably good practice especially when you've added or and or removed repositories to just go ahead and clean out that cash yeah yeah i mean i i'm one of those people that young clean alls or yum cleans all quite often uh just because i don't like having that crust around right like i do a yum clean all when i need like five megs of space [Laughter] all right so then because i'm lazy and don't want to tap y later in the command just do it yum install dash y convert to rel that'll pull down the utility all the dependencies so it's the downside to yum clean all is it does have to pull down its its index of all the packages from each of the registered repositories but i cannot tell you after a decade of being the patch guy at just about every job i was a systems administrator for it became a running joke really i'd started a new job and it's like hey we've we've been trying to we've been trying to nail down our patch cycle can can you help us with that well funny enough that's what i did in my last job and just over and over i ended up becoming the patch guy so i don't know how many times i've been sitting on on patch night and trying to get updates to run it just won't work and go figure yum clean all it fixes it so it just it became kind of my my tradition to just jump clean all before i do anything with packages yeah good call managing chat here a little bit folks are asking about centos kaladesh what about the episode about session recording using t log and cockpit we talked about that that's on the list right it is indeed on the list yeah okay i'm looking forward to that one because it's it's really cool i've actually started using t-log for some of the some of the screen recordings i'm doing for for content nice so it really comes in handy for a lot of things that is a long eta oh yeah that's and up oh that's weird you got kids at home and not at the moment at the moment okay most of them are in school one one should be sleeping so right that's okay five minutes all right 1.5 meg and it's well that's why 25 okay yeah the heck like i said the downside to doing a young clean all what is your well nevermind i'm not going to ask that either so if any of you work for google fiber if you could up my my pipe for the next hour that'd be great oh that's google fiber yeah so i'm i'm thinking that maybe on centos's side that's i can always reboot does that actually help it's like when you push the elevator elevator button over and over and over again it shows up the car comes there faster so in my mind it makes things go faster you're not one of those people that flashes your light at a red light at night aren't you i've actually not uh not heard that one of course it comes from i was i was bragging about the fact that we'd we'd overcome some of our previous issues and we're going to have a smooth demo today because that's that's what happens when uh when you angered the demo gods yeah you might want to kill this because it's not getting any faster [Music] try again i don't know that's weird yeah for a second that bar loaded all the way i was like no you're you're kidding right right lovely that's fun what is your hypocrites are connected to like this is just switch this is uh my very nice workstation running a virtual machine right here locally and i've i'm the only one in this house my my workstation and my server are connected to uh connected via cable everyone else connects via wi-fi that is a good point i did have to split up my wi-fi and wired networks a couple months ago because y'all on your wi-fi's right yeah like and this is a two gig connection here ladies and gentlemen this is this is embarrassing worst case i can restore my backup qca 2 file and you did this before uh-huh well interesting even even speed test says i'm getting 84 meg down 94 up let's go faster yeah i wouldn't uh couldn't imagine 15 kilobytes a second this is this is wonderful yeah this is truly odd to be honest with you okay that ain't gonna fly folks let's just fragrance okay so and i've i've got a new goal for the quarter chris just just now i just wrote it oh yeah to have a live stream that actually goes smoothly oh okay cool um around your fifth or sixth episode just to let you know hopefully that lines up with your quarter let's see if a reboot fixed anything probably not yep wow awesome okay so um when all else fails just blow it up and try again so while i'm doing this i don't know if y'all noticed but uh we had a gentleman by the name of jarrett who was an intern on our team over the summer created uh some new uh some new images for the show as well as um created a new bumper so uh we're we're flying high now with uh yeah you've got your rel presents bumper and you've got your own scene and obs now it's like a full ground program i i feel uh i feel special i do i feel a lot of love copy that qca 2 file okay this time we will run the risk of not doing a uh okay power this guy back up and reshare that okay i literally ran through this uh through this very exercise not two hours ago and had no such issue right well just to remind folks uh dropping a link in chat for you you can get your own copies of rel for free fully subscribed up to 16 i think is the number uh with a free developer account from red hat so go to that link register you'll have an account on or and you can then download your free copies of rel for development use don't go to prod with them though you'll be violating the license that's all i ask you're not connected to the internet on this one oh no wait it's saying that's problem with this is fail to download metadata repo for real eight rpms cannot download that's weird problem with well let's see [Music] that would mean the keys i'm bad somehow i don't think that's the case just try it again sorry for the dog folks mine got kicked out uh just a few minutes before we went live [Music] red hat release double check my spelling here security wow interesting this is awesome this is great the funny thing is do what dash k just ignore the cert thing well no i guess you can't with the young command you have to do like a dash dash ignore ssl or something like that and that's just dangerous so right let's see um willing to bet i made a typo somewhere and i just didn't see it funny thing is we're having trouble with something as simple as a repository instead of right the actual conversion process yeah needless to say the conversion process actually runs very smooth we hope wow i wonder do we dare do it yeah for crying out loud well this is fun so you're having internet connectivity issues you know what's funny is um you know we had some bad storms roll through here last night uh we were thinking you know and preparing for the worst as usual and like we had like the lights dim and then you know the power went out for like a few seconds then it came back on the internet went out for like a total of three minutes no big deal so we were like okay we got off unscathed and turns out everything else around us got like hammered and like max's school was on generator power this morning first thing and just all kind of like you know every stop light between here and there was you know flashing yellow and red it was just like wow okay everything but this one neighborhood even like the back half of our neighborhood doesn't have power it's like wow that's mmm that's one little part of the neighborhood okay all right well whatever i did on those trouble tickets they fixed it good um so yeah i actually have a status page for my house because comcast was so bad at one point i had to prove to them fix something it's not between the house and the curb i promise you right you know well let's see i could always you could find the file and then move it around locally but you're still relying upon your internet connection hey sweetheart are you streaming anything i like how you have to ask hey are you doing anything to take the entire internet right there's apparently one ipad in use in this house and i can't imagine that would produce the results we're seeing here uh let's see just for grins i'll share what i'm working with here yeah like [Music] see okay so i've got ssh key set up i don't have t-mics on that box i don't have speed test on there either wow what kind of a lousy systems administrator have i become i have no idea oh cheers make me a sandwich no pseudo make me a sandwich it seems pretty fast to me [Music] okay okay so so what we're going to do is we're going to blame zoom for that okay is that what we're gonna do uh well i mean uh you know 24 meg down versus 640 make down for my server that's just one switchboard away literally okay well that'll do it okay so let me think here never thought a 1080p connection would bring fiber to its knees on just one box it's because it's technology chris of course technology of course but here's the thing i just did a speed test and got my max pipe i'm on the same zoom okay so quickly behind the scenes here i want to switch to my other cockpits and this is why i don't do things on my local workstation that's why i do everything in the server lab there's i should learn from my own lessons here yeah if i were doing this she wouldn't be on my local machine and we were talking pre-show i had a tab running like 200 i mean come on uh let's see i think it's under images it is indeed awesome okay cool you with me out there maybe eric's internet went down oh this is just loads of fun yeah what just happened uh zoom crashed oh so we're just we're just having all kinds of fun well you know what you should do just for like just disconnect from zoom install what you need to install and then reconnect because apparently that is the problem well we're we're actually going to do like uh like i suggested in the first place and i'm gonna just do this from my server hey why not so this is this is cockpit here and so we're going to do a sense 8 so i keep the naming oranges and then center l8 you put six megs of ram on its rail box gonna be his problems isn't system administration fun it is that there's that's that's why i don't do it anymore it's too much fun so much fun all right that is odd though i will say like fairy up okay i'm clean all you know you want to do that i do hey now here's the real test is it really zoom yep nope oh wait okay okay no that's just about the wrong image yeah this uh got the right image but i didn't reset my lab environment here so so i'm going to instead of switching back to my terminal here i'm going to remove that file i'm going to pseudo remove that file once you get all the environmental issues figured out it's pretty easy promise right promise trust us yeah we're experts supposedly i'm just gonna say we we're the professionals here right from the government we're here to help [Laughter] okay so all right restoring my backup i at least did that much yeah okay so you know your backups are good first thing if i type in my username correctly then then we're good so what what should we be seeing right now because we're seeing cockpit yeah um i just restored the backup i guess i kind of let you see see what's going on here but i'm trying to spare everyone from any further confusion mostly myself i'll shut up now i don't know where he's oh did i do that backwards [Music] i thought you said your backups were good they are if you put them in the right directory images okay yeah it's my workstation because that's uh going just fine okay so i want to stop my share and see if that helps my my speed any all right so if this doesn't work what are we sacrificing um let's see any anyone have any uh any animals they don't want yeah i think the uh that's something yeah there you go that helps a little bit i want to kill my video too i'm still here though but i'm just watching my my backup copy from my workstation is it backing up or restoring faster um yeah the uh the eta just dropped by about 50 so we're about a quarter of the way there that's really weird i'm starting to wonder if it may be the cable i have going between my desk and the switch in the basements oh that is fun to troubleshoot you need a couple thousand dollars for test gear for that or just re-terminate it yeah that's probably the first guess although courtney that is a good question yeah yeah it may be time for for a fluid change yeah gotta get that router juice going right of course i think courtney just decided to join us to troll me i mean you know the fact that zoom can take down your home internet connection [Music] and supposedly i'm the one with bad internet on the channel i'm just gonna throw that out there uh is it is it my desktop i think my desktop even has a 2.5 gigabit uh nick in it wow but if you don't have a 2.5 gear but switch fabric throughout your house yeah it's switches only one gig for now but i've got my eyes set on a 10 gig switch for the basement this is ridiculous i do this i do this for a living and i have not had this problem well this is this is why we say you know one of our tips you know pre-show before we go live i typically tell people three things one of them is you know failure is great we all just see failure because failure teaches people how to troubleshoot just didn't realize it was gonna be this kind of troubleshooting uh two weeks in a row or two yeah episodes in a row but like you know like teaching people troubleshooting is hard like you have to actually break something usually to teach people how to troubleshoot something so yeah this this is like on par on brand i guess just not quite how we expect it yeah i mean maybe we re-brand rel presents to be a live uh live uh coding activity instead of uh well we have two seconds left okay you can do it i believe in you okay all right it might be it might be misguided faith but i believe normally i would argue but uh yeah your faith may actually be misplaced today oh goodness um okay so the backup is there now okay yeah all right i'll be back on video here in a second i've no i believe time to beat my head against the uh the desk a few times which i think helps okay just as long as you don't give yourself a concussion you can hit your head as much as you want all right let's try this again um let's look at cockpit here okay all right hey it did stuff okay that's sent to us we're making progress we're getting uh i i are smart i know what i'm doing i are smart i think i can i think i can i thought i could i thought i could all right so this is the backup from my workstation that i tested this out on so let's pretend this was 34 minutes ago folks right yeah i apologize folks this is fine this is ridiculous hey same problem no yes yes oh good lord wow how could it be a problem with my image oh geez now what did you launch the wrong i was in the wrong cockpit [Music] okay that one goes away yeah okay cool okay centos linux eight okay all right so you work at redhead right um i did until this live stream [Music] i believe i don't know just just do a young update and see what happens oh hey that's okay really quick all right let's let's tempt fate now 13 makes a second all right we are in business 36 minutes into this we are in business here don't use local machine yeah note to self don't use local machine okay grab my notes and we'll be because i don't remember what that uh that url was okay there it is all right okay well i know you need to install convert torel that i know yes so once once again if you if you're following along at home and haven't although give me a second here because i can't read my my notes with way and all this planned out you hate networking [Laughter] okay never mind i'll say that don't jinx it chris no i'm trying not to everybody needs to start believing right now this doesn't work i'm blaming courtney fair enough uh court game will have to come on the stream next and explain themselves sad thing is when you're connected into the terminal like that copy paste doesn't always work i thought oh that's no big deal i'll just let's just share the terminal it won't be a problem because i only need to type both these commands in once right right yeah six tries later mm-hmm [Music] [Music] path or access rights so which is success rates though do do just a straight up curl no out on the cdn on that little you know your repo that you're trying to actually hit yeah does that like actually work okay okay yeah that should alright okay and then you have this file let's make sure that that's not broken i probably broke it with all these attempts name converter that looks good to me tpg file wait check that you have that sslc a cert file because that is looking at localhost i don't know if you would have that okay so we don't even have that directory but that's a problem i haven't needed that before comment that out i bet it works let's see [Music] don't try that at home folks not typically suggested nope i was wrong okay hmm [Laughter] can you curl the repo nd file because that would be a red flag interesting okay it's a self-signed cert that's weird okay um crazy crazy idea just struck me here um go to a mirror what um actually better give me a second give me a second [Music] okay at this point i'm just going to cheat oh i should have thought of this sooner but coming soon to a red hat youtube channel near you is a uh series uh that we're calling rel tech tips um so it'll kind of coincide with this show um there are red is rocking a bad sir oh lovely um so coming soon to a red hat youtube channel near you is rel tech tips and it's going to be short five to ten minute videos uh that hosted by yours truly that walks you through how to do a particular operation whether that's a convert to rel or an in-place upgrade or we've got some changes to image builder that are coming out here soon and those i'm going to have very well edited videos coming out walking you through very specific operations so what you're seeing now is vlc pulling up the screen capture from that uh tech tip video i should have thought of this sooner uh this one i can guarantee will work because and in the end yeah yeah exactly um actually much quicker so um so i've carried out the etsy release file i've curled the gpg key and then as we hit play on this video i do have a trick up my sleeve apparently uh we pull down the uh we purl we curl down the convert to rail repo file we install convert to rel and the dependencies and look how fast that worked um so i'm going to pause it right here so we can talk about the the command itself um as soon as the little thing goes away um come on vlc khaled is asking how to convert from ubuntu to rel um so currently uh currently ubuntu suse and uh and some others aren't supported because they are just too far different right this only works on oracle enterprise and centos at at the present um because they're they're both rel clones they're both uh very rare rel like um so there's a lots of uh there's a lot of similarities between the two um let me see if i can back up here and grab the top of that command before it just blows away you are correct palette convert to rail does not support deviant-based districts just because there's so much difference between them including the package manager which is kind of important oh there it went so at the very very bottom of the screen i apologize for the size but uh um we run the convert to rel command you can do this with an access key or with the username and password so i put in my red hat access id and then i added the argument for dash dash auto attach which will pull down a valid subscription and the appropriate repositories so i don't have to run that as a separate command later it asks you to read the eula which i'm sure we all do and then it starts to go through and backs up all of our repository files for centos it uh archives the sent to us um it's actually going faster than i can talk that's impressive um it's uh a few seconds ago it's uh backed up all of the the gpg keys for our centos repositories and uh and so now what it's doing is it's going through and it's replacing some uh some python libraries what converter rel does uh from a high level sorry i'll get back on my and get back into uh into my my talk here now that we've subverted all of the issues we've seen today uh what convert to rel does is it takes all the centos built packages and replaces them with rel specific packages so if if you have a kernel package or a python library that was built by centos it pulls that that package out and replaces it with something that was built and signed that's the key built and signed by red hat so when you download the gpg key um that's that's what that gpg check is during a yum install this is verifying that the signature on the package and the signature on the key match so that you know where it came from nowadays one of the biggest security concerns we see in the industry is this whole um insecure supply chain so whether it's and it's usually not the application itself it's usually some upstream library that someone just did a git clone on and started building off of that had been either either a lot of times you'll see something that's spelled very closely to the official library so if you mistype it you get the the compromise package as opposed to the official package or someone has actually compromised the the official repository for one of those upstream libraries so you that's that is one of the biggest reasons why you'd want to do a convert to rel is so that you get that support if something goes wrong red hat is there to make sure that things are things are fixed you've got red hat security team that's constantly running scans checking packages verifying key integrities so you just so having red hats manage your operating system versus say centos just ensures that extra layer of protection so that's what it's doing here is it's installing the subscription manager package and some of the python libraries we'll go ahead and hit play checking the chat um so here towards the bottom it already auto populated my my username and so i typed in my password um all without touching the keyboard i'm you're so fancy you've gone from can't function at all to now like somewhere early yeah exactly [Laughter] um so now it's so now it is going out to um out to the red hat's uh subscription service and registering my my system which is sent to rel8 uh very uh very creative uh name here i know yes um it's enabling the repositories that we need so that's the rel eight base os and rel8 app stream repositories um see it just it verified all of the available repositories so if we if we were doing if if this system required say the uh bluster uh for instance repository it would make sure that we've got that repository available although it's not enabled now so it's not going to be enabled after the fact so there's several checks within the convert to rail process that it asks hey are you sure this is what we're doing you know you can you can still you can still walk away so right now it's just told us that it's backed up several of the repo files and now it's getting ready to replace the repos uh package and the centos linux release package which are kind of the the core components that kind of give an operating system its personality whether that's oracle centos or rel for instance so we'll go ahead and say yes to that and then the convert to rail process goes in and grabs the the core kernel packages any of the any modules that we have and it says hey i'm getting ready to replace these things are starting to get kind of real here uh because i love the error message says uh you know there's basically there's no turning back unless you reboot and restore from a snapshot yeah so so here convert to rel successfully imported its gpg keys unlike whatever was going on with my uh with my demonstration um it's installing the red hat kernel and so of course kernel 4.18 4-18 took a few seconds now it's replacing the centos signed kernel kernel package core package tools modules uh yeah with rel uh let's see what else is going on here just gonna touch glib c at some point and then uh glib c is in the next batch yeah before it does that it's actually uh actually just created a bootloader entry for on our grub screen nice this all makes sense so far kernel modules it it has to do this in layers if if you were to go through and replace all of the packages at once they would break yeah something would be the equivalent of crossing the streams and you know yes very good points things like that state puff marshmallow man would come out new york city we don't want that that's still one of the funniest lines [Laughter] what did you think of what did you do ray [Laughter] only had one thought so now now it's going through and uh and it's replacing a lot of this a lot of the core libraries uh saw open ssh go by um some some of the core utils ssd um then there's the red hat uh release package and see what else what other goodies were in there yeah there's there's your glib c just got installed and so here's one of those points where we can kind of fast forward because there's 766 steps and through through the magic of of uh video having already done this i'm going to go ahead and skip through yeah this part takes a bit well you know it's just reinstalling 700 packages yeah no no no big deal um so while that's well that's kind of picked up a little bit um it's in the cleanup phase now um so one of the questions that i get asked and you can't really tell today because of you know issues this process usually and this this was a smaller vm uh than what i was going to use today so it's it's got a few less cores a little bit less rams than than a kind of your standard server would have uh the question i commonly get asked is how long does this process take and it actually depends on what it's right it depends on so much clearly it depends on your connection to the internet or your use of zoom yeah or or using zoom on the same system which um but under like this this particular uh demonstration took about uh the video itself is about eight minutes long so right around eight minutes to do a conversion this is a very vanilla system a very small system right um so that that time is going to fluctuate based on how many resources you have available right um how many packages you have installed how many packages you have installed so this this doesn't have anything not even like a web browser so it's a very very small from a package perspective but on average we've seen about 10 to 15 minutes and what's great is if you're a satellite customer or if you're heavily using ansible you can actually especially satellite has either has now or will with 6.10 have a one-click support for doing convert to rel so if if you have a bunch of centos systems say you want to convert your your dev environment over and see how that process goes you can do a couple of tests manually like this and then after that you can select groups of packages or groups of servers to to do this and it's as you can see after basically after the initial command it was all hands off up until this point where it says hey it was con it was successful it's gone through and replaced all of our packages uh there's there's a uh there's an archive of of all these logs under var log convert to rel now to actually use our new system we need to do a reboot so if we go ahead and play the video we by now the server should be back up and we can reconnect type in our handy dandy password and then get ready for the the fanfare and the tadas because we are now officially running red hat enterprise linux 8.4 which means that our system is fully supported we we get all of the all the support uh all the signed packages all all of the benefit of having a full-blown rel system um you can pick up the call for help when you can't connect to the repo yeah although i don't know that uh red hat can help you if zoom is isn't cooperating yeah i still don't get that i still really don't get that at all i don't know why that happened very weird but uh but yeah i mean it's it's despite all my issues it's actually a very easy process it's very straightforward uh there's a lot of posts out on that talk about common issues that folks have seen and have answered so we we may even in the in the description of this video put put a timestamp for when things actually started working so if you come back to this video but uh i mean we could do it again sometime you know yeah well we'll probably revisit this i i know coming up soon there's there's some uh not not so much changes but new features coming to convert to rail so maybe once uh once 8.5 goes live we could revisit this and maybe in a maybe not a full hour but uh and at least kind of or just uh check out the tech tip video when it comes out hey that works too it's about seven and a half minutes long and and uh if you can't tell i talk fast so we can you can uh you can fast forward through that fairly quickly and see this process from start to finish and you'll have already seen the footage a lot of it anyway all right so now that that's done any questions anybody [Laughter] why it took so long we don't really know or understand yeah i'm going to try replacing that cable first which means i mean the floor through my garage into the basement it'll be fun but y'all are worth it so well you're worth it because not just us this is having the problem here you're the problem uh that's weird though man like that's i've been on meetings all day and i know right shared my screen others have shared their screen you would think you would have noticed something by now but i wonder if like it's like a crosstalk problem maybe or just like interference from like a power cable maybe i don't know that's weird it's very odd yeah all right like that's that's an unusual thing it i just i blame live live demos i mean that's yeah i mean that's got to be the thing right like i forgot to do the sacrifices this morning to the demo right here we are sadly when uh when i was uh in sales for gitlab i thought i was set it was one of my first demos live to a customer right out of right out of uh right out of onboarding and boot camp and all that kind of stuff i was i was ready to go i had uh i had my my my demo in my home lab and if that one didn't work i had and i actually had uh i'd pre-run a pipeline so i was like here this is how you make this change and if something should go wrong with with the uh with the pipeline i've got i had a second one you know kind of like kind of like a cooking show yeah second cake in the oven kind of thing yeah makes sense and so i i had three layers of redundancy which my operations rather than out there can say that you know three three's good four is better but three is good yeah i thought i was set get into we we go through the sales part of the conversation the guy hands it off to me he's a new account essay he's he's going to be on your on your account moving forward and he just kind of wants to talk you through what you know this new pipeline feature whatever it was yeah and uh started my demo off and pipeline wouldn't wouldn't kick off it wouldn't start a new process like okay but it's okay because i prepared for this went to the other project couldn't couldn't kick off the couldn't kick off the pipeline could figure it out like okay so you've seen the process up to the point of of kicking off the pipeline now i can go to to my to my other other backup right where i've already run this process and i as as much as i'm sitting here in front of you right now virtually get labs uh uh gitlab cdn went down so was unavailable ten minutes yeah that's like i swear to your thing of course yep nice well folks um this has been another wonderful episode of red hat enterprise linux presents uh i'm chris short you can find eric on twitter and tweeted him not me um send all your hate mail to scott mcbryan there you go that's his fault um so yeah thank you all for tuning in really appreciate you sticking with us through this um in two weeks yeah no live demo just live conversation just kind of bring your bring your bring your questions yes definitely hoping to do some live q a absolutely so awesome all right folks stay safe out there we will see you all in two weeks on thursday remember on thursday two weeks on thursday you
Channel: OpenShift
Views: 219
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Id: Git-6uAz1t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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