Recap of Legend of Legaia (RECAPitation)

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released by prokey on in the year 1998 of the playstation legend of legaia would be a unique fighting game fantasy RPG directed by kazuhiro kobayashi and written by heat an Orisha bow the game would blend a unique battle system into a 3d space for characters the game features a boy named Vaughn alongside allies Noah and Galah each having their own strengths and movesets for gameplay battles return based and held in a 3d space where commands are entered into a menu and actions are played out though the game utilizes a unique tactical art system or an entering a combination of high-low left and right strikes can result in more powerful moves called arts if the right sequence of strikes are entered stringing multiple arts together will combo together into more powerful arts as well and each character has their own library specific moves and arts specific enemies can also be defeated and summoned later as a magical attack or support move also there are a few minigames to be found including a mini fighting game monster arena dancing rhythm game and a fishing game a light novel would be written after the game's release chronicling the adventure from Bob's perspective with more character development for Vaughn and an ending from the games multiple endings that will be reflected here the story only gets larger from here so lets cut it down to size with a recapitation as the game begins we learn that the world of legaia is made by a god that decided to put humans in charge but their impulsiveness had almost looked to their ruin multiple times concerned about that and the relative physical weakness of humans compared to beasts God gifted the humans with the seru powerful creatures made to serve them when not worn by a human Sara appears stone statues but once equipped they changed forms and grant thewhere unique abilities like super strength or flight however one day a strange mist suddenly covered the land and the Sara began to rebel against the humans bow Sara's simply animated and killed humans but those that were attached to a human controlled their minds and turned them into monsters with no God around to help them human civilization was on the brink of collapse as survivors who fled the mist created fringe towns of desolate areas clinging onto a frail hope that the mists would clear in the small coastal village of rim Elm 14 year old Vaughn prepares for his coming-of-age ceremony where he aims to become a recognized hunter and adult in the village after praying in front of the soothing Genesis tree he is greeted by his neighbor and loving may and learns that while the mist is not directly dangerous to humans it still carries a threat of the curse era with them and for that reason tall walls have been built around the town that evening the hunters come back for the day and Mays father has brought back dead killed by the Serra when the mist crept back much sooner than expected later that night the entire village of startled awake by the loud beating of something large against their gate and are more surprised by an imposing figure that suddenly appears mocking them for their fear and weakness the man introduces himself as Zeno telling them the time has come for them to embrace the mist as a massive seru blasts through the wall of rimmel and Zito commands Asura to destroy the Genesis tree the seru now began attacking and killing the villagers and vaughn joins the effort and fighting back as best he can while escorting Maeda safety as he approaches the Genesis tree he notices the mist doesn't get close to it as a trait self glows with a serious power he touches the trunk and feels a warmth from it as a voice speaks out to him recognizing him as Vaughn an object now appears before him introducing itself as meta Arras aru that's been waiting inside this tree until the right moment wishing to also read the world attainted Serra meta equips itself Devon but mentions the mist is currently weakening it and it needs the power of human spirit to fully revive the villagers our alarm in the meta looked exactly like a cero but fortunately the elder believes him that Arase was something different gathering a town spoke to the Genesis tree that sound spoke all pray together and the wills together gather more strength of the tree as a result the tree revitalizes and grows stronger than before instantly eradicating the center in the village and neutralizing the mist everywhere around rim Elm meta reveals there are more Genesis trees around the earth waiting to be revived in a similar fashion and urges Vaughn to embark on a mission to awaken them all and defeat the mist before he can answer bond collapses from exhaustion and rest until the next day the village pays their respects to the recently departed and afterwards the elder lifts blond in on a secret that Mays mother Maya used to work at the nearby Biron monastery but they lost contact with her once the mist came ten years ago the elder doesn't know if the monastery even survived so asks want to travel to the monastery and see if mais mother still lives vaughn prepares to head off as May gifts him with his new hunter's clothes wishes him well and asks him to come back safely on the road he hears of Drake castle also taken over by Sarah and again he finds his people already corrupted inside but learns there's a Genesis tree on the nearby mount recur OA as they begin to climb meta points out at senta's another Asura also on this mountain has perspective now changes to Noah a twelve-year-old girl raised in the wild under the Karem of talking wolf named Tara she's a fast and competent fighter in her own right though when her home is also compromised by the Mist Tara geyser to mountry Korea for its Genesis tree along the way Tara shows her the valley where the mist generator is located though it's too thick for them to approach for now after defeating a strong thoughts he reveals to Noah that actually is a serie who attached itself to a wolf and chose to save noah from the mist and raise her more precisely it's a roster ooh and is immune to the maddening effects of the Mist unfortunately the wolf that has attached to has reached its natural lifespan and will die soon and tear along with it fortunately once they make it to the Genesis tree with its power Tara can transferred to her and help her find her real parents they arrive and Tara explains this tree is where it was sleeping until was waking up by the sound of Noah's crying as an abandoned baby suddenly zetas now appears explaining he was the one who originally attacked the camp here and six a strong seru on the duo the Sarah beats down the elderly Tara easily but just in time Vaughn and meta come in and Tara not only recognizes meta but urges Vaughn to help Noah together the two martial artists defeat the toughs aru and afterwards meta and Vaughn herd to revive a Genesis tree they succeed in the flourishing tree heals not only the mountain but the cursed ray Castle and it's possessed inhabitants with renewed strain Tara now binds to Noah enhancing her strength greatly while imparting to her the mission to join Vaughn and revived the Genesis trees around the world returning back to Drake Castle King Drake expresses his gratitude by opening up the route forward to be Romanus Terry it also encourages them to keep up their mission to destroy the mist arriving next at Baron monastery they meet with masters Oh Pooh though retrieves Mays mother for him while she's happy for the reunion it comes with a sad news of her husband's death as they give her some space they speak with the master teacher a 21 year old man who despises Sarah sees no difference with Ross aru though the rival teacher song he covets us strength his oh boo hears of their exploits and lets them know there are actually two Genesis trees near the monastery to which Vaughn and Noah agree to revive them as well zou boo that orders the master teacher to accompany them one tree while sangee offers to go to the other tree and secure for their arrival to the side song he already plots to claim the roster for himself and after leaving the group learns of master teachers real name of gala before heading out themselves unfortunately by the time they arrived they find the poison of the mist has already killed this Genesis tree so there is nothing they can do to revive it still they find a Ross through egg within that can hatch with the power of a healthy Genesis tree but at that moment they hear a loud sound and see a strange light humph the monastery sensing something wrong they hurry back finding someone has broken open the doors to the monastery and allowed mist to fill inside finding many monks dead they also find Maya has been possessed by a cero as well as zopo reveals a song he has betrayed them and brought the mist and Sara here Sanji himself was using a seru of his own to blast down the monastery walls and Galah runs off in a rage thinking their first step needs to be clearing the mist Vaughn and Noah focus on going to the other Genesis tree in order to revive it Gawler returns to ask to fight alongside Vaughn having seen his strength is genuine though makes a personal request a deal with songi personally as they find the genesis tree fortunately still alive song he interrupts them knowing they were coming he admits to destroying the monastery and looks forward to finally defeating his rival gala gah-la duels him alone but is hopelessly overpowered and sung he last--i the difference in their power now leaving the tent other business Lana Noah waste no time in reviving the Genesis tree and between the vitalization of the three trees so far they have revealed the miss generator between them in addition the energy hatches that Ross leg with them which chooses gala as its bearer and throwing away his beer and teachings of forsaking center tools galah accepts the partnership for the sake of defeating the greater threat the Ross through Ozma introduces itself and acknowledges Ghul as reluctance telling him it trusts him and hopes he will learn to trust it in time checking back with the monastery everyone who was possessed has returned to normal and for that Zoku is grateful but unfortunately must banish Galah as a monk for breaking their beer and vow on Sarah kala understands the consequences of his choice but is still committed to ending the mist and Zoop who still thinks of gala and seunggi as sons despite them adopting Sarah now heading to the mist generator they find it to be an unusual factory like castle and within are intercepted by seunggi yet again kala insists on a mano-a-mano duel since the playing field the sarah was leveled again still drunk on his power song he accepts but when beaten back decides to call it a draw and settle things another day he pulls away but not before warning him said I was guarding his castle personally moving ahead Terra claims the miss generator as a product of humans evil desires but Zeno now appears to assist in instead delivers harmony salvation transforming into a larger monster both sides clash but said it was in disbelief at his loss he mentions a prince court before shattering and combined the three Rosser demolished the miss generator they celebrate their victory but Terra reminds them this is not the only miss generator and it was now pursue the people creating them they turned to leave missing behind them as Sarah shattering is scattering away returning to the monastery Zoku mentions there is still mist to the north so is likely a generator there too he is grateful to Galah for his efforts and asks them to save songi now suspecting his Sarah's rooted in another evil Maya then decides to head back to rim Elm on her own and heading out for themselves a group agrees to follow the lead of on while they traveled Noah has dreams in which she hears a voice that claims to be her mother and says she's at the source of the Mist along with her father weather group is forced to rest at an old witch's in they all have a strangely realistic dream together in which a being named hari reaches out to them from a world between a dream world and human world he urges them to go to the ancient city of öktem far away in the Seba kis islands and learn the true meaning of all the strange dreams they've been having for herself Noah's very motivated to see Hardy as they learned that Hari is rumored to be a reincarnation of REM the god of time as they make their way to the Civic asylums they find the town of Jeremy and free its cursed citizens by reviving the Genesis tree in town as the group gets stronger the townsfolk cheer for their new heroes and continue their travels to the hot springs town of vid nough there they meet a priestess who states that Hari foresaw their arrival there and tasked her to deliver a message to them on how to obtain a special key called a star parole making it to öktem next they find it is covered by mist but this time it doesn't seem to be a Genesis tree nearby instead they find a mysterious temple and after solving the riddle within they are surprised to be met by someone else down here the mysterious thief Cara greets them and amid she's there to take whatever valuable she can find as a town's folk all flood the mist here into an underground shelter however there are no valuables here except for the star pearl which she already sold off to the jeweler in cherami she runs off now as gala wonders how she survives in the mist without a Rosser ooh and the group returns to Jeremy since the jeweller owes them for a favour he hands it over and the group now heads to the gate of shadows / Harvey's riddle waiting for them there is a masked warrior boldly introducing himself as key Delilah's who wanted to check out the group that defeated Zeno he challenges Vaughn to a one-on-one duel but a sister Liu and brother che interrupt him to let him know they have work to do elsewhere postponing their match for now that Delilah says leave and the group unlocks the entrance to the underground öktem with a star pearl finding the hidden village and residents they reveal they have been here for the last 10 years ever since the mist appeared the earthquakes here present a different sort of lingering threat they hear that Hardy has recently awoken from a long slumber and joined the rest of the town in his palace of meditation they find there are actually three Harvey's here one a teller of the past one of the present in one of the future the Hari of the past reveals that beyond the human world lies Saru Kai the home of the seru their worlds are linked but separate as an accident allowed the Sarah to enter the human world the hurry of the president reveals the mists henchmen are in the last phase of their plan to destroy the world and in fact some are below öktem at the fire path the Hari the future states that a horrible tragedy will shatter Vaughn's hopes Noah's parents are alive and in conquer him but she won't like what she sees and for Galah inside songi he will see a nightmare of a shadow he also says that from a bigger perspective tragedy and salvation are two sides of the same coin and encourages them to each still hold on to hope as they leave a massive earthquake suddenly swallows Harvey's palace and kills everyone inside though the three spirits of Harvey now rise before the group stating this event was also predetermined and urged them to stay focused on their own mission as they ventured through the fire past they see the main pillar supporting a town is also crumbling but also learned these earthquakes have been targeted and deliberate by the seru destroying the seru trying to topple the town thus arrow uses the last of its power to spitefully turn the underground lava channels into salt ice I'm sure of what long-term impact that will have they return to a grateful öktem where the mayor then asks for an item for vid 'no however when they arrive they are shocked to find the town is now covered in mist they observe the town's windmills are also no longer working to blow back the mist and one of the geothermal energy that froze over from öktem has affected the windmills here they also learned where nearby Genesis Tree is located and had their necks while noticing the hot springs of bid now have also gone cold thanks to the magma underground freezing over heading to the Genesis tree they passed by ritai you another hot springs town affected not only by the magma freeze but also the mist but when they reach the Genesis tree they find a strange barrier erected around it song he now reveals himself as the one he trapped it now challenging them all by himself showing off his new power to form however he bites off more than he can chew as a group defeats him and forces him to lower his force field in retreat for now with the Genesis tree now revived the mr. Ahn retire was cleared but Venus still in peril returning to retaliate AC the town's folk uncursed was still miserable as their Lord sorry you has changed ever since a man named a hottie arrived and he now sacrifices the women of the city to the seru calling them the brides of seru the murderous oppression of sorryyou has them wishing they were dead or cursed rather than alive and there is the rumour he controls juggernaut a massive sim Saru which is an artificially created cero by humans they speak to the next girl to be sacrificed and refusing to allow it no one thinks to disguise herself as the next set of bride in order to get close to sorry you and stop him as Noah's led away she has brought before juggernaut and the mad scientists working to make it grow by feeding it the life force of young women Noah tries to confront sorry you but she's quickly paralyzed by the guards as Tara notifies meta and Ozma the danger Noah is in breaking into the palace and dashing past the helpless victims of sardis cruelty Golic forces back the beast with a mighty strike and together they free Noah sorry he orders their execution as the seru rises from a shadow to envelop him and attack the party defeating him it turns out the one controlling sorry you was a sim cero and regaining his senses he quickly rushes to the control panel for juggernaut and initiates destroying the monster sorry you thinks the group it mentions that a man named Joe Hadi gave him the Simpson rewear which took over is mine from there he made juggernaut and sacrifice so many women to it in an effort to make more juggernauts before the group stopped him he hands them a key that gives them access to the hadees' castle urging him to stop too haughty and juggernaut especially since the hottie is building a Miss generator in the western sea after the surviving Brides have returned to their homes the group marches straight to the hotties castle on the seafront within they find the mist generator covering the islands and a hottie there waiting for them he takes credit for creating juggernaut and having a similar to kill Hari claiming the sim ser who came from prince court pitting his Simpson against the group the roster emerged victorious and while dying to hottie spits back that juggernaut has already been set free and has targeted each of their homes as they destroy the generator itself they note the lingering sera within and as their own raw service speak to it they ask if that was actually a Rosser room as well strangely meta Tara and Ozma each dodged a question about what that was and what was said between them but promise all be made clear at a later time for turning back sorry you mentioned there is a way to conquer by means of a flying train out of öktem straight into cristo kingdom as it so happens cristo kingdom is also a heart of a guy in civilization as is also where new saroo are born within the city of room I return to öktem the villagers are now safe to live above ground again and the gondola there is ready to ferry them across the ocean using the power of a unique surgery they quickly travel to crystal Kingdom before they reach the mist their trainers push for the remainder of the trip crashing into the final Depot they are saved from the wreckage by Cara at this time a floating castle spraying mist down from the sky flies overhead Gallo wanders again how she is able to travel the mist safely and she reveals she has a good luck charm not knowing what she actually has as a roster rag on hand they ask her where she got it from but she decides to exit the scene before answering the question decided to visit soul the former entertainment capital the world they find among the sera filled streets an old warrior named Gaza who was obsessed with killing a Sarah within the city Gaza directs them to other humans on the upper floors of soul above the reach of the mist and checking it out they learned more history about the city years ago the city of Seoul was in the middle of a long war with conch rum and while Sol was winning one day a strange castle appeared out of nowhere miss began to fall from the sky and the war ended once the new threat of Sarah karai now the people of Seoul are trapped in paradise but even that has grown old over the past ten years here in Cara's shouting from a bar they walk in to see her trying to break a man and grants out of his depression as he spends his days drunk and living off the money Cara steals now what tries to straighten him out over a misunderstanding the LAN and gala pull her away before she makes things worse they later hear the unfortunate story of how Gaza used to be a war hero but when the mist came he lost his children and grandchildren of Sarah and now spends his days hatefully killing them they also hear a genesis tree maybe on the roof and learn that car not only steals to support grants but also supports the town's orphanage they check with the local beer and temple who are safeguarding the genesis tree and learned that the old one left behind a seedling that they currently care for however when they leave Gaza is there furious that their intent to use the Genesis tree and end the series that way the defeat the old man without killing him but at this time song he now enters through a portal and curiously snatches away Gaza before exiting quickly again before heading out the group masters the local game arcade comedy club fighting arena and dance club and encounter a hologram message left by the genius dr. Usha where he shares where the genesis seedling can be planted to drive away the mist they find a spot in the depth of soul a war that can plant the seedling songi arrives to intercept them he shows them Gaza who allows a sim Sarah to possess him as a sword master attacks the group with a focused fervor the group overwhelms Gaza and destroys the sim circuit a CH to him but his old body is still dying from the strain of battle they cannot save the swordmaster whose strong spirit still wants to fight the Sarah and Tara suggests using a spirit energy to grow the genesis seedling into a stronger tree Gaza feeling his mission and lifeless failed agrees to this and together the group helps Gaza merge with the Genesis seedling and flourish into a tree powerful enough to rid Seoul of mist as one last gift causes will gives Vaughn his prized and powerful astral sword and soon the group meets with a freed Emperor Sol gives him dr. ish's password to use later they hear of another Genesis tree in boomin nearby and choose the head their next hearing that dr. whose tower isn't too far from there either at the same time the floating castle of love a woman named Dora observes a group success and orders the Delilah siblings to handle something called core as song he looks on as the group arrives in boom when they find the town actually has three genesis trees but like this town are completely frozen over the current power isn't enough to overcome this and as they focus they learn the Ross through eggs within each tree have been taken they wonder if Cara who has an egg knows more but without any leads they had elsewhere locating dr. ish's laboratory they meet with the doctor himself and catch him up on their tale so far he explains to them a once-peaceful seru in a nearby ravine that breathes cold named cauri went mad due to the mist and froze over Booma however kuru has also been storing volatile energy within itself and while destroying it would fix Booma destroying kuru would be like detonating a massive bomb for this dr. Usha developed the time-space bomb which could neatly destroy kuru but it needs a fire droplet to build one to get a fire droplet the group would need to travel to the home of the serum or room I and call upon Teague also called REM also called the god of time and a dream and he will bestow them one arriving at the arumai ruins the group finds it interesting there is neither a Genesis tree nor mist here and venture in as car watches from a distance within the ruins there each put to sleep and made to dream of whatever lies deep in their hearts for gala he dreams of an old memory in beer and temple with his scheming friend soggy and creating happiness for others with his pride for nila she sees her parents were actually King nebula and Queen Minaya of conch rum though soon after the mist hit no was taken to be hidden in a land untouched by mists however the soldier carrying her would collapse trying to deliver her away when she would be discovered by a female wolf and the roster Uttara for von he remembers how his mother died due to complications while giving birth to his younger sister and the remedy was in the very next town but they couldn't go because of the mist bond snuck out to get the remedy and his father went to rescue him from the mist but this cost his father his leg and it was too late for his mother anyway after all of them finished dreaming Teague a half seru half human surrounds them with avatars of himself they learned that Teague separated himself into a human and Sarah hath and likewise the human world is Sarah world for protection ten genesis trees would be in the human world while a mother Genesis tree will be in the Sarah world a small group of Raza rule would be chosen to govern over the other Sarah however one thousand years ago a real grocery plotted against Teague giving Sura to humans and causing chaos with the he was lust for their power Teague learned of this and sealed a rogue rasa ruin the eternal dungeon of rogue originally that mist was produced by the rogue but the mists covering legaia now is actually created by humans to this Teague sealed Rosser inside the genesis trees to help the world should a row grocery or some other evil threaten the world after hearing this tea gifts the group of the fire droplet and energy as ancient as when the world was still formed from chaos their mission accomplished the group turns to leave when suddenly the sim sir who juggernaut comes out to blast apart or room.i before disappearing after this car now comes out bargaining that if the group stays boom on revises Genesis tree that shall give them her Asura Wegg agreeing to the deal they head back to dr. issue now and he wastes no time in fabricating for time-space bombs one for opening the ravine Korra was in and the other three for destroying Koro in a controlled manner after witnessing the power the bombs first hand they split up inside the cave in order to detonate their bombs at the same time as they get in a position the delilah's family interrupts their plan on behalf of Zora and duel each of them one on one bond Noah and gala emerge victorious against their dark counterparts sending them all tumbling over the edge setting the timers on the bombs they have barely enough time to escape the blast zone of the time-space bombs as Kouros buried below however it turns out not only as quarry barely survived but also the Delilah's siblings as the results use the last of their strength and merge of kuru and self-destruct with its remaining thermal energy the group notices this and hurries that if he quarry one more time before it reaches critical mass succeeding and the thermal energy within is instead released to follow freeze in the surrounding area returning to Booma now a proper late town and reviving a three trees at once the surrounding mist is indeed neutralized as car comes out to thank them though refuses to give them her Asura egg despite their deal overhead they see a group of Sauron a tribe of humans with Sarah wings fly overhead have a group thinks that if they also had wings that could get to the flying Castle car returns to them sheet music in hand which he explains was a song grants wrote after hearing her song when they fell in love nila promises to make sure grants is reminded of the song and returning to soul they have granted a song he wrote for car and hearing that as well as the miss being clear from Booma he's reminded of his true love his spirit rekindled he decides to straighten himself out and return to Cara and Booma car accepts and forgives him as the to rediscover their love and share their story with the group before the war grants was a soaring warrior who against Sauron law fell in love with a human of the surface Cara Zora Master the floating castle said she would give Cara seru wings if grants stole boom as Ross threw eggs and he foolishly agreed giving one to Cara and the other two to Zora Zora lied and kept the eggs about giving him the wings and after hearing of the deed the Sauron took grants his wings and banished him to the surface where he sunk it to a 10-year depression but he doesn't care about that anymore and wants to now live on the surface with Cara the group wants his help to meet with the Sauron now and so he hands them a sore and flute explaining that if they play it it calls for help to any nearby Sauron Cara now also hands the group her light roster who egg having no need for it anymore climbing the Sauron sacred mountain they play the flute and Sauron do arrive and at first refused to help us surface dwellers Dola points out they are fighting them as two and need their help to get to the floating castle to destroy the mist generator they're considering it they take them to meet their elder who after hearing the MAL agrees on the joint attack floating above the mist level the group has dropped off safely and rushed inside making their way past the mechanics of a castle they find a throne room with a confrontational Zora within clashing with the overlord of the castle she is defeated and informs and the stolen Ross leg was used a long time ago in order to create the mists generator the group is surprised to hear Ross aru and Ross legs are used to create the mist generators but their own Ross aru confirm it but also say they didn't want there to be a misunderstanding if the roster were creating the mist themselves songi then comes in but not to help sora but instead destroy the mist generator and the castle and group along with it he kills or with a single blast and leaves the party with immune six minutes to escape the plunging castle escaping the debris out into the open a sword whisk away the group just in time and returning back to the Sauron elder he informs them his scouts have learned the location of the final mist generator near conquer him in a place called the absolute fortress as the group prepares to not only find Noah's parents but also the final mist generator they are parachuted into the thick mist over conquer entering the barren city they find it curiously organic as terra explains their entire city including the people are all fused into one giant cemetery entering the palace Noah finds her mother the Queen's still alive though living a tortured existence and she urges them to destroy the last generator and destroy the mist unfortunately the means into the absolute fortress is a nemesis gem that no longer exists but if they were to go back in time where they did they could obtain one to do this she tells nowhere to go visit her father and get the seru flame from him which has the energy to travel back to the past doing so they find the king in a similarly tortured state and he tells her to use it in the room of mirrors to travel back in time for as it turns out the sim Sura Ronkonkoma has actually caused a warping space-time allowing this lighting the proper fires has stepped into the mystical mirror and while they travel they are advised not to compromise their identities in the past and cause undue chaos they find themselves twelve years in the past one day before a new weapon will be unveiled to change the war they encounter young Seto into hottie when they were part of the Royal Court the Delilah's siblings when they were part of the Royal Guard and Zara when she was the world priestess the next day the king and queen son Prince Court is demonstrating his new weapon for the war as they demonstrate a young Seto explains the mists will make their own sera many times more powerful thanks to an elixir from the homeworld of the cereal however when too much mist is being produced court and jet struggled to shut it off causing the machine to explode and the volunteer to be overdosed on mist turning him into a powerful berserk monster it breaks out and with the mist free other citizens are becoming infected too and despite being in the past the group opts to try and help shut down the mist here they discover a hole in the lab where Ross threw eggs are coming out and terror explains the whole lease of the sealed rogues Tower and the eggs of the alter egos of rogue while they are rebel Rosser ooh they have the same properties as Ross aru while they can destroy this early mist generator easily it's more important to cut the source of the mist off of a source and that means destroying rogue diving towards rogues tower they observe a piece of rope break off and fly past them and learn that while rogue Tower is part of Sarah Kai that's Howard self is the body of a rogue traversing a maze-like Tower they find and crush the crystalline rogue and return route or use back to conquer they inform the king of their victory leaving a bitter Prince Court to reflect on his failure the king is surprised they ask for something as common as an emesis gem and the court strongly opposes giving them one the group of teams it anyway as Court leaves angrily the group now prepares to return to their own time when knoweth pauses to realize Court is actually her older brother while at the same time Jett Zora and court examined the piece of rogue that fell back earlier he eclairs his intent to continue as missed experiments only this time he'll manufacture his own mist and begins constructing a generator in the absolute fortress wondering how to combine this and retires giants aru back in the present they return to the Queen who confirms court is her brother and reveals to them to Sara remaining conqueror one was transformed into the sim Sara fed on the minister grew to engulf the entire city and the other is likely a fragment from the evil rogue it imparted incredible knowledge to fuel courts dark ambitions allowing him to build a mist generator with Rosser ooh and Ross legs and designed the sim Sara no more promises again to destroy the final mist generator he using the nemesis gem to destroy the gates to the absolute fortress deep underground they find a lake full of concentrated mist from the fortress above and a sleeping juggernaut within it but choose to bypass them for now they discover the lab of Jett who displays he has the ability to read minds and nose they visited the past and met there he reveals that mist is the key to human evolution as they have made stronger mists and even SIM cereal he shows off a sim sir if he made even more powerful than rogue with that both forces clash the group defeats the vile scientist but not before he claims seeing a future of despair for each of them they reach the massive mist generator soon after but when they prepare to destroy it and it was suddenly reals over in pain and tries to force out the voice of her brother Court out of her head Court now approaches all of them saying he intentionally is intended to lure them out to obtain the Rosser ooh but now he's more focused on simply killing them all he approaches them confidently with the teamwork and bonds of the trio surprise him overwhelmed the mastermind of the mist as he falls he tells him a mist generator is linked to his life force so when he dies so too does a generator he tumbles over the edge plunging into the depths and sinking into the mist lake alongside jug at the same time and generator indeed crumbles on its own as the rest of the Ford is likewise self-destructing with only 15 seconds left on the clock car opens away through the pipeline to lead them out where grants is there to help them as well has father loaned him wings for now when he intends to return them and live out the rest of his days on the surface with Cara they split off after the rescue as the group her choices that the mist is finally gone eagerly returned to conquer to see her parents saved Noah's shocked to find all-conquering has suddenly vanished Ozma believes at the sim Surrey that engulf the city was too large and unstable could not live without the mist so when the mist disappeared it quickly died in Concord with it Noah quickly blames Tara for withholding that information even though Galah points out the king and queen likely knew the outcome when they had the party destroyed the mist anyway so Tara isn't at fault rain nail Falls as no one mourns her loss and the group decides to head back to rim Elm together a groups astonishing deeds are celebrated as von as easily recognized as a warrior and hero by the village now everyone in real mountain is inspired to live fuller and work harder now especially May who was overjoyed to see Vaughn again and shows him that she now runs its hay luring business at the same time Noah's still mourning the loss of her family she just met and directing those negative feelings towards terra galas still has unfinished business with songi as well but just then they hear songi is calling for them at the gate he congratulate them on their victory but then sneak attacks them and the villagers declaring they will become food for juggernaut as it turns out when court fell he combined with the sim ser juggernaut saving courts life and also unlocking more power for juggernaut as juggernaut is actually around the corner the three rostering form a shield to protect the party as tendrils come out of juggernaut to turn rim Elm into a seru town just like honk rim everyone is now fused to juggernaut as he strikes back an impatient Noah and protects juggernauts head with his own barrier stating juggernaut will grow and swallow the whole world in time he has no interest in fighting the party over it as he is more interested in how conquering the city next in fact as some key disrupting assayer kind that genesis trees have lost their powers and soon they as roster will die the only way to CEREC is through a room I and so their mission to stop songy is clear arriving at a room I they call out to Teague who hears them and opens a way to the Sarah Kai in the other world they when is the great Genesis tree from which the power Sura kind all Rossler flow they also see a Simpson attached to it and sucking all of its life force out and walk in on sangee actively absorbing all that energy for himself with his rasul rune scim sarah combination he views himself as a god on par with Teague as he ascends into a monstrous form the group defeats the vain monk one last time and as he falls he rises in pain as his Ross through separates from him he cannot exist without a Serra and sarra Chi and explodes cursing everyone and all sorrow unfortunately this does not help the great Genesis tree as it's now too weak to be revived and is still dying doing their best to pray and send their energy to help Harvey makes a surprise appearance revealing that the god of time REM is also known as T and therefore the prophecies of REM are also the words of T they explain that the fate of the great Genesis tree is to die and there is nothing they can do about that what they can do is ease the process and make the energy last long enough for the group to return to their world and defeat juggernaut borrowing new strength from the great Genesis tree they return to mount Rica row in nearby rim Elm and prepare for the true final battle gathering their power together they shadow the shield around juggernaut and figure the best way to defeat the monsters from within and so enter inside through its mouth within they find all the town's folk painfully merged with juggernaut and struggling to hold on and further in inside the literal heart of the Beast they find Court similarly merged court has no intention of going back to being a human nor does he have any sympathies for Humanity viewing himself as the ultimate life-form now as the final forms of the Ross Saru meta Tara and Ozma unleash their might upon court Vaughn the bold hunter from a small village Noah the Forgotten princess of a fallen Kingdom and gala the proud monk with a deep heart succeed in destroying the mad ambitions of a scorned prince trying to play the role of God as court Falls Tara announces the age of Sarah was now also over separating from their partners career Asura used the last of her energy to thank the trio and entrust the future to them as they break apart juggernaut cleanly saving the town and his citizens as the game ends Vaughn has many choices of what to do next with his life but this time he chooses something purely for himself opting to now see a Miss free world in the fruits of his liberation Vaughn sets out to make a long though a sweetheart maid chooses to accompany him for this adventure as well rim Elm learns to rebuild itself as it's also shared the roster who chose to allow court to be reborn as a baby that now Noah takes Scarab as her own family for gala now that he has shed his sorrow he is welcomed back with open arms by masters Oppo in the barren monastery continued his role as master teacher Cara and grants continue to live their life with a renewed love going forward as sorryyou continues to atone for his crimes yet still discovers love for himself and from his people the world of legaia is forced to live on its own strength going forward but humanity has proven that with hope and love life will flourish with their second chance legend of legaia has enjoyed the success of selling over nine hundred and seventy thousand copies worldwide
Channel: Oni Black Mage
Views: 103,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synopsis, story, movie, cutscene, retrospective, review, where is, explanation, boss, what is, what does, theme, explain, summary, battle, gameplay, ending, opening, walkthrough, final boss, soundtrack, full movie, what happens, legend of legaia, legend of legaia 2, playstation, legend of legaia story, plot, lore, recap, oni black mage, recapitation, legend of legaia recap, legend of legaia plot, legend of legaia summary, legend of legaia story explained, legend of legaia complete story
Id: aEAGPbFCqes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 16sec (2176 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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