Rebuilding Linux System and VMs | Twitch

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uh i'm here i'm just changing a billion settings because this has driven me insane so give me one second changing this to 1080 p at least oh my god oh my god it's about to crash isn't it all right why isn't this deciding to work i have no idea i just hate doing this on the fly sometimes god damn all right well at least this works can you guys hear me all right perfect perfect oh crap dude finally wants to work for some goddamn reason i have no idea why this doesn't wanna maybe deactivating and activating it again well me is it uh wait a minute slip that out slip it back in maybe it works oh there it is it works finally god damn i can take that out let me tell you boys let me tell you never wanted to blow my brains out than it is today but uh we got the whole thing working so as you can see this is my linux uh system right here and of course only some of it is working uh only some of it i still got a um let's see uh mirror image oh this is going to look like let me add a let me add let me add a face cam to this uh copy paste where's the paste preview scaling screenshot paste reference there we go then i can just do this and we're pretty golden all right you guys ready to install uh linux you guys ready to do the little linux linux you guys ready to bring the pain you guys ready to re-image an entire system tonight because i'm ready i'm beyond ready so first thing i need is i need my google docs full of notes on arch linux install again just because uh there's a couple things that i miss but all right okay let's wipe the system so i already have the flash drive available again if i didn't misplace it let me just see where it is real quick uh am i the prince of pain i'm the prince of hurting myself mentally over this hold on where's the uh flash drive that i have for this nonsense uh keep it around somewhere here it is it is in my possession i just need to locate it man this is a real unprofessional looking thing i'm up there executing the entire situation oh there it is all right first things first you want to make sure you have your arch linux install ready so i don't need to explain how to do this belana etcher that you know rufus it just get yourself a usb drive or whatever it could be ubuntu it could be gamer os it could be you know you know ditto my os i don't really care what you use i'm i'm gonna go with arch linux because arch linux is uh just really modifiable okay it's not like i have you know some other distro community pretty much managing everything for me the downside of it is if something up it's all on me chief uh but we're going to plug this in we're going to see does it show linux is it all about linux let's see pc is it all is it all linux here uh it definitely does seem like it is linux so let me just let me just make sure things are kind of backed up it's arch let me just make sure a lot of is backed up here real quick let me move that out of the way uh it is all backed up perfect okay so when that is done let's kill the computer and let's restart and hopefully it works for all of you so let me do a full system reboot restart and let's get down to work who's messaging no don't care don't up trust me i'm not i'm not gonna up my pseudo password is uh my pseudo password is tipple my bungle all right so you're not seeing anything and that's because i'm rebooting from the bios bios you know however you want to pronounce it and we are booting right into my uh where the is it flash drive here we go so you should be able to get a signal somewhere now uh if linux doesn't up let's see what it's doing is it giving any signal out [Music] it is certainly not giving a signal jesus christ the install is not oh well i'm sure that can be uh fixed huh oh dude damn is it really not gonna output a signal over here son of a son of a that is some horseshit no i'm reinstalling to reimage the entire thing give it a clean little setup how the do i hold on wait a minute wait a minute maybe maybe i can do one of these can i cause it to like initialize across the board no i cannot cause it to initialize across the board however i'm gonna do something that is unfucking precedented not really i'm gonna i'm gonna edit with lag how's that how's that for the audience i'm going to edit with some lag in the mix so wait a minute let me do a power off not a big not that big of a deal gen z canceling mr potato head i expect that from people that don't do with their life okay let's disconnect all these display ports oh god damn this one's stuck in like a virgin jesus christ all right there we go so technically should still be an nvidia card oh dude i can do the most janky in the world wait a minute oh man i can really do some jank sauce oh wait i can really do something janky right now uh i know this has a pass through let me grab a uh oh my god we can do that hold the up hold the up chief hold the up what is this hdmi out to this yes okay we got we're cooking with gas we're cooking with the gasoline boys and girls okay so first we're gonna boot into this yes my install medium and uh i i'm gonna have some notes up for me right here so let it boot up real quick and once we're in here right here why do i like linux so much because it's a superior operating system and i use it for a lot of my let's see there's one error and oh that's my bluetooth device okay that doesn't that's not an important factor at the moment all right login prompts so now that we're in linux let's clear this we need to check if i have a efi var i think it's fat no what is it uh what is the what is it oh yeah it's efi var dash l okay we're booted in perfectly this means that i'm in yuffie which is like superior all right if you're not in yuffie boot you're doing it wrong you're in like old people boot all right we don't do old people around here okay we do it like new uh so uh this is like really boring for youtube so i'm doing it right here to sort of you know not freak out the audience a little bit let me just open up a what is that thing where where's twitch tv uh i cannot join discord friend i'm in the middle of something wild god shut up i hate this stupid phone dude god insanity it's just like i need it for the notes it's like dawg i don't want to play that's i don't want to play games right now dude all right let me see ping um uh ping yahoo right now let's see if yahoo's responding okay so now that we have a network connection we're pretty good the reason why i pinged was so that we can have a network and uh all that all that good gravy right that's why we did it that's uh that's how mafia works so now that we have internet we know that we're on youth we're pretty good to go so let's format our drives now this is where everyone fails they're like this is really hard i'm gonna show you so you see these are all hard drives so sda sdb sdc sdd right so sdd is actually our boot drive you can see where it says slash run arch iso slash boot mount that's our that's our that's our that's our uh that's our install drive now you can also tell from how big the thing is so you know how it says sdd 848 and then one and 14.9 gigs that that that's like that's basically the total like drive size now what gets really confusing is when you look at sda sdb and sdc now you have a way to figure out which drive this is so let's assume that you know uh let's assume that for a second that you know right like what what drive you're let's assume that uh you know that you have this brand of a drive that you want to install to right because it's not easy isolating it all right the way that you're going to do it is i think it's like a hd parm and then you do dash i and you do slash dev and then you do slash say sdb so the reason why i did that was at the top line it says model equal samsung ssd 860 qvo so that's the drive i'm going to be using to install i know the sda is another drive i know sdc is a different drive so i know sdb is what i want to do now this is where it's very important you do not want to do the next steps and up sda sdc sdb you need to be very careful okay so what we're going to do is we're going to zap the drive to completely clear it out so we're going to do cgdisc we're going to do a slash dev slash sdb right so when you oh that's not what we would do not cg disk yet i think the uh i think it's is it no it's g disk that does it cg disk is for partitioning so you want to do g disk dev sdb now right here it's going to tell you the partition table scan so you've got a protective mbr this has an actual os in it so now what you want to do is you want to press x for expert mode z for zap right which is we're gonna wipe out the drive right all the gpt partitions everything so yes it's gonna be like are you one are you sure blanking it yes so now that you've done this if you do lsblk you can see that sdb is completely empty it has nothing to it there's no partition or whatever so let's get down to actually partitioning it through cg disk dev sdb for the drive we're using this is going to give you a little warning it's going to tell you there's it's a damaged disc all that it's fine so now you have free space so here's we're gonna start partitioning right now the way that we're gonna do it is the way that people do it for linux is like you you either have like a a home drive uh you have like root and home separator we're gonna keep them separated because we're not potatoes all right we're not troglodytes we're gonna keep our things separated okay all right that's what we're gonna do all right so uh hit new uh it's gonna tell you first sector hit enter for automatic now this is our boot drive now this is a little overkill but i'm gonna give it 1 024 which is one gig right megabytes so m capital m lowercase i capital b so we're going to give this and it's going to ask you for a certain code to tell you what type of partition we're doing for a boot especially efi it's ef-00 so hit enter and it's going to tell you to partition name type in boot so now you've got an efi system partition for booting now there it's always going to give you a thousand seven kilobytes i swear to god i had no idea what the this was until i realized this is like protective mbr location i think uh but anyway it's not important go down to 930 gigs the rest of your free space hit enter again first sector always enter and the next thing you want to do is you want to make swap right so everyone that i've ever talked to has no idea what linux is says you don't need swap which is you always need swap space right now since i have 64 gigs of ram i'm probably never gonna run out of ram let's be real okay however i'm still gonna give myself swap space so now i get to choose do i want to give myself 64 gigs of ram space this would allow me to hibernate my system but i'm not really doing that basically your swap partition is like a windows page file so if you ever run out of your ram like if i run out of 64 gigs and i don't have swap space it's to start killing all the programs that i have in order to start using my ram but if i have swap space it'll take the programs that aren't so important and just take them from the memory ram and throw them into the swap partition this is like a windows page file you want to give yourself something uh i know that a swap file is better in in certain ways but i actually just stick with the partition itself i know that it's easier to modify the swap file but this is sort of like a one and done deal so i'm going to give myself like i would say 16 gigabytes of swap space i think that's a fair amount it's still overkill but i'm not going to give a whole 64 gig partition to the system i'm just doing a one and done sort of partition so i'm going to do this right here and it's going to ask for hex code hex code is always 8200 for swap space so do that and title this swap now we're going to make the rest of our partitions so here's where you're going to do your route partition this is where your operating system and all of that stuff is really going to be sitting now arch linux says you can give yourself 20 gigs but i always run out of that a lot so i'm going to give myself 35 gigs this time because 35 gigs i feel like with a terabyte of space is plenty for it so we're going to do enter for first sector we're going to do 35 gib hit enter and here it says 8300 just give that enter because it's a linux file system and we're going to call that root so now go down here the rest of your space hit new hit enter hit enter to use the rest of the space available hit enter for 8300 and call this the home partition so now we've got four partitions we have the boot partition that i highlighted we have the swap partition we have where we're going to install our linux operating system to and then we have our home partition and the reason so we keep this separate for one reason right let's say you want to make a backup but your home and root partition are the same it's pretty stupid to back up your operating system alongside your personal file if you're if you have a home partition that's separate you can back this up with relative ease without having things sort of you know uh involved in the backup that really don't need to be there it's easier to replace your operating system separating it like this is just cleaner in general so now that we've done all this we're going to hold highlight we're going to go highlight right hit enter and uh i want to hit yes and it's going to write all of this so operation has completed successfully now what we're going to do is we're going to quit this out and to show you how the partitioning happened if you do lsblk oh uh yeah rewrite you can see that sdb now has sdb one two three and four corresponding with all of the um all of the file sizes that we gave to it so now we've partitioned but it's not all the way there we have to format these drives this isn't linux from scratch this is nowhere close to that so to do this first we have to look at our boot drive now since we're booting what we need to do is we need to make it a fat32 drive that's the partition scheme we're going with we're not going to use anything else because we want our bios to detect and go into the bootloader and then boot into the operating system so we're going to do make fs all right make file system right here uh dot f a t dash capital f 32 now where is that going to be it's going to be dev sdb one for our boot drive so hit enter it just did it for it now we're going to make a directory real no not directory yet sorry i'm getting way too ahead of myself we're going to make the swap partition so do mk swap and then you want to do slash dev slash sdb2 right so once you've done that it set up the swap but you need to enable it to do swap on dev sdb two so now we have swap on so now it's time to make the rest of it so for linux we use a partition scheme called extended four so what we're going to do is make fs.ext ext4 and we're going to do dev sdb 3. so now that's done dev sdb contains an extension for file system last mounted on march 1st 2020 uh did i enter the right one sdb three all right if it does this you just hit yes it's not the end of the world it's just kind of a weird error uh yeah go for it it's not the end of the world uh i think something must have up somewhere i've gotten this error before and i'm trying to rack my brain why it happened but uh i don't think it's going to cost that much of a you know problem anyways do lsblk and you can see now that these are partitions again one of them says swap right so swap means that we've enabled swap like good little boys now it's time to do a lot of the mounting so now we're going to be mounting the folders we're going to use to initially install linux so now you're going to do mount slash dev sdb3 right and you're going to mount it to slash mnt this is mounting what our root drive so we're going to mount it now we're going to make a directory all right and we're going to make the directory mnt boot then we're going to make another directory and we're going to call it mnt slash home for our home drive now we're going to mount dev sdb sdb1 and we're going to mount that to boot drive why because we're mounting it to the boot load this is where we're going to install all of our boot loaders and everything so mount that then you want to do mount dev sdb 4 which is our home directory the biggest one that we have the home partition and we're going to mount that to you guessed it mnt slash home now that's done all right it's time to get our mirror list ready so big thing that i can teach you always do backups if you're going to modify system files and important files you want to back up as much as you can so you're going to do cp for copy all right we're going to do etc pac-man d now this is pac-man in this case is arch's version of the software distribution if you're on ubuntu you may have ever heard of something called apt-get which is their version uh on fedora i think it's called yum and dnf these are just different package installers right so for arch it's all about pac-man now with pac-man what we're going to be doing over here is we're going to do pac-man d we're going to do mirror list and we're going to back that up so with the space over here we're going to do etc pac-man d mirror list dot backup so what does this command do it copies mirror list to another file but mirror list dot backup so hit enter and bam we're done to show you what it looks like if you do pac-man d you can see that within the folder is the mirror list and the mirrorless backup so that's just command line backing up it's kind of like right-clicking a file and pasting it in the same directory with a different name that's just what we did except in a command line so anyways now that that shit's done it's time to go to sudo nano but in this case you don't have to do nano uh you can just do nano because it says root at arch iso sudo is to do root commands but we're already in root anyway so do nano etc mirror list not mirrorless hold on a second um oh i don't have bash completion hold on nano etc mirrorless.con where's the mirrorless hold on a second uh what the what am i doing oh wait i know what i'm doing uh you want to do nano etsy pac-man d mirror list now in the mirror list okay this is what arch linux contacts to uh basically like this is the servers you're hitting to download your software right now you see how we have a ton of these not all of these servers are useful not all these servers are what we want even though that this was created by arch linux uh in reflector very recently we want to make this even better we want less mirrors but healthier mirrors so uh we're gonna back out of this now there's a tool called rank mirrors but as you can see we don't actually have that tool so we need to install this rank mirrors they used to be part of the install but for some reason arts removed it so i'm gonna show you how to install a program do pac-man but no actually better case if you were on your desktop you do sudo pac-man dash s and in the first case you want to do sy because we haven't updated initially so you want to do this first to download all of these uh databases then you want to do sudo pacman dash capital s just s and you want to do pacman contrib in this case i know this is the package i need so here you see that it found the package you hit y and it downloads all of its dependencies bam we're installed uh by the way i'm not ending this just to the arch linux install we're actually gonna build my whole computer so just understand now in this case all right we're gonna go to uh we're gonna go back into that like uh mirror list and as you can see everything is uncommented so to show you how a computer works if you comment basically you add that pound sign in the beginning the hashtag for your twitter users it makes that invisible to the system we're not ch rooting it we haven't installed our arch linux install yet we're installing it uh so this makes it invisible but because it's all removed arch sees all these servers so that's all fine now you want to do rank mirrors which is rank mirrors right dash n six so the top six best servers and what we're gonna do to make our life easier is we're going to make this look into our backup and we're gonna then using one arrow key copy all that over to our main mirror list so etc pac-man d mirror list and we're gonna hit enter and as you can see it's just blinking there's no response what's happening right now is arch linux is now sitting through our system and it's basically calculating every single one of those mirrors and seeing the best one so you can kind of sit over here for a little bit this is going gonna be shorter than what it initially was they used to give you every server they had so this process would take like 15 minutes you know what i mean but since we don't have a lot of servers uh it's probably gonna take like 30 maybe a minute max so uh this is a quicker entire scenario do i recommend switching to manjaro from windows uh manjaro is basically just arch linux without all of this but uh i would say it's it's a good system to switch to i use manjaro i do have some issues the reason i use arch linux is every time i deal with any form of linux like ubuntu like fedora like manjaro they always have problems with nvidia cards or proprietary things and it's it's just annoying all right i just don't deal with it i'm going to show you how to game on linux actually i will show you how to do it uh serious thoughts on gen 2 gen 2 is great if you're willing to deal with like compiling everything on a modern system like mine not that big of an issue but uh it definitely like unless you really are streamlining everything it's fine but for the most part i don't really get down with it uh our arch is good enough for what i do so now that we've done all this it's time to install linux so how long do you think the actual installation of the linux system will take just wager in the chat real quick how long do you think it's going to take to just basically install linux somebody said 10 minutes an hour 5 minutes 30 seconds i'll show you so here's how we're going to do it since we have all of those things mounted if you do lsblk you'll see how sdb1 is mounted to boot our boot drive sdb2 is a swap sdb3 is the actual mount route sdb4 is mount slash home right so because we have all of it mounted let's do pacstrap which is how we're going to install linux for the initially dash i and now we're going to do base base devel linux and linux dash headers i believe that won't really be necessary too much but i do it anyways is good practice bass is not a directory what what the oh i'm a wreath i'm a reject when it comes to this caught myself flipping there uh you want to do pack strap dash i slash mnt hit enter watch this it's going to ask you what repository cores just hit enter it's going to ask you what do you want making it cpio booster drake just hit enter so here we have to download 333 megabytes so this is how long the install process takes why and bam there you go see people would look at you like you're a hacker man right now and uh not really it's just it's basically downloading a bunch of packages and we're installing and that's pretty much what it is when i use newer arch linux isis to install it when i install it at the end when i boot to the normal system the lan connection doesn't work is my problem or arch problem uh it's probably because you didn't install the the network uh appropriately you'll probably see it in this uh sometimes you might have a network device that's a little out there usually some laptops may but i'm going to show you how to get it done for the most part as we get in but yeah it's just downloading all the like gcc and everything so people will look at you like you're hacking the government right here but really you're just downloading files why would i install arch linux from scratch so the reason i use arch is like i said earlier i install exactly what i want okay sometimes manjaro thinks too ahead of it and sometimes they install a driver that i don't need sometimes they install things that i just don't want period the reason i use arch is that it really is just a system that i can design 100 myself that's what it is so now it's going to check the key ring and bam there it is installation and we are done i think we might have to do an initial uh in its cpio yeah there it is it's just doing the initial init cpi you can see like what is going on over here possible missing firmware for everything jesus christ what is that i'm sure we'll figure it out later let me just see uh warning about old pearl modifications setting location setting locale fail please falling back to standard locale that is fine so we've actually just installed everything i need to check some of these errors real quick yeah just missing firmware for some modules but we'll get that all handled in so now we have it done we've actually installed the actual system so let's do a gen f stab this is basically setting up those initial drives so we can actually you know have arch recognize them as we're going in so do gen f stab dash u dash capital u dash p and you want to do slash mnt all right and then you want to do a double arrow drop into mnt etsy and the fstab fstab is basically the the file we're using to store all of the drives that linux should be recognizing so hit enter we have generated the f-stab to show you what an f-stab is you can go to uh you can go to mnt etsy f-stab and nano and basically linux has calculated every single partition i had right so sdb3 and it's got all the uuid so see how it calculates the user i the uuid it calculated where it's mounted normally extension for rw relatime all that stuff so this is basically what we're sitting at now let's go down even further and actually load into our new installation so we're going to do arch ch root and we're going to do slash mnt now we're in our new installation boys and girls now it's time to modify this so we're gonna do nano etsy oh not baby what the first things first since we're in our new installation nano doesn't exist you see that nano does not exist so what we're going to do is we're going to do sudo pac-man dash s y you know update all this package base and everything make sure it's there pseudo pac-man s nano and bash completion so hit enter and uh we are now in we have nano available so that's how we install programs i don't use vim because i don't really like vim i prefer nano myself just my personal belief my personal thing so that's what i do so now we want to do nano etsy locale gen now is where we set system locale now you're gonna have to find out what locale is in your area but i know that i'm in nus.utf negative 8. so we're going to do control w to start finding we're going to do nus for me and bam right there eight nus.utf08 utf negative eight so close so we're gonna uncomment that so arch can see it we're not gonna uncomment anything else we're only gonna uncomment this now arch linux will look into this file and say this doesn't exist except that one line so exit out of it save it and bam you're done now it's time to do now it's time to generate the locale so you're going to type locale.gen it looks through the file that's the only thing i see and it generates that i'm not an it engineer that's a whole different thing uh cyber security is my thing so now it's time to echo so you want to do echo echo basically we're just going to copy whatever echo we're going to echo a certain line into a file so we're going to do echo and we're going to do capital lang you know language in this case and and this is very important do not up like this i have up and it's caused me some headaches so do n underscore us so whatever it said your locale was remember it so n underscore us right dot utf i have it always written over here so i don't up right there bam and copy i just i it's not a script i just have like all of my uh all of my like my important things that i can't up just like in line like nus utf-8 just so i don't it up you know you know what i mean and then you want to copy that into your etsy locale not gen local conf so hit enter and then you want to do the export right lang all right in this case not that you can't do that playing oh wow you can't even do a capital export export lang it's literally the no up list like you have to like i even though i know exactly what i'm typing i like triple check it so it's like always n utf negative eight so i always i always do that because if i this up it's just gonna annoy me so hit enter and uh we should be good so we set our language we've done everything what's next is we're probably going to set up things like uh we want to do time now so the way that time works is we have uh we have basically different zones so to show you what i'm looking at let's do ls user share time zone why is it not oh not zone info uh if you got if you want anything i'm going to show you what i'm actually reading as well alongside this uh i'm gonna i'm gonna link something in the chat real quick of what i'm reading alongside arch uh install wiki oh man i can't type on this uh yeah installation guide uh this is what you want to be reading alongside don't watch a video or anything this is what you want to read it's always up to date that's what i'm looking through for all these uh extra deals but that's what we're doing uh it's not a guide that i'm following but i just keep it up there because sometimes and this is very important so the reason why i do this all from memory mostly but the reason why that guide is important is during the install process sometimes they change a couple things right maybe directories or whatever so even though i have it in memory if they change a directory and i'm remembering something else you know it's not it's not always common i can always refer back to that guide because it's always up to date and you can you know figure out what they change because sometimes that does happen like i told you earlier they used to have that rank mirrors in then they took it out for some reason but in that you can you can figure it out so that's that's an important thing that's the one thing you probably uh want to just have right uh so anyways zone info and if you hit enter you can see how they got like every country right they've got africa america antarctica are arctic asia atlantic australia brazil canada right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make a symbolic link here so let's do ln s and we want to do user share zone info and i know that i'm canada so it's canada and i know that i'm eastern so canada eastern and there's nothing much more so you want to do like one arrow and you want to copy that into your etsy and local time so now that we've got that set you know we're pretty good so now that we've got our local time now it's time to do hardware clock so you do hw clock dash cis tohc dash utc hit enter bam we're done so now that we've got all of that done it's time to now create the hostname for our device our hostname is like the overall name for the system right like our hostname so what we're going to be doing over here is we're going to do uh echo and i'm going to call this the overlord so echo overlord and you want to do like uh etsy the host name god damn dude i haven't eaten i need to eat so there we go we got our host name done and then you want to do other things so this is where you want to enable a bunch of uh first off actually no you want to do it you want to do nano etsy pac-man d all right no not pac-man pac-man.conf and in here you want to enable uh multi-lib so if you want 32-bit applications right which they're a fair bit of uh you want to go all the way down and you want to enable multi-lib you see how they have two they have multi-lip testing just get multi-lip testing is like all the experimental branch all right if you if you want stable software don't go to the testing branch all right it's a bad sign all right don't do that uh you want to close and save that and uh we're good now this is where you want to enable things if you have an ssd you want to get trim support right so you do system ctl which is the uh you know uh this is this is what it's going with this is like arch right there you can get like in it i think it's like in it rd or something no not rd what's the other one i know system ctl is the unit system we've got over here but like what's the other one it's like void linux uses it i think it's like rc or something of the sort i'm trying to remember because i know this is system d the other one is like someone in the chat open rc open rc is like gen 2 uh run it i think is void uh but system d is what we've got over here and i know a lot of people hate system d but uh it's not so bad all right don't about it it's it's all right so you want to do systemctl enable something and you want to do the fstrum timer so it creates a sim link and that whole service is going to be enabled you're going to want this if your system has an ssd and if you have a modern system it's probably going to be a case so now that we updated our pacman with the multi-lib it's time to actually update its directory so we're going to do pacman dash sy and because we enabled multi-lib everything's up to date it just has to download the multi-lib and for some reason it just won't do it i think it's oh there it is there it is downloaded at 24 kilobytes boys we're uh we're looking pretty good under the situation all right so root password so you do password just literally type that and this is what your root password is going to be so if you're doing things like uh you know if you're all of the stuff that we've been doing up till now would require sudo sudo is what we're going to be needing so this password is going to be like your root password right i would make sure it's very different from your actual username password as a security measure if you want to keep it the same keep it the same think of it like your windows administrator account right this is your administrator password so enter it enter it again uh if it doesn't show up type that's literally the case it's security now it's time to add a user so you can add as many as you want but i'm going to add my user account right here so we're going to do user add all right and we're going to do dash lowercase m g users and we're going to give it you know all of its commands so we're going to give it the wheel group the storage group and also the power group power users and we're going to do dash s we're going to give it its terminal so in this case since i only have bash bin bash we'll change it later and uh we'll give my name is honest so hit enter and what oh i think i screwed something up hold on a second uh i didn't give myself the capital g after it me yeah i just saw that capital g for groups because because you have to do capital g then you have to give yourself groups everything is fine hit enter so we got our user now no error no nothing give your username a password so password uh in my case it's on us so hit enter and it's time to give that a username password so bam we gave myself a password our users are now made so now that we got the users made we're going to edit the pseudolist so editor equal nano because we're using nano to edit it and call it vice pseudo so here's your sudoers file now to make our life really easy we're gonna go do we're gonna find percent wheel and we're to uncomment this so people in the wheel group can execute commands from this so get rid of that and in the bottom we're going to make sure that uh things like our default password are now requirements so instead of using you know that username password we're going to make them use the admin password so in this blank new line do defaults and type in root pw for root password and you can save the list and close it off now that that is all done we're gonna make sure that our efis are mounted okay our efi var fs is mounted so all we need to do is mount dash t efi var uh fs efi var fs and we're gonna do slash cis firmware efi ef5 vr s and hit enter and if it says it's already mounted you're good chief you're good yeah fine you know what i mean now it's time to install our bootloader how fast do you think our bootloader is going to take well i'll show you you do boot ctl and install nominate enter it's going to blow your minds whoa created all of our boot entries what the less than a second that was some good right there that's what happens when you use system d boot boys i'll use that grub see manjaro uses grub this is our small bootloader right here all right now the thing with this bootloader is you got to get really nitty gritty yourself so now you want to do nano and you want to make your boot entry so do etsy not essay sorry you want to do go into your boot go into boot go to loaders entries and we're going to call this um let's call it default okay you know just just uh just rip on the fortnite kids a little bit the fortnite default so default conf so let's give this directory a title for the bootloader right so we're going to do title and we're going to call this uh muta arch linux all right now in here we're going to lead it to a bunch of the initialization so we're going to do linux we're going to do slash vm linus linux not vm linus vm linux dash linux we're pointing it to basically you know linux is we're pointing it to the kernel and it's in in it ram fs now we're going to do init rd right and this is just like we're going to come back to this but i'm just setting it right now for the stage in it ram fs linux linux or no linux dot image right so now we got all this up i up this is where linus was this is where i was screwed up so you want to exactly type it like i've done right here okay let's get down to it so control x save and call it a day now interestingly enough kiddos you also want to make sure that your microcode patches are up to running what is a microcode patch well for certain processors in order to get this running you need uh you you need all their security updates and their stability and all that in their in all of it now microcodes you could normally update through the bios but in linux you can apply all of this ship during the boot process so since i have an intel cpu we want to do sudo natsu sudo pac-man s i'm just gonna do sudo to make it easier for you all to understand intel dash u code i believe amd has its own u code but i'm an i'm an intel guy so i'm installing the intel micro code uh we are currently downloading this at 100 okay it's ramping up a little bit it's ramping up but we've installed the microcode now i think amd has a microcode so let me see let me see amd u code yes amd does in fact have its own micro codes but we're not going to install that because i don't have an amd card right okay you understand that now we're going to go back to that bootloader directory before init rd okay you want to make sure you do the absolute smart thing and do init rd and you make sure linux calls onto that intel ucode dot img you don't do this that things are gonna happen now if you're a linux guy you'll probably have heard of a name called glorious egg roll and he's come up with the greatest scheme the greatest command line entry i've ever seen during this okay all right you all ready you want to use the microcode use the microcode i promise it'll make life a little bit easier okay jesus christ so this will boot however what happens if linux decides to up or something changes in the hardware level and your partitions get a little moved around in the hardware scheme right a little different may not be so common but we're gonna make sure linux we're gonna grab linux buy the testicles every boot process and tell it that's the drive you're going to go behind so let me just google this man's uh command he has like something here it's in a video i have it saved but i'm going to show you let me show you what we're going to do here so here it is i've got it going we're going to type in echo quotations options and this has to be very on point root equal part uuid and capitals equal dolans all right dolan bracket concur not curly brackets normal brackets all right we're going to do blk id block id dash s part uuid dash o uh value for dev sdb 3. that's what our root drive so we want this to always boot into that root drive it's not going to boot into home it ain't going to boot anywhere else it's only going to boot to that drive right there okay that drive is the one and then we're gonna do rw and uh you know apostrophe double arrows because double errors are very important okay double arrows are what we're going to be using to add a line to the file if you do a single arrow it literally will just overwrite the entire file so that's why we have these different arrow schemes this is to add a new line okay and then you want to add it to where our bootloader so bootloader entries default.conf hit enter you might be like what the did that do well echo was basically us you know echoing this line right here so apostrophe options root now this whole part uuid well so that we can get the uuid for the part right the partition id itself that will never change okay that's like a fingerprint all right we gave it the block id of that specific partition no matter what that will never change now if we do nano etsy no no boot loader entries default you can see that this is the line it added it will always boot to this line boys it will always boot to this line we are literally telling it you will never boot anywhere else but this partition id and it's very important okay it's gonna save your brain if something happens very important so now that we got all of this done it's time to check if we have a working network connection so for the person earlier who talked about network i'll show you this much if you type an ip link all right it'll give you all of this all right you can do ip adder it'll give you you know more but iplink gives you a bunch of extra so you've got ello which is localhost loopback that's not important eno2 is the ethernet port that i have connected to the internet that's what i need wlr wlan0 is basically uh is basically a good old-fashioned uh wireless card now i know that you guys have seen my mac address it's all cool and dandy i really don't care uh that may or may not be spoofed it's up for you to figure it out i don't really give a i'm not sitting over here trying to you know this isn't the days of psp where everyone had to hide their mac address uh i don't care it's not that big a deal all right you know what i mean uh fun fact by the way i'm gonna tell you guys something right now mac addresses don't really mean a whole lot anymore let me tell you why every device spoofs them iphones androids most laptops everything out there those devices have just built-in mac spoofers and it's getting to a point where that doesn't even help anymore uh this is not like giving away my ip address you really cannot do anything with the mac address okay you really you're really not gonna do anything with it you can't ddos it you can't do whatever if you think that you're gonna commit a crime in my name using my mac address uh there's a million other fingerprints you're leaving behind and uh if you think if you think all the feds do is use the mac address to figure out trust me it doesn't help whatsoever the mac address means jack it's and all so it really doesn't matter anybody that says they're gonna hack you with a mac address uh they're a roblox sacker okay i'm just putting that one out there does that does that does that does that ease someone does that ease some tension i hope so i hope so anyways back to the fun part we're gonna do sudo pac-man s and we're gonna install dhcpcd want to do this because it doesn't come pre-installed you want to install this real quick okay and then uh now you want to enable you want to enable dhcpcd which is basically going to get our dhcp lease it's going to get an ip address from the actual routers that we have to linux on boot so you want to do system ctl enable and you want to do dh cpcd add eno2 dot service hit enter and there you go you've just done it so that will now run dhcpcd on that network device right there if you don't do this you're gonna have to do this every time you boot this is just this is what you want to do so linux handles it as you're booting in so when you're picking your balls and you're getting your sandwich while your system's booting up linux is just there to do it okay uh it i don't think it has dhcp cd because i don't i don't even know why it's so stupid why they don't just keep that as a default because you need it so now you want to do sudo pac-man s i hate interchanging pseudo like that it just makes me look like a idiot but i do it because in a teaching manner it's better uh you want to install network manager okay this is a gui tool okay so if you don't want to around with this and trust me look i love the command line like every other linux nerd out there but linux users are like vegans okay they won't shut the up about how much they know about the command line command line's great if you know what you're doing but if there's a gui tool that's lightweight and it can do your job just do it okay jesus christ hit enter and install all of this i'm telling you arch users this may seem overly complicated but like when you've done it like 30 times it's really not that bad this is basically a linux install except you're doing every step yourself most other linux installs you just hit next a bunch of times and it does all of this for you okay so anyways once you've installed network manager it's time for you to do system ctl enable network uh manager uh service and this is this is actually really brain dead so to install network manager you need to do it all lowercase but to enable it the n and the m have to be capital i don't know why it's so stupid it's i hate it when they mix this lowercase and well it's just insanity so now that network manager is enabled we need to make sure that uh we need to make sure that i think at this point our linux headers need to be there so we need to install our graphic card because if we don't do it before we boot up it's going to cause a bad time so each graphic card has its thing if you have an amd graphic card uh there's going to be like 10 less steps you need right if you have an nvidia card oh boy that's going to be it that's that's we're going to show you all the you need to do okay so first off you need your headers okay because what we're going to be using is something called dkms which is the dynamic kernel what is what is what is it it's like dynamic kernel it's a dynamic kernel module what the is d it's dynamic kernel module somebody somebody's going to google it for me no it's literally not as easy as that's it i'll show you what i'm doing uh this is like the foolproof way so you need the linux headers okay uh listen so linux has two dynamic kernel module support there we go or support i think or assist dynamic kernel module system might be it whatever uh there's two versions of the nvidia driver okay there's the open source driver which if you're in linux you're probably like i love open source it better be open source or i'm not touching it on my linux drive nvidia's proprietary is their proprietary code so you are running if in this fashion i'm about to show you you're kind of breaking the linux vegan lifestyle which is only open source the only reason i'm going to use linux's proprietary drivers is because the open source version of the driver while it's good it's like muhammad ali okay the open the proprietary is like muhammad ali okay the open source you know it's like a drunk is like it's like a drunk it's like shenmue one okay all right you know my phone we're the sailor dad okay when folklife mini game okay that's what we're doing okay because actually here's a better analogy the the mainline linux the mainline nvidia proprietary driver is like metal gear solid 3 snake eater great game everything in fact metal gear solid 2 awesome game the open source is shenmu some people like shenmue okay people with a people people with people with you know limited time don't people who prefer quality don't that's what it comes down to so install those headers uh even though the headers are already installed i'm just gonna go through it again uh for the sake of it just so it like installs oh my god i'm touching my stitches it's so gross yeah they should fall out now it's time to install the nvidia so i have my notes over here and this is literally what you're going to want so do sudo pacman s and do nvidia dkms there's a normal nvidia but we're going to do the dkms so that every time we update linux's kernel it'll actually update all those it'll recreate the driver for us right here uh through the dkms system which is ultimately better i don't know why this isn't a default but uh this is what we're gonna be doing oh you can't see it anyways okay so you want to do sudo pacman dash sdk ms all right there's a normal nvidia driver which is fine but i personally prefer this way because it's more foolproof it like this is just a better way to handle it okay uh i don't know why they don't make this a default personally but you want to do it this way now it's time to do lib gl v no not lib that comes later doesn't it you want to do nvidia utils okay opencl nvidia you want to do lib gl vnd okay and now it's time to do lib32 so you want the 32 lips from the multi-lip okay this is for like 32-bit support and glvnd all right lib 32 nvidia utils you want to do lib32 and uh opencl nvidia and then nvidia settings there's a couple other things that you want but this is like sort of like the basic so hit enter dependency cycle uh will be installed before it's okay yeah so that's basically linux fixing a bunch of things up uh yeah so as you can tell that like case sensitive is important linux fixed it up for me it said mesa will be involved before this this this and that uh you know actually i'll just do it myself i'll just do it myself i'll i'm not gonna let linux me over on this let me do what was that okay i'm not i'm not even gonna bother i'm not gonna i'm not gonna come out with like you know my ass handed to me it's not that big of a deal i'll just change the way that uh that i've got it open cl nvidia lib 32 gm uh lib32 nvidia utils lib32 opencl nvidia and then nvidia settings did i it up it you know let's just go with it it i thought i thought i thought i got things in and out somewhere actually wait does pac-man do that no it doesn't it doesn't require it does it it'll no i think in a something else dude i'm thinking back to my ubuntu days that what i just did was i think brain dead that's not important pac-man is way more smarter and streamlined than apt-get i swear to god i think i i had the i had the app to get in my mind if you're if you anybo if any of you guys are like ubuntu users you know exactly what the i'm talking about apt-get while is a great system makes me want to blow my brains out i hate apt-get i used to start off from that but jesus christ man i think is annoying we got a little raid going on from kit boca dude what's up guys god damn he rated with like 3 000 jesus christ he ra he raided a he raided an arch linux install stream what a this this is what i love about this is why i love about the twitch community you know when it comes to the computer nerd side of it i hope that you i hope that you got some scammers today brother god damn i hope that you got some scammers like my what is up with my download speed today okay is the art server in itself bam look at that we're installing our graphic drivers now people who come in thinking that i'm hacking the government no i'm not this part of it is spiking my cpu up to like no tomorrow you can hear the fans ramp up on my computer because it's like building this driver and it's not that big a deal we're gonna install dkms we're gonna get it it's gonna take a while it takes a little bit of time dude it takes a bit of time depending on your potato if you got a potato computer let's go let's go it's gonna be a little bit surprised it took this long all right so now that we got our drivers installed uh nvidia is still terrible okay nvidia is an awful company when it comes to making this work so we're going to go to etsy all right no nano etsy the make in it cpio okay this is what we're going to be using to like regenerate our init ram fs we want to go to the configuration so where it says modules with like nothing in it you want to do nvidia all right nvidia mode set you want to do nvidia uvm and then you want to do nvidia drm not capital drm this is very important in this order if you this order up if you this order up all right bad times i don't even know not i've never i've never changed this order maybe you can mix and match the world is your mode set all right boys go for it but don't it up so save that all right you're good now it's time to also go back to our bootloader so nano boot loader entries arch nana arch default i usually call it arch and then arch like dash pass through and then arch dash amd but for the first time in my life i called it default which is terrible naming scheme by the way don't ever do it now you see this options line i want you to go to the end and in boot time i want nvidia to i want nvidia to win i want nvidia to be recognized everywhere okay this is very important you want to do nvidia drm mode set this is straight from the nvidia archwiki all right and you want to call it equal one this is very important okay you don't do this all right your nvidia card is gonna be in itself not entirely save that up and now you wanna create a hook all right because if you don't create a hook every time you update your kernel your drivers are going to sit there on the old kernel it's going to be bad so now it's time to make a little bit of a hook all right so go nano actually you want to make a directory because this isn't there by default make directory etsy pac-man d dot d and then you want to call it hooks i don't know why they don't automatically do it all right i don't understand the logic they used i think do it but you want to make a hook all right we're almost done we are almost done okay this is literally just for the nvidia people okay we pay a lot of money for our graphic cards to get over by linux and and not linux but nvidia nvidia that all right you want to do nano etsy pac-man d hooks and call this nvidia now you want to make square brackets and you're going to tell linux this is what this is this is the trigger this is what's going to happen so you want to do operation equal install operation equal upgrade operation equal remove what is the type package you want to do you want to do target nvidia now what happens when this trigger happens what happens when nvidia triggers the out of the linux pac-man update manager you want to give it the title of action all right now the action you want to take what is the depends all right like the diaper that old people wear does it depends well making it cpio which is regenerate the in ram fs and recreate those drivers when during the post transaction exactly exec executing what well you're going to execute the command user bin make in it cpio capital p now why do we do capital p well capital p is very important let's say that you're one of those guys who are like or gals who are like i want multiple kernels it's a logical thing the capital p regenerates for every kernel that's on your system if you don't do capital p it'll it's gonna freak the out it's gonna rebuild for once that's for all presets and kernels and you have installed okay capital p is very important you don't want you don't you this is where punctuation comes alive you understand that all right now that we're done we're installed boys we're good exit and then you want to do a reboot and you want to pull your drive out okay you're with that anymore that's for sure through what linux looks like rebooting it's got your motherboard it's booting in well look at that as long as you're seeing green okays god is on your side hey we're in now so now it's time to log in and bam we have it installed not totally you know we still got a ways to go don't we okay so now that everything is installed i want to do a quick thing systemctl failed no up now it's time now you could use linux like this but i'm going to ask people in the audience do you want do you want a gui do you want to do you want a little bit of a beautiful thing to look at you know you want to be able to watch your hentai well now we need a gui now i know people are going to ask me what i do listen boys i'm getting i'm i'm not getting myself xfce boys this isn't 1995 anymore i'm not getting myself known because i'm not a idiot i'm getting myself kde plasma because i got a nice computer and we're going to roll out that way all right so first we need mesa so sudo pacman s mesa this is where sudo is needed because we're not in our root director root uh account anymore we're gonna download mesa all right i know that i had it installed i just do this because it's clean for me i'm gonna go and reinstall it again now it's time to get our zoric server now you may have heard of things like wayland and wayland is good but we're going to stick with god's god's intended zorg okay this is what we're going to go with zorg server we're going to get zorg apps we're going to get zorg x in it we're gonna get zork twm we're gonna get zorg x clock you might be like muda why are we getting all of this it's because the wiki sex though okay that's pretty much what it is you're gonna hit enter it's gonna be like whoa you want all yeah it's 11 megabytes you sure you want to deal with that yes and look at that installing that we're get we're getting it going somebody says who likes lowly okay all right we're trying we're trying to be good boys here okay we're not trying to get busted by the feds oh look at that we installed it now moment of truth if god if god is on our side typing in the word start x whoa dude we got a little guy we got a clock we got three terminal windows but that isn't what that isn't kosher we're gonna exit out of here okay we're going to close that we're going to make that whoa we're going to make that look prettier clear that out of there god damn that's disgusting now it's time to get our package manager sudo pacman s plasma for kde sddm for our login manager whoa you want all of it yeah you want the default yeah you want g streamer of your yeah hit yes whoa look at that we're installing it somebody's like imagine using kde plasma listen i just like kde a lot that shit's golden it's gonna download all those i know you guys like bloat listen man this ain't grandma's system anymore this is my system real men use i3 that is true i have a vm build for i3 i use i3 and like vms and real men use twm listen it doesn't matter okay this is all good as long as you're not using deep end or some normal you know normie like that actually deep ins not too bad xfce is good if you're you know if you need to if you need to like you know whittle down your computer xfce is fine i can't just zoom it unfortunately would it please cancel g fuel record time in a second g fuel did not kill me it revived me it's a good product i like it in fact i have a little bit left i'm going to sit that down chug it don't worry boys it'll install it'll install if you use code sag it'll help me win and i can get a arch linux branded cup it's up to me man when is the only fans coming if i made an only fan do you think i could upload content like this and still be in like the top one percent of is xfce bloat now dude the idea of bloat anymore it's just not so common as you would expect man it's like if you're on a high-end system like mine or whatever if you're on a gaming system brother bloat's not that important dude don't listen to the media hype why do i have so much missing so out of it like what do i have connected to my system why do i have so much connect to my system that's going to ah probably i'll i'll fix that later on that's not so important anyways now that's done we want to do sudo system ctl enable sddm.service watch this we're going to reboot and connect just watch it just watch it watch this boys why can't you you can it's called manjaro there's plenty of scripts where you can automatically you can you can do it the only reason it's taken me this long is because i'm just typing it for you otherwise i'd be done with this in like 10 minutes it's not that hard look at that is doing the dhcpc it's doing the it's doing the uh check bam here we are whoa what's that login whoa we're connecting [Music] whoa look at where we came from boys we came from the ghetto all the way to the nicest place in the world here we are kde but you might as might be noticing whoa it's real blank me do you have a web browser yeah i don't have a web browser but let me show you guys how to install go to terminal x term sudo pac-man s console most important thing in my opinion get that new console we gotta we gotta quit out from this poor man x term into uh into a proper god intended terminal okay with this terminal i have the power to enlarge text pseudo pac-man s uh let's get uh let's get firefox little furry fox action okay let's get uh let's get ourselves a little groomer box action all right and let's get ourselves a little gaming action whoa bam this score discord is a groomer tool dude discord is for the groupers but it's cool as you can see this is how we install normally on windows you're downloading through you know services that can be you know intercepted in between linux it's just that easy whoa hold on i want a file manager let me do dolphin let me also get kit you see how fast it installs whoa i have furry fox hell yeah dude now can now i can browse for hentai whoa i have groomer box enabled dude i can fire up groomer central would you look at that what y'all look at that whoa i have steam bro get me get me that steam action i want to play some video games you know people are always like do linux games have anything and god damn are all those install packages on an open source linux server no it's just part of the package repository oh god damn how is it so fast because it's linux it's an advanced operating system this isn't your this isn't your dad's operating system jesus christ yay let's get let's get the ore working here let me go to let me go to the uh let me go to yay or here real quick i want to access the the ore which is the big part now you got to be real careful because there could be some up packages here but i'm going to get snapshot here real quick save that on my system all right open that up downloads whoa i can't open that well me don't worry kids papa mood is here to tell you you want to get you want to get 7-zip pseudo pac-man s p-7 zip arc is a tool hit enter didn't download spider-fucking solitaire i don't around with that i probably should whoa steam is working well my that shouldn't be possible jesus christ but it is all right let me log into my account better better better do better better better better better do one of these i told you guys i was gonna we don't use winrar in this operating system all right what do you take me for what do you take me for kids all right jesus this is the magic school bus not the crack then all right we don't we'll use winrar here jesus christ you know kids kids using bandicam in my class and i send them straight to the jesus you guys are out of your mind i know i could just unpar no let's see we've got yay right over here we got all this wait a minute wait a minute what game do we want to get wait first off i gotta turn off family friendly mode all right oh let's enable let's enable this nonsense real quick system steam play enable steam play for other titles five thirteen zero yes restart steam all that i have family friendly because i do i i share my games with my brother so you need to have this family-friendly for some stupid reason uh let's install yay real quick open terminal uh tar xzv f uh what is this yay tarzi cool cda to get into it uh make package csi yeah we don't we don't use bandicam dude that's what we call that's what we call homeless video recording you know whoa yes install go as a dependency yeah we're going to write an autobiography god i don't know thank you ivanator for the five tier subs dude jesus thank you brother whoa what games do we download now these are all windows games you know some some of these have linux versions but they really like their well you know what i got a great game right now really let's play some yakuza zero oh you guys want to play ff15 you want to download 100 how much how big is ff15 actually that might be fun final fantasy uh windows edition whoa 86 gigabytes whoa nah dude that we're gonna download yakuza so hold on you guys want to do yakuza do you want to like test the graphic cards of linux because i'm gonna i'm gonna shut these linux got linux haters down you guys want to see uh yakuza kiwami 2 running at max settings on on on linux or do you want to see yakuza 0. it's up to you guys they're both the same they're both they're both good games you guys want to see me max this out let's do it insta installed the game so yeah prep that file for install install the uh package manager yes so let's get brave browser because i like brave a lot so yay brave or slash brave bin is the one i use diffs to show don't worry i've already read it a million times uh download fnaf i'm going to put all this effort into installing it you want to play five nights at freddy's what's wrong with you people are you why do you torture me like this why did you hurt me like this i don't get it oh man yakuza's really taking a time to prep jesus it's like porn bro this dude's prepping the bowl like no tomorrow all right let's get rid of these all right but as you can see linux why isn't this not why the oh my god dude no uninstall we're going to do the other one but let me see is discord don't sign in i don't want i don't want discord to be signed in steam we've got clipboard contents everything i don't know why i took forever actually patience zero damn straight patient zero jesus christ uh i'm just going to enter a couple of sensitive things here real quick oh yakuza 0 is also like half the size i'll go with that oh it was installing proton dude me all right now that we're done uh we're installing the common redistributables let's install the precaching all right boys install the game right here shouldn't take too long uh my internet's kind of so uh just give it like five minutes what linux distro arch now this is what like people showcase all the time like this is this is like their pornography so you want to do sudo pac-man s neofetch uh and you want to hit enter and you want to do like neo fetch and now you can like show off to your friends we're going to north new jeep jersey i'm your cube all right now you guys want to see my favorite um you guys want to see my favorite task manager tool watch this it's really cool your friends will your friends will think you're the nsa all right so type in the batch top look at this that's what i use dude see how cool that is how base this is god's gift to the world right here dude it's real sick all them cores dude i have a i have that seven thousand dollar build i'm telling you guys about it has a hundred and twenty eight threads it doesn't sit inside here you guys wanna see some real hacker man dude watch this this is like this is this is like what every linux channel just shows you pseudo pac-man s c matrix just watch this this is like porn for people watch this [Music] i'm a hacker it's like it's like they put you can put this up on a second monitor and people be like whoa what are you doing and i'm like yeah i'm i'm downloading the nsa secret files right now every single line right here is like a file thread being sent to my system uh it's really a c matrix for all the nerds out there you know there's people the people who think that there's people who really think that now these are all the backgrounds that we have uh as you can see here's what we call the logan paul uh pretty depressing i would say all right i i personally this is this is like even more depressing like they need to get some uplifting he needs to get some uplifting wallpapers dude this is bad this is bad here let's go with flow this is like basic this is like basic dude put a hentai you absolutely could have a hentai wallpaper you just like straight up could there's no there's nothing stopping you i don't even know why i'm opening up discord i don't want to get groomed why are discord groomer jokes like the easiest jokes to make like it's just straight up the funniest imaginable is it installing faster jesus christ canadian internet dude it's okay you have to sign in to get groomed oh man dude the best one was in the youtube stream where you saw like that where it was like what was it what was the it was like it was like don't trust my ex don't trust this person he's my ex-discord moderator and it's like you will never believe what went wrong really really i wouldn't know what happened we got a discord moderator as a friend bro the x discord moderator you can only imagine in your head what the could have happened right i really i don't know what happened okay dude so okay buddy and uh as you can see hit play posted yeah can we keep the memes out of general i really i really don't like you guys actually having fun okay you're getting banned now you know nobody in the server can can can say that word that's a word of hate hate discord people dude yeah we keep it pretty serious in this we're a communi okay guys i need you in the secret channel we need to have a talking too the secret channel could be like you're either getting reprimanded or you're gonna get diddled dude hey there kitten wanna watch a movie oh wait you're you're how old again it doesn't matter it's only a number right damaging dude don't worry don't worry don't worry i might be 34 years old but i'm also 12 at heart it's so dumb dude so dumb yeah let's watch monsters inc okay okay chief like all right dude be out there wanting to watch monsters inc dude yeah have you ever looked up what bdsm is no oh whoa look at that wait you're not hearing the audio don't worry i'm not hearing it either but i will set the output to hdmi oh it's really i am so sorry wow a windows game working on linux what the that shouldn't be possible i'm gonna call the fbi you can't just get away with that i'm so so i'm so sorry about that i didn't expect it they made this game louder it's only 60 hertz because of this piece of capture card well dude that shouldn't be possible guys this shouldn't be bill dude microsoft is like wait they can game asides from our system how dare you [Music] so i want you to understand what we're doing is we're putting this game through a compatibility layer and it's effectively uh it's it's basically uh in real time taking windows calls and converting them to linux calls and same with the actual like directx variant we have uh this isn't perfect a newer games obviously won't work day one but it gets better as time goes on like you can see that this game works flawlessly that's 60 frames boys this is why i don't game on windows man i mean one of my biggest things now just works very easily on linux this wasn't that hard if you were on ubuntu it was just downloading steam and enabling proton the fps counter uh i i might need to get mango hut for that because um actually wait where is mango hud let's do that let me just save the game real quick oh man dude do i have to fight these nerds uh i have a i have 120 hertz monitor but it's capped to 60 because of the capture card and do i does steam have one built up [Music] yeah it's running at 60 boys and girls straight dude i love the music in this get out of here sir we don't like we don't like we don't like your lower tier gang around here that dude's getting his ass handed to him dude's like straight stun lock [Music] you guys want to on bill gates's dreams you know you want to run halo on linux beer wants to run some halo on the linux side of things you don't see that yo she's a halo let's run halo dude now you can't play this online because of anti-cheat but that's what vms are for but i'll show you guys how the single player runs underneath linux so give this a little give this little download real quick it's getting the shader pre-caching con content that wasn't uh 1080p but it runs just fine on my 3440 by 1440. anti-cheat yeah the anti-cheat is sort of like the death knell of linux gaming so multiplayer games obviously unless they're supported on linux will work but through proton you're never going to get your multiplayer games up it's just because here's the thing with anti-cheat they're so in depth and like anti-cheat is so invasive that i don't think some anti-cheat will ever really work primarily on linux anyways so that's the problem that's why we have that's why we have things like um that's why we have things like vm so we can run you know multiplayer games under there even though now a lot of developers are targeting vms because 0.1 of the hacker base is actually using vms to do it even though there's so many easier ways to hack without a vm but you didn't hear that from me dude i mean i'm not an anti-cheat developer i just need to make bands up so i can get hired more by developers anti-cheat dude anything about anti-cheat i hate so much of these services because anti-cheat the whole goal is for them to ban the out of everyone so they can have like a high like oh we ban a million players a month even though it's just a lot of them are false bands and then everyone just hires them like it's so stupid dude everything about anti-cheat if if games have invasive ass anti-cheat like valorant like listen i wanted to play valorant but with the shitty anti-cheat that they have it's just not worth it it's not worth fighting it it's not worth dealing with it why the would i install some rootkit software into my system it's so brain dead and everyone's like oh yeah but it really helps against the hacker they're still hackers in the game granted there's less of them but now you have this like attack surface installed onto your system it's like people just don't understand it's like the other thing is like what do you have to hide it's not what do i have to hide i pay money for my system and i don't like installing features i do not like installing rootkit software borderline rootkit at times on my system anyways it's just dumb there's like just no reason for it it's about how are you going to play the game i won't yeah but you're the other thing is like you got the money just buy a separate windows 10 system i don't need to if the game is that invasive i'm not going to do it all right jesus christ like people out there really expecting that like i need to get no it i'm not gonna deal with your stupid game that's why i play less of rainbow six siege why bother fighting off battle live their game like i'm done with it man like i'll play it i'll enjoy it with my friends but i'm not gonna give too much of a anti-cheat is terrible like dude they barely target the actual offenders it's like and everyone is sitting over there like oh yeah but the hardware like people get the stupidest like i talked to one guy he's like yeah but you know what they need to do hardware bands i'm like congratulations right there i can understand you have no idea what the you're talking about and they're like what do you mean i'm like it takes me five milliseconds to get to spoof my hardware id bam you're not gonna be able to ban people like that are you stupid it's like why would you need a virtual machine to game anyways because i install like windows 10 on my main system that's stupid it's dumb windows 10 runs better for me under a vm anyways what the would i bother like jesus eight gig ram is a minimum if you have 16 gigs you can vm just fine i don't know man people believe people need to people need to relax on there dude and the thing is people don't get it's like virtual machines have many disadvantages like somebody just said what kind of vm are you talking about are you talking about like vmware are you talking about virtualbox or are you talking about kvm all right because if we're talking about kernel virtual machines like we're talking about type one hypervisors um what disadvantage because i'm not gaming under that's the other misconception i don't use virtualbox or vmware to run a vm those are type 2 hypervisors you are running it at os level you're not passing through hardware you're not giving it a gpu of course it's going to be slow of course you're not going to game under it i use bare metal hypervisors like kvm that peop the same companies that banned me for using their own servers so it's like the the when i use kvm it's like using windows 10 basically on a native level maybe two percent performance loss so here it is let's run let's run halo and uh the cool thing about it is even though they have anti-cheat just uh they have a system where you can disable it just for single player and like custom games what are the advantages to my kvm system i literally pass through a gpu or run it as if it's native and let's say my windows partition let's say my virtual machine gets a virus there's a very little chance that the virus is ever going to bust into my main system a lot of it is just securing your personal stuff i don't need to use windows all the time i'm only going to use it for editing videos and uh playing around i don't dual boot there's no reason i don't trust that way i can play shady games on my windows 10 partition and not worry about a virus infecting me you know and if windows fails i can just save state back to its original thing i don't have to reinstall or do anything that's what it comes down to and with the vm when i showed you guys the video where i installed the mac vm ran just like you would expect you just pass through a gpu for it it is what it is and honestly we did that one thing where we uh tested my fake my my vm hackintosh got a higher performance rating than anything apple was out most of what apple was shooting out play games through docker containers i don't think you can really get that going is boot camp on mac os i think you mean boot camp uh no boot camp is you're running you're installing windows natively to a macbook but you're just booting into that it just comes with it just comes with drivers to assist windows in recognizing mac hardware that's pretty much what it is does kvm need a dedicated gpu just for the vm i mean no it doesn't if you want to pass through one for better performance yes it needs a dedicated gpu but now there are ways to do a single gpu passthrough you just can't use linux at the same time as windows but uh if you have one gpu you can actually get away with it now would i recommend ubuntu or linux mint i think linux mint is good you can just get away with linux mint i think it's better now ubuntu i don't like i don't like ubuntu man i do not like ubuntu whatsoever i think ubuntu is without a doubt a i don't know it never works on hardware that i'm using so i don't even bother with it like if you want to use ubuntu there's something called pop os but i even hate pop os now because pop os is the same problem as bass ubuntu which is like any hardware that i have barely works like i would rather use windows 10 natively than any of those debian based ones rtx 3070 is great for vm dude it works just fine i want you to understand when you pass a gpu through it's as if it's running natively for that os so that's just fine i use linux because i do also code i do you know keep it for the safety performance and it just serves as a good server thing going around you can use your integrated graphics as a second gpu if you want i've done that but my integrated graphics sucks i only get 50 hertz output on anything so i don't even bother what do i think about solas os never have used that if you have an egpu you can use that just fine let's say you have a laptop you can you can get an amd gpu and you can just turn your laptop into like a pseudo macbook it's actually sick so this part takes long that's because it's processing the shaders in this just so it doesn't have a stutter problem you can actually see it doing it in action by opening up like a bash top real quick and you can see that it's currently maxing out my cpu like crazy uh the reason it's doing this is because uh it's it's rendering all those shaders so all this fossilize you're seeing is it's just pre-calculating right now for the heck of it to keep it running again the better cpu you have in this case i have an i900k the better performance you're going to get in this situation does it only or wait what is it may sound like it but with the process for a gpu pass-through uh change yeah nvidia you have to introduce for uh for things like nvidia gpus you have to make sure that you pass through uh you spoof i think hardware ids you spoof the you spoof something you spoof like vendor id so like uh linux doesn't because linux has like a protection where like if it detects it's in a vm they won't let you install it and that's because they want you to buy like the super expensive vm based gpus that they sell but it's very easy to bypass uh for amd you need to do nothing because amd is based in this regard and they just let you use it am i an intel or amd guy the build that i'm getting that's several thousand dollars just for the sake of you know building the ultimate rig is amd like it's a ryzen build amd graphic cards have a reset bug but there is a patch that you can do for kernel stuff and it does actually work it's kind of a little brain dead just because uh the patch basically goes into like amd's experimental branch and i think what they do is they like power the card off like they kind of like power it off on the motherboard and then they repower it just to get past it i really don't really agree that the unused ram is wasted ram philosophy though yeah but it is if you're not using ram you're kind of just wasting it you know like there's no like if you if if the ram is pi like right now i have 59 gigs of available memory yeah i could use more i could you know filling this out there's nothing harmful about it all right here it is halo payload fired up should i get a threadripper or i9 i mean if you if you want to get a threadripper get a threadripper that's all that's always ideal anyways though uh i need to sign into my xbox account surprisingly uh on linux and i think maybe it's the way that linux handles ram there's just not a whole lot of ram usage on my chromebase browsers let me just sign in i don't think i can do games online because of the anti-cheap not being part of it where is it uh microsoft all right here it is [Music] i'll just leave it up as a vod on twitch yup see easy auntie cheat isn't enabled but if you go to campaign i'll show you the performance of the campaign [Music] what's available uh this is one of those things right let's do halo reach let's do exodus understand this is a halo finally running on linux one point microsoft considered this operating system equivalent to communism and now we're here remember this used to be a communist operating system because they were sucking money out of microsoft [Music] a little bit of stutter all available evacuation will commence so the stutter that happens is because we're like it's kind of like an emulator how when we see something new it stutters just to compile the shader and then after that it's fine yeah it's a small price to pay but you know game works and uh is this max settings by the way yeah this is on this on the freshest kernel we're on art so let's enhance the visuals a little bit yeah let's do that save settings i want to play on like discount baby resolution uh can we turn off vsync just so i can see how high things yeah turn off vsync frame rate limit unlimited uh as you guys can see underneath linux well what is the number on the top right saved can somebody read that can somebody uh read the number on the top top sorry top left of course after a little bit of the stutter the average frame rate is uh somewhere around frames 300-ish i think it's supposed to be like that i thought that was a bug god damn these things suck ass on hard difficulty oh jeez running away romeo company be advised uh i want to say right now if it's shopping right now it's because of the uh i don't think so actually no there is a bit of a stutter but it's fine it's getting better that speed that's literally because we're just compiling [Music] over firing fpf one shot hold on your helmet no wait isn't there a night vision or something where's the uh night vision anybody know oh four there it is but how does that feel guys now if i was running this under a vm with windows 10 no stutter this is only because of linux's proton that's running this this is only because linux is remember what we're doing right now is we're doing a window we're converting windows calls directly to linux in real time and we're doing the same thing with the directx as well too so this is there's a lot going on behind the scenes to make this magic happen okay i want you to really understand that the screen tearing is rough because i have vsync off that's why we're hitting like 690 frames if this was a vm wouldn't have a single stutter right now shot so i want you to understand that that's why i game under vms this is linux compiling shaders okay this is this is why this happens so now if i go to like settings i'm just gonna i'm just gonna do the uh i'm gonna do the maybe the save thing and just put on some vsync i don't like playing with v-sync on but it gets rid of a lot of discriminatory jesus it's like plasma weapons just work better kilo 4-0 wait another big thing what's the uh what's the key for armor ability like firing fps it's a default i remember when i couldn't hit ah shift isn't even working for me i might i might have a different setting or something gameplay uh controls keyboard mouse [Music] oh configure bindings uh use armor ability should be just shift right some reason it's just not working for me i don't know why that is there's got to be a reason for it watch that be like a proton bug that doesn't work oh that would suck ass well it's not like i need armor this guy this guy's easy man dude the plasma pistols got here for these guys i've never realized how effective the plasma pistol is dealing with all this you know it's funny half-life is actually native uh we have g-sync on linux here there's g-sync there's g-sync and free sync so you don't have to worry too much about that half-life guys these are all natives by the way so like some of these games you don't even need proton like half-life alone like if you go to like what is this is this the uh how do you tell it's like half-life two half-life 2 episode 2 death match yeah some of these are like just straight up like native you can like check it out for yourself see how like inside here it doesn't say you need proton that's because this is like just legit half-life like for linux uh i think every valve game is native so you can play cs go native as well i want mango hud though how do you do mango hood where's the where's the mango hood guide and get clone i think wait wait hold on does it have it in the repository watch it but no it's not is it in the uh is it in the ore oh it is i'll just build it directly from this dude source it let's get this get repository cool oh wait are you in the home yep mango hood uh uh do you wish to install these screen yes we're actually uh building the we're we're we're building the program here hold on we we are currently building we are compiling the tools so yeah you know when people are like building from source code this this is what it is boys uh so we need to build the next one cool no package is built once you have compiled it's just literally copy pasting is the part mango hut has been installed so what is this pre-packaged binaries oh dude that all right so uh to enable it we go to for steam games mango hunt command you can add this as a launch option no so yeah actually if you want to run the pc version of half-life 2 like the windows 10 version you can do this but we're going to run the basic linux version because uh valve valve put the effort where's the where's the thing launch options here we go used to be so much more different and easier it had like literally no shader to process hey we got mango hood watch the pc version of the game the windows 10 version of the game just be better oh okay sorry some of this is boring though because uh i i know that this linux stuff can be dry but i hope you guys enjoy it you know i want you guys to enjoy rise and shine mr freeman rise and shine not that i wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job no one is more deserving of a rest this game still holds up the test of time can we get a can we get better graphics now video i know that i can get i know that i can push higher graphics on half-life 2. can i remember can i currently remind the honors there should be a point in my life where i couldn't even get this game running at five frames man so blissful for you god damn dude we have a community growing up when i was when i was a younger kid couldn't get this game running i've gone two ways look at how much my cpu is being taxed let's just look at how much look at how much the cpu is taxed man look at the gpu there too it's like it's like the entire computer is like barely touched can make all the difference in the world so wake up mr freeman wake up and smelly that is a lot for the gpu though isn't it oh it's because like the gpu is like it's just pushing that many frames watch what happens when you put vsync on watch this advanced look at look at the gpu just like drops no it actually really doesn't just turn it off nobody plays their games like this man i've not played this game in years dude holy what a time to be alive can i increase fov this is bad oh right there well end of the line yeah but this is half-life 2 and this is a native version of the game so we're not doing anything proton valve actually coded the game for linux so that's uh that's that's the other thing there's other developers that have done the same like uh for instance if you want to see uh deus ex they've actually they've actually done that so you can download uh deus ex mankind divided as an actual linux game uh tf2 is on here completely uh like team fortress 2 you can just download that and it's it's a it's a native linux version anyways uh but yeah that's it that's kind of what we have you know going forward is that linux in my opinion man it's going to be the future it's going to be it's going to be something that you know stands to test time and all that pcsx2 arch linux i'm going to i'm going gonna show you guys no dude joel i don't think it's that bad i played through it and it's it's actually pretty good like from my experience at least i'm not gonna say that it's it's a bad port like it might have been bad right there it's just i don't know no you know back in the day linux used to be hard for the average user but now i think it's just gotten to the point where it's it's easy you know it's i think most people can't use it pcsx2 is this uh which one is this pcsx2 git repository which one's a better version actually let me see this pcsx2 uh pcsx2 git seems to be the most popular one is it in the is it in the base repos though pcsx2 there are two provi yeah go with default uh yeah sure download the dependencies and you can get rid of those dependencies later too you guys think it's better if i go with the get version what do you guys recommend to get for for the linux guys should i go with the git version or should i go with like the git would be experimental right git would be the experimental branch so let's do the git version pseudo pac-man rs yeah get rid of it that's how we uninstall dash uh capital r and then s and it's boom it's done let me just do one thing oh they've got a 64-bit kit master huh wait let me view the package build real quick depends depend you want to read through this a couple times just to make sure that nothing is like weird you're not downloading something off like usually where your source is uh i'm going to ask the audience here real quick which one do you guys recommend the 64 bit get or the regular kid i don't even think it matters anymore i really don't think it matters which one but uh i mean unless there's like an actual enhancement for it let's just do it yay pcsx2 uh pcsx2 64-bit get let's go three and it depends which one's more up to date though no dude no no no no look at this one revision 685 revision 989 i don't think you want to go with the 64-bit kit that's like way behind it's not maintained up to date so i think you want to go with the regular one yeah sometimes not even about the vote it's about looking at the revisions on it too so go here hit here so we're actually going to build it straight and so the or you know as great as it is is like one of the strongest tools of arch linux this is why people use it it'll build for you so like look at this right here uh git does pull from the master but i think the uh so the way is i think the 64-bit version of it may be slightly behind um honestly though it's not that big of a deal it's really like both of the versions are gonna run just fine anyways um bam look at this we're building it right the there do you know anything about coding in the field of medical software i've never worked with medical software i've never dealt with any of it i mean like if it's just stan if it's like medical software running on like you know windows-based systems uh sure like windows embedded systems potentially but like a lot of those medical software because uh it depends like sometimes they have like their own specific hardware sets um medical software is like it's it's it's a different field entirely man because in medical software you're dealing with a lot of other like we're not talking about like just computer like medical computers running like windows based systems embedded systems windows 2000 like some of those systems are old the the reality of how do you build on github from somebody else you follow their instructions but when it comes to like uh medical software like if you're talking about the medical software where they have like embedded systems like their own hardware that's so out of the league you're on your own deal right there all right here we go so now that pcsx2 is here uh is it installed should be yeah i mean it's just proprietary firmware on a lot of those hardware-based jobs though my job right now i just sit around and trade and invest that's what my job is it's not that exciting is pcsx2 installed what the terminal why didn't install uh sure packages to clean build none no yes yes oh wait did i not build it is it not built correctly what is going on here sources are ready huh yeah needed to build here failure occurred in build error making lib 32 for gta what wait a minute right here is where you fail sometimes it's easy though there's probably like something over here hold on good night kermit did it not install that dependency development files were not found please ensure that package config is a path and is installed for 1.2 check also check that the library is returned what what the is this what oh what is it trying to tell me what the somebody tell me so i'm not like mentally losing it real quick let's try the 64-bit kit watch that work watch that watch this one work though yeah sure remove makes package to show none watch this one work i might have the wrong version of gtk i don't know [Music] oh it had a mismatch on it let me try the 64-bit variant because somebody somebody just mentioned into the comments it's like i've been building the 64-bit package here's what i use yeah this is this is the one somebody else rodrigo has his own package build here somebody's complaining it's like this is why isn't 32 okay sure what's the difference between brave and google uh nothing they're both based on chrome but i just like brave a little bit better because it has like that built-in been fun geeking out man take care you have a bios don't worry i have a i have a i have a bios too i i definitely dumped it from my actual playstation 2. uh i don't need to do it it's still building the program uh how do i access the hdd oh let me install ntfs after this is done because i need a i need a i need an iso of the game man i haven't eaten all day i had like one protein shake that's not good ntfs is not blown i use it to the fuse block is not bloat okay god damn i don't have any food i don't have food all right oh look at that pcs x2 installed ooh first time configuration okay first off we're gonna go to theme global theme we're gonna put dark mode on because i'm not doing this light mode uh let's see plugin search path next uh let me get a legal bios real quick for my actual system i'm not shut up shut up real quick and get some legal bias shut up just dumping it out of my playstation and whoa look at that i have totally available by this is cool awesome didn't uh didn't you know let me get an iso file too pcsx2 where's this store document settings documents pcsx2 memory cards ee all right uh configuration memory cards all right let's do that let's just drop those in here over right over right cool cool cool refresh list hit okay where's that where's that where's that where's that where's that original copy of shin megami tensei three that i have because uh we all know downloading roms is haram boys like uh if you download a rom god hates you that's true i read i read it i read it on fake science monthly dude jesus christ comes back and slaps the out of you for even doing that you download a rom you're paying with your goddamn life jesus christ you don't want to download that man i downloaded a rom once bad time dude leprechaun came out of my computer and ripped my testicles off bro seriously no no memes no no joke no nothing dude was scary she freaked me out i think just for sanity snake i'm going to oh wait can i get bluetooth installed out of my box watch this watch this so you so you guys are like man muda how are you going to get your bluetooth working well chief arch linux has a guide for everything um bluetooth arch linux so this is what i was following when i was installing their wiki page right here this is what it came down to installation install the blue z package cool okay so terminal terminal what the terminal uh let me just pin that by the way uh sudo pacman s blue z uh blue z utils install yes whoa pseudo pacman the generic bluetooth driver is a bt usb check when the module is loaded check it uh alice mod no it mod oh wait clear mod info what's it called uh bt usb not bad okay sudo system ctl enable bluetooth [Music] service start cool we got bluetooth awesome let's connect an xbox controller wait do you guys want to connect a playstation 4 controller you know how on windows you need ds3 tool and well not on my watch boys well this is a uh this is a dead controller actually this is a wait does dual shock wait does a dual sense work on linux does the dual sense work on linux oh oh what sony releases an official linux driver what what wait a second what that's a little wild is it huh that's you guys want to try this wait that's not even in windows yet is it i i can't even use the thing in windows what hold on yeah he's straight written a dkms driver what the okay wait wait let me check the package build where's it coming out from is it live jack i don't know what's in the patch though url patchwork project gpl2 depends say it actually required archive no okay cool let's see package bill don't look too bad it's not that big of an issue i think i'm app armored anyways hey legit crookey i'm a little surprised windows doesn't have this does it windows 10 dual sense yeah it's it's literally installing the dkms right now uh windows settings doodles how to use a dual sense sony hasn't made a dr wait what what the how did this happen this doesn't make any sense so they they didn't make a driver for windows 10 or mac os x but somehow they have an actual driver for linux there's no way that there's no way this works there's no way this driver is installed hold on a second that's so bizarre dude wait let me grab a controller let me just dc via oh hell let me just close the uh let me just pull the cable out of the playstation real quick isn't it wild how the ps5 uses like a small power cable and the ps4 is still rocking it all right let's see um dual sense uh pairing you always had a problem enjoying the little things with life man if i can help you mellow out that's what it comes down to dude life is a journey the life is a journey with like blind it's a blind playthrough and you never know what's gonna change but as long as you got as long as you got your boys and your family it's all good all right let's see uh so i have a bluetooth okay it's detecting a lot of to open it okay how to connect to my pc so how do i how do i connect it via is it not is it not like how to pair your how to put dual sense into pairing mode oh here it is can i not use that term on facebook on the side here is that is that bad wireless controller sure holy it actually does work look at this so you so on the on the so to show you guys what the how the controller works um if you use the touchpad you can move the mouse right that's how it works so let's see if it works on pcsx2 that's kind of insane in my opinion actually okay so obviously that's awesome game controller wait a minute it actually fully works what the hell the controllers themselves are going through just fine like the triggers are working so this doesn't make any sense anymore why is it that windows 10 didn't get a driver but linux got a driver for it what that's a little unprecedented actually someone at sony decided yeah we'll make the driver for linux but not for windows yet ps4 is a free bf i mean it's freebsd but like what the gamepad settings the active gamepad can be plug and play is it not going to work here oh my god oh my god cancel um gamepad settings no disc boot by us natively works what can you do this on windows 10 am i am i like brain dead like what i'm a little confused right now actually this is this is a bigger deal than you think this is a bigger deal than you can you do this wait guys please tell me can you can you do this on windows 10 with the ps5 controller i'm not talking about xbox one is a ps5 controller work with that that's and i got to see if it has rumble hold on let's go to six times native 16 gigs what's the what's the shinigami tensei rules what does shimmy got me tense i say i assume maybe the haptics are gonna be kind of a deal but maybe the maybe the haptics are gonna be a bit of an issue okay game controller um motion sensors okay oh my god even the even the even the six axis is working on this what the look at that the six axis is working on it oh that's so insane i i mean with the with at this point it's gotta be the six axis works what that's this is like first party sony jesus christ why did they why they did this just for linux and not windows is just insanity to me i think i think i'm in a dream right now i'll be honest with you i'm a little confused a little wild all right let's see uh opengl uh config video plugin settings so blending unit accuracy where is that too high okay it's on high flickering pool and save room config plugin settings okay where is that where the is it config video plugin settings okay first change your render to opengl then uncheck a lot way yeah uncheck can i get access to the advanced options please enable user hacks yeah here it is uh debug oh my god i it's a little different than what i expected yeah enable hardware hacks where the are the hardware hacks i i i'm trying to fix where's the 8-bit here is that like just gone now did they like say screw it okay maybe it's not even an issue here yeah i can't i can't modify some of those things huh okay sure we'll just we'll leave it for now then i can't find those i kind of just want to play the game uh boot with no disc boot bios yes i know that you don't need it for ps5 but guys this is like legit this doesn't this is so weird it's like i couldn't get this running on windows and now it just works like a dream here it's just i know that it probably doesn't seem like the biggest deal in the world but damn usable card size why don't this work automatically manage apply should just work right no yes okay why why won't my uh why won't the uh memory cards just work i'm trying to okay whatever let's go to load the iso then no they're not even showing up oh they work now cool bros it works like a charm what the can i get into a battle okay so the the the i don't think the haptics are working on this oh god damn yes i would like you to join me give you money sure take it fine okay take more what a took my cash what what a oh man oh man i just i just lost my cash dude this works like a charm bro there's got to be a way maybe maybe i can fix it maybe maybe it's like dual sense linux haptics oh wait dude what guys they're mainlining it aren't they that's kind of insane no it's even bigger than you thought look at that they actually mainlined it didn't they am i losing it they're mainlining the driver for linux they're not just it's not just it's not even on windows they're actually submitting it to the linux like they're submitting it to they're submitting it to the developers they wanted to get mainline directly into the kernel itself like part of the package sony's coming out with a god wow what the wait currently the driver doesn't offer one oh it doesn't offer the haptic feedback currently that's so sick yeah dude there's an actual developer from sony roderick roderick holland brender brander i hope that got wow what yeah dude this guy straight is writing it jesus this guy straight wrote the whole driver out god damn he hasn't like sent anything like haptic wise but god damn sony gives more of a about the linux driver than they do anything else jesus implement support for dual sense gamepad support includes buttons and sticks this guy's badass that's there dude i know well i know it's cheaper to i mean you know it's not cheaper to develop for either or i mean you can it's cheaper to develop within linux but like they didn't make a windows 10 driver and call it so impressed i'm actually super duper impressed that's so sick for sony do you think it works on games though like if i wait can i play yakuza wait a minute this is the ultimate test this is the ultimate test hold on do you think it just works on a game wait watch it's gonna be insane if it does wait a minute what that's cool dude the d-pad isn't really working for some reason i don't know what that's all about oh my god what in the bro uh is it integrated into the kernel i don't know if it is integrated i could really just remove the dkms and we could just see if it's he said it's built into the future when it gets integrated into the kernel i can just remove the dkms okay so ah this is where the thing is so the actual button placements of it are a bit all over the place so it's like the r1 but rl1 is kind of like the start but like general placement is there wait wait can i can i uh modify the exact mappings on steam right controller configuration wait a minute wait a minute this is this is something that's doable where's controller configuration disabled for the playstation playstation must be enabled in steam's main controller settings and support must be enabled under the what what the is this so it must be enabled in steam's main controller settings what does it mean by main controller center dude it literally just just show it shows the exact placement what it even steam knows that i'm using it's hold on go to steams what settings controller general controller settings okay [Music] it doesn't even do this wait it doesn't even do this in windows 10 does it what controller led light it's not changing that [Music] oh here it is okay let's try to okay move um oh what wait a minute wait a minute uh hold on how do you how do you map it directly to like match the xbox wait a minute there's a way to do this style of input uh not touch menu [Music] left trigger [Music] [Music] these are like the dual shock 4 controllers it's not it's not going to work for that like what's funny is it detects every button just fine [Music] [Music] i'll be honest i have no idea how the this works i feel so confused yeah maybe maybe hold on a second [Music] oh now it does change color now it does change yeah see look at that it's changing colors look at that it's actually it's actually steve even steam's so into it look at that you can see it change the color of the actual dealio that's so weird what submit that i guess even the haptics working now listen listen even the haptic works what the they got the haptics working on it now this is so insane okay maybe we'll like end the game right now alt f4 i have to go through every stupid thing again don't i so obviously the the the the vibrator the vibration works on this sorry they did they didn't what i'm so genuinely wilded right now what the oh now now now it's like screwing up for me it's like i think it's because it's setting this dual shock for scheme that it's up everything let me just do templates hold on [Music] sure here we go i'm like so genuinely like i don't even understand what steam is trying to do anymore man [Music] gamepad yeah it's like legit broken now bro steam what are you on [Music] use default settings okay are you right it might just be that like dual sense is like they're turning into a ds4 controller enable steam input sure yeah this is harder than the arch linux installs trying to get the controller to operate it's like the harder aspect all right well since the dual sense is not working to the degree that it should here with these games let me try with the xbox one controller all right something like this so xbox one controllers have like the same delia you can just sort of like uh you can just directly bluetooth them in and i think they just work right has failed well arch linux repository probably has it arch linux xbox one controller oh gamepads wait did they have something with the playstation 5 no xbox one uh this is supported by the kernel and should work without anything oh with bluetooth though uh echo this into the system oh okay uh i know it's going right into the system module oh christ dude sure echo one cis module bluetooth parameters disable ertm what the yeah i think it's just like because it only because it because it doesn't it's it's not on windows yet i don't think steam is really on the on the board for caring too much about it all right should work there it is works one line change yeah it worked but it's i think it's cuz like since it's not even on windows steam doesn't even bother trying to it no i don't to play in big picture mode can we not do this today [Music] still oh my god steam stop steam i don't give a about big picture mode okay if i gave a i'd use it it's like locked me out here it is don't show it again never never deal with it i think i'm gonna need to restart oh wait all right basic xbox one controller that's some like aggressive it's like we we can make your computer look like a console okay relax game i don't need all that i don't need this extra stress in my life with this game dude real yakuza use a gamepad now even the xbox one controller isn't working what controller configuration bro i think it's like ridiculously up somewhere it was working it ain't working right now is that uh is that normal there's like a real buggy game isn't it huh that's a real buggy game maybe i'll disable playstation controller support i mean it starts up big picture just fine obviously the controller is working how about exit steam start up steam now i'll continue it sometime maybe tomorrow watch is just being steam being steam it all happened when i enabled this through this crap just watch i 100 guarantee it this is what happened just watch just disable that disable all of steam's and just watch just watch it work right now for emotes for both the youtube and twitch stream channels i swear to god oh my god dude you steam holy they're the ones that got in the way as soon as i enabled the steam settings it all went to it all went as didn't it holy dude god damn god damn it all went to i left i let steam have its day now the ps5 controller is still going to have the weird maps but at least i know like never to enable the steam settings dude you know what it is it might be that i'm running i don't know no it wouldn't be the fact that i'm running on linux because this is a linux build of steam so it's like unless the developers were losing their maybe i bothered because i thought maybe it would enable the playstation games to work just fine but clearly not whoa no more dizzy mode anymore dude i want you guys to remember i'm playing with an xbox one controller natively on linux while running a windows 10 game on linux through a compatibility layer we have officially crossed the beams to no dimension if i turn off vsync what do you think the frame rate's gonna be on this engine to be fair though i always prefer the xbox one controller like anything else so it's not a loss for me like i like the playstation controllers but i actually admit even as a playstation guy xbox makes the proper controller in my opinion graphic quality advanced vertical sync and disable that wait does vsync not even matter on this oh it's still enabled off bro 240 fps hitting the cap like a champ boss but linux can't run games as good as windows says the windows 10 fan bro what are you talking about yeah i know i know not every game can run but god damn we're hitting that frame cat boys i'm gonna get myself a gaming monitor your mom with it dude linux people are poor they don't understand i'm pay for windows consume product support microsoft you know i don't deserve it that's a goddamn max the i mean this game's not hard to max out but hey like how dare you game on a poor people operating system okay consume windows it's like i know linux ain't perfect i know half my doesn't want to work in it sometimes but god damn it's the future and i support it i ain't i'm not activating windows anymore there's better options i got a virus on my windows computer but that's okay microsoft will learn it's called being a linux poor man and having the viruses not target you it's like imagine paying for an operating system that is legacy software at the end of the day the only reason windows is around is because of legacy like what you know now the new generation is being trained on chromebooks and all that stuff ipads ios devices android i almost see potentially in the future that linux will be the thing like if you if you want to get into my personal belief with kids nowadays using windows less and less and less because let's be real windows 10 is only there because of us gamers and like people that require adobe premiere and all that and some specialized software which can also be used on linux if they put some time and appropriate resources to it but it's like going further into it i see linux in the future it's like somebody can be like linux cox coping but at the same time like listen boys i run windows 10 in a vm i'm not even immune from any of that i don't care i'm just saying i have the best of every world in my system dude i can run windows 10 and linux and mac it's like imagine having an update system that your entire computer life you know the best part about windows 10 imagine having having having all that uh telemetry running it's like yeah we're collecting diagnostic data and people are like yeah i know commands that can turn it off you know they turn it back on after every update though right i don't want you i don't want you to feel like i don't want you to feel like an idiot there but you do realize they turned that back on every time you update the system right yeah but what are you trying to hide from the system bro if i build a computer and i buy an operating system i don't want the operating system grabbing diagnostic data pay me for the diagnostic data then we'll talk what the pay me for the market data and then we'll talk about it but until then you can eat my what the how do you pay for an operating system and then still let them you and what that's just insanity it's like here microsoft here's a hundred dollars for a license or whatever gray market key you get off ebay can we still grab data off of you please i love how they give you the option we're gonna steal your data we're going to steal your data even harder like why and then i love the other one where it's like um you don't want them to take your data we'll give them 300 for an enterprise grade version you don't know why the enterprise grade version of windows exists because if windows started collecting diagnostic data from a fortune 500 company that fortune 500 company wouldn't buy from microsoft ever okay but you can see what diagnostic data we take okay i'm sure that's complete honest right there i'm sure you're true and honest about it hey guys here's microsoft office for 300 a year imagine not using the google web services yeah but microsoft has a couple of features that google will know okay you're not using those features for it to be worth a goddamn let's be real it doesn't matter what do you mean okay no matter what they'll take data i'm you know why i use arch linux i control exactly what goes in and out of this computer they can't take your data if you're using things like linux you can control exactly what every service what every program does on an exact kernel level okay you trust me they're not going to be able to take your data if you know what you're doing this is coming from somebody that that knows exactly what i'm talking about like windows i can't control all of windows i can't control all of mac thank you megastar for the five tier gift subs with linux brock can control exactly what the this system does like i look i look through i can i know exactly what this system does from a daily basis they won this is what i wish people took more info out of it's like learning how to control the data that gets leaked out you know like no matter what people will get your data i agree but how much of it you're willing to give it really shows you know how much you care about your freedoms and your privacy and what's the point of freedom in a world where you have to give away your data to some goddamn company that runs your life yeah it's like you know why i care about my data because i care about like my freedom and stuff maybe because i care about being an individual and holding it and all that man i don't like giving away if i don't have to you know it's the basis for where we live and dude it's like you know i tell the homeowners association and like all these people to go themselves i'm glad you mentioned that in the chat it's because why it's my life and it's my property and it's my i don't need to you know give any answers to anybody unless i want to you know the whole data fight that we talk about nowadays have you ever seen what edward snowden showed to the world he it's all out there bro like the amount of control and the amount of surveillance like you feel personally comfortable with that like you're okay like you're okay with the fact that they can just like back door into your systems and like look through your data and like grab whatever you have you're personally okay with that you're okay with somebody sitting in your house 24 7 hearing everything you say looking at everything you do browsing through your private life analyzing the photos of you and your personal family members and friends you're then i'm just saying like i don't feel comfortable with that no one people always talk about how the chinese surveillance like their people america is just as bad canada's just as bad why are people growing okay with it it's like the apathy makes no sense especially in a world where data is more valuable than the person like you live like in in 20 21 your data footprint is more valuable than you [Music] and the problem is when the government is backdooring your operating systems those back doors can be exploited by any hacker group out there what's the point you know if apple you know why apple doesn't like to give back doors to the fbi because if apple gave a back door to the fbi it would be exploited and everyone's iphone would be screwed up i mean if they they value the privacy argument and i respect that and the whole terrorism argument you want to be honest about it how many people have there's more people that die from natural disasters car accidents than terror attacks every day it doesn't help protect you against the idea okay just get governments abuse the surveillance so much more than stopping actual criminals and terrorists if people looked more into this it would like open their eyes as well and all these organizations exist and the government still hasn't done anything yet to stop them legitimately like be honest with it okay like you've got billion dollar terror cartels how do you think billion dollar terror cartels have access to us humvees and weapons so easily ever ask yourself it's like yeah we got to stop drug cartels how the do drug cartels get high-end weaponry so easily how is it that drug cartels terror organizations get all the high-end stuff so easily how it has to be because they get it from some high vendors it's not that just because you have money you have to have the connection that hooks you up with those high-end weapons until all that where do you think that connection happens come on it's like you know why crime cartels terrorism doesn't get stopped it's because they're in bed with the people that try to at least publicly say they stop it bribes get paid they have connections on the inside there's corruption like you know why cartels operate so easily it's because they're it's because half the people on on the side of the border that wants to stop them are in on the tape or they're too scared to go against them do you honestly believe that drug cartels in mexico and like that and terror groups would be so good if they didn't have connections on the inside come on man what the there's so much surveillance now that a terrorist attack could be stopped a year in advance so i don't believe the whole argument i just think spying on people is just too bad like this is not enough it's too wild man i mean i guess i went off on a long winded tangent i don't know how twitch feels about that but like that's just where i'm at man [Music] oh i missed then again man i'm kind of an optimistic i wish people in the world just got along more oh wow what the gross it's like what i said like the other day right like i never understand how like like racism and all that stuff exists like it just has to be stupidity in 2021 where people feel that they're somehow superior to everyone else for some stupid reason you know i wish more people just play video games dude just sit down play a video game and put worrying about that you don't understand you know [Music] like you know how many like dip shits you watch on the internet on youtube because there's like all these closet racist channels now and it's like they're dude you know the best part is every time now every time i see like a chick character get put into a video game i my pants because i just like go on youtube and look at all the like like gaming channels themselves sometimes it's like how dare they introduce that it's insane i mean somehow like i i just get straight enjoyment seeing like the salt on the internet maybe that's like the 4chan troll in me where it's like it's just hilarious oh man like every time there's like every time any time there's like some crazy like what they anytime there's like any crazy that happens in the world of media that pisses off some of these like crazy channels i always go on just to just to just to laugh at it it's the most funniest and you can't say it's not funny you can't say it's not funny to see that really be out there trying to you know how did you know domi danae was happening yeah i mean it is like at the end of that i just don't you care like you know how annoying it is to go on and it's like sometimes they have like like they introduce a gay character on a television show and like there's all these channels on youtube who are like oh man you're gonna see virtue signal what's wrong with that i'm like dude why do i care like why is it so bad that like why why is it that anytime like a gay character or a chick gets put into a television show do some of these channels like lose their like mentally like lose it like i don't even get it sometimes like it's just like are you just trying to get mad i don't even care dude that's all i care about though you're absolutely right greek yogurt anytime they introduce a character i just want them to have depth in it that's all i care like if it's a good written character a good written character you know and sometimes they are you know the thing is like sometimes you come across channels that like have never played a game but they like absolutely on the product just before they play it right like they're like this character is just a you know brownie point thing and it's like you actually play the game and it's not even like that and it's like it's so evident they've never played the game ever so it is what it is is people just like nowadays like both sides lose their over the dumbest things i just like laughing at everything like it's just so hilarious to witness like you you can't be this like you can't you can't be like this anyways yeah this game runs smooth though dude you know what man you know my philosophy in life is just let everyone live and enjoy it when i saw that wim xen thing by twitch i was like do you know how much that pissed me off because it's like it's like listen dude i know i don't talk about this a whole lot but like when it comes to people who are like you know transgender people in that category people like you know minorities and like that first off i gotta be honest with you i get really pissed when somebody gets offended for my indian ass like it just pisses me off so much it's like i'm not a child okay if i get offended i'll be offended simple as it is but i think that pisses me off the most is that like in my opinion you know a lot of people do the best that they can to have a good life when i look at people who are like like for example the twitch thing right like you know how many live their entire life not feeling happy okay like i'm lucky enough to not have any of those like issues where i have to like worry about you know who i am as a person uh who i am for like like i i don't i'm lucky to be honest like i don't have to worry about my identity because i'm like happy as i am but there's a lot of people who live their entire life depressed feeling really bad because they don't know what the they are they don't know they're conflicted inside so it's like when they finally get a chance to be happy you got twitch over here when they're infinite wisdom making them feel like again like you know the whole point of people who were like transgender was that they didn't have to worry about like they didn't have to be you know they could be they could be women you know if they wanted to and now you got twitch over here it's like no no you're not really there we're just gonna we're just gonna call you we're just gonna call you this like off-brand women term because you're not us like you're not offensive that is like are you stupid so dumb with these people man so dumb with them like it's like these same people try to act all offended for everyone they try to act like you know they're on it's just you're not on our side you're not there you're just somebody who's trying to get some brownie points for whatever how about just like how about just like letting people be who they are and having them live their life the way they want to like i've never understand why it pisses people off you know when it comes to people who are you know you know why why like if somebody just wants to be called what they are like you come across who are like i'm not i'm i'm not gonna you know give you the five seconds of respect it's like you know somebody tells me that they they have this pronoun they have it's like when i see the pronouns in the bio and people like discount that and they laugh at you i'm like why like what does that mean how does that affect your life like i'm like people who put pronouns in their bio i'm like go for it i don't care i don't put pronouns in my bio because i don't you know it's not really my thing i don't need to later on i found out is to make people feel comfortable i still don't do it like it's not really my thing like i don't get into it but like for the someone that does it like when i go on twitter and it's like you put your pronouns in the bio you're a i'm like why why is that why is that so why does that hurt you like like it doesn't make sense just live your life the way you want to live it dude it's like it doesn't affect your life it doesn't matter okay it literally makes them feel better and that's all it is it's like how is their opinion invalidated because they put pronouns in the bio of their system you know all the people are like the freedom of speech you know there's also something called freedom of expression right it's like it's like people who say freedom of speech have no idea what they're talking about half the time because it's like you know when you get banned off of social media platform for being a dick it's called freedom of association like you want to be all about the bill of rights you want to be all about the constitution dumbass how about you read the whole thing right like what the it's like i don't get it i just don't understand like somebody puts like whatever political affiliation in their thing and like some the other person has to get pissed about it or whatever it's like dude what does it matter for you okay the problem is like nowadays you can't even have a discussion around people because it's like you're either extreme on one end of the that's why i don't get into it the only reason i talk about this is because i still have like a vested interest like i think i told you guys this a lot but like my dream career was always like a lawyer but i can't be one anymore like you know back to be a lawyer you need some money in your life didn't have that back in the day so you know it never really happened but i definitely had an interest in it for a while to this day i still think i'd be a great lawyer but you know life changes life takes you in different paths ended up being an engineer instead you know god man someday some days i wish i always think about it too to my to my end thoughts on starling interesting connect i mean if elon musk pulls it off changes the whole game but i feel like he has a ways to go with uh with current like you know with current um uh telecom providers because he could literally end telecom like internet wise if he does and gets away with it you know the thing is like nuance is pretty dead these days to be nuanced you have to have like a brain you have to be able to think to be nuanced you just have to be a mature person like people immediately put you into a camp and everything if you like slightly disagree with them it's like when i made that tweet where it's like why does nazi trend every week it's like the thing that pisses me off the most about that too is how watered down the word like nazi is you know like there are out there who are like just literally like there are people out there it's like oh you disagree you're nazi i'm like do you know how evil the nazis actually were like why are you just equating everyone to that like you actually know your history this those people are legitimately evil are you are you brain like they're bad people all right not everyone is there you're really watering down that i know man it's weird oh yeah i should change the category man it's like when you start playing this game you really get into it can i test ff15 that's like a really heavy game on here man that's like a really heavy bastard of the game i'm gonna try testing that it's 86 gigabytes i got a ps5 yeah am i from west bengal no i'm luck now nah dude people are just people are insane dude they it's all it's you know a lot of it is just it's a it's the it's the olympics of getting offended sorry i gotta i gotta be i gotta be pissed like just go on the internet dude like just look at all this youtube like immediately oh why am i on firefox i use brave now yeah maybe i wouldn't be here if i was a lawyer you know life would take me in a different direction where's that where's that i gotta i gotta i gotta i gotta see this this is the best hold on where's the uh like watch twitch you can just you can just see the anger twitch didn't oopsie oh man this is everywhere god damn i'm gonna be late on my videos always we're downloading a uh final fantasy can i can i play a game while it's also downloading properties uh updates always a lot of background downloads oh no it's for games okay i don't want to see the elden ring at all man i don't want to see elden ring until it comes out let me just be real with you guys i want to play that game when it comes out and i'm blinding myself completely from any footage because uh i hate the id i hate playing that game like uh i i i hate the idea of like just honestly honestly it really ruins the experience for me on video games oh are there certain reddits i follow oh oh my god dude oh you guys you guys want to see like the bandage right there just like i don't know if you guys can see it but like i've got like a bandage over here dude like it's a little drone it's still it's a little like it's a little hole in me bro what's up with mac gaming i know the mac gaming guys got pissed because i laughed at them but i mean like can you blame me you guys were jerking off to playing san andreas in 2020 though what is up with the mac gaming i feel like i was super toxic though let me see what the mac gamers are saying now minecraft resolution won't change from 4k to 1080p okay they can run minecraft in 4k don't say anything is it easy to be an engineer no being an engineer is difficult anywhere i mean it's it's it is what it is oh they have dirt four oh no way this is actually kind of cool so this is running on arm no way that's actually kind of badass this is running on the new processors that apple has the m1 so i want to see the footage on this would be kind of cool that's not bad that's on oh wait you guys can't see it wait this is not bad that's on the new m1 max guys dude the m1 max are impressive look at that that's on an arm processor guys wow that's really good you know this is what excites me i might buy a macbook now because i might buy a mac now that apple's making their own processors i feel like now that they switched off intel apple's going ham like they already take over the iphone like they already take over the mobile cpu market and how they operate this now it's kind of crazy with their uh processors here guys i'm kind of impressed man you can't you can't even be mad at apple dude they're now now it's like now their overpriced value makes sense because they actually are putting real effort into it no but i mean like when they're when they're designing their own silicon impressive dude impressive is there more games from them do they have dolphin on here that's crazy they have oh they probably have like the arm build of dolphin how much how much is uh how much is an apple how much is there m1 pro how much is the m1 i got to switch to dark mode how much is the uh where do i get the dark [Music] dark mode plug-in sorry guys oh here it is there it is this is really like dark reader though oh perfect okay the macs are ridiculously good value now you can't call yeah let's see macbook air from 9.99 wait i want canadian prices i don't want to see just us price to be fair though when i bought my iphone i would say that it's a pretty good price now i think the iphone is worth it jesus christ man is this gonna yeah here it is apple oh it was already in canadian it was already canadian all right let's see m1 macbook air 1299 macbook pro uh mac mini you know for 900 bucks that's the mini version right what about the pro though i want to see how much the macbook pro is so it's like the whole laptop 16-incher so the 16-inch side they don't come with the m1 processor so that's kind of a let down you would expect that you would expect in the bigger one like that you would expect for the 16 inch they might do that so m1 1699 8 gigs unified memory 256 ssd storage a little overpriced but that process is kind of what you're paying for i think you also got to understand since it's an arm processor this has to have like at least a 20 to 25 hour battery life yeah holy that's not bad guys 21 hour battery life 20 hour 20 25 hour battery life that's worth the 16.99 dude that's actually not bad at all that's what i want is eight gigs the i wonder if you can like upgrade the eight gigs let me see that oh you can add 250 for the 16 i'd pay 250 for the memory at least the ram though i mean the ssd storage is like a little huh yeah the ram is soldered in this case it's soldered on i'd buy it yeah the repair on apple is kind of how much is it instead of the macbook pro since i already have a pretty good laptop i want to see the mac mini like i said man i like the apple products that apple like fully designs themselves you know like an intel processor mac kind of stupid because i can buy a better pc but if they make equivalent silicon and better easily right there wow their web page is crashing hard i think it's this component maybe that's almost done well not almost but cpac national anthem is trending jesus god damn i think this i think this extension is really hurting it yeah no the extension the extension itself is hurting at jesus i put the extension on here but i think it's i think it's kind of hurting it a little bit turn it off jesus christ apple what happened mac here it is for a 699 let's see this oh me me turn it on alright apple m1 with eight core cpu and a core gpu uh 512 storage eight gigs unified ram so if you got that one right there with 512 gigs of ssd storage uh no this is uh this is canadian i think prices where do i check if it's canadian hold on oh it's apple god give me the canadian version man jesus christ it doesn't matter if it's there yeah eight nine no that dog that's canadian though yeah canadian shop that's no no you're right it's 8.99 there so 1149 canadian right there and uh so 16 gigs if i add 250 to that dog that's not bad that's not bad for a desktop that's giving good that's not so bad actually how much is the basic laptop though if the chip is the same yeah i remember when you can update the mac mini entirely on your own volition and then they you jesus christ this site does not work i'm sorry we're gonna have to we're gonna we're gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way how much is the air wait a minute is this the same thing as the macbook pro wait just a no wait a minute wait a minute retina display what no fan so you probably you probably you probably can't do video production work on wait does mac hold on apple m1 adobe premiere hold on a second hold on a second does this exist what's this guy's video right taliot champs and yes this changes this is macbook just because for what i do pretty much you know i have to use premiere stuff like that and yeah the m1 max make sure you subscribe because i do have my one month review on this and i went all native it'll work what the by the way these projects wait a minute dog wait a second look at the tracking what the see there is some color adjustment and a lot applied there ah okay so it's all there lumetri adjustment layers the max have always been the scrub master whoa wait wait wait wait he's on full res too what off that's full rez look how fast and smooth this is through emulation i'm pretty sure i think he's using the rosetta thing where he like translates between x86 to arm vice model what's the resolution on on the actual like deal though and integrated graphics forget about it you're not going to do that on you know until 11th generation or even the you know the radeon graphics on the 4800u or something like that forget about it this is like a discreet graphics the performance of that that's scrubbing this is 4k light color correction wow wow wow and that's nice it might be the native arm builds i think it's like uh but i'll just add a bit of 6k content yeah it's the beta so it's probably a native arm build brother what the 4k timeline but this is 6k 6k he's dude i'm i think i think this is trolls he's got 6k video he's seeking through what scrubbing is that's not this is i'll remind you why that has to be transcoded he's pro no it doesn't even look like he's working on a proxy pro is the same it doesn't scrub like the 4k like the butter machine here but still it's just not much movement in there bro i know that it's a goddamn apple product jesus let's see if it plays back this footage now look here for the green that's an air by the way too it's not even on like a pro with like extra cooling it plays back 4k content h.264 lut color correction applied okay wait wait wait wait wait no he said 4k content but he also said h.264 guys he's running it's not a proxy dude's running compressed video at normal speed people struggle to do that that's insane oh my god leon lush brother what's up bro subscribing with the prime dude i'm about to end the stream but i'm jacking off the this new apple macbook that's just a edit beast that's 4k dude that's four caves because of ram you're a sexy jesus christ do you stay tuned because i do have the one month review of this macbook air and i went all what the is this i feel like he's either lying hardcore i had a crash before and reported it it's like i had one crash he had like one crash going on what a man what a man dude that's great there's no way wait apple macbook chip is not for it this is john's films why three reasons i won't buy uh despite okay what chipped it reason one okay let's watch this ultra ultra cool uh in fact it's been designed with eight cores and then seven or eight cores worth of gpu processing processing power the eight cores are not all created equally though much like we've seen in cell phones over the last five years the eight cores aren't the same thing on a pc either you do realize this right like some core is what they've gone to a big little architecture where they have some big cores which are meant for big time work and they've got little cores which might be good for background tasks or low power if the program is made properly it doesn't matter how the cores are placed because they could they could they could offload the background to like the lower end cores and keep what does this guy understand how programming works or usage like i get that you spent the money on the rgb ram but like does this guy have any idea extending the macbooks that you see and that's why you've seen this chip come out in laptops first because it's truly built for that and that's reason number one i'm not going to be buying it for video editing for one if i'm editing truly i'm sitting at a desktop workstation with a nice large monitor and i've got some room to stretch so why not use zia does he know that laptops come with hdmi ports and you know my laptop right here is connected to an egpu that has the ability to have four monitors connected what does he like what laptop did he use what laptop was he using what the like i get maybe like the cheaper laptops don't but like production laptops like i think the macbook pro is an hdmi out or at least a at least something every gaming laptop has an hdmi out is he out of his mind what a large machine like i've got behind me the second reason that i'm not interested in it for video editing is i don't think that it's going to handle my b raw footage as well as the benchmarks might show sure not many people have touched b-raw with it but here's the real problem it's not the processor and the processing power involved in editing b-roll in fact b-raw is pretty easy for the machine to cut as long as it's got enough pipeline that is data feed coming off the disks and in memory to be able to store it for working that's the problem the problem is there's only 8 or 16 gigabytes of ram and not only is that just 8 or 16 gigabytes of ram like memory working storage it's unified memory so you only use it with the processor but you also use it with the gpu and what i've seen from resolve is it will very often load your timeline into video memory and then when it's caching some of those effects the more difficult effects or larger textures get stored in memory as well in the graphics memory and then once they're rendered into something that's on your timeline and you see the timeline caching go it'll be both cache to disk at that point but cached into your memory and if you're filling up your memory with textures with large frame sizes with large work like v-raw there's not going to be enough memory in the system to be able to handle all of those needs and so i'm really concerned what what wait wait wait what what does he not understand like caching and memory like first off that's not even that big of a okay fine a mac os is intelligent enough to handle memory appropriately okay so even if you max out the memory what's it gonna do you use the onboard swap file that's on the ssd that's also soldered onto the motherboard what kind of a that doesn't make any sense that means the if we if we're gonna be completely honest here it probably has a better like what does this guy say flow like better connection like better everything than than most pcs anyways like most desktops is most laptops even like it doesn't make any sense because if the idea is that bandwidth is your problem everything is unified anyway so it's like you've already got an operating system that is one-to-one like mapped for that hardware specifically okay and then you've also got hardware that's just constantly flowing together easily it's not like there's a limitation and like what am i am i am i wrong like am i wrong am i the one in the wrong here or what's going on like it just doesn't i mean i'll watch the linus tech tips video but it's like am i am i like am i insane like am i the one that's in the wrong like what the ah like i know that unified has the issue i know that i know that's exactly why we have different cpu l1l2 and all that stuff but it's like when it comes to the system over here i like to think that apple stress tested it a little bit you know like i like to think that apple i i don't know where i don't know about the bottlenecks i mean then again i have to look deep into the system anyways but like from what they've made it seems like it seems like these would be issues relatively of the past and the other thing is it's like the other thing that i also have to understand is that if you're dealing with an arm-based build of the application you would think that adobe themselves would factor in unified memory and like how to handle like i don't know about true video editing on these things and i don't believe that that's what mr alex tech or the learn color writing channel is suggesting they're saying look it's amazing how well this chip works and i'm totally on board with that this is it i don't get the ratio i think like i don't know i mean maybe this guy knows more about the apple m1 than i do but it's going to change laptops for a long time and that brings me to the third reason that i'm not buying this there's another one coming there has to be there's an m.2 or m2 chip that's coming out later and that m2 chip i can only imagine how phenomenal it will be okay that's a brain dead reason anyways it's like i'm not buying the rtx 3090 because they're gonna make an rtx 4090 and then i'm gonna look like a dumbass what what the i'm not gonna buy a thread ripper okay because they're gonna make another thread ripper like i'm not buying 64 gigs of memory all right because we're gonna make 128 sticks tomorrow like what then don't buy it wait for the end too there you go the whole tune changes like if i buy a computer now they're gonna make a better computer in five years later at that point just don't buy a single part i'm not gonna buy a lamborghini now because the next lamborghini is going to be faster and i want the fastest i don't know what i don't know [Laughter] don't buy it i'm not gonna buy a cell phone i'm not gonna buy the iphone 12 because they're gonna make the iphone 13. okay like i i understand his argument because he's like this is the first product in a line right like the m1 processor first thing in the line i understand his argument i'm sure because you got to understand when you're buying the first revision of something you're kind of like a beta tester so it's like all right cool it's the first arm processor you know and his argument is probably the m2 is going to be like 10 times better and we saw that with the rtx 30 series right like it was just dramatically better but it's like i don't know i mean i i think the argument's kind of out there right like i mean this is the whole idea of it right and that i mean sure if that's what it is it's what it is i think the idea of unified memories be raw footage it's like i think a lot of that shouldn't even be a mention until you actually deal with like arm base like stable builds of all these tools right because the idea is if you're basing your judgment on beta code and uh emulation like rosetta emulation like x86 to arm processors like like what the are you doing at that point right like you're basing on like you know the real scenario of the situation you gotta wait at least until adobe comes out with stable code for their product on the on the m1 and then gauge from there you know because it's like that that's that's the main problem we're basing off of this it's like it's like if i run my rtx 3090 in linux right i don't have access to a lot of rtx features i don't have access to a lot of things and you're comparing it to like it's i don't get it like you gotta you gotta really look at the stuff when everything is there for scratch right i think i think that's what it comes down to you know honestly this guy doesn't seem like his ratio like i'm sure people did it because he's like it's one of those you know apple videos and like i'm sure that's what it is so a bunch of assumptions without an actual test it i don't know it's whatever it's a five minute video on whatever i don't care uh let's go look at linuses tech tip video because i want to see m1 mac and then we'll and then we'll look at the final fantasy running because i haven't even tried it apple made a big mistake wait which one should i click which one should which one should i click i'm wondering i can't type which one should i click the second or the first one what are we doing which one did he test on the first one okay apple has a problem see these the new m1 macbook pro and macbook air are outstanding their performance almost lives up to apple's extraordinary claims their look and feel i bet the big mistake is that the laptop wasn't in the in the highest and like highest like i bet the big mistake i'm just going to call it is that they didn't they put the m1 in the 13-inch not the 16-inch one i bet reassuringly apple grade their battery life is simply put exemplary and the transition from x86 to arm so far at least has gone shockingly smoothly linus you might say those don't really sound like problems and they're not for you you got to pay attention i said apple has a problem because it's going to be really hard to one-up what they've done here oh that's the problem apple did too good of a job linus don't you dare let apple do something good honey is the free-to-use browser extension that helps you sorry i haven't like i have speakers on get it today at i love linus we did determine in our mac mini review that you cannot expand that device using an external graphics card we followed up our testing with a 10 gig network card and found that when we ran that in our razer corex the thunderbolt like external pci express functionality was working just fine so it's definitely down to just a gpu compatibility thing the magic keyboard style switches remain far superior to the fatally flawed butterfly switches that were found on all but the most recent intel macbooks since 2016 and both the air and the pro are an absolute delight to type on and offer quick biometric authentication through the touch id sensor in the power button the only difference in the keyboard is the type bro come on man put that face id fit or hate it you're not getting one if you buy an m1 air and you are definitely getting one if you pony up the extra 300 is that is that really worth the 300 bucks is that really worth the 300 dollars i don't think so and that difference in price it's a pretty tough pill to swallow when you consider how close these machines appear on paper other than the touch bar but the keyword is of course close there are some differences aside from its lack of active cooling the baseline macbook air only has 7 gpu cores with the upgraded 8 core version like ours costing an extra 50 bucks if you factor in the cost of the bigger ssd that it also includes that kind of makes it a sure why not upgrade if you've got any desire for 512 gigs or more storage but if not you're just going to have to swallow it anyway if you need the extra gpu power that you can otherwise only get with the pro and this in flexibility i want to see the test is one of the prices that we pay your macbook is a much thicker gaming machine wait let's see this it's weight class so what is he comparing it with hold on ryzen ryzen i7 i7 i7 m1 okay so he's got some top end things in comparison jesus christ uh and okay let's see it gets too fast to compare to anything in its weight class spoiler alert by the way it does incentive bench r23 the only laptop in this lineup capable of beating either macbook is a much thicker gaming jesus christ the omen was the only thing that's badass dude jesus christ i mean i know that i crushed it but like that's that's a that's a much more that's a big and even it doesn't win the single threaded performance crown even the the what holy 10 minute run the macbook pro's performance remained rock solid while the hp omen with its much beefier cooling working noticeably harder dropped over a hundred points bro even the air stands up with the pro the cooling fan look at that look it stands up what unlike its bigger cousin oh my god throttle but it still managed to stay well clear of anything else in its weight class handbrake again shows our m1 max outperforming their x86 counterparts by nearly double in software encoding seriously guys it's not even close lower is bet oh my god the only thing winning is the omen dude no this is where the prize this is where the pros shines kind of three times as long and as for hardware encoding again we see the m1 encoding blocks doing their job the dude heck and mack dude the what holy they got the craziest hardware encoder imaginable what in the man beating out both intel and amd that's just insanity 100 and this was surprising even beating out nving in h.265 for giggles we ran geekbench since that's what all the cool kids are running and if it's to be believed the only cpu with any hope of matching the m1's multi-threaded performance is a ryzen 7 8 core it is a good thing we put the omen in there the gpu meanwhile soundly destroys both the amd and intel i mean fair enough what does this thing have what does the omen have in it again let me see yeah an rtx 2060 like not even a that's not even like a is it that's probably like a desktop grade one or something me intel competition yeah a 2060 roughly desktop grade one or is it a mobile one it's not even a mobile grade one is it world testing we do in our products is it 2060 m or like just straight 20 60. yeah no that's gonna win moving on to non-native tests using rosetta adobe creative cloud presented oh okay the only one winning dude not finish did not finish oh no oh me no tell max it and premiere pro also failed to run on our hp envy due to its mere eight gigs of memory we suspect that photoshop performance probably suffered as well still though we were able to at least observe that even running in rosetta this is non-native code the m1 macbooks both managed to smoke whatever they did with rosetta's just got here the m1 macbook air manages to triple the speed of its predecessor and run eight to nine minutes faster than its x86 competitors why would you now get this this is amazing for the price dude how much do you see hp omen 15 in price hold on is this the one let me just get a rough price that sounds that's not like the thickest laptop in the world though i don't know come on linus that that's not the thickest bastard i've seen so a thousand am i uh am i losing it bro that's this ain't the same one this ain't the same laptop no i wasn't the same laptop he had a ryzen one which which which is the ryzen though that's an i5 where's the ryzen jesus christ dude they're is this the one ryzen seven oh i know i'm on a u.s site but it's like i don't even know which one he's using which one was it ryzen 7 4 800 16 gigs of ram 512 holds so hold on wait if we're gonna go with that that would make it so that no not that one either so i would that would probably make it this one right the one that we highlighted no that's got like eight gigs of memory that's like the closest thing that sounds so bad for 1100 for 1100 that that ain't too bad that ain't that ain't too bad for a laptop like that or the xps 13s i still don't believe it's the same one wait wait the youtube description might have it hold on a second hp omen on newegg let me see how much that's the thing so glad linus does it well that just helped me a lot that's not even the same gpu is it linus on let's check the uh amazon link bro this is all just dog well that was a waste of my time across the board while the others languished at about half of the performance or even less on that subject i mean we can't talk about graphics cards without talking and found that our macbooks managed to double or okay so obviously this thing spanked 1080p obviously because it has a gpu 5253 fps ain't too bad that's on low settings though that ain't bad though that ain't bad either that's playable you can you know you can stick it on the that's playable shadow the tomb raider at 30. you're still getting better performances stadia by default our macbook pro at full synthetic load breaches 90 degrees and does throttle with the fan ramping up to about 3 500 rpm or roughly running prime 95. tomb raider is demanding is it there are two important notes here i mean it does look really good as we've seen that throttling clearly didn't have a measurable impact on performance and two these core sensors that we're reading pretend any serious reliability problems but between 80 a piece of my top fan that they can it's a different approach all together though after it reaches an so what i'm getting is that this this laptop the first attempt is really good the first attempt is really good but generation of max who chassis i have to say this is this is a i'm i'm i'm understanding what it's like to be a mac user now man but for those who are willing to pay the apple tax well you're only sort of paying one because you're getting a much faster computer with a higher resolution screen a more spacious palm rest and a better track pad plus arguably superior expansion thank you yeah but dude the apple tax i think i agree with linux the apple tax man it's not so bad the apple tax in this case isn't so bad i mean i haven't used a macbook um i haven't used a macbook really ever but like the uh the the new screens they have aren't they better than the than most desktop computer screens as well like their screens are really good right like apple like retina displays so it's like i'd pay the extra that's that's not a bad price dude yeah apple tax is okay yeah the track pads that they make are got here so impressive impressive give give them the credit man give them give apple its reward for now watch the next m1x or m2 or whatever just be got here bro all right so i haven't really seen final fantasy 15 windows edition this is one of the most demanding pc games out there how will it run on linux certainly processing the shaders real fast let's run a windows edition game under linux and then i can end the stream and probably get some food i mean the vulcan shaders are processing pretty fast for for all this now this is at a 1080p so i'm certainly not using my graphic card to the full extent that i should wait this is what i need wait close mango hud play and let's go i mean i can keep the bot up on twitch we didn't say i didn't say anything bad or whatever okay so we're funneling it through dxvk that's a lot of stutter on the top left cool cool oh it doesn't really affect memory though linux is pretty compatible with a lot of hardware you're in good hands whoa i love this game's title track okay let's uh no 120 is fine resolution preset highest custom let's enable all the nvidia effects that destroy the frame rate [Music] please tell me i have a save file god dude wait let me listen to this track hold on it's so good god dude this track is so good god damn can i be real when i got to the end of this game whoever got to the end of it i actually legit cried it was legit legit cried when i got to the end of this game man i'm not gonna spoil it but you guys know the final campfire scene right oh bro every time i think about dude dude the campfire scene man me remember when you have to pick a photo remember remember when the game tells you to pick a photo man i don't want to think about it it's just too much that hurts a man well you have to when you have when they make you pick the photo no dude dude anybody like i met so many dudes we're like yeah final fantasy 15 is a terrible game like all right dude okay what's up with the hyperboles these days bro ff15 was great man ff15 i enjoyed every bit of it there's no way there's no okay the stutter there oh but that that's compilation stutter so this is gonna get better as time yeah okay so it's compiling shaders so if after like five minutes in this area it's not gonna have this issue see like it's stopped a bit what what the bro that's not bad that's not bad at all this is on max settings too that's like a sharp 60. okay it's it hitches here oh dude look at that screen space reflection in the distance look at that look at like you see the you see the reflection in the water now it's gone but it's back oh but it's gone life without ray tracing could it be display wait what happens if you just slap v-sync off wait wait no way dude no look at the fps counter holy what in the flying was that oh boy i wasn't pulling a frame rate this high even on windows 10. the yeah it's 1080p but like dude she that's not so bad dude the stutter i you have to get kind of used to the stutter a little bit but dude my gp is getting but i'm pretty sure it's because it's running in the vulcan key so what happened to the what happened to the lighting here game i'm afraid you're out of luck are we the boats you know it's hilarious because the 30 90 still has like i think an abstraction layer with dx vk so it's not even like what's your story oh man my computer getting railed right now what's the thermals on there i say we go check it out for ourselves any ideas for accommodation i'm getting amazed because i run certain games like this and it's just kind of wild seeing how dx vk has evolved from like nothing to like this like even if it's stuttering and i know like some people like it stutters it stutters its stutters i'm still impressed with how impressive the dxvk open source community is and the work put in by valve with proton that this runs so well is it getting warm no my i a i have a really good cooling system in my computer so it's not it's not going to get too bad my gpu's getting the getting up getting the pop that is so cool all right boys and girls i'm gonna head out it's three in the morning and i've streamed for god knows how long i'm gonna end it i'm gonna call it a day thank you all for showing up this is me muda and i'm out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers Streams Archive
Views: 7,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H1ieRvLRxP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 35sec (14315 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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