Real Time Voice Changer For your live stream! FREE

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AI is all the rage these days and voice changers are working to integrate it all the time but most don't work in real time for your live stream but there is one solution that's been doing voice changers for a long time offers hundreds of voices and has started to integrate realtime AI voice changing options that actually work in real time see most of these products offer AI voices that are done with text to speech and the ones that work with voice introduce a lot of delay that makes them unusable for a live streaming application I tested every single one currently available and spent hundreds of hours putting them through their paces and I get more emails asking me to look at new ones every single day but only one really stands out from all the rest it's real time has hundreds of voices and it just works the best part is you can download it and check it out for free so you know what let's let's get to it the voice changer program I'm going to highlight today is called voice mod and it's been around for a long time you can download it for free and I believe that the free version has a rotating list of free voices that you can use that change on a month-to-month basis there is a link in the description down below so you can check it out for yourself voic mod does a lot more than just AI voices there are hundreds of standard voices too and each one of them can be customized to your needs and if you can't find what you're looking for you can even create your own unique voices using their voice lab on top of that there are sound effects to use and a built-in soundboard and it offers direct integration into twitch streamer bot and stream deck let me show you how it works here is the page where you're going to get voice mod you just click get voice mod free if you're on Mac it's going to come up with a different page so there is a Mac version as well this is for Windows and Mac so you just download this application and all you have to do is put in your Google sign up or whatever or you could just use a regular email and continue and then it will download the executable and all you have to do is go in and run that executable it's a really simple setup and once you're in let me show you what you're going to see you're going to start out seeing something looks pretty much like this I have a bunch of stuff favored at the top which is why yours might look a little different but when you go down here you're going to see all of these so what we'll do is go through the settings first and I'll show you how to add this into whatever application you want to use your voice in so in settings you're going to want to put your input in this is the microphone that you're using when you're talking on it you're going to see it moving so just make sure you set the levels properly so in output you're going to want to use a headphone and that's because you want to be able to listen to these and not have them feedback through your microphone by using your speakers you can adjust the output volume right here there are some advanced audio settings right here that you can select I have eliminate popping and avoid audio Loops set up but you can also use Mic exclusive mode and uh I find that this sometimes causes weird audio issues for OBS which is why I have it turned off if we go into General we can start this with Windows and all this other stuff so they're just simple boot up type things and then we have keybinds and I only have one keybind set up and that's to turn the voice changer on and off that would be the same as this slider right here there is also a here myself and background effects which I will show you a little bit later but that is pretty much all there is to set this up within voice mod you also have some settings down here this right here is to mute this right here you can set up your audio and adjust your levels right here and this also has a beep system so I can click right here and beep stuff and it has a system where you can connect it to your cell phone so you just use this QR Scanner connected to your cell phone and you'll be able to actually change the voices right on your cell phone that will connect to voice mod right here pretty cool stuff you can add voice mod to any application Discord or any one that uses your voice so I'm going to show you how to add it we're going to do it in OBS all you have to do is select the actual camera or whatever it is that you're using it's going to create audio sometimes you may have to add separate audio it's pretty much up to you how you want to set it up in OBS but either way when you're setting up your camera you're going to have your audio device device and all you have to do is select the proper audio device in this case it is the microphone voice mod virtual audio device right here and if we click okay now we're going to get our voice mod come through whenever we use the voice mod and when we don't use the voice mod it's just going to be a regular voice coming through so it works perfect the first piece of voice mod is going to be the voice box and of course this is the main piece and if we select any one of these you're going to see that we have some options over here to adjust the pitch strength and volume and so let's kind of walk through some of these now these ones that are marked AI are obviously Ai and so what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and put that on so I can hear what it sounds like and we just put on voice changer and there we go sounds pretty cool I like it let's try gas mask hello there we go oh wow that's pretty sharp and we've got megaphone right here pretty sweet so we can adjust the pitch on any of these there we go and we can adjust it down so we can have a deeper voice we can add noise reduction we can put in different characters in these AI ones so we can sound like that or we can move it up there we go or we can sound like it h go there we go yeah so you can see that these have a lot of different functions and features I really like it let's show you some of the regular ones so this is a non AI voice and we can adjust the pitch the mix The Voice volume and there are hundreds and hundreds of these so let me show you some of my favorites at the top I've got the demon which sounds like this and then tighten which sounds like this now some of these have background effects that will play you can hear that when we had the demon you can hear that background effect and you can turn that off and we've got baby hello baby God that so you can hear the difference between the voices and the AI voices and some of these AI voices are getting pretty darn good if I do say so myself let me show you what we've got here there we go it's prob about Five Nights at Freddy thing and you do have background effects here as well you can put on noise redu you can put on noise reduction and Nightmare and that's going to give you different sound you could put it in re which is going to make it sound like it's in a big room you can really explore voice box forever the next thing is the soundboard and we can hover over any of these and you can see what these are firstperson shooter EDM voice box backgrounds music lowii Vibes so this is kind of music Retro Game sounds anime cartoon sounds if we drop this down you could see an entire list of things that we can add to our soundboard and when you add anything to your sound board then you're going to be able to use a key bind that means you can use you know any key on your keyboard to activate those and they'll play right on your live stream or your Zoom call or whatever you're doing so we can just go ahead and add let's go ahead and add retro games and any one of these sounds there we go and we go over here and just click add keybind and we can basically keybind those sounds so we can play them on our live stream below that we have the voice lab and this is where you could create any type of sound that you could possibly want so you just select a couple of these things here and there you go you've created a sound and you can select each one and mix the different sounds so you can select these circles we can adjust the Distortion mix and the drive and the volume for each of the sounds and and create our own particular unique sound and go up here and save it name it whatever we want pretty cool stuff next we've got our text to speech this is where you can select any of the AI voices and then put the text in here that you wanted to speak and click generate this would be used more for video creation and this is certainly more of what's offered by the other AI voice companies and it's pretty cool you hear lots of video AI stuff generally speaking those sorts of videos that I just click off of but some people may enjoy it and find them informational it's just not my thing but you can do text to speech right here and you could theoretically program text to speech to have a second person on your live stream who's just text to speech AI character and it could be pretty interesting so you can definitely explore what you could do with this text to speech it's pretty cool here we have Community sounds these are actual sounds that were created by the community and uploaded that you can add to your soundboard in all kinds of cool unique ways there are hundreds of them and there's also Community Voices that have been created by the community that you could select and use and you can even favorite these so they'll show up in your voice box favorites and you can see there's a voting system here shows you how many people have favored that particular audio sample so that if you want to check it out you can and if you like it well you're just contributing to the number of people who've used it so you kind of get an idea of which ones are better and which ones are not if we go into the creators tab here you can see that there is something called vo mod live and this allows you to integrate voice mod into your Twitch so that your audience can use bits to change your voice and all that sort of stuff and I just think that's really really cool we can go into the store and there's really just some packs that may have been created by some people and stuff I've never actually gone into the store so you know it doesn't really interest me all that much and if you ever have any questions or anything like that you can join the Discord there's a button right up here and you can go in there and ask any questions about any issues that you may be having with voice mod or anything like that but it is very simple to set up you you uh just have these three sliders right here any one of them can be hotkeyed so if you need to hear yourself you can turn it on and then you could turn the voice changer on and off right here and this would add or remove any of the background effects that you hear so it's really that simple now you know how to use voice mod what it can do and all of the different types of voices that you can use with it now I use voice mod every live stream so if you want to see more you can stop by my live streams on Wednesday night at 700 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and I can answer your questions now let's talk a bit about pricing for the pro version and how it compares to other voice changers that I found now I pride myself on bringing free options to this channel as much as I possibly can and voice mod does have a free component although since I've been a licensed user forever I can't really tell you how much is available on the free version however unlike every other one of the new Aid driven voice changers that don't even work in real time it has a one-time license fee all the other AI voice changers have some sort of convoluted points purchase system or reoccurring payment plan and they don't even do what you want them to do voice mod is a onetime fee and you can almost always find a discount code somewhere if you're searching in fact there's a discount code attached when you use my link in the description below and it changes from time to time it is definitely worth the onetime fee if a voice changer is something that you plan to use regularly for your content so while it isn't free it is the best application available and the pricing isn't going to gouge you every single month what do you think let me know in the comments if you want to see some other soundboard options you should check this video out right here and if you're always looking for tools tips and tricks to help make you better live streamer or YouTuber subscribe to the channel my name is Michael fire Jr thank you so much for watching have a great day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Michael Feyrer Jr.
Views: 5,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Feyrer Jr, ai voice changer, ai voice generator, anime voice changer, artificial intelligence, as a girl, change voice, change your voice, changer, free discord voice changer, free voice changer, games, girl, girl voice changer, gmeet, live, pc, real time voice changer, realtime voice changer, steam, voice, voice ai, voice changer app, voice changer for pc, voice changer for zoom, voice changer fortnite, voice changer trolling, vrchat voice changer, zoom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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