Rebecca Grossman guilty on all counts

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News Rebecca Grossman convicted of second degree murder and other charges for running down two young boys in Westlake Village. Fox Levin's Susan 11 Sn Hirasuna has been in the court all day and joins us live with the details of this verdict and that dramatic moment when it was read. Susan it was remarkable. Alex. I think a lot of people were thinking that the jury was taking its time because with five counts against Rebecca Grossman, they were going to have to consider each count very carefully before making their decision. But guilty on all five counts in the moment as the decision was read, one verdict after the other. You could hear the daughter Rebecca Grossman's 19 year old daughter, exclaim, oh my God, oh my God! While her son was sitting next to her shaking and sobbing. It was it was heartbreaking. But at the same time, you recognize that the Iskander family is on the other side of the courtroom and they are finally getting some closure. In fact, here's a couple of comments from the Iskander's after they came out of the courthouse. Well, this trial every day in court here felt like I am attending the funeral of the boys again day after day. That's how it felt. And seeing the defendant and seeing the defense attorneys, it just was that bad. We have been waiting for a closure. We have been waiting. Honestly, we have been waiting for Mr. Grossman to apologize to take responsibility and show she just chose to fight to the end and it was heartbreaking to see the conspi. And I'm I'm amazed and glad that that despite all their tricks, they couldn't trick our system or the jurors. Well, it wasn't long after for the Iskandar's made their comments that this tight group of Grossman attorneys and supporters was and in the back Peter Grossman arm and arm with his son and with his daughter as they went to their car to drive away. Meantime, Rebecca Grossman was handcuffed in the courtroom of course, her attorneys asked that she be allowed to go home free on bail, but the judge responded this way. He says, look, this has been a three and a half year process, and she's been out on bail that entire time. And it's now time for justice to be served. Of course, the Grossman's will appeal. Reporting live in Van Nuys. I'm Susan Hirasuna. Back to you, Susan. Okay, so we know that's a nine man, three woman jury. Do you think we're going to hear at all from any of the jurors, any indication of that? You know, as is always the case, the judge sort of finishes up and says your duty is done. Thank you very much for your service. He goes on to kind of give them some warnings on what's allowed. You're free to talk if you would like to talk about the decision making process. He wasn't going to stop them from doing that. There was a little something about getting payment for their comments, but but honestly, there was just so much going on in the courtroom. I don't remember specific, only what was happening. It was really remarkable, Christina and Alex, to see that at the moment, the that she was put into handcuffs, that the family jumped up. But there was a room full of bailiffs, of deputies that kept them apart. She whispered, I love you, Alexis, which you know , screamed out, I love you. And at one point he even said, why did you do this? As if the process of convicting her mother was somehow so unfair. But as you heard the Iskander say, the Grossman's had high powered, expensive attorneys, multiple. They kept changing attorneys and yet in the end, all five counts. Guilty and the sentencing for that, that will come up later. But the sentencing for that could be as long as 34 years to life. Susan, there was a moment last night that you told us about of Rebecca Grossman coming up to you, asking you for a business card and then email you. And there was a follow up to that today. What happened? Well, to be clear, we don't know 100% that it came from her. The timing is just very interesting. You take my card at say, I don't know what time it was just after 4:00 and I get this email at 447 in the lunch break, the deputy D.A, Ryan Gould, stood up and said, judge, I need to make you aware of this situation that that involved a reporter who reported last night that she got this email. That email included two video clips that have have been placed under protective seal and were not a part of the prosecution in I, I did have some interaction with that deputy Da and he wanted her remanded at that moment. But no, the judge decided to let the deliberations go as, as scheduled. Interesting. Susan Hirasuna, Fox 11
Channel: FOX 11 Los Angeles
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Keywords: Rebecca Grossman, verdict, westlake village, crash, Rebecca Grossman verdict, crime, ca
Id: s4XRlNimvdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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