Real World Test with EcoFlow Smart Home Panel & EcoFlow Delta pro

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hey guys Tech Made Easy and thank you so much for clicking on our video today well it's time for a real world test on the ecoflow smart home panel and the Delta Pro setup now my goal is I want to see how many hours or how many days I can actually get out of my 14.4 kilowatt setup how long will it last now as you can see I've got two Delta pros and those are 3 600 watts each and the batteries in them are 3 600 watt hours now I also have two extra batteries and those are three thousand six hundred Watt hours for a total of 14.4 kilowatts now my smart home panel Powers the majority of my home except for my heating system and my washing machine and while I'm doing this test I'm going to provide you with a ton of information on the Delta Pro and ways you can set it up with the smart home panel all the way to 25 kilowatts I'll cover costs I'll cover ways to charge I'll cover specs and some additional information on the smart home panel and as a bonus I'm actually going to cover other expandable options I'm going to go over the Delta Max expandable system and I'm going to go over the new Delta 2 expandable system so I hope you stay with me throughout this journey I'm not sure how long this video will be but I hope it's informative so let's get this party started foreign you can hit pause if you'd like I just wanted to provide some home information to be helpful all right but hit pause if you want to review this okay so this is what we're covering in the video and keep in mind this video is mostly about the real world testing we're going to be doing with our smart home panel and our Delta Pro setup 14.4 kilowatts but in between we're going to go ahead and provide you some helpful information so if you look at number two we're going to actually show you options with the smart home panel so you can go anywhere from 3.6 kilowatts all the way to 25 kilowatts we're going to show you those packages we're going to show you what's included we're going to show you some MSRP costs and we're also going to give you some helpful education on the smart home panel just a little bit all right and if you look at number three we're going to go ahead and give you some lower cost options right if you live in an apartment a cabin you know van life whatever we're going to go over the Delta Max and the Delta 2. these don't require an installation of a smart home panel and they're expandable which is great so these systems start at a thousand and up all right let's take a look at the time stamps real quick I'm not going to review these but as you can see on the screen I put some time stamps here now keep in mind this is in between the video all right so if you watch the whole video you'll get all the information on the smart home panel in our real world testing but I did put a couple of time stamps you know for some of this other information I'm providing all right let's move forward all right guys so I am in the backyard with Brooklyn as she eats leaves and grass and what I'm doing is I am actually just finishing up charging solar now these are two 400 watt panels I am charging the two Delta pros and the two extra batteries for this test all right so why don't we go downstairs and take a look and go over what we have and give you some helpful information and then see how many days we can actually go powering the majority of our home with this set of Delta Pros now we wanted to show you before we went down how we have our solar coming into the basement because we've got the Delta Pros in the basement so we actually had a hole drilled through this uh area here and PVC pipe and uh what we do when we're not charging is we disconnect these and we simply close this thing up which is kind of cool but let's go downstairs and let's take a look at what we got set up all right so let's go over our setup we've got two Delta pros and two extra batteries the Delta Pros are rated at 3 600 watts and they can surge to 7200 Watts they are amazing now in each Delta Pro you've got a 3600 watt hour battery and the same in the extra batteries three thousand six hundred and three thousand six hundred so we have 14.4 kilowatts or fourteen thousand four hundred Watt hours right now these are connected to our smart home panel which is powering 10 of our home circuits which is the majority by the way and these cables coming down are called Infinity cables and they basically come down and they connect to the side of the Delta Pro and the same thing with the other one right it comes down and it connects to the side of that Delta Pro so we've got two now the batteries are connected in the back of the Delta Pro and in the Delta Pro you can actually have two batteries on one and two batteries on another or you can have one battery and one smart generator and one battery and one smart generator and listen later on we're going to go over some really helpful information so you can understand how expandable this system is so now let's talk about solar for a minute well not really I just wanted to show you outside I was showing you how the solar cables were coming in so we have them coming in here and we can recharge these with solar which is really awesome now let me tell you normally when you're running the smart home panel and this kind of setup you you know they basically want everything on okay and the reason why they want both sets on is let's say you're running a microwave and a coffee maker and you're running like 3 000 Watts well anything over 1800 watts is going to get split between each of the Delta Pros all right so it's pretty cool it actually splits the workload now in my test in the next couple of days I'm going to use the microwave I'm going to use the coffee maker but I'm not going to use them at the same time so the reason why I turn off this set and I leave this set on is the one thing I don't like is if you're not using heavy loads while this set is being used for let's say a day or a day and a half this set sits on and it does nothing and it naturally drains and I lose five percent maybe seven percent of the capacity because just on but it's not being used so that's the reason why I turn off that set okay I just want to give you as much information as possible let's go ahead and start the test we've got 14.4 kilowatts right how many days will this last now what you need to do after you're of course connected right we're connected to both sets of Delta pros and the extra batteries is we're going to go on to the panel here and we're going to just turn on the one on the right I'm not going to turn on both now the reason why is the setup I have is called single phase I believe it's called single phase so I can't support 240 volt appliances because I didn't set up split phase all right and that's okay I don't really want that some people might want that when they set up the smart home panel all right so now that we have that turned on we're going to now use this set of batteries for the next couple of days the bottom line is how long will these last how many days so give me a second I'm going to go ahead and go in the app and show you how to set up the automation okay I got the app open I'm going to click on the smart home panel I'm going to now hit the you know the gear not the gear but the settings here all right when you go into the settings you can now set up automations so I'm going to hit Plus I'm going to go in and put in a start date so we're going to say today and now we want to select an end date and we're going to make that the 28th for now we're just going to set the 28th confirm now we've got the date set there now we want to set the time and the trick to making this run all the time is just do 0 0 to 0 0 and what will happen is it'll set it up to 24 hours okay the next thing you got to do is you have to hit all to select all of the items that you want to power I've got washing machine I got refrigerator I'll go over some stuff with you on this but now watch this when I hit save it is now going to go ahead and power the majority of my home and the time is two o'clock so let's remember that two o'clock on Saturday let's hit save and you're going to hear the click and actually let me come close okay and there you go and now you'll see here that the power that I'm using currently right and what's happening is the battery is outputting wattage to charge the Delta Pro all right so we have about 300 watts going out to the home right now we're not using much we've got lights we've got some TVs when the refrigerator kicks in that's going to go up a lot of things are going to happen so again two o'clock on Saturday and so far we're using one cent and then we'll use the other set how many days so now I'm in the app I just go I just started the automation right so you'll notice no power is coming from the grid now Power is coming from the set of Delta Pro and it's basically being outputted into the home so it's not a bad interface now I think if I click this you'll actually get to see what's using what in the house right the bedroom's using 22 Watts the basement's using 21. right I've got the washing machine room using 29 so no major usage I mean the home internet the TV upstairs is using 132 and my refrigerator is currently using 40 Watts so not bad you know it's nice to be able to see this and you really learn about what your home is actually using another thing you have is a dashboard I'll be honest with you it's really kind of odd the dates aren't always correct but if you hit this here this little chart here on the top when you click on that you'll you'll come into a dashboard now you want to hit battery to see usage and what's funny is if I go to the week you'll actually see It'll say Friday but today's Saturday you know we didn't really use this you know uh actually I think we we charged it so that's probably why that's showing there but output 300 watts estimated time based off the load is 17 hours you know 19 hours so that'll go up and down we'll take a look at this as well all right well we'll come up with you know how long it lasts bottom line both sets of Delta pros and the batteries so I'm going to take a moment and go over the Delta Pro specifications all right I won't cover everything there are two pages you can hit pause if you'd like and then we're going to continue to do our testing so the wattage that the Delta Pro can support is 3600 Watts with surges up to 7200. now the battery capacity is 3600 Watt hours so it's got a real nice big battery all right expansion I'm going to cover later in the video it does have Wi-Fi it does have Bluetooth you definitely have the app as I showed you in this video and I will show you going forward it will support firmware updates which is nice the Delta Pro is heavy at 99 pounds and guess what you can actually charge the Delta Pro with an EV adapter and I'll show you that in a little while now one of the reasons why the Delta Pro is one of the favorites is because of the battery type this is a Lithium-Ion phosphate battery and what happens is that battery has many many more charge cycles as you can see here 3500 to 80 percent and then 6500 to 50 percent this thing is going to last for years and that's why it's great for a home backup solution you do have faster charging options with the smart home panel we'll show you a little bit of that a little later on I'm not going to cover the ports and you do get a two year warranty with the Delta Pro okay we are about eight hours in it's almost 10 p.m as you can see here we have and if you just look at the Delta Pro we have about 400 watts going out and then the battery is actually sending about 200 and change into the units here okay we are winding down you know we use the microwave and obviously the refrigerator the lights you know so let's see on the app what we're looking at here so let's start off again with the Delta Pro when you know what's nice is uh just give it a second to connect and again you can see the same thing remotely right so output about 400 watts right now you've got two TVs on we've got lights on you know a lot of you know so you could see the input from the battery right there again I can actually scroll down click on the battery you'll see you know your battery is 60 percent temperature of the battery and of course how much it's outputting so that's what what it looks like from the Delta Pro if we go into the smart home panel and uh you know we click on our report now because again nothing's coming from the grid right now everything is coming from the Delta Pro so if we hit the report here again you know battery you know it says we're using about 2.29 kilowatts so far and then it shows you kind of what's going on in an hourly basis so let me also show you again if you click in the middle it'll actually show us again the wattage being used in the different rooms nothing major here again TV internet about 131 Watts refrigerators using about 51 Watts right now kitchen 20 watts basement we have a refrigerator down there living rooms not using too much right now but again that's connected to the home internet as well down on the other switch so you know definitely nice to look at your circuits and you name these you set these up with the smart home panel but uh yeah pretty good stuff when you think about how you can charge the Delta Pro obviously you can charge it with the smart home panel and we'll show you that later on in the video but you can use solar like I showed you early in the video right we used a two 400 watt panels and what's even nice is you can also use a Smart generator now this generator is a gas generator or they make a gas and propane which they call a dual fuel so it's really nice that you have other options for charging now let me go to the next screen and I want to show you that EV adapter now here's the thing right you would have to bring the Delta Pro to an EV charging station it's a hundred pounds folks but if you buy this adapter this will work in certain charging stations and it actually you know could charge I believe up to 3 000 Watts uh depending on the charge station that you go to uh this adapter I believe is around I don't think it's about 99 I could be wrong I'm going to definitely put links in the description all right I want to cover some important information on the smart home panel if you're thinking of getting it so let me go to the next slide so when you get the smart home panel installed you're going to have two options one is going to be single phase which will support 120 volt here in the USA right 3600 Watt or if you see that arrow pointing to that connector there well when you install the smart home panel if you get that connector removed you can then set this up to support 240 volt and and what will happen is it'll support your 120 volt appliances as well as your 240 volt appliances you're going to definitely need to have two Delta Pros you can't go with one but you can get up to 7200 Watts so you know just wanted to mention this because this is kind of important when you buy it and get it set up all right good morning we are 17 hours and 36 minutes in and uh I still have some capacity on these two but for some reason it's switched over so I'll probably have to use that later on um and so we are here at this point now these are practically fully charged we're using about 190 Watts this morning so far now when we make a cup of coffee we're going to go ahead and take a peek at that so you can see the wattage being used okay but 17 hours and 36 minutes in okay we are going to make a cup of coffee it's always interesting to see how much wattage a coffee maker uses so we're gonna kind of get that ready so we can look at that all right coffee makers ready we're gonna hit eight and we're gonna hit K button here and there we go it's 200 still but give it a second 1500 watts look at that now that's obviously with the wattage of the house 1600 and change so look at that from 200 Watts all the way to almost you know a little over 1600 and then at the end of the coffee it'll actually go down a lot but it's just something that a lot of people aren't aware of that if you have a Keurig specifically a Keurig and different types of Keurigs they can use 750 watts they can use as you saw you know this unit uses about 1400 Watts so all right still using a lot and then it'll go down towards the end of the coffee and don't look at my Butterfinger because that's mine it'll drop now it should drop there it goes see that so at the end of the coffee cycle and there we go we now have a cup of coffee at about 7 40 in the morning yes we do now I just need some creamer in there good morning to you day two here 24 hours into the test it's two o'clock today it's Sunday of course this set is off and we're not using it right now we've got a little bit of battery left on this set this set's being used currently let's see what we got we have 60 percent on the Delta Pro sending almost 400 watts to the home to power the home receiving 200 and change from the battery that's what the battery does the battery charges the Delta Pro in this scenario and how much power have we used in the last two days and it says here uh 5.37 kilowatts all right so that's uh what 5 300 watt hours okay so we'll keep going can we get two days not sure and one thing to keep in mind too right when these machines are running um you know ultimately there's a power consumption to run them so you know am I going to get all 14.4 kilowatts probably not but something to keep in mind let's see what happens now let's talk about smart home expansion scenarios right let's start off with number one so let's say you want to start off small you want to get the smart home panel you want to get the Delta Pro but you're also going to need to get this cable so don't forget it because it doesn't come with the smart home panel you're going to need an infinity cable that's 109 now I could be wrong they could be selling the smart home panel with a cable but double check that because you're going to need that cable to connect the Delta Pro 2. but as you can see here you're looking at five thousand four hundred and seven dollars now I'll put links in the description but this is expansion scenario number one let's go ahead and talk about expansion scenario number two now this will give you 7.2 kilowatts now you're going to need two Delta Pros your smart home panel and two Infinity cables and that would be nine thousand two hundred and fifteen dollars scenario number three at 14.4 kilowatts now this is what we're using right so this is what you're seeing in our test now you got two Delta Pros you've got two Delta probe batteries with smart home panel and two Infinity cables for fourteen thousand eight hundred and thirteen dollars expansion scenario number four now this will give you 21.6 kilowatts you'll have two Delta Pros you'll have four batteries one smart home panel and two Infinity cables that'll run you twenty thousand four hundred and eleven dollars now last but not least right this is the max 25 kilowatts for expansion scenario number five and in this situation you really got two Delta Pros two Delta probe batteries and then you've got two smart generators now these are dual fuel generators you can actually use propane or gas two Infinity cables and you're looking at eighteen Thousand Eleven now the smart generator does cost less than a Delta Pro battery so that's the reason why the price actually went down a little bit okay a few minutes before eight o'clock we're coming on to 30 hours now and um one thing I want to tell you is I really am not in love with the app if you look at the total power discharged that number should be a lot higher as you can see it still shows Saturday and Sunday but this thing kind of reset itself it did something weird and so that is really not accurate and it just disappoints me but it is what it is you know I'll tell you at the end of the day it is really nice to have a smart home panel now if we look at the Delta that's being used right now we've got 24 percent and we're powering about 400 watts in the home and receiving two and change from the battery right now this other set is on now I turned it on because when I go to sleep what's going to happen is when this set dies it's going to automatically switch over to this set and this set's got 28 on the Delta and 32 on the battery all right so the smart home panel will do that switch while I'm sleeping okay but uh so far so good look are we going three days no no but let's see where we land I don't know if we'll hit you know two o'clock in the afternoon on you know Monday which would really be two days again definitely like having the smart home panel uh I have the ability as I said earlier to add another battery to each of these I can add the smart generator if I want as well so pretty cool stuff all right so I hope you're enjoying the testing and let's go into Delta Max expansion scenario so here is another option if you don't want to go with the Delta Pro you can go with the Delta Max and let's go to the next screen here and you've got you know three options right you can buy the Delta Max 2000 or the Delta Max 1600. now the Delta Max 2000 supports 2400 Watts and the battery is 2016 Watt hours the Delta Max 1600 is 2000 watts and it's a 1612 watt hour battery as you can see there on option number one and the pricing is in the right hand corner option two you can go out and get yourself the Delta Max with the extra battery all right and that'll be 4032 Watt hours or you can get the Delta Max 1600 with an extra battery which would be 3.6 kilowatts and there's the price and there's the bottom look at that so if you want you can actually connect two batteries to any one of these two units now the Delta Max 2000 with two batteries is six thousand forty eight watt hours or six kilowatts and that would run you five thousand two hundred and ninety seven dollars a nice option right but look up top real quick you'll see that lithium NCM batteries have 800 cycles and then they go to 80 percent plus that is a big difference between the Delta Pro and the Delta Max right the max doesn't have lithium ion phosphate now also keep in mind these smart generators are compatible with the Delta Max series all right so you can get the gas model for 13.99 or the dual fuel with gas and propane for 15.99 okay so the fan on the smart home panel just kicked in and that'll do that from time to time I want to show you if you want to know how do I go ahead and stop this right let's just say you're running your smart home panel and you go you know what I need to stop this for whatever reason so you've got a couple of things you can do you can go into the automation so if I go to the smart home panel and I go over here to these this section here I can actually hit the power button and it'll automatically stop the automation I'm running now another thing you can do is you can actually hit the pause button here as you can see so this pause button will pause power being used from the power stations and it'll go back to grid alright so that's two ways you can really stop your automation from running and go back to grid power all right good morning it is Monday about 7 A.M which means we're about 41 hours into the test here all right two o'clock today would be two days 48 hours now this set is depleted all right so that's at zero and then this has got one percent so it's not going to use these anymore and this set we got 19 left here on the Delta and 23 on the battery now this says that we've got about four hours left again that'll change right because every time you put a load on that it adjusts right now we're outputting 200 and something Watts right if we look at the Delta we're powering the house at 240 some Watts okay so 41 hours in we'll see again what the final time will be guys all right let's talk about Delta II now this is a new power station that just came out recently and it is expandable so let's move to the next slide and there you go you can only add one battery but what's the difference here between this system and the one that we previously showed you right so the Delta Max right has a lithium NCM battery well the Delta 2 actually has a Lithium-Ion phosphate battery so you're talking about 3 000 life cycles and if you just buy the Delta II it's about a thousand dollars the expansion battery sells for 800 and the cables included so if you buy the Delta II and the battery you're looking at about 17.98 but don't forget these batteries will last you a long time now keep in mind the Delta 2 is an 1800 watt power station also so when you look at the Delta Max you saw a little while ago you know that can go up to 2400 Watts so one thing they did with the Delta II was they made it compatible with the Delta Max batteries now why would you want to do that well a Delta 2 is 1024 Watt hours and if you buy the Delta II battery it's a thousand twenty four Watt hours well what if you wanted a bigger battery or what if you already owned a Delta Max well guess what you can connect the Delta Max battery which is 2016 Watt hours to a Delta 2 which is really nice so if you bought a Delta 2 for a thousand dollars and you bought a Delta Max battery for 15.99 you'd be about 25.98 with this setup and guess what the smart generator is compatible with the Delta II so you can buy the gas model or the dual fuel gas and propane model all right it's almost nine o'clock we are 43 hours into the test and what are we using here so we've got almost 300 watts going to the house the battery is sending 176 Watts so the battery is 14 percent and the Delta is nine percent charged and So based off the usage right now it is saying we have about two hours left all right about two hours left in the test again that's going to fluctuate right depending on what we use in the house TVs coffee makers it will adjust that but 43 hours in not bad so far now one thing we don't like wasting is Sun right now we are recharging the other Delta Pros that were dead we're getting about 417 Watts we don't really have full sun yet but again as we showed you earlier we've got these two 400 watt panels by ecoflow and uh yeah definitely when the sun is out we recharge and that really doesn't cost us anything if we plug the Delta Pro into the wall or recharged it via the grid obviously there's a cost Associated long term so anytime we charge we really try to charge with solar I'll also add that we did not use solar during this test we only use the four batteries the two Delta pros and the two extra batteries I'll tell you though that might be a good test in the future to see how long we could actually power the home using the batteries and solar that might be interesting but for now we're just recharging the dead ones we're not going to use them and the test is almost over 43 and a half hours into the test now the reason why I'm doing this is you know sometimes by the time you get to the bottom of a battery it just goes quick so I'm not 100 sure so again as you can see we've only got one set powered which is the one on the right the one on the left is off and it's actually being recharged via solar might as well start the process while we have some free Sun so here's what we're dealing with we've got six percent left on the Delta 11 left on the battery so we're powering really not much right now 120 watts output and um you know against on the app you'll get the same story okay so 120 watts on the output you know six percent of the battery so we'll see now this is being recharged via solar and we've got 400 watts coming in and then it sends out 200 watts to the battery to charge the battery so really cool stuff I'm glad I finally got around to doing this test okay we've got 44 hours in now all right two o'clock would be 48 hours again that's charging solar but the sun went down so this is the set we're using and the app says that we've got about 31 minutes left all right so it says let's see we've got three percent on the delta and nine percent on the battery so we'll see we'll maybe we'll get uh 10 30. we'll find out all right 44 and a half hours we are really coming down to the final stretch now you want to know why well we've got one percent battery life on the Delta and we've got uh six percent on the battery right so you know the battery is feeding the Delta so we're powering the home at 200 and some odd Watts which is you know not bad but we're receiving obviously some power from the battery so six percent on the battery one percent on the Delta and this says we've got 15 minutes left I guess we'll keep an eye on it but 44 and a half hours in 44 and a half hours okay I want to talk about some key differences between these three machines also to be helpful now let me just talk about the Delta Pro first just know that the Delta Pro is a product that has so many more options you know I show you here on the screen that it has an EV charger you know it's got a 30 amp plug it's compatible with the smart home panel right but there are more options all right now I will tell you Weight Wise you know the Delta II I believe is like I I could be wrong but I think it's like 30 pounds it's really light the Delta Max is about 48 pounds and the Delta Pro is a hundred pounds it's 99 pounds so it's something to think about but let's go over power capabilities and battery life cycles so the Delta Pros got a Lithium-Ion phosphate battery with 6500 cycles and then it goes to 50 plus it is a 3600 watt power station that surges to 7200 then you go to the Delta Max it's got a lithium NCM battery so it's got 800 cycles and then it goes to 80 plus and it supports 2 400 watts and that's the Delta 2000 by the way and it surges to 5000. the Delta II lithium iron phosphate right really good battery 3000 cycles and then it goes to 80 percent that power station supports 1800 watts with a 2700 watt Surge and as you can see the Max and the Delta II they don't they're not smart home compatible they don't have an EV charger they don't have a 30 amp plug I hope this information is helpful okay we are 45 hours in 45 hours this thing is holding on now again that's not doing anything because it's supposed to be charging solar but it's cloudy so what do we got we've got one percent on the Delta powering 200 and change at the house level and the battery is three percent sending you know 150 watts um you know some power over to the delta now yep same thing right when you look at the app one percent on the delta and uh three percent on the extra battery there so I guess we'll find out it says 17 minutes by the way uh but again that can fluctuate based on the load so let's find out well 46 hours in and this one percent left on the Delta and one percent on the battery really I mean is just holding on we got about 300 and something Watts being powered at the home and uh yeah I mean I'm sitting here watching this screen with one percent battery one percent of the Delta Pro and I'm like wow so we're using 300 and something Watts we've been watching this one percent for a while 46 hours in well it's got to die at some point we should be switching at this point I'm seeing some activity this thing is struggling at this point um it it is uh 12 27. p.m okay and so uh yep with the bare bottom of the battery I'm going to go ahead and end the automation so guys 46 hours and 27 minutes not bad at all so we got power switched back if you look the grid is now powering the home all right we're not going to have total power used because the app is not perfect 12 29 so we've got 46 hours and 27 minutes the smart home panel with the Delta pros and extra batteries so what do you think put some comments in the comments section all right well I'm so glad I finally got to to do this test I've been wanting to do it for a while 46 hours and 27 minutes not bad now guys I am disappointed that I really can't show you how many kilowatts was used you know the app really isn't that great but I am actually glad to have the smart home panel I've had it for a while now and uh really enjoy using it I have actually used it to reduce my energy costs from time to time I charge these up with solar and then I reuse these um you know to power the home from time to time I've actually seen a lower electricity cost year over year I don't do that too often but I wanted to do that as a test hey I hope this information was helpful if it was give us a thumbs up it really helps the channel also if you're not subscribed take a moment subscribe to our Channel become a member of our family share our video with your friends your family as well as in your chat rooms if you'd like follow us on Instagram Twitter or Facebook and guys thanks so much I really hope you have a wonderful day thank you so much for your time hey guys take a moment and give us a thumbs up we really appreciate it as you can see Brooklyn she's waving her tail for you take a moment and subscribe don't forget to hit the bell and you'll get notified of new videos we come out with also follow us and contact us on Instagram Twitter or Facebook we'd love to have you thank you so much and have a wonderful day [Music]
Channel: Tech Made Easy
Views: 197,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: @techmadeezy, tme225, #techmadeezy, @techmadeeasy1, EcoFlow Smart Home Panel, Real World Test with EcoFlow Smart Home Panel & EcoFlow Delta pro, Ecoflow Delta pro, ecoflow delta pro battery, ecoflow delta max, ecoflow delta max battery, ecoflow delta, ecoflow delta 2, ecoflow river, ecoflow river 2 max, ecoflow river 2 pro, ecoflow river pro, ecoflow 400w solar panel, ecoflow 220w solar panel, solar generator, smart panel, bluetti smart home panel, smart home panel
Id: -acf42j5i2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 8sec (2528 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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