Recovery Rope vs Strap - Matt's Off Road Recovery and MadMatt's experiences

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four-wheel drive recovery is done differently across the world now I've been watching Matt from window tying do recoveries with recovery ropes for quite a well a good year or so and it's always intrigued me because I've never used one I've always tended to use a snatch strap like we do in Australia so this video is all about recovery ropes versus snatch straps but I really want to delve into Matt's wealth of knowledge about recovery ropes here at Matt Matt for Drive I'm all about educating and building the four-wheel drive community so we can wheel well I'd love it if you'd hit that subscribe button and hit the bell so you can get those notifications as well so mad as I just said then right in Australia snatch wraps week on grab the snatchy yeah and it's pretty much the go-to recovery piece of equipment unfortunately I disagree with that as a principal because they are inherently dangerous just do two often times people not using them correctly but I've been watching your channels and you know I will have a link down below in the description to Matt's channel and you should get over there and subscribe you've been using I think your versions the the yankem rope this is the fact of 55 they're comparable yeah recovery rope oh I really want to understand how you use them why you use them and that sort of stuff so can you just talk to me initially a little bit about like a recovery right well I I was introduced to recovery ropes the kinetic energy that's what they were they were introduced to me as a kinetic energy rope but cacey Lofthouse he has his own YouTube channel too will link that down below as well but so I I didn't even know the snatch straps existed so this this is my first recovery rope that I that I used okay there was a learning curve with him I did actually break two of these early on so what just because I weren't strong enough well they note because they had been subject to abuse that should have taken him out of service okay so one of the most common ways that these get damaged I for in my line of work is somebody running over them while you're pulling them and that stops the wheel on top of the rope and skids them right across the ground so that would be like you're doing a recovery the guy gets out of the bogging situation stays on the power drives over the top of the road yeah right and if it happens on on sand your you'll probably be okay but if it happens on gravel or pavement the rope done in a second or less yeah second yeah right and those ropes should be taken out and not like I said there was a learning curve there was no manual there's not a lot of information on how to use these on the internet especially 10 10 15 years ago you everybody was just trying to figure these out and that's where I was so yeah see because in Australia a snatch strap to be sold in Australia has to meet a a bunch of requirements we actually got legislation around the design of them and the use of them but you don't have that here in the US um probably not as stringent okay they do have to have a rating they do have to go through certain amount of testing yeah but I think it's I think the testings more along the lines of so they can put the right information on the tag to protect the manufacturer like if you go outside of these parameters yeah I guess that's one of the challenges is when we're doing any sort of kinetic energy recovery whether it be a snatch strap or a recovery rope you don't know how much energy you're putting in there it's a solid guess it's guesswork yeah I mean the in Australia its back up about two two meters so I said about bit over six foot and then take off now if you've got a v8 powered vehicle you can get a fair rate of knots you know about an amount of time in your videos this seems to be your go to recovery to us it is and I think I'm in a kind of unique situation here with all the different kinds of off-road vehicles and where people are driving them and all the rental cars that end up stuck I could have ten or fifteen different vehicles for each specific situation that would be better except for you can't afford to do that you can't have that many vehicles that are specialized yeah they're sitting all the time so I've found that the kinetic energy rope is just my go to my 30-footer with the in combination with the Jeep Cherokee it's it covers 90 to 95 percent of the jobs really good yeah five percent I struggle with but it's not worth making a change okay for that you know make a five percent better and ruin the 95 I didn't say this earlier but what Matt does in his business is he's here in Utah in a place called hurricane he runs a towing business he's got tow trucks and flattop or tilt trays as we call them I think you call them something different' Hollow Recreation Area which we're in at the moment you can come out here and go wheeling to your heart's content and so every so often he gets calls to come out and do recoveries here and that's what his YouTube channel is really well it's not only saying hollow is it you get all over the county and we actually cross county lines we yeah we're always set up we're always ready to go so we've got a little bit of a reputation that if you call us we'll get out there quick we'll get you taken care of without damaging your vehicle and do it in a timely affordable manner we've got a really good reputation for that and yes what we've been doing the rope that I use has a 30 percent stretch factor so it's nominally 30 feet long so what is that 9 stretch at 40 feet yeah roughly 40 feet just not 9 foot something yeah and and that would be under its maximum load this one's rated at 28,000 pounds some give or take yeah so that's it's twenty eight thousand three hundred pounds so that's a pretty robust rope this one there see this one's getting ready to be taken out right there okay yep it's nothing that's road rash right there yep this ropes got probably a hundred pulls on it yeah and it's about written about ready to be retired so I'm noticing here that's like a reduction in the outer sheath so would that be possibly failing on the inside there I've noticed that when they're new they're not super consistent this is the new one yeah there's no fat in there oh it just okay obviously this one this one doesn't have any pulls on it let's see work but we're thin there and then it's okay it's just the way that the sheath is sitting okay yeah so what is I say we were just touching then on on condemning a rope yeah that some people might be concerned about that where there's nothing wrong with this rope the top is ready to work for yet a long time well this is this is literally like factor 55 gave this to me and said try it out Matt and see what you think now yesterday I did put this over some rocks I pulled this over some rocks because Casey in his little Suzuki got himself into a bit of a moment will I know I can't I met him he's a good guy so that's that's a brain you wrote that one there and I'm looking through when I look at a kinetic energy rope I'm looking at through my own lens which is it's my business to recover so my ropes are used in the commercial fashion and I can't have them failing well if that filed you could damage your clients vehicle yeah yep it's possible these these recoil there's gonna be a lot of energy stored in them and they break I have broke a couple of these like I said at the beginning with due to me not taking them out of service early enough yeah and luckily both those times no damage occurred at all but you don't you don't want a break no you don't wanna break one of these in the recovery I think that that's something that a lot of people aren't aware with especially with the snatch strap this one doesn't have it been in Australia the snatch strap which is an IRB that I have it's got a tag on it and it's got a service life of 10 so it means that you can do 10 hits on that snatch strap before you got to condemn it and what I mean what that that means is that these are a consumable item once they you use them those ten times basically they've become a solid toe strap they don't have that elasticity they stop being a recovery rope that question I have is as these get older do they lose their elasticity I I haven't really noticed it they seemed to be as good at the end of their life as they are at the beginning okay um there I say about that I've went through a lot of these ropes and I've used different brands I've I find them all all comparable right but and that's that rock abrasion you're talking about yep this is why I like this particular brand the yanking rope is because of Ike I had that sheath yep I can slide this anywhere and protect the Rope right and that would therefore have protected my brand-new highly used rope from that that abrasion I was introduced to the kinetic energy rope or the dynamic rope there's there's different words for yeah yeah and and when I started my youtube channel everybody kept saying calling to the snatch strap a snatch strap and I didn't tried to look up what that was and I was actually watching mad matt's channel here he was using an ARB and so I just bought one so that I could test it I haven't had a chance to test it yet well do that totally yeah we might do that shortly here and I'm just curious to see because a lot of the work that I do seems pretty aggressive if and buts it usually comes from people that have only ever used snatch straps if they're familiar with the kinetic energy rope they're like well yeah that's how you use them this is probably a great recovery piece of equipment for like a weekend four-wheeler they are quite a bit more affordable than these for a purchase price yeah yeah yeah in the United States you're looking at about 60 to 65 bucks yeah for this and I will say buy a quality one you can buy some real cheap ones out there yeah they're dangerous yeah and then a rope like this you're looking at like 210 bucks but that's ten recoveries or I call them a hit so you might do 10 hits in a recovery I've seen you do multiple hits in a single yeah I've done 10 hits in one job correct so you could you could do a snatch strap in in in one job whereas this you can you're saying hundreds yeah so that that could potentially represent far better value for money long term although this looks like a lot more gear got to carry in the car it is it's more it's bulky and it's gonna I mean it's gonna take up more space they definitely don't store as nice as these do yeah and I can see that getting full of mud yeah they wash pretty I mean you got to keep them clean they they get dirt in them there's there's dirt in this I haven't noticed that significantly like I've never had a rope fell from the inside out okay and we work in the sand and in the mud I would venture to say these ropes probably live the hardest life of anybody's kinetic energy ropes that I know of which is which is exactly why I wanted to come and talk to you Matt because I you know you're using them all the time in in harsh a virus oh you know it would be interesting well you know this ropes about to be condemned it would be interesting to actually slit that okay with sand and see how much sand in grasses and mud is actually built up in there yeah because in a snatch strap what happens in the weaving when that is used and gets dirty it becomes a friction point so when that stretches out under load if it's full of sand and grit it can actually a braise the fibers and weaken the strap down considerably the snatch strap doesn't stretch as much when it's wet so when these are wet I think that I think the number I'm not gonna say the number off the top of my head I think I'll get it wrong but basically a snatch trap is no any err as effective when it's wet now what about the recovery rope is that does that have no stretch when it's wet once again I haven't really noticed it yeah I do know that these are they're originated in the United Boat the shipping industry yeah so these are these are designed to get wet and be used wet what's actually in the middle of it well like inside there is it number fibers it's more nylon weaving it's different than the outside the outside it's a movable protection but I think the inside is where the actual weave that right it does most of the okay pulling is i'm yeah i mean it's hard to find an expert on these yeah really yeah they're there well your area [Laughter] go I'll get you a little badge and we'll pin that on there I'm an expert you know what an expert I know yeah an ex is a husband and spirts a drip under pressure under pressure yes sir I've been there you know what I reckon we need to do Matt I reckon we've got to fall drives here I reckon unless there's something else you want to talk about I mean we've got snatch straps we got hitch receivers we can talk about all that stuff too but I reckon we need to go out there we'll do the right thing by you and we'll get this one bogged okay and you can recover us and we'll do it with the strap the the yankem rope and then so so I can see what that's like well and then we'll give you a crack on the snatch strap and and I think that'll be a separate video so we'll link that to this the back end of this video but what do you think when like we'll just I don't know what to expect with this I know that ya get recommended these a lot by people that don't know these exist yeah yep well I think I think there's probably actually we probably need to do four recoveries now that I think about this a little more times it do a static that's it no I think we need to do for recoveries and it's it's this okay we need to do two with the recovery ropes one where you're being your passenger being recovered and when where I'm being recovered so because when you're doing the recovery the vehicle that's doing that pull actually senses what's going on far more so right you know I'm saying and then we'll do that with a snatch strap as well and okay and and then we'll just come back to the in the back and we'll just tell you what we both learnt and felt and experienced and think how's that the end I think then we're good all right guys I'm mad Matt stay save on the trial
Channel: MadMatt 4WD
Views: 731,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recovery rope vs strap, off road recovery rope, 4x4 rope comparison with strap, matts off road recovery kinetic rope, recovery rope or strap, recovery ropes and straps, madmatt 4wd, kinetic recovery rope vs strap, matt's off road recovery, off road recovery, offroad recovery, must have off road recovery gear, recovery rope comparison, recovery rope kinetic, recovery strap, kinetic recovery rope, matts off road recovery, snatch strap recovery, 4x4 recovery gear
Id: DEbHplg6baw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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