Real Ski 2021: FULL BROADCAST | World of X Games

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welcome to world of x games real ski i'm your host tom walsh over the years of x games real ski we've seen some of the heaviest video parts ever filmed we've also seen some of the gnarliest urban features and tricks that have legitimately never been done before and that's what x games real ski is all about let's take a look back at some of the history of this event getting an x games invite to any event is special but when there's only six people involved i mean it's definitely an honor and the invite alone is an acknowledgement that you are one of the top film skiers in the world we've got the first female taylor lundqvist to compete in x games real ski we've got some of the biggest stars on the competition circuit like alex hall and ferdinand doll we've got the heaviest and gnarliest urban skiers lupe hagerty and alex hackl and as well we've got one of the most legendary free skiers of all time tanner hall i did this event in 2018 i'll be the first to tell you it is one of the gnarliest events out there it's so much pressure on yourself you turn the switch on you know x game mode and it's like do or die kind of mode you typically film a part over an entire season condense it into two months by the end of it you're tired you're beaten but you're so stoked on the product that came out of it and that's really what this is all about a lot of times it's about doing something where someone says i never even would have thought of that that's what we want to see free skiing isn't just confined to one type of skiing so this year for x games real ski the rulebook's out the window and we've got a new format you're not just going to see urban skiing we could see anything from backcountry park riding any type of skiing the riders choose for the skiers to make an x games real ski event you got to come with it you know what i mean if you're going to bring it like just don't don't even come at all because that now our sport is at such a high level i feel like and you know people are insane on skis these days this is world of x games real ski welcome back to world of x games real ski now let's check in with our returning fan favorite from last year's real ski event alex hackl and his filmer pair pavin my name is alex hackl and i'm from boston massachusetts their video last year was no slouch the production quality was super high you mix in a really high quality filmer with their core values of this contest and it's kind of an unbeatable combination you know you might be thinking you know prime time abc right you guys just make television well you know what television makes us and today we're gonna be making a motor and then when you like fix everything you just put this thing back and then you just go yeah i'm ready to drop okay drop it in three two one heckles mechanic skills they're just not quite there yet i can't really tell you i know how to work these things and i can't tell you that i know how to replace anything on this it's really humbling when you get real ski because it's such an honor and such a personal honor all the pressure is on you you're the only one that can do the scheme for this project you would think that when you have sort of the most personal pressure that it would be yourself that would be able to get you through it and then you realize that it's really the crew around you and that even though you have a very selfish goal that you rely so much on everybody around you the whole time and that the sacrifices that they make for you are so important and that you yourself feel kind of helpless and you really start to see uh sort of the power in the group and why the group is so important i'm not an unhealthy guy some people call me let's go let's go there was a whole lot of convincing going on this year to get me back into it i've done it once as a skier and once as a filmer before and it's a whole lot of work like people watching this doesn't even know half of it it's like so much work and when there's the x games metal on the line you're definitely gonna push yourself to the absolute edge of what you're capable of being much you know paving has such a unique film style because he's such a good skier himself and that you know this year we really wanted to make it not just about the skiing but you know it's filmmaking and it's about feeling and emotions and we sort of wanted to you know put the filming on a higher pedestal and value it at a higher rate than we did last year we chose a spot for a certain type of follow cam took us four days to get the shot sometimes getting clipped in the street is a marathon doing 26 miles of hard work and you can only blame yourself when you're in a marathon we're just working out this time here you know we're ready to snap we're just making sure everything looks good and it was a trick that hackle probably could have done in one day or two days but the filming was so hard that a lot of the times when hackle got the trick i messed up the filming because it was like on the edge of what we could do and still make it look good some things require talent some things require vision and some things require talent and vision this requires talent vision and a good drive feel that pressure appeal feel my hand like that this is me giving you everything i have for you to succeed in this mission here it practically took just two days of figuring out and then we got kind of got the shot and then we were like ah that trick doesn't really cut it we can't do it like heck can't do an easy trick because then it doesn't fit in the video it took a lot of time and a lot of tries it was tough but it paid off i think see on the other side our goal this year is for sure to make something a little bit surprising or like have elements that you might not be used to seeing in this competition like filming wise for sure and try to figure out ways to incorporate what i'm doing into the skiing more i know heckle is always pushing and skiing so we both knew i think that the skiing was going to be a step over what it was last year and then it was just a matter of what are we going to do that is not skiing that is going to bring the video forward so much stuff is possible on skis you can do so much more than you can even think and it really is limitless and in 10 years people are going to be doing things on skis that i can't even think about you know the biggest thing between that moment and now 10 years from now skiing and now is sort of our outlooks towards what's possible and so i would say that why it's so difficult or why it can be difficult to try your problems because it's mental it's in your head you know that's physically possible what's up espn you want to get you want to get paid you want to look this take some hits my name is alex hackl and this is my real ski video foreign me me me they're doing a toe-in follow cam from behind the car and the camera pulls forward to hackle as he lets go of the car and the car is gone and the camera guy we think he was in the car but now they're coming through this tight little gap and disastering onto a double kink and where'd the car go like right off the bat you're like mine is blown seeing this video does make you realize how important the filmer is to showcasing the skiing and that athlete's abilities in the right light on his dub flat seven i didn't love that you couldn't see the beginning of that trip it made me kind of wonder what was behind and why that was a choice because everything i i know how the bunch films is everything's very deliberate just makes me wonder why they filmed it that way because it was a very to me felt incomplete shot next up a man that needs no introduction the man the myth the legend tanner hall and his filmer leland mcnamara what up tanner hall here 37 years old from kalispell montana he's the reason that park skiing and urban skiing and backcountry skiing is like where it is today tanner won his first x games medal 20 years ago and is a contender for an x games medal this year that right there is insane no one can say that i haven't been involved with x games in so long and those are some of the happiest memories of my life maybe the most gratifying years x games has done a lot for my life so to just be able to come back into that realm was just amazing actually tanner's produced hundreds of movies over the years and x games medals and done basically everything there is to do in the sport and something i love about tanner hall is just his absolute intensity literally 100 percent all in all the time my whole mentality was like right when i accepted the invitation it was just survive until the end of january because if i can survive through this then the rest of the season is going to be wicked compression compression i don't think i broke it that was just a yeah i didn't break it i was just a little impact now i know what it's going to be like so i guess i've known tanner my whole life pretty much um nope i haven't we grew up in the same valley together we knew who each other were leland's been you know a snowboard photographer and filmer for many many years i've been in the ski world so our pads didn't really cross too much but we were on each other's radar and once we linked up it was just i don't know mixed well that's a sick it just if you would have like he got a sick angle for this contest specifically you don't have that much time you got to the end of january just having that short timeline really makes it intense so we just kind of started ironing out a plan and figuring out where to go and i think we picked my own baker because we were looking everywhere and nowhere nowhere really had snow at all and baker was just getting pounded on decided we were gonna just try to shoot pow for the beginning because it looked like there was a little bit of it and there wasn't much in the streets to get anything done so we went out there we had a pretty good go at it we built a couple jumps and uh the first one went really well she's all started the right direction we hit one feature warmed up nice in the second feature we hit i mean i stomped a triple backflip on and that kind of like set the tone of like okay here we go again like it's on tanner had a great first few weeks and we were going hard we saw that minnesota was starting to fire leland has been out in minnesota multiple years shooting multiple features so he had kind of a good grip on it first spot we hit was this down flat down kind of a traditional down flat down you know tanner went for it tanner got like a 270 on fakey out that was like super sick and we were pretty hyped and just to get the ball rolling in the streets dude every feature we hit was brand new this year and that's kind of like a thing too where the uncomfortability was was there a lot i feel like you know and i wasn't surrounded by my normal surroundings and whatnot but i feel like that's that that's the real ski you know you get judges don't want to see you go to your go-to rail to get your clips on they all especially these judges they know they're up to date they're very in tune with all of us and what we can do i think it went really good we had a few spots in the bag we got shots at every one of them then tanner had an unfortunate accident a little down ledge it's a little drop to redirect something i'm not used to again but something that looks more than fun this thing is just different how you prepare for it and how you go out and how you get a clip and it just brings an intensity i felt like to myself that just wasn't there in the past you guys thinking we uh looking good but it's like i like that i fed off of it you know what i mean that's why i think i stepped into a feature that i got hurt on that i like ain't nobody ever seen me slide a cement ledge that high off the ground with like an op something happened in the air where i'm just i don't i can't i'm still trying to put my finger on him he was just like it's gone and i was like what's gone he's gone i think i did i did my achilles tendon just couldn't take the the force that it was put inside the boot and it just snapped been through these injuries and the good thing is my other two injuries before this one were bilateral meaning i hurt the same whatever i heard on this leg i did the same thing to the exact leg and in 2005 i did both ankles in both heels in 2009 i did both tibia plateaus and both acls and in 2021 i did my left achilles tendon so my other injuries were bilateral and it was to the point where it hurt so bad i couldn't really even go to the bathroom where this injury not a lot of pain no swelling can look forward to tanner coming back super strong next year i can already tell he is fired up to gain the type of perspective i i have now from my last injury and coming into this one it's it's night and day you know to me this is a paid vacation right now and and just getting my mind warm back up to new ideas and when i come back on my skis it's just gonna be i'm gonna be coming out swinging you know what i mean there's a lot of stuff left to be done with me and skiing and i'm going back to minnesota at some point that's for sure my name is tanner hall and this is my x games rio ski video tanner first impression just envy just you know ski boss it's what you expect from him like the crazy triple back the back to 3d wrap that's taking a lot of impact after back and he executed flawlessly he has the most back country of any of the athletes we're providing them this platform to do anything they want and he's the only one that's really going hard in the backcountry and in the streets it was cool to see him hit the street stuff but there's a couple shots in there that he probably could have pulled if he had hadn't gotten hurt urban features that per se were kind of weak they had high consequences so when you're sitting trying to judge these things that's kind of something to take into consideration yeah the trick was weak but the feature was pretty gnarly so where do you place that on an easy feature with a technical trick you know we'll be right back with more x games real ski welcome back to world of x games real ski let's catch up with one of the most creative and stylish skiers taylor lundqvist and her filmer gavin rudy my name is taylor lundqvist and i'm from park city utah this competition isn't just about who can win it's about who's pushing the sport and who's changing and forming the sport and who's going to be remembered and taylor in my opinion is at the top of that list she's growing it more than any of these other guys for this day and age and so she's the one that deserved to be here the most i mean she kills it she can totally keep up with the boys she's the ultimate perfect fit for for the first female competitor to be in x games real ski i kind of like guessed that taylor was gonna get this invite at some point it's kind of like snowboarders got the women's invite like taylor's gonna get it she's the best in the world at street skiing we were hoping for a while and i said to her probably eight months ago i was like hey it's like if you get a real ski you hit me up because i really want to film that gavin's great definitely major motivator we got that i think we work really well together and couldn't have asked for a better better filmer she's like super inspired by skating and snowboarding in a way that she kind of pulls from these other sports i think she watches way more snowboarding and skateboarding than she watches skiing but that's cool how she wraps that up into her own style and how she skis i guess my biggest inspiration in skiing in general was kaya turski i used to rollerblade so she was kind of the inspiration to me even starting gavin and i hung around this little apartment for a month and a half hoping and praying that it would snow and that never happened he's so crazy we had to make the move back to the midwest sent it out to wisconsin we were there for maybe five days and then i hurt my knee that was definitely a hardship she just sessioned it and then the winch started to like act a little finicky so we stopped sessioning it and it was like four or five hours later we were sitting in the airbnb and she's like oh my knee like really doesn't feel right rested for a couple days and wasn't getting better so i may descend home came back to utah after wisconsin got an mri they originally thought i'd wore my meniscus but it ended up just being an acl strain good news is i don't see anything torn inside of me the meniscus looks okay um for the most part everything looks pretty good inside there crazy though like i wasn't like ow my knee that was not one time where i thought i hurt myself then it started hurting later in that day taylor definitely recognizes how fortunate she is to get the first women's spot and reel ski and hopefully we keep seeing that trend over the next couple years and indefinitely let's go she was really ambitious about how she wanted to come into the event i'm so stoked for this opportunity and it's such a bummer that i hurt my knee because i had all these envisions of spots i've always wanted to hit or tricks that i've always wanted to do and this was the perfect time to showcase it but i feel like the clips i have now are kind of the clips that i wanted to have just in case but like throw out when i got the bangers it's fine like not nothing crazy but i think it's really sick that taylor got an invite this year what she's doing is on that front end of skiing worldwide and just being involved in this contest gives her such an opportunity to showcase her skiing and what female skiers around the world are capable of it's kind of a time to showcase your style and not worry about gender yeah hopefully all the other girls take a page out of taylor's book and keep running with it because there's so much potential we're really proud of what she did and especially in retrospect like she went super hard i think we were really proud last night to be like oh like it it's real now like especially after the injury and not putting the video together for a little while and then it all came together so we're pretty proud of that i'm taylor lundqvist and this is my real ski video my head get straight tell me oh is just lines are something distinct to tailors that as important and unexplored generally as they are in the urban ski world we didn't see a lot of that this year and taylor did that really well this segment just stands alone and holds its own as a real ski edit and it's something to be proud of you know sliding to switch 50 like all super nice how it tends to go is in those last couple weeks is really where you put in those heavy shots you don't want to injure yourself right off the bat so you kind of cater into that way and i think that she might have missed out a little bit on that part of the filming that would have helped you know beef up her heart more let's catch up with ferdinand dahl and his filmer andrew napier my name is and i'm from norway with the new format this year i think it's going to really lend itself to someone like ferdi crushes so many different aspects of the sport and his jump game is just insane and he has such good style doing all these like next level tricks we're in the little commonwood canyons in utah and this area is so sick we couldn't be in a more fitting spot right now little cottonwood canyon we've got alta right here this has been probably the most important place for free skiing in the last two decades chad's gap is right over there pyramid gap we call this guac alley right here there's been many legends who have gotten various tricks throughout here my favorite type of skiing is hard to pinpoint i would say building some cool features up in places like this are you going for this yeah probably yeah we didn't even take snow out the crew this year has been very amazing obviously i can't hit all these spots by myself and i've been very lucky to have a great crew this year both back in norway and here in the us yeah right there so today on the menu we've got a nice double hip offering which is a slightly unusual feature because it takes a lot more effort to build two features takes a lot longer to hike and a lot more trial and error goes into it all right i'll just go from here and see ferdi hit it once it looked really good he even did did it all with a shovel in his hand so that's a good sign we are probably gonna fill in this in run so we can get a better angle for the hip these are honestly things that you would never know that you're actually doing and sometimes you can do five or six days of shoveling and you won't even see it in the shop because it's just to make it look normal he's by far the hardest working guy at the spot so that's very nice to have buildings and helping out andrew has been working very hard and when i was in norway hitting a street back home he was on google maps looking for spot and sent several spots that we actually hit calling the director oh my god phil he'll answer i'm sure he always answers my calls honestly i think the easiest part of the whole video is actually filming it once the skier is ready i think the hardest part is finding the places finding the snow finding somewhere where you're not going to get kicked out of a spot and putting in you know two or three days work getting everything set up and then once everything's set up usually kind of the stars just align and the shots happen it's when you kind of force something and you're struggling and you're doing something that shouldn't really happen in the first place when bad things usually happen you okay how straight through oh no when was the last time someone cut their elbow on a rock on a pouch we've just been uh hitting whatever we been able to hit with uh with the conditions what that's like a beautiful movie hopefully we'll all end up with something we're all stoked on let's go my name is padmandal and this is my real ski video sorry i can't push it silence so just raw like a happy dude that is stoked on skiing the thing i liked about ferdi's video would be that he had everything in there he had street powder park and it was a really well-rounded video for me ferdi's video the only critique on the film is that it just felt like a lot of different cooks in the kitchen it felt like a lot of different filmers for different styles like it didn't have one consistent flow and feel like i was kind of expecting from napier don't go anywhere we'll be right back with x games real ski and welcome back to world of x games real ski now let's check in with one of the smoothest guys on the urban scene lupe hagerty and his filmer owen dahlberg my name is lupe hagerty i'm from west hartford connecticut the way i found out i was in oregon on the coast and i was linking up with lj i got to tell him that he was in that we were surfing together at seaside he just started like saying all this nice stuff to me like dude you've been killing it for so long like blah blah blah dude i want to tell you man you've been so inspirational you've been hitting urban for so damn long and like just like waiting to get yours i thought he was like letting me down kind of nicely being like you didn't get a spot again this year hey lupe can i make your day i could tell you something pretty cool then he like pulls this phone up and he's like you're invited you're just like no way yeah dude seriously yeah i'm gonna be in x games it was literally a dream come true i still get goosebumps like thinking about it you know when you're filming street like the grind is is real the amount of driving you're doing and scoping building there's so much that goes on behind the scenes yeah there was a one cold day in uh new york buffalo we were hitting a rail right by the river lupe was in this pretty big battle and you got that i was trying to figure out a way to get through to him to not think about the stress of trying to get the shot too much and i was like all right lupe if you lace this right here i'll jump into the river said it i said i was going in the river if you landed that one ended up having to jump into this cold river middle of january in my boxers all right this one's for luffy physically and mentally he's been someone that just like helps me through the ups and downs and like when i'm doubting myself you know just being being a good friend and someone to motivate me and like i wouldn't want to do this with anyone else hey we at the spot right now tom's about to get clipped up first night spot in uh pittsburgh and uh there's a lot of snow here we left salt lake and drove 28 hours because there was no snow there and we're here to get clipped up baby came here last night and built the and got a ladder about to get up on the roof and hopefully build a drop in real quick and yeah hopefully we can get in and out yeah everything worked out super smooth it's really nice when that happens because a lot of times in the streets uh you know if you end up having to rearrange and change the build just wrapped up this one spot and now we're headed up to new hampshire about to go hit this big dam that we got the word from from a buddy hopefully to go we left harrisburg pa and drove seven hours to new hampshire just kind of on a whim like we'd never seen this spot before and like we knew it was hitable but it was a big toss-up yeah we got super lucky it's probably the most snow i've seen on the east coast in a long time so perfect for a really big build we shoveled all day and got the got the trick was definitely kind of a gamble like leaving somewhere with snow to maybe go seven hours where we could get a cool shot hey lupe what's today it's christmas eve merry christmas my name is lupe haggerty and this is my real skin is do i personally love like a big tall high rail with a back four out and he had that big like just sculpture to me that's just always gonna be one of the most like aesthetically pleasing shots like i'm actually really jealous of that spot kind of want it lupe if you want you can tell me where that is you know a lot of flat rails in lupe's video that would be the only negative for me he did different tricks on all of them but still just the spot selection could have maybe hit a couple different things let's check in with x game slope style gold medalist alex hall and his filmer atien nerel my name is alex hall and i'm living in salt lake city right now but i grew up in zurich switzerland don't scream yeah i know i mean i'm going to try i've known a 10 for a super long time he films all the faction edits so we know each other super well the new red camera amy picks up my food for me too from olive garden so i'm just talking about you right now and i've been filming with him since then so like we know each other pretty well remember when you bounce super slow the 180 okay yeah because i'm gonna have air time yeah yep today you followed me over like legitimate cliff drop i like to do four cams for sure uh because i think it makes the shot super dynamic when he said he was gonna fall cammy on the spot i was like dude no way you're fall camping on the spot he did it like super chill which is crazy but definitely super good skier and really good at fall cams which helps a lot for the for the pow stuff i think is that a little too slow and the speeders are perfect good i think alex is a skier who likes to do big trick both for creative tricks is like all the creative aspects no just at the end like right there training huh yeah he'll like go the extra mile a lot of time to try and make it work for me as a skier most of the spots we did who are using winch but when you're only two people me i can like run the winch and pan the camera like for couple spots i set a tripod press the the red button run to the winch cast the winch for alex and then after like on post production i i have to do like a crop zoom thing to make it looks good but sometimes i wasn't mess yet but that was the only way to do it we hit the spot in brack it's like urban backcountry we've built for six hours and we're gonna send tomorrow luckily there was a river nearby so we were able to get water from the river and use it for the lip of the jump because the snow was so bad but then the next day we went up early had to drag the winch out a mile it was so terrible like in knee deep snow took us like an hour to get the winch back tried this trick all day my skis were just getting super scraped up on this ledge and i ended up snapping them too but i just had like no speed each try got harder because my skis kept getting slower and slower so i kind of had to call it tried like all day the first day trick didn't end up working out and then we were like debating whether i'd go back or not and then we decided like we kind of went all the way to colorado for this one spot and it was the only spot we had lined up so we went back the next day we just left the winch at the spot overnight like in the middle of nowhere because we didn't want to haul it twice it was a lot of tries like i kept getting really close like early on and then so there's always something wrong like the last time i felt locked and then my ski kind of got off my skis would get really slow like something would go wrong with like the winch or something are you able to get it off yeah yeah i just turned the clutch in the gas all the way off so i ended up actually bringing two pairs of skis up that day so i could switch if my skis got too scraped up and that was a good call because on the try i got it i actually switched skis that try and have the new skis and ended up landing the trick which was super dope definitely super powerful shots that's the most i've ever hated doing trick in my life does this one just look look right at the camera oh yeah i've been waiting for this my name is alex hall and this is my real ski video i love this dress i just he said yes it's this man alex's first impression was completely insane wow wow completely just mind-blowing segment a-halls leaves me speechless i mean he just changed the game on multiple fronts in 90 seconds you know like you have those things that like on your dream list and then you see someone else do it and like you're so stoked you're kind of bummed that he did it and you didn't that was watching his part but if there was any critique it's just so rush clip clip clip that i don't get to see the true value of what atn brings to the table in the editing booth this is it right here i'm holding it all that pain and struggle putting their lives on the line the athletes are physically only competing for this piece of metal right here ultimately but i think it just speaks to what these athletes are all about it's not about this piece of metal it's about the prestige and the knowledge that you put out the best edit of the year and you won x games gold we've had some intense and heated debates but when we return we'll tally the votes and crown a new x games real ski gold medalist welcome back to world of x games real ski and if you're just tuning in here's a quick recap after hours of intense debate the judges have made their decision it's time to hand out the x games gold medal you bud how's it going i'm good oh nice uh chilling if you mind just like coming outside grab like a jacket or whatever and we'll just like film a couple pickups yeah i think uh i think he was pretty surprised we set him up for a little bit of an interview and it turned out to be an x games medal ceremony that should only take like i don't know 10 or 15 minutes hey guys tom wallace here x games real ski 2021 has come to a close and we're here to surprise my boys with an x games gold medal a little deception congratulations alex hall x games real ski gold medalist no way that's actually i really thought we were just doing some interviews or something nope no interview here gold medalist oh my i'm like shaking right now this is this means so much to me like that's probably the most important exercise medal i have i'd say right there so thank you real ski thank you x games thank you tom i don't know what to say around that's crazy what's up bro what's up how's finland check it out x-games gold medal a big congratulations to all the contestants on amazing video parts i'm your host tom walsh and thanks for watching x game real speed thank you so much half of it's yours we got two of them good job to you thank you so much you
Channel: X Games
Views: 26,971
Rating: 4.8955822 out of 5
Keywords: yt:quality=high, X Games, XGames, X-Games, action sports, real ski 2021, real ski 2021 vote, x games real ski 2021, real skiing, tanner hall real skiing, tanner hall x games gold, x games skiing, x games real skiing, x games real ski 2021 full show, real ski ferdinand dahl, real ski alex hackel, real ski alex hall, real ski lupe hagearty, real ski taylor lundquist, real ski 2021 full show, x games freeskiing, x games 2021, x games mode, real ski tanner hall, tanner hall
Id: 6pTuLZtbWh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 1sec (2821 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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