Real Lawyer Reacts to Ghostbusters 2 (The Scoleri Brothers!)

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I was waiting for this one

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/5552020 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

These are right up there with ‘Douche Ruins Everything But His Own Obesity”.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PizzaRat1987 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
- I was stuck in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't blame them, 'cause one time I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank you. - (chuckles) Short but pointless (whimsical music plays) Hey Legal Eagles! It's time to think like a lawyer. And today, we are covering one of my favorite, let's say, guilty pleasure movies. I have a soft spot in my heart for Ghostbusters 2. I know the first Ghostbusters movie is basically a perfect movie. That being said, gun to my head, I think I might actually watch Ghostbusters 2 instead if they're both on TV. I think Ghostbusters 2 was just on cable more often as a kid. I can probably still quote most of the scenes from The Scoleri Brothers' trial. - (mimicking film characters) Your witness. - (mimicking film characters) Yes, we're back. - (mimicking film characters) We be fast and they be slow. - So as always, be sure to comment in the form of an objection which I'll either sustain or overrule. And stick around until the end of the video where I give the court scene from Ghostbusters 2 a grade for legal realism. So without further ado, let's dig in to Ghostbusters 2. (whimsical music) - [Devin] Now it occurs to me that you probably need some background for this court scene. In Ghostbusters 2, there have been a resurgence of ghost and slime-related incidents and the Ghostbusters are investigating a river of supernatural slime that is flowing throughout lower Manhattan. In the course of investigating this river of slime, the Ghostbusters have been arrested by the New York police for basically drilling a giant hole in the middle of 5th Avenue and causing an enormous power outage for most of the New Yorkers on Manhattan. So, with that preface, let's go to the court scene in Ghostbusters 2. (bus engine roaring) - [Judge] Before we begin this trial, I wanna make one thing very clear. - All right, so right off the bat, we have some actual legal realism, which is interesting for a change. This is the famous New York Supreme Court. It's on Center Street in lower Manhattan. This is actually the place where New York courts deal with a lot of criminal infractions. Now the New York Supreme Court is not to be confused with the US Supreme Court or the Supreme Court of many states. For some reason, New York is really weird in that they call the lower trial court the Supreme Court even though it is the equivalent of what most states call the Superior Court or the lowest trial court. The highest court in New York is called the Court of Appeals, for some reason. Maybe that's just a bit of trivia that only I care about but it's a super weird way for the New York courts to name their courts and it's very counterintuitive. But it is actually the place where this particular criminal trial would probably take place. - Law does not recognize the existence of ghosts, and I don't believe in them either. - Right. - Don't wanna hear a lot of malarkey about goblins and spooks and demons. We're gonna stick to the facts in this case and leave the ghost stories to the kiddies, understood? - Now, that is absolutely true that the courts will not recognize ghosts in any particular criminal trial. That being said, there was a New York case where a house being haunted was, in fact, a very important part of the facts and issues - [Devin] called Stambovksy v. Ackley where someone tried to get out of the sale of a house or, particularly, purchasing a house because the house was well-known in the community to be haunted. It set a really interesting precedent throughout New York in that because the seller had not disclosed the fact that it was actually known to be haunted, whether it was in fact, haunted or not. The court, in that particular case, took it as true that it was haunted. But the fact that it had notoriety for being a ghost house was something that the seller should have disclosed to the buyer and it allowed the buyer to rescind the sale and get out of buying that house. So sometimes, the existence of ghosts is an important fact in trials. - Sounds like a pretty open-minded guy. - Yeah, they call him The Hammer. - What can we do? It's all in the hands of our lawyer now. - I think you guys are making a big mistake. - Louis! - I mostly do tax laws and probate stuff occasionally. I got my law degree at night school. - Well, that's fine, Louis. We got arrested at night. - Oh, I love it! Louis Tully, the famous accountant from Ghostbusters 1, who obviously was turned into a dog and the Ghostbusters saved him in that particular case, went to law school at night, which is a real thing. There are some law schools that allow you to take night classes, it's usually a four-year degree instead of a three-year degree. That being said, you don't wanna hire a tax lawyer to handle your criminal arraignment. It's just not a good idea. Get someone who specializes in criminal law. - Put these guys away fast and make sure they go away for a long, long time, okay? - I don't think it's gonna be hard with this list of charges. - Good. Very good. - What... what is going on here? They haven't been arraigned. I assume they haven't been indicted. This isn't the actual trial, they're not gonna be tried and convicted in this particular thing. I think that they were arrested the night before this particular hearing. There's no way they can be put away for any amount of time because this isn't the place where that happens. You have to go through an entire process. The Ghostbusters need the discovery, they need to know the evidence that the prosecutors have against them. The only thing that's gonna happen here is that the Ghostbusters are gonna enter a plea of not guilty and then they'll be released on bail 'cause there's no reason to put them in jail pending trial. So nothing more is gonna happen at this point. - Violating a judicial restraining order, willful destruction of public property, fraud, malicious mischief. See you in a couple of years at your first parole hearing. - So, okay. So apparently, there was a restraining order against the Ghostbusters, given what happened in the first Ghostbusters movie. That sort of makes sense. But the funny thing that the DA said here, which probably most people are not going to catch is that, they are being indicted for criminal mischief. - [Devin] In New York, tampering with someone's public utilities is a violation of the criminal mischief statute under Section 145.15. It's criminal mischief in the second degree. It is so funny that they actually got the exact crime for what they did here. Someone really did their research on this. - Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen of the audience. - Jury? And there shouldn't be a jury. - I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. Okay, so the blackout was a big problem for everybody, okay? - Okay. It's crazy that this is the criminal trial. You see this a lot in dramas and comedies where they just skip all the procedural stuff. But it really seems like they skipped a whole bunch of stuff and went straight to the trial. Notwithstanding, Louis should probably be talking to the jury, if there is a jury present at this time, and not to the judge. You guys know that. It's clear he's playing the fool here. He's an accountant! And sometimes, he's the key master. - Vinz Clortho, key master of Gozer. - But he is absolutely not a very good criminal attorney. - I was stuck in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't blame them! 'Cause one time I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank you. - (chuckles) Short but pointless. - Very good, Louis. Short but pointless. - (laughs) I know this is a terrible movie, but my friends and I will quote this movie all the time. It's such an iconic version of a criminal trial. Among lawyers, I think this is right up there with the Chewbacca Defense. - [Prosecutor] Mr. Fianella, please look at Exhibits A through F on the table over here. Do you recognize this equipment? - [Mr. Fianella] Yeah. That's the stuff the cops took from their truck. - Okay. - Do you know what this equipment is used for? - I don't know. Catching ghosts, maybe? I dunno. - May I remind the court that the defendants are under a judicial restraining order that strictly forbids them from performing services as paranormal investigators or eliminators. - Okay, so a couple of things are going on here which is interesting. Number one, I suppose that she could ask the question of the witness whether he knows what these tools are for and he can say that he doesn't know, or that, I suppose his best guess is that they are for hunting ghosts. But because he's not a Ghostbuster, assuming that Ghostbusting is a real thing, he doesn't have the expert opinion necessary to opine about those things. He can absolutely testify that those were the things that were found at the scene of the crime, but he probably is incapable of offering an opinion as to what they are. Now, what this district attorney has done is that she has taken this opportunity to lodge with the court, a copy of the restraining order that is against the Ghostbusters. Arguably, it's sort of improper because she's not asking a question to the witness. There are times to do this sort of laying the foundation but this is an issue of law, not an issue of fact. So it's a little improper for her to take the time now because it's not the right time. - Now, Mr. Fianella, can you identify the substance in this jar marked Exhibit F? - Yeah. Yeah, that's the stuff, all right. Your Honor, I've been working underground for Con Ed for 27 years. I never saw anything like this in my life. - [Mr. Fianella] Whatever's down there, they must have put it there. - No, we didn't! - Objection. (gavel bangs) - Shut up! - So, if Louis totally was a good lawyer, he absolutely would have objected at that point because well, again, this Con Ed worker, could opine that during his 30 years working underground, he's never seen anything like this. It would be pure speculation and that would be the correct objection to make, speculation. It would be speculation for him to say that it was the Ghostbusters that put it there. Just because he hasn't seen it doesn't mean that he's seen - [Devin] A hundred percent of all the things that are available beneath the streets of Manhattan. So if I was the attorney, I would've objected. I would've moved to strike that testimony that had just been elicited, and I would've asked the judge to give an instruction to the jury that they are to disregard that particular testimony because it's totally improper. - So you were just trying to help out a friend - Who was frightened - who was scared of what was happening to her, - when you're scared - Oh, I love this. - there was no evil intended, no malice, because you live here and when you live in a place and you love it like you do you don't want nothing bad to happen. What? (Peter mumbles) Because it'll never happen again, it's an isolated incident, it's a one shot deal. - Objection, your honor! - What? - He's leading the witness. - Sustained! - I'm sure that avid watchers of this channel will know what's going here. Again, this is played up because it's totally improper. It's not that the lawyer is leading the witness. It's that the witness is leading the lawyer which is totally unnecessary. A leading question, contrary to popular belief, is just one that implies the correct answer. You're gonna ask a yes or no question and it's still not considered leading because you don't whether it's a yes or no answer. That being said, if you say and imply that the answer is yes, that can be leading. So, the way to get around that is very, very simple. You just simply ask, what happened? What happened next? What did you see? How did you feel? These are open-ended questions that would allow Louis to allow Peter Venkman to just give his side of the story. That's really what direct examination is. There's no reason for Louis to be making a speech here. He's not supposed to be making any kind of statements, it's supposed to be the witness. And all he has to do is ask Venkman what happened next and why did you do this. I think the writers of the show know what they're doing because it's so clearly ridiculous. - [Prosecutor] I'll ask you again, Dr. Venkman, why were you digging the hole? And please remember you're under oath. - There are some things in this world that go way beyond human understanding. Things that cannot be explained. Things that most people don't wanna know about! That is where we come in. - [Prosecutor] So what you're saying is that the world of the supernatural is your exclusive province? - And it's totally improper for the district attorney to walk to the jury and then walk directly to the opposing witness, especially who is a party. That bailiff, who is standing right next to Peter Venkman, should really intervene, and get the district attorney away from the witness. Both for the witness' safety, so that the district attorney doesn't attack him, but also for the district attorney's safety, so that the witness doesn't attack her. These things can happen and there's no reason for this district attorney to be that close. It's totally improper and, you know, things go bad, the bailiff will tackle one or both of them. - Kitten, I think that what I'm saying is that sometimes, (bleep) happens, someone has to deal with it, and who ya gonna call? (crowd cheers) - Okay, wait a minute. (laughs) There's no jury! - [Devin] You can see on the far right hand corner that there's no jury in the jury box. Who are they conducting this criminal trial for? - Peter Venkman, Raymond Stantz, - [Judge] Egon Spengler, stand up! Get up! You too, Mr. Tully. (ominous music) Find you guilty on all charges! - (Devin scoffs) I think that the judge here has said some things that show some particular bias. In California, at least, when you get a judge that you don't particularly like, you are allowed one peremptory challenge. - [Devin] It's called the 170.6, named after the statute. If you know ahead of time that the judge is The Hammer and he doesn't believe in ghosts, odds are you should probably bounce that judge and try to get another one. Though you're sort of rolling the dice that maybe the judge that you get next is even worse. - [Judge] I order you to pay fines in the amount of $25,000 each! I sentence you to eighteen months in the city correctional facility at Rikers Island! - Wow, a year and a half in jail for digging a hole in the road. Well, I guess they really did kinda screw up in terms of destroying the public utilities and causing a massive blackout throughout the entire island of Manhattan. Though interestingly, different varieties of criminal mischief or criminal tampering do carry with it different penalties ranging from misdemeanor all the way up to a class B felony. - Your honor? - Shut up! - [Judge] Tricksters like you in decent society... - Your honor, this is important. - [Judge] You prey upon the gullibility of innocent people! - Yes sir. - Be quiet. - But... - [Judge] If my hands were not tied by the unalterable fetters of the law, then I would indulge in the tradition of our illustrious forbears, reach back to a purer, sterner justice, and have you burned - (Devin mimicking the Judge) at the stake! (Court attendees screaming) - Wow! - So, well, it is pretty unusual for ghosts to be released as a result of the sentencing. From time to time, judges do like to hear themselves talk. So right up until the ghosts were released from the slime, that could be something that a judge would say at the time of the sentencing. - The Scoleri Brothers! - Friends of yours? - I tried them for murder. Gave them the chair. (ghost screaming) - You gotta do something! - Why don't you just tell them you don't believe in ghosts? (screaming) - So while the Scoleri brother ghosts are destroying this courtroom, I guess now is a perfectly good time to point out that this is a fairly realistic courtroom for New York. I have practiced in the Supreme Court of New York and this would be a particularly ornate courtroom in the Supreme Court. It's not totally dissimilar. There would be, probably more paper, there would be a lot more carpet, this may be the ceremonial courtroom 1. But that being said, this courtroom that the ghosts are destroying - pretty reasonable. And exactly the kind of heavy, old wooden desks you'd see for a counsel table as they go flying across the room. (supernatural sounds) - You gotta do something! Help me! - Don't talk to me, talk to my attorney. - And that's me! My guys are still under a judicial mistrangement order! That blue thing I got from her! - Oh god, I love that so much. (mimicking Louis) The judicial mistrangement order! That blue thing I got from her! It used to be the case that you would get motions and filings, it would be called bluebacked. - [Devin] I think that doesn't really happen as much now especially now that we've gone to electronic files for most of these things. But that being said, back in the day, you would absolutely have certain pleadings and filings that were bluebacked using blue paper. - [Devin] And if you saw earlier in this court scene, the judicial restraining order was actually covered in a blue back which was probably accurate for the time. - [Peter] You know it's been a couple of years since we used this stuff. Hope it still works. - [Egon] It should. Power cells have a half-life of 5000 years. - There's no time for a bench test! Heat 'em up. - (sing-song) Doe, Ray, Egon! - (sing-song) Doe... - (sing-song) Ray... - (sing-song) Egon... - I hate this shot right here. Ugh, where Egon looks... it's so weird. It's weird the way he looks. (whimsical music) - All right. Now it is time to give Ghostbusters 2 a grade for legal realism. (gavel bangs) - [Devin] So... God, I love this movie so much. I know the movie is not nearly as good as the original Ghostbusters. I will try and be objective. But man, that's just a great scene. It's just great. - [Devin] So on the one hand, you have the Ghostbusters dealing with the actual criminal code that they probably would've been charged with had this been a real-life event. They were a hundred percent guilty of criminal mischief or criminal tampering. So the writers got that absolutely right. - [Devin] And the events took place at the correct courthouse, the Supreme Court of New York in a court room that looks pretty reasonable for what you'll see at the Supreme Court. And it's possible that the sentence that they were about to receive before the Scoleri Brothers were released was accurate. That being said, the timeline is completely wrong. They skipped over all of the initial hearings and pleadings. They were never arraigned, they never were released on bail, - [Devin] the arguments that were going back and forth were totally wrong. All of the courtroom proceedings were totally incorrect, including a lot of the bias that was shown at the sentencing. So I'm going to give the courtroom scene - [Devin] and the release of the Scoleri Brothers in Ghostbusters 2 a flat C that I'm going to raise to a C+ just because it is so darn quotable and so friggin' awesome. Now, if there's something in the neighborhood, you're obviously going to call the Ghostbusters. But if you're going to make that call, you might as well save a few hundred dollars at the same time. - [Devin] Ting Mobile is a different kind of mobile provider. With Ting, you only pay for the actual data and services that you use at the end of the month. And because you're only paying for what you actually use, Ting customers pay on average just $23 per month for one device. There is no contract overage fees or other carrier tricks. You just pay a fair price for the talk, text, and data that you use up every month. And Ting has award-winning customer service. - [Devin] Because they don't have any brick-and mortar stores, they pour their resources into their phone support. If you have an issue, give them a call and you'll immediately talk to a real human being, not a phone tree. And they also offer support through chat, email, social media, and Discord, which my fellow kids say is totes yeet yo! With Ting, you can use almost any cellphone - [Devin] Including the newest iPhones and Google Pixel phones and you can use the same phone number you're using right now. And Ting provides great LTE coverage because it uses both the T-mobile and Sprint networks. So even if the FTC blocks their merger, you can still get the benefit of both. So sure, there are some people who should pay $200 per month for unlimited data. But if you're surrounded by WiFi all day long, you might be paying hundreds of dollars per month completely unnecessary. Ting gives you the option to pay for only what you use. And if you go to, you can use your latest bill to compare just how much you would save. And Legal Eagles would get a $25 credit by going to That could cover the entire first month of use. And since there are no contract, you can try it out for a month, no strings attached. Again, all you have to do is click on the link in the description or go to and you'll get a $25 credit for whatever service you want. Plus, clicking on the link really helps out this channel. So, do you agree with my grade for Ghostbusters 2? Leave your objections in the comments and check out my other real law reactions over here, including my reaction to South Park and Spongebob Squarepants. So click on the playlist and I'll see you in court.
Channel: LegalEagle
Views: 591,714
Rating: 4.9484921 out of 5
Keywords: Legaleagle, legal eagle, legal analysis, big law, lsat, personal injury lawyer, supreme court, law firm, law school, law and order, lawyers, lawyer reacts, ace attorney, lawyer, attorney, trial, court, fair use, reaction, law, legal, judge, suits, objection, breakdown, real lawyer, ghostbusters, ghostbusters 2, dan aykroyd, bill murray, harold ramis, vigo, Halloween, ghosts, ghost, spooky
Id: hl9E56BqO_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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