Real Boy Ending + Post-credits Cutscenes & Aftermath - Lies of P

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I knew you could do it we have all the ingredients we need I dreamed of this day for so long the moment you'd come back to life you can be human again by using that vast supply of Ergo in the arm of God I just need the final ingredient the one that holds your memories and your lifespan your heart if you give me your heart all these trials and tribulations will be over you have been brilliant and a good boy as a reward I shall turn you into a real boy give me your heart son [Music] you are a good boy till the very end I believed in you you are the greatest puppet I ever made who we can be happy now thanks to you thank you you are such a good boy [Music] foreign this finally feels like family thank you for returning [Music] your dream wanted [Music] song a little [Music] I have a final report on the crot experiment I think we have a new brother a new type of humanity so to speak it's intriguing and worth further observation I'll have to get his own back anyway I'm counting on it expect another report at the next meeting paracelsus returning ah and when I return I will find her for sure another key of ours Dorothy your wish is my command to call it what would you like to do thank you your wishes might come out so Carlo what would you like to do [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Doom Slayer TV
Views: 9,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5Share, ShareFactoryStudio
Id: rrXc3l_RwQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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