Readwise and Obsidian Integration - Walkthrough & why I changed my mind

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in today's video i'm going to say why i resisted integrating read wise and obsidian why i've changed my mind and then take you through the process of integrating read wise and obsidian together you can jump ahead if you aren't interested in the reasoning and you just want to see how to do this or stay around for the reasons i think it may be interesting [Music] read wise is a service that collects your highlights from all sorts of different places the kindle insta paper web pages podcasts even and then brings them together in one place allows you to add tags and sort them and send you reminders of them every day week month as well as providing this export into other note-taking systems so it's really great way to get notes or highlights ideas from anywhere into one central place i've used it for a while after seeing a few friends recommend it and i set up initially with my evernote vote my old long-standing evernote but when i moved to obsidian i resisted integrating read-wise with my obsidian volts now partially it was because there was no native integration even when i heard about the official integration i was wary my obsidian vault is very different to how my evernote or how my notion system was before it in obsidian i really want to collect my thoughts my notes my summaries of these ideas and thoughts rather than getting word for word verbatim you can watch the video i made on why i don't highlight as much anymore and what i do instead for my reasoning behind that process however last week i was talking with chad moore on racket about what's in our obsidian vaults and he shared how he was using obsidian uh with the read-wise integration and that allowed him to go through the things he's highlighted copy some text put them into perhaps a tweet thread or idea that he's going to use there and then he can repurpose reuse it that made me think maybe i ought to give this integration a try after all so many plain text files i can delete them afterwards if i don't want to use it and you know i can just give it a go and see how it goes so that's what i'm going to do now there are some possible issues like i have some very old notes which i took in my kindle before i really had a process for highlighting before i was highlighting for read-wise where you want to have some context so you understand why you highlighted this one sentence uh rather than like highlighting a sentence which is like the key point in our arguments uh yeah so yeah it turns out that there are different ways that you should highlight things when you're trying to save it for later and it's decontextualized but i think getting this in will be a good and interesting experiment to do so with that in mind let's head over to my obsidian vault and we can start the setup process so the first thing to do is head over to the settings and head over to the community plugins and browse for a plugin to install and type in readwise official and oh look it's already installed because i checked things before i made a video so what you do here is press the button which says install but i've already installed it so then once i've done that i can go down to make sure it's active here go down to read wise official now i'm gonna press connect [Music] it should be fine it's now connected return to obsidian to synchronize the first sync let's go then so there are a few settings i could do customize base folder i don't want that i want um i set this up let's let's keep yours read wise for the moment configure resync frequency let's do it every um let's do it every 24 hours i don't need more of that i probably get less often but sync automatically when oh let's do that but customize formatting options customize template here that's in there no okay so that's that re sync deleted files if you enable you can reset okay initiate sync so now it is synchronizing i'm exporting it into just the default read-wise for the moment because i just want to give it a try i imagine this could take a while because i should have quite a lot of notes to export from read wise 120 saving files maybe it went too long wow okay uh so let's go into read-wise i can go into articles uh let's go into books so i was checking this out before uh here are some highlights i have from the book how to pray by peter greek it's a category book so i could add extra categories here i guess nine different past pro it's quite interesting see i could now copy this and use it in a note i have on how to prone let's copy you let's open up because i made my own uh panel open uh file why am i doing it this way well i could just go open because how to pray publish so these are my notes yeah nine different parts so i've actually done it here already but if i hadn't uh done this myself then i could um could take it from read wise and put it in here i guess that's perhaps a slight disadvantage of that i need to add some more notes into each section so i can go back to my notes on this why don't i actually just uh open a new pane okay i can now let's go let's just put you here so yeah i can now go through my old notes find some highlights that are worth thinking about or or just find a part which resonated with me and that i can just add it into my original notes perhaps summarize points in my original notes as well which is great for a book where perhaps i didn't do as good a job summarizing as perhaps some others so there you go i've set up i'm going to give it a go i think i'll change some of the settings i don't really want to have read wise as a top level folder i want to move it into inputs in my organization system and but i do quite like the layout that i've got here i'm interested by like tweets some of those it could be quite interesting to look through and articles to go through that yeah here's here's a topic i care a lot about the read write review method again why do this system so yeah there you go that is it setting up the read wise integration with obsidian i guess we'll just have to see if it sticks or not in the next video i'm going to go through setting up another core obsidian feature which i've resisted for a while but it's finally time to jump on that train so if you're interested to see what that is subscribe and hit the bell icon to make sure you don't miss out see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Chris J Wilson
Views: 434
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Bible, Note taking, Bible Journal
Id: PTQnq7Aes_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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