Real Guillotine @ 1000fps! (ft. SlowMoGuys)

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The glasses were so cool to see get cut.

Also pretty awesome how you PO Box them stuff to cut. Shipping is too expensive from the UK but I'm looking forward to seeing the submissions.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DerpAntelope 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

What'd Jake mean when he said "There goes the ad revenue" They gonna have to repaint the wall?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ImMadSoISpoilGOT 📅︎︎ Aug 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
welcome back to the guillotine channel your place for fresh-squeezed guillotine related content today Jake can't be here he's very busy with lots of stuff so we are joined by Ren a familiar face to the channel I'm excited to do some shopping today it's just gonna be the two of us today with [ __ ] over here same as always what we've always done and yeah [Music] okay I realized you've been getting hot it's probably time that you can finally take the hood off Christ that salt can actually be in the video for once guys he always wears the hood but I guess that's not working so just this one time let me not be in the hood well I guess we can shoot some slow-mo so we've got Gavin from the slow mo guys here today he's brought his phantom camera he is gonna help us shoot some super slow-mo stuff you learn ton of lights we turns out phantom cameras are very light hungry what kind of lights and I just said all of them so today we're going to be having a guillotine party and we're gonna be chopping things that you might find at a birthday party I get together with friends we're gonna chop it all here's the thing we've had this execution device here and we've only been chopping things like computers and fruit what if we actually executed someone else' sad to see her go but time we send her off first thing we need to do though is fill her up with candy like you do a pinata there was someone we chopped we get our candy from our pinata poor Elsa look I have nothing against frozen but there was some weird weird Elsa videos on YouTube circulating a couple of years ago and this kind of feels like a shutting them down I think this is going to be pretty straight forward as far as Beauty nuts go I actually am prepared all right guys we have a perfect guillotine basket here I think it'll be a fairly clean cut just below the chin and all the candy and the chest I are just gonna pour out like guts I predict will be pretty clean through the first half of the neck and then it'll get a bit sort of grippy okay unless clean at the back end through the spinal area alright raising her up terrified of this thing rightfully so else whether you are sentenced to die because everyone ready I'm ready coming off it's stuck since at the brainstem that really got baked in there oh my gosh just for the sake of it [Music] that's pretty good chop I mean you know he's impressed with just the the shake of the whole room when it landed yeah you feel it didn't floor so it's happening else's about to meet her death seeing the flower is cool the head is just literally crunched there it just kind of collapsed it didn't cut as well as we thought it might that didn't go as I expected at all go the head some of us already ate it but I just want some powder oh yeah not even those pops now we know what happened you don't like flower thanks Elsa we're gonna chop a disco ball next let's do it so this is hollow all we know is that it has it probably a plastic body and then the mirrors are like glued on top oh I got one oh yeah they're glued down pretty hard we're gonna drop until we chopped with this disco ball well what I hope happens is that a bunch of tiny mirrors fly off what I think will happen is we'll just get two halves of a disco ball but I like being wrong for the good of the foot what I'm really hoping doesn't happen is that we get a D railing you have to hit right on the top of the arch and if you don't it's gonna deflect that blade bad things can happen so I think it's gonna fracture it's gonna break in half like an egg there's a potential here that we're gonna get all these shards of glass flying off in crazy high speeds Matt you have a red shield you have a riot shield I'm a youtuber hi just open your mouth maybe you'll get some snacks okay I'm just gonna steal your cloak for one shot I'll give it back uh problems make sure you return it dryclean and return it dude this disco ball is guilty of really inspiring the whole disco culture there's no place for disco balls today we've moved past that we're in the future hey gotta go I'm wearing this just as a safety precaution for this one chop [ __ ] is that you I'm not [ __ ] I'm Nick shut up [ __ ] we're raising up chop-chop [ __ ] going hot his armed it was so satisfying yeah it cracked open like an egg well look at this though it popped the bottom out of it oh did this get bent in half my lord yeah it just that's just 45 degree to 180 oh man that is some steel that did it that's the blade which is fine why do you touch me like that why are you gonna do that I'm not gonna say anything until we watch the slow-mo footage this might be the most satisfying job we've ever done playback are the reflections on the blade oh there's like dust cut off turns up disco balls are fairly flexible it's crazy to see all the little uh mirrors themselves light up individually got it packed such lunch we were right about the safety because look at all these little sharper mirrors that got screwed about should we chop the rest of these just to see probably you can tell this guy's done this before let's get this back up in the air and let's drop the other half let's not even put the safety back on let's just do this quickly and without any regard for safety isn't that what we all just do come on I don't think the blade is gonna make it all the way through this triple stack I mean think about last time it broken in half on top of bending a rod like this let's see what happens old man it never gets old as they actually cut any mirrors in half what is it just push list it seems to be like a perfect light America cut and perfect line of mirrors out that's how you age in the mirror though oh you're right it's do the approach it's loaded down a bit before it actually cut through yep it was like over the phone it starts off the blade like pushes it well first before it hits the resistance it needs to then go through so it's like a look at which phase and then it cut face what is it the munch munch crunch crunch to the munch in slo-mo you can separate the crunch from the mic this party's making me thirsty I am parched getting pretty sweaty myself time for some refreshments we should see oh god dude I only need like a drop and you put like half the bottle in it sir that is concentrated to the guillotine to the guillotine so good delicious we're not gonna drink these refreshing beverages no we're gonna chop a whole stack of them if this blade catches the end of one of these boards right here it's gonna fling all the glass all the broken shards all the liquid all around the studio but if the stress on the top glass will cause the stems of the glasses underneath to break on their physics don't make sense with this thing sometimes I think Kevin's right I think it's like they're all just gonna shatter like that we're gonna be picking up glass for weeks I say we do this cameras the guillotine is armed everyone be careful let's do this dude I'm its protection man [Music] all right here goes nothing boys this pelted I felt hit my head that's a rainbow a guillotine rainbow ready for this ready for this menu oh my gosh there's so many and the backlight and the colors that's the beauty of slo-mo is that it doesn't all mix together immediately and you can actually see that amazing color separation a company is gonna see this and advertise their TVs with this yeah this is my damage like explode from the crushing force magical yeah this is beautiful that's the most satisfying chop we've ever done I take back the disco ball thing the disco ball is nothing compared to that so we're gonna do it again we're gonna try to get a more close-up macro angle so we can really show you guys all that crunch that's too much dye they said stop putting dye in there they said I'll show them I just my whole body pinched my finger I [Music] just kind of want to maximize all of the the meat of the crunch doing so excited glass proof no glass on get back front of it take your positions let's do this chopping in three two I think I know what happened the blade went in front of all of the glasses we didn't get the shot interesting shaved yeah yeah all the good stuff was in the back so we actually have to go break the news to Jake that we have messed up the wall and it's dubious fine hey buddy going on everybody what happened that's what happened buff you derailed the blade we painted the wall a little bit of a splash here and there you know we like to keep those walls white oh I can see it were you chopping glass yeah well there goes the revenue from the guillotine channel once again so we're gonna we're gonna cut some lacquer --ax cans here and we're just gonna stick em up just look corks McCoy's okay so we're gonna take a bunch of the quicks hands whoa oh this one got pierced like don't drink the glass though these lock rows are extremely guilty of having a very contentious name known as how that's pronounced BlackRock's I've seen men killed over it the bloodshed must stop let's stack up some cans oh yeah my shaking techniques are very proprietary dude shaking it like this doesn't do as much as shaking it sideways twisting it's more of like those weird pressure waves internally I really don't think well I'm wondering if it's gonna act like spray paint we've done some stuff oh he hits cans of spray paint lengthways with axe and the H hop just kind of pops off I got the final one go oh man that's a lot of the croaks making me so thirsty we'll be safe alright see the thing about cylinders like this is that they're very strong vertically but on their side they have almost no structural support other than the pressure internally pushing outwards but once that's punctured they have no structural support so I think they're all gonna get crushed I am so confident uni that are left over I will drink the entirety of speed those cameras three two one chop it every single one no one would I buy clean cut you can see where the blade like entered and then the bottom is more of a tear I have to actually review the slow-mo footage to see and make sure every single one got cut alright dropping all they will pop open look like it ah dude look at all that phone [Music] get out in 100 I think it pushed it through I just dispensed out of the bottom yeah keep your eyes on it on these three hip things they just fell in the bottom right ready not off the hook man you're not off the hook here's another to drink this cuz I place this one I remember seeing this one now I'm gonna drink these drunk them no please I was right I predicted it I think I predicted two and three survived but the exact two I predicted were the ones that went through it's like you've done this before man that's crazy I can see time before it happens [Music] I'm like in pain now wow what a guillotine party that was a lot of fun that was the most fun party ever Gavin thank you for joining us hey if ever you need a slow-mo guy we'll just have you take the hood off again I'll just be right there under the bed okay I'm sure you guys are already very aware but please subscribe to the slow mo guys channel awesome channel on YouTube there's someone coming I think you got a future headed yes that was a long day of chopping I hope you guys enjoyed guess what we actually opened up a peel box where you can send us items to chop its p.o box 861 537 in Los Angeles California 9 0 0 8 6 postal code so you have something you want to get chopped shoot it over we're gonna chop it I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys send over just make sure it's not like super super big please don't send us any live animals please don't send us anything illegal that should cover all the bases I think and if you aren't already make sure you hit that subscribe button so you can see when we actually do chop at the fan mail that's all for now guys we're gonna go get this blade cleaned up before it rusts
Channel: Guillotine Channel
Views: 558,481
Rating: 4.9370046 out of 5
Keywords: science, slowmo, experiment, tested, slowmo guys, phantom camera, guillotine, destruction
Id: MlUw821Pyxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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