Real Life Sentry Turret, that Protects your Room

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hi i have a problem i still live at my parents house which is great and i even have my own room but nobody in this house actually realizes that it is my room and they always enter and take things and leave the door open and i'm tired of it so i've tried locking a door and i've tried telling them but since everyone has the same lock in this house that doesn't work and telling them i mean that failed years ago so i was out of ideas but recently i played the port games and i saw these sentry turrets and they were actually made to protect rooms and i thought it would be really cool to have my own sentry turret to protect my room so today i will try and build one and at first i wanted to do something with facial recognition so it wouldn't shoot at me but then i looked into it and i realized that i'm and have no idea how to do any of that so i will stay true to the spirit of the portal turrets and shoot anything that moves i'm really bad at programming so basic arena stuff is the best i can do and with those limits i had to keep it very simple my solution was to add a motion detector which activates the turret if anything moves and the ultrasonic range fender will detect anything that is within a set distance so i did a little modelling and that's what i came up with here you can see the motion sensor if it detects anything moving the stepper motor here starts turning and the distance sensor here scans the room if it sees anything within the set distance it will know the position of that object and i can target it i soldered it all together and here you can see it completely assembled here you can see the arduino which drives the stepper motor driver which drives the stepper motor which drives the tourney thingy with the the distance sensor attached um the motion sensor senses motion obviously and the limit switch switches limits i have plugged everything in now so it's time for a test i will place this lighter in front of the sensor and we'll see how the machine reacts [Laughter] so as you can see it obviously detected the lighter let's try it another time yeah works good so the only thing left to do is now add some sort of gun on top and then my turret is done for the gun part i just bought a cheap airsoft gearbox and added the 3d printed hopper to it and in front a barrel so i've plugged everything in now and i'll try it out now yeah um i think i need some sort of lid that's better [Music] now it's time for a few little tests to see if the turret works so i plugged everything in now and well i'll just test if it works the real problem is that it looks like a turret so everyone will avoid it but i really wanted to shoot people so i'll have to somehow disguise it as something else yeah that's good enough but something is missing perfect now it looks friendly and no one will be afraid this is the code i don't even know what's happening here i just copied and pasted from the internet but it works now i will set the range of the turret from about 20 centimeters to 2 meters and it should be ready [Music] [Music] so that's the turret it is already activated um so if i step in this room now it will shoot at me i've not activated the gun yet because well i don't want to shoot myself um because there are walls here and here i had to restrict the angle of the sensors a little bit but otherwise it still works or it should work at least so i'll try it now [Music] yeah perfect great so now i just have to activate the gun and wait till the next person wants to steal something from me now i've activated the gun at first i didn't want to activate the gun but you know it isn't that strong and it's more scary than it hurts so let's try it yeah yeah it definitely works [Music] yeah the next one who wants to steal something from me will be surprised i just noticed something how do i turn it off again without getting shot
Channel: GobbleMaster
Views: 941,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade, diy, selfmade, project, build, Sentry turret, sentry gun real life, sentry gun, selbstschussanlage, automatische schießanlage, automatic aiming gun, portal sentry gun, protect your room
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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