Real Reason Candace Owens Left Shapiro, Drake Vs Kendrick Diss, & Trans Visibility Day Explained

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what's up everybody Welcome to flagrant happy trans visibility day yes aash didn't know what trans visibility day was I did not so basically what happened was the world and by the world I mean rightwing Twitter and Instagram was absolutely Furious the trans visibility day was made the same day as e you did see this a little bit no I just put it together so Easter and trans visibility day was made the same day and you know who made it the same day according to right-wing Twitter and in who well Joe Biden made it he probably forgot he declared it he might have forgotten or Mark what what might else be true I saw this and I was like this is crazy why is Biden trying to piss off everybody because when you see it on the surface there's like there's no way that this is actually possible because there are a team of people that are there to make sure things like this do not happen it just seems unrealistic because this is an election cycle yeah you'd be I'm not saying that Biden is going to win the religious right mm but you don't want to irritate them you don't want push them in Donald Trump's direction right so we're like there's no way that this is true but everybody is posting at every headline is Joe Biden declares Easter Sunday trans visibility day which isn't technically wrong but but it seems like a little misleading cu the first trans visibility day was founded 2009 how many years ago is that this was uh 15 that's 15 years so the first trans visibility day is founded 15 years ago right okay now what is something very unique about Easter the day Jesus is risen right that is actually yo that is fire that you know I'll [ __ ] with you for that bro you me Christ is King let nobody tell you different Christ is [ __ ] King you ha listen Christ is King Dy D get the camera on D Shifty do something Christ is King and let him know Christ is King happy transvisibility day you got it okay get fir da we [ __ ] ready to that was a good response charged up you're being anti-semitic right okay listen okay now Easter because it's on a Sunday correct the date changes every single year do you think it's possible when they I mean this is how brilliant and shrewd the left is this is how genius they are at tearing apart the nuclear family and destroying the great Christian traditions of this country 15 years years ago they plotted the course of easers and they were like one Easter when a Democrat is in office there is going to be a trans visibility day and an Easter Sunday they lie on the same day and Joseph Biden is going to be forced to declare a transvisibility day over Easter do you think that that's the case that's definitely what it was right well they also doesn't the calendar repeat every seven years yeah that's or six I guess cuz a leap year oh wait is that true I would assume six just cuz you skip [ __ ] this guy's [ __ ] good well there's seven days in a week but you skip one day cuz of leap years I would assume it's six maybe it's seven they did in 2015 and this year also I guess and nobody said [ __ ] back then did that they knew they knew they knew who was coming they knew the hero was coming to save the day in year well well who was president at the time that's maybe we should look that it was baracks but 2016 Trump so 2015 you said 2015 we got to see when the calendar repeated six years ago Trump guys isn't trans visibility day every day from Brock can I get a mic check hold on can I can I get a mic check hold on can I get M hey hey K hey chis is Ki that was good chis K that was good Christ is King whenever I say Christ is King I need a closeup on up Christ is King CHR is King Christ is King Michelle Obama's King stop stop we're doing that thing where we become two right wing on the p my bad my bad my we become two right away on the comedy podcast guys we're doing that thing we're doing that thing again okay so 202 wife 2021 B I love both of them 2021 bid proclaimed the 30 ver transgender Vis I'm trying to save you I'm trying to help you yo he has already been saved because he is risen Christ is King Christ is King I'm sorry say it D we got to get AOS baptized you ain't been trying to tell y say what stop trying to B them we'll do it really do anything for him not to B yo that is true why don't you baptize your damn armpits and I got baptized when I was a baby that was the last time that was the last time huh yeah yeah okay listen so all right say your numbers his [ __ ] Spectrum his favorite part of the is gets foreheaded I'm researching okay 21 Biden said that this was the first national trans visibility day so basically it was like an organization that did then he picked it up in 2021 was like all right now we're doing he declared in 2021 yep still before this year was too [ __ ] stunad to look into if there was going to be Easter on a trans visibility day yeah so then they're in a pickle where they're like okay we see it's lining up on Easter do we double down and like make the proclamation or do we kind of just forget that we did that and just can't you just change the date like change the month I mean there's one thing trans people would understand it's change I mean it's April 1st now and then people be like oh that's nice yeah that's or June isn't June LG also why do the trans people want to share with because you're gay is June gay you got February we got Jun nothing close around that so imagine trans visibility day was juneth what would you do we there's going to be some murders there going to be some murder damn all the people are saying bad things about trans visibility they being on dut that word that word that visibility day there we go the every nanofiber in Al tongue was trying to get the word visibility out I mean we were halfway through the handshake the word hadn't fin you kept pushing them I had respect that I respect that my listen so Christ is King oh man I like it we're sorry about that whole all the time listen so this is all we all we want to ask right now is if it was that easy for us to look this up why do you think there are so many people that are posting about it what what is the reason because they could also look it up these are not dumb people it's not like just some Rand random Twitter account they're like it feels as if there are like news organizations that are propping up this idea why do you think that is guys I like money wait what do you mean think it was money do you think you think that there is money to be made off of outrage do you think if you outrage a certain community that they will consume your content way more yeah wait is that what these people are up seems to be how it goes get the [ __ ] out of here seems to be yeah we got to do that yeah we need to outrage more yeah how do we outrage him I don't know well who should we outrage everyone black people no but that's a really good thing to do I've seen a lot of people make careers off of that don't have the money outraging a certain group of right I wish that was crazy thank you that was crazy without the laugh it really just sounded like hate just dying no no but you're right they broke so we got to find out no no because what was that little blonde chick that did it she pissed off black people and Tommy Len Tommy L say again what happened to her where's she at I mean what Ben shapir used to do at the beginning of his career yeah yeah yeah yeah where's Tommy and Candace it's an interesting yeah it's an interesting pivot to watch Ben shapir on Candace it's funny cuz they're feuding but it seems like the same you start really kind of right leaning and then you get a little bit more toward the center go mainstream all of a sudden well let's just forget all the other stuff I said oh you guys misunderstood what I said I wasn't just feeding an agenda to make money off of dumb people no no no you guys misunderstood there's a great uh interview where where Ben is justifying why he fired Candice yeah and uh the with rman uh yes the with Rin is great we should even pick it up to watch it but what's funny is is uh and I don't know the extent to which Ben is criticized I know he's very critical of media and media being biased but before you have a media platform it's very easy to critique media it's very easy to go look at New York Times look what you do and look at Washington Post look what you do and you're censoring free she speech you're for censorship in this conversation he makes the argument for censorship he calls it something else yeah I forget the term I have it in my phone but I don't even think he's using the term right but he's basically like there's a window of ideas we accept yes and we accept ideas between this uh this I guess this is if I window you're looking like this so we accept ideas between here and here and anything outside of that window well you're Fireball that's censorship but he's acting as if this is like a Justified reason for firing people when you built your identity and platform off of no censorship and freedom of speech facts don't care about your feelings and all this [ __ ] it's also funny that that window happens to end where his beliefs end is that interesting not being pro Israel that's where the window ends that's also your specific personal belief so I just don't see you can't have an opinion on your platform that is not pro a country that is not ours yeah wait a minute crazy I wish so is the daily wire an American Media platform or is it an Israeli media platform I'm just asking cooking I'm just get get that get I'm just no if if the rule is I'm just saying if the rule is you cannot be critical because he has no problem being very critical of America yep he's critical of the left and America left is half the country you have no problem eviscerating half country that's the current power in party in power but you can't criticize Israel as a country that's just another country unless you're saying and you're clearly admitting that the daily wire is an arm of the Israeli I guess Media or propaganda machine for is that are you manipulating the the religious right in America are you manipulating the right-wing conservatives in America and selling them country western movies and putting on your little cowboy hat and fake moving in Nashville so that you could take all their money and then in the process restricting Free Speech one of the core tenants of the American identity Ben Ben Ben Benjamin benjam what is happening there's trouble in Paradise what shall we do what's wrong are you going to bring this up help us with this whole situ I don't want this to be true I want to believe that that that that the daily wire is the last Bastion of free speech that's what I want to believe I thought he was Absolut free that's that's what I considered it wasn't he no so his over window are you saying that he's free his speech the exact thing he's been critical of the left throughout his entire career for his position sorry term he used Overton window overt window the term so I thought the position he took between like platform and and publisher I thought was interesting cuz he's basically saying like he believes that platforms should have free speech because those are Town squares and so like corporate censorship from like Twitter and X or like uh Instagram and [ __ ] like that he's claiming that that would be a violation of Free Speech but he thinks as a publisher you don't necessarily need to up uphold things outside of your editorial view yet he was quite critical when the New York Times fired journalist for publishing Tom Cotton's article right see he was ready I didn't know this this [ __ ] was ready I didn't know I was out I was going to do other things now that is kind of that kind of hypocritical now seems a bit is to is to be critical of another platform right no sorry of another publisher yeah for firing someone on the basis of their opinion for an op-ed piece because that opinion did not fit in the Overton window yet he is fired people because their opinions do not fit in the overs win now we could vehemently disagree with the people's opinions that he is fired I'm sure there are plenty of things that Candace has said that we think are horrible y but that is not the brand you built my friend correct he also claims that it wasn't Israel though like yeah that's the thing is Israel antisemitism we can disagree on that like I'm sure you could go at it with him on this but he claims at the end that it has nothing to do with his position on Israel I bring up Israel the reason I bring up Israel is because he himself has tweeted that um what is that [ __ ] skeleton looking [ __ ] that's in media uh the [ __ ] is her name an cter an cter an couter was doing this thing where instead of calling Jews Jews she calls them globalists but then she was like I think Matthew Tucker's half globalist she just she's funny man she kind of got funny whatever she's inflammatory as hell but she's funny so yo during the debates when VI and nicku Haley were going at it she tweeted to her followers guys don't get involved this is Hindu business not our fight's Christian sick Christian it's funny though anyway so yeah it's so funny but uh but what wait what the [ __ ] was I just saying uh the skeleton oh yeah yeah yeah so he was like she says in incredibly anti-semitic things but she's pro-israel so I can look past it all now I don't think she's working for the daily wire at that moment but that's his basically basic position hey freedom of speech is is totally down as long as you're pro Israel and uh I guess Han is MH seems so Dove I'm just saying you should be able to what what what do you think I'll lean to the point of we're very fortunate to have a globalist on this podcast tell gonna say I think the whole cace thing is closer to a little anti-Semitism Play Over the Israel he hasn't historically been that guy like the spearhead of like pro Israel things I think it's been more of to your point it's the platform protecting that thank you Mark thank you can you can you can you tell me I because I've looked into it and I haven't found anything outright anti-semitic that Candace said can you tell me something cuz the article I saw she liked the a a very anti-semitic Trope which was I think it was she liked a twe she liked a comment someone said that Rabbi schi was drunk off Christian blood or something to that effect and she liked it and then apparently she had been like defensive of Kanye I think she's also been like defensive of Hitler well she like had admir like it's all like Nuance I I haven't listened to every single little thing but like the general feeling is like she was not uh outraged by what Kanye had said and was kind of like trying to defend him from the media and had said like there's like rings of people in Hollywood that are you know committing you know violence against people that are acting like gangs that it is interesting timing get offed by kany cuz that was slavery was a choice she probably didn't have a problem with that I'm assuming and you wouldn't V here I don't think it would have been like whoa whoa whoa slavery is reprehensible as was the Holocaust but slavery is reprehensible how can you say it was a choice these people weren't they didn't choose to come on these ships and do this and why would she be getting fired now for the things Kanye said like I think that was a year and a half ago that's also very true well it was like through November that she was like defending him and and obviously I think the Israel stuff like lit up and then she was going back and forth with other co-hosts I think it was like dorum also she was like calling out Shapiro being like oh he's annoying like she's also their biggest show that's not Ben Shapiro MH she's massive she's the biggest star on the platform that is not a owner of the platform I think Ben is one of the owners so you have a very tricky thing where your base the people consuming your content are equally drawn to her than they are to Ben potentially could go even more you might have to nip that before she can take a strangle hold of the identity of your platform so I think that this is it's not just oh you said something bad I think it's a trend and seeing this Unstoppable Force cuz Candace is Unstoppable life tour announcement uh few things Las Vegas we had a second show okay that's on May 25th the pre-sale for that is Thursday April 4th 9:00 a.m. local time the password is Andrew um thank you guys so much Vegas also Houston we'll see you this weekend uh Dallas we'll see you this weekend and uh Nashville Austin Charlotte and Phoenix the lace show we had a second show in Charlotte and another show in Phoenix we'll see you guys in a few weeks coming up and uh can't wait for NYC baby cannot wait for that the for tickets peace also guys few dates more importantly please keep checking out the special gaset it's on YouTube it's already at 1. 7 million views on YouTube I think it's at 1.7 on X as well but keep pushing it keep getting it out to as many people as possible thank you so much everybody who seen it if you have seen it we share it with more people if you have not seen it please check it out now couple quick dates I am in Tempe Arizona April 11th through the 13th I'm in Denver Colorado April 18th through the 20th Los Angeles shows are sold out more shows will be added soon but in the meantime those two shows gas lit also if you want merch you can go to my website all these dates at Akash everything is there thank you guys love you thank you yeah say what you want about Candace She's Not Afraid of nobody she will say whatever the [ __ ] she want to say she will debate any single person she'll go out there and do it right Ben Shapiro is dating uh debating college kids yeah let's just be honest right it's like anytime he debates somebody who's like worthy he either gets washed or bare minimum stalemate I've never seen him actually win a debate against somebody who's like educated in the matter right so I think you can body guys like finlin I'm sorry he won't do it finlin has been asking him non-stop he refused to do it scared he scared of course he's scared but now has dedicated his life to this I don't think Ben has dedicated his life to this but fingle scene has been calling did well against with with Destiny I mean they were kind of on the destiny I mean come on play guitar on the internet smart dude dude the fact that no I'm not saying he's not smart but I'm saying he has not dedicated his life to this the fact that he's just picking up this Hobby and he's out there debating the top dudes in this realm yeah I don't know his content but I would assume Destiny's life is not dedicated to this his name is Destiny it's a YouTube handle that I assume he uses for other things Beyond this so if bench app was stalemating a guy who doesn't dedicate himself to this that's not great for Ben Shapiro I think they were on the same side ohy was debating fingle soon but everything else I mean Destiny knows how of debate yeah no he's and he will read the stuff and he has his amazing retention every time I see him he has like this great recall so it seems like if he reads something it's locked in Forever doesn't matter that being said I what what was the argument what were we just talking about bench airo getting washing Candace Owens is getting it's an Unstoppable Force so I think what they're doing is they were worried that she was a runaway train with the with the brand that's she was also souring his reputation within the brand within the brand so you have the person who owns it who should be the leader of it who is going to lead the identity of the brand right is now wavering in their opinions on the well not in their influence within the brand and there's this new source that is changing the course of the brand the reason you start a media platform is you want to have some control and power nobody starts a media platform like I love the news M you want to in in the most altruistic sense you want to uh influence the course of the country that you are in right and you want the good ideas to win that's the best case scenario what it most likely is is hey we got to manipulate these people into thinking what we want so that you know we can live in a place that is beneficial for us us and I think that's what the Koch brothers do and that's what I'm sure Peter teal does and that's what I'm sure the [ __ ] MSM what is it Bill Gates does and that's what I'm sure the Washington Post is for Jeff Bezos like that's the point of media is control and they were losing control of their platform yeah so consumers of daily wire are they like looking at them like they're funny in the light now like yo you guys fired that's I think it seems like it's split my my concern about I think the biggest concern about the daily wire is that their consumers Ben doesn't represent their consumers back when it was just liberal versus conservative he was this incredible sound bite machine for conservative talking points and he had and he was Brave and he would say anything and he would go out there and he'd interview a trans person and [ __ ] rip him apart like he would he basically had every single nugget ready locked and loaded so that all these people who were conservative were now like oh you've done the intellectual heavy lifting for me great give me all those talking points I can use them now there seems to be a little bit of especially after October 7th a little bit of division yeah in the conservative party and and the Democrat Party and the Democrat for sure so there's a little bit of division right and now you're seeing this culture War that's happening within politics because the reality is the the right-wing conservative Christians that were following Ben were following because he was given them the artillery to be the most eloquent articulate conservative that they could be mhm well he's not given them the arguments for what they feel now yeah and for what some of them feel now and Candice might be giving them the arguments for what some of them feel now so you got to nip that in the bud but he's not representative of this Middle America Sal of the earth guy MH the guy I think he grew up in La went to Harvard like he never lived a life that is representative of them at all he has no clue who they are what they are cand represent them though I'm not saying Candace does I don't know her background what I'm saying is she is he was representing what they needed when they needed arguments yeah now the culture where shifted now they might need justification for Christianity there's an attack on Christianity trans day is on the same day as Easter Christians might feel a little bit like they need more representation they're not going to get that from the Jewish guy yeah yeah yeah mhm it's a good point this is kind of how I'm seeing this map out so I don't think it's that she said something wrong I think that she was running away with that platform and it was a matter of [ __ ] time and there's nothing he could do about it he can't beat her on ideas he can't beat her on being thought-provoking he's way less Brave now that he has a media conglomerate she doesn't have a media he's tied to a belief he is pro-israel Candice doesn't seem to be she doesn't have a core belief that she will not waiver on whether right or wrong or whatever she'll go with the win she will she the president of France's wife is a man are you we will say anything no son I'm saying but we're a comedy platform that's saying [ __ ] to be funny she is a news platform that's like I think it's a guy and she hilarious she goes I'll stake my whole career on this one clan that is the level of confidence I've never had in anything wow that beautiful I genuinely I think that's my op I think Dy wi was terrified that she was running away with the platform yeah well but again he you can't if you he can't say anything anti-israel he's got to be very she going to have that those guard rails she whatever [ __ ] she wants at all times anti-israel is is is maybe even a a word we could change like critical of the the country Israel okay and it is a just cuz I don't want I don't want to put any stigma on anything like every country America should be criticized Israel should be criticized Saudi Arabia should be criticized England should be criticized Sri Lanka should be and if you a lot of people probably even listening don't even have Jewish friends if you had Jewish friends you would know they are more critical of Israel than any of you guys are because you don't even know much about [ __ ] Israel so the idea that there's this like unanimous support and every single Jewish person feels the exact same way about Israel is not the case at all but there is there does seem to be that hypers sensitivity when there is critique of Israel that it is turned into anti-Semitism now some people are critical of Israel because they are anti-semites absolutely and some people are critical of Israel because they're just there's things to criticize things to criti frankly so that's the article I read and I could also say yes we know that bench probably has a bias toward support there must be something there but do you think then that it still means everything that he's built and supported for the conservative American Community is just thrown out because he still has this little bias like no I think he could still be a you know a great representative for everything I really believe that he sticks to American values believes in in all things conservatism and yeah he has a little bias but he's done a pretty good job to take the consistent here I think he's learning the limitations of his con conservativism and it undermines the thing that was built on which was seemingly presented front-facing Free Speech we're not squashing ideas here just because we don't agree with them Etc now you seem to be doing that so that does tear away at that entire foundation so the IDE now what else are you kind of compromised or wavering on now I look at you as the pro Israel new source and that's your design you didn't have you didn't have enough confidence in the American system and the fundamental core tenant of free speech you didn't have the confidence in it to just let it happen you pretended you did when it was beneficial to you but once there was a moments where having that true Free Speech could take your platform and Lead it in a different direction you immediately did what every platform does which is control the speech and now you're just learning what it is to own a media company and owning a media company is not free speech lowkey that's why Elon might be the goat now granted it's different when you have a what is it called a publisher sorry so I might have messed up those words but like Elon is literally allowing free speech and it's [ __ ] Chaos on Twitter it's fire it's fire but it's chaos but that's what free speech is it's [ __ ] chaos now he's saying that he has some people on the platform or on the that he publishes that have anti-israel ideas or ideas that are critical of Israel that he disagrees with within the window exactly which is censorship it's censorship censorship censorship so you cannot act like you are pro Free Speech completely like you're an absolutist you're no longer an absolutist you are a person that owns a business and you are willing to have censorship in order to uh make money simple as that but he said that he was like we wouldn't have someone on the on that we publish that has like staunchly pro-abortion ideals like we wouldn't contract that person we wouldn't pay them so yeah so you're a phony mhm I that the thing I couldn't figure out is whether or not he was a spe a free speech absolutist I couldn't figure out like his position historically maybe he is a free speech absolutist maybe he's not I don't know but his platform is a propaganda machine for his beliefs godamn which is what media platforms are but now don't be critical for the New York Times leaning left or Washington Post protecting Amazon you can no longer do that and you have done that in your career yeah cuz I I looked up the anti-semitic and I didn't know she liked I honest understand the context ofik D like but what she said what she said I did not see there's this idea that exists not from most Jewish people I know dub has never said this but the idea of being critical being anti-israeli government is somehow anti-semitic and the article I read literally was like the anti-semitic hate speech of Candace Owens saying what's happening to the people in Gaza is is a genocide committed by the government of Israel that's not anti-semitic that's not that's an opinion that there is some fact to support the opinion whether you agree or disagree it's an opinion rooted in something you're if I'm going to defend if I'm going to defend Jewish people here is that every anti-semite is critical of Israel so the knee-jerk reaction is when you hear critique of it you're like oh this is just how they frame their anti-Semitism so it doesn't seem as bad yeah every anti-semitic person is anti-israel every person who's anti-israeli government is not anti-semitic 100% but I understand that knee-jerk protective INE people G that kneejerk protective in anytime these buzz like uh here ites this is how it happens and to their credit I when October 7th happened and I saw some of the videos of people in Australia chanting like gas was like oh this anti-Semitism is a real [ __ ] thing yeah and I I always just kind of was like as a minority I think we're just like that [ __ ] A that [ __ ] is real but just because I acknowledge that that's real and that's [ __ ] up doesn't mean I'm automatically going to support everything that this government does that government do represent all of you you do not stand for what that government does these are two different different entities D I'm curious are there any Jewish people that feel what's happening in Gaza is a genocide and there's plenty of the not in my name plenty of Jewish people say it's [ __ ] up I hate this yeah there's very there's a lot of Jews that are very we've gone through these opinions and they can suck it but uh let me go back to just with Ben and one thing I can agree sure he's shown with his platform he is not the free speech absolutist that maybe he says he is agree completely but if having one bias for an anomaly of an insane year that's happened where it feels like the world is against one people uh or just they they felt like really alone in this position to say that he's not done and stayed consistent on a lot of true American conservative values and that's still a big part of his brand like uh that's where I disagree but I'll still admit the bi I don't know what you just said you said I he's not speech absolute conservative [ __ ] not a good conserv what [ __ ] just came we got a cam on him can we just put his really flag over his [ __ ] mouth time talking first a good conservative but hold on Jews just became conservative October 8th this idea that like you know what a good conservative is is [ __ ] you don't understand what it means to be a good conservative also what it is to be like half of my family is conservative and like traditional like old school American Republican right they are way different than religious Christian conservatives that are different than maybe Catholic Southern Bap conserv different things talking La New York Jews that just became conservative October that's what I'm saying so you guys talk bu where else are the Jews are you up in Texas I didn't even know how to tell a guy was Jewish do you know how many Jews love support Trump love and support everything what are we talking because of the support of Israel and they were critical and you've told me that exactly Obama's administration also the rich ones okay okay but it doesn't matter those things don't matter those things don't matter don't don't don't spiral don't spiral here the the the what I'm trying to say is what it means to be a good conservative it's like saying uh this is the the most extreme example but it's just like uh yeah like I mostly didn't [ __ ] kids do you know what I mean like that's what you're saying he's pretty good he like no if you are remember Ben is the conservative I'm not talking about like he can't waiver it's like finding out Dr Umar Johnson had sex with a white girl you'd go what what even one would make you discredit everything so this can't you just like to what Mark said about being an absolu hold wavering on the most important conservative point of his career which is censorship and free speak this is what his career is built on he is a journalist a person in media and completely wavering and being a hypocrite on it to me doesn't make you go oh well it's just whatever it just shows an extreme bias and that extreme bias is something that I think the public should be aware of I'm curious we don't know the details of Candace's contract but do you think she has a case for like wrongful termination I don't I think they mutually agree yeah I think we don't know if she got fired for sure I think that's also kind of murky maybe she left maybe she got fired whatever but it's clear this was an issue for Ben and I think that's what our issue is with him because again you position yourself as the absolutist of this thing the beacon of free speech now suddenly have a problem with somebody who don't agree with something you believe in yeah so that's where I think our issue is what was his thing with cotton the New York Times guy so Tom Cotton wrote an oped piece that the New York Times conservative last name to be honest and the New York Times fired two editors for publishing it because they felt like the piece was not in there what is that window over over window over Overton window so they fired to the editors and I believe Ben really you know ran them the riot act for doing that like this is censorship this is breaking down free speech the OP ED is not representative of New York Times it is a editorial piece it's this is literally a section for not the opinions of the New York times and uh he I think rightfully criticized them I would love to see even if it's a horrible article we all disagree with it'd be nice to see these different ideas out there to get this sense that like we do have this freedom of speech protected by the media so I think he rightfully was very critical and now he's admitting that he has an Overton window and that pieces that are outside of that Overton window or Talent outside of that overt will not be hired by his uh what is it is him as a publisher mhm if he had said so to me sorry just so to me that is blatant bias and hypocrisy and he's made a career calling people out for being blatantly biased and hypocritical you know if you want to have no uh standards to uphold be a comedian do you know what I mean just be a clown like us it's very easy but if you want to R people up based on their conservatism and what is this country happening like freedom of speech we got to fight for the ideals of this American people and make all your [ __ ] cowboy hat movies yeah to spe specifically talk to a group of people we know exactly what's going on MH guy never been on a horse in his life right they know exactly what's happening and then you fall short of your own expectations for other Publishers I think it's I think it's fair game to be criticized yeah absolutely I don't remember what I was going to say but yeah I agree with that and even if it's not we don't we don't care yeah you know what I mean that's the best I mean crisis King though yeah crisis King yo but Hashem is dope too man W yo Hashem is dope Allah sure Vishnu yeah ganes take ganes fire you know what I mean what's another one Ben Shapiro fire I if he makes another rap track you know back he might be back yo that's the thing if he said it with if he battled Candace say if you said it with bars we would have been like yo Ben whatever where's his rap about Israel just need Bombs Over bag we need a r man what are you saying to be like yo we hired C cuz of Dei and we're repealing our Dei so we're no longer going to have on how hard is it how hard is it we hired a black woman we needed a quot and actually we're not doing quotas anymore so and his face would be like finally learn how to appeal to your base yes come on yeah honestly that would have been perfect I mean how did he not see this coming he don't like you appeal to right-wing Christians of course they're going to follow the girl who's going yo Christ is King I ride for Christians and we're not letting anybody talk [ __ ] about Christians I'm going to defend them of course they they're not going to ride for you he had a bunch of them he had Matt Walsh like who's like super Christian yeah but and Walsh got the trans thing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but he wasn't uh like going at Ben or like attacking the the publisher what was he saying well he was just like he just does his [ __ ] and just talks his thing within the window but if you want talk about hate speech he said something like I I think if you're a doctor who performs gender affirming surgery on a trans kid you should be executed no I agree with that I agree yo Matt shout out you crisis King I do on of all days dude yo the Tuesday after trans visibility day is a really difficult day he wants to make invisible so he can handle business I'm just saying Matt Walsh got some bars bro he does have some bar I didn't know what a woman was before I watched his documentary what a woman you know luckily I was [ __ ] women thank God yeah that was a shot in the dark Shot in the Dark whole life I done married a woman without even [ __ ] knowing thank God I watched a documentary now I know she's a woman but before I watched it I would have no clue right yeah that's a you know you know how terrified I was watching that with my male or female partner until I learned out she was a woman yeah bro how do you think [ __ ] all these presidents feel how old do they feel how the [ __ ] French Guy what's his name mcon how do you think he feels watching what and then we're criticizing him when he never watched Matt Wall's documentary before he married his man that's true uneducated he could have just watch the document have never married his teacher when he was 15 that he was getting molested by oh that's the problem he was like yo what is a woman 14 he's too young to know like oh what is and now he way older he's like oh [ __ ] right I mean she was a math teacher ain't no woman can actually do that I don't know if she was but for the joke it makes sense okay what I'm trying to say is daily wise back mhm daily wi's back bro I listen daily wire is daily wire is back m it was not back when we were starting this podcast we were being critical of Ben but now that we know Matt Walsh yo Matt shout out you okay I need the noob documentary what's Matt's next documentary what is a man what is man yeah don't hit what else what else what else we got what is a country okay if he's trying to get fire he trying to get fire from daily wire what is a country what really is why is the country that was good buddy documentary dud [ __ ] yo when are we getting Matt Walsh on the Pod yo [ __ ] I need Matt Walsh on the Pod I need full I need I need to break down full Anatomy but we got to be in drag though yeah yeah to see if he can handle it no see if he can tell we who's the woman say it which one of us dude that's a great idea shout out 50 Cent bro yo shout out 50 y shouts that's fire dude yo shout out 50 but shout out La man La thank you so much for having us the Forum that was crazy shout out Dove V Shifty Mark Derek Tanya the whole Squad uh Cheryl and Rob just the whole Squad everybody put on that [ __ ] show that was that was incredible that was so [ __ ] cool man thank you la Forum what you thinking when you are in The Green Room every comedian we've ever loved is there I saw you had the showed the sign of all the people that there Chappelle's the first name that pops out what are you thinking when you're what's the moment is there a moment where you're like holy [ __ ] I'm about to go do this on stage I'll be honest with you I I got there a day early CU I wanted to work out like some local [ __ ] and I went up at the store and the Improv and everything local that I was trying to do was bombing horrendously so up until like 15 minutes before I went up at The Forum I'm like I have no clue what I'm going to talk about outside of the hour that I'm going to do and uh which is a big thing yeah the hour is the thing I'm most proud of I have no idea what I'm talking about outside of this hour no no no I know what you mean but but it's like you know me I like to kind of like uh you know talk about what's going on or like do some local stuff like it's just fun to start it and then we get into the hour and um and I and I'm going up because I was working on this stuff and I was trying to do stuff about like what I've heard about La you know the crazy homelessness and all these other things are like happening the city the city like falling apart like you see that in the news a lot and I was working it out the night before and like it just wasn't hitting and I and I remember talking to Mark I was like yo I don't think the people from here either one feel that's what's happening here or two want to admit it's happening here and then I was like it's kind of like New York where like outside of New York everybody's like the migrant crisis is crazy and everything is happening but New Yorkers are like ain't changed that much like so after bombing for four shows with all the local show I'm just like it's got to be something else and that's where the Diddy idea came through and I was like oh it's [ __ ] Diddy everybody's thinking about this and then I was like [ __ ] it let's just try I didn't get to try it the night before oh wow so so I I didn't get to try it the night before I was like [ __ ] it let's go maybe this will work I don't know and uh and that [ __ ] just went over and the crowd was [ __ ] awesome and uh brought the house down that [ __ ] it you put together an awesome show thank you so much Christ is King Christ King K Jesus Christ and um and then yeah then we put out that that uh that Diddy clip you want to know something crazy so yesterday uh we put out I posted a diddy clip right I post it the caption doesn't show up and you can't leave any comments I take it down immediately charl hits me he's like yo what happened to that clip I I tried to share it and nothing worked and I was like I'm going to try to post it again no caption no comments I immediately I'm like Diddy is is blocking me like Instagram won't let me post yeah I'm like it won't let me post what the [ __ ] is going on and I'm like holy [ __ ] has Diddy connected with meta and like put his name so we take his name out the caption still doesn't work I put puff that doesn't work we try to upload on on Burner it doesn't work and I'm like [ __ ] they flagged the clip itself so I so even other people can't post you think Zuckerberg went to a freak off to so he was at the Freak off that's what I'm thinking dead you think he got Zuckerberg on tape bro bro 100% with the quest Vision Pro dang Shifty Google's is Instagram down yeah and it's like yeah but who took it down yeah that's right too much self- I think was damn I got to be more humble and then I can see the world for what it really is yeah exactly dude anyway so uh then we went it up and then [ __ ] you know 50 obviously blown it up and I saw from him before you ain't that crazy what how does that that's crazy yeah yeah I thought it was a fun joke yeah it was wild great yeah I love you Meek I love you Meek I do love meek man I I do love meek I do Love's a good sport yeah Meek is a good sport he might not be good about this one but I love him but who else going to be on Diddy's lap you know what I mean who else going to be on Diddy's lap but anyway yeah the show was just [ __ ] great thank you so much everybody who came out man that was [ __ ] awesome wonder if rappers do that where like rappers are like oh I don't necessarily want to put this person's name in a rap but it happens to rhyme you know with this word so I have to put it in yeah basically the equivalent you know what I mean it was just the best thing for the joke yo thanks bro yeah yeah they done that it's just the best thing yeah yeah yeah yeah can I when Dream Chasers comes after you Mark's going to be like yeah we all do this right all right guys let's take a break for a second because uh listen you're either taking supplements okay so that you can improve your health improve your strength improve your memory improve all functions of your daily life uh and you're either taking 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the plane and then woke up on the plane back and everything else was just like no idea what happened unless I did something wrong which case I remember everything don't come after me but uh while we were there like I was actually able to enjoy it to where like like the first time you do a comedy club you're like holy [ __ ] this is crazy and then you do it a couple times you're like oh I'm actually able to be president the first time you do a theater you're like holy [ __ ] is this your first time ever you never opened in an arena no never been an arena Toronto is first Arena yeah y you never stepped so what is that like oh that's crazy bro I did an arena before him yeah he did crazy that's [Applause] crazy that's fire which I understand like I want the first time I do an arena to be when I do an arena but the that means the first time you're doing an arena you're doing the AR it's your show everything's on your shoulders what do you thinking when you walk out there wow I mean I think in like the in Toronto the first time it's like okay what is the pacing GNA be you always hear people talk about that in bigger venues like are you gonna have to go slower and these types of things did you go slower what did you do uh I I to me it didn't feel slower because I'm always trying to adjust to the energy I'm getting so it doesn't feel slow because it it feels on Pace with what I'm getting from them right right right does that make sense but yeah so I don't really I didn't really feel like oh I'm talking much slower Etc but but but yeah just the wave of energy that you get like a big laugh is just this I think uh duall said it best is's like you know it feels like uh like everybody's hugging you at the same time and it is just like an intense [ __ ] feeling man and also just yeah seeing that many people laugh and like when you when you can see the bodies move MH and you kind of like catch them in your periphery like the the movement like somebody laughing just going something like that like I know to me it's very easy to just kind of not lock into one person and just kind of like see everybody at the same time and then those moments will lock you into one specific person that's really enjoying something sometimes you can get locked into a person not enjoying yeah and that's the thing to fight but yeah it was just it was just awesome and the Forum is a dope [ __ ] room was that bigger than Toronto it looked in the picture look it felt smaller in the way that the building is shaped it's really intimate like some of these Arenas are are go go no I was going to say the big difference so there's no suets this is this building's from like 1967 or 68 same architect as MSG so it's round and not long and ovally the sweet thing is is is crucial because that you can charge so much money for the sweets like you charge these corporations money and they buy them because it's a [ __ ] write off but what they do is they create this separation 300 SE and then the high sections and so there's less intimacy you would say than in the in these ones that were built before the idea of sweets like it feels weirdly intimate for such a crazy room but every time when we go into the room for the first time it is jaw-dropping for me yeah like it and also pulling up like I think in in in your life or in career you get so used to like what is the next thing we have to do you know you're like what else can we sometimes you don't even you have to like yourself to like focus and enjoy the thing in front of you like it's something I like try to intentionally do like I don't want to look back when my daughter's like 18 and you know she's like so what was it like when you were doing comedy all the time and I I don't want to be like I don't know I didn't really focus on it I was focusing on the next thing and I you know I was worried about this thing and that thing and how can we do this but like so there's like a moment where it's how do we be intentional like lock the [ __ ] in and seeing the venue from the outside was like yeah that was crazy about that you know what's crazy about driving up difference like MSG parked in the middle of a city T Gard all can't see it you're in La so there's thousands of parking spots around so you just see one round building [ __ ] colum you own you own several city blocks for that night and you pull in and then it's just did you feel the Forum club like we had the Forum club before and after that's like Showtime Lakers I mean Jack Nicholson and yeah magic getting AIDS yeah stop yeah is that hi yeah probably got he probably got HIV there or he gave it both probably probably wow in that very room I thought I was going to say champagne what no well the champagne led to the HIV just like that was the free go before the free go that's funny anyway so it was just so cool thank you everybody that came out that was awesome and uh yeah I'm just really grateful it was and I feel like we put on a put on a really good show that is that is always the the cool feeling to leave with yeah you know where you feel like proud of the show that you gave the people and I think that think we did top to bottom I feel really good about the show like from when you walk in you know that it has begun you know and uh and it's something we take really seriously in terms of like how do you scale a show like this for venues like that it's not like we just walking out we have one [ __ ] light and then there's a microphone and then that's it and I think a lot of times yeah some people they don't change their show to accommodate the viewing experience for the consumer when they're now in an arena and you can do it it costs [ __ ] a lot of money to do it which we will gladly spend because we're grateful people showing up but that's I think the difference because you can create that intimacy and now you have that it's not the same as a club with 200 people but you have intimacy but now you're laughing with 13,000 people and that feeling is different MH like that is yeah yeah now speaking on the intimacy of the show so I went to the Drake concert over the weekend I wanted to come out to yours but my little baby girl is still not vaccinated so I can't fly with her yet you know your don't my baby girl I'm a father now bro I'm a father now love seeing Al come a dog guy this guy's crazy [ __ ] anyway go on do you walk the dog you don't even walk the dog right we can't yet she's not she actually got her last vaccination today no you can't oh we got to talk about that too but go on go on so yeah went to the Drake concert and you've been to it it's not that much different from the one he was doing with 21 he switched a few things like but it is it feels so intimate because he has he's right in the center and then he lets the whole floor come to him and then throughout the show he's like talking to people in this section and that section like he makes a giant Arena venue look like or feel like a small intimate show is he doing the thing where he wraps off beat still no he stopped that he stopped that so he stopped that you could rrap along with the show it's a lot better now um he does take a few shots at Kendrick here and there subliminals of course he never says his name but I really feel like Kendrick wants him to shoot first because I've heard through a source that uh Kendrick has two confirmed diss tracks like ready to go why don't he just drop them that's what Drake did on Meek that was so brilliant is just run it up that's a good point if Kendrick drops back to back then back to back to back Dr got I mean but I think like we all know Drake is tested and so if he drops first and then if Drake sees what he drops and then comes with something harder then it's like a harder battle for Kendrick but I do think this is my suspicion but uh there's dreamville this coming weekend and I think Drake B have a surprise pop up and maybe that's when we get the dist TR oh wow oh [ __ ] that'd be smart he'll do it live I I I think so that's just a guess that I have yeah but is not confirmed for dream bill so if I'm wrong [ __ ] you guys do you think that they are in on this together which who Kendrick and Drake nah definitely not no this is like true competition like everybody's been saying they're number one number two so it's like he they really want to just settle the score like see and they've been taking like low-key shots each other for a while right yeah for and that's why I'm like jck and Cole apparently also have been taking shots at each other subliminally for a while yeah but not as much as jendrick and Drake like of course of course they've been going at each other and like people are saying this last track on Metro [ __ ] is like the first diss track but it's not he never said Drake's name so it's like when are you going to actually say his name because that's when a diss track is a diss track you just keep even though the subliminals are very direct very clear they're not that sub they're lials but still still if it's a diss track say the person's name that's how I feel about it it but I guess what I'm the reason why I asked do you think they're in because who benefits the most from this is the both of them right yeah and Drake is in a position now where it's like there's nothing else that he can do I feel almost you've been on top of the game for over a decade you've made all different types of music you broke all different types of artists like what else is there left like no but it's way more upside for kendri oh yeah I I think Drake has a lot more to lose of course of course of course but like there's there is upside for Kendrick but also Kendrick is is in such a different position in that like he's looked at as this like artsy rapper who only comes out every you know what is it four years whatever he's dropping a project or three years he's dropping a project whereas Drake is looked at as probably the number one mainstream guy right now that's like curating culture Drake is I've probably seen widely by people younger than us is the greatest ever and maybe people our age I don't know he he's like the LeBron of but they both but they both in my opinion it's like they both benefit from this because now Drake doesn't need relevance but now there's something to be interested in him outside of just another album and he's dropping album album album music is great we love it his catalog is insane we love it but why are we into you now like give us the thing that's true now we got a thing yeah and then Kendrick is I imagine going to drop a new project soon I assume never know with him yeah that's true but I assume it's like maybe let me start boiling things up let me get things going for when I drop and now I'm going to drop while there's Peak Interest in me like I'll drop in the middle of a beef here's the one thing I would say for Drake the longer he doesn't respond I don't know maybe people will forget at some point but I was looking at comments on like an academics post or a grand wizard post or something and a bunch of the comments were like Drake it's about it's time to [ __ ] respond like let's go I'm tired of Defending Is that real or is but people could forget that or you know if he doesn't respond I think Drake if he responds has more to lose than Kendrick because more people say Drake is the best ever than Kendrick is the best ever I mean like Drake I think Drake is Teflon and that like he already lost the battle and he's better off like he already got the worst Scarlet Letter you can be put on a rapper and he's still Flawless like like two is two though and push is not Kendrick in terms of the perception people have of them Pusha T is not somebody that people think was ever competing with Drake yeah but I think Pusa is a better Battle Rapper if you will not not he's a battler but like than Kendrick like Kendrick I see like more like artsy storytelling and great Rhymes but I don't see him as like a diss you make you look crazy dude whereas like see I don't think I mean it makes sense I I think I see what you're saying but to be fair we would have never thought push had it would have a Dis Track that would go that crazy until was a story of addidon I think was called yeah no no 100% 100% don't get 100% I guess I wonder if he just feels like there's nothing that can happen to him yeah I think yeah I think he feels like me responding there's more to lose and gain Drake oh I don't think he's hesitating on on like I don't think he's scared to respond I think he's I think he is really I I don't want to say scared because again I I am a drake hater I still though think I give it up but I'm so I don't want to say he's scared but he's just looking at it logically and being like why would I what upside is there for me to respond cuz he's looked at at the top of the game right now if he lets two three months go by everybody forgets this nobody's talking about it so he could just stay position if he responds and then Kendrick's [ __ ] is better now that confirms Kendrick is the top is better than but if he goes crazy and his [ __ ] is better than Kendricks and it's like Undisputed yeah so no one can touch him no one's going to [ __ ] with him high RIS I what if I'm Drake I'm so tight oh yeah he's like I'm just like yo if I'm Drake I'm like I help everybody I give everybody a feature I support everybody I put everybody on I take so many chances on so many artists and really try to uplift him and I got to deal with this [ __ ] who barely comes out ever making a diss track about me so that he can be looked out as number one where I'm dropping an album every single [ __ ] Year I'm still on top of the game like I would be annoyed I would look at lowkey as clout chasing I'd be like bro like I literally I'm just I'm I'm I'm Dr I'm like I'm a good guy I am helping people who is Kendrick putting on that part is true he can't say he's a good guy cuz he has been taking shots too if he took no shots back then he could say but who really started it it's hard kendri Kendrick has some shots to control Kendrick started it a decade 12 years ago or whatever the [ __ ] with control okay Kendrick started it I also give that to Kendrick Kendrick has always been I never looked at it maybe now it's bad blood or whatever but control we all just looked at like oh this guy wants it fire yeah that verse when he said to everybody let's go this is WAP I'm taking shot for us don't get me wrong like the consumer it's awesome for the consumer wins but imagine if I'm Drake it's like I am putting out so much Goodwill in this brutally competitive hateful genre of entertainment all of entertainment is [ __ ] like hateful and competitive but this is brutally competitive in that like you can actually talk [ __ ] about one another actors can't do that you know what I mean like if [ __ ] Brad Pit and George Clooney have beef they don't act it out like in in rap you can actually do it and he's got so much Goodwill for everything he's done and he's still getting people talking [ __ ] see other rappers choosing sides too which is even crazier like you see Ross turning on them future Metro you saw LeBron mouin the Kendrick verse well what do you think about that I think it's calculated I yeah what do you think the I'm not trying to be [ __ ] what do you think calculation is saying who side I'm on without having to say who side I'm on see I don't know LeBron LeBron always positions himself as like just a rap connoisseur fan of all rap so I can maybe see him being like this is me furthering that image look I know the words of this song that came out two weeks I'm in the culture still even though I'm 39 I'm Still A hip-hop head I could see that more than I'm choosing sides maybe he didn't bring Kendrick on the shop he brought Drake on the shop and said something like you never had to respond and push I love you no matter what I think you're great no matter what Drake has been to bronn's games I think too like there there's a lot of maybe maybe there's something going on behind behind the scenes where people have a reason to be upset at Drake because it's weird like Drake and Ross have been cool for their entire career what did Ross say I don't even know like he was just all all he was driving in his car playing a Kendrick song and just like I'm telling you it's it sounds I'm not I'm not scoffing at you no I'm not scoffing at you I'm scoffing at all the subliminal stuff from murderers you know what I mean like you guys are [ __ ] murderers you talk about murdering people and then you're like you know how I'm going to show Drake I'm going to play the other guy's song in my car on Instagram stories what are we doing bro say talk your [ __ ] how we talk more [ __ ] than them yo you know what this [ __ ] is it's [ __ ] hate I believe that it's hate it's hate and jealousy I believe that from a guy who hates on Drake I believe it but but G recognize game but you like friends with the dude because it's good for business but the second somebody takes a shot that could end up being a head shot you can't wait to support it cuz he's knocking down the person that you're competing with so it's like yeah that that [ __ ] is that [ __ ] is Corning bro now unless Drake is out there smashing all their girls or something like that that we don't know about and if that's the case then we got to that's the rumor with him in Metro I guess yeah he smashed Metro's girl of Future's girls future yeah that he smash Futures girls yeah future got a bunch of women and Drake does they all do and they all share them like they that's the thing that like there's this idea there's this like idea out there that they're that like each little area has its own women there's like 500 women everybody's [ __ ] I genuinely believe this there's a pool of 500 [ __ ] that are shared by athletes rappers actors it's an 8020 rule it's not like it's not like there's a 10,000 in La 10,000 in New York 10 no no there's like 500 to 1,000 that are getting [ __ ] by everybody and sometimes girls creep into that thing they're like oo this is too much and then they creep out but it's really not that many yeah it sounds crazy Malone wrote a song about that I'm pretty sure like they same girls everywhere I go or it's like the same chicks every every party I'm at or whatever they're all invited to the same parties they're all invited it it is the same they all know the same model Wranglers I look at dating apps and they'll show mutual friends guys girls on certain things I'm just like also it's not just the rapper athlete scene right there's like the the jet Setter scene like these fancy events like the US open and the Fashion Week Fashion Week the F1 there are girls that they're models they are professional they make their money modeling but they also are there to get their holes filled by the men that frequent these events honestly that's the way to do it flowing all over the world like that's the that's the wh to be don't you guys understand what the new game is I mean it's not even the new game but basically these girls that will have brand Partnerships will be sent clothes bikinis and all this [ __ ] and they have to basically make their social media posts they're going on trips around the world with these guys that are flying them everywhere and then on these trips posting the content that they do so they're making money make your money dog make your money hey I'm all about empowerment he be paying for you wrangling these [ __ ] all I'm trying to say is it's there's just a collection of the same like I've been at like some parties right where they'll be friends of doves that will tell me that they've smashed girls that are there with other people because they're all going to the same parties for the last [ __ ] decade it's high school at the highest level of this [ __ ] it's High School oh yeah look we saw with 50 and Diddy 50 is baby mom who was seen with Diddy like I'm like I think that's a power thing I think that's Diddy trying to even so still it's like how you with two that's I think rer there if that's a power thing couldn't you say Drake theoretically [ __ ] XY like I assume Metro didn't [ __ ] this girl once totally I hate that we're gossiping about that Metro didn't [ __ ] this girl once and deta I'm over I ha I hate myself halfway through my [ __ ] who cares I'm gonna play a sub subliminal of some comic I hate in my car [ __ ] god the funny thing is that we think right that like all these famous people they're just [ __ ] thousands and thousands of girls they're not they're all [ __ ] thousand of girls oh okay yeah yeah so like you see what I'm saying it's like they're not going out like like back in the day when we would go out and try to get [ __ ] that we had to earn it oh yes these there's a thousand vaginas that are just there to get [ __ ] by the famous people and they're all [ __ ] it it's bobing for apples right and they're just go boom okay I'll take this Brazilian and then they go back to their hotel you go I'll take this girl from R man I go back here that is the game so it's not like oh they're kicking all this game those girls are like okay well if I [ __ ] future last week and then I [ __ ] uh Penny Hardway and [ __ ] 20 years ago okay who else am I [ __ ] now damn you probably couldn't Bop the apples for [ __ ] so push I almost drown no I would drown I would almost drown before I got [ __ ] up it was really [ __ ] up [ __ ] you both that was traumatic traumatic for you even bring that up [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] you ever heard Zack Fox you ever heard of him he's like yeah comedian funny hilarious a comedian rapper I think he's a satirical rapper but he was a standup he was a stand up comic yeah that's how I know him type of person no no Zach Fox is his name I don't know like like that no not at all he had like bits no he was just he was like I knew him from his songs like he he did a song with Kenny beat some went crazy but he did an interview with he blew up blueface did y'all know that really he posted the almost positive he posted the blueface song where he's rapping off beat the first one that uh really that made blueface go crazy and I think he ironically posted it oh hilarious and then it just went crazy I maybe we should Google that just to check miles can you do something besides drooling all over your [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Tuesday Tuesday thank you brother thank you brother please please miles please please Tuesday Tuesday miles stop jul thank you brother thank you brother thank you brother thank you miles so good miles thank you so much mil God damn it he wasn't listening at all what's that show um in Philadelphia School Quint oh Quinta Brunson yeah I think he's in that Brunson right quck K you're Brunson but no he's really funny he did he did a genius interview and they were like asking about like hooking up with girls or whatever and he was just like yeah man you can't hook up with these girls in La you go down in a girl [ __ ] taste Tiger's dick in your mouth I was like who that's crazy it is true they just become part part of the scene and they're livestock and they just move from one uh table to the next table on Tuesday they're at this table and Wednesday they're at that table different time and different people is they're the Foster hor we got a sponsor one or something I think that could be a good way to like a give a terrible I cannot enable this anymore dick no you use it as spies you're able to get information oh that's true actually sounds sounds like I've been reading 48 Laws of Power so once I finish that book you guys are [ __ ] once I finish that whole thing you guys are going to be you came off the plane Zen I cannot wait for this he was floating until breakfast at the hotel is already in his head but if you think he's already in his head now he's looking at everything through the 48 Laws of Power so every social interaction's like wait a minute is this guy trying to the Third Law of power what is he trying to do to manipulate he can destroy me yes oh [ __ ] got him yeah no I've been on my 48 Laws of Power lately dude shout out to Robert Green I'm halfway through I'm halfway through being the most powerful man ever should we get green on the Pod he sent us a book he did but that seems like a ploy the fourth law of power send gifts so that people don't see what you're doing is that I made that one but I feel like that's part 299 I feel that's kind of part of it right that is the book you just kind of like say some [ __ ] and people like wait a second I need to write this I'm going to write like 12 more laws I think that would be fun I got to figure them out though okay so crisis King what were you about to say something was about to bring something up or we were G to figure out Zack Fox's connection to Blue Faces song I'm Googling the hell out of it I can't find anything that's okay in the meantime s SPF got locked up just made that up I might have made that up that's fine though can't even find it on Google then I'm also bad at this I'm not good at this we met a witch oh yeah la is too much that hotel was too much you're right it is the hotel that [ __ ] was horny was wild there's a girl with gigantic fake tits three dogs in a stroller and a Mexican dude she laid the Mexican at the restaurant with us for breakfast I'm having a breakfast burrito Mark's having a something hash there's a hash yeah and uh we're sitting down there sipping coffee uh Mexican guy lies down on the bench the uh lady takes off her necklace and starts waving her necklace over the guy's head and chest and like speaking riddles and stuff that was just Spanish but yeah yeah was it Spanish okay but it was a white [ __ ] I didn't think she spoke Spanish at all but she was and now keep in mind Mark believes in demons he is he is a very uh gullible guy we say oh spiritual is that the word Spirit yes he's a very spiritual guy so Mark is Shapiro suppored this he's not even looking over he's not even looking over his shoulder I'm surprised he stayed oh I was freaked up but I was clocking her in the mirror though there was a mirror on the side I could even see in the mirror I was I was afraid it was wild it was a copper energy [ __ ] am kept going hey look like this I didn't know trying to get the gold out of that amulet so he goes he goes he goes I'm I'm looking at Instagram because Instagram is serving up like amazing foot content oh really yeah it was going crazy so so uh I'm looking at my phone and Dove's like hey hey going like this I notic there's a mirror behind me I look at the girl I think cuz she's looking at my direction I think she's catching my foot okay Instagram content through the mirror yeah yeah and I'm like is Dub telling me to like get the foot stuff out whatever like that I'm like oh so embarrassed that like I I'm looking at foot stuff oh my god well so embarrassing and then I noticed that this [ __ ] is doing spells with no embarrassment at all she hired from the hotel they were having a regular breakfast [ __ ] stop breakfast spells three yys in a baby Stoller and the guy was normal like a normal until he started doing the Spells and was like n he's he's me had to be Mexican had to be well actually we thought potentially might have yeah Shout Out Barbecue yeah yo Shout Out Barbecue bro has he responded to your DMs by the way no he we got to go visit him I think yeah I think I think we'll take a nice little trip down there to cannibal ruler of Haiti barbecue you know a lot of people have died aash is pretty insensitive suggest a trip right now you [ __ ] [ __ ] well I saw an interview the guy think that would go well for us what do you think with happen have a nice conversation put out some great YouTube content I can't don't see any do some clips ask him about Andrew Tate go viral I don't know dude barbecue reacts what's up guys I'm here with barbecue listen for every head that makes out of this room we're to get $10,000 we have to do a Mr Beast YouTube video with barbec that's fire dude oh my God some travel vlogger get that's ref yeah some kid went to go interview him and they just kidnapped the [ __ ] for two weeks how he thought this is going to go well I don't understand he does that he like goes and like interviews games yeah I know but that's crazy you knew at some point this was going to backfire right yeah he got he got back oh he got back yeah 16 days I think he was held so that worked he paid some Ransom right we don't know if he paid a ransom how much Ransom if he a pay no Ransom then his cat ribs it might be cat it might be cat how is it two baby back ribs is it two full racks you guys are being really insensitive like how's that 50k apparently 50k to become the most they wanted like 600 something bro I mean that's that's light work that's worth it yeah guy came up be organic reach dude they wanted 400k that's a deal so wait 50k from 400k who's his agent the negotiation on that [ __ ] unbelievable working out deals like Trump maybe boys and girls you see the blue light you know what that means it's time for the blue je it's time to tell you about the first and most loyal sponsor that flagrant has ever had and we are loyal to them you know why because we could all use a little bit of Dick enhancement ladies if you're with a man who's got subpar dick but he's a great guy like some people I know give them some bluechew bluechew can help things let him chew it out for you fellas if you got a girl that's special and you're a little nervous a little self-conscious about your dick game or if you are lying to yourself and pretending it's fantastic but deep down you know it's not that great you know what you need you need that blueo and flagrant has always given you this phenomenal offer to try it it will give you your first shipment of blue for free all you have to do is pay $5 for shipping that's it so blue going to 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what did he do well he's indicted or he owes what 175 million in like 10 days yeah he posted it he posted yeah guy got the money but they were coming at our boy John Stewart and I didn't like it I looked into why what happened what did so John Stewart did a whole Daily Show piece about what Trump did which is basically like he would massively lie about the like the size of a home he had it would be 10,000 ft and it say 30 it's 30,000 feet inflate the value of his property so that would inflate the value of his property and then he would go to the bank and be like hey let me get this massive loan at a lower interest rate because I'm worth so much money look how much I have in holding there's no risk no risk you guys can just have that if I default on it so he would get a lower interest rate he got found guilty of that and the judge ordered them him to pay $450 million which is what the judge said said those loans with interest would have cost you or what that's how much you made on it and then he pays that to whom he pays that to the city of New York and what do they do with it give it back to the people through whatever the tax to the migrants give it to M exactly that's but the pro so that the bigger issue is steuart does this piece and I think the point of steuart's thing was like he kind of goes at Kevin o from Shark Tank yes pretty hard because Kevin O's like dude we all do this this is we're all all my friends are scared like what's going to happen to us and he's like rich people are so used to break the law that they're like we broke the law and we got punished what the [ __ ] this is and his point is I think more so what you guys don't understand is if poor people do this they get thrown in jail if you lie about your net worth to get a car loan and they find out you get punished it's not something you just get away with that's not true whether or not that's it New York Post does an article like John Stewart does the exact same thing he sold a house in Tribeca for $17 million it's assessed value was 1.4 million 1.84 yeah but these are I looked into it it's completely different things I talked to a realtor friend yeah of mine you might know from Miami but he uh basically said this assessed value is just the city sounds out officials and they have their own metrics and they say this is how much we think the property is worth you get tax a percentage of that net worth 1.8 million the free market decides what the apartment if somebody really wants to buy John Stewart's house then they can pay whatever he wants he didn't lie about the square footage it's a 6,000 squ foot Tribeca duplex with a 1,200 ft private roof a 800t Terrace 17 million is not that crazy for this property you might have overpaid cuz it's John Stewarts but like I looked up pictures I saw I sent it to he over he overpaid significantly but he sells it down the road for 13 million so it's not like it's a $1 million house that he sold for 17 million 25% loss on a piece of real estate which is in Manhattan it's is very hard to do but that doesn't mean that that John has done something illegal but let's not undermine what's happening also the guy could have sold because he needs money sometimes a guy goes broke a lot of these really expensive properties you'll see Mark down more than you would 100,000 house because it's just there's more room and the guy needs the money now or whatever we don't know what those circumstances are but we know John Stewart just sold a house but you're allow sell your house for whatever price you want so he did nothing wrong and actually sent the my friend our friend the article and he was like oh this is a complete hitpiece yeah he did say what's happening to Trump he he was like every real estate person does this that's that the thing isn't whether or not it's wrong the thing is people have this Trump derangement syndrome where anything that he does they will grab onto and be like what an absolute animal to do something like this when they don't realize that not only is Jon taking the position of protecting the banks like his position is but the bank could have got hurt you know that bank well John says I four people out of their home John says I don't give a [ __ ] about the bank he says no I know he doesn't but the only person that can get hurt in the situ I understand in the piece he was like well those loans could have went out to other they couldn't have yeah there's never the bank never goes oh we're out of money yeah the the whole idea of fractional Reserve banking is there's always more money so an entire housing collapse was built on this idea there's always more money and they will give you they can't wait to give you money if you meet the stipulation so I don't think that that was fair I don't think it's a fair hit piece on John it's but it's also a hit piece on Trump he's not doing anything that any other developer in New York doesn't do and it's up to the banks to vet these things the banks just go oh I guess we believed it yeah that's on the banks now I was thinking maybe they're coming after him mainly cuz he's Trump secondarily I was wondering if the banks feel embarrassed like dude we got got so [ __ ] hard but they didn't get got they got paid back everybody made money there's it's a victim of crime that's what Kevin oer is basically saying like if somebody lost money okay clip them but the developer that he was working with was like yo we made money the banks got their money back everybody made money so why is he paying $450 million to the city or to the state if there is a victim who lost $450 million pay him that and like how dare you but if nobody lost money he beat the system and that's kind of what happens did some people think they going to make more money L say again did some people think they were going to make more money I have I I would have to look in that I think he made more money because of it but I think the bank made back the interest that they want that's what they're looking forward to uh it's still a version of fraud like if you're lying on this document to get a loan and you're lying about how much you're worth it's still I would look at it like like you're still committing a crime maybe the severity of the crime is not that crazy but it's still a crime my feeling is like you can't commit the fraud if they don't verify it like do we really think that the bank isn't verifying this [ __ ] like I can't fathom the bank like You' bought a house the the amount of [ __ ] that you got to go through to buy a house the amount of legal bu the bureaucracy the amount of checks and credit and everything that you have to buy a piece of property I cannot fathom when it comes to hundreds of millions of dollars of property they're just going to be like how much did Trump be say was worth all right I believe it the banks know the developers are scumbags they know they are acutely aware of how scummy they are and they're literally looking for margin anywhere they can get it so they develop systems to protect against them for whatever reason they let that [ __ ] go I'm just saying like this isn't there are plenty of things you can be critical of trump about yeah this isn't the what is it uh the the hill to die on or whatever the cross to could it be CHR Christ King uh could it be what you often say to like you talk about I think you had a drug dealer on brilliant idiots and he's like man I got seven years for a crime I didn't commit and you were like did you do other crimes that you could have gotten could it be the same thing with Trump yeah 100% but get him on those like and get him on the ones where they're victims like that those to me like I always joke around about like him not paying the the um the contractors and how he's my hero because the contracts are taking forever to like do any [ __ ] renovation I want to do I keep spending more money I joke about it but if there are of those contractors those families that the whole business went under because they couldn't afford to pay their bills and like those people really hurt that's to me a more compelling story if you're trying to assassinate this man's character to me that's more interesting than oh Bank of America didn't count the square footage and then he able was able to get a loan that he paid back and everybody made money on yeah I I honestly don't I don't know don't think he should be prosecuted but I'm playing Devil's Advocate again to your point this is the thing they can get him on so he got away with these other things that we can't get him on we can get him on this so you're saying this is the uh didn't pay his taxes [ __ ] for uh Capone he made enough enemies and now they're going to get him on whatever they and so are you mad that he got not mad but do you feel that it's the hit piece by Jon or the fact that he was even prosecuted is what's unfair oh I don't think I don't care about the John thing like I do whatever you want I think it's I my my feeling is Prosecuting him for this is only going to embolden his base and for and rightfully so like if I'm a big Trump guy and I see this guy who's like under attack that's my and then you see this thing happening and if you have any idea of like how real estate in this city or any City Works you're like this is what they all kind of [ __ ] do like we're really just targeting this guy now it justifies that yeah they are targeting your guy now you're going to lean in 10 times more more but do you think like say whoever discovered that he was doing this and like ah let's just let him do it because we don't want to make his base but like they should I feel that they should still bring the charges against him I think if you prosecuted more other rich people it might be a thing but here's the thing maybe that starts maybe that does because you guys say it like oh everybody's doing this and I I wasn't aware that everybody's doing this I wasn't aw I the is John's point is like people just tend to get away with fincial crime let me let me let me put well people with finances are the only ones that can get away with financial crime it's not like a you could lie to qualify for food stamps I think was an example of John they do that all the time poor people do that all the time I think people get upset about it yeah but they're not going to jail they're not forced to pay back the food like how many of our friends like claim someone else's kid like that was the big thing growing up like if your French had a kid you claimed them as a dependent like well I think they stopped doing that because the IRS started cracking down on it right so now you can't do you they closed that loophole up now you can't get are you certain of that or yeah you don't hear that joke nearly as much anymore I'm fairly certain I'm 99% certain tax people have told me yeah the IRS is cracking down on this dependent [ __ ] you're not just getting around you're not getting away with that anymore got it got it got it which I again I think and I'm I'm not even necessarily saying I love John I don't agree with everything he says I don't really agree with this piece but I think that's his point which I can understand yeah yeah but this is not something the IRS needs to crack down on there's already a rule in place that it's not allowed yeah right right so the the rules are there it's how it's prosecuted if the rule gets removed that you can't claim dependence that is something entirely different it's up to in this circumstance I believe the banks to make sure that whoever they're loaning money to is capable of paying it back it is in their best interest to do it if I'm the bank and I find out that this person defrauded us I'm firing every single person in the division like we got I'm basically going we got lucky that he ended up paying it back but I can't trust y'all to run this [ __ ] business like to me that is how you punish this now yeah Fair say everybody does it let me give you an example me is there sorry is there not a rule in place that says you can't lie about these things to get Al loone and I would assume that's a rule in place that sure there's there's there's definitely a rule where it's like be honest about your things but I also think that those things are checked example of this you look at an apartment in New York City a lot of people don't know this but if you in like a walk up in New York City the stairwell can be considered part of your square footage for your floor so you might have 800 squ ft in your apartment and then a 200t stairwell you list that as 1,000 square ft now you don't really have 1,000 square F feet you have 800 square fet right so the price of your apartment is based on a square footage is it 2,000 a foot is it 4,000 foot but is it 2,000 a foot based on 1,000 or 800 now now it is legal to include the square footage should it be is that something that they should change because you're really talking about a dwelling that's a shared stairwell that's not your actual space there's so many little [ __ ] little angles and [ __ ] that you can push pull within real estate I'm not saying that this is the exact same thing but here's an example of how the average everyday person you you you me would list our apartment yeah but I I can see that because if you get around the system legally then good take advantage of everything you can get out of the system but if you're doing it illegally 30,000 here something illegal here's something illegal that every single right now you go on to any website in New York City my apartment right now is the apartment that I live in with my wife and our baby nurse is listed as a three-bedroom apartment it is a one-bedroom apartment that has a dining Al Cove and then a mezzanine it's called it is legally a one-bedroom apartment in order to be a bedroom in New York City you need a window and a closet and I guess yeah that's right in a closet they illegally list it as a three-bedroom apartment they illegally use that I'm sure to inflate the value of their building M they illegally obtain loans based on three bedroom listings cuz you charge four more so they are illegally doing this nothing's happening they're not being sued the developer not suing them they're not having to pay the city like this is you go on any Real Estate website right now yours when you bought yours they probably said not bought yours when you rented yours they're probably one bedroom or something like that fake one bedroom fake yeah right but so is like the smallest version of it what I'm saying is like they're all doing it and we will do it when we have the opportunity to yeah when you sell your place mhm you're going to go every square inch of everything I'm been saying what I'm saying is it's just not the hill to D in with Trump like go after him for the things that are legit but don't go after him for the things that he does that everybody in his field [ __ ] does yeah because it's just going to look like what it actually is which is [ __ ] piece again I agree it's I it's just they're just trying to get Trump cuz they don't like him I think I said it the top that's the main thing also 10,000 feet to 30,000 fet is a huge lie and I think this is the thing they can get him on it's hard to get him on some of these other things probably yeah otherwise they I think would have gotten them because they don't like them they want them out of here but this is the thing they can get I don't even think they get him on this I don't think they do either and I do think it only serves to un bold in his fan base but right now this is the thing they can get but and and what when I say they I just want to be very uh carefully here I don't even know if it's a organized hit I think it could also be people trying to make their career off of trump yeah absolutely so it's not as nefarious as like seven people the DNC saying hey you go get him you go get him you go get Hillary Clinton's the actual attorney that's suing him dude but it's also Party politics as well no there's definitely Party politics but it's also there's a DA who's like oh I'm going to make my career off taking downum it is so what I'm saying is you don't even care like not even you but like the person that's doing it doesn't even care about the people the good people of New York or the banks or whatever they care about forward progress in their career and their using this person to do it when they go private they can be like yo I'm the one guy that got money from Trump yeah so it's everybody is Faking it yeah which is the game don't get me wrong 100% but I want to call out one part the game when everybody's playing the game so so it's the same thing I guess with like trans visibility day which is like and we were having this conversation before where it's like you get to a certain point where you're like if everything's fake why is nobody acknowledging this and how do we trust any piece of information like trans visibility day Biden declares it you knew when you printed it yeah that he didn't declare [ __ ] Easter Sunday trans visibility day day this was a clerical not I won't even call clerical this was a timing thing mhm yeah really like it's honestly Catholics flipping the [ __ ] day every year when you think about it right so and the same thing with this and it's just like when everything is just [ __ ] do you just play the game as well knowing that you're a liar or do you call out the truth like yeah what do you what do you do in that sit I feel like the making fun of how absurd it is that everybody's just going along with a lie John Stewart is the position but John knows John knows better he knows better I feel for everyone who like calls it how he sees it I think he's the closest to being authentic I think John is authentic yeah John is purely authentic what I'm saying is he also knows that this thing on Trump is [ __ ] and the only reason he's doing it is because Trump is running for president he could have done this 20 times over with every developer in New York City he didn't he's doing it because it is an example of why this person that maybe he believes is unfit to be president shouldn't be that that's what I'm saying and also he's running for public office and he should be scrutinized just like anybody else is 100% and John show is to talk about politics so he's not going to just pick on any other developer 100% 100% I I I I'm not critical of the choice I am critical of the choice about this specific thing when maybe there are other things that he could focus on we spent so long on this [ __ ] topic was it interesting I have no clue what's real I have no clue what fake I have real Crisis crisis kingis every time we say that miles is going to insert a picture of you at the anointing Stone touching the stone hell yeah dude you haven't been there I didn't write them all down so don't hold me to that standard I've been there right or have I I don't know even know is that the wall do it now you haven't been to the anointing Stone bro he hasn't been to Israel wait really I haven't been to Israel I'm going to go it's not even on when this whole little uh Kur fuffle settles down get over themselves Kur fuffle that's what you you went to the wall but you didn't go to you must have gone to the Church of the Holy supper n but you went to the Jew wall son I had to get my pick off bro there why would you get your pick off at the anointing Stone that's where Jesus was wrapped up I didn't have enough time on the way to the you go to the tomb where Jesus rose to Heaven I went to the place where he went to heaven what do you mean enough enough time the whole shit's like block right it's a whole no but you walk from your car past this small church that has the supper Church to the Jew wall maybe as a Jew I'm offended my tour guy he wasn't he a bring me there yo we should go do a hudge we should go to Mecca during Ramadan dude I have a friend that's there right now and he was telling me the whole [ __ ] with like you got to like camp out and you get your whole thing and you take spend the day doing the 500 and you go around it if you go I hope you get [ __ ] kidnapped like that why would I get kidnapped there's one place he's not going to get kid why would I get kidnapped it's so annoying why why is it to do H like but you know you can't do the hudge if I convert oh you have to be a revert oh really isn't that what it's called because everyone was Muslim oh that's fire oh that's that's kind of smart is it called a revert can can somebody look that up were they all Muslim time meaning like we're all Muslim in God's eyes oh that's fine oh that's good Brandon that is great Brandon I've never heard no that's can someone look that up I want to make sure I'm you don't need to look start we don't need to do that we don't need to look up the facts but we can remind you that you were all Jews before just want no we weren't all Jews before cuz you guys wouldn't let us in you selfish [ __ ] greedy pieces of [ __ ] you're the only ones yeah right you could have been all Jews you could have solved this whole [ __ ] Israel pal thing if you just let him drle up but you didn't is that the answer is they got Christians and Muslims in there yeah dude I think you guys got to bring some people in dude open it up open it up open it up Juice open it up you got the toughest bouncers bro yeah like even if what's the rule even if your dad's Jew you're not a Jew yep that's crazy bro that's half I'm ready to marry an anti-semitic girl as long as she's Jewish what I don't care after she marries you she will be speaking of Jews dude SPF is a real one what'd he do keep him he didn't snitch wait a minute tell me what does that mean who do you have to snitch on everyone else went down everyone else went down what does that mean everyone else went everyone else that's in the organization that was like a part of FTX or Alama yeah all of them cooperated they all turned over like one States evidence like gave over text messages gave over everything yes they should there was well they all were getting richd off it everyone was doing dirty [ __ ] oh so wait he's the only one that Yeah well yeah he doesn't have an opportunity to snitch on everybody cuz he's the head he was snitched on but there's got to be a way right no there's nothing he could say he's the top he's out theone he's The Godfather they could go and get someone he could get someone else who's he going to get Tom Brady maybe there's nobody else to get get Larry David there's nobody else to get nobf he that he's he's going well free him yeah free SBF Loki free SBF some people were saying that his parents were in on it too which is hilarious of course they're in on that this have you looked into this they're both St for law professors you just shook your head now you do you do believe it I do believe it a single Christian crypto fraud person that's fact that's probably not true but I'm I'm with it look it up look it up there's not a single Christian crypto fraud person it's true look it up the Winkle VI look up the Winkle VI or Hindu or Hindu I don't know about y'all no we're good a Denver Pastor was charged uh Pastor charg cryptocurrency fraud and he said God told me to do saw that one saw that one that's the crypto coins I don't count crypto what no but when when you come up with the fake coins crypto [Laughter] sorry yeah yo what happened to Krypto Zoo that's what we no that's what we need that's you that's you that's you that's you you AA later if SPF is getting 25 years how long is Logan getting for crypto Zoo he shouldn't get the same amount but he should go to jail for a little he needs to get at least 5 years for that fried chicken [ __ ] yo five years for the prime Fried Chicken which is so racist to send that the [ __ ] blacks you got literally two Alex we got can you show me the thing tell me it's on the ground oh there it is there it is I don't even want to see it this got sent to Alex media at flagrance Studios [Music] a fried chicken Prime flavor no C crazy I have to taste oh you got to taste it oh no it's delicious Logan got to go to jail I had to taste it that was ja like I had to no you well I don't I'm going to like it anyway I don't know anything about this I mean you don't flavor your chicken so it's the same yeah way too much seasoning you should try it no I'm good that's nice I'm good it's like chicken broth or grease little bit of chicken fries that that genuinely is not bad it tastes like bone broth it tastes like dude the [ __ ] out of here at this you guys ever had bone broth holistic bone great for coll makes your hair look good you guys should try this you got sound effect was really that's really nice honestly e ew it sucks it tastes like a Ramen packet in water that's great that actually sounds pretty good try no I'm not I'm why cold beer on a Friday night I stand against this I don't like this truly tastes nothing like chicken in any way don't like anything can you anything about can you try it why don't you like anything about it can you try it try [ __ ] guys we on podcast or not Al try the [ __ ] Fried Chicken I'm not he don't force out of drink you're stinking upen suck it up stop get over yourself dude try to [ __ ] Fri Chi sella is not cooked enough that's terrible trying to [ __ ] Terri Sal manella oh no Jesus why you yelling at me yo why you can't just try it you turn it aash on with them nose real talk that was close Okay but in all seriousness um so can I have this is disgusting actually chist is King Fried Chicken is Queen and Dove here you go they should sue his investors what do you mean for wasting money for a joke like that yo what Logan should go to jail Logan should go to jail I just looked into this crypto Zoo thing did you guys find out about this crypto suit thing I mean he's obviously a racist for sending Fried Chicken paraphernalia to Alex but outside his racism he should go to [ __ ] jail for this crypto Zoo thing why did nobody tell me about this why did nobody comment on every [ __ ] podcast about it for the last six months that would have been nice if they did that so we could know it's crazy [ __ ] crazy miles you got any information on crypto Zoo miles hasn't got any of his money back miles just keeps waking what does miles do does he even switch the camera angles does he even switch the camera angles anymore I'm sorry miles are we boring you no light like he we need a miles cam just so he actually pays the [ __ ] attention what just happened one of the lights is flickering I'm staring up trying to figure out which one is is that what you're doing yeah yeah yeah that's what it was better can we talk about these miles 11s getting married oh my God they're five and a half look at her back oh [ __ ] I got to look at my notes y this is okay so there are these conjoined twins yes Abby and Britney henel break it break down the story out so what's crazy is that I don't even know why this became a big story right now because she's been married since 2021 so people just discovered that she was married and now they're reporting on it w twice as long as a normal story but yeah they've actually been make I actually feel a little bit bad for them because they've been making an effort to stay out of the spotlight because they hate the attention that they get and all the questions that they get and [ __ ] like that but we can not talk about this because this is crazy so this is C crazy so what can you tell me which one he's married to so he's married to Abby is the left of got be closer wow yeah so that makes sense look at her hand all up on him the type of twins they are they have different brains different hearts and I think different livers but then everything weighs down they share and then Each One controls an arm and controls a leg so they they have to like really get their coordination down on everything they do yeah it's reallyy dope they drive too that's crazy nah can't do that only one drives because only the right leg girl control let's just say dude just imagine how bad a double woman driving is that's nuts how' she get a [ __ ] license imagine showing up to your driver's test and this [ __ ] ginger root walks into the car you got to take it seriously are you kidding me no but the dope thing there's no blind spot yeah good this is probably the safest wom driver in the world great point you don't even need a rear mirror looking behind you the whole time looking like B there's so many upsides this is awesome okay okay so so does what's the deal with the other girl she just got to be married to does she get nights off does she get nights where she's not getting [ __ ] so yeah they both feel their vagina so so they both got a consent but does she get a night does she's like I just want to sleep with because she's not married to him correct I don't know why both don't just marry him yeah there's only one it's two hearts one connection don't be a monster but like you could be in a poly ous relationship what if they're not poly you're forcing them to be poly what the [ __ ] aren't you Christian but sh why you wouldn't ask send them to Hell jeez I don't think people go to hell you're defending him yeah but I'm like yeah like they could both just marry him and then they'd be all all synced up no okay no good counter good counter counter what do you think about it miles uh apparently this all blew up apparently this all blew up because he's being uh he had a former marriage and he's being asked to do a paternity test with his former children so this is why it's back in the news I don't understand why he would be asked to do a paternity test uh to see if if his past uh wife was cheating on him so he's requested the paternity test no she filed for it why would that doesn't make any sense why would she want it hey I'm reading the same [ __ ] y'all read oh maybe he's not claiming the kid and she's like y yeah that does make sense miles thank you you talking about Mari this a Mari yeah basically wait wait so can they have kids what happens how many heads will they have does it double come on does it no I'm being honest genetic it might there might be four of them just can we just acknowled that that that's a possibility up probably a possibility but yeah usually this type of sies they don't uh make it Beyond infancy so she's like a rare occurrence I mean it's amazing what they've been able to do in their life yeah it's fire but when she's giving him head does the other girl just have to be like next to it like crazy so double topy is fire but it's not even double like short listen to podcast one of them is listen to flagrant and then the other one is just [ __ ] blowing dick bro Al for the ride that's yeah you're just there that's wild I maybe they have like a divider or something I mean the noise cancelling headphones are crucial yeah yeah you could do a like a divider maybe one those sleeping masks and some noise cancelling headphones you're in your own world would you do that if you went out to dinner this is interesting hey we want to go out to dinner and private time the other girls just like I'm going to bring my book and I'm we're going to put again a little visor or whatever and then you guys have dinner I can't hear anything you're saying and then you have a nice intimate date and I'm just reading my book and I'm hanging out oh if they're both on dates then you could just get a visor across the whole thing done and then you have two dudes dude you know what's tough these are two sisters they got they got [ __ ] to vent about with the other you can't do that ever oh wow just there it's like hey I want to complain about you put on your no cancelling headphones put on some music I need to vent about you well I yeah I bet you they complain less though I feel like they argue less like their lived experience is such the exact same they're always sharing cloth you know what I mean [ __ ] they would have got in trouble during Co they can't even social distance that is true that's true that's true how did they make it through you think what the way you said it I mean that question seems like you're were figing curiosity to set us something insane no I'm being serious like how do they make it through now it's coming I have guys I don't have there's nothing we we got we got to look away all right put canceling headphones what's another topic that we can talk about there's anything else God man shout out to them y yeah yeah I wonder how they made it through how do you think they made it through guys what did they do to make it through I have no theories do you have a theory no I don't have any theories about it I'm really glad for their relationship I'm glad that I want to see see him Dance Yo should we some Hill song and just I would rock out Hill song Hill song and Sh and no cuz there was no [ __ ] Wi-Fi so my Hill songs didn't pop up damn what' you do the whole fight I watch three body problem oh hell yeah three body problem three body problem it's a new Netflix show about how jez dude no it's about SI twins that got married Bro that's [ __ ] you're [ __ ] out of your mind bleep that whole [ __ ] that I said and keep exact everything he said cuz that was amazing uh no three body problem it is a uh new Netflix show that has the worst branding I've ever seen the worst name I've ever seen there's a couple like casting issues but the show itself is really compelling and interesting it's based on this like novel like one of the highest sling novels ever and it's done by the guys who did Game of Thrones and James Cameron tried to buy the rights of the novel multiple times they just wouldn't give it to him they they finally agreed to give it to this guy it's like one of the most bestselling books of all time really cool story uh and um wait but the guys who did Game of Thrones that was the ones who did season seven and eight no that did all all those guys did the whole thing and then seven and eight is where it kind of fell off but they did the whole when it was great they still did it yes yeah they and they really did it with like a no writers room it was them for all those great Seasons that you love so they are they had a good sceal source material credit the source to be fair to them they have Source material with an ending this time and they don't have to make their own shitty God awful ending Jesus yeah okay yeah oh I'm in you're nice you're [ __ ] great anyway new show on Netflix I think very uh interesting uh how do I tell you what it's about without like giving away too much uh um you just watch it yeah yeah maybe just check it out but it's cool but I if you're looking at The Branding of it if you're looking at like trailers and that kind of [ __ ] from it it kind of sucks and I would see why you wouldn't want to do it but then when you get into the story the story is like kind of really interesting dents and uh and cool just fire one thing is I don't think you can I think they're TV show they probably had a lot of approval rights you're not going to change the name of the book that's what people know that's what it is and then on the the first teaser I agree you don't know what it's about just give it a shot first teas is it going to be the show that saves us as a nation that gives us everything to watch every single week no not at all it's just another fun thing for us to watch fun show I started watching the gentleman I'm still almost the first episode yeah I loved the movie did you see the movie guy is great he's great movie was great this is kind of like taking a part of the movie and making building a series off of that part but I think it's going to be good I'm like almost through the first episode and it's just fun just great check it out chance it's a Vibe it's Ace it's not like uh the most amazing thing but it's like a good it's good it's quality yeah it's not you know good distraction yeah great distraction good past time I'm rewatching Seinfeld but uh my girl she's only she's watching it for the first time so really yeah so it's like really fun experience oh yeah better this time like there was so many things I just missed Just Too Young Too Young to get it but it's awesome watch yeah and there's certain so the first season I I struggle with a couple seasons are early but it's just a little slower but then there's things I didn't live in New York so I didn't get certain episodes like one episode Kramer they live on the upper west side he's dating a girl on the Lower East Side and the whole episode is like this longdistance relationship and it's killing them to try to see each other and if you're not from New York you're like I guess I don't know but when you live in New York you're like yeah that's crazy dude Upper West Lower East who's doing that there's uh Akash said one of the funniest things when we first met he was going to look for apartments and uh he went to look for an apartment in Brooklyn and uh he goes the apartment go the apartment was he goes the apartment's 4 miles away yeah right he goes he goes it took me an hour and a half on the subway to get there he goes is the subway going two miles an hour I couldn't understand it dude he just couldn't get this idea blew my [ __ ] mind it was actually I think it was seven it was Hoboken to the Bronx so I'm taking the PATH train and then I'm taking the this train and then transfer it was 2 and a half hours and I was like I think I could have walk to this but I do understand like if you're coming from outside the city you're just looking at mileage Oh yeah you 7 Minutes 7 miles is 7 minutes I made this mistake a week ago I was looking for apartment and I was like okay what do I set the radius to like like if I'm looking for places in area and I was like like two miles two miles Connecticut Pennsylvania that was blowing my mind you don't realize how small this whole [ __ ] is how's it looking the apartment uh search terrible is it bad wait tell me tell me tell me I me just like you're looking for like now the priorities have changed we're like trying to find just like a nice regular [ __ ] place and it's just it's hard to find anything that's like good everything's so expensive and then you're just like looking at like okay maybe we just don't eat food anymore like you're trying like we're trying to like budget in our heads we're like yeah we can like try to skimp here I don't know you're looking to rent a but rent just in Williamsburg you want to move in with me I would I mean Dove got the craziest deal of the century and I asked him I was like Dove what should I do for a place he was like moving with Jal I was like okay this is productive J got globalist yeah [ __ ] Global right J got a place out in Greenpoint yeah hear that Greenpoint and Williamsburg are kind of like they like mhed Mark is bougie he wants is beautiful Green Point is great yeah you're a water on green bit of a train desert but it's beautiful I think that's the only tricky thing which is is uh the subway system yeah you're got the bitee though yeah which is far there's also you don't really care about your wife's wellbeing anyway so you know whatever she'll figure it out that's like a two bird situation the uh the uh the thing of someone said about like uh Green Point is like um there there's like no post off there's like weird things that don't exist there because it wasn't really erected to be a residential place I think there was a big Polish Community that was always there but like so they just don't have certain things that you just uh automatically expect the post office who [ __ ] needs it go to FedEx but there might be a few other things that are like that but the fact that the neighborhood has become so popular and living in Brooklyn has become so popular In Our Lifetime that two distinct areas that felt far from one another have now just Blended in yeah like that's I know I sound like an old guy right now saying this but like can you imagine when we're younger I still remember Williamsburg when it was rough like I remember I remember when it was the [ __ ] globalist yeah it was the heads for the globalist IAL I I talked to a globalist on the phone trying to like figure out a deal for the apartment and what did the globalist say it's the globalist that runs my current apartment and I was like is there any way you can keep me in the area cuz my wife is a midwife for the global so smart so for the globalist but for the super globies the super globies we're talking about the they got that hat the curls and Big Time That's Not Williamsburg it's Lithuania yeah it's [ __ ] it's Poland but I was like yeah can you keep us near the neighborhood like do you have another place and he's like please tell me the globalist took care of you he like well look we'll look for it but then he tried to check me he's like which hospital I was like humous bro come on and then he was like oh you're real oh yeah exactly so we're trying to work it out with the globals I mean we're never calling Jews Jews Again by The wayo Who would have thought an cter with an absolute Banger what do you think about it I'll allow it see fun you got to have fun with it yeah dude okay crisis King yeah okay but crisis King so in yeah do you any advice apartment hunting what should I do man should I buy place and renovate it what do you think oh my gosh [Laughter] don't trust me most Financial things oh my God who would have thought you would have thought you know you get a nice you know nice piece of uh real estate cuz you got such a globalist name you would think you know once they find out you're not globalist then you are just [ __ ] oh my God you you got the place without the help of a globalist to seal a deal you use a globy but not to find it right I just want to make sure I want to just I located the deal myself so son's globalist found the deal impressive I'm sure was listed by a globalist but I found it um and now we have the meatballs working on it yeah they're for that the meatballs are very you need the enchiladas really the chimy changa is working on honestly the meatballs H the chimmy Changas so the meatballs have hired the chimy chongas and and the chimy chongas I think are fantastic but the meatballs I don't know if they're communicating to the Chim Changas what needs to get done so there's really no head meatball that's the problem yeah so every time you go in it's like something hasn't been ordered or something like you know I guarantee if it was some fresh [ __ ] Tomatoes they'd get ordered but when you need the meatballs to actually order the mill work that [ __ ] doesn't get done so I think that we have what is commonly referred to in the business as a meatball problem mhm yeah cuz a globy did help you with this space put up the walls do the things no no I let's be very oh let's be very clear about this but the meatball found theob a Nagasaki helped us with this place a Nagasaki designed this place a nuk a nuke designed this place right nuke is good a nuke designed this place Rhymes does well do that technically buil godam hold [Laughter] on there's a chain go so so but then there was we did have a globalist that came in to do something they maybe put did the work or something did the walls and youed him the wrong way so much that he doesn't even answer your phone anymore no no no he loves us what are you talking about are you really going to sit on this podcast he loves it there's one person that doesn't the rookies that did the glass work but was he also a globalist nope you're lying right now nope I I can feel the uncircumcised dick just just coming through lying right now you're right now you're lying you're telling a lie you're telling a lie Boris was not a globalist oh it was Boris no just made up name well the name cares a lot of make up names okay in all serious in conclusion stay stay a I was I was annoyed you on your phone and then I heard that I just saw motion detected now there's a black woman stealing my baby whoa respect you got to go do something yeah you got to go do something bro dude yeah all little we can not get back after 400 years bro you got an oxtail grabbing your baby you got to go do something is my a be oh my God okay guys listen um in conclusion in conclusion uh chrisis King okay mhm shout out to globalist though globalist doing pretty good job I [ __ ] with the globalist I like the glob yo love the globies we love you CH King big globalist fan Christ is King though Christ is King we know that um anything else I think those the shout out Dy wire y yeah shout out Matt Walsh yeah what is a woman we need to know what the [ __ ] that is to the bottom of that we are going to get to the B we're going to have him on the Pod see if he could tell talking all that [ __ ] like he knows I'm going to show you a [ __ ] see if you can tell the difference between my dick full hold it up in a nice fresh mat they could be good crisis ging what else miles happy na trans coming out there happy trans visibility day happy miles uh attention span of a sparrow day nice okay you see the video of The Crow taking down the Israeli flag oh man leave us alone this year hilarious bro hold on it's on the top that is a super funny term for Muslims [Laughter] miles oh man I need to see this bro that is bad Omen that is crazy came out 11 hours ago watermelon yo water no way I mean I've never a bird take down a flag before but it's a robot right it's like a Hamas tool or something like that is that be funny that's what they were using their Tech on Yo robotic grow no that's not real that's got to that's got to be hilarious though no that's awesome that is crazy as flames that's not real that might be God right there no obviously fake news yeah that's fake news alternative that's king that's the king's work right there yeah I know right we have receipts this year guys think so okay listen listen we love you probably going to use him to return some [ __ ] you [ __ ] you got coupons too [ __ ] glob he's away he's Ren miles is and the p and the podast PE h
Views: 653,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew schulz, andrew schultz, comedy, comedian, stand up, flagrant 2, sports, entertainment, pop culture, commentary, comedy club, near me, jokes, interviews, akaash singh, alexxmedia, alexx media, alex media, eddin, eddin media, Thankyoueddin
Id: Tt-ywOVbOiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 53sec (7673 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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