Real Estate Scripts LIVE with Tina Caul

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common theme for realtors i don't know what i'm doing there's no road map so i would say this is a million dollar job i think that every realtor if they put forth the effort can come into this business and create a million dollars in in earnings but they have to treat it like a nine to five so um what does that mean you know if you were to get a job and i said hey zach i'm gonna pay you a million dollars but your job is to come here every day at 7 30 in the morning i want you to practice for 30 minutes a day learn these scripts internalize them and then at eight i want you to get on the phones and i want you to look for people that don't that that want to transact that need our help and and your job every single day is to have to make one or two appointments with these people and then it's to become a great presenter to go out on the appointment to convince the seller that you're the best agent for them and then to get pen to paper and get them to hire you and then provide an amazing service take them through the transaction and at the end of it you get what you want because you've delivered what they want and zach you're going to do that monday through friday every single day you're going to become an amazing listing agent and that job pays a million dollars would you take that job exactly he signed up for that job and i have no doubt because of what he's doing and what wendy are doing they're like i'm going to pick on they're like the poster child of what we're teaching today not everyone wants to do it that way but but they just are doing it that way and so they i know you want to make a million dollars a year right he wants that not everybody wants that and that's okay so um but i think that if you wanted to treat this like a million dollar job that is exactly what you need to do and so i think this is pretty funny i am going to read my these are my notes to myself you know in back in 2012 i speak with 26 people per day for 200 days and 212 and i'm going to earn 750 000 or something better is what i said to myself right um 3 766 is the value of the prospect that i'm talking to i talk to 26 people per day so i broke it down if i'd make one contact and they hung up the phone on me that that was a three thousand dollar earning right there that changed my mindset really quickly um i want 98 listings sold i want 39 buyers sales i want 137 transactions this year i failed that year and i only sold 120. that was pretty bad terrible um implement a price reduction customer service call weekly to improve improve and refine pricing so every week i wanted to make sure that i was funneling people through the system i wasn't forgetting about my seller so i created the every friday call and every friday we had calls to make sure that i got you know my sellers moving the needle right um three appointment slots every afternoon so i'm stay on track so i would do a two o'clock a four o'clock and a six o'clock appointment and i'm telling you i was so burned out i would get mad at kevin i'd call him at 7 15 because i was driving home miss dinner and i'm like oh this job is terrible and it was just you start to build resentment sometimes for this job but i treated it like a job because my goal was really big i wanted to make a million dollars a year i just wanted to see that on my tax return um kelly needs to pre-qualify and set appointments schedule let's see community schedule systems who knows what that means work pc coi weekly pick a day call them so my past clients fear of influence um add price to listing packages it's scary but do it that was when i was actually wanting to put my the price that i was going to tell the seller prior to getting there so they would get mad at that and call me and i could have that pricing conversation quickly to save me time everything was about time saving opportunities um pre-qualify stronger you need to get better at that take 20 take 20 27 of listings taken on appointments oh so i wanted to take more appointments um and work five times harder again this is 2012 right so so all of us have to think about how do we want to grow this business and then decide what effort are we willing to put into it so with that said um your million dollar job is a nine to five you gotta treat it that way so how does it look as far as setting up your office everybody either is gonna work at a physical office like we have here um or they're gonna work from home now i preferred to work from home because i was the weirdo that was standing up with my head set on you know like a stock broker walking and pacing the room and it's just kind of weird if you do that in a traditional office um most agents don't operate that way we're all in our room on our computer you know probably pulling listings and everyone's really quiet in office are they not it's a really quiet space you never see that buzz of you know like the wolf on wall street anyone watch that movie when you walked in what were those people doing they were standing they were on calls they were looking for prospects and i remember telling kevin all the time like if i had a real estate firm if i had an office i would want to walk in and see people on the phones dialing in a smile dial make a pile that was just a dream for me to kind of be surrounded by motivated people that wanted to do that not everyone wants to do that and that's okay and i've i realized that because i think when i met you i was like why doesn't everyone want to earn a million dollars a year and it's like i had to figure out that that's okay that was my plan and now i meet people where they're at if you want to make a hundred thousand we've got the plan for that you probably don't have to work as aggressively but you can get there working 20 of of what we do um so setting up your office your office should have a stand-up desk because we have energy when we're standing right do you dance sitting down no you need that energy and excitement so you really like you know when you walk by wendy and zach's office and i know adam used to stand when you were prospecting doesn't it feel better to stand it does um but when you when you stand you've you've got that energy so i think standing up at a stand-up desk a headset you want your hands to move freely you know when you're when you're working with that prospect and have that momentum and then you want to um practice you know when you have when you walk into the office i think the best thing to do is is warm up right so we want to warm up we want to practice our scripts if you're calling past clients you want to warm up and and see what you know how it feels to have that conversation in your head so i think every professional athlete has a warm-up routine so what is your warm-up routine when you're about to do something that everyone hates i hate prospecting today i hated it then but it got me to the goal and so um so i think you need to figure out a practice schedule and i would say that um you probably need five different role play partners every single week to really kind of become versatile but i would be okay if you had the same one every single day and just doing it five days a week but ideally it's it's five different partners um and the goal is for you guys to own the script so there's going to be different conversations that we have with the seller with a buyer with a price reduction script with a with listing presentations there's probably about 10 conversations that you can master and say the same thing over and over and over again which is going to help your efficiency you know moving through the process right because you don't have to reinvent the wheel and say something different it's just the same thing so it'll move you through that process and so um so the next step after you set up your calls or your uh station i would say is to prioritize the calls so people will say well i don't know who to call well it depends on you know what you're working on but for me it was call the people that already have raised their hand and said i want to sell my home so who are those hottest leads expires right expireds they unfortunately had a failed contract you know they they they decided to list their home and for whatever reason i don't think it's you know always the agent's fault most of the time it's the it's the seller's fault because the seller wanted a crazy price the realtor unfortunately wasn't strong enough to walk away from that seller because we want to help people right so most realtors out there are awesome genuine people that just want to help and so we're trying to do right by the client and and list their home and get them 500 000 when it's really worth 450 but in our gut we want that listing so bad and we want to bring it back to the house and show our broker that we got the listing that we're willing to throw a sign in the yard just to have it only knowing that we have to beat them up on the price week after a week to get them to the right price but then we're too weak to do that and so then we avoid the seller the home just sits on the market we have those conversations and we've all had them oh don't worry we need just one oh it's next week we'll you know we'll continue looking for that buyer mr seller and all in all you know it's freaking overpriced and it's your fault because you weren't strong enough to do it so i think that's really um you know getting better with the conversation so expireds are fantastic they're they are a little bit more mad so you've got to work on you know getting through to them but expireds were always my first um for sale by owner second for sale by owners are easy to talk to because they just you know they want to sell their home now the only people that call them are us so they don't really have a ton of buyers calling them so you've got to work the art of deciding that you actually can bring value to that for sale by owner's life and they usually list with the first person that can convince them that we are more valuable than you know what they're doing and we can make them more money so expireds for sale by owners old expireds which nobody's calling so if i call sellers six months ago these are sellers pre-covered they took their homes off the market they gave up on the dream of selling they don't really realize that our market's on fire they might hear dabbling but they don't know i think old expireds are amazing because nobody is calling them um so the conversation is to kind of reinspire that that thought of selling and see where their motivation was then and then get them excited about it now so i love old expireds even a year ago expireds and it's just a real simple hey your home was on the market last year i saw it came off the market did that home sell or is it still available that's the end that's the line and then they go well it's still available you know i always say i would sell my home if somebody knocked on my door and gave me a million two five right now exactly it's for sale right so if you hear that town call it's for sale it's all my homes are always for sale um so i think that old expireds are amazing just listed just sold i mean who knows what genesis listed your souls are yeah so we know right so just listed is you know lisa lists a home in a neighborhood she's not calling but i'm in her brokerage and this is what i did to linda trevor don't tell her um but when we first moved to the market we didn't have listings so i looked at where linda was was selling and listing and i would call that neighborhood and say hey we just sold a home in your neighborhood and we know when one home sells usually two or three sell right away who do you know that's looking to move into your neighborhood oh nobody thank you where you know how i'm looking at your home it's really beautiful where did you move from i'm just curious oh we moved from florida how long have you been there oh we've been here 10 years you can start that conversation with people and then just say hey you know a couple of your neighbors have asked me to keep you updated on or keep them updated on the market would you mind if i added added you to that list sure or no thank you or whatever but again i was looking for 20 contacts because every contact was thirty seven hundred and fifty dollars or whatever i said um so just listed just sold are amazing my first appointment ever um was off of one of linda trevor's sales and um and they said hey we're actually interviewing agents come by and interview with me okay great i didn't get the listing linda did so but that gave me fire to keep going um so just listed just solds are amazing especially if you list a property and you just pull that entire street or a couple streets you call the the neighbors that week and let them know that you've just listed a property when you sell the property you call the exact same list we just sold that property now you've touched these homeowners twice and they are going man this person's killing it they're probably going to save your information it takes work and it takes systems and it takes a process to stay that you know to stay doing this but if you just know this is what i do every day i call expireds i call physicals i call old expireds now i'm just listed just sold on my own inventory or another broker's inventory in my office you're gonna get there and then finally leave follow-up so i'm gonna talk to leeds at least two or three or four or five times before they transact so if i talk to mike here and he says you know i'm i am thinking of selling but it's not going to be six it's going to be six eight months from now well i want to make sure that i call mike in half the time i cut that in half and i call him in three months and go hey mike i know that you're thinking of selling six eight months from now but i just wanted to let you know we actually just sold a home right around the block from you i figured you'd want to know just to you know say hi and check in and i would literally look up something in his neighborhood and then call him and give him that info so i've now touched him twice and then hopefully um within that next three month span i'm going to call him a month later give him another tidbit and by the time he's ready to transact i'm the only one that stayed in touch with him that's a 10 20 30 000 commission check i'm not just gonna let that fall by the wayside so again i was plugging people into a system tracking them and every day i'm updating those leads to make sure i call them back and leaving really good notes i don't know about you guys but you just can't fail if you do this on a daily basis and when you think about 20 contacts a day it's not that many and my coach would say when you're done with the 20 just walk away you've done your job you're accomplished that morning you don't have to just say well i didn't make an appointment i'm going to keep going no don't keep going because you're going to burn out because it sucks to prospect um you know we don't love it um all right so any questions on like setting up your office space um practicing your scripts role playing or priority of calls any questions or struggles so you have them do 20 touches that's 20 conversations right 20 conversations so if i called you and you hung up the phone on me that's one i still made money that day because you're rarely going to call people they're going oh my god i'm so happy you called me please come over and list my home that never happened actually it happened one time um carolina country club this was like in 2011 the guy goes you're the only person that called me get over here and list my home that was amazing that was a six hundred thousand dollar listing i think remember to this day i was like is this guy serious and i was like kevin he might be an axe murderer please you know but now country club hills and i'm going and i'm going yeah and i remember everybody at the cary office were like you're getting a listing inside itb and kevin i had no clue what itv was well carry agents don't list itb i'm like well i don't know where the hell i am so i guess we do yeah and one of our yeah we we kind of dominated itb when we first got here but again it was a mindset we didn't know where we were we didn't have pre-conceived notions of oh you don't list there if you're in kerry um we started to get that complex as agents in our carry office were telling us that but we just kept pushing forward so yes to answer your question i digress so in the beginning um and i think a lot of you remember phil demuth who was up here he said five hours a day it was about five hours and kevin i would switch we would make our t in the morning we would fight about who was going to get on the phones first he usually started because i was i hated prospecting that much and then i would hear him on the phones and i would get inspired and i would jump in but it was probably five hours between the the two of us for the first six to eight months as we built it then as we got busier it went from four to three to two but two hours minimum every day on your business two hours because think about it when you wake up in the morning you need to think of yourself as broke those deals that you have pending they don't count those are that's money you've made for the business what did you generate today how did you bring income into your business today the only way to bring business into your world is by getting out there and going and finding people that you don't know and there's going to be days where you get a call and people say oh i found you on the internet or my friend sally referred me to you those are just gimmies those are extra but you that's not duplicatable i can't wait and hope and wish to pray that someone's going to call me today i have to take action and then get out there and go find the people that need help and again i i know that today i could do it all in front of you now i could hop into any one of our lead generation systems and i could go make an appointment and every time kevin and i are they push us to do it do we perform and we get an appointment yes almost every single tell them about zarina the whole yeah because that was a big deal yeah so i think um i've had agents that have been on our team and they'll complain that their leads are bad and i always say because my coach would say this the leads aren't bad you're bad your skills aren't good enough and so we had an agent she's no longer with us love her to pieces but she just wasn't cut out for this business and she would kind of complain that the leads were bad and so i said well let me every time they say the leads are bad i go okay let's call your leads now and so then i call the leads and literally within 20 minutes had a prospect on the phone and she's like oh well yeah i've got six town homes in downtown kerry that i want to list what are you gonna do it gets better there's more there's more yeah i mean well she said what are you gonna do different we went through the script i said how about we meet blah blah blah well she also has a neighborhood in durham i mean we're listing i mean we listed already uh six of those units we sold them this is like probably a hundred and twenty thousand dollars worth of commission in that database but nobody was calling or if she did happen to call which i doubt she did um the skills weren't there to convert that lead i sucked at prospecting in the beginning i was terrible people hung up on me i was the nice okay thank you bye you know the minute they they were resisting me i was like i'm done with this call i wanted it over with that's painful rejection is kind of painful i mean nobody when you're dating and you're at a bar and you see someone you're like oh i'm gonna go up to him and say hi that nobody wants to be rejected so then nobody ends up asking right i mean my son and i talked about this at the dance you don't want to go ask the girl she might say no the girl doesn't want to ask the boy it's the same thing with adults but we get rejected by our kids every day we don't care they don't offend us because they say no i'm not cleaning my room we just go do it again no do it again no i'm gonna punish you okay fine you know so i think we that's where the accountability piece and being in a collective group with the same mindset um is inspiring because if zach comes in and he doesn't feel like working because you said it the other day you're like i just didn't feel like making the calls but when wendy's over here making calls and making money zach goes well shoot i i feel like it or when mckenzie's kicking ass or minda's kicking ass it inspires you to be around that collective mindset that happened yesterday um wendy was making a couple of appointments and zach was still is 5 10 i'm walking out the door you've been prospecting for hours and you continue to go through it's like the first like i guess the lead like real lead he got it at 108. do you feel like he's tracking his calls right but that's that's a business and so i mean and and what did you see you were two weeks right call making calls so his first week he comes in and he's just on the phones he has no clue what he's doing he's reading words right and he's failing over and over again but yet he's winning he may not feel that way but i was like really proud of him and he finally got his first appointment he's like high fiving everyone doesn't ma that's a win it's just a win like you have to think of it um as i wake up in the morning and i work out that's a win i eat a healthy breakfast that's a win i get to the office on time that's a win i pick up the phone and i make five calls that's a win you want to keep encouraging yourself that you're winning i think we we get to the office we do all those things we make calls we don't make an appointment like this doesn't work i failed today no you didn't you won the entire day you just didn't make an appointment that was one loss but you had 52 wins getting there so that's the thing that i want people to understand is you drive by a for sale by owner and you don't stop the car that's that's a a losing moment but if you stop the car convince yourself to get out of the car knock on the door leave a package that's five wins right even though you nobody answered or you didn't or they told you to shove off it's still five wins so we just have to change our mindset is what am i doing to just be proactive um every single day we were talking to jesse i don't know if she's on the call jesse is a brand new agent and she called me yesterday she's like i called two for sale by owners and the guy was actually answering my questions and oh my god this stuff works and thank you so much because i didn't have and it's like that's inspiring right and and again it's a community of people saying you can do this trust me if i can anyone can um so any questions about contacts or anything like that i just have one question yes in terms of like different scripts so every every week we're practicing with somebody and i don't even say like five different people yes so how many different kind of scripts you should focus on so that we're not all over the place either but you can focus on something learning yeah so kush asks how many different kinds of scripts do we have to learn because it kind of gets overwhelming um think about you know you're not going to know them all right so my feeling is this if you know i learned the listing presentation first because i figured if i'm newer and i get on the phones with someone and i accidentally fall into an appointment by luck because it's going to happen some people are like sure come over because they have nothing to do if i go out to that house and i don't know how to present i'm probably not going to pick up the phone but if i start learning my listing presentation and i know it like the back of my hand i'm going to have confidence to make the calls and maybe i'll get an appointment but i feel a little bit better going to the appointment because i know what to say i think the hardest part of this business is we all feel a little stupid at first we're like oh i don't know what to say what if they ask me this or this or this and then you convince yourself to do nothing um but if i go in and go hey mr seller thank you so much for having me at your house i'm really excited about getting your home on the market but more importantly getting it sold do you mind if i take a quick look at your home i say that every single time i know it now i don't have to practice it it's internalized in my brain and then i know when i sit down i say mr seller there's two things that are going to happen today mackenzie knows the script linda knows the script adam knows the script you're going to know the script and that way they all can have duplicatable results because we don't have to figure it out and the difference is when they go on an appointment and they come in as a professional that knows what they're saying that feels confident they're probably going to win more appointments versus the competitor that's been a seasoned agent for 30 years but they sell two homes a year for 30 years right so that's where you're gonna dominate in a year or two but it's going to take practice so i would say for you learn your listing presentation first then go fail and practice on the phones and call physicals and expireds and get better but internalize the initial dialogue on the page and then you're gonna make changes right um i think you know handling the and we're gonna hear jackie i think in um maybe ten minutes um i want you guys to hear how she handles objections you know what what i think is hard when we get onto the phones for the first time we haven't internalized the script so when somebody says well i'm selling my home because you know my great great grandfather died and it's oh great because you're reading the script that's that's not great right but we're reading because we're just so into and jackie says that all the time like you can't say great in that moment and follow a script you have to go oh my gosh i'm so sorry for your loss i cannot appreciate how that you know what's happening so i think that you know you have to own the script you have to internalize it so it's yours and then you're going to be able to listen intently and really connect with the person on the other end of the phone um but if you're just worried about what to say hmm it can be a train wreck i was just busy the best way to internalize is she had a competition for a month yes she was a year ago right and this is how i learned it every single day for the month of july we had to call somebody and just leave a voice bill and say the script every single day for three days and then 30 days yeah literally and you just run off the script and you didn't you didn't try to and then eventually you just knew it oh i just memorized that first page oh and then that memoir is the person that engaged and literally in 30 days it's yours so what mckenzie said for the people that are on the call that can't hear her is to learn and internalize a script we did a contest where you have a partner so i would call kush every day into her voicemail she didn't have to sit there and listen to me that would be it that would be really annoying so i would call her at the same time every day at 8 a.m she would know it's me calling for this purpose and not answer and then i would literally pick up the phone and i i would say hi my name is tina and i'm with the call group so nice to meet you we just listed a home for sale over on 123 apple lane it has three bedrooms four baths that's listed and i'm reading it that fast and it's listed who do you know that like to move into your era no one fantastic um great what would be the best way for me to contact them regarding the purchase of the home may i use your name when i give them a call and and i'm saying that same script for 30 days and we did the listing presentations and then you and then you need to take massive action right so we can all learn these things but unless somebody has a gun to your head you're if you're afraid because you're projecting and what's going to happen what are they going to say and oh my god it looks stupid if no one's there to push you off the diving board like our parents used to when we were little right you had no chance you just fell in the pool because they said go go learn that's the goal is taking massive action because we're always getting ready to get going to begin to be great just do it you're going to look like an idiot and that's okay i mean do you feel amazing when you're calling no no [Laughter] um i mean just a couple of weeks yeah he's going to feel amazing but i mean what what was what is your experience so far being like totally newbie yeah i would say the first week was really tough i picked expired and the way that i've kind of gone about everybody's different but i take one script and i'll work on it for a week and i my goal is 375 calls in the week so i mean not all those are contacts you're not getting the practice at 375 times but after the first week i didn't have to look at my script anymore i had it up there and pam gave me the best advice because the script can seem kind of robotic at times but the more you go through it i mean at first i was reading it exactly like it was and then i got comfortable and rewrote it all on my own and kind of made it myself and i had way better success that way and you just take the questions that was the part was just taking the questions because the first part is just good rapport yes second part is well the last part is just getting an appointment but those questions are the same if you just take all of the words out and just focus on those questions yeah for me like really expired it was like i think you know do you have time to interview the right agent for the job and i just that didn't for me personally it didn't work for me so i would call and i really expired to be like hey my name is zach and i was just calling i saw the property on whatever and um you know i was just curious that the property sold or if you're still interested to show any buyers you had way more success you know getting them to kind of talk we tweaked that remember i walked into his office he's like i just i'm not getting results i said what are you saying and he said i'm saying this and i forgot that i hated that line too just like him and i said what i say is this he shifted and it was like boom it just felt more comfy yeah yeah is that home sold or is it still available it's different than when are you going to hire the right agent to sell your home and and that was how i actually started kevin you would say that verbatim right speak on that say the line again sorry i'm um when we used to call and you used to use the mike fairy scripts you used to say that you know when are you going to hire a top agent to sell it i still say it i still say it if i were to prospect today i would still say it but it's still he has he is it is fine right yeah i was calling to find out when you're um calling to find out when you plan on interviewing the right agent for the job actually getting it sold this time right yeah i was calling to find out when you plan on interviewing the right agent to help you get it sold this time and sometimes even when i say it now i i think it's just the way that you say it and with confidence they might say well we're not hiring anybody we're taking it off the market oh you're taking off my you know what i can appreciate that it sounds like you're pretty frustrated you know before we hang up may i ask you just one quick question i mean that's really nice and sincere most people are like no you're an idiot you know they're like sure what do you want well you know i i saw your home and my gosh it looks like a beautiful property we're in the hottest real estate market of all time what do you honestly honestly think stopped it from settling i'm just curious and then the minute they answer that they're yours because you got them talking you're listening now so you're well you know my my agent was a this my agent was that it's always the agent's fault and you know and and we did get an offer but it was too low and so we just decided to give up well you know what i i can appreciate that sounds like you know you feel your agent you know didn't do the right job but i got to be honest you know most agents just do what they can and i'm sure that agent did everything they knew in their toolbox and it just didn't work so if you had sold the home where were you going to go well i was moving to florida okay wow florida what brings you to florida all my gran you know my grandkids are in florida we actually moved here followed them here and then they moved back to florida now we're stuck with this damn home in fuquay you know and that is a very honest thing that happens all the time um grandparents chasing their children and so oh gosh so if you so you hoped you had you know moved to florida probably six or seven months ago and you probably didn't think you'd be here i mean i can feel your pain you know so it's just again having those conversations now that person's engaged they feel like you care it's not about hiring the right agent it's oh my gosh so if so if you were to move when were you hoping to do that next well if i could show you away and again i don't know if i can be of help to you but i am going to be in your neighborhood later today i'm always in their neighborhood later today i'm actually meeting with a seller later today in your neighborhood i what if i just popped on by for 15 20 minutes let me just look at your home you know we sell a lot of homes on our team but let me just look at your home and see if it's something you know that i can help you fix and at least this way you'll have all the information you need to make a good decision whether it's tomorrow or next year i'd love to earn your business and and be a contact for you how does that sound okay great come over just role play it up by yourself yeah yeah i mean you know but it's just so second nature to me it's like i truly when i get on the phones my mindset is i'm the best damn agent in town i am going to go get it's my job to help people sell their home it's my job if they end up with a mediocre agent that's my fault because i didn't call them that was what i told myself every single morning right and if you believe that i'm not the best agent in the world but i think they're pretty darn good and i really had their best intent you know their best interest at heart um you know i'm going to go then and tell them the truth i'm going to tell them that their home was overpriced i'm sorry mr celery your home is you know over overvalued and that's probably why the agent can sell it but the agent might not have been strong enough to really kind of stand up to you and say this is wrong this is the wrong price i'm not that agent i'm going to let you know the problem whether you want to list it or not that's up to you but it's my job to tell you if there's a problem and that's it and then i would walk away if it wasn't the right listing i'm not attached to the outcome most of you that are starting are so attached to the outcome that's where the mistakes happen and then you lead that poor seller down this you know awful experience and you're at fault at the end and they hate you and want to leave bad reviews so um let's not do that let's all do that let's not do that um all right so i'm just reading my notes make sure okay so i think that was kind of what i wanted to to go over but i really wanted you guys to see that it's it's a process so when you think about this career i think about it's a four-year process your first year you're a freshman you're on campus you don't know where your classes are you're just like fumbling around like a weirdo the second year you're like okay i got this i know where i am on campus i know what i'm supposed to say the third year you're like okay this is really good and the fourth year you're starting your own team and you're you know opening a brokerage is usually what happens right right lisa like i got this i'm amazing um so but i think if you were sitting here reading all of my notes in my little diary i had i had all the fears right i mean i had all the fears but you know i you know i can either win or learn i must learn and break my bad habits i must feed my motivation the listening presentation is all about motivation you know mastery and re i mean this is these were my bibles but i spent every single day trying to get better and i knew that it was not rocket science it was just confidence it was repetitious boredom what they do every day is freaking boring it is boring to be a real estate agent if you're going to do it at a high level it's fun to be a real estate agent if you're just going to let the day happen to you i'm going to go to this model home i'm going to record a video i might get a couple phone calls i'm going to see kush for lunch we're going to talk about all the business we're not doing and that's real real estate right and that was amazing so that's amazing i'm gonna do some social media posts because that's what they tell me i should do but you're not succeeding at a high level if you are not structured you know if you're not paying attention to what you're supposed to say if you're not calling people all day every day and you're not moving the needle forward and the most important part of this business is the first part of the morning i mean it's basically from seven to noon my coach would say i don't care what you do from noon to six go get a massage every single day but from eight to noon you better be highly structured because that's how you build a million dollar business that's it so i mean that it sounds so easy does it it does sounds well i mean it honestly it kind of is though and it is a process if you just embrace that repetition for repetitious boredom and do it every day yeah it is fairly easy i mean the phone calls aren't easy right but at least you have a process and a plan on what to do to be successful yeah i think the hardest part is um most of us are very social beings right when you're when you're in real estate you're typically a social butterfly and you want to be a connector and you want all the warm and fuzzy feelings and that's why i think people lead you know you come into real estate thinking i'm gonna show houses i'm gonna help people get what they want i'm gonna help them sell and it sounds amazing and then you get in it you're like this is freaking hard that's why 80 what is it 80 percent percentage of bailout after the first year i mean that's insanity so in my world i'm going we're going to help people we're going to help lower that failure rate because we're going to show people what they need to do whether they do it or not you know not my problem i'm gonna just like me i i would thank mike ferret i'd walk up to him on stage and go thank you mike for showing me the way he's like i didn't do anything you you did the work he had the road map right and so if zach wants to to do this he's gonna do it if he doesn't he's not gonna you know it's like that's up to him so um so i do think that it's it's a really boring job it's you know every single day doing the same thing that's why i feel like high high d and analytical people do the best with this system where they're coming in every day in their regimen it's the eyes and the s's that are they struggle a little bit and i'm an eye trust me it's like oh squirrel um just ask jennifer where is she i was late for a meeting this morning yeah i mean it's like one day and asked my husband he'll ask me i'll be going to the store and say can you get me this sure i'll get you that i don't get that for him because i'm thinking of 52 different things so knowing that is a problem for me i set up high accountability and structure to keep me focused so i actually had a team where we each put in a thousand dollars and if we didn't post onto our calls and make our goal at the end of the month that thousand dollars was cashed by the others in the team and they'd go out and have fun and two times my two thousand my i spent two thousand dollars but during that time i made a lot of money right so i know how to make 10 grand a day that's our average commission check in our markets about nine to ten thousand bucks i could go make ten thousand dollars every single day if not thirty thousand if i want to but it's just right now i'm at a point where it it was exhausting and i needed leverage and i needed to expand and now we built a team right so that was the next step but people forget the work in the beginning that was done to build it um so with that said any questions of of you wonderful people behind the computer what's up cat king that's joshua peacock he said what's up cat king tube kevin i'm here don't you worry about it i'm here you are the cat king all right i say one thing real quick wait hold on he must say something we can't hear you go ahead i would um you know i was talking with somebody about door knocking yesterday uh-huh that's just a way to prospect and i made a point to her it was actually our um sister-in-law she bought back the house that they had lived in two or three years ago and she wanted to buy that house back from the people she sold it to so she knocked on the door and the people said you know as a matter of fact we are looking to sell it so they sold it back to her and she said isn't that great and i said yeah it just proves the point that door knocking works though she's a realtor and so i said don't you think you should probably do a little more door knocking look how great it worked the first time for you i said don't skip that either as far as um a prospecting avenue can anyone hear him can you guys hear me so here's what he said he said that our sister-in-law lives up in michigan and she had sold her house and she regretted it and two years later she said you know what i'm just actually it was her son my nephew said mom we should just go knock on the door and see if they'll sell it back to us so they went and knocked down the door knock knock knock hi i sold you this home two years ago if you ever want to sell it i would love to buy it back and they said oh my god we just bought another house and she bought that same house back from that person it just shows you door knocking also works i hated door knocking i would re for me it was an efficiency thing i'm gonna go sweat and knock on doors and who knows who's gonna meet me with the you know a shotgun and to me if i walked up to the door and got rejected and it was eye contact like you no thank you face-to-face interaction and they feel like they're better converters when they are face-to-face doing something consistent yes doing and and i know a ton of people in fact i could actually we should invite him over here the door knocking king um he lives in utah and he just he would make his rounds and i mean he'd sell 100 homes a year just door knocking that's it it's not my thing i'm more efficient on the phone i'd rather get rejected hang up and move on no one is thinking about you after they hang up on you they're not going can't believe that charity called me it's ruined my day i mean they're they're done with you the minute that they hang up on you but you're remember you're thinking about them hanging up on you all day it ruins your day it stops us from being productive yes this is a really cool tool for this actually it's called and they like they they show you like routes and so your properties might be a motivated seller okay um and then you can like type it in you can get the owner's name oh interesting pretty cool like pictures yeah let brandon know how it goes because he won't be doing it yeah um all right you want to role play oh yeah yeah yeah and then we can do that we'll do a little role play and then we've got a little video to watch because i think jackie again um if all of you want to spend the best hundred bucks of your life 99 bucks a month i would i signed up for jackie's coaching um it's not a true coaching call because coaching is basically therapy once a week you're not going to do what the coach says and you end up chatting it's a thousand dollars a month training is different from business yeah exactly um training is every day having that accountability and i actually signed up for a course because i wanted to see if it was worth it and it is so it's every monday um monday tuesday and friday she's actually sending an inspirational motivating take action kind of message um or i'm sorry monday wednesday friday and then tuesdays and thursdays it's live back and forth role play it's magical i swear so if i were you guys invest the 99 bucks um all right so which script should we do it's jackie kravitz she used to be a mike fairy coach for years she was my coach then she moved over to keller williams was a coach for them for a while a while and now she's out on her own because she felt like coaching was a scam she was like i need to train people and i can't train people if i'm charging him a thousand dollars a month and doing therapy sessions so she really did come up with an awesome program um so i want to help her out i should get paid for that but a little cut all right don't worry um all right should we do a what kind of what kind of scripts do you guys want to hear um do a little expired listing presentation it's a long one that's a 20 minute one we'll do an expired real quick yeah and then we'll have jackie hop on she does maybe that for subliner on this training too right yeah oh yeah she does yeah she lists a hundred for sale by owners a year those were her favorite they were my least favorite because it took too long to kind of get them to love on you but um she loved them but she was a master she is a master so okay i'm not going to look at her because you think yeah body language with people too so and they look strange looking off in the distance yeah all right ring ring hello hello hey i was calling about the property uh on 123 appalling is this pam yes it is hey pam my name is tina i'm a local real estate agent and i was just calling to see is that home still available or has it actually sold um it never did sell and um it's been expired and you're probably about the 20th uh agent that's called me this morning too so wow we're not gonna list it we're just gonna you know take a break and maybe do something again next year awesome you know i got to tell you pam i'm kind of disappointed 20 agents do you know that we have 9 000 agents in the triangle area and only 20 are working today well i mean i haven't really thought about it that way i mean 20 calls this morning was a bit rough i bet and i'm sorry that happened you know pam i'm looking at your home online and i gotta say it's a really beautiful home um may i ask you honestly what what do you think stopped it from selling um i mean honestly i think we probably listed it maybe a little high in the beginning but we've reduced it the agent kept beating me up on price so i think we finally got the price right and then um it backs up into old creedmoor so um it's a little bit of a busier road so that was some feedback that we've had as well got it so it backs up to old creedmoor um you felt like the agent listed a little bit higher and came down in price you felt like it was a good price but it still didn't sell that's correct okay do you feel that it was just creating more that that didn't sell the home i mean i don't think that helped me that again just was the feedback that we had and maybe we needed to do a few updates in the home too got it i got it but i don't know i mean that's why i hired an agent to tell me exactly what i needed to do and after six months i'm in a hot market it's you know it didn't sell yeah well the whole backing up to a road thing i mean do you have neighbors on your street that back up to a road i do i've actually had two neighbors that have listed and sold over the last six months too so that you know added a little bit of a problem to me as well right right and i mean you bought the home you were backing you know you knew it was backing up to the road so i definitely don't think it's the road but but there could be other things well tell me once you actually do get the home sold whether it's now or next year where are you planning on on moving we're going to move downtown just a little bit closer to to raleigh you know being out here it's a little too quiet for me and the kids are going to be out of school soon so it seemed like a good logical move for us wow that's awesome that's exciting that's that's really where my husband and i want to end up to when our kids are off to college so good for you well you know here's the good news pam i'm not sure if you knew this but you know last week right here in our market we actually sold 900 homes so i don't know how that's possibly good news for me well so here's the it is good news because we know that homes are selling and so i definitely you know want to bring my home to market when i know you know homes are selling so the truth is you probably need a little more aggressive plan to make sure that you're one of them tell me how did you happen to pick that last agent that listed your home well she sent postcards here for a little while i saw her name and i think i've seen a couple of her signs so you know i thought she'd do my area she doesn't seem to be a new agent so i i just you know i went with her got it so you can she sent some postcards you felt like she was local she should know the area exactly um i could see why you did that well was there anything that that she did professionally during the listing that you like the best um she took great photos there's a really nice looking flyer that's on my dining room table we had an open house the very first weekend that it went active and then other than that as it sat on the market i talked to her less and less i felt like she didn't really have a plan on how to handle me after maybe the first couple months got it got it so it sounds like to me she you know she kind of did the basic traditional things that agents do to get home sold right yeah i would say that okay well you know pam what i'd like to do is make a quick suggestion um it sounds like right now if at all possible i mean you you had wanted to sell the home you wanted to move downtown but you're just not sure how to get there so we're not clear to a couple of things number one why your home hasn't sold in one of the hottest real estate markets of all time and number two what we would need to do realistically to make sure that it does sell in the next 30 to 60 days so so how about we do this and i really wouldn't mind i'm actually going to be in your neighborhood later on today meeting with another seller i could pop on by like right before right after that point for 10 minutes meet you shake your hand see the house and at least give you an idea of what we would need to do differently this time to make sure that you do reach that objective so does that sound fair well tina i mean you sound really nice but we're just not ready to meet with anybody right now like i said i think we're gonna probably take at least a month maybe two off so if you could just call me back in a couple of weeks um you know then maybe we could chat then absolutely you know what i will be in business in a month or two so i definitely want to have you know that relationship with you tell me is is netting the most amount of money and objective for you uh of course so what i'd love to do pam again there is no obligation we're just gonna shake hands meet um i'd love to show you why it is imperative to know exactly what's going on in our market today um see what your home offers and just give you that advice and leave it with you and so again no pressure i'd love to just pop by there's no commitment um and leave you with that information on me and my team and what we do differently and at least that way we can you know know the action plan moving forward again no obligation does that sound fair again you sound really nice but you know why should we meet now and not meet in a month or so you know again we're going to take a break and so i don't know if meeting you now makes makes the most sense really from just an efficiency standpoint i mean what i find is you know if we don't meet now you know we may not get together in a month your goals may change i'm going to be in your neighborhood little later on today i'll pop on by if you don't want to invite me and that's fine too i can even drop off information on your front porch if you'll allow me but if i'm there again i'll wear my mask we'll take a look at the house i'll give you some tips and tricks i think that's the most important piece is was there something missed that's really what we need to know that way you can make a good informative decision next time you're ready to go to market whether it's with me or another great agent in our market all right tina will you sound nice um so yeah i mean you said 15 20 minutes i think that'll you know as long as it doesn't take any more time than that i think that sounds reasonable pam we can make it in five minutes again i just need to run through take a look at it and then i'll i'll give you a long you know list of things that you know it may or may not need to make your experience better next time so i look forward to seeing you i'll pop over maybe five o'clock sounds great perfect that's it it's it's now i pushed right three you gave me two or three objections and that that's very normal well i don't know if you like it well how about we do this and why it's just again we're backing off more where i'll just leave something on your front door but i was like you were still trying to get there exactly i was just gonna get get somewhere to get in front of her because once i'm leaving something on your door you're inviting me in i mean that's the reality right it's just being um a little more being persuasive not being pushy but being persuasive in a nice way so you're being pleasant i'm you know mckenzie's good at that pleasantly persistent that's what i call it you're pleasant but you're persistent because in my mind i need to get to her because she's going to go hire some flat fee company or try to sell it fsbo or make a mistake and do you know that 80 of expireds list re-list within a 14-day period 80 14 days you only have a few days to get in front of them so they're going to re-list with the same agent they're going to be listed with a different agent and that's the reality and most of them have done their homework prior to the home expired they've already met with a couple agents so you know your chances dwindle as they expire they already how many times have you caused them we already listed with another agent quite a few they've already done their homework so you've got a sliver of hope to get somebody like pam who hasn't done their research to get your foot in the door drop off information i don't care if you're ask for permission to drop off the info right get to their door give them the info at least you're top of mind and then follow up a week later or two days later hey did you get that package you know i'd really love the opportunity to meet with you no obligation at least you have all the information you need to make a great decision i'd love to earn your business those are the the words that we're constantly saying to build trust um and to me it's a gold mine it's really a gold mine but it does take a little bit more effort to get in front of them and and really the key is and we talked about this it's that first 30 40 seconds you know when she says oh 20 agents have a call today don't you agents have you know it's like to me i'm kind of a jokester so i like the line yeah i love that i mean it's hard to it's hard to compete against that right only only 20. and you don't want to be like you know when you're saying it you got to say it in the right way or can sound you know not that good but i just go really gosh did you know pam there are 9 000 agents you mean to tell me only 20 are working today that's pretty sad if i were you i'd hire one of those 20 because the rest are lazy and i know one way to make this go away yeah yeah exactly you know but again you can have fun with it you know if that person hangs up if she hangs up on me after i push through i used to have um seven pennies because you're supposed to close seven times so the first close i would move the pen second clothes move the penny third close just to remind me that this is a process they're going to keep saying no i have to ask my husband i'm sure he has the same goals as you pam he probably you know trusts you in your opinion just say hey i met an agent she sounds like she has half a brain why don't we just let her come over and see if we could pull out more information from her and then you're basically letting them say yes okay fine like i mean that's all people need they just want permission um they want to be mad at you because they're mad at the situation but i they're not mad at me they're mad at the situation so i just have to be the light at the end of the tunnel yes that's the lady that trying to help me and really you are there is nothing more exciting than getting into an expired store fixing their problem and you're the hero at the end it's a high like it is a high you know that right mackenzie's been there many times now so it's it's exciting so anyway i don't know how to do this next part you do i think an important concept that i've kind of learned which is come from role playing in the beginning is don't like oversell it like the point of the conversation is just to get in front of them yeah you don't have to like keep showing like all the value yeah i'll keep trying to show them why they should go with me after they've been like yeah you can stop by pop by yeah and then you're like yeah you keep going yeah yeah like yeah just shut up and go hi yeah he did that one day this week like zack you got it man he said yes you should do it you're gonna i swear and i'll be the best age in the world what's your next objection okay was it that easy yes it is that easy so i'm gonna grab my ipad can you mute your computer yeah um yeah i think that's the funniest part when they say yes and you're just like going on and on and on and the other thing is you know okay another line crazy like i'm still going to work with this other agent but you can come by and so i kept like i should have been like yeah that's great i'll see you then i kept going on well you know me and the team we're on track to help me and the team are on track this is effectively you have to be listening intently because otherwise you're gonna sound scripted actually a lot of scripts you
Channel: Tina Caul
Views: 40,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exp realty, real estate, Real Estate Scripts, tina caul, Real Estate Scripts LIVE, Scripts LIVE, exp real estate, keller williams, realtor, real estate scripts, caul group, exp agent, exp explained, realty, raleigh real estate agent, new realtor tips, real estate agent, realtor day in the life, new realtor, real estate broker
Id: LiCjYfH8h7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 26sec (4406 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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