Rebels in Myanmar | DW Documentary

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foreign [Music] Coupe and mass protests squashed in bloodshed [Music] in Myanmar young men and women are going to war against the military dictatorship to resist we have to pick up arms ourselves my parents agree in a secret location we meet with the resistance Fighters and the people who stand to lose everything in the ongoing War the roof got smashed by the bullets and missiles [Music] we're inside Myanmar a rebel group has agreed to take us to one of their bases in the southeast of the country not too far from the border with Thailand foreign here in the Borderlands an armed resistance to the military is coming together it's mostly young people from Generation Z who are joining the rebel groups wanting to fight against the military dictatorship [Music] 18 year old is one of the youngest Fighters here we ask him what it's like trading university studies for fighting in a war I told my parents about it and they encouraged me they sympathize with us young people and understand our pain they said we're all born one day and we'll all die one day to rebel against those with arms we have to pick up arms ourselves people into the jungle and into armed conflict against the military we have to look back at the events that took place in February 2021 when the military seized power and removed the civilian government of Ang tsuchi the Nobel Peace Prize winner was herself arrested and parts of the government were forced into exile the leader of the military who had played a big role in the brutal expulsion of the rohingya minority became the new head of state once more turning Myanmar into a de facto military dictatorship all over the country people are rising up against the regime swaya covered the protests as a journalist but has since had to flee to Thailand to escape retaliation from the military during the protest was that the entire country of Myanmar opposed the coup he shows us footage from other journalists who also documented the people's uprising this shows how the military tried to violently break up the protests by arresting demonstrators and using tear gas it shows how the military started firing live rounds when the protesters refused to disperse [Music] I witnessed the Bloodshed with my own eyes while I was running away a young man got shot in front of me and fell to the ground [Laughter] [Applause] come on after being carried away he just died right there thank you nowadays critical journalism in Myanmar can cost reporters their life while media Outlets face big fines because of the Hunter's increasing violence those who have chosen to resist do so by organizing themselves Underground many formerly peaceful protesters have since decided to take up arms led by the government in Exile they have repeatedly retaliated against the Junta for safety many go into hiding in neighboring countries like here in Thailand the resistance fighters who call themselves The People's Defense Force or PDF are willing to meet with us on the condition that we keep their location and identities Secret oh yeah yeah okay I'm waiting at the corner in front of the small grocery store car number [Music] our contact brings us to a non-descript house off camera we see a dozen young men some have brought their whole families with them a child is playing between combat uniforms and Provisions while the mother of one fighter offers us tea one is willing to talk on camera the 19 year old who will call aung tells us why he joined the underground cell s when I participated in the protest I often saw the military beating arresting and killing people in front of me that's why I decided to rebel against these pigs aung explains how he was arrested and tortured after his release he says that he and a few friends decided to resist the Junta by all means necessary even if it meant killing someone my team our leaders and my friends shot at military checkpoints and the traffic police we also bombed the checkpoints and killed their informants we did everything to eliminate any person that is related to the military [Music] but employing those tactics also comes at a high risk to the insurgents themselves an attempted attack on a radio Mast almost cost the 19 year old aung his life [Music] his bomb went off too early and left severe burns on much of his body seriously injured I only had to flee the scene and hide for weeks he didn't get any proper Medical Care causing his wounds to heal poorly he is still in pain and can hardly use his hands anymore I really wish my hands would get better I want to keep fighting them but because my hands are not in good shape I can't do much against these animals in Myanmar The Hunter has been hunting down such groups that's why this one has temporarily retreated across the border into Thailand and called a halt to its attacks but soon they plan to return this time to fight alongside other rebel groups in the jungles of Myanmar the sales leader shows us the equipment they've acquired for this purpose and explains why they've had to change their tactics we conducted underground missions in the urban areas but our groups are not safe anymore in cities like Yangon there are more and more informants there the military is combing the urban areas for groups like ours the military is trying to crush resistance at any cost and their attacks and bombings are not only directed against groups such as the PDF but have repeatedly targeted civilians [Music] foreign the fighting has spread to the borders of Myanmar often leaving civilians with no choice but to flee to neighboring countries like Thailand ly tells us how the military attacked their village with fighter jets and helicopters and how they just barely survived the raid by finding cover in the nick of time the roof got smashed by the bullets and missiles and they destroyed the building as well I don't know what the current situation is we haven't been there for a while as we wouldn't dare to go back they dug a pit to bury the people there were many women kids and men in the pits they shot everyone the mounting atrocities against civilians are one of the many reasons why so many people are joining the resistance independent monitors now estimate that there are about 65 000 PDF Fighters the commander of the young fighter we met at the beginning of our report is receiving fresh recruits are more people to come yes how many around seven people seven people can you guys use the weapons professionally let's say there's a fight and you have weapons will you be able to fight them back are you guys ready for that good the fight will erupt soon go get some sleep commanders has mixed feelings when meeting with all the newcomers I let the new Fighters know that by coming to the Jungle they've made us stronger and that I'm very grateful for them joining us more people make us stronger but sometimes it makes me sad to see them living in these harsh conditions 18 year old is well aware of the dangers my name is honestly speaking I don't want anyone from outside to get hurt you're thought of losing someone is really painful Young People Like Us have sacrificed everything and are staying in the jungle no one wants to live here I just want the world to know that we need International support during our reporting we met people who believe they have no choice but to take up arms in their hatred of the military they too seem willing to resort to brutal violence after returning from our trip we also learned that under saw aseway's command captured regime soldiers have been executed [Music]
Channel: DW Documentary
Views: 1,285,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Documentary, Documentaries, documentaries, DW documentary, full documentary, DW, documentary 2022, myanmar, conflict, conflict in myanmar, rebels in myanmar, dw documentary 2022, myanmar report, myanmar rebels, myanmar documentary, myanmar conflict, military in Myanmar, armed resistance, guerilla tactics, guerrilla tactics
Id: c_mJMFg4mOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 19 2022
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