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hi guys it's from friday and we have some new babies to show you we do hi everybody so our new babies they're very special they're actually quadruplets aren't they because there's four of them and they're inside the nursery aliyah's just having a little rest outside having fun on the rocking chair it's so fun because is it fun is it now when we head inside you need to find these babies to show everybody and can you tell us what's special about these babies they're going to be on sale for our website they are now we should have our website up and running in about a week guys we're working really hard on it and we have somebody who's coming and um she's taking some photos for the website yeah so that's exciting isn't it all right should we head inside and show everybody these babies and we need to get them directly we do elia's gonna pick out some outfits for them okay i love this one is it nice and warm yeah well i put that down so that we can put the babies on there okay when you find them you want to be a baby aaliyah you need to look around the nursery and see if you can see any new babies now i wonder if anyone can figure out i wonder if anyone knows what sculpt these babies are i bet lots of you will know can you see anybody new around the nursery hmm can you see did you spot one birthday going over here what are you gonna do over here did you see somebody i'm seeing if they're gonna be anywhere oh you're having a look any new babies see if you guys at home can help too see if you can spot anybody new hmm not yet about up high no what about down here where the ticks go no nope just three little tinks can you see anybody yeah oh there's a new baby hello now who knows what sculpt this is me all the babies are the same nutella yeah saskia yeah by bonnie brown okay so that's the sculpt of the baby so we have four babies they're all saskias all right do you want to pick this little baby up and carry him or her over to the blanket where's the first baby where's the next thing let's see we've got to find another one don't we anybody in there who's in there oh sarah jane's in there hmm what about in there it's getting a bit crowded in this crib isn't it i thought that would be one no new babies in there where else are you gonna look oh fun oh there's one in there i was just randomly walking i didn't i was not thinking i wasn't even trying to look in there and i just thought oh well that was lucky okay pop that baby down that's it now aaliyah is also going to decide whether she thinks these babies are boys or girls or some of each you get to choose and i get to choose everything is that fun yeah all right now we need to find some more we've got two left hmm i'm gonna show you what's in that special box soon okay not now after we've chosen the outfits do you see oh there's another baby i'll take the trail for you this little baby's hungry hey in the high chair all right one more one more baby we've got one more yeah because there's four i'm the best and i like the other one what about down here with all these toddlers [Music] i thought they were toddlers oh they're kind of well they're a bigger baby they're not to three months size so they're not newborn size are they have you seen the other baby aj no oh he hasn't seen it oh there's two more babies oh where did she see a baby oh there's the last baby very good these babies definitely need some clothes don't they they've just got their little onesies on do i get to choose if they bought your doll before we change them yeah you can choose because then if it's the girl then when you put them in girl clothes yeah that's right yeah now that baby you just brought over that one's the floppiest of the lot this one's a little bit floppy i think i'm gonna add a little bit more stuffing this was the first one that i um waited and it's probably a little bit heavy i think in um the baby's head so i might take a little bit of that waiting out now well first let's pick their clothes first because look come over here i've put all these outfits they're all brand new and you get to choose which ones the babies wear okay so i'll bring them over because they're up a bit high i'll bring them over to the mat and you can have a look i can carry every single one oh you want to carry all of them at once okay let's get all these down there's some really cute outfits i can't wait to see them with their clothes because you can't adopt babies out with no clothes can you so it'd be fun to pick an outfit at least they have white ones yeah at least they've got their onesies on and they've got a nappy on already now i forgot to say earlier after we dress these babies we need to head over to your reborn hospital because there's another little set of twins over there isn't there that needs to be adopted should i wear my um clothes yeah you might need to change into your nurse outfit for that part okay but let's get back to these babies i've propped them up here guys okay now before leah chooses the outfits i just wanted to say a few little things about these babies so some of you might notice that this sculpt looks a little bit familiar okay it's a lovely sculpt but the sad thing is that some people stole the sculpt didn't they and then they mass-produced it in china and they're trying to sell it on all these scam sites okay and then that's when you see the babies for around a hundred dollars okay um now these kits alone these are the genuine kits from bonnie brown and these kits alone cost 120 dollars that's just for the kit before you start painting okay if you find one of those sculpt but it's only 100 don't get it no because it's going to be a scam and it'll be horrible when you receive it they're all they're mass-produced in china and they don't look anything like the photos those photos that those scam sites are using are stolen photos from artists okay so these are genuine babies okay genuine reborns that have been painted from the genuine sculpts okay they're not cheap copies from china just to make sure you guys understand that okay because we do not i'm scammy no we don't do we all right now let's get to these clothes oh first you want to choose what they're going to be so you need to look at these babies and think whether they are going to be boys or girls now they've got different eye colors let's look this little baby has got brown eyes and this one has quite dark hair they've all got painted hair guys yeah it's sort of black isn't it yeah and then the other three babies all have brown hair and they've got this little one's got brown eyes this little one has green eyes and this little one has blue eyes yeah so um what are you thinking aaliyah what do you think [Music] i want three girls you want three girls which three them oh the brown hair that one i want and the black hair boy okay no worries that sounds good they're all brown and well you've got brown hair don't you know and i'm yeah yeah isn't that like made you think of that okay okay well that's okay i think girls are probably more popular than boys anyway so yeah that's probably good okay we'll do that then now aaliyah you need to look at all these clothes over here and choose outfits so we'll go through them all you hold them up first let's have a look at them all the girl okay we're gonna pick three girl outfits so have a look at all of them and then you choose your three favorite i'll get all of the girl outfits and then we'll we'll lay them out and then you can choose your favorite three that one's a set it's got a fox that's cute okay pop that there and then you've got some more girl ones very good there you go you can tell i like pink guys we like pink don't we but your favorite isn't pink yeah my favorite color is yellow but you know what it's hard to find different colored clothes at the stores i try and buy them whenever i see them but it is usually mostly pink just can you move those pants to the back of this outfit just so we can see the so that one's got a little onesie with frills around there and a little hat and pants is that all the girly ones okay so you need to pick three of these alia so it's going to be a hard choice oh you like the doggies because i love puppies that is cute isn't it okay oh that's pretty with the dress isn't it but i think it's like onesies you think onesies do you because they got oven yeah oh for their nap because they sleep a lot babies don't they maybe that is pretty okay and that's got a headband with it and we need one more outfit yeah that's got a onesie in it that's got a onesie and a sleep suit and a bib and mittens and a hat or this one has got look a little bib and a onesie and pants puppies and cats they don't like it they don't like each other yeah oh we've got that one's a fox yeah and a kitten do they not like each other oh dear [Music] you want that one the fox okay oh the cat all right cause he'll eat the puppy oh they'll just fight they'll be would you that's better oh okay no worries okay so that's the three girls picked now we've got one boy um to choose for so let's have a look at these we've got little dinosaurs there with socks and pants okay pop them there now whatever outfits we don't use we'll use for the next babies that we make okay oh that one's got turtles that's a set in there because they're all gonna have onesies i'm definitely choosing oh the puppies oh they will have a match they'll be like twins won't they in the boy and girl um you can see them first oh and that one's got an elephant on okay that one okay very good i'm so happy that we got two of these yeah what if we had three pinks of these and one blue oh that would have been cute wouldn't it i don't think they had enough at the shops though let's get changing them okay [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] who's this baby on the end baby aaliyah oh well all the babies are dressed guys okay and they're looking really cute and what did we notice about the twins over there they both have brown art yeah so those two that are twins had the brown eyes that was clever wasn't it leah yeah no baby anymore you're not a baby anymore and we found a little headband for our little girl there with the cat set okay now elia there's one more thing that these babies need okay and it's in that little box over there do you know what it could be can you think of what it could be a blanket a blanket well do you think that blankets would fit in this little box no way they wouldn't fit in there let's have a look can you take that there that band that's it let's see what's in here dummies yeah now depending what way the magnets are on we have to see which ones are going to fit the babies i'm going to pop them out and you can pick what colors you want for the babies okay [Music] the same pink well we'll have to see they might not fit with their magnets see that one doesn't go maybe try one of the other babies and see does that fit anybody no no oh well we'll have to keep trying let's see if this okay let's get all these different pinks and see if any of these go yeah i should have checked when i put the magnets in their mouth shouldn't i oh that one fits her i'll try this okay oh that one goes very good you try that one oh not that one here we've got some more here what do you want to try one of those a dog try that one oh that one fits very good so i might just try this lighter one because if this goes this would probably match a bit better but i'm not sure oh it does i think that one's a better match isn't it yeah for the outfit oh well that's good yeah that one's good too but i think that's perfect look and they all match pretty much now we've got our little boy oh let's hope we've got maybe a blue one do we have any light blue yes we have this oh that's a bit of a green color oh there's one light blue let's hope that it fits on him oh let's hope ready well let's just get dog and get a dark one just in case i'll just get we'll try them both all right off you go let's try it out and see it does oh that worked out so well you picked the right baby all right well that's it for these babies now we need to head over to your hospital nursalia to see the other two babies that need adopting okay do you want to get changed into your outfit maybe you should snap your fingers oh hi nursalia all right do you want to say goodbye to the babies here for now and we'll go see the other baby bye guys bye guys see the other baby yeah we'll see you babies later okay guys we have two babies in our hospital and they're new to the hospital they are and they're twins aren't they and do you remember what sculpts these are elia you can't remember they are macy and maya oh yeah we have some we have a macy and maya in our collection don't we ours have blonde hair don't they now these babies will have a look these ones have got painted you wanna take her hat off and we'll have a look so she's got lovely painted hair and the girl and that one's a blue yeah so we've made them a girl and a boy do you want to unwrap her because there's something we need to do with her isn't there nursalia we need to weigh them we do we need to weigh them before they go home to their new family okay we need to weigh them because we put that detail on there don't we do you want to bring her over that's it you bring her over and we'll get her weight so we've got our scales you want to turn it on elia that's it now just wait till it goes to zero and then we can pop her on oh it's ready see now pop her up there that's it and we're gonna see what she weighs oh i think it's done what does it say four four point six four yeah four point six four pounds very good okay do you want to write it down you can write it down there and then we can put that detail in i'll just copy it yeah you can copy it now guys you normally would weigh the baby when they've got no clothes on okay so we'll make sure we do that before we send her off but this is just for the video that's it four point six four very good now while she's here why don't we quickly show everybody her little hands are leah do you want to take her little mittens off that's it [Music] so she's got two closed hands i think the other i think the little boy's got one open doesn't he yeah so she's very but they're still twins they're still twins yet and she's got one straight leg and i think the other leg is a little bit bent it's well they're kind of both a bit straight yeah we'll have a look at the boy now we'll go put this little girl back are you writing down that that's the girl aaliyah baby girl very good i'll pop her back well aliyah finishes that off there we go so just to remind you guys these two babies are going to be up for adoption as well on our website okay which is coming soon how are you going aaliyah wait i didn't do a space yeah that's okay that's okay we know what you mean so that's it very good okay perfect all right let's go see the moment you're very good oh you are you're getting really good at writing come on let's go see the boy and we can wait him now now we have to unwrap the boy yeah and we need a way here i'm gonna weigh him we might take his dummy out too so there he is that's it now let's have a look at him this boy i noticed he has a bigger head than the little girl which is often the case with twinsies and aaliyah where one of them is a little bit bigger than the other so that's okay now do you want to take his little mittens off that's it yeah he has one open hand and one closed hand [Music] excited he's excited he's excited to be weighed okay do you want to bring him over and we'll weigh him and see i wonder if he's heavier than the little girl do you think she is maybe that's it oh hang on i forgot we've got to turn it on first i'll lift him up you press on oh is it on already oh it was still on okay we'll just wait and turn it oh that's okay it's back to zero sorry about that okay there we go popping down like that and then let's see is he going to be more or less or the same again oh he's 4.1 so he's actually less he's quite a bit less isn't he i thought he was going to be heavier he's 4.1 all right baby boy well elia's riding that we'll just have another look at him so there he is there he's got oh he's both of his legs are quite bent so the other baby the little girl her legs are quite straight and the boy's legs are quite bent and luckily i said he's got one open hand and he's got one closed hand that's italia 4.1 oh hang on it's moving it was 4.10 but it's changed i think because we were leaning on it four point one two there you go very good okay so that's him we'll go and pop him back do you want to carry him a leah okay yeah you know okay no worries so he's going to be for sale as well guys turn it off that's it turn it off for next time and in here goes they're so cute they're so cute you know what we might have a quick look at them together do you want to bring the little girl over that's it and we'll lay them next to each other because they aren't twins yeah they probably miss each other because twins often like to be together don't they yeah let's lay this blanket okay you pop the blanket on that's nice you can have a nap together that's a great idea very good there you go guys oh they look lovely and warm oh they need some milk do they oh we did have a little bottle here somewhere do you know where it is oh is it up there okay you give them a quick feed that's it they can share but they can have both can have half half each that's a good idea and then after you fed those babies aaliyah we need to do our shout outs don't we we're gonna say hi to some of you who left us comments okay and if you want us to say hi to you next time at the end of next fun friday video then you can leave us a comment over on instagram or facebook now guys i'll just say um with the website please keep an eye out on facebook and instagram because we'll announce won't we leo when our website is up and ready okay so i'm sorry if i haven't had time to answer all of your messages we've had a lot of messages but please watch out because we will announce it okay when our website is ready okay oh that's great aaliyah all right well let's go and do our shout outs okay [Music] this week we want to say hi to hi walker priest family hi ava sander from the uk hi amelia and happy 8th birthday hi caitlin and happy 2nd birthday hi leila and happy eighth birthday hi kylia hi jessica and zachary and happy birthday zachary hi happy and happy ninth birthday hi evie henley hi christine walsh hi karen hi battery hi reborn for life xo4 hi sue helene82 hi ivy vickery from the uk hi daisy in the uk and hi aurea carol in the uk yes so hi to all of you thanks so much for all the lovely comments and messages okay we love them all we hope you enjoyed today's fun friday video and you'll have to let us know guys over in the comments which is your favorite baby of the new babies which is your favorite aaliyah we've got our saskias we brought them over there or we've got the twins i think one of the sasky oh which one alia which is your favorite probably use them because they like have the both outfits oh you like the twins yeah well let us know guys which is your favorite thanks for watching and we'll see you next time bye please subscribe bye guys
Channel: Aliyah's Playborn World
Views: 3,066,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reborn, reborn babies, reborn dolls, reborns for sale, reborn adoption, reborn box opening, reborn saskia, reborns by bonnie brown, reborn morning routine, reborn night routine, aliyahs reborn world, cute reborns, buy a rebon, best reborn channel, reborn channel for kids, reborn roleplay, fake baby doll, newborn baby doll, realistic baby doll
Id: Gmr2dwJdxYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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