Real Edge to Line with Cinema 4D Scene Nodes

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hello everyone um today I'd like to show you a small seed note exercise I call this real Edge to line and there is actually already an edge to line um note but it is kind of foggy together with the poly effects let me first show you what I mean and then we built the node setup together okay here you see I have this mesh here um I built this just with a sphere and a bevel deformer just for the explanation I like to show when you like to have those edges as splines you can convert the sphere here to an object and then select all the lines and then there is a command called Edge to spline and that generates splines for you so hide it and now you have splines so and the cool thing here is together with the polyfx you find this here onto the demograph settings with the polyfx and you can use effectors to scale those so make a plane effector and now set here to scale absolute scale minus one then we use a linear field where is it here and now go to the polyfx into object and set the mode here to partial polygons and splines and now you can can make kind of whoops kind of hot display effect I use this a lot in my projects but the problem of course you see it's not procedural so let me show you next step how we build this procedural with notes and let me show you the problem with the normal Edge to line note okay first um delete this one and this one the pull effects we can use and now here we have our sphere and then let's build and notes generator called type in group like object group this is a generator object where we can build nodes so open it then we like to have feed the sphere here as a child so first let's make a child operator which is in here and the children back to the inputs then go to edit resources go to children and set the scene Port mode to object okay now we can place the sphere here as child of the object group and you can see we have here uh the child and the geometry of our child so first we use the normal Edge to line go here and search Edge to line and this is pretty simple feed in the geometry and the geometry to the output and now we have here the geometry as lines but you can see when we use the polyfx so under a null reading the polyfx and now when we move the field we see we have here some something is going wrong here they go they go into the center but that's not what we like what we want so there is kind of a pocket Edge to line so but don't worry we can build easy our own H2 line okay so first let's make a group and feed in the geometry and we call this the real Edge two line then we jump in to the note and first what we need is the information of the of the geometry actually the edge information so there is an old called h information feed the geometry here and you can see here we have here the positions of of every point of edge so area H has two points so point a and point B and and first what we need is the count of the position A or B it doesn't matter it's the same so get count and now we have a count and because we want to iterate over this point we need the range node put the count into the end and now we have here a range have iteration for uh for every Point position here so next we like to have the those positions so we need a get element we need these two times so for position a and position B then the range goes into the index and next you have to collect those two vectors the position vectors into an array so use a build node then data type is Vector then we just need two vectors so the first one and the second one and now we have an array with the first add position a in position B of every Edge so next we need our final array with all the vectors inside so in use and other build build also type is also Vector remove all of those and then we use an append element s in here and then append those two vectors into the final array it generates a third collection so it takes those two vectors and feeds it into the our final array our file the position array okay and that's nearly everything we need for our assembly spline so user have same assembly spline and here we can feed in the our file positions here into the points with the geometry back then let's go back then click here on this button so we see our output which is in here and now we have our geometry but there are too much segments at the moment so we have to decide here inside the assembly spline the the segment count that's pretty easy so we use an fill array node for this [Music] fill array then you have to decide the field value it's integers so put in here a 2 because every segment has two points so every every Edge so then we have to decide the length and the length is also the get count so every Edge so we can use this one feed this here into the length and then the array here into the segments yeah and then we have we can have a look here is the linear field and now it works exactly as expected so for compulsion here the built-in Edge to line see there is a problem here and now our own Edge to line draw and this works perfect yeah that's it for this short one um I hope this was helpful you can download it on gumroad you find this in the descriptions and as always if you have questions let me know in the comments and then I wish you a nice day and bye bye
Channel: Dominik Ruckli
Views: 6,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cinema4d, c4d, capsule, scenenodes, nodes, edge to line, splines
Id: nVZiYR7PjwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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