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[Music] [Music] a [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] hello everybody it's Danny Wanda back from Deep South Homestead over at pcan Grove guys uh y'all saw us in one of our previous videos talking about planting all the greens behind us we planted the broadleaf mustard purple top turn and the Siberian dwarf kale but due to the extreme drought that we're in right here the wildlife absolutely has nothing here to eat there's nothing in the woods to eat there's no water except for What Little Bits in our ponds and it is virtually impossible to stop them now we have the deer fencing and yes we have the Christmas bells here they have come to a point this uh 8T or 7t fence here they're just clearing it like it's nothing now now all during the summertime we had the bone sauce out we had the deer fence we had no problem whatsoever but there was other things in the woods for them to actually eat on at that time so they kind of veered off and even though right now there's tons and tons of ACR on the ground they want these greens back here and me and Wanda have actually sat here and watched them clear this 7ft fence and never touch it and get in there and then when they get in there they get kind of spooked when they try to get out and they just run through the fencing and we've got the the deer bells on them and the the Christmas bells on them here uh that way when they bump into the fence it kind of Spooks them a little bit and hopefully it would deter them we've tried everything we've tried uh we've tried the bone sauce we've tried this netting fencing we've got strings hanging around we've got ribbons all this has always worked until this extreme drought hit and now that they have nothing to eat they're willing to take chances and that's what they're doing and they have literally I mean you can still see some green out there they've eat the tops off of it but they've mowed it down this was a pretty Green Field here just about a week ago and they finally just got brave enough and said look we're going through whatever they put there and we're going after this food source and they have so what we've had to do now is we're just going to basically leave it be because we can't stop them the only way we can stop them is just to shoot them and that is probably something that's going to be in the very near future if it ever gets cold enough here to shoot something our problem right now is it's not hunting SE it's archery season but it's not gun season and it's just not cold I mean it's in the 50s but if you shoot a deer and you can't find it then it a ruin overnight and I I don't want that so I'm I'm willing to let them have this and just wait cuz this is technically just a cover crop anyway uh we're going to be showing you some things in a few minutes that uh we're actually moving forward in another area where we can have more of a control over it and I want to take you down here and show you uh the bed that we tilled up that we were going to put the onions in from dixondale well we've had a change of mind on that so let's go tell you what we're going to do about that okay we're back here where we had our musaki 29 sweet potatoes at and our fence thing that we had up we tilled it a little bit bigger because I was going to put several onions here from dixondale and I don't know if deer eat onions off and I cannot afford to lose my onion crop this year so we're going to be moving the onion crops to another location where we can monitor it better and here here we're actually going to do something that we've done at Deep South Homestead several times in the past we have tons of the uh Irish potatoes that are actually going to start they're already sprouting we have the red ones the purple ones and all and what we're going to do is we're going to come in here and we're going to plant this with some Irish potatoes and yes if it freezes we can chop them off they'll be fine we're late enough in the year now I mean today is the 12th we're late enough of November that is uh we're late enough now and we normally plant in January anyway so we're only talking about eight more weeks so if we can get these in the ground and even if we have to cut them off a few times and they still are viable underground at least they'll make us some seed potatoes for the future and there'll be enough here probably as warm as it's been and if it keeps being this temperature they may still be enough here to that we can eat fresh for you know pretty good ways into the winter time so that's what our plans are for this now that the deer and and I don't know the deer may eat the potatoes off I don't know uh the plants are poisonous but you know what there's a herd of these animals when I say a herd of them we shine the light out here there's just eyes everywhere and when the animals are that hungry I've noticed even my cows will eat poisonous plants in limited quantity ities when there's nothing else for them to eat so the deer may eat the potatoes off I don't know but if they do uh we really hadn't lost a whole lot these are just a bunch we had left over from last year we still have plenty to plant this spring it's just an experiment to see if it will work so stay with us on this part of the journey now we're going to move over and show you what else we got going on well here we are at one of my newest projects over here at Pecan Grove uh we have a SE y'all heard me mention this on the live stream the other night this is a 60t by 4T long raised bed now this is quite large but we had a lot of plans for this now this piece of property right in here this was all Woods this past spring when we bought the property I came in with a tractor because I just like the location of it and I cleared this whole section out in here of all the yons and bushes and Oaks and stuff like that I pushed all them out of here and it actually growed up with grass this summer which was good because it uh cut down any erosion problem which we didn't have to worry about in the that we didn't know about cuz that rained but uh but anyway uh this was a good location I thought for uh a small garden spot it's a place that's uh the high tunnel is actually right behind us here the well is just right up the hill from us here I feel like that it's a place that I can pretty much uh monitor the perimeters of a little bit better than I could way up yonder by the barn and this bed right here we did a 20ft section right here I'm going to try to plant all of my onions in this 20ft section that we did from here all the way down to right here now what we done here was when we had the ponds built I took all of that dirt that was in the bottom of that holler that the tros dug out and piled up on the hill for me all that black Rich dirt and I put it in here I put a layer of it a layer of calure a layer of dirt and a top layer of calure again and plus I put 824 24 down with lime uh because my pH showed that I needed more lime in the soil was only at like 5.5 and I need to be at 6.8 at least so I loaded it pretty heavy with lime and we're going to be waiting on our onions from dixondale to come in and hopefully I can get all them in this bed right here this should suffice one to n for a year if they do like we hope they'll do now right next to it is the corod carrots this is a technique if y'all go back and watch my videos I have a link I'll probably put a link up here where you can uh see how we go about planting our carrots and we usually have a really good success rate with it we did a 4 by 10 foot section of carrots because I have some carrots in some containers up there that I'm experimenting with so this is the technique we found to be the most reliable here at uh you know on our place now I do have a book that I've wrote on planting carrots and all about carrots uh it's in our Etsy store I have a book on sweet potatoes a book on carrots and a book on English peas which we will be planting here in the near future so if you were interested in those books you can go check it out on our Etsy store at Deep South homestead. etsy.com now down further we took the next 10 foot of the bed and I layered it just like I did the rest of it I fertilized it just like I did the rest of it and I went to town and yes I bought the Bonnie Plants because I've been so busy I haven't had chance to start any plants now are they going to make it I don't know uh I put 12 cabbage plants out here CU I love cabbage and I have some I have a hoop system I've already designed here and put over it with some egg Fabs on it blowing hopefully to deter the deer till I can get the covering over this to keep the insects off of it and at the end I also put in a rosemary plant because my understanding is that deer don't like Rosemary so uh I I put a plan in here just to see how it'll do and we'll see now I have another 20ft section of the bed here that I have not completed yet I was hoping that it would rain a little bit and soften this ground up because my tractor on the bucket will not even pound those wooden steaks in the ground uh it's it's very very time consuming uh Chris and I did one side up here put it in and it wore Cris out from driving steaks just about so we decided to go cut firewood which was easier than driving these steaks I drove the one ones all the way down here uh the next day and I got I wore me out and I still have a 20ft section to go so hopefully the rain will make it a little bit easier to get the other section of these raised beds in and we'll be able to uh I'm not 100% sure what we're going to plant in this section here yet uh maybe some potatoes I don't know if the deer eat the potatoes up there I don't know if we move down here and put potatoes in here we might use this for squash uh because this right here would raise enough squash for me and Wanda for a year believe it or not if we managed it properly so we're trying to do more at our age more intense gardening um I would love to be able to finish getting all this down in here taken care of and ready for gardening this year now the dog pin fence ing system you saw that we had around the musaki 29 sweet potatoes one thing I thinking is we're probably going to be setting that up down here somewhere and planting our English peas inside it because we don't believe we'll be able to keep the deer off of them if we don't uh the high tunnel up here that we're putting up will provide a lot of our food this year but it's only 24x 60 and I'm not 100% sure that we can get all the food we need for a year in this and that high tunnel we're going to have to have a designated spot hopefully between this beds and that next dog pin system we we're going to probably plant some sweet potatoes if we can manage to fence this in where we can keep the deer out of it and we'll grow some uh some of our Cherokee yellow wax beans hopefully we going to get a place set up to do that these are Staples for us the whole field build up Y where you sell the greens will probably go back into Danny corn this coming year if we can manage to get all the blueberries dug up out of there and get that taken care of that will give us our corn for the year we're trying to set everything up so that we can manage our food system this coming year better than we've done in the past now I know somebody's going to ask this question why are we growing everything over here at pean Grove I've been been gardening at Deep South Homestead for probably good 20 years and it's time for me to let that land rest it needs to it needs to just rest I have even though I've amended the soil like crazy it just needs to rest well guys remember 2023 I told you was a year about finding Solutions and that's what we're doing here at Pecan Grove we're looking for solutions to the problems not only with the climate but with Wildlife because Wildlife is going to become even more of a problem and insects in the year of 2024 because they need food just like we need food so uh our onions from dixondale should be in this coming week or actually by the time you see this video uh they should be in so we're going to we'll show you when we get the bed done we we let y'all see that and uh wand and I are going to make some ious decisions about this end down here because we would really like to put a perennial crop in there something that we don't have to go back and keep redoing if you know what I'm talking about because perennials seem to be where more sustainable let's say and the dog pin we're going to try to get that put up now what we'll do before the English peas uh get planted in probably mid January is we're going to go ahead and plant our Greens in in it because it really doesn't look like we're going to get anything up yonder so hopefully we can get us some greens in here and we'll be able to uh maybe get a few messes off of them and then we'll be able to clean it up put the English peas in right behind it guys we'll show you all that if you just stay with us and watch because I'm going to tell you what food system right now is going to be key in the next coming year stay with us and we'll show you how we do it here at Deep South Homestead thank you guys Deep South [Music] Homestead [Music] sh
Channel: Deep South Homestead
Views: 36,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deep South Homestead, homesteading, homestead life, gardening, fall gardening, handling deer in the garden, deer fencing, bone sauce, raised bed, raised bed gardening, raised bed gardening for beginners, raised bed construction, raised bed garden construction, raised bed soil mix, container gardening, modern homesteading, raised bed garden ideas, gardening tips, gardening ideas for home vegetable, gardening ideas, fall gardening in the south, fall gardening zone 8b
Id: V3jSOe8KKFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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