Real Life Bounty Hunter Talks About His Craziest Catches

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oh just just got back from work just brought a guy down to the station he's locked up making a boyfriend in prison so you know having a pretty good day no yeah i just got done with a bounty hunting job and i just came back from that i'm a bail bonds agent so no what a bail bonds agent basically is is i work for bail bonds companies or a company so say you go to jail for hitting someone with your car and running away and you get arrested and your bail gets posted or your bond and you can't afford to get yourself out of jail you go to a bail bondsman and say hey i'm in jail i need to get out because of x y and z or i can't afford to get myself out he will pay to get you out of jail but realize now that he is paid he's effectively now a loan officer but basically he has gotten you out of jail so now you have a court date to pay him x amount back not the full amount but a certain percentage so he feels that he's compensated for getting you out of jail for the crime you did well let's say you don't show up he's gonna be pissed because he had to go to court he's losing money so they didn't know why the [ __ ] didn't you show up to court and if you tell them to screw off they'll assign you a new date but then if you don't show up to that date and you just continue to not pay it or show up a bondsman or a bail bond bondsman will then call me i'm effectively a officer for hire but i had to go to a school basically a class and it is i swear to you this is real it is called bounty hunter school as a bail bondsman you have to do 60 hours of training meaning you have to do learn basically you know serve firearms you have to learn your state's laws pretty much all your state's laws you have to understand how how to react if someone puts a gun in your face uh you have to learn pretty much how to be a cop but without going to the full academy you know without having to spend like years in the academy to become a cop so then i get hired by this guy by a bail bondsman and one of the guys that got money from him didn't show up didn't show up to his court date he's going to call me then i'll get all the info i'll get his information and i'll jump in my squad car yes i actually bought a squad car because you've gotta look professional and so again i'll take off and i'll find the guy and i'll knock on the door and you have to announce yourself as hey bail bondsman come to the door and they'll come to the door and you basically have to tell them there's a warrant out for your arrest you skipped your court date you have to come with me down to the precinct and we're gonna set you up with a new court date a new fine you're probably gonna have to pay more or what you can do is you can pay me right now the amount you owe and i can close my case or if you don't have the money i can take your vehicle or something of equal value and i'll impound it and you don't have to go with me to jail basically so i'll give you options and uh normally uh they won't come to the door and i'll get multiple [ __ ] yous or i'll get multiple get out of here come back with a warrant and i love it i love it when they say come back with a warrant because here's the thing as a bail bondsman or as a bounty hunter i don't need a warrant to keep your [ __ ] in i don't need a warrant to enter your enter your premises because effectively when you went to jail all your freedoms disappeared all those things you call rights gone i but but say that person's not at home and they go to a friend's house well then i cannot enter that person's house with their consent or a warrant i can't just go into someone's house because the person's there that's someone else's house that would be effectively burglary at that point or breaking and entering so you can't do that but nine times out of ten the person when they see you at the door and they recognize the drip and see all the gear you have and the badge they'll just go with you and the thing is is like i'm not always taking you down to like a jail i'm just taking you down to the precinct to get a new court date to work out why you didn't show up to figure out how to pay off your bond i'm not taking you [ __ ] away to get you know drop the soap in some gulag i'm just taking you down to get a new court date you know i'm not gonna beat you in the back of my truck but uh i so that's what a bondsman effectively is and like i've i have repossessed a numerat of things um cars boats motorcycles um i think uh and i even like confiscated some guy's weed farm at one point with another guy because in my state i know yeah legal in my state and it's worth money so if you have a successful crop i can just take that [ __ ] and use that as collateral for your bond and give it to a dispensary yeah i can just be like hey pop it's mine now that's awesome you know and just leave with them that being said one of the this was a job that happened about two months ago as a bounty hunter people have surprise surprise bounties on their head and it can range so for in this story's sake we're gonna the price if i broke it was eight thousand dollars on this guy's head and this guy was had he was take gotten out of jail um on a dui and i was given his file and everything and uh i'm looking down at he's kind of like a first offender it's nothing i should be worried about guy doesn't have guns so i go to his house and i show up in quite possibly the most bougie freaking neighborhood i have ever seen like pillars like like marble columns like [ __ ] rome i drive in after the you know the security guard at the at the gate respects the drip and lets me in i get to his house and i just i knock on the door i do say hey bail bonds come to the door no warrant and what comes down the stairs can only be described as something [ __ ] mythical it is the definition of neckbeard what walks down the staircase this is sympis dude all right this is bad this guy has like a legends of zelda t-shirt that says hi hi roulette or whatever and he's got like the ponytail and the jeffrey dahmer glasses those kids they would like sit in the corner playing jutsus and [ __ ] you know and we're always like drawing their their anime lover so he comes downstairs and he's like you can't come inside my house you need a warrant and i'm like i'm not a cop and he's like yo go away i'm like no i'm i'm the officer of the courts you need to come out we need to discuss your bond and he's like no come back with a warrant i'm like i don't need a warrant dude i'm not a cop and i don't want to kick your door in or make my way into and force my way into your house and tackle you and jake you can't do that and he runs upstairs just runs right back upstairs and i'm like where's the runs where's he going like where's he going and he comes back downstairs and i swear to you this is real with an amazon's choice samurai sword this dude comes down with one of those like stamped like steel stamped chinese made samurai swords that have like all the cool designs on them and that are impractical as all hell well he like pulls it out it's like doing this bruce lee fight stance with the sword and i'm just just just staring at this tragedy and he goes i will defend my house with my life and i in in my head i just hear that's not much of a light but uh so i tell him dude just open the door i'll have you down at the precinct and out in an hour come on let's go guys so i'm like this is your last chance dude he tells me to go effectively myself so i kicked his tour in and that's when reality hit him that oh oh no this is real and um i have my gun trained on him and uh he drops the sword and like in the back of my head i just hear the old spice jingle as i'm pointing and then he goes someone's texting me hold on i said i don't have time for this stuff and right as i'm about to grab him to get he he kind of just weird squirm thing and wiggles out of my grip that i was like kind of trying to put him in this body block to stop him and he wriggled out like wormy is and he ran upstairs and so i had to run after his ass this was not going this was not a good day and i run i run upstairs after him and he closes the door to his room i opened that room and wanted to throw up it was so gross it it smelled like a dead rat behind a chinese restaurant it was bad and cans were in there more than there needed to be and he had a body pillow it was standing on its own at that point and yeah he he had these like really terrible posters i didn't have time to verify what animes he liked and watched all i know is his room was gross and i didn't want to go in and touch him so i just grabbed my taser and tased him like stains stains from something like i bet if you took a black light in there it would have looked like a metropolitan painting and so i dragged him out and at that point he finally just like you know i i get him cuffed i take him downstairs throw him in the back of the car i told him like dude well thankfully i have a plexiglas steel and then a roll cage behind there so that they can't get to the driver's seat so i'm protected plus i got one of those nice febreze air fresheners plugged in so don't worry i'm i'm set man i'm i'm all set i give him the car close the door and he's like so i'm like well now you're going to jail jail originally we were just going to go set you up a new court date but uh you had to go all kunai attack on me all chai brothers you know with your samurai the money too yeah and he clearly had the money but no he had to go all bruce lee on me and try to attack me with his you know wushu shylyn attacks or whatever and he and i had to witness his [ __ ] awful room and so i came in the car i'm about to take off and mom and dad show up and these guys are the definition of like country club like dad's in short shorts like he was clearly just playing tennis mom clearly came back from a manicure something bougie like that and they're like where do you think you're taking my son said to jail and he's like what george's uh coming at me with a samurai sword and resisting arrest and he's just so like you can't prove you can't prove that he's going off you know trying to use every legal term he knows half the legal terms he's saying don't even apply to my job they like apply to like district attorneys and like certain like laws that only involve like food for for some reason yeah one of the laws he brought up is actually a law that food companies use to regulate their like i think it's like the like the quality level or something like that i was like okay that has nothing to do with my job but i told him nonetheless sir i'm taking your son out of jail if you want him you can come pick him up in the morning he's spending the night he attacked me and he's like oh you're gonna hear from my lawyer you know what i'll be right back so i'm like you you're you're bringing your lawyer right here and i just told him i didn't have time for this so i got into my car i'm texting the bail bondsman that hey i've got your guy it wasn't fun but i got him and on the front of my truck is what i like to call a bambi killer but it's basically um a giant grate that we use to normally uh pull things out of like the mud and stuff it's got a winch system but it looks like two giant like warthog teeth on the front and it's like a roll cage looking deal and this guy gets in his like brand new electric car this thing looks slick like clearly this guy had like multiple payments to go on this thing and he goes to like spin kind of out of his driveway and in the process of doing so sideswipes the thing on the front of my car and just rips all the paint off the side and it was this horrible noise too just all all this blue paint and just revealing silver and black underneath this whole side of the car looks like one big lightning lightning bolt it looked like a little kid's like [ __ ] drawing of a snake i get in my garden i'm taking off down the road and this guy is like roman centurion it towards me he's like running yeah he's like moving fast going down the road and i'm like holy [ __ ] this dude's actually catching up so i just hit the gas and then i just see this and he like tumbled on like oh no the dude was like i kind of chuckled a little but then i fell down uh should i go back and help him no and so i dropped the kid off at the freezing he gets put in jail i get paid i go home i get a call from the bail bondsman that's like hey did you assault someone's kid and i was like no i arrested someone today though but i didn't assault him and he's like well there's some like dad here saying that like you unlawfully arrested his kid yeah and i showed i sent him my body cam footage and he was like okay yeah is this the guy who's currently in jail i'm like yep that's him and uh yeah so i i still to this day love that love that i got attached to the [ __ ] samurai sword this guy came down all naruto style like i was waiting for the arms to like go to the sides and you know running down the stairs i was waiting to see like the swoosh lines of him going so fast no being a bail bonds was a lot of fun especially oh the karen's no but my f i i oh man arresting karen's is the best not always arrested the house i've arrested someone in a walmart parking lot which was poetic let's go and they oh my god and uh while in the back of my car he was going oh i won't be in jail long donald trump will pardon me said those words those words exited his mouth that donald trump was going to pardon him and we were already two weeks into the biden administration trump wasn't even president anymore and he was like oh don't worry donald trump's going to pardon me he can't it's a state crime the only person that could pardon you is the governor or our state senator but no this guy was adamant that you know donald was going to pardon him or the karen's that asked to see my badge number wanna talk to my superior officer and then i get to explain to them that i am my own superior officer so in my car um i have two level uh level four bulletproof vests that can take high-powered rounds um i've got about three handguns um i've got one semi-automatic one and actually one fully automatic and uh you also um i've got handcuffs i've got pepper spray i've got a taser i've got two different types of tasers one's a gun one's not um i've got a night stick and then i've got an industrial flashlight i have two different types of magazines uh one has live at live ammunition in it and one has rubber bullets which are non-lethals but they will put you on the ground and it'll feel like you got shot and you'll wish you were never born i've got a beanbag shotgun in the back that's for putting down someone who's like genuinely trying to do me harm like with a gun but you know our bondsmen like it when we bring their clients back alive so um i've dealt with a lot of karen's and my favorite one by far is the one that actually ended up in the end going to prison and getting stabbed in the ass i found out about that through a buddy of mine who's an actual police officer who's the one who actually convinced me to become a bail bondsman or a bail bonds agent he he was like oh yeah i remember that lady it was like yelling and asking if i had children and you know trying to come up with all these crazy excuses about why you know i why i'm a i'm a fake cop and i i'm like yeah i'm not a cop i'm a completely different form of you know law enforcement effectively it's kind of a freelance thing that's why not a lot of and not to mention law enforcement in certain states not mine i've i'm yet to meet a cop that doesn't you know like doesn't like me but um basically they're we're not liked amongst police officers very much we're kind of seen as fake cops uh they don't like the idea that we are just given a badge and they hate that bounty hunting is still a thing even though it's been proven to be very effective and like the budget for us we have to supply all of our own stuff you know our bondsman does not give me my guns he does not give me my bulletproof vest or my gear i have to get all that on my own i have to have my own vehicle cops get the luxury of having all that because they have a massive budget they can afford to have all that crazy the squad cars and stuff me i have to get all my own stuff and make half my own [ __ ] like i have a battering ram that's just a giant chunk of pvc filled with sand and has two handles on it whereas like a police station has like a giant industrial metal one that like three guys have to use you know i have to like go to home depot and make my own and the other cool thing you work with other bounty hunters and you can split the bounty like i've worked with other bounty hunters and it's a lot of fun like there's one guy i worked with we call him lc because that was his ranking in the military and he is this six foot like three giant black guy and he was like field promoted six times which means everyone in his squad died and he was the only one who came back that's that's how you get field promoted pretty much everybody died and you're the only one who came back so lc is a guy i've worked with him quite a few times really cool dude but yeah like bounty hunting is a lot of fun granted in the state i live in you don't need a license to be a bounty hunter though i suggest yep i in the state of montana you do not need a license to be a bounty hunter in the state of montana you do not need a license you do need to know the state laws for being a bounty hunter um you need to prove to a bondsman that you are capable of holding your own in any situation you have to prove to him that you have a good understanding of your state's laws like you have to really know your boundaries like you need to know because you can end up getting in trouble because again you're not a cop you don't have a lot of immunity yeah i have a badge but that badge takes me only so far so that's one of the things that if you want to become a valuer you need to know your state's laws another thing take formal fighting classes really learn how to actually like defend yourself or you'll get your [ __ ] kicked in i've heard horror stories of like a kid like 19 year olds who wanted to be bounty hunters and they became bounty hunters and one of them got shot or one of them got kicked in the dick and now they you know or one one of them got stabbed so it's it's it's definitely a thrill seekers job like you really kind of want to have to have a lot of that adrenaline to do but it's also a good job like it pays my rent fairly well you know i wanted to know [ __ ] you know so i talked to guys who have been doing it for like decades since like the mid like since like the early 90s who have been doing bounty hunting i go and learn from those guys like apprentice underneath a bounty hunter and do ride-alongs with them and it'll actually give you a good idea of if you want to do it because it's something you have to want to do and like for me as a part when i was a park ranger it was really easy to make that transition over because being a park ranger you're effectively a police officer in the park so like it's not really it's it's it's just a bit of a step up from there now you work in the city yes he's correct you get more crackheads and i've dealt with my fair share of them they exist and they are not they are not nice people yeah like i've had i had a guy come at me with a spray painted squirt gun but i didn't think he was spray painted and i shot him in the forehead with a rubber bullet um i've dealt with i've had to tackle a karen that was one of my best days like i felt empowered leaving that day so she committed insurance fraud yeah i remember uh for the sake of the story we'll call her mrs nesbit mrs nesbitt uh committed insurance fraud she slashed all four of her tires to get insurance money and they later found out when they over some requisition people or like people to make sure that like what happened actually happened they found that she had extra tires stored away for that car so she slashed her winter tires and was going to then when she got the money put the new tires on her then slashed car so they basically she got bail but she went through my bail bonds agent she got out refused to show up and then i got called up and was told to go get her and so i jump in my vehicle and i i take cops to go get her i get to the house and it's a pretty normal house and i knock on the door and her i'm assuming her it's her husband her husband like comes to the door and goes can i help you officer that felt great hearing that guy say can i help you officer even though i wasn't a cop i was like is your wife home and i see her like sneaking out the back door and then the door closed and he goes she's out right now i just saw her walk right behind you and out the back door and he's like no you didn't and i said yeah i'm not okay i'm not arguing this i slam the door on his face i get my my firearm out and i basically go around the building because i don't know what she has she could have a baseball bat she could have a gun for all i know so i'm prepared and i'm like looking around corners and and i get to the backyard and i see three dog loops like those igloos i kind of put two and two together and lies that uh yeah she's she's in that one and uh i go over and i flip it over and there she is she's hiding there and i look at her i'm like mrs nesbit you're a grown ass adult get up we're going down to the station all right i last thing i need is to deal with you and uh so i grab her and she's like you're hurting me you're hurting my arms and i'm barely i'm barely even moving the arms i have simply picked her up and barely begun to like put the handcuffs on her and she's screaming that i'm hurting her and i'm just like oh shut up and uh i take so late i'm taking her to the car she's screaming on the husband's like i'm calling the police as i get into the car this family is walking by with their dogs and what does she start doing she starts screaming rape she's screaming rape rape and she's yelling at the top of her lungs and i i'm opening the car and the family sees what's happening but then they also see what's on the side of my car that says bail bonds agency and then the star on the side that immediately notifies law enforcement you know and so i throw her in the car and i look at the family and the mom the dad and they all just go and then just keep walking their dog they just they wove like waved at me in the most like jeffrey dahmer serial killer way i've ever seen and then they just kept walking and the ladies in the back is freaking that she's like not getting you know you know oh you're not treating me like a person and then she pulls the most karen used thing ever i am a sovereign citizen i hate it when people say i'm a sovereign citizen because it's not real it's not a real thing if you're a per if you say you're a sovereign citizen you're a [ __ ] because sovereign citizenship was abolished back in like the like 1817 it hasn't been a thing since like [ __ ] lincoln and people still consider themselves so like if you come across someone driving and they're a sovereign citizen i'm not driving i'm traveling or they basically think they're gypsies and the law doesn't apply to them like law enforcement to them is seen more as like just a somewhat authority figure like they're not real and you can't hurt me basically i i could go shoot someone in the middle of town square and you can't do anything because i'm a sovereign citizen yeah and she's saying that she's a sovereign citizen that i can't be arresting her and then she also says that she identifies as someone else that she does not identify as mrs nesbit she identifies as amy wurstesser or whatever you know i actually am this person and i just looked her in the face and said well guess what amy worcestershire and mrs nesbit are both going to jail bam slammed the door on her got in the car and like if i'm really like fed up with the client one of the things i do is i'll slide the partition open say hey listen you're going down to jail you're going to be down there for a while uh can you know because you want to stop and like grab something before because you're going to be down there for a while yeah can i get some mcdonald's too bad shut the [ __ ] up and uh i take her down to the precinct she's screaming and yelling that like i assaulted her and we have um one of the bail bond ladies she works front desk her name's uh amy immediately the first thing this lady does is she's like oh yes other female she'll support me and she starts yelling and screaming at her that all the men who work in this pre-scene are misogynistic monsters who get sick fix out of arresting people and i can't believe you work here rise up sister you know sort of sort of yeah thing and uh she was booked uh later like apparently other charges were brought up against her and she ended up actually going to jail like like serving time and i later heard through another guy that she got shanked in the ass not gonna lie kind of died inside thought that was really funny i felt bad but not not a whole lot like like a little bit a little bit just a oh smidgen that's not fun she's gonna have a scar on her ass forever but you know i bet it was over like a carton of milk or something no batman's a lot of fun because yeah you meet some of the craziest people i think the best arrest aside from those two the sword and that lady was this old jewish family it was awesome this like this couple it was this old jewish couple apparently they had like a speeding ticket and they're like in their 90s they're like world war ii survivors or something and one of the things you can do is you can out of bonds and make a judgment call where you can basically say all right i see you're it's like what how i answered your question i see that their situation is like x y and z so i'm like all right i'll extend your date i'll do up the paperwork i'll extend your date by x y and z yeah clearly you guys are like in your 80s you can't always make it places very easily and uh i i thought it was awesome i talked to this family i got cookies a piece of cake and listen to like holocaust stories for like 20 minutes and i extended their date it was awesome and then and then they came they paid off the bondsman and he was like so i saw that you extended their date i was like yeah dude i got free [ __ ] cookies and heard holocaust stories it was awesome my favorite was the guy who came at me with a wiffle bat like you know those like those like wiffle bats those like really shitty plastic ones like the wiffle ball bats [Music] i had to go get this guy and i found out after bribing a friend of a friend that he was going to be at this baseball game so i was like perfect time to destroy his image like go to the baseball game it's in full swing no pun intended and uh he he's sitting there and i kind of flag him down and he comes over and he's like can i help you officer again that felt awesome but i'm not an officer um a police officer and he he then says uh so what what can i do and i go well uh you skipped your monday for about two months i gotta repossess your truck you put your truck down and it's collateral so i'm gonna have to tow it and he's like you can't do that said yeah i can and he's like oh he paid it off on i said uh you paid 50 of twelve thousand so i was like yes sir uh here on your paperwork you only paid like sixty dollars so i'm gonna have to take your truck and or do you wanna go to the jail with me right now because we can do either or and i really don't necessarily arrest you in front of your kid you know and he's just like you can't take my truck right around here on him is like this kind of like this bulge right and i realize he's got a gun so as soon as it started to get heated immediately i just pulled my firearm and told him to get on the ground because because you have to kind of guess like that's part of it you have to be a bit streetwise as a bounty hunter like you can only assume that this can go one of two ways you know a he just gets angry and swings on you or b he goes for that gun and so i immediately pull my taser out on him and he looks down and sees that there's a wiffle bat by him and so he picks it up and tries to hit me with it and at that point i just tased him and dude falls over and you know those pitching machines hits his head on one and passes out and he was down and his wife is it she's eating a hot dog and this is her reaction go honey you're doing great her sounds like rounding the base at that point she's like you're doing great he i was like really kind of disappointed in him and then i could see i could smell alcohol on his breath and i was like great you're getting drunk in front of your kid that's that's even better nice you know dad's really setting the example and that's also kind of why i do it is because like i feel like sunlight is the best disinfectant like certain people like need to see like especially in like residential neighborhoods when i like arrest someone and they see that that neighbor that they thought was so nice and so wealthy is getting taken away by a bounty hunter like the reputation destroyer that that is or like the lesson kids gonna learn is all worth it
Channel: Azeal
Views: 4,688,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YPMUh_Pezlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 38sec (2078 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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