Recovering an Abandoned Military 6x6 (M62 Wrecker)

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we're going to be going down to the flats there's a yard down there where they hold the hot they got a bunch of construction equipment and stuff like that there's railway tracks to go in the back and there's an m62 military record about 1955. 55. yeah and we're heading over this morning uh he's going to be over this great trout we got to cut tree out of the way and move a bunch of stuff i heard about this truck about 20 years ago from a guy who's an engineer on a train and he was shunting cars back and forth behind and he said he saw this thing in the bush he told me about it the other one okay and then we'll cut this one back there and sure pull that whole log out it makes for good camouflage it does the guy got hit guys over there what army truck yeah the one that's been here for 25 years you want to grab the clippers and we'll knock these out of the way trying to do recovery and stuff and that they had a diesel one it was uh i think it was a 70s see how skilled he is with one of these well he had to he has a minibar [Applause] oh yeah uh get down there we go is i what i know of and what he when he got it is he had bought it from the military it was something that was probably on a base it was their liquidating just clearing stuff off he bought it because he owned a piece of property up in whistler he wanted to build a cabin but it was up kind of a crappy road basically he bought it he serviced it he drove it up to whistler to where the cabin was and he would go up like on weekends and he built himself a nice big cabin up in whistler and then once he was done he brought it down and there it was parked and it sat there for well we're figuring it's really hard to say we're probably 30 years anyway park just sitting there because the truck's only got 600 and 669 miles on it oh no i'm still tempted to see if those batteries have a church you shall start up here right where you're standing about 1400 okay you want to get in steer so [Music] [Music] all right foreign my foot off you hit the trailer yeah it was dragging yeah you ripped the door this boom section here was added on from when the guy was just building his cabin because that's actually a fair you only got a one stage boom on the actual truck so i guess building cat you'll come out so far but i guess buildings have in order to get like the beams or whatever he did for the roof he had to make up this boom section so this isn't part of it okay we'll take it these records came out in 1955. they had records before that they had they had the diamond tee and other ones like that but when they brought these ones out and that they're a little bit more heavy duty and they had like a crane what they call a rotator you ever watch you know highway through hell you know everybody oh we got a rotator well they had rotators on wreckers back in the 50s so you know you ain't that speckled buddy you know just you guys are just a little bit bigger there's lots of old cars and trucks and crap like that out there but i want the military stuff so now you've got to now you got to do the safari you got to hunt for first off you gotta start digging up info find out what logging outfits were up there who was up there what years were they up there all that like when i go out i do usually probably about a month research i talk to old loggers they're the best ones to talk to you you know you give them a little mickey or whiskey and [ __ ] they'll tell you any story you want to hear right even about their mum there was one guy was talking to he said up in port douglas there's an area where you walk along and all of a sudden you'll hear the thump thump and be like what the hell's that you look down he said he looked down and he kicked some gravel aside and he saw yellow i said oh what the hell is that so he started kicking around what they and what it was it was the top of the cab of a d8 cap see what happens is like with a lot of these triple guys they'll buy their machines they've been used used used and abused right and they'll grab machines like out of the 40s to 50s stuff like that they use them and when they break down well it costs more to drag them out than what they're worth so what they do is they dig a hole and they bury them yeah and this is what they call them castaways and stuff like that well those are the ones you want to find a lot of your logging equipment was based on military undercarriages trucks you know like even your bren gun carriers they're supposed to be a couple up in harrison up at the top of the mountains and what they're doing they cut all the back armor off and they use them for hauling shake blocks [Applause] oh yeah for uh oh all right [Applause] oh [Music] um [Music] yep unfortunately i've been in a heavy end of 50 years i'm able to do a leg to the body foreign here we go so so how did you get involved with the whole military vehicle collecting oh it's been kind of just running through the family grandpa was through world war ii and dad he did the reserves and basically it's just kind of been there he's always had a thing for it you buy one then you get what they call the green disease and then you just keep buying more and more military trucks so kept going and then eventually it's probably 14 when i got my first army truck probably 14. yep and is that one of the ones you have now still or is it okay i still have that one and then just kind of started picking up more and more then hopefully it will just keep carrying on as military vehicles get bigger your recovery vehicle has got to be bigger than it you know that's why i like say to recover tank like you know when you watch them on tv or like on youtube and stuff you see they got two bulldozers hooked with a whole bunch of slings you know and then you got snatch blocks all kinds of stuff well this recovery went real nice no catastrophes uh playing with the chainsaw no one lost an arm or leg or anything like that and uh with a little bit of yanking phone with the other truck we got it out it came out without without a little bit of effort not a hell of a lot but it was good and now that we've got it here in the yard first thing to do is going to be pressure wash it clean everything right up then just see exactly what we got underneath then start making a list of the parts that we need for it and that i've got a bunch of it but we'll see what else we need and then it's gonna be a matter of just start working on it start getting it done and get it all fixed up well what i'd like to do is restore this right up everything done and then use it to recover military vehicles you know use it for what it was designed for we can go up in the bush find deuce and a halfs and stuff like that that they used out there and whatnot and do the recovery i mean they're not worth a lot but still it's an adventure it's a challenge it's something to do i wanted to stick with world war ii but up here in this area and then canada you take what you get it cannot be particular you're not you're gonna end up going home with [ __ ] all every time you
Channel: The Backyard Tank Show
Views: 1,301,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Military, Military Truck, Recovery, History, Abandoned
Id: in4ZOLsNSpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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