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can you guess how many ribbons we have [Music] hi guys were showing you everyone collection and we have a lot of happy we have a female - yeah hi guys so we're gonna do a little update of our reborns in the nursery okay and I'm interested to see if you can remember all their names earlier do you think you can easily all because sometimes I can't remember them so we're gonna have a look around now the only ones that aren't in the nursery are our toddlers okay because they don't fit in the nursery all at once the red ones and the toddlers but we're gonna feature them in a video really soon okay but we'll add them when we count up how many reborns we had alright so where do you want to start Alya over in the corner lady and little baby so who are these yeah a little Kayla very good and who's this down here oh hello little Helen oh my goodness she's stealing a Christmas outfit we're gonna have to change her really soon and then down here we have the triplets and handily yeah cute Angelique and these are antique triplets so we have little Khloe Khloe candy candy and a little can you remember are you forgetting yeah you remember now it's a bit hard isn't that we haven't been in the nursery for a while because it's been raining so much or we met to say sorry our videos have been so slow guys yes it's been raining but I've always had not electricity so we couldn't come in here because it would have been too dark yeah we've had no power guys for days so yeah sorry about that okay let's go up here and show who's up here Oh mei-ling yeah Ava oh my goodness are you forgetting again I wonder if everyone watching at home know CBC's and we want you guys to play along try and see how many babies you know the names of I'll give you a clue it starts with that so Sophia Sophia say that Sophia she's got the magnetic coney tails remember yeah and then who's these this baby we've had for a long time you Matthew yeah I know yeah we've had this for a long time Holly and Finn very good you knew them straightaway you really like yeah I like Holly she feels really cuddly yeah I did it like Holly and there's little thin there and then moving down here who's this big boy Oh Peter Peter very good and we've got our full body silicon babies down Maya you can't remember this baby oh she is named after someone very special who calls you princess Alya Oh Tina Tina yeah yeah Tina's so nice so you'll remember now won't you just think of Tina and then you'll remember her name so that's Tina in their.all now these two are new now we've just kept their sculpt names these two little twins and don't they look sweet let's take their dummies out and have a look you can't remember their names either I've got a very bad memory oh you've got a bad memory well you know what we can cheat with them because look you can look at their little tags I've got the hospital tags on do you remember well they're tucked in here and on the arms see did you find it so let's read hey can you read it so that one's my yeah and so who's this one this must be Mike see they said Maya and Macey there they are okay let's move over this way Oh who's over here yeah let's see if he's still got his little tooth in there take his dummy got a middle tooth last time look it's still there yeah well he looks happy it mustn't be hurting him anymore mm-hmm there's your dummy AJ now who's this big girl down here Evelyn she is cute isn't she well now Oh Sarah joy you look like you're falling out there a little business talk oh I told you I gave it away Oh Sarah joy but this is all you've got a leg in your face poor baby look who's this back here I'm killi killi there she is there little Tilly poor Tilly she's a bit squashed in there now moving up who's this now you always struggle with this name can you remember you've got it very good Declan yeah that's little Declan and can you remember who this is summer summer no oh my goodness yeah we mother she was yeah Lucy yeah we haven't played with these babies enough halfway Hey lately we're gonna have to do lots more videos now I know you know who this is this this is ankle oh really no Dave oh my goodness Donna that's it very good I wonder if everyone at home is getting any right Hey oh no who've we got up here we've got our big avatar baby or your poor little Nick baby I don't you can't remember well yeah our avatar baby I think we named her willow didn't Lee well no well yeah is that right named oh yeah I thought we named her willow I'm gonna have to have a look at check back on our videos we both have bad memories today now they're our little silicon avatar babies we've got a girl and a boy they're twins I can never remember their names I'm gonna have to look that up too I'm sure somebody watching knows they start with n I think interesting names but Amy Oh maybe something like that but I can't quite remember we'll find out don't worry now we saw AJ now who's this she's one of your favorites how did I forget her name is Eve you couldn't have forgotten oh my goodness guys literally we haven't been in the nursery really and looked at all the babies for a couple of weeks I'll promote you in a few weeks properly so you've just forgotten everyone's names yeah who is it who is she oh and it's a bit like your brother all of his name I lose you know what we can you say olive lights not all of that a bit similar quick what is it if you can't remember the seconds o only leave [Laughter] remember now hi Olivia all right we better move along because we've got more to go or she's gone away first ready in your hands are together hey hi Olivia okay now moving down here who have we got here this is pretty girl okay I need you remember don't tell me I don't know you've got it jasmine ha ha she's named after our good friends jasmine and Harper is it chicken the only reason I wanted to name a Harper yeah you wanted to name her jasmine so is Evelyn Harper is that what happened oh my good you remember I can't remember if I kind of use this oh this you know some are very good you called one of the other babies summer yeah they look a bit similar and they're pretty the same artist they paint about yeah so it's easy to mix the Maxima now who's this we've got one of our toddlers here today kit from a video yeah that's a marker there yeah because we've done a few videos with her recently now she's quite new okay so this is a drink probably turn the daycare oh we did yeah so there's Ava now coming up here we have our partial silicon baby sometimes we have her as a boy but she's a girl right now and you remember what's her name when she's a girl Aleya no what's her name Oh you can't remember oh my Rosie holiday that name and there's our name that we call her when she's a boy can you remember hi I'm Ryan that's right yeah she's got a big bald head but we do want to get her hair one time don't we do the boy needs wrap Oh Bryn Chyzyk up Smith black hair no no I lent you the girl which is go see these brown hand which is a boys needs black egg yeah oh well your brother's got brown hair though can't boys have brown hair well yeah but it's been it's been her black hair is it oh dear all right okay now I took the babies off from there because it's a bit hard to see so that's why I've put some of them down here on the rug we'll have a look at them in a minute now who's here earlier this is little baby she's my Lulu yeah this is baby Lulu so there she is there it's very cute what she is your absolute favorite really I just remembered because you know do you remember when we went to Vietnam and I bring ha ha we were boys me and Claire will playing whispers Oh Valerie yes I remembered from then yeah I was just thinking and then I was like oh yes sir let's have a look at her so that Lily she is also one of the least favorites I didn't need to halt all you need to hug her do you all right pull it out just lift her up here she should come right out she's pretty little in there there you go you're a big hug she don't have a cute little fade you see mine yeah she's all yours remember yeah now guys most of the reborns are both of ours aren't they Aliyah therefore Shari yeah but summer for me but yeah oh really don't I have any all to myself I can't remember yeah maybe not but that's okay I don't mind sharing I said mine was yeah we both share don't we but some reborns were given to his gifts to work pays lowly one okay all right we better keep moving because I've got open a happy man yeah janae bring huh yeah you carry her while we look around now all here's one of my favorites down here we've had her for a long time change Bethany and I think she is a lot of your favorite at home too is a chick just because of her face she's got a very unique face yes very happy and very very cute yeah very cute that Ceylonese day hike you okay hi hi Bethenny alright now we have twins up here another set of twins who do we have they start with in remember Nicholas yeah this is Nicholas and then you hit and use this name yes Niki well we can go and listen to keep it short can't we Niki yeah only now who's this big girl she is definitely one of the favorites on our channel we get lots of people messaging don't wave but I gladly say favorite easily it's the one baby that is good for high-five ah that how it sends me to remember yeah yeah look at her good high five hands there they ask it uses Natalie and key Donnell sick you see it's what are you doing having a ride Lily look very snugly over there guys who's on our big picture isn't she now down here we've got I think out shabbiest baby okay really sit in the up remember oh who is it Cooper Cooper James Koepp Cooper James now we also have the awake version of Cooper James okay but he's not in the nursery at the moment we normally only have one of them out at a time because we use them as one baby don't we I have to do another video so we got to pretend to sleep and then awake yeah that's yeah alright now we have another set of twins down here who are bonny baby I just think I should remember Madison and we call her madness yeah and come Chris Christopher that's it cuz we got him at Christmas that's why we call him Christopher so their twins have the same stoked guys that Abigail sculpt that's it okay now I think we might have Shire in all the babies around the nursery now one more okay I don't know but I did don't give it away oh you're gonna show her first before you tell us okay so here she is Jenny Jenny this is Jenny guys so she's looking cute she was over there on the train table but I brought her over so we could see her more clearly so hi Jenny so that's all the babies now in the nursery now tell us what toddlers have we got they're packed away we're going to show I'm in a video suit who are out cheeky twins well one of them's cheeky there's one that is very very very very cheap yeah what's his name make sure got my keys yeah so we've got Mitchell and Mikey Mike is such a good boy cuz he tries to keep Mitchell out of mischief doesn't he yeah and then we've got our twins Julian Julian and we've got Thomas he's very smart he likes to read books doesn't he and you've also got some babies in your broom don't you yeah you've got the total of Rachel and you've got your Ashton Drake babies that would Gibbs what are their names um yeah Hannah yeah hello yeah that's right and we've got a few more babies that are packed away because they might be gonna be some giveaways okay and don't forget my unicorn and my monkey my favourite um baby that is mine is Lily or my unit oh yeah you've got your unicorn as well and your monkey we can't forget about those yeah she's packed up too we have to get her back out won't we you wanna see her yeah she's very good shine she might I think you called her didn't you my name's yeah I think she's your unicorn named streamer as well you've got the boat baby but I'm in my own way with a man you would name one shine in one shimmer you can figure it out later okay because we've got to get to a happy mouth all right but but first we need to count up how many red ones we have so we're gonna be back in a flash guys and we're gonna give you the tally of how many we have be back in a flash guys we are 42 reborn that's right we've just counted them so there's 42 reborns and then we've got our two full bodies so that can babies and newborn sized ones we've got our one partial silicon baby and then we've got three mini silicon babies and then we've got our avatar so you can babies okay and we forgot to show you the two mini silicon babies they're up here we'll just show you really quickly here they are they're in our tiny nursery so this is this is Emma Emma and Annie yeah Elias of this Emma and Ellie and then we've got your unicorn and your monkey and we've actually also got about four babies that are ready in boxes waiting to be opened yeah and one of them is going to be a giveaway baby and that giveaways coming up really soon guys well I kind of do because I want you guys to get a table yeah it's time we did a giveaway isn't it cuz I laughs giveaways were at Christmas yeah like Christmas yeah it was a while ago now so guys all up we have about 50 dolls okay that includes our silicon babies as well so that was fun monie because we didn't know how many we had do we we had no idea yeah we know no wonder our nose oh yeah it is getting very full okay we need to add to it happy now yeah and if you're wondering why that noise is it's just it's the rain the rain is back let's show everybody at the door look see you guys it's raining again alright let's go check her mail Alya [Music] [Music] yeah we've just laid them all out because we took a photo didn't we and I was sitting up there on the chair so we've got them all here there's so many even a cute guy alright let's get to this happy my old if you won't send me happy mouth here's the address on the screen and don't forget guys to include your return address so that we can write you back okay now earlier this box it's not actually happy mail this is something that I ordered a long time ago and it's just arrived it's from the Russia plays included some chocolate must be from Russia Wow it's not ready yet so have you can see what do you notice well yeah it needs to be painted it's not painted yet kids like it well I don't think we can paint it it's really hard you know painting silica babies is even harder than painting reborns but I thought we might get an artist here in Australia a really good artist to paint it for us and now look do we do their hair well no I think we just get to play with it and keep it yeah we'll pay a reborn though okay one day we will have hell yeah they can root some hair I think it'd be nice with hair wouldn't it now look at this little baby it's so cute it's a little girl she's got a little mouth on pins look guys did you see it yeah yeah she's got a little tongue in there there we go the cameras focusing better now look at her little mouth she's so cute so I think she'll be really cute once she's painted she doesn't have armatures it would have been nice if she had that you know which you can bend to honest but they're already in a cute bending position so isn't that cute I'm thinking on all we'll have to think of a name I recommend wait and see what she's painted might be easier I love I can't wait me too now because there's so much now I'm gonna pass you each letter or card earlier and we're just gonna read a tiny bit of it now or we're gonna show the drawings okay and then we're gonna read the rest later okay we promise we will be reading the more we love to hear from you guys so really up all right so this first one is from Katie and what is it it's a birthday card is Thank You Katie hi and there my name is Katie I love your channel which is 12 Thank You Katie thank you so now this one is from another Katie yeah what are these oh oh wow I think they're tattoos maybe but those the epic so what are those well what does he say Katie's forever reborn baby dolls all there's her name they look this apart wow what a beautiful card look guys there you go there's all her details that's nice isn't it there's a few there and they carry nothing that might be your stickers oh look at this lovely letter now she says hi Aaliyah you're a sweet wonderful girl I love watching your reborn videos how many reborns do your own all wasn't that lucky that we counted them today she wanted to know how many we own oh and I think she's got a lots of nice things to say in here so we'll be reading the rest of that later okay thanks thanks so much this one let's have a look and see oh this one's from Kaitlyn all these caves and there's a lovely letter here it says D and Leo my name's Kaitlyn I've been watching your videos for a long time and I love them would you've got two reborns thanks Caitlin yeah thanks so much Kaitlyn now this lovely letter is from Reina and look there's me and Illya and this Reina see ya and she says that she loves what to your channel and she could watch your channel all day and she's in you - that's lovely thanks ray I don't hear one you are you one thanks so much Reina now this is from Lily there's a little piece yeah it's so colorful look at that guys like it's like okay oh I think there's a picture there oh look do you think Lily drew that and he look at this - and they are isn't that nice and oh look this Lily and there's alia - alia srib um well my favorite toddler is Natalie and I'm seven years old oh thanks Lily I love it now we have a lovely letter here from Trevor and I've just had a quick read of it and he has two lovely granddaughters and one of him his name is Jayden and she's nine years old and she loves watching your videos IR and she wants you to say hi to her - Jayden from birth that's where she lives hi Jayden from bar yet she lives in England a long way away and your grandfather's written us this lovely little we're gonna reply to you guys okay we'll answer any questions that you had in okay thanks Trevor and now we have a lovely card from Isabelle oh look there's a lovely truly see look guys I wonder if that Teeuwen Isabelle a bed of years and she says Illya I like your videos and my favorite reborn is Sarah joy oh that's lovely yeah thanks Isabel thanks so much Isabel now we have a lovely letter here from Nia and she's drawn a lovely picture look Aaliyah isn't that nice you see and she says I'd like your channel it's just why can't you use something other than reborns oh maybe you'd like to see other things well maybe you can watch our family channel as well because we don't have red ones on our family channel do we know yeah aleeah's daddy doesn't like red ones and your brother's not too keen on the me there are they yeah so a family channels the hodgepodge Apes thanks Mia we have a package here I'm not sure this one's from you open up those there's some presents in here by the looks of it oh look Alya the Christmas presents I think yes say Merry Christmas Leah and no no that one says that once easily yeah let's look at these drawings first oh my goodness this is so cute look isn't that lovely I think it's a kangaroo it's so cute yeah oh and it's from Saskia oh not from Saskia age 6 and she says this is my kangaroo unicorn hope you like it oh yeah it's a unicorn a kangaroo unicorn how to liver from Saskia do you like it it's beautiful and this one is a unicorn sloth earlier another wonderful bottle uncle yeah DNA is reborn world I love you YouTube channel from an is Oh lovely thank you alright oh very cute lovely phone so pretty a little of suppose I wonder what's in this one it's a ha or was it painted how cute it's got little birds it's a lovely painted rock and it says besties oh that's really cute what's in this last one that you died oh is it baby clothes I think some dolly clothes I think it's one is for a doll oh that's cute you put some new swimmers that might beat one of your baby Alive's I think do you think so yeah now there was a little present for me I'll just open that oh look it's a beautiful shell wow do you think they've collected that from the beach can you hear the ocean no it's probably not one of those yeah oh it's still pretty isn't it it's very pretty thank you so much thanks Saskia and Ania alia we have a lovely little litter entering from me isn't it cute look that's you in her and she would like to know what's your favorite color that's alright go today well needs is her favorite a purple and turquoise and if they've agreed ones a Peter Nathan Nikolas and Bethany thank you me thanks so much me Natalija we've got two letters here from more eyes well this one says to Lorna and this one says to Braden thank you so much I might refine now and I'll give praises his oh my goodness look at this coloring that is so beautiful and it says enough for you and Elise five brothers and your husband oh isn't that nice or when they want to photo about can I just see it again you wanna see it again it was too nice isn't it so pretty I love it now there's another one here always the Christmas card I think it says have yourself a happy holiday there's something in here Wow look at these they pretty and they've got notes on this one says to Ellie's mom this one says to Illya on this one from Matthew and one for Brandon oh how nice thank you you show me which one's mine that was your mother but soon that me with the pink sees me and it says I'm a doing your mom and your two brothers a friendship bracelet oh thank you so much and yeah Happy Happy New Year for 2020 thank you so much Laura yeah thank you so my day long the bracelet this one is from lacy and look at this beautiful picture of Elise is so pretty Aliyah and there's lacy looks huge my name is Lacey I watch your videos all the time in fact I'm watching your videos right now isn't that nice Thank You Lacey thank you so much lazy look at this lovely letter from Bailey Alya look at that Unicorn [Music] yeah now it says dear Leo when I started to watch your videos I'm going to reborns and then I've got one and now I play with it and I watch your videos with her is that lovely yeah sometimes I do like it with someone yeah sometimes you watched your videos too with the repos Oh Thank You Bailey yeah thank you so much now this one here is from Kristen and this isn't that cute and it says dear Laura wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all Thank You Christine thank you so much thank you and I hope you had a happy Christmas look at these adorable envelope Alya and there's a matching little letter he look Penix from Ava this love heart I'm over says all she says can we send her a reborn what's she gonna have to do enter on one of our reborn giveaway yeah we're having everyone giveaway really really soon guys okay so watch after that and she says she has a brother on it's lovely thank you Ava thanks so much Ava only how we have and lovely letter here from Ruby and she says I just wanted to say hi my name is Ruby and I'm six years old she's the same as you Wow and she loves reborns oh and she wants a reborn too so again you'll have to enter a key the way yeah but thank you for before the lovely knitter yeah thank you so much Ruby look at Leah this is from Gina there's her amazing people and me and there's a lovely letter he too and Gina says hi I love videos I'm nine years old your videos are amazing eclipsing Scotland oh wow Thank You Gina yeah thank you so much now alia we have a couple of drawings here I'll explain what they are because we've got a lovely letter here and it's from Charlotte and she says her five-year-old daughter Sophie loves watching your videos and his favorite romanza AJ Mikey and Natalie and she's drawn a picture of them so I'll show you that and Charlotte says that she's homeschooling Sophie and they're learning all that Australia yeah so look here this is so cute I'll show everyone first we've got AJ Natalie and Mikey her favorite snip AJ nutty and my people aren't they cute they're so so lovely or there's another picture here it says I love you over here and there's Ali our milk yeah thanks so much Charlotte and Sophie yeah thank you this is from Evie there's something in that package do you want to pull it out earlier there's something little in there and oh look at this beautiful letter and drawing what did you find that is beautiful isn't it a lovely bracelet gold yeah look at this rainbow Alya isn't that pretty good job baby and the letter says to Illya my name is Evie and I five and a half years old I watch all your videos and I think you're the best once you've got a reborn named Sophie isn't that nice oh thank you so much Edie thank you so much Amy now our last letter is from violet she's written this lovely letter and she says her name's violet she's 10 and you're her favorite youtuber and all this is very cute she says I wish I could meet you and I've been teased at play with you all day isn't it cute I love you so much and she says it's the first time running happy now that she's gonna write more or thanks violin a so much pirate thank to all of you we love hearing about you yeah we do we love hearing all about you guys don't we so thank you so much and thanks for watching our video and we'll see you in the next video and please subscribe back bye guys
Channel: Aliyah's Reborn World
Views: 494,982
Rating: 4.5943999 out of 5
Keywords: reborn, reborn collection, reborn nursery, reborn dolls, reborn baby, reborn box opening, happy mail monday, aliyahs reborn world, reborns 2020, playing with reborns, fake baby, reborn morning routine, reborn night routine, reborn day in the life, reborn twins, reborn toddler
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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