Ready to Boost Your Confidence? Here’s How.

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I see this all the time where women are running so hard like it's like fixing lunches getting dry cleaning they never stop you always say it but life balance is not about being 50/50 it's not having the perfect amount of time to work out how to like work family I mean it's not gonna be sliced perfectly [Music] hey y'all I'm Christie right and this is the Christie right show what are you in the right place yes you are y'all I'm so excited we've been talking about this a little bit for a few weeks now but I have felt God leading this team in a new direction we're not abandoning the old direction we still are gonna help you pursue your dreams and build your businesses and reach your goals but the truth is I feel God asking us to help you in a lot more ways than just that so what does that mean that means that we are expanding from just focusing on business to helping you with your life because let's be honest we don't have a business life and a home life you just got one life and one always affects the other I'm sure you've been feeling that even recently in the last few months we'll see how our business and our business goals affect our marriage and our kids in our time and our money and then we see how our home life our kids their schools their needs our marriages our relationships those personal goals while they affect your business and your time and your schedule and what you're able to do when and that's why instead of just focusing on business just focusing on the tactical steps to help you build your brand and market yourself and sell your products or saying guess what come along with us on this new journey where we're gonna help you in a lot more ways than just that we're gonna help you not just build the business you want we're gonna help you build the life you want and you know what I'm really excited to see how not only opening this door for you is gonna open up whole new possibilities for you it's gonna open you up to seeing what God might be doing in your own life how God might be leading you in a new direction how God might be opening doors for you as you open yourself up to hear what he has to say for you so that's why we are now transitioning from the business boutique show to the Christie Wright show where I'm gonna give you everything you need to break through these limitations you might have been living within break out of the box you put yourself in maybe even surprise yourself as you build confidence in yourself and build confidence in the God that created you I am so excited to partner with you in this new journey and I'm so excited to see what God's gonna do in you and through you as you take this step of faith with us and so today we are kicking it off by helping you focus on the one thing the only thing that you can control which is you now I know you've probably been feeling lately like I have like a lot of things are out of our control even within your own household you can't really control the people and the schedules and the schoolwork and the craziness that tends to occur and the chaos that happens when everyone's home and so many different worlds are colliding but you know there's still one thing you can control you you can control your attitudes your reactions your posture you can control you and so I'm so excited for this very first episode of the Christi right show to kick it off by helping you not only focus on what you can control you but help you find confidence in yourself find confidence in your life find confidence in your crazy find confidence amidst the chaos and most of all find confidence in the God that created you to begin with now let me tell you something that I've experienced in my life and maybe you've experienced this as well so often in my life I try to improve my life or change my life or make things better in some way or reach some new goal but all I do to get there or fix the symptoms right like something is happening in my life and I just put a band-aid over it I think well if I can just get my son to be quiet by getting him a snack it'll make the problem go away it won't will it no it won't he's back to seconds like for a new snack like we do that in every area of our life we try to fix the symptom and we don't know why it keeps coming back again and again and again tell me have you ever had these thoughts or said this out loud to friends I just don't have enough time I just need more time I just need to manage my time I need life balance I just need a balance at all better I need to I need to I need to learn how to say no more I need to manage my schedule I need you know just need more energy I just need more coffee have you said that I have we just spin our wheels at this all these symptoms in our life and we don't know why they don't change we don't know why that any efforts we make to improve them come back again and again as problems that's why I believe true lasting life change happens from the inside out let me give you a really simple example many of you know I have shared plenty of stories about my husband Matt and I and the interesting dynamics of our marriage when you are married to someone that is your complete opposite like I know many of you have it works most of the time so what are the things with Matt is I've noticed he tries really hard to show me love in his way and for some reason there's this like breakdown between us like I want these grand gestures I want lots of roses and and sparkly things and I want you to lots of words let the feelings lots of expressions on his face and he just doesn't do that that's not this personality style that's not how he was created and so after years of feeling frustrated oh if my husband could just do this more if he could just say this more if he could just act this way differently then I would feel loved if I could just fix him I would feel loved if I could just if I could just help him understand what I need in our marriage then our marriage would improve and it never worked it never worked because what was happening was I was focusing on the symptoms I was focusing on someone else I was trying to fix the symptom of a deeper problem because at the end of the day the only person you can really control is you and if we are honest the root of most of the frustration in our lives can be solved by working on ourself not trying to fix someone else not trying to pull them along not trying to put a band-aid over the issue but getting to the core of what's going on in ourselves and I aha moment about a year and a half ago when I realized that I had this nagging lie that had been in the back of my mind when it came to my husband and I communicating I had this nagging light or menteng me that he didn't love me and when I realized that one day in church when God opened my eyes to this lie because that's what that is that is a lie my husband loves me very much but when I opened my eyes to this lie I had been believing this lie I had been letting limit me and my marriage this lie that had been holding me back when I realized that everything changed when he took out the trash when he mowed the lawn when he filled up my gas in my car without being asked to when he takes the kids when I'm having a hard day when he shows acts of service because that is the man that God created him to be you know what I see and feel and experience I see and feel and experience love didn't match a new control our entire marriage has been transformed I have chills even as I'm talking about it now that's why I'm so excited today to introduce you to something called the core of confidence this framework is the framework that I use to coach people and help them work on themselves from the inside out just like I just described to you from my a ha moment realizing the problem wasn't my husband the problem was with me and my deeply held beliefs that lie that had been holding me back so I want to walk you through this framework I want to walk you through the stages of the core of confidence and this is just the beginning I'm so excited to walk with you on this journey as we peel back the layers of understanding where true confidence comes from where you can build confidence in yourself and the God that created you but it starts with you let's start at the beginning the very center of the core of confidence the very middle of this whole thing of our entire lives of you as a person is your spirit everything starts with your spirit everything starts with your faith everything starts with God what he says about you what he says about your future the plans he has for you see so often we tend to treat our faith life like it's created equal with everything else well we've got our financial life and we've got our you know spiritual life we've got our relational life we've got a career life we've got all these pieces of the pie and they're all created equal and they're not they're not that's simply untrue the most important part of your life the most foundational piece of your life the filter that every decision in your life should go through first is through your faith everything starts with your spirit everything starts there what God says about you what God has for you the truth in his word and the relationship you have with him we can't possibly expect God to lead us God to guide us and show us what to do next and how to make decisions and how to good have good relationships and how to improve our marriage if we don't ask him if we don't start there so the very first level of these stages in the core of confidence is your spirit from there there's a larger circle as we're working on ourselves from the inside out from your spirit you want to look at your mind your mind the thoughts that you maintain day-to-day the beliefs that you hold the values that you love and honor and are important to you you know our thoughts are more powerful than any of us realize think about how you talk to yourself in a given day think about the the ideas that dominate your mind from morning tonight maybe you have lies that you've been believing and you don't even realize it like I did like I lived for years in a marriage with a man that loved me deeply and I didn't believe it that's the power of your thoughts that's the power of your mind and you know what the Bible has a lot to say about our thoughts it has a lot to say about what we focus on and what we think about and we're gonna talk about that so you start with your spirit from there you go you're working your way outward and you look at your mind and then from there we're gonna talk about our bodies yeah I know it's uncomfortable you already feel it don't you I feel it I just said the word body like we just we get weird and squirmy we haven't talked about yet here's what I want you to know about your body your body is amazing it's amazing because why because God created it and he doesn't make mistakes he says your body is incredible and by the way it's the only one place that you've got to live your entire life on this earth so I don't know I feel like maybe we should become friends with it maybe we should be nice to it maybe we should actually appreciate this one home that we have to live in while we're here I found in my own life it's really hard to love others when you don't like yourself it's really hard to celebrate others when you're down on yourself if you want to be kind if you want to give grace if you want to give love you have to first start with you you have to receive love you have to appreciate what you have first to be able to offer that to other people you can't offer something you don't have and if you don't have love for yourself and your body it's gonna be really difficult to offer that to other people so we're gonna talk about it we're not talking just about health and fitness yeah that's important but this is not about that this is about your ideas about the body you have the way you talk to your body the things that you think about your body the way you treat your body the one home you have to live in so if you're tracking with me here we're focusing on all things that you can control your spirit your mind your body and now as we keep working through this core of confidence the next stage is to work on your relationships I love how the Bible says in Luke treat others as you would want to be treated it's the golden rule it's so simple man I wish that person wouldn't act like that man I wish that person wouldn't treat me like that you know what I wish that too sometimes but you can't control them what you can control is you and how you treat others and how you invest in your relationships and how you lead those relationships so we're going to talk about that as well as you build confidence in yourself and within your world so we go from spirit focusing there first as the most foundational piece we go from there to your mind and taking those thoughts captive really focusing on what you allow to dominate your mind from morning tonight we go from mind to body and learning to appreciate this one body this amazing body that we've been given we go from there to your relationships really focusing on the relationships that make up your life to make them the best they can be and do your part to lead that and finally the final layer in the core of confidence is your resources your time your money your energy now I don't know about you but so often I try to fix things at the outer layer I don't have enough time I don't have enough money I'm tired of them today I don't have enough energy and we try to fix our problems there but you know what that outer layer is a symptom it's a symptom of a deeper issue going on that's why I want to lead us through this core of confidence by starting at the beginning starting at the foundation moving from your spirit to your mind to your body to your relationships and then focusing on your resources I really believe as you work on yourself from the inside out the life change that occurs at the root at the core of you then trickles into every other layer of your life not only is that change the best type of change where you really feel confidence in your faith confidence in your thoughts and your decisions confidence in your body confidence in your relationships your marriage your kids your friendships your co-workers confidence and how you spend your time confidence and how you spend your money confidence in how you use your energy not only does it give you confidence in each of those areas the change is lasting and we know that life change doesn't happen overnight it happens over time and each season as God walks you through these journeys as you're going through different phases whether it's a mountaintop moment or a wilderness journey I believe working on yourself from the inside out is not only the only thing that you can control it's going to be the change that lasts the most because we both know that in the life of faith we're always going through seasons we're never done are we you never arrive in personal development and personal growth it's not like you get there put your feet up you're like I'm done I am perfect no we never get there we never get there this side of heaven we're always learning we're always growing and that's why it's so important as we work on these different areas of our life from spirit mind-body relationships and resources when we get there you know what happens God's gonna take us through a new season and we're right back at spirit asking him and stick him what's next for me God what is this next stage in my journey look like what is this next season in my life look like will you lead me and he will lead you through your faith through your mind through your body through your relationships and your resources as you're constantly growing and developing more into the person that he created you to be I'm so excited to lead you on this journey I'm so excited to partner with you as we work on ourselves from the inside out as we seek to not only build confidence in ourselves but more importantly build confidence in the God that created us hey y'all I'm hanging out with my good friend in real life Rachael Cruz and we're talking about how do you work on yourself Rachael this is a struggle for people because I think they want to work on themselves but they're not sure how and it feels selfish and I know for years you've helped people with money and when you dig into it it's not just money like money is bleeding into every area of their life and you end up helping them with their life so talk a little bit about what you've been doing and how you do that yes it's so true when everyone so excited oh yeah money I see it as a tool to help you in every area your life okay so whether it's your marriage and you're planning a vacation whether it's your family and you're deciding okay you know Irina go out to eat as a family I mean whatever it is money is a tool that helps us with our lives and so for me getting people under control with that tool and saying hey this tool doesn't need to consume you you actually need to be able to control it that helps but at the end of the day it is it is so much about people's lives because especially I'll say with marriage when I'm talking to a couple I mean the amount of questions I get of my spouse doesn't want to do a budget was me or house is not as passionate of getting out of debt and you start really really digging in you end up finding marriage problems right right I mean we all have them right it's not like but money can reveal that it was parenting right I mean I even get in a bad cycle of like my four-year-old Emilia she loves like bracelets she calls them her treasures I love treasures you know the Moloch okay I could go to Amazon and buy like 50 of them for ten bucks and keep her happy for two weeks but I've realized I started doing that I'm like no no no why why am i doing that it's because I realized wow I'm kind of being lazy as a parent I don't want to engage her and it's just easier just to give her stuff and I'm like I teach this stuff all the day how that's unhealthy and Here I am doing it so they can be self-aware that you even realize like yeah that's impressive yeah so again money touches every part of our lives but it goes even deeper it's kind of the the it masks the problem but when you actually dig into it it becomes life problems yeah and money just manifests out of it I think it's so interesting because you and I are friends off camera and we have you know we talk all day every day through Marco Polo and like you know text or whatever and we'll be talking even about in our own lives not just money but just hey I'm struggling with this with my kids I'm struggling with this with a work schedule or man I really want to read more and I don't know how to make time for it I mean if I think this is a real struggle that people deal with and you do not talk about it all the time and so I find such encouragement and have friends that you'd be like hey are you struggling with this or what do you do but for our listeners let's just talk about that like was what does it look like in your life to work on yourself to grow as a person to try to improve yourself and invest in yourself like what does that look like yes I think a big part is just its being intentional for me the needs that are in front of me okay and so for me it may further could be a season we're on like they my need is I just need quiet time so that means I'm gonna get up extra early and just have time by myself whether I'm reading scripture drinking coffee whatever it is like that could be a season of that I'm currently in a season of figuring out like I just want to like do deeper work and me we got so what would you show us would you like obsessed talking about this a ton even on our own yeah my gosh and so I'm just like for me right now in this season it's about learning more about what's going on in my heart and and I'm in a season of counseling for killing name and and I in a lot of my and that's what's crazy God has put people in my life a lot of my close people you being one of them we're all in the season together kind of feels like we're all on this journey and not everyone's connected but like I have so many outlets of relationships even including my husband like this is just a conversation so for me right now in this season I just know I want to work on my heart the part of me so I think it's just being aware of what do you need in this season and being intentional that because you can't do it alright I'm like you always say it but life balance is not about being 50/50 it's not having the perfect amount of time to work out how your life work family I mean it's not gonna be sliced perfectly and so for me again it's just digging in it's like this specific season what do I feel the tug of my heart being okay that question right there though like you said that as kind of a flyover but that question I feel like so many people miss hmm what do I need right now like even for me or women that I work with I see this all the time where women are running so hard like it's like fixing lunch it's getting dry cleaning trying to just keep up with the day-to-day they never stop you asked that question yeah they never stopped saying what do I need right now yeah I need a nap or do I need to workout or do I need to get in my Bible or like for you has that become a habit of practice like how do you even stop your crazy world to ask yourself that question because that's a really important question yeah and honestly I think God's put people in my life to make me aware of it because it's so easy subconsciously just to go through life like you're saying you're just doing tasks checking off and making sure everyone's breathing at the end everyone like we're good but man and that over again a short season maybe survival mode but I'm like I don't wanna live my whole life like that and so we've even heard um someone talk recently and they said like our souls are created for a village like we're supposed to know like what's going on like we were never created to know what's happening on the other side of the world like it's like we're almost on empathy overload and so for me that's just like hit home for Mira I'm like we're in such a rush emotionally physically everything and like I don't think we were created for that so I'm pushing hard against it because I'm a task oriented person I like seeing achievement I like doing stuff and for me to like force myself to slow down is is something that again people have been telling me but they're doing in their own lives and it's just encouraged me so I think it's being around a community and people around you growing honestly has helped me grow so that make sense yeah oh yeah sure because when you're around people it becomes contagious whatever it is yes if people are running faster and faster if people are just chilling out you're like oh maybe I can show your even rate in the book we pull out there's a bit of reading about hurrying up and I'm like oh my gosh that's an that was another gone moment for me Chrissy's reading this book I've got to get this book like the ruthless elimination of hurry and I'm so into this book right now specifically because he's talking about how hurry keeps us from having a deeper relationship with God and so like I think about this with my kids I'm not nice when I'm in a hurry you were talking about this morning I even tried to get out the door get to work you're like it's hard yes when you're in a hurry okay so when we're talk about these different aspects of our life whether it's our faith or our health or our relationships our marriage whatever do you find that it is easier for you to work on some areas than others like some you have a natural pool like me I want to invest in this I constantly go to this but other ones I should I should I want to but I just have trouble getting around to it absolutely okay well my gosh for sure I'm curious um right now like the part that I'm kind of hyped up marriage yeah once and I are like a great season right now and we're like canceling amen yeah and it'd be like we're connecting on a whole different level because you're working on it I want to clarify that not as easy but because you're working on it yeah yeah we just looked up right now for two years we kind of just been living like this and I'm like oh wow that's probably not like what are we not - we start digging but it's so good so rich right so that's good ah my my least is the physicalist blown away and the hard thing is and I thought like we're putting demands on people like this is this should be your workout regimen nothing like that but there is their science and proof like if you just get up and move more it does things to your body like again it's better yes you just feel better so I know cuz I'm just exhausted at the end of the day and I'm like man if I know if I just did a couple of things just for myself not for anyone else but for me to feel better that that's true yeah okay you talked a minute ago about being intentional and I know you've talked about this a lot not just your money with your marriage with your health whatever yeah but the biggest struggle is time then you feel this and I feel this our listeners feel this or if you are still this like how do you make the time to be intentional how do you make the time to work on yourself how do you make the time for these things that not just you feel like you should it's not that obligatory all I need to do but you want to I want to read more I want to but I never seem to find the time make the time whatever for sure what does that look like for you when you're trying to be intentional and it seems like every minute is taken up yes this is super tactical but it just it's hell no - it is I just put it in my schedule okay like I mean I live on my calendar oh yeah until like whether it's like forcing myself to say okay no I'm gonna go to counseling this week or whatever it is I put that block in I'm like yeah nothing else is gonna go here or in the morning I block off yeah I'm gonna you know go in at this time for work and so I have this time so like I literally tactically put it on my calendar so that helps me just have it in there but another thing is I find if you can overlap things that's helped me so again talking about like my emotions and my feelings recently and understanding that more I'm sitting well cuz a lot of my friends are in that same journey so if we're if I'm hanging out with girls at night our conversations become intentional about things in our heart so it's like things that I need that I find time like oh yeah sometimes it's just hard just to focus on myself if I have a girls night we end up going in conversations there so it's almost like two of my things overlap right so it's like if you have a friend that who loves to run okay you could hang out with your friend and y'all go run together so it's like you can do two things at once right so I found in this season that's helped me yeah I love that because a lot of times people feel like they have to choose well I can either do something for myself or be a good mom or be active I'm like I could do all those things I can go for a hike with my kids I'm being active i'ma you know exactly yep so that's how you combine that I love that okay one of the things that I think a lot of people struggle with as well is this idea that working on yourself is selfish it's like the equivalent of a pedicure you didn't mean it's like anything for me feels about me it feels selfish there's so many other needs people need me I should be cleaning I should be reorganizing the toys whatever how do we get over this idea of the guilt and the shame associated with there's no growth personal development so we can be a better mom be a better wife be a better leader be a better anything business owner how do I get over this idea of it's selfish to work on yourself that's the case but it is it's like almost like an undercurrent it's not always right here in the front of mind like right once selfish but we neglect it again and again because of I should be doing this yeah I just know for myself I'm like I'm just such a better mom I'm such a better wife I'm such a better friend when I'm functioning out of the whole person of Who I am I like that I like that word I got a whole person yeah so when I can like when I can work on myself and make time again whether it is something like a pedicure maybe you have to get away for an hour go go do that or something as intense as you know reading a big self-development book and your minds being blowing every page right I mean like whatever it is that you're doing you're creating a better person so I'm like for me I don't see it as selfish I see it you know since it's selfless because I'm a better wife right I'm a better mom like they're getting a much better part they're much better me than if I am like at my wit's end and I'm stressed and I'm empty emotionally all the things like that's not a fun Rachel yeah like no one needs that and I don't want my kids memory to be of that mom right of this tired like you know what I mean I read them to see a joyful whole mom and but that means I have to work on myself to become whole yeah I love how you said that maybe it's just flipping the script and saying like I'm doing this for them I we're house for them because I'm gonna be better for them not oh it's for me it is but it's also every mom is wired differently and so I even hear some working moms who like our passion mother job they love it is there the mom guilt are these the struggles are there yes but I've had so many friends say like but I'm such a I'm such a better mom like and not that made everyone may not feel like it's right for them that's right but it but I'm like yeah that's a great point for you like no it's like you just come home and you're you know you're playing with your kids more than you would if you were just home eight hours a day everyday cuz of how you're wired you know it's like no you have to know yourself um one of the things that I love that you've hit on multiple times is you're seeing in your circle that your friends and the people closest to you are kind of walking on this journey with you and I'm so I think that's such a good point because a lot of women feel alone or or tired or feeling I'm the only one that feels this way and so I just think it's a great take away as we wrap up to surround yourself with people and you're like you and I are so in sync on that from work to just having our third baby yes and just kind of this season of life together and let me tell you this Christy I found the riches I'm like in my season of like rich relationship yeah whether it's marriage your friends I'm just like on a high yeah because I've my four girlfriends you're one of them yeah one of the four that knows everything about me but in order for me to be known I have to be vulnerable and willing to share and you know that I mean after all you can't see I'll come I'll call Chris Mike we need to get the download yeah and you do the same to me that and I learn things of what you're learning right right but you have to be willing to be known yeah and that can be scary so I would always encourage women find one one friend yes start with one you don't have to have six but be willing to be vulnerable because if you're the first one to open up usually if it's a safe spot you trust the person it's reciprocated yeah you may have to be the one to initiate it and it is that deeper level of friendship and relationship that I didn't have at that surface level wall right I'm so thankful because we get to do this and work in real you know all on a set in an office and you know put it all together but at the same time like we're gonna go Marco after this me like oh my gosh you know whatever and it's just so fun that those friendships are authentic on screen and off sync so I'm so so thankful free thanks for being here I know people are probably wanting to know like how they can connect with you and find you they come all your details social media what you're up to useless yes all you got Rachel Cruise everything and I have a youtube show the Rachel Crew show and a podcast on it so I'm gonna check that up awesome oh thank you thank you for being is everything all right y'all I'm so excited because I want to do something new with you today I want to share with you a scripture of the day and then I want to do some guided journaling with you many of you know that I'm really big on journaling I think it's so powerful when you take the ideas in your head and the dreams in your heart and you take a pen to paper and get them out of this battlefield of your mind and get them out there in the real world you know for me sometimes when I write things down when I journal my thoughts I write things down I didn't even know I was thinking feelings I didn't even know that I had in fact it's an opportunity I think for God to show up and lead you God might just move your hand to write things you didn't plan you didn't expect you hadn't previously thought so we're gonna do that today I want to start by sharing a scripture with you from Galatians this is Galatians 6 4 and 5 and I want to start with the New International Version translation Bibles really special to me it was actually my grandmother's when she was alive my aunt Aurora gave it to her and then when my grandmother passed away in high school my aunt faith gave it to me and wrote a note in the front so it's really special to get to read to you from this particular Bible and it's pink which is a bonus all right Galatians 6 4 through 5 this is the NIV translation it says each one should test his own actions then he can take pride in himself without comparing himself to somebody else for each one should carry his own load I love this verse in particular because it talks about personal responsibility carrying your own load it's so easy to get frustrated when you look at situations and circumstances and people that aren't doing what you want them to do that things aren't playing out how you want them to play out and man you get frustrated because you can't control all the things as much as we would like to but you know what you can control you can control you I love how Dave Ramsey says we're gonna pray like it all depends on God and we're gonna work like it all depends on us and if we're gonna go on this journey in this life that God has called us to you we're gonna need both we're gonna need prayer and God miracles and provision we're gonna need God to show up and lead us and provide like only he can and we're also going to work card we're gonna need to take responsibility for what we've been given we're gonna need to do the very best that we can with this life that he has called us to you we're gonna need to be good stewards of our time our money our energy our relationships our resources we're gonna need to take responsibility for our own faith walk now I want to read you one more translation this is from the message version and there's what this one particular verse in the message is one of my favorites and of course another pink Bible Bible so it's just a bonus here for us alright here's what it says in the message translation and I love this it says make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you've been given and then sink yourself into that don't be impressed with yourself don't compare yourself with others each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life there's a couple things in here that I want to point out for us today for the purpose of our journaling especially it says make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you've been given that means that we need to reflect we need to slow our crazy world for a minute to explore who we are how we feel what we need where we can grow what our challenges and problems that keep coming up again and again that maybe God is trying to teach us something take the time to pause pray journal make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you've been given and then sink yourself into that and then I want to point out a couple more things here each of you must take responsibility I've been talking about that a lot responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life not take responsibility for someone else not doing the creative best with someone else's life doing the creative best you can with your own life for me this is such a powerful reminder that I'm in control of me that I have not only a responsibility to do the creative best I can with my home life but I have the opportunity to I have an opportunity to make changes to make an impact to improve my own faith my spirit my mind my body my relationships my resources I have an opportunity and a responsibility to do the creative best I can with my life and you do too as you think about this verse whether it's the NIV translation or the message translation I want to give you a few journal questions to consider if you're in the car obviously don't write this down but I want you to think about what this means to you if you want to pause after I ask each question and just take the time to write it down if you have a pen if you have a paper a piece of paper do that go ahead and write down your answers and reflect and pray over maybe what God is showing you through this verse the first question I have for you is this when you try to fix others how do you feel how does that usually turn out when you focus on someone else's behavior someone else's problems some situation you can't control how do you feel how does that usually turn out for you take some time and write down your answer [Music] all right now I want you to take some time to think about this next question how do you feel when you think about controlling you do you feel excited you feel convicted you feel shame or guilt that's not the goal of this how do you feel when you think about the opportunity not just the responsibility which is a responsibility but the opportunity you have to control the one thing you can control which is you your spirit your mind your body your relationships your resources how do you feel when you think about that opportunity pray about that and write down your answer [Music] all right the next question is this when you think about those five areas of your life in particular your spirit your mind your body your relationships and your resources which area are you most excited to work on which area are you most excited to think about and focus on improving and then as a follow-up which area are you most nervous to if there is one which area of your life feels a little intimidating a little bit scary to think about growing or improving might even feel overwhelming think about that pray about that and write down your answer to that question and lastly I want you to think about this what does it mean to you to do the creative best you can with your own life think of it those words I love that it feels so energetic and exciting and positive creative best what does that look like in your life what does it mean to you to do the creative best you can with your own life write down your answer alright y'all as we wrap up our time together focusing on this scripture of Galatians 6 4 through 5 and walking through these journal questions I would love it as we wrap up to just get to pray for you right now father God thank you for my friend that is watching right now I don't know their name but you do I don't know what fears or struggles or challenges they're facing right now but you do you created them you knit them together in their mother's womb and you have plans for them that are good you love them whether they feel it or know it or live in that truth or not god I thank you that they're watching this right now because you planned on that because you drew them to click on this particular video listen to this particular episode that you drew them here to this moment because you wanted to speak specifically to them in a way that only you can god I pray that this is just the beginning of a journey where you speak to them and lead them and guide them to learn more about you and the person you created them to be thank you for my friend Lord in Jesus name Amen thank you all so much for joining me for this first episode of the Christie Wright show and for more encouragement on finding confidence in yourself and the God that created you you can visit Christie right com
Channel: The Christy Wright Show
Views: 24,466
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Keywords: christy wright, life, encouragement, business, leadership
Id: NnUIoU8hH-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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