Receding Waters Reveal Submerged Village | Old Money and Jewelry Found!

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[Music] well hey folks my name is Brad and if you happen to be new to my channel I search the mountains of Vermont with my metal detector looking for old Treasures lost by the Pioneers that settled the state and today I find myself at this Reservoir a reservoir that has had its water substantially drained so much so that all of the old buildings that used to be in this Valley that were flooded in the early 1900s are now exposed as well as any Treasures they may have left behind that I hope to find today now if you happen to be new to my channel I post one of these videos every single Friday so if you like what you see here today consider hitting that subscribe button or just come on back next week I'm going to get that metal detector out see what we can find here [Music] today very very loud 8 five right here sounds like it's right under the surface of the mud it's a fish got a little fishing lure to be expected here funny 84 very shallow just going to kick the dirt here yeah I already moved it we just Spot It yeah looks like a small scent nice it's an Indian so shallow too look how beautiful this side is so the story goes this whole area was Farmland behind me was the farm the home you can imagine the people as they were here they were living their lives they were dropping things accidentally every so often much like this coin but once it was flooded here the Water started eroding the ground top soil is long gone and some of the things we're finding are very very close to the surface and a lot of the things like pottery and glass are on the surface this Indian Heads sent uh you saw me just kick the Dirt away it was very very shallow unfortunately the face side is not very nice looking I think that's an 05 or a 95 1895 1905 uh but this side look at that beautiful and if it is 1905 it wasn't made very long before this whole valley was flooded and these folks had to move such a cool find this is a little area that I have not ever been before the water is far lower than I've ever seen I've never had the opportunity to metal DET tick this area so hopefully there's more where this came from let's find [Music] out so I'm walking along metal detecting kind of the edge of this grally bar and you can see there's pieces of bottle all over the place glass check this out that is a very broken fragment of a clay pipe just the bowl and a little bit of the stem never been very good at finding these spotting them with my eyes but starting to get the hang of it on a few of them now awesome I've got a really really loud 82 right here and I think I see it I'm not sure what what it is you see this right here oh my gosh is [Music] that it is insane on top of the ground man I cannot believe this it was just a few weeks ago I was metal detecting a place exactly like this an Old Farm from 1850 the early 1900s covered up with water and I found a piece of a colonial era shoe Buckle just like this one this piece is called a chape you can imagine a piece of leather a strap would have gone through this on the top of a shoe worn in the 1700s very very early 1800s predating most of the habitation of this place by at least a 100 years it's wild that these things specifically this piece of a shoe Buckle keeps turning up and this one on top of the ground come on how often can you just spot with your eyes something from more than likely the 1700s just laying on top of the ground amazing and I've talked about over and over in my videos how much I love finding shoe buckles and pieces of shoe buckles because of how iconically colonial America they are you can imagine somebody dressed as a stereotypical Pilgrim with buckles on their shoes and hats uh with one of these attached to it incredible I wonder if we could possibly find colonial era coinage the rest of the shoe buckles buttons haven't found any of that yet today but man this has my hopes up so cool well let's see if we can find the rest of it [Music] 84 see yeah it's another Indian Heads scent this doesn't seem to be in as good a shape as the last one unfortunately but beautiful another old coin all right here we have a very loud 88 it almost sounds like it's sheet metal let's find out Oh see it it is sheet metal wow what better evidence of a home than pieces of furniture this one happens to be from a dresser or something that had drawers it's a little bit hard to make out because of how dirty it is at the moment but hopefully you can make out all of these beautiful Swirls and designs in this this would have been mirrored over here on this side and this would have been an es scussion behind a little drawer pole likely on a cabinet or something that had drawers this would have been a little hanging style you can imagine entire dresser or cabinet covered with these they would have been golden brass polished up brass at the time a beautiful piece of Furniture I'm sure and here we have a fragment of it at the beach around all of these Stone ruins from the building that it was once in somewhat of a common find but you know no two are ever alike very very ornate the engraving is beautiful I love finding things like this it's so personal the person that owned it would have been interacting with this perhaps daily so cool all right see if maybe we can find some more of these today oh there's a beer can right there this kind of sounds like more of it 85 right on top it sounds like oh I moved it we have this well that's not a beer can is it incredible it's an old Brass Buckle and I don't believe it to be knee buckle shoe Buckle any of that Colonial type fashion I have to guess this is probably horse tack but that's cool pretty shallow too right next to a beer can awesome well I'm in this area where there's just a ton of broken glass and brick and I got this target 86 and you can see it it's right on top looks like it's a modern nickel [Music] almost oh my goodness is this a 2cent it is a 2cent that's insane right on top all this brick and glass we have I can almost even make out the date 1864 how long has that been sitting there like that I am always blown away when we find very old coins from hundreds of years ago just laying on top of the ground you didn't even need a metal detector to find this one you could have just spotted it walking by and I found a few in the past a couple in the woods probably brought up by Frost Hees a couple in old dirt roads a couple of places like this makes sense the water would have eroded the top soil away exposing all of this stuff and here we have an amazing old 2cent coin a lot of people probably don't even know we had two cent coins but here we can see 1864 this side unfortunately uh was facing up to the elements so we can't see much of it but hopefully you can see the two in the center there two cent coins three cend coins some of my favorites to find because we just don't hear about them we don't think about them they don't exist in our US money anymore so it's always a treat to find one so cool as I'm walking along I am spotting things with my eyes I didn't happen to find this one with my eye I used my metal detector but old fragments of pipe Pottery some really beautiful pieces of pottery glass old bottle fragments what a cool place to just spend the day even if you're not into metal detecting just picking up these little Treasures little glass buttons everything so [Music] cool 79 whoa what do we have here oh nice P Co it looks like 187 okay pcco uh I've actually found these in the past variations of them and based on my previous research I'm fairly confident this was a container company they made crates and barrels containers for things like paint and from that previous research I wasn't able to actually figure out whether this was an employee tag something they would use to essentially clock in if there were Keys attached to this uh but I think the conclusion that I came to was that it is in fact something that was attached to the container itself because I have found probably half a dozen of them now we have to assume the 187 refers to the product itself whatever that may be but as I had mentioned before it may be an employee tag this business I believe it was in New York isn't too far away it's too far away for a daily travel but you know the employee may have lived there for a period of time and then moved here hard to say but it is very very cool pcco and I have found several tags similar to this at a place very similar to this and the comments were just full of people saying that they were cattle tags but I can assure you that that is not what this is uh nor were the previous ones I found something else entirely with a much more interesting history I think sounded and looked just like a big old copper coin when it popped out but maybe next time well I don't know what that is iron candy cane but we have a super loud 89 I mean that sounds like a hub [Music] cap let Buckle not a hubc cap very shallow probably uh horse or oxin Tac to go along with my oh maybe it's reindeer Tac go along with my iron candy cane fck this thing is not far from where I just found that two cent coin saw kind of a weird shape just the top of that up there and I went like this let me know what that [Music] is awesome well we have yet another artifact found just laying on top of the ground what an awesome place this is and it happens to be an old rusty pair of scissors not a treasure but for some reason anytime I find old 100 150 year old scissors I think they're so cool I always bring them home clean them up and put them on display so these would have no doubt been used for repairing clothes making clothes maybe even in the kitchen obviously a very important tool for lots of different things this pair does look like a smaller set I would guess it would it was for cloth you know it's funny I probably wouldn't have dug up that Target it would have been a low iron grunt I would have walked right by it so since it was on top I was able to see it now I'll be able to bring them home and clean them up put them on display so cool 71 [Music] whoa what is [Music] that huh let's go get this cleaned off in the [Music] water huh beautiful now when I first laid my eyes on this thing I thought it was going to be a suspender clip a very very common thing to find a light from this time period but as I looked at it a little bit more and then I finally got it washed off in the water it's very obvious it is not a suspender and there's a little flower up here I can't exactly tell what's going on with the design it looks like maybe it's all floral and there's a hole at the bottom and there's a hole at the top so I'm leaning towards jewelry it is brass but it was very likely goldplated the two holes lead me to believe might be part of a larger necklace might be part of a bracelet maybe a pendant with something hanging down below in any case What a Beautiful Surprise some old Victorian jewelry just hiding below the sand here at this beach I've never really seen anything quite like it let me know your thoughts what do you think this was a part of was it hanging from something something hang down below a bracelet Rosary just a tiny little sheet of brass with a pretty design stamped into it [Music] amazing all right folks well unfortunately it is starting to drizzle and although it is April this drizzle is supposed to turn into over a foot of snow for me in the next 48 hours so I'm going to get home out of the rain get that wood stove lit up and make sure I still have gas in my snow blower we found some awesome stuff today old coins some really kind of surprising artifacts got them all laid out on this Stone let's take a look all right folks well here we have the treasures for the day starting in the back we have a few pieces of iron the scissors we have our mystery candy cane piece of iron we have one harmonica re I believe this is a drawer pull a whole bunch of buckles over here table knife believe this to be a bridal rosette a bunch of lures I actually found a few more also these are the The Big Brass ones our container tag 187 little piece of a pipe stem a beautiful piece of Ironstone China pocket knife an incredible shoe Buckle shape the second one I have found at a drained lake completely out of place from the rest of the stuff but I'm more than happy to find it several buttons an escut in from a piece of furniture our mystery pendant of some kind and the coins I did end up finding four four Indian Head cense and the two cent coin with the date of 1864 all in all a fantastic day old coins Treasures relics what more could you ask for all right folks I hope you enjoyed today's video thanks for watching hopefully I'll see you next week for another adventure somewhere out here in Vermont with hopefully uh no snow [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 102,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure, aquachigger, archeology, arkeolog, dallmyd, discovery, exploration, exploring, found treasure, game, gaming, history, hoover boys, Metal detecting, metal detector, nugget noggin, old coins, outdoor, quarter hoarder, river treasure, terra Germania, treasure, treasure hunt, treasure hunter, valuable, vermont, abandoned, mudlarking, roblox, bedwars
Id: 9ovgTyit6CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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