Reality of Job Search during Market Slowdown, Recession - 2024 | Anand Vaishampayan

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Anan can you tell us whether the job market is up if not when will the market be up is this the right time to switch jobs or should be wait for some more time these are the questions which are most commonly asked question and honestly speaking nobody bloody knows the right answer to these questions about how the market is and when it will become like what it was in 2021 when there was a huge boom so in this video I want to tell you story real stories of three people three people who have changed their jobs very very recently and they have got good offers these are the people who have struggled a lot in the last 6 months or one year and that is why you would be able to relate to their stories and why I want to share is because you should learn from their stories and not commit the same mistakes so the first person let's call this person as person r or Mr R Mr R has 5 to 8 years of experience he has been looking for a job for around 6 months or more but he was not getting the right kind of interview calls he was playing a lot there were openings he was applying but his resume was not getting shortlisted now the root cause which we found was that his resume was not aligned with the kind of job openings he was applying to which means the job description was something else but he was using a generic resume to apply for various job openings and that's why he was not getting calls so please don't make this mistake that's number one number two is he was not prepared well for these interviews so after failing in interviews n number of times this person really prepared well and finally he got a job offer from a us-based company who don't even have offices in India after clearing five rounds of interviews so a super good offer for somebody who is in an analyst kind of a role with 5 to 8 years of experience so learning please make your resume in line with the journey number two please prepare well for interviews now let's move on to the second story which is the story of person T Mr T was actually laid off one year ago this person lost his job one year ago he was jobless but this guy has lot of grit and determination he was in middle management so you can assume between 10 to 15 years of experience somewhere around that now the good part of this person is that he had a lot of resilience plus he had a good bank balance so he had good savings so he was not in a panic mode he tried a lot to get the right kind of jobs in middle management but you know he struggled because a lot of companies have actually stopped hiring or reduced hiring people in the middle management CER so this person struggled to get calls the smart thing which this guy did is he started to network a lot on LinkedIn so he became a lot active on LinkedIn started to connect with peers seniors Juniors ex customers Etc that's one second he started to attend industry events okay he went into groups or forums where there were people getting together and that's when he started to talk about what work he had done in the past he started to say that I have taken a career break for whatever reason so that's how after all these interactions some of these got converted into interview calls and then eventually he got a good job offer last month so that's after one year of struggle okay so that gives you idea of what people have to go through that was second example now example number three let's call this person as Miss s this person had a very stable job so there was no problem the job was stable but this person wanted change this person was in a layer of middle management and above so you can say somebody who is in a the delivery management and above kind of a role this person was making good money so somewhere around 40 lakhs 45 lakhs plus stable job but here the trigger to change the job was because there was no learning there was no growth okay Beyond a point so this person wanted to change this person approached me we worked on the resume and this person started to again apply for job but for 3 months there was complete silence complete silence no calls neither from noer nor from LinkedIn nor from anywhere else so when there is complete silence and you don't get any interview calls you start to doubt yourself so this person again started to doubt her own abilities but continued to apply here patience was the key because we need to understand that the number of job openings that are there for senior roles are very limited these days so when people say Market is bad or Market is not good or there is a Slowdown we need to understand it from a perspective of our own self because you may be a senior person or you may be a junior or mid-career person your skill sets may be different your location may be different your industry or Tech stack may be different and that is why the number of job openings that you can apply for will be also different so we can't say in a blanket fashion that the market is bad for everyone so in this case this senior person struggled to get even one call but patience was the key networking was the key here the networking was beyond LinkedIn which means this person actually floated resume on various WhatsApp groups to various contacts that they had from the past so let's understand that for senior people it is important to know influential people who can actually route your resume into the inbox of the right people because your salary is on the higher side the role that you're doing is mostly on people management or program management kind of stuff so you need to know people sitting at the top so that's what this person did and finally she started to get interview calls failed in first few interviews but finally got into a very good company last week all right so patience and personal networking was the key over here so from these three real life examples what I want you guys to learn is patience is the key networking is super important whether it is link or whether it is in real life creating a resum which talks to the JD is absolutely important interview preparation is even more important you will fail I'm telling you you will fail in the first few interviews but that should not stop you and also understand that when people say Market is bad it is not bad for everybody it depends on your profile it depends on your experience skill set etc etc that we spoke about so please analyze the market for yourself and if you feel that there are limited job openings you are not getting good offers then wait have patience unless you are in a desperate need where you know that you are going to lose your current job or your boss is making your life hell etc etc keep floating your resume into the market so you get a good exposure of just going into the market researching appearing for interviews Etc all right I hope this was super helpful let me know what you think about it in comments if you are new subscribe to the channel and please hit the like button and share this in your WhatsApp groups I will see you on another video soon take care and wife from
Channel: Career Talk
Views: 93,613
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Id: XedeYMFztYA
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Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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