Reaper 6 DAW - What's New?

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to the channel I'm Adam Steele for hot Paul studios and this week the people who make Reaper caucus have released Reaper version six so we're going to take a look at what's new what's changed what hasn't changed and try and get into some of the details [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so if you've not seen me before a little bit of background I've been using Reaper as a producer for about 12 years now I think that the early version of Reaper 3 was when I started so I've been following its progress all along big fan you may have seen my Reaper basics tutorial if not check that out that's based in Reaper 5 but not a great deal has changed in terms of the basics so that's a really good thing to know so let's have a quick look at the Reaper website very quickly where we can see that Reaper version 6.0 what one has been released and it's now Monday last Wednesday Reaper 6.0 was released and within a week they've already released the first little upgrade version that's very typical of the people who make Reaper it's really quite impressive how quickly they turn around upgrade and improve and so there's all these new features that we're gonna talk about and one of the things again that's worth talking about in terms of Reaper is unlike most of the other da w's you don't tend to get a huge chunk of features that come in a new version and the reason for that is that as small updates and upgrades come to repo like we got the five point three five point four or five point five none of which are paid upgrades by the way and new features would come in like there was sheet music notation came in and ARA which is the real-time Melodyne thing we don't have to transfer anymore they came in in the meantime in between Reaper 5.0 and now so they've been some really quite key features for me that just come in as and when they've been ready and awesome when they've been released so if there's anything that you seem a little disappointed with Reaper 6 with the new feature set don't worry about that if you get Reaper 6 now and any features come out they will just be released as in when they're ready and you won't have to wait years for Reaper 7 to come out that's the way that these guys seem to work and I really dig that so I downloaded Reaper 6 got it installed and it looked like this which really quite confused me because this looks like Reaper 5 now I found out why if you've already got Reaper 5 installed and you overwrite the new version on top which is the way that I tend to work it keeps your preferences and in any version of Reaper you can go back and use old themes so by default mine was still using the theme for version 5 so what I had to do was go to options and themes and then choose the defaults or the new default and the new default looks like this and this is quite different this is a lot darker the colors jump out at me quite a lot more everything's a little bit more blocky a bit more flat the text seems more readable which took me a minute to get used to I'll admit but everything seems to be making sense now that my eyes are adjusting to it there's always an initial adjustment period when you go through an upgrade with the software that's got a different look to it that's just you're so used to one thing but one of the brilliant things for me is not a great deal has moved so I've brought up a project a very basic project that's got some drums bass and guitars in it that is not mixed at all these are all just the raw microphones couple of little plugins on the kick and snare and the toms that's it so this gives us a perfect opportunity to look at some of these new features so the main new feature for me is the FX plug-in embedding so if you've got loads of screen real estate this will be really good for you or if you work in live sound this might be absolutely what you're looking for so let's just find I don't know a bass track so let's put the bass over here and just play a little bit of this bass track so if I was to add an EQ traditionally I would find my Reaper EQ and do what I wanted to do with that EQ so [Music] cool now here's a cool thing where it says Riku in my mixer window if I right-click on that and find show embedded UI there's TCP which is the track view and MCP which is a mix of you if I click mCP you'll see the underneath Reaper now I can actually see this EQ curve is now right there and if I hit play [Music] I can actually see that little FFT going so I can see how much bass and treble everything's in a channel which is really quite useful like I said fell it for live sound if I was to use the old shock or let's flatten these let's just take them down I'll not disable them I'll just make them flat I can copy this over to any other channel and what that means then is by doing this really quickly I've got an EQ now on every single channel from the base across all the guitars where I can choose to mess with things I can choose to see little live sound if there's a big spike I'll be able to see things like feedback and which channel it is without any hesitation [Music] and they're all going and I can choose any point on this I don't have to open the EQ I can go and just model these around do whatever I like with them [Music] and that's not just EQ either that's any plug-in that the guys you make reaper have made that supports that graphical interface thing so the reaper compressors can do it both three comp and reacts comps or the reacts comps really cool that's the multiband one so if I say Paul Padilla and pull it in the track control panel [Music] now it sport quite small but I can expand these tracks here so if I change my track layout to be a hundred and fifty percent or even two hundred percent which is more useful if you've got a really big screen so let's say you're working on a 4k screen you've got all our 5k and you've got this whole retina thing going on that's a new feature as well as that whole thing that I just did them with turning this to 150 or 200 percent in terms of screen space means that if you've got a massive screen and all these items are really small and you're struggling to see them you can change everything to be a hundred and fifty percent if I go to themes layouts ya mixer panel so if I change them all to be 150 percent there we go so they've all just expanded so that I can see things much more clearly from a distance again that might be good in live sound if you want the track view to be normal-sized and you want the mixer to be bigger so you can see all these plugins better from a distance then that kind of thing is right there I can put that back to global layout default and let's say that I didn't want to have this up all the time if I change up to the track control panel and just hide the mixer I can make that as big as that track control so now if I hit play [Music] I can change whatever I want to with that live I can see all the waveforms and that's just instantly there which is really really useful I could put that EQ for instance and I could do this with any of them Oh show that in the track control panels so that as I make this bigger I can see queues for tracks without having to go back to the mix window and that means that then if I want to be editing most of the time in the track control panel but every now and again I hear something like an EQ change I want to make I can just reach over not have to change window find the EQ point and do that that's gonna be a massive time saver which has always been the thing with Reaper for me is the massive time savings that's what it's all about there are so many more effects that here the Reaper make and I would imagine going forward or the plug-in manufacturers will collaborate with them and enable that to be a thing with their plugins as well because it's very much in their best interest to do so something that I have been after for years MIDI CC envelopes so I'm just gonna quickly make a MIDI item and show you this so if I go insert new MIDI item there and I'll make a couple of notes and traditionally let's have a look at the bottom here so this is where all our MIDI information goes so let's say I've got the good old mod wheel and I've got a sin that goes Wow Wow Wow and traditionally I would draw them in and you'd have all these horrible points that kind of thing which you can still do but it does mean that each separate point can be a real pain in the backside and if you want to change it subtly later tough but what you can do now is if I add in a couple of points I can right click and change that because traditionally those two points would only be a linear scale between them I would it know in reproof it wouldn't even do that it would just change from one to the next I believe so now it can change that to be a curve select the two of them curve shape let's say that's a busier now so I don't know if you can see the difference there but let's make it a different type let's change this to be square that's the traditional one and we can change it again to be fast start fast end so now instead of it having to be straight lines or those awful these things instead we can have these really nice natural smooth MIDI movements with two points so it's infinitely controllable and I really think that that's so nice that's something that's gonna make MIDI automation so much better for me in the future so again thanks to guys that make Reaper cuz that's so good it's Auto stretch time base so apparently if you make complex tempo changes now it used to be that it would be quite awkward that the time stretching would be you put a time stretch point here point here point here and audio would stretch fairly rigidly it seems now it'll be much more elastic so you'll be able to move tempos around much more dynamically now here's something that I found really interesting so if I go to view and there's track wiring now so this is like a track wiring diagram so if you've got folders your groups you got sends got buses you can see them all now you can see everything laid out if that's the way you prefer to look at things like an actual electrical routing you can see where ascend goes you can see where a receive comes from you can see folders you can see track arms and where everything comes from and goes to it's very very nice like I was talking about before with retina if you've got a high DPI if you've got a really big screen that's got the retina and high DPI type thing it should automatically scale properly and if you natively want that to change to be bigger and bigger there are buttons for that as I previously showed one that's hard to describe but will definitely feel is a large project improvement so sometimes I'll be working on a video that's like a demo video shooting out different drum skins was a great example where we'd have 10 mics on the drum kit and 15 different audio sources so I'd have hundreds of channels and that can really cause your computer to panic a little bit but apparently now it's all been rewritten so that if you've got some crazy 64 core 128 thread processor Reaper can now take advantage of all of those cores and threads providing you've got enough channels to take advantage of those and also if you're on one of the newer Mac OS setups metal is like their underlying graphic system and now Reaper supports that as well so that everything works that little bit easier and there are so many little things as well if you want to have an entire track in nudge it forwards or backwards by a few milliseconds few samples for whatever reason you can now do it per track rather than per item which means that then when you record new things into that track they automatically do exactly as you asked for for the entire track apparently the sample rate conversions better a higher-quality faster as well there is so much there one that really I like is the theme adjuster let's just make a couple of these tracks a little bit bigger now one thing is a great example that changed between Reaper 4 and Reaper 5 was this little volume knob here used to be a slider and I much prefer that slider and now there's a thing called the theme adjuster so if I go to options themes this theme adjuster right here and this is all new and so I can change things here so I can change that the volume size says knob I can change that to be a slider going bigger sliders I love the sliders so that's staying for me and then the sizes you can change you can change sizes of the names you can change how big your recording meters are so that when you're recording you can get nice big meters just on a theme change here you can hide certain things so that when you're recording or when you're not recording if you don't need to see things you can clear the view there's so much that you can change and you can have multiple layouts you can change it off for the mixer have custom color themes without having to change the entire let's just yep recall plot project using this palette and there's just so much in there and the thing that's really important for me is like Oh same with Reaper 5 more and more features were added as time went on and I think that's going to be exactly the same case here so if you already bought Reaper 5 you already own a license for Reaper 6 because they give you two full versions in there if you are thinking about buying Reaper 6 absolutely go ahead and do it because all the features that aren't there yet if you request them enough they get put in and Reaper 7 will be coming and you will have a license for that as well and for the very low price that Reaper is it makes absolutely no sense for me not to buy it because compared to any deal compared to any other D aw it's just absolutely value and I didn't get it for the value I got it for the power and performance of it so everything is there for the taking so hope you found this useful check out the Reaper tutorial series that we've done if you haven't already and keep in mind that anything that was there that was done for Reaper 5 will still work in Reaper 6 perfectly well so thank you for watching hope you enjoyed this I'll see you in the next video goodbye thanks for watching guys if you enjoyed this feel free to check out our other videos as you can find here or check out our Facebook and Twitter or our patreon page which helps us to make more videos like this thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Hop Pole Studios
Views: 63,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaper daw, reaper, reaper 6, what's new, music production, pro tools, logic
Id: E2eFXbhSRtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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