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this week I am in Spanish Wells waiting for some parts because so much has happened I wanted to lay out the timetable quickly two weeks ago I left Bimini after hosting charters for one month I went off grid some days with no land in sight for one week then I made my way to fish with some local fishermen for one week which is when I almost sank due to my shaft seal leaking and my bilge pump going out simultaneously in the middle of the night I want to add that as this has happened it has been harder to do even the simple things around the boat including picking up the camera I apologize for being a little absent during this time and I hope you understand and I'm happy to be floating and I'm happy to be floating in Spanish Wells so here in the Bahamas it's super hard to get stuff I am thrilled to be in Spanish Wells because they have a delivery system and if there's an address in Miami sickly if I can get things shipped to this address of Miami by Thursday morning that Thursday afternoon the cargo ship heads here and within one week I get my stuff so I ordered my shaft steel last Wednesday before 12 o'clock overnighted it which means I'm getting the shaft seal Thursday a week earlier than worst case and I'm so excited for it however I can't get hauled out here so we got in last night with Sunday night and today is Monday drop Banner off checked with the yard and they can only haul out boats with a draft above 5.5 feet and I am 510 on a good day transmission has to be disconnected from the shaft pull the old chassis off put the new one on plug everything back and that's it it's not a complicated process if everything goes smoothly disconnecting everything is going to be one of the hardest parts working in this space is going to be another hard part but beyond that it's pretty simple straightforward as long as the chassis I got is the right size fingers crossed so my main concern at this point is making sure everything doesn't crowd and crack and break there are so many amazing people Miss Anchorage as always um this community is so great but I'm about to head over because Brian is playing some music over there yeah isn't he do you want to come no and just feeling Extremely Blessed a little update on the prop shaft seal is can't haul out the people from the yard don't really want to help I don't blame them I'm guessing they don't want to be held accountable for anything actually Brian is another solo sailor he's offered to help beautiful hazy night last night we had squalls all night clocked up to 50 knots of wind yeah I wanna turn this whole thing upside down up he's over mountains to the valleys and windy will carry you all the troubled waters of the treats [Music] learn to dance [Music] the park got here late last night and it's gone through customs and it is ready to pick up it's about 3 P.M to 3 P.M I just took apart all this once again um so I have to disconnect the shaft right here from the transmission and obviously you can see there's already corrosion from the salt that was in here just a few days ago so after this is all done I'm going to do a deep deep engine engine builds clean so this is a dripless PSS shaft seal so what we're going to do is take the screws out from here and undo the O-rings and slide this whole thing up take it off Slide the new one on and it's crazy how much damage something this big can do well actually through holes will do more but still okay that should be plenty good budge yeah I don't know if the bottom one turned with it God damn this dang thing how many hours I mean we're going on about 24 hours since we started but I don't know eight to ten hours of just getting this thing off all right I'm going to pause it again right now because I want to point out that this water coming in is the worst it will be when you're replacing your shaft seal if you're in the water water was very minimal and if there's anything that this video can help with I hope it's that you can learn that you can replace a shaft seal in the water be prepared make sure your bilge pumps work but it really wasn't hard to put everything back together I jumped in the water and pushed the um propeller back into the boat and Brian pulled it and we reassembled it and try to patch it up as much as we could but I really want to make the point that the water that comes in while you're replacing a shaft seal is not a lot good morning guys um I was attempting to fall asleep last night and I realized I hadn't really done a update the shaft seal is not fixed so I've been pretty absent on here the past I've been in Spanish wells for a week and a half I my last part and now I'm headed to what's called egg Island it's beautiful it's a flat day so I'm moving seven miles so I can go to the abacos tomorrow with the Wind and um It's A Beautiful Day Lassie gorgeous thing [Music] after loss generation arrow and I anchored we all went for a quick spearing session before prepping the boats to sail out in the morning time to head out sailing with loss and rationero [Music] foreign pass has been changing a ton and we're supposed to have like 15 knots pick up from that way in the middle of the night and we still have five knots in our face so there's probably going to be a lot of squall there could be squalls today when the wind does shift to Northeast but until that's going to be a motor sale the shaft seal is holding for now knock on wood new one comes in eight days on the other hand I I know a lot of us YouTubers don't talk about personal life I'm not about to but there's a lot going on right now and I haven't been vlogging a lot because of it I haven't slept in a week getting on average three hours of sleep a night I feel really sick right now actually trying to get videos out I'm super behind because of the shop seal and I'm behind on maintaining the boat and it's a lot to do solo especially when you add in all the stupid stuff that life gives you grateful for my people always having my back and supporting me through everything that's about all I can say [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] as predicted when the wind shifted we did get squalls and it got a little hectic before the sun came back out with consistent wind the Seas picked up quite a bit and my buddy boats lost regenero and I decided to tuck in a little early for the night and continue on the next day foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] okay um grabbing my sunglasses it's time to go there are a lot of rainstorms around so I don't know how much I'm gonna be filming so my cameras don't get wet see that one already passed so I'm trying to get out before the next one hits and should have about 11 knots to win right now um I have 90 miles to go in the next two days pretty doable [Music] once I get this past as well I'm gonna put the Sail Out slow tide right now and I'm pretty much gonna go until squalls get really bad or sunsets or I feel like going in if I'm at a good um [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign hey Mr pouty face and I are going four and a half five knots so it may take a bit longer than expected but with the storms out I really don't want to put the main if it was not raining I'd put out the main but we had to jib out sun's trying to peek through looks like there's a little Squall line coming through back there so hopefully in the next two hours it'll be sunny and instant winds my parents are going to be delayed one day so I'll see them in two days and a lot of projects are going to be starting and I do want to say I'm sorry I've been making my way this way for about two weeks and I haven't been filming a lot there's been a lot of stuff going on in my personal life I do a lot on this boat and I absolutely love it it does get tough it gets really challenging sometimes especially when it feels like every single thing on the boat is going wrong and breaking and falling apart and I still have to edit videos I still have to maintain my relationships I still have to deal with business stuff and I still have to make sure I'm quoting which obviously I've been barely floating for the past two weeks on top of that I have been spending time with people around me I've met some amazing people and I'm just really happy to be part of this cruising community and I haven't been filming I've just been taking the moments in which I'm really happy about there's a few flips in too late [Music] hey Mr pouty going downwind this is not fun right now hold [Music] on we're about three hours well I said Sunset and it's three 4 40 4 15. so right now it's having us anchor around 7 30. we're going five knots with 12 to 15 knots of wind almost it's not like 90 degrees still it's been a little bit downwind some of it and just going super smoothly so let's update [Music] thank you [Music] so I just appreciate you guys who have subscribed and continue to stay with me and continue to stay with me through all the ups and downs because it is a lot of ups and downs but again I'm super excited for the next month and I absolutely cannot wait actually for the next I'm always excited for what's next I love the present moment and I love that I'm always excited and as I do venture out of the Bahamas I will start showing a few more routes and that kind of thing thank you all the past two weeks were a really tough time for me and I do apologize for not filming as much but I have noticed that sometimes I need to live and get things done versus filming I have been looking forward to seeing my family more than anything along with them bringing over some of the crucial things to help get my boat back up and running
Channel: Lauren Landers
Views: 158,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jeD2YgaQuCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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