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welcome back to the channel and a new video on the Audi Q5 sline just before we move on today I want to remind everybody that is watching subscribing to the Salvage rebuilds channel is absolutely free of charge and it really really does help us out so hit that subscribe button turn on the notification Bell and enjoy the rest of the video in the last video on this car we actually myself and Chris swapped out that engine and got this car running it fired up on the first flick of the key no way wow did you turn that off no which absolutely shocked the pair of us as well in the last video we got quite a lot of parts in fact if you miss that Chris will put the other part the previous video up here somewhere it will be on your left or you're right we managed to get this engine in there get it running and get it to this stage we don't want to take it off the ramp put it outside bring something else in all that carry on we are just going to what' you say crack straight on with this yeah let's get on with it mate get on with it and try and get it driving enjoy the video pretty excited about this one but that little chat that me and Chris was just having there actually went on for about 5 minutes that shows you how fast the time lapse is straight on with that red pack and front crossbar there got that bolted in got it lined up put started clipping all the pipes on putting all the airom pipes on and then in with with both of those headlights we just did one at each lot I did one side Chris did the other side nice and easy made sense connect out the Bonnet cables I'm going to say it that went back together very very nicely there's I mean this was only lightly hit in the front and then it was all low down was it well I'm saying it was lightly it it put a big O in the bottom of the engine but it did just go back together very very nice we like this I didn't even notice before there's a small piece missing so we're going to need to order a new phone for that that is your pedestrian protection and if you squeeze that pipe with the ignition on your Bonnet it actually fire up backwards and that is to obviously prevent a pedestrian from hitting your wind screen Chris was pointing them out there act you see Pop Up don't they yeah so we thought we'd showed that first of all but the front panel went on there so nice didn't it yeah really really nice both headlights back in all plugged in AC all all um Bolt up now we got these two water pipes here for that additional cooler and I've just chased TPS and I didn't realize when I ordered that I missed the cut off yesterday shine but it's going to arrive here we've got other stuff to get on with we a lot of stuff that damaged exhaust to change everybody and other bits and Bobs so what should we do mate just pull that down gently yeah and we'll go up in the air shall we and uh ah it's starting to look well again there we'll um just the UND side done shall we and just continue on with it I think so Rob yeah I think so mate we did um underneath there was I'm going to find it actually I do want to find that and there it is that was nice and easy to find now in the first video we pointed this out Chris would you mind holding this camera so this was attached to the very front of the engine onto the DPF wasn't it that's right and then this rooted right round oh cuz I swapped this over yesterday let's get it around the right way so basically it went like that and that rooted underneath the car I'm not actually sure where that went to but there was a wire on there and a plug on the end of that that was actually broke and we got really lucky cuz that engine come with that didn't it and we managed to take the broken plug off and they pushed together so anyway enough waffle let's continue on doing all little jobs on it don't forget guys when purchasing a vehicle for yourself for a family member for a friend always use car vertical when you're buying a vehicle it checks for odometer fraud financial and legal status of the vehicle and of course any damage that has been recorded on the vehicle as well so on this particular Audi Q5 there is it is completely unrecorded there was no insurance claim made but look at this identical car here this is actually another Audi Q5 and you can see there odometer looks good financial and legal needs attention and damaged also needs attention there and it does clearly highlight it there in Amber that there is an issue on this check and when you run your vehicle for a check that is exactly what you are looking for also there is the handy timeline on this check as well and it has your registration date all of your mots ownership changes everything will be down on the timeline there you can also find out your Market values your emission status of the vehicle Financial legal specs and Equipment it is all available on this just one check you've also got on there your odometer so that will go through all of the mileage records and mileage history of this vehicle if you want to run a check on your car and you would like a nice little discount use the code up on screen now or hit the link in the description where it will automatically apply your disc can and up in the air and making a start on the exhaust pipe there that's all bent also we got that tank strap that's all bent so I think we're going to remove the exhaust remove that tank strap Chris is going to straighten that up and I'm going to have a look at the damage on this wheel this side is actually leaning in and I'm not sure what's bent on it so we're both having a good look there so getting a lot done there and Chris is just doing that heat shield underneath he's just straightened out that tank strap luckily cuz the one at re met was toast and if you have a look at this passenger side wheel now I think we have pretty much nailed it so what I'm using as a a point to check it is actually if I go like that put a clean Mark in that actually standing here where I'm standing it is bang on that Mark and I've checked it the other side and I did only change two of those arms and it was that rear one and clearly you can see why I changed that now we was going to go with the whole lot but I could see that that one was bent and that one there as well is actually rolled up on one of the edges so I only changed those two bars and you've got so much adjustment in this it is unbelievable how much it brings that wheel in and out anyway I'm going to let Chris continue on with doing that heat shield but I did just want to show you that exhaust how badly damaged it is obviously this had gone across a curb Chris seems to think well curb possibly a roundabout but look how bad that is that's all caved in there and then there it's quite bad as well and I'm sure somewhere there's actually a split in this I noticed definitely not oh yeah there you can see it there so it's actually got a little owing it there anyway we let Chris fix that heat shield get that all put into place and then we'll move on to fitting that new exhaust pipe so over with the new exhaust and we're going to start lining that up and actually getting there there's a clamp that's got to come off of it so we remove that obviously we're going to use the one that's on our car and then we both lift that up in the air get that on this rubbers I dropped it here onto my Thum and uh opened up a little cut that I had on there was pretty pain for but yeah Bo in both of the rubbers you got one little bolt to do up there just that holds it to the center section and that's pretty much the exhaust done I've replaced both of those arms on that rear wheel and that seems to have straightened that up as well so that is the new exhaust all on there all fitted and all went really well all back on its rubbers Cris straightened out that tank strap straightened out all of that heat shield so all of that is back to normal this pad of course the other side is neered so we're going to need to order one of them but we've had our TPS delivery and that is the additional cooler that we was missing and you're right it looks just like an intercooler and it's exactly the same size as the intercoolers are is it so it's going to clip on exactly the same yeah I'm guessing so we also got the phone back in I said that that was broke and you previously The Pedestrian protection tube actually goes through and Clips in here but no doubt we'll Chuck that on in clip this on there yeah Che it on mate if you can it should fit shouldn't it straight in there shouldn't it oh I see yeah it's got like little feet there for it yeah just looks in and what that simple no screws no nothing no screws no nothing just two points so those two go around there don't they jobs are good in on our original engine Chris did notice that obviously these ends were still snapped off in the CH oh it's gone there wasn't it yeah that's right I've dropped that back so you can see that goes there m I'm just going to run off and grab a coffee and some antifreeze yes we we need because we're ready to get this on this has got to be vacuum filled and we've got our new vacuum filler we'll show a bit more of that because last time someone said ah does that quite work so of course I'll get you to explain it right let's do it y down he goes with the ramp now that's on there and he can start pressure testing to see that that's all sealed up before we obviously go to the vacuum fill on the cooling system and quite quickly Chris puts the pressure gauge on there and then actually shows it it's actually leaking water on the floor and he's now going to try and work out where that's coming from I actually made a bit of an error there when we was taking this car apart you'll see Chris completely finished all that when we was actually taking this car apart Chris was helping Dan and I said I'm going to strip this engine out so I'm going to unpl it basically and that's what I did and when it come to this particular piece here that's actually and I didn't know until I made the mistake there's actually a little tiny thermostat in there and I've got one right here which actually come out of the old one so there it is there there's a little thermostat and a spring and I actually took instead of disconnecting that pipe or that pipe there what I actually did was I pulled that clip which it looks like it it does because that's a standard fitment yeah on all of these uh coolant hoses yeah it to pull the clip but unfortunately it is also right down the back there and it's you can probably just about see those two pipes you can see where Chris has had to pull it off it's it's typical we're guessing but we think it's a thermostat for the cooler on the gear oil don't we because there's a little gearbox oil cooler back there never seen that before I'm sure someone will correct us but it's springloaded regardless I've tried pushing that back together when the engine was out and we've just established well chrisy soon as he I don't know it might show up on the time lapse so when I took the cap off it started leaking a little bit of water just a little drip so I put this pressure tester on it which is part of the VAC kit yeah and couldn't get any no just all poured out and it it's well you show it if you like Rob there's a big puddle under there now yeah pudd water we've not put any coolant in it's just that's pressurized or tried to pressurize the system and blown it out and you can see what I've done there to the O-ring I've actually squashed it there and there when Chris took it apart it was actually in there half inside wasn't it wasn't seated quite right luckily Chris had the right size o-ring there's a selection box selection box we're now going to I've blown in that and C the other end off we think we' we've uh resealed it don't we so let's get that on there and then we'll start the process cess of obviously putting in the most expensive antifreeze in the world Chris is just going in there he's going to remove that part and then we're going to have a look at it see what the issue is get it back on and then get it to hold pressure and then we're ready to get on with that vacuum feel so just a little extra here we're going to show this live but we thought we'd put this bit in here we recorded it so you you know we might as well put it in there so that you guys can get it from a different angle I suppose I tried explaining a little bit of what was going on there in the time lapse but for a bit more of a an in-depth Chris I'm going to get you to explain how this actually works in the vacuum side yeah I think we covered I had the pressure tester on there didn't we so I pumped a bit of pressure in there and that highlighted that leak right so we've rectified that we've repr pressure tested I'm on the bit of time lapse I'll put that there you can see it's holding pressure yeah so now we've gone to the vacuum side of it I'm going to switch around to that yeah y so ignore this pipe at the moment we shut that off that's for when we come to refilling yeah so at the moment we're going to draw all the air out and create a vacuum uhhuh um and we do that with using compressed air through blows through here which draws the air out the system I believe it's called a ventury okay I'm not I think that's what it's called so for process we need this valve open compressors on there fully pumped up so this this goes wrong Rob we refilm it no there we go now we know this system's empty because I pumped it up with pressure yeah and the last bit of water that was in it blew out of the leak didn't it so but you can put that in and collect it if you're doing a refill you know doing a uh a draining refill yeah but you see that's going up now for some reason I can't zoom while I'm in the Cal there right we're building press building vacuum there when that gets up to that we're going to co it about there I think Rob yeah and what you'll be able to do I'm going to turn that now lock that off stop the air flow and that should we're going to give that a little while but that should hold vacuum watch leave it a good 5 minutes what you should be able to do you see gone flat yeah it's almost sucked itself inside out yeah that's a vacuum so there's ultimately no air left in that system es out it's escaped the air and created a vacuum like space so what we do then is just let yeah so the yeah we see make sure that holds but I'm confident it will and then we're going to submerge that tube into our new coolant yeah and then we're going to open that valve up and that should draw that suck it in yeah it should draw that in because of the vacuum and fill the system with hopefully no air perfect right this is as far away as we can get with the zoom and uh hopefully we're not going to block it either of us no but we are pretty much set up we have Ved this pipe now haven't we as backed and you can see it got the fuel pipe the fuel pipe's got the coolant in it hopefully you can see that from there Chris has made us a jug that we should use forever it is 33% so 1/3 3/3 water two 2/3 water 1/3 coolant antifreeze yeah and whilst vacuum filling it like this we cannot let this bottle go completely empty so we'll we'll basically you'll see as we go yeah we stop and re refill so you ready well we we'll give it a go shall we y just drawing it in mate yeah it's it's actually should see that drop yeah it's actually a really good idea isn't it it's a thck qu yeah vacuum's you can see on the gauge the vacuum's dropping so and the coolant uh dropping as well yeah so what we do is we'll shut it off just before it hits that there's a little filter on the bottom of this pipe we'll shut it off and then we'll refill exactly the same again and then go again with it for how much is required once this is the system's form we start the engine you can top it up obviously without going through this process you're just drawing all the air out of the system first it's a little bit what what the complete system holds Rob in a nutshell no no probably and2 now yeah but if we had another Empty Bottle we'd have been really fast cuz we could have cut it off and then just swapped over but true of course we're just going to use this one bottle and this is an old coolant bottle it's slightly different coolant but we did wash it out first although we don't want this tube to empty definely maybe we I'll mix it up another one and decant it straight into that okay the vacuum should hold it in but it's keeping that um Eder tank permanently at the halfway mark can you see is it yeah oh yeah look at that I think that day mate we lock that off should we stop that there yeah just going to be standing there watching it it just go on yeah number two you ready here we go again just see an air bubble there tiny little bit of air AR it hopefully it don't affect it I shouldn't think that one air bubble will will it no well we're now won't we in the bottles full yeah I should think 10 L is probably going to be around that Mark surely I mean if we end up overfilling it it's not a problem we can we can uh draw draw some back out can't we better to have too much and not enough Rob that's right you can take a bit more off but you can never add a bit back on well in this case you can not the best analogy no we dropping down to uh once it stops so that that leveling that bottom starting to creep up now once it's finished I guess we top it up manually yeah y get ready to shut that off Chris so that this don't one not there is no no that's it mate right we need to just top that bottle up and okay I think we there should we uh turn it off yeah cut it mate M so after we cut there and removed all of the equipment it took an additional half a liter but as you can see it is bang on the maximum there on the Ed of tank so we to that up to where it needs to be we've started the engine we've got the coolant we've got the fans inside on number one just running gently and what we'd like to do well really if we run this right up to temperature and let those fans cut in ideally yes we haven't actually got to touch any of this again have we we could do a compart test using the All CU I think fire the fans up the check be nicer to let it do its own thing and then you know the coolant switch is correct everything's back that engine sounds sweet as an that doesn't it sounds really nice so fingers crossed mate we'll have a cup of coffee now and a and a chat we should be taking this one for its first drive with a bit of luck so yeah yeah I hope so too right let's see how we get on apart from having no power steering do you reckon that's ready for a little Drive well that's that brake don't sound right to me no the the discs are rotten don't forget Chris this went Offroad and it has never been driven since no it could have one of the backing plates rubbing on a disc I you just don't know until we have you can feel it through the car when you push touch a brake can you yeah I'm I looking on that little um motor Rob the little 30 yeah plenty of room all right is that see out that mirror no well I'll let you get it out mate and have a run up down the yard then he's got no power steering is he y lovely be a bit careful here while we're filming cuz uh there's another project here old tracking is definitely out you can see how far out it is M it's miles away yeah I think I'll reverse this one back yeah you're not going to take it for a run it's fighting the steering oh is it and you got no power steering yeah all right but it's not a fail mate it now starts runs and drives that's right that's right that's good news isn't it we had we did just notice as well I haven't even put that in just as we was pulling it off the ramp it's actually got a split AB blue pipe underneath and it is leaking out its fluid so I'll let you reverse up it probably show a little puddle on the floor started dripping yeah you see it right let's get that one parked up so that is going to be the end of today's video as usual if you did enjoy it we would really appreciate that thumbs up it's completely free of charge really helps us out keeps the old algorithm ticking over don't forget you can follow us on Instagram at Sage rebuilds Chris on his one at Sage rebuilds Chris like subscribe share on all your social networking sites and we'll see you very very soon in the next one
Channel: salvage rebuilds uk
Views: 92,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rn_hGOckd44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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