New 130TB Storage Server ft. Linus
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Channel: The Slow Mo Guys 2
Views: 2,585,065
Rating: 4.9543843 out of 5
Keywords: slomo, slow, mo, super, motion, Slow Motion, 1000, 1000fps, gav, dan, slowmoguys, phantom, guys, HD, flex, gavin, free, gavin free, high speed camera, the slow mo guys, 2000, 2000fps, 5000, 5000fps, linus, tech, tips, server, storage, unraid, western digital, 45drives
Id: 9urZug-g5MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Mental how much storage they go through.
I dread to think how much this costs and how much Gav spends on storage.
I don't know why, but Gavin getting on the floor and looking at the ant was hilarious.
"so why don't we pop over to Canada and get it done?"
"....alright I did it..."
fuck i dont know if that was intentionally funny but I laughed so hard
Gav should probably get a petabyte server like Linus has
*Looks at the calendar* September
Big ooof. He's likely exceeded capacity before the video even came out. That blows my mind just how much data Slow-motion cameras create.
So is this Linus's new thing now?
I swear this is the third or fourth "Building a server with Linus from LTT" vid I've seen pop up so far in the past few months.
honestly Gavin needs a Q30 with 12TB drives, not an AV15 with 10's
Can anyone explain the difference between a "server" and just having shit ton of hard drives for storage to me? I'm not techy at all so I don't quite understand why he needs to constantly buy more storage rather than just wiping old hard drives. Unless he's wanting to keep everything they've filmed permanently.