Realistic Ice Cubes in C4D & Octane

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hello and welcome today I want to talk a little bit about a realistic-looking ice I think this is gonna be a short one because actually it's pretty easy to do so let's start by creating a cube and if I press the N key and then B we can see the segments so I think we have two upper these let's say 50 segments each and also I want to give it a little bit of fill it not that much maybe like so okay and the reason why I'm upward these segments is because I now want to put on a displacement so by holding shift and go to this modifier section here I can click and drag the displacer onto this cube and in the displacer I'm going to shading and then I'm going to select a noise here so now it looks like this is obviously too much of a noise so let's go in there and just check this one up here and we've got some presets here if I if I click on this little arrow here and I think I'm gonna go with electric yeah and then I'm gonna maybe upper the scale like so so we got that non-uniform shape let me fire up octane so right now we can see very much I'm gonna change these settings from from direct lighting to path tracing and I already got a preset here so VAR lights activated and as well as some other things I adapted the sampling all that stuff okay and everything got dark the reason why is because in the settings of my octane I got in the environment I got the default environment color to black I think default is actually default is something like like a gray or something like that so the environment doesn't emit any light now so I'm gonna go ahead and add in a HD environment just to really quickly drop in and HDRI maybe is something like this and yeah I know we see this okay this is fine so we have to give this a Cuban material I'm just gonna go ahead and click on material and maybe we could go with it with a regular specular material here but always work with the blend material so I can just mix in some different materials although this is not necessary in this case so I'm gonna put on the blend material and open up the node editor and in the node editor going to material one atom material and here we're going to change the material type to a specular and change this model to black men okay another important thing to to happen - and the index of refraction especially the index of refraction of eyes if we search for IOR in your favorite search engine and you can see that we have this index of refraction this for example there is some difference but this one is good actually I click on this so I go to I and here I can see is is si has an index of refraction of 1.30 9 so I'm just gonna copy this one and in the index right and I said 21.5 we're gonna set this one to 1.30 night and so now we got this it's pretty shiny right now and we want to give it some roughness to make the illusion of I have you know like some frost here around this so I got this texture and you can just search maybe for if you don't have a texture for this you can maybe search for ice overlay or stuff like that I got mine from polygon and it works pretty good so we just track this one in here and let me connect the image texture to the roughness and you will immediately see that looks way way better now looks much more like this and you can see those rough details here the next thing is that sometimes those ice cubes cut some small bubbles inside I just show you that real quick and you can see it here those air pockets inside the B ice cubes and that we can achieve that by creating a let's say a sphere put this one to echo say he drunk and then scale it way down if you like so and put that sphere into a cloner and set the cloner from a linear to object and the object is going to be our cube so right now I'm those and those spheres are on the surface that we want them inside so we can change that by going to the corner and go to distribution surface and check the volume and now they are inside and we also want some randomness so I'm going to come not only in the in the overall scale but in the X Y and set separately so I'm just gonna click on this sphere and convert it I'm gonna make it editable and then I'm gonna click on the cloner and go to mograph and go to effector and put on a random effector and on the random effector uncheck position we don't need position adjust that quickly I am disabled the cube so that you can see it better so here are little air pockets and I'm going to enable scale and put this one - let's say mm - 0.5 each and you can see that you can already see the variation here and we can also enable for example rotation give it an rotation each by threes what 360 so now everything is random now and I'm gonna enable the cube and we can also go ahead and put on this material we already created onto our loaner and to see we got these little air pockets very nice very nice so the last thing we could do is we could give it some cracks like it's so you know sometimes the ice is broken a little bit at least and this is also very easy just a rescale this one we're gonna create a plane we just put it here and on this onto this plane we're gonna put on a displacer this placer gotta go to shading and I'm gonna any I'm gonna select noise and it's already good sound my displacement going on and actually we can operate the scale a little bit so maybe like so and I'm gonna put this plane into a group we're gonna explain that in a minute and go to the cube and put this cube into a pool I'm gonna put this null as a child after the pool as well so now if we if we move the null now see we got this Craig's here and gonna give the null a material as well the same material actually and maybe give it some bits of rotation should up a little bit so we got one crack and this is looking pretty good so the reason why I put this one into a null is because I'm gonna copy the plane put it here and it just move this one so the this null object acts as a group for for the pool we'll take this yeah and that's the way how you create a realistic-looking ice cubes and you could apply this one to actually anything I got this let me just see look at this model you can see here very good that I applied some some cracks here ended and the the overall roughness on the face for example stuff like that let's go ahead and check this one with another HDRI to see how it looks maybe maybe with this one yeah just really quickly disable alpha channels so we've got this garage here you can see that this technique actually produces pretty pretty cool results and it's very easy to do so um that's it I hope you liked it and if so follow me give me a like and comment and I see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Unicut Media
Views: 36,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cinema, 4d, c4d, octane, otoy, realistic, tutorial, ice, cubes, material, 3d
Id: kingCpt6Dt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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