TIPS EGO Battery Basics + TIPS

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hey guys it's Al with tech easy and thank you so much for clicking on our video today well guys we've got batteries plenty of batteries and that's what this video is all about we're going to do a battery overview for ego batteries we're going to go over how can you save money on buying batteries what's the best way to get a battery as cheap as you possibly can I'm going to go over battery maintenance tips I'm also going to go over how I get my battery percentage huh interesting we're going to go over Peak discharge information is a 2.5 amp battery just as powerful as a 10 a hour battery are they the same we're going to find out and which battery is recommended for the tool that you use so why don't we go ahead and get this party started [Music] hi it's Al from techmade Easy with a real quick message I just want to let you know the video you're about to watch is not sponsored we went out and bought the products ourselves so if you like our video please give us a thumbs up it definitely helps share our video and lastly we hope you subscribe to our Channel and become a part of the family thank you all right here is an image of what we're covering in today's video if you need to look at it go ahead and hit pause but we're going to go ahead and move on in this video all right we're going to dig into a battery overview that's why I've got all these batteries on here now I'm going to go over two things before I start going over each of the batteries first of all why do I have an old battery sitting on top well that's because this is my oldest battery this is produced in February of 2018 as you can see there right and you know obviously it's got the old style fuel gauge I bought this when I bought my mower um late 2018 was when I bought my mower why is this still working because of the way I maintain my batteries I'll be sharing that with you later on so stay tuned but let's also talk a little bit about fuel gauges and model numbers now if you buy a battery and it doesn't end in t as far as the model number then you're going to have a round one button fuel gauge but if you buy a battery that actually ends in t as far as the model number you're going to now have an upgrade fuel gauge 20 40 60 80 100 really nice okay so just wanted to make you aware of that but let me go ahead and dig in now and go over the different types of batteries and uh I'll even go over costs as well now let's go ahead and dig in and talk about all the batteries I'm going to start off with the first battery that ego made to my knowledge it's a 2 Amp Hour batter battery the model number is ba120 now if you can find that battery it's probably going to be either used or at a clearance place but be be aware that if you find it at a clearance place you're going to want to check that battery and get a receipt because if it's been sitting around that long I don't know how healthy that battery is going to be okay I mean think about it this battery here is from 2018 of February so you know that's many years ago but the next battery is going to be a 2.5 amp hour battery now that came in two model numbers so ba400 has the old fuel gauge and the ba 1400t which is what this is right has the upgraded fuel gauge now this weighs 2.7 lb or 1.2 uh 6 kg and it sells for $179 now the next battery I don't have they didn't produce many of them until recently and that is a 4 amp hour battery now it's a ba 2240 or with the upgraded fuel gauge ba22 42t think about that so the model number changed now they are starting to include the 4 amp hour battery with some kits and you can buy it separately all right $249 and again it weighs 4.8 lb or 2.18 kg the next battery is going to be a 5 amp hour battery very popular battery Right double the capacity think about that look at this battery for a second and look at this battery right so you've got almost double I mean again cellwise there's definitely another layer of cells in here all right but this is um ba 2800 with the old fuel gauge or ba 2800 t with obviously the new fuel gauge now they do sell this in a two pack also and it's ba 2800 t-2 and you do save a little bit of money so check that out this individual battery weighs 4.87 lb or 2. 21 kg and it sells for $299 all right let me throw this back in here we're going to go to the next one and I I want you to look at this for a minute here look at these two for a second just on the camera because you'll see exactly what I'm seeing which one of these is a 6 amp hour battery and which one of these is a 7.5 amp hour battery hard to tell right it's almost like the 6 amp hour battery looks a little bigger this is actually a 6 amp hour battery check this out and this is a 7.5 amp hour battery so it's a pretty big casing that they have on this 6 amp hour battery first of all the model number on this is ba 336t now this is 6.2 lb or 2.81 kg it sells for $349 now I don't know about you but I checked Lowe's and it's $549 at lows I don't know why again it's practically the end of May 2024 but anywhere else it's $349 which is in line right the 5 amp hour is $299 the 6 amp hour is 349 now the 7.5 amp hour battery is pretty popular right if you own a mower if you own a snow blower I mean this is really what they are you know bundling if you're buying the packages right so the 7.5 a battery the older model number is ba 4200 and with the new fuel gauge ba 4200 t now this weighs 6.31 lb or 2.86 kg and it is $399 now there's another battery I don't have and it just came out it is an 8 Amp Hour battery now that is a ba 4480 T all right it only comes with the new fuel gauge because it's a brand new battery it's 6.71 lb or 3.03 kg it is $429 all right so 7.5 is 3.99 8 Amp Hour is 429 then we get into the big boys here are the big boys all right I'm going to have to move this battery now because they are the big boys so here's your 10 amp hour battery right now let me stop here so every battery battery before these two every battery comes with a three-year warranty the 10 amp hour and a 12 amp hour battery come with a 5year warranty but you have to register it if you don't register it and then you have an issue and you call in you're only going to have a three-year warranty and you're going to need your proof of purchase so I will tell you register your battery and your tools as soon as you get them put that on your to-do list set your alarms because you don't want to lose out on a great warranty all right 10 a hour battery is a ba 5600t 7.53 lb think about that 3.41 kilogram this is [Music] $499 all right that's a $500 battery now look at the 12 12 amp hour I mean and can we get these side by side you really it's a little hard to tell the difference between a 10 amp hour and a 12 amp hour just a little bigger it is a little bigger but it's going to be hard to tell on Camera 12 amp hour ba 6720 T this also comes in a two pack ba 6720 t-2 this is almost 8 lb it's 7.91 lb or 3.58 kg it is $100 more than this so $599 for this one battery now the two pack you should be able to save but make sure you check your pricing all right let's move on we are now going to talk about maintenance tips guys this is based off my experience this this is how I've learned to maintain my batteries and make them last and I can still use this you know in my lawn mower and stuff this like I said this one here is February of 2018 so let's go over our battery maintenance tips I've got seven of them let's go through them one at a time number one register your warranty immediately especially the 10 amp hour battery and the 12 amp hour battery because you get two extra years if you register them and that really helps and I know that's not maintenance but believe me you want to know that you have your warranty number two let your battery rest after you use it let it rest for at least 30 minutes before you use it again or before you have to charge it just let it sit for a while it's going to help you and I know that might be hard if you only have one battery I promise you if you stay in the ecosystem of ego you'll probably end up with at least two maybe three batteries and these are wonderful because they work in all tools number three let your battery rest after charging it let it sit for I would say 30 minutes but minimum 15 15 minutes I let mine sit for 30 minutes or more I have plenty of batteries I have a luxury but I know you probably don't let your batteries rest after charging I promise it helps number four don't always fast charge it's good to charge fast once in a while but if you do it all the time you're going to shorten the life of your battery I know this charger has a fan I know it's going to cool the battery off even after it charges it but this will still apply a little more heat than a dual charger which is about 280 Watts or a slow charger which is about 320 Watts so don't fast charge all the time number five when your battery turns red stop let it rest and then when you get a chance charge it I know I know there's additional capacity there and you want to use it but for me when this battery turns red or when these batteries turn red and I know there's probably I think it's 15% more capacity something like that I leave it alone again you might not have the luxury um I understand that but I'm just sharing my tips with you number six don't leave your batteries on the charger even if it is not plugged in I'm going to show you a statement from ego I'm going to bring up a screenshot real quick all right Steve I have this guy Steve he's wonderful he actually runs my social media online you probably know him he sent a message to Ego because we wanted to grab this snapshot as you can see here and the key takeaways is even if it's not plugged in there's a slow flow produced when connected and the battery life can be reduced over time take your batteries off the charger and I promise you you'll extend their life you would be surprised number seven and I know there are a ton of people out there that are not going to like this one because they do it they don't care they don't have the time and they probably don't care about maintenance for the batteries so they're probably not watching this video but do not store your batteries in a shed or a garage or in your car if it's not air conditioned somehow because if your batteries get too hot or they get too cold that is going to reduce their life and if anything possibly damage them there is a limit look at the EGO manual and it will tell you there's a storage temperature limit all right so don't put it on your charger bring it inside your house put put it in your basement all right but these are expensive they are investment these cost more than the tools most of the time so please follow that one and I promise it will help you all right now it's time for me to show you how I get my battery percentage all right cuz these are older batteries I use these for mowing a lot most of the time the 7.5 amp batteries but how do I do it how do I get the battery percentage well let me show you look at that that is the uh speed IQ it's discontinued but I love this display I wish they would have to put this in the Aluminum deck I've been using the Aluminum deck for a while and so you know I should come up with the final conclusion video soon but I really like this screen I like the display mainly because it it gives you the percentage so let's take one of these old guys here and uh just throw it in and these are charged at 100% so you know let's see what we get out of these I'm going to change this to Turbo and uh it's already showing 95% but there's no load so this one's got about 76% capacity pretty much um you know so that's interesting even though it shows 90% you immediately know when you put a load on and let's take this out I'll try one more I'll try the other one and see what you know what capacity I have left now keep in mind you know I've got a bunch of batteries first of all and second of all I mean that's that's a luxury right cuz I buy a lot of the tools and pay for them to do the reviews but um I do maintain them well so let me turn this on put this on turbo now this shows 100% but it ain't let's see well there you go that's how I get my battery percentage and uh I I use this mower from time to time but now I'm using the Aluminum deck a lot more so I can really give you a good review all right the next one is how do you save money buying batteries look the answer is honestly pretty simple try and buy your batteries in kits now if you are on the ego platform then you're in the ecosystem hopefully your string trimmer and your mower you know our ego brand and you use the one battery for everything and the next tool you buy hopefully will be with a battery I'm going to show you an example right this is a current example right now on the screen of a 7.5 amp hour battery by itself it's $399 okay now the mower on the right side is the lm2 2135 SP it is one of the to me it's a great select cut dualblade mower it's on sale right now for $599 it includes the mower it includes I believe a 550 WT fast charger and it includes a 7.5 amp hour battery the new one with the fuel gauge all right now I think the the regular price is $7.49 but think about it the battery is $399 for $200 more on sale you're getting everything and even if you bought it at regular price it would be 350 more and you would be getting a mower and a charger so that is the way you want to save you don't want to go out and buy batteries I mean if they're on sale even when they're on sale they're not on sale by much it's like 50 bucks so buy your kits and that's how you save on batteries all right it's time for us to talk power pay attention because this is some good stuff I promise okay we are going to jump in and talk power right 2.5 amp hour battery 7.5 a hour battery right pressure washer string trimmer chainsaw saw so we're going to spend some time talking about power and after this we will go ahead and go through the batteries that are recommended by ego for the tools that they have most of the tools that'll come right after this all right but uh let's get started on this one this is good stuff all right we're going to talk power and after this I am going to show you the recommended batteries for the recommended tools by ego by the way not by me all right some of some of the things are me I'll tell you that so the first question is do all tools demand more power what's the answer yes or no believe it or not it's no here's a perfect example a string trimmer it doesn't matter if you put a 2.5 amp hour battery on it or a 7.5 amp hour battery on it that's only going to extend the Run time but this is not a power hungry tool now if you talk about a chainsaw or a pressure washer or even a snow blower now you're you're it's a different story it really is here's something to think about larger batteries right here's an example a 7.5 and a 2.5 larger batteries actually have more cells and because of that the amperage will increase depending on how many cells as well as the cell type because understand something as we move forward and and ego moves forward cells actually improve the cell technology improves producing even more power depending you know an example let me give you an example so for instance a 2.5 amp hour battery will produce a 20 amp Max discharge but a 7.5 amp hour battery has more cells in it and this will actually produce a 60 amp Max discharge more power definitely for the specific tool that'll take advantage of it right so again you know just an example chainsaw right pressure washer snowblower so I hope this information was helpful and what I'll do now is I'm going to go over the different tools I'm not going over every tool but I'm going to go over the different tools and the batteries that are recommended all right so the image is in front of you what battery should you use and this is going to be about residential tools also not every tool will be listed but the majority of the tools will be listed so let's go on and start with number one the lawn mower so on most lawnmowers there's there's obviously another one that has two batteries that's residential and then there's a commercial one that actually has two batteries but we're not talking commercial so I would recommend at least a 7.5 amp hour battery now if you're getting one of the newer mowers the LM 2200 SP or the LM 2206 SP I would say at that point a amp hour battery because that mower's got more torque it uses more wattage it also has turbo mode so I would recommend a 10 amp hour battery for those two but for most a 7.5 amp hour battery now the next one here is a string trimmer a hedge trimmer or a pole saw believe it or not a 2.5 amp hour battery is fine now I'm going to pull up an image on a video we did on a backpack link now this is actually a backpack where you throw a heavier battery on your back and then you take the adapter and plug it into your tool so if you ever want to use a larger battery because maybe you've got a much bigger job again residential the back backpack link could be a good solution I'll put the link to the video in the description but string trimmer hedge trimmer or puls saw a 2.5 amp battery is fine next up is a new item called an ice auger and the recommended minimum is a 5 amp hour battery now again you can go all the way up to 12 amp hour but a 5 amp hour battery is what Eagle recommends as a minimum now what about the Earth augur well that they say a 4 amp hour battery will be fine for most jobs but again if you're going to be working longer you're going to be drilling more holes you could always move up to a bigger battery but nothing less than a 4 amp hour battery the next one is a blower any of the blowers I believe should have a 5 amp hour battery now again if you have larger jobs don't forget the backpack link is very helpful Again the video link will be in the description and you can put a much bigger battery on your back and make your load in your hand a lot less so a 5 amp hour battery for a blower is enough and now what about a snowblower so the single stage and the two stage both need batteries now the two stage should have two 7.5 amp hour batteries minimum and a single stage can actually use two 5 amp hour batteries but if it was me I would have two 7.5 amp hour batteries in a single stage or a dual stage my recommendation what about a snow shovel that's a new item that came out not too long ago you can use a 4 amp hour battery or higher on the snow shovel what about the new mini bike this is pretty cool and uh they recommend two 7.5 amp hour Batteries Now can you use two 5 amp hour batteries you can you just won't get the distance and to my knowledge I don't know that you can turn on sport mode I don't have that in top of my head um you might be able to but you know what we did a super detailed video with timestamps as you can see the image on the right side and we did setup and everything towards the end of the video you'll have setup but we tested a bunch of batteries and we even used like one 2.5 amp hour battery and uh it's it's not made for it but yeah that is really cool but two 7.5 amp hour batteries are recommended Again the video link will be in the description next up is an 18-in misting fan and Eagle recommends a 5 amp hour battery or higher now again you could probably use a 4 amp hour battery or even a 2.5 amp hour battery on the lower setting it just won't last long so they recommend a 5 amp hour battery next up is an area light again they recommend a 5 amp hour battery but I know you can use a 2.5 amp hour battery and a 4 amp hour battery on a low setting with all the lights obviously not on you usually would have one light on okay uh Pressure Washer brand new and uh they recommend two 6 amp hour batteries with the pressure washer and we did a detailed review first off on the left side we did an unboxing and a close look but very very detailed and on the right side we did an actual pressure washer test with a Toyota Supra MK4 a pretty popular car and that's a buddy of mine so those two video links will be in the video description but again two 6 amp hour batteries are recommended next up is a wet dry vac they recommend one 5 amp hour battery and we did a video on that I will put a link in the description for that as well next up is a 14in chain saw again residential of course you can buy larger sizes for the residentials but this one here a 2.5 amp hour batter is good if you're going to have a big job you can put a bigger battery on it if you want you can use the backpack link we'll put the video in the description but that is all we're covering for now again we didn't cover every tool but we hope you found that helpful we didn't want to make this video too long so we're making a separate video on how fast you can charge your battery all right it's going to break down each battery and how long it takes to charge using different Chargers this video will be out soon so look out for it all right well I sure hope you found the information valuable it takes us time to put these videos together and if you did do me a favor take a moment and give us that thumbs up we'd greatly appreciate it it really helps our Channel and if you want to follow us on social media we'll put our social media right up top you look us up on social media check out our Tesla Channel when you have a moment look us up on YouTube at my Tesla Journey one I'll put some videos here on the right side and if you'd like to subscribe and join our family here at Tech Made Easy we'll go ahead and click that round Tech Made Easy logo and thank you so much guys have a wonderful wonderful day
Channel: Tech Made Easy
Views: 26,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: @techmadeezy, tme225, #techmadeezy, @techmadeeasy1, TIPS EGO Battery Basics + TIPS, ego battery tips, ego battery maintenance, ego batteries, learn more about ego batteries, ego battery lights, ego battery red light, broken ego battery, ego battery warranty, ego warranty, ego 10ah battery, ego 12ah battery, ego 7.5ah battery, ego 8ah battery, ego 6ah battery, fake ego battery, ego pressure washer, ego mini bike, ego motorcycle, ego go cart, ego mower, ego wet dry vac
Id: 76fMrhSjmC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 44sec (1904 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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