Rebuilding the Altar of Our Nation - Bobby Conner Friday, March 6, 2020

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we want to welcome everybody here tonight from the original 13 colonies and Nova Scotia yay many of you don't know that Nova Scotia was supposed to be the 14th colony but they went into revival and when they went into revival they said we are not going to fight in a revolutionary war we're gonna fight with Jesus so they became a part of Canada yay Canada but we they're here with us anyway and it was so funny last night one of the prayer leaders from Pennsylvania were with us Joe and we had passed around a blanket that was a map of the 13 colonies we had laid it on the altar and we're praying over and then we passed it around and when Joe hugged the 13 colonies like it he said I feel like there supposed to be more than just 13 and he didn't know about Nova Scotia so god is good but listen we wanted to share with you just real real short why were why we're even doing this meeting we are so grateful for Chuck and Bobby being here with us and we are very grateful for all of you you've run with us for 25 years a lot of you and we are we've run with God let's just say that we've run with God I had heroin we started had hair it got wavy and it waved goodbye yeah and the funny man she was just straight man well anyway back in September the Lord spoke to us to get a place for a meeting in March and we called and we found this place I'm buzzing just keep talking so so we got this place and I had had two dreams in the last year with both Chuck and Bobby in the dream and you don't know this Bobby I don't know if you know it or not Chuck but well anyway so I knew I was my wife was dreaming about other man he needs prayer so I knew I knew that both of them were to be invited so I called Chuck and said can you come the first weekend in March and he said yes and when he said yes then I got the nerve up to call Bobby because he doesn't know us and we called him and he prayed and he said yes and we went yes it's God so we didn't know we really didn't know what the meeting was going to be about we just knew we were supposed to do this so in November in early November I was driving my car to the grocery store and I was just talking to the Lord and I don't know what happened but I was someplace else I was it was like I was on Mount Carmel with Elijah now I know I was driving my car cuz I got to the Acme now you know what my car do so high but but part of me was seeing something and I was seeing when Elijah called Israel back together to rebuild the altar of the nation and a couple things hit me with that when you know when I saw it or whatever was happening experiencing it I knew that God was saying that this is why we are here as a remnant of the first fruit of this nation the thirteen colonies are the first fruit of America we were the first fruit and God is calling the first fruit to become holy he's calling us to rebuild the altar of our heart to him and if the first fruit is holy what happens the rest of the lump is holy and so we are here tonight to do that and tomorrow morning we don't know what it's going to look like but we feel that this gathering is going to shift something in the atmosphere there's a lot needs to be shift shifted and I believe that the unity of the body of Christ in this gathering tonight all of the thirteen colonies are here and Canada and we just just let me make a decree right now so Lord you are welcome in this place you alone are God we are your servants and we have done what you have asked us to do and Lord we cry out tonight and we say respond with fire in our hearts tonight Oh God respond with fire Oh God we need you we need you Oh God to shift us to shift our nation Lord we cry out for you and only you Oh God and Lord we we admit we don't know how to do any of it but you do and we submit to you tonight in Jesus name Amen so welcome everybody amen and I just want to go over the altar that we have prepared tonight there's thirteen stones 14 actually one for Nova Scotia and the Lord spoke to me two weeks ago and said it's Joshua 8 after the victory of AI how they read but Joshua built an altar and he carved the Ten Commandments into each stone so there was a hundred and twenty commandments carved 120 in the upper room 120 priests bringing the ark integer to Jerusalem with King Solomon all revolving around restoring the Covenant to the land now these stones I've collected the last twenty plus years they're from the isle of patmos they're from all the churches in Revelation they're from the Temple Mount they're from Jeremiah's sister-sister n' they're from Samuels Mountain every place we've been that has been a holy reminder so these have been an altar in my yard for 25 years and I didn't carve the Ten Commandments in them but I did print the new Commandments love God and love your neighbor Matthew 22:37 239 so that's on each stone these stones will be distributed to each of the 13 colonies every step every colony will get one to build an altar back at their location and we will have a network of altars in the land all the way up the coast of Nova Scotia which has never been done before and if you read Joshua 8 it's very important because you can see our nation in the same state that Israel was in Joshua 6 7 & 8 & 6 they reestablished the covenant with the circumcision but then they went away from it they got out of covenant when their AI Akins hid the stuff he was self-motivated he had an agenda he left the Covenant of God and Israel now look what was their state of mind I'm studying this and they went out and they spied on AI and they said we don't need the whole army to go they're just 3,000 people well if you read the story there were 12,000 warriors in AI so they had such a victorious mindset that they said hey it's only four to one we don't have a problem with that and but they got beat so now all of a sudden they went from that mindset - oh god what did you bring us out here to kill us see we can shift that quick when we get out of covenant so then they get bigoted lined up with covenant again they deal with the sin in the camp and they go out and they take five thousand to confront AI but 30,000 were hidden and so the AI people go here I look we're still we still got him by two and a half to one and they start chasing Israel and then the thirty thousand sneak in the backdoor and burn the city to the ground then they turn around they killed twelve thousand and Joshua took those twelve stones as a memorial till we line back up with the Covenant and we destroyed the enemy it was a restart it was a restart it was a battle that was won by the Lord and I Got News for you when you're in alignment and we have people here from every thirteen colonies we're aligning the cut thank you for coming cuz the the original foundation of the country is being aligned here tonight and as this altar represents here that represents a shift a restart just like just like Israel restarted in Joshua eight and they went back into victory again undefeated champions that's where we are right now this is going to be a historic moment in my life and your life I I got to just tell you I can feel so we are excited to be here with you we bless you and Lord let's just pray I declare over you right now this is a restart this is a restart in Jesus name now if you look the strategy that God gave them to get the victory in Joshua eight was was the same strategy that led him to defeat in seven so I declare over to you the areas where you've suffered loss the areas where you've suffered defeat or disappointment now is going to be reversed and the same strategies will be used to bring you into a new victorious mindset in Jesus name Bobby corn up I'm gonna use I'm gonna steal Rick Joyner's never introduction for Bobby he said listening to Bobby's like trying to drink from a fire hydrant when I heard that I thought that's the best way I can describe you good but we welcome you stretch your hands towards them Lord we thank you for this gift we receive this gift into New Jersey into the 13 colonies we receive it and we bless you in Jesus name thanks man god bless you well it bit wonderful to be in the kingdom wonder what could be better than that the kingdom being in us Esther 4:14 says what you're in the kingdom for such a time as this kingdom and send us for such a time as this all right good all right Chuck good to see you god bless you man would we love you appreciate all that you're doing he is all over the earth that's wonderful though boy this is the time that the trumpet needs to make a sure sound it's not a time to be thanks it's wonderful it's not a time to be vague it's a time to walk in the light don't you think that's what the Bible says if it sums 18 verse 28 says he will light my lamp and it'll flood my whole life with light now I like that it didn't say it like my torch he said he'd like my lamp now a lamp has to run on all done it we need fresh oil now let's talk about let's talk about when it was decided that you'd be in this service tonight you say oh yeah I just saw it on the way I've saw it on TV and I decided I'd become nope I'll tell you what it was decided that you'd be in this service all the way back in eternity past God picked up his pen and wrote that you'd be sitting here March the 6 2020 that's what the Bible teaches the Bible actually teaches that and Psalms 139 verse 16 Psalms 139 verse 16 says all of our days are written in his book before we've ever lived a single one of them so that'd be March the 6th 2020 he jotted down somewhere back there an eternity past you'd be sitting in that chair God's got a big plan had me Jeremiah 29:11 I know my thoughts I think towards you that's what Psalms 139 verse 17 says God's thoughts towards us are weighty and precious look up the word weighty it's the same word for see God's thoughts towards us are glorious verse 18 says these floor Psalms 139 verse 18 says these glorious thoughts God has toward us are more numerous than the sands of the seashore that's pretty wild in it because the devil would like to you you say well you're insignificant God doesn't think about you he's lying to you God thinks glorious thoughts about you all continually as numerous as the sands of the seashore I like to alter this built here you can't pick up a white stone and not think of revelations 217 revelations 217 says to him that overcomes I will grant to eat the what hidden manna and I'll give him a white stone boy on that white stone there's something written that no other human being on earth knows what would that be your name I'll tell you you just can't get your true identity till God gives it to you I'll tell you I've been in this can you breathe this Chuck I've been preaching 50 years I've averaged speak at five times a week for 50 years good lord I've averaged speaking five times a week for 50 years I'm living proof practice don't make perfect hey hey yeah but I can feel some of you go well you ought to be better at it by now listen that's true I should but I'm telling you we're doing what wouldn't do but trying to get you mature enough for God to release some things on you it at first Corinthians yeah it is it's first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 God says I could not would not release this hidden wisdom until until I found me a people mature enough to be right in understanding verse 7 says then I will release this hidden wisdom I'm already excited I've already told you that God has some hidden for you we eat the hidden manna and now I've told you God's got something hidden for you he's got some divine wisdom hidden verse 7 says when he finds somebody that's mature enough to be ripe and understanding he will release that hidden wisdom that'll do something for us it will catch us up into the glory of his presence the next great move of God coming to this planet is the presence of God Moses said Oh God if your presence doesn't go don't kerosene anywhere only your presence will make us unique we need his presence some 16-11 tells us what happens in his presence in his presence is what fullness of joy and his right hand are pleasures forevermore some people have just enough Jesus to be miserable Hey they got him in the hair but not the heart they got a lot of rules regulations manipulations stipulations I've read the Bible God don't even want religion did you read I self no hope to not read I said chapter one come back to heal me God likes religion here's what it says away with your new moons and your Sabbath's and your holy convocations they weary me I pour the sizzling of your fat like God needs us to throw him a barbecue a burnt offering no I said yes he set up those feasts and festivals but he set it up to point to a relationship wouldn't you jump the relationship and hang on through the ritual you got religion every wolf from the lips of Jesus Christ was to the religious Pharisee whoa and describes her how to talk fast but I used to buy television time not cheap but so I figured I get my money's worth did I talk fast but uh I'll just slow down a little bit now I don't I don't like people that don't enjoy what they're doing life's too short to be bored just listen find out the will of God and do it just the happiest people on the earth okay now if you were to come up to me and say Bobby you've been preaching 50 years five times a week do you have any advice for me here it is the best advice I could give any one of us is this Swift and complete obedience do as quickly as you can as thoroughly as you can anything and everything he asks you to do Swift and complete obedience he said remind the people half-hearted obedience is nothing but cloak to rebellion whoa here's what he said he said we need one time I was studying about seeking the Lord seek the Lord while he may be found call upon him while he's near and the Lord shook his finger at me said hey yes he did hey you tell my people when it comes to seeking me I detest multi-tasking whoa and he gave me that verse out of Jeremiah you'll find me when you search for me and seek for me with all your heart if you don't put your whole heart into it he won't check in now I was I told you while ago that he likes to write your name he said he wrote wrote all of her days in this book did you know it says in the Bible that if you'll get your buddies around your friends around and you'll talk how much you love Jesus he'll write your name in his book yes he will it said if you'll get your buddies around spend a lot of time talking to one another about how much you love Jesus God will take notice of it and write your name in his book where's that at Malachi 3:16 Malachi 3:16 God Allah right the Lord came to me the other day and he said Bobby that's me do you know what a printed word is a printed word I said to him apparently not my question was did he ask me do you know what a printed word is I said apparently not here's what he told me you ready it's profound he said a printed word is a thought you can see wow aren't you glad aren't you glad we have a book full of his thoughts see this is just not print on parchment it's a person and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory I'm telling you God wants to do some things for us he does not want us just to just to barely survive can you believe for 25 years on the Day of Atonement I've had a visitation from Jesus Christ now listen I will just stop right there and stand right here and say for the past 25 years on the day of a con doumitt I've had a visitation from Jesus Christ he'll come tell me some of the things that's gonna happen the future I write in a book called the Shepherd rod this is a one for 20/20 or it was amazing this one out of all the 25 this is different all the other times I heart in the Lord become this time I prepared my heart I'm waiting before the Lord I said Lord I'm ready for you to come my and all of a sudden he said you're coming to me this time suck me up suck me up just like that into his presence took his hand and just import imprinted and imparted just like that Wow I don't care how he does it just so he does it you know what I mean but I'll tell you what we better just let him do whatever he wants to do because anything he wants to do is good yeah and he doesn't do anything that's not the Father's will yeah we need that kind of synchronization remember he said I only do what I see my father doing only say what hear my father saying so this one is stunning now up there in Moravian falls and I'm tapping away and I'm tapping and the Lord said I want you to teach my people how to walk on the wings of the wind I said okay I will I'm instructed to teach the people of God how to walk on the wings of the wind he said that's right I want you to teach him how to soar above the chaos and the confusion of this world and live above the snake line and so help me God just so help me God the moment I tapped God wants me to teach the people to walk on the wings of wind my son Sean Paul lives down there in Texas so he calls me I'm in Moravian falls he calls me and he said dad you're not going to believe this he said there's thousands of Hawks serve circling above my house and listen he took his phone and FaceTime him I saw with my own eyes thousands of hawks swirling like this and they were riding the thermals that these guys to do bird-watching they say you may never see that but maybe one time your whole life and just the moment I guess teach my people how to walk on the wings of the wind these Hawks the book of Job God said to Joe hey Joe are you the one that talked talked the Hawks how to walk on the wind we need to learn how to walk on the wind instead of stumbling in the dirt listen God wants us to how do we do it I said 40 28 through 30 one is a good one I said forty 28 through 31 I'm just kind of paraphrase it didn't you get the message God's not tired he's not up I'll never saw that coming hey they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as of eagles they will run and not be weary that walking not faint we need to learn how to wait upon God till he comes and voice us it picks us up and we need to soar above the chaos and we need to learn to walk on the wings of the wind that's what this books about but then he told me sitting there Bobby I want you to teach him how to soar so then come back and roar but the main thing he said teach my people how to have a firm foundation I don't care how high you saw how loud you roar if you don't have a firm foundation you'll embarrass Godin and the whole thing he really will we've got to have a firm foundation we've got to have that listen I'm telling you we've got to get back into the Word of God and let the Word of God get back into us jesus said it this way he said if you build upon the sand your house a fall but if you build upon the rock the rock is his teaching so anyway this is the wings of the wind and man pretty wild in here we talked about many many things one thing we talk about smart plants that work out gut witty and ventures God wants to read he said to tell the body of Christ God is releasing new ways of doing old things anything that's been done once there is a better way to do it I'm telling you he's releasing this it says witty inventions smart plants that work out don't you want some smart plants one little god idea can pay off a whole bunch of stuff you understand that but we got to break out of the mold and really realize God speaking to us and we got to learn to write the vision make it plain so people can comprehend what's going on I hope you'll get the book did you get one your hero sure welcome to it and the Lord came to he said I want you to sign books I said to him I don't sign books he said to me you do now this is all the absolute truth my wife was with me so I told Carol and I said we're giving a book signing she said I didn't know we sign books I said we do now that's exactly what I said the first book ever signed I knew my name so I signed it Bobby and the lady in front of me I said what is your name she said my name is Donna and I said it's that deal in DNA and she said that's correct so I'm writing her name do any an a and when the pen made the last stroke of an a a Bible passage just one right across my spirit so I thought I'll write that verse she's watching me right that burst in the body and the books you've just bought and all of a sudden she screams huh fell in the floor she said that's it that's the first my mother used to train me and to teach me and you can't imagine what happened at the books at the book table one guy had his finger cut off this one right here cut off and he's there at the book table and I said to him what happened to you but I think he thought I said what do you do he said I'm a carpenter but apparently not a very good one I cut my finger off and was actually joking I said you know God's got a rich in the parts and God grew this guy finger God grew my finger at the book table his wife was standing there with him and he had his arm his hand all wrapped up and when I said God's got rich in two parts he starts shaking his hand like this and he says honey honey and his wife now here's what she told me she said I'm not one of these wild loud Karris Mattox I don't even believe half of this stuff but I do work in the intent I work in the emergency room and I was there when they cut the roof cut the rest of his thing and turned the skin and so did own and God he took the bandage off and got to groom a new finger now I like that over and over things happen at the book table one guy 40 years stone-deaf got his hearing just like that they brought an old man they brought an old man I'm talking about old I'm 70 about 76 how he said me said I'm in my next birthday but hey I found a verse you can live as long as you want to or you get old swivel up like a pickle I'll guarantee anyway well Nene they brought this old man to me and so he had fell off of a combine he was 90 something years old and his daughter was just talking like a just baby we told daddy don't get a little you can't tell a 90 year old farmer what to do you know it's those there that dad had got on the combine was trying to come down off of the combine fell off and I don't know what it did to his back but it caused his leg to swivel and be pulled up like this and he was crippled in his leg so they bring him to the book table this is fun I get up and then he's really old and he's a German descent and here's I said sir could I pray for you and here's what he says you ready I'm a Lutheran I said him that won't hurt me and God healed a man just like that now watch this I go back to church I went back to the church he he goes to and the whole side session was filled it with his descendants the abyss because God healed him at the book table then that's something he's a greeter at one of the churches now 90 something years old a greeter at one of the churches listen guys don't you ever think well it's too late no it's never too late something on the 2:10 says I'll be anointed fresh her all that fresh oil will release my strength like that of a wild dogs says I'll be firm and I'm screaming you I'll be firm and stable bearing fruit in old age Psalms 92 10 through 16 firm and stable don't yeah I don't know where we get this that we got to get real old and we forget who we are we don't know if we're at Bingo or bowling I read the Bible the Bible said God didn't give us a spirit of fear but a love power and a sound mind a Sandman means a mind that can catalogue retain facts do you understand that so anyway God wants you to have a mind that can catalogue retain facts number one question I get asked over the earth is how to memorize a Bible I studied it till all of my fingers for the print off the page I've got a stack of Bibles that tie then my wife can show them to you though they're they're just disintegrated because of being used and the Lord taught me said you better do that again you know why you never see the Bible twice the same way it's like a diamond and we're in the most revelatory season of any generation right now we are we're smack dab in Matthew 13 16 and 17 Matthew 13 16 17 says blessed are your eyes they see blessed are your ears they hear many longed to see what you see and couldn't many deeply desire to hear what you hear and didn't we are privileged people we're revelatory people God is answering that prayer Paul prayed Ephesians 1:17 min 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart will be flooded with revelatory light you will have a grasp and a comprehension voice of God so anyway I want us not to stumble around I wants to walk in the light I want us to make the best use of every moment I know you want that or you wouldn't be in a meeting like this this meeting is to inspire us and refire us you know what I mean it needs to inspire us and then refire us there's no such thing in the Christian life as a secret disciple no no there's a bunch of cowards that are afraid to stand up for God but that there's no such thing as a secret disciple God said you're supposed to be a CD set on a hill don't lie to torch you put it down the bed you burned up the bed you know what I mean let your light so shine before men that they'll see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven do you see what we're seeing I don't know yeah and I talk funny I really do I know I went to London England had to have an interpreter now that's the truth I went to London that have an interpreter but what's going to stun you as this I talk Texican you know here's the deal if you ever hear God talks he talks just like me no I'll tell you how he talks you want to know he talks exactly like you listen that's John 10 verse 3 John 10 verse 3 says my sheep hear my voice John 10:27 says other voices they flee okay don't you want the best way in the world to hear the horse of God is intimacy enter visit get close to him one time Jesus came to me said don't you to study Song of Solomon the Bible guess what I said to him I don't get nothing out of that book it's not resolved that's about as dumb as you can get you can't hardly get any more ignorant than that the son of God say I want you to study portion of Scripture and you say to him I'm doing good enough well that book his next statement stunned me his next statement said you don't know nothing about kissing do you boy I said to him apparently not and this sense this sounds strange but Jesus Christ told me three things about mouth kissing number one to mouth kiss you have to be really close number two you have to be face to face number three it's the most stimulating preparatory act or for intimacy you better study Song of Solomon Wow they almost didn't put it in the book because of the verbage of it but it's about the Lord just to his lavish love for his bride remember he comes to the door and he says open to me my love my God my undefiled and what does she say not man - far from yeah too far from here to the bed and besides that I get my I got my nightshirt on that that's what she says to him and so it says this in the Bible it says that he inserts his hand into the lock of the door we're talking about timing where are we in the move of God see where his bride and we've locked him out of the most intimate part of our life look out now so he sticks his hand in the lock of the door he could have broken the door down but he wants volunteer lovers he could make everybody on earth get saved but he wants volunteer lovers so he inserts his hand in the lock and he Wiggles the lock Wow Wow what his force couldn't do his hand did when he thrust his hand and wiggle the lock it said the deepest seat of her passion explodes whoo she is in rage she jumps outta bed runs to the door Chuck's the door open now her hand is dripping with murder same thing that was on him is now on her but he's gone only left his fragrance but her hearts aflame she runs to the streets screaming have you sinned he have you seen him and who my heart loves it said the watchman of the city that's religious the watchman of the city catcher and what did they do do they go yes ma'am he went thattaway you know it says they tore away her veil and molested her same thing that happened to you when you started after the spiritual walk oh look at man look at now but I'll tell you what God is going to arouse a bride that won't be stopped you understand that and that's what these meetings are about now there's one verse that's been going off just exploding in me and it's I said 21 verse 5 the last section of Isaiah 21 verse 5 here's what it says the revelers they've set a watch they have laid out the rugs it's a banquet it's a they've laid out the rugs they're sitting there and they've got a watchman but they have made no other precaution and it says the last part I said 21 verse 5 arise you champions arise you princes and all you little shield because the deadly foe is at the door if it's every time for the church to wake up and stand up it's now the deadly foe is at the door the Romans 1113 Romans Romans says 1113 says it is high time now first awake out of sleep don't you think we got to get up and rouse to reality anyway what a time to be alive really I think it's the most crucial time in human history don't you so I said to God look please let live most crucial time in human history he could have used to anybody in the book of Hebrews but he chose us to live in this crucial time so I said him what are you thinking and he answered me just like that I'll tell you why he's brought us to the front here it is when I said what are you thinking he said yes I finally found me a people weak enough to work in now that we can character not weaken an ethics not wicked morals weak in her own ability he said I found me a generation that's embraced John 15:5 without him we can't do anything in him by him through him one stoppable though you understand that so that's why we're in this thing because he chose us can you imagine God choosing us to be on his working team in second Corinthians yesterday a 2nd Corinthians chapter what 6 verse 1 labored together with God as God's fellow heifers we're on his team Ephesians 2:10 I studied that verse and every English translation of the Bible I could find on earth Ephesians 2:10 it says we are his workmanship created and you're gonna hit me with that swirl sound like Morgan Freeman apparently not Ephesians chapter 2 the fishes to tend it says we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God before our Dame that would conduct herself in them one translation says you are the best God could do to display who he is one of one translation says you're his stroke of genius to display as God deeds so when the devil says who do you think you are go well I'm the best God could do we got to get rid of that stink and think and start seeing ourselves as God sees us listen we're kings and priests revelations 5 revelations chapter 1 verse 5 and 6 says unto him that loved us was just former sins in his blood and it's made his priests and kings it says the Bible a priest one of his missions is to stop conflicts it said about a king his word has authoritative power you know in meetings like this we Forge the future just with our words there's there's a verse in the Bible if it wasn't the Bible I'd never believe it here it is you ready I paraphrase it make up your mind what you want tell God what that is and he'll get it for you what make up your mind what you won't tell God what that is and he'll get it for you now where is that it's job 22:28 amplified classic version says and you shall decide a thing make up your mind then you decree what you've decided and the Lord will establish it the word establish means bring into being and the light of his favor of shine upon your pathway we better thank God for his favor I just quoted 2nd Corinthians 6:1 2nd corinthians 6:2 said it is a time of favor yes it is it's a time of an assured welcome that's what it says second Corinthians second Corinthians 6:2 it isn't acceptable to him a time of favor of time of an assured welcome a time God will hear you and help you Jesus appeared to me and he was sad but he's not sad I don't like these pictures of Jesus look like a Holocaust victim I stopped that Jesus you're going to see when you step into heaven I'll tell you the Jesus you'll see when you step into heaven remember ah Keanu the little girl that got caught up in heaven look at the Jesus she painted that's what you that's the one you'll see when you step into heaven you will see some sad all I'd know he's happiest man ever lived but he appeared to me and Eva said I mean standing right like that and he was sad he said Bobby my people don't like to talk to me he said the least attended service in any church is prayer meeting but then he said I'm gonna give you a phrase they'll turn prayer from a drudgery to the light from a duty to a desire and he said it was a twinkle in his eye I said god I want it I want you to give me a phrase that have changed people's paradigm about prayer and here's what he said you tell my people what true prayer is he said true prayer is an audience with the king so he wrote the book audience with the king Wow listen John 1624 John 1624 that's in the red part of the Bible Jesus said up until now you've not asked ask now and you'll get what you're asking so your heart will be happy why now sucker corinthis - now is an acceptable time a time of a sure welcome a time God will hear you and help you God wants to answer prayer 1st John 5:14 this is the quiet confidence we have in him if we ask him anything according to his word we know that he hears us if we know that he hears us we're totally confident we're gonna get what raske he that comes to God must believe number one he is number two he's rewarder of those that diligently seek Him if you're talking to God not expecting an answer they lock people up for that talking to somebody who can't see you know he that comes to God must believe he hears he's approaching God so we wrote a book about prayer boy howdy in here we did a deal the whole thing about the altar of incense when you pray your prayers are so special when they come up before God God catches your prayers in a golden censer hand your prayers to an angel and one day God will mix his fire with your prayers and hurl them back to earth and here we talk about what happens when that happens lightnings and thunderings rumblings and Rory's well listen anyway prayer prayer really does work it's the most powerful weapon ever while we talk about weapons the other day the Lord said I don't hear much being taught about a very useful weapon I said okay what weapon is that he said the weapon of peace Romans 16:20 Romans 16:20 Romans 16:20 says the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet Wow that's that's what the devil tries to keep us chaotic because he knows if we get in peace we're gonna have power how do we get in peace Isaiah 26:3 that will keep him in one perfect peace whose mind is stayed upon thee we got to have an attitude of gratitude for Olympians for six to eight have an attitude of gratitude and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will keep your hearts in your mind only places the scripture says tranquility of soul it meditate upon the things of God focus on the things of God the devil to do everything he can to disturb you and distract you but just stay focused just stay in peace one of the best things to do while you're seeking God is Matthew 6:6 Matthew 6:6 says get in the quietest room of your house shut the door we despise silence I'm in an airport every week ain't nobody talking to nobody they're on the phone it'll little bitty things you know they used to have a pacifier now they've got a cellphone I've seen kids on the couch going I'm on the couch me too we're losing verbal skills I think I'm just going to be a little honest I'm jealous I used to go I am here they go they can just you know like have you seen them oh man I wasn't letting Siri do my typing Oh Lord honest I would just say it and then send it off I mean two famous people I'm talking about leaders of nation famous people my son that works for Sean he said daddy you better check your emails you're saying they me some crazy stuff I did me a trial run this is my first trial run where I'm understanding how silly Siri could be Bob Jones was living then Bob when I were great friends so I had a very vivid dream so here's my here's my tics text to above hey Bob I had a very serious dream last night give me a call I punched Syria here's what sir he wrote hey Bob I think I have head lice [Applause] ain't no telling what I sent to people you know good lord you know famous people not rednecks famous people [Applause] well this automation we better watch it I got a talking thermostat at the house yeah yeah my wife's name Carolyn said I go hey Carolyn yes it's the thermostat listen that gal will start in the middle of the night you know yes I said nothing go to bed you know I'm I'm at the capper you know just I'm not talking about my wife I'm talking about the talking thermostat you but it does work good you can send it for me anywhere on earth I got a car that sent me an email yeah my car sent me an email we you remember when these Dick Tracy's to talk on a watch Adams smart talked off the bottom of his shoe we're just about there I guess but then what I want us to do in let's use all of those automated things to win the gospel to win the world with the gospel one of the greatest things are gonna happen someone's gonna take the Avatar movie the mechanics of the Avatar movie they're gonna take the Bible stories and animate it and put it on this virtual reality goggles it'll be the greatest tool the seminary has ever had they have take the things from the Bible and animate it with the mechanics of it Avatar movie put it on the virtual reality and they'll train them just like that it'll go through two cases I gave in the air gate so anyway that'll be great a lot of stuff to talk about but that's why we're here just to tell you that you're in the kingdom for such a time as this well the the Lord told me said I want you to study David's mighty men as some of the greatest warriors in the Bible or women there's one unsung hero bless her heart Esther don't you love Esther whoa now let me just pear store for you it's what here's what Esther says I'm gonna do what God gave me life to do even if it kills me they kind of polish it up a little of them the Bible if I perish I perish and you'll figure this out we don't get out of this alive we better make this thing count for the Lord don't you think I'll hold back why hold back we listen now's the time to let it all out and so david's mighty men good gracious one of my favorites in david's mighty man is Shama it says his job that day was to guard a bean field a bean field and it says all the armies of Saul when they saw the enemy they fled they ran off there's one dude out in the bean field Shama Shama thinks God that's here in there and Oh Shama Texas takes his weapon and killed eight hundred people in one day let me ask you this every time I read that I think a harm man I know people wanting fight for their families they won't fight for their nation they won't fight for the church and here's shammond laid it out in a bean field let me ask you a question it's what you have worth defending we got to defend the faith that's why we got to rebuild these altars I'll tell you what we got to do and I mean it with all my heart we got a rescue truth truth has fallen in the streets if we will rescue truth truth will rescue us truth has fallen in the streets it has that's what it says the Book of Isaiah we need truth and we need to rescue it because we can't function without it John 17:17 says sanctify them Ben being the church with the truth that word is truth we've got a rescue truth headway listen I I take what America needs is common sense I don't know how anybody could even contemplate voting for somebody it's going to murder babies do you where's the worst common sense see and you know what they shouldn't even be a debate about that I'm telling instead of celebrating I'm telling you we better watch it we've kind of sit by and let late night comics brain rushes I'm telling you they would watch this I wrote it in the Shepherd shot they're mocking mouths will be shut you you study Psalms 120 what's gonna happen to these mocking mouths God's gonna spear s' their tongue with an error from the broom tree that's that's a very special tree the bark and the it once they got lit its lit and you just now here's what I think you can kind of you know I'm just here for a night I think the modern day media should be tried for treason that's what I think I think the modern-day lead it look up Webster's dictionary what does it say about treason treason is an attempted overthrow of a setting government if the if the modern-day media is not guilty of that who is but see you and I God's going to hold us accountable cause he never intended to straighten this out from the White House but the churchhouse see here it is I yeah III quote it I quote this verse a lot Psalms 115 verse 14 and 15 you'll like this would may the lord increase you more and more you and your entire family may you be blessed to the God that made the heavens and the earth that Psalms 115 verse 14 and 15 I didn't quote verse 16 but I'm about to you ready verse 16 of Psalms hundred fifteen says the heavens the heavens of heavens that belongs to God but this earth is your responsibility what happens on this planet is our responsibility you go all the way back to Genesis 1:26 there's God's original intent he's not schizophrenic he doesn't have a whole plethora of plans he's got one let us make man in our own image and let's give him Kingdom control God Toby said I'm gonna raise me a kingdom company a rule of his I'm talking fast again guy said I'm gonna raise me a kingdom company that'll rule the visible realm from the invisible realm but they'll do it to a domain of love when God got ready to describe himself said God is what by this shall all men know you're my disciples if you have love boy we need it don't we yeah we need to learn how to love God you believe then I do well it's Chuck's gonna come in just and speak to us I'll tell you what now I am amazed at the job golf done setting up the ministry there in that Boeing Airplane factory but listen I'm amazed that you're reaching such a footprint teaching people the importance the importance of our history now I'll tell you something now I'm a little bit political but you better thank God for Donald J Trump and his love for Israel yeah yeah God says I'll do what bless those that bless sir curse those that curse ooh but you've got this great roots and that's good no listen no one gettin preach good carrying this brother around whoa yeah see and it's just spontaneous he's gifted Oh let her rip man I'll tell you one thing I love about him he's singing to Jesus not about him you understand that that'll make a lot of difference on it well we got got to go with here's what God told me and I get out of the way here it is God said Bobby that's me go where I tell you to go here we are do what I tell you to do when you get there I will give the people whether they want it or not an impartation from Hebrews 13 20 and 21 what you're going to get an impartation he brews 13 20 and 21 here's what that verse says now the god of peace that brought again from the day of the Lord Jesus Christ a great Shepherd of the Sheep by the blood of the everlasting never-failing covenant make you perfect give you everything you need to accomplish the task you're sent to do I looked up the word make you perfect in the Greek it means missing no component missing no component so that don't you like that you're going to get an impartation yeah yeah give you everything you need to accomplish the task you're sent to do listen we need fresh all anointing going we listen we can't live on yesterday's manna we got to have fresher manna and fresh or do you want it the Bible said a priest you should always make sure his head lacks no all and his garments are white purity and all purity and power that's all I got having you you can't get the power without the purity he won't give it to you be you cleaned that bared the vessel of the Lord the Bible says you read the Bible hidden here hey I get to preach in the largest youth conferences in the world I use the same verse 2nd Corinthians 7:1 having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us fear fire set from every bit of the contamination of the flesh and of the spirit perfecting holiness and the reverential fear of the Lord bringing our consecration to completeness we need to talk about purity it's not optional it's absolutely essential if we're gonna get into the hill of the Lord anyway so I hope you guys will come by the book table I'll sign your book I like verses that nobody ever looks at here's one you ready here's a verse you poured me out like milk and you've curdled me like cheese now you're not gonna run out there I don't care whose being here and found the whole series on that you poured me out like milk and you've curdled me like cheese what does that mean it's the study of biology you start out a liquid and end up a solid it's how you got here you got a body for the same reason Jesus got a body to make an invisible God seeable he's expressed image of the invisible God Colossians 1:15 Wow what verse he said job 10:10 you poured me out like milk you've curdled me like cheese you want another one here's one if your ax is dull you have to swing harder that's in the Bible that's it please yes T's 1010 here's another one you ready the the bed's too short the covers too narrow to get any rest like this it'd be like me laying across this pulpit trying to cover up with my handkerchief that's in the Bible the bed the bed's too short the cover student error to get any rest like this what is that about it's about the futility and the foolishness of trying to fix your own life it's you just can't do it there's a way that seems right they don't work it's the he's the only way on their way the truth in my life he wants you to come to him give him your trouble give him your anxiety he'll give you his peace yeah it's the greatest deal in town he'll give you sleep at night it's wonderful let's I want you to enjoy Jesus I want you to just really spend time with him Psalms 46:10 11 it says what be still and know that I'm God the book of Job says acquaintance as I said with God and be at peace and good will come to you it's really benefit to knowing God 11:30 to be Daniel 11:32 B says but the people that do know their God they will display strengthen they will take action so the devil knows that verse 2 so he'll disturb you distract you to keep you from knowing God because if you get to knowing god you're gonna display strength and take action this whole thing is about action ok so that would be good you ought to read this thing about dread champions okay yeah I'll tell you they some stuff in there man God said look up the names of these Hebrew men and you'll find the character in the conduct I intend for my endtime warriors to exhibit sure and so there's something anyway but listen I want you to drink this in Chuck's gonna come here I'm telling him he's he when he speaks he speaks the Oracles of God I'm serious and we need to have ears to hear Lord I pray you will grant us ears to hear hearts to respond to what you say Lord we don't want it falling by the wayside we wanted to fall upon good ground and bring forth fruit that would remain that's what the Lord told me said explain your preaching said when you stand before the people he said leave their head along he said fling fling my seed into their heart I'll guard the fowl of the air I'll keeping them from stealing any seed and I'll cause the seeds you put in the heart to spring up to fruit that that will remain so god bless you man get laid the first thing we're gonna do is stand up and thank God for the demonstration of the kingdom that we have just heard Wow Wow Wow [Applause]
Channel: Aligned For His Glory
Views: 9,908
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Id: W_qDcYOvYMc
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Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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