How to Readwise

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uh welcome all i see there's still some people coming in lindsay um is so kind to uh to let people in and she's also monitoring the chat um if you have questions please put them in a chat don't send them to me directly in a personal message because i will not be monitoring the chat [Music] um so what can you expect today so we're going to have a look at breakwise so most people are probably already somewhere somewhat familiar with readwise um either the name or some of the functionality um i am trying to cram everything in one hour uh i don't know if it will uh it will work out but i want to have a look at each and every bit of read wise functionality uh because it's not a cheap solution it's i think about eight dollars a month for um complete accounts um and most people and myself included when i just started with the read wise most people just use it as a very expensive integration tool so if you would only use it as an integration tool to get your highlights for example from instapaper to evernote for example there are other tools for that it's uh it's the best tool for that but it's not the cheapest so uh before we dive in i want to have a quick look of what we're going to discuss and then once in a very short poll just three questions but it gives me a little bit of a better understanding of um of who you are so again i put this link in the chat you get two months for free if you are not a read wise member yet uh i don't earn a penny of this so uh don't you worry then um we will not dive into the sources that you can save with read-wise but i've summed up um a few here or actually these are all that are currently supported by uh by read-wise so you can import kindle ibooks pdf highlights into paper pocket since recently also feedly so i think this has just been released a few weeks ago and also the pdf it's pretty new um so you can essentially just send a pdf that's highlighted including notes you can send it to read wise and they will extract all the highlights um then medium hypothesis twitter air air is a podcast listening app but they do also do transcripts so when you save a snippet of audio they will also transcribe that snippet of audio for you so very handy [Music] great wise also has a really good app i use it on ios but you can you can ocr so so you can take a photo and then read wise will recognize the text so that's ocr optical character recognition you can also enable supplemental highlights goodreads highlights we won't go into that today and there's also free form input so if you have maybe a csv file with many highlights um you can import it and you can even import one by one so it's extremely versatile tool um what else okay we'll we'll dive into the capture um the capture process so highlights notes and how to structure them with tags we'll have a look at the review uh functionality of read-wise so daily read-wise and how i do progressive summarization within read-wise um and then also output obviously it's very important so we'll discuss very briefly how to set up integration and uh thinking on twitter this is actually one of the tools i use to deeper process um what i what i learned or what i've read in the past so um if there are questions um you can and you want to interrupt you can also use the raise your hands uh feature so if you go in zoom to participants in at the bottom there's this raised hand feature and i can see that on the screen so i have your i've got a gallery view enabled now so if you have a question just use the raised hand feature and it will call on you or alternatively put your question in the chat and lindsey will cover it um lindsay are there any questions before we start um just uh some questions about pdf highlights and will we get the outline shown right now in rome to add to our own notes okay so the pdfs um you can send a pdf to ads at but i will link in a bit i will link to the article because they have a help database where you can find out the instructions and the other question lindsay was uh whether or not the outline in rome will be available via rome or do they add their um this is in my personal database base but um i i can obviously copy paste it so um let me think yeah i will uh before the session ends i will put a link in the chat um this is something i will need to do very quickly in a bit but sure i can do that um [Music] let's see yeah let's uh let's start the poll because i want to know how familiar familiar everyone is with uh replies so i am launching the poll now you should be able to see it and as everyone is voting i can put this in my public database and i have put the link to the outline on in the chat so you can read along all right let's see the pull so almost everyone voted i'm going to end it now [Music] and share the results can you see it can you see the results perfect so um most people seem to uh to use read-wise for work and themselves the majority is using read-wise cool to see that almost 40 doesn't use read-wise currently so hopefully this is a good showcase what you can do with it and then what is your biggest challenge um seems to be pretty pretty evenly divided doing something useful with your highlights that's um outside the scope of this um of this session because we're really going to focus on reading wise but i am going to show you how you can get your highlights out of read wise into your note-taking app so you can take it further um all right so i am going back to sharing my screen because um i want to i'm actually using rome as my presentation all right so let's start with the capture process so before we start there are essentially three stages in using read-wise so you have to capture stage you have the review stage and you have the output stage most people they only look at capture and output they don't really use read-wise for review um although it's a pretty good learning tool it has a space repetition system called daily read wise it also has several question options so you can have closed deletion you can have question and answer cards but we'll dive into those uh in a bit so um capture sounds easier than it is um and this is a quote by daniel dojon i hope i pronounced his uh last name correctly he's the ceo of request and he says if you highlight too much you highlight nothing and i definitely found this in the past that uh if i look at my old study books they're riddled with with highlights and they don't make sense to me because i i would highlight way too much way too much so in i would say since building a second brain since discovering thiago's teachings um and how he highlights and how he does progressive summarization of his highlights we'll dive into that if you're not familiar with it in a bit but since then i make sure i make atomic highlights so i only highlight what i need and i only highlight um one idea for a highlight i forgot to put that here but every highlight that i have contains one idea so if you have read the book uh how to take smart notes by simka adams he's a very big proponent of not highlighting but taking notes and he says every note that you take should be atomic so it should contain one idea and why is that because if you have atomic notes and the same counts for highlights if you have atomic notes or highlights you can very easily link them so if if one highlight contains several ideas how are you going to link it to other ideas that's only really possible if you have an atomic highlight or atomic node so containing one idea and readwise gives us the tools to do this so using tags so there are two types of uh reserved tags so all rate-wise tags start with a dots so normally for example in in in most apps uh attack starts with a hashtag sign not in rate-wise and read-wise all tags start with a dot and there are a few reserved highlights so headings and concatenation tags so there are three heading tags and i will you show them in action in a bit you have h1 h2 and h3 so for those familiar with html or just general markup h1 is the top level so normally for example if i read a book i would highlight a chapter title and i would give it a tag h1 if there's then a section title i would highlight it and then add the tag h2 and h3 is the last tag so there are three levels that you can that you have in read wise and what they do if i tag something like this and i will show you how i do it so for example i have this book here how people learn and as you can see i mean can you still see my see my screen by the way can you see kendall perfect okay so i have this book um and every time before i start before i read the chapter i skim through the chapter so i do a little exploration so i don't start at the beginning of the chapter and i uh read it start to finish i always skim through it so we start here for example and i always first highlight then the the chapter title and then i tag it with dot h1 because that's the chapter title then i go through the chapter i'm not even reading it i'm just looking at the the structure so as you can see i've already i've already gone through this chapter um but then i see oh this is a section so i highlight this part and i tag it s dot h2 and what i why i do this is because after if i go to uh to read wise you can see this h2 which was before an h2 oh let's close this one is now a title so i can um sorry here so this is the chapter title how we learn and then so how does the uh let's see what are you what are you concerned about so this way i can go into read-wise and my highlights are structured the same way as the book is structured as you can see here sometimes i i i create a section and i don't highlight anything doesn't matter because i can just delete the header later in in wreathwise but the reason i do this is because afterward i i still have my highlights and they're structured just the way my book is structured so it's very easy to go through this and see um where in the book i can find the highlight um raidwise also gives me the location if i then export this it even turns it into a link i can click and then it will open uh kindle on on this other uh on the right page so it's very very intelligent how greatwise works um so that's for the um that's for the tax um for the for the hanging text are the questions about the heading chat tag so far hi yeah there is first of all um the first question is will the recording be available later uh yes but i won't publish it publicly so i will need to find a way um at least i will post it in the mentor group and building a second brain and um in well with my newsletter subscribers okay and then the other question is where are you tagging these and what's considered h3 yeah so h3 could be um let's see if i can find one in this book um let's see so no i haven't ate yeah i haven't taxed anything so h3 could be could be anything you can use these as you want so my my personal system is i tag sector titles as h1 because they are the highest the highest level then the the level after it's h2 so h1 is generally used for chapter titles or part titles and then h2 is a level under that and then h3 is level under that so it's hierarchical that that's the way it works um i hope it makes sense i hope that makes a little bit sense um and what was the other question lindsay sorry i forgot it um just oh yeah where i did it where do they detecting so i use the tag i use the note functionality of the of the note taking app so if i use insta paper i just highlight something and then i click the ads notes option in instapaper and i just add for example dot h2 if i read in kindle i use kindle's uh annotation capability so here as you can see here oh i can i can add a note and here i would type just h2 for example if this were a heading so how it's it's all it's always relying on the native note-taking capabilities of the app you're using and um brief wise can just see all the notes that you take in those in those native annotation functions that's how it works then there's a and i will continue if there are no questions then there's a second class of tags and they are uh concatenation tags so what it does it it glues together phrases so sometimes you have for example paragraph and i will show you here [Music] let's see um yeah so i have this i have this paragraph but i didn't want to highlight the entire paragraph so there was some fluff in here so for example here he says i will discuss specific techniques in later chapters for my future self that's not really relevant i only want to have highlights that are relevant for my future self so what i do i use the concatenation tag so i highlight this and then again i use kindle's annotation feature to add a note and i type dot c1 i hope it's readable i cannot make it bigger unfortunately but this this says dot c one then the next the next portion i want to add to that highlight i highlight then another phrase and what would be the next tag it's dot c2 to indicate okay there's a there's a c1 and then the c2 tag has to be glued together to this stack and i will show you in a bit how what it will look like and then i also have c3 and whereas with the h1 2 and 3 you can only use the 3 with the concatenation tag you can you can continue indefinitely the way it works so obviously you will you don't want a highlight that's three pages long at some points you want to start over you want to create a new concatenated highlight so you what you do is simply you start again you highlight something and then you add a note and you type dot c one and then read wise well no okay all those previous concatenation tags they will be combined into one and we start a new series if that makes sense so what will look like in read-wise [Music] oops let's see so in this case it will look like this so you see the ellipsis so the three dots those those are the indications that this highlight is comprised of several highlights so as you can see here from my educat educational standpoint bloody bodybot okay you can see that here and then it stops and then you see the ellipses which indicates this highlight is comprised of several sub highlights but in the end it's still one highlight so this is very useful to create atomic highlights um which is something i rely on a lot so um normally i would highlight an entire paragraph and then in my notes i would create a very small summary nowadays that's not even necessary anymore because i create something new just by using the concatenation tag which is pretty cool because it's it it feels like play almost i'm reading but i'm creating my own highlights and it doesn't feel like copying and i have to think what am i highlighting and is that useful for my future self will my future self be able to make sense of what i've highlighted so i want to highlight just just enough that i can i can communicate an idea into the future even when my future self sees it one year from now but i'm not um i'm not overloading myself my future self with information so i don't really need to figure out okay what did i want to tell myself because it's already in the highlight it's very very atomic so that is how i go for capturing and it took a little bit longer than i than i expected so we'll need to speed up a little bit in other parts um but in essence this is capturing for uh read wise you can use the same tags also for um just to tag so for example i can i can just write something like philosophy and then this this is not a reserve tag like the concatenation attack or the heading tag so replies will just interpret this as attack and what will that look like let's see because i always add a tag to something when i tweet it so that will just look like something like this so i can even add text here um for me personally it doesn't have a lot of use i don't use tags that much in in read wise except for the heading tags and the concatenation tags but you can you can have some kind of categorization within briefwise um i know that some people use these for example uh for workflow systems so they have a tag for inbox and then they can filter on everything that has in the inbox tag and then they know okay i need to process this further so the the tagging system is pretty versatile um and you can you can create a whole workflow around it i'm not going to discuss it because i don't have a workflow around it except for the heading and the concatenation facts before we move on to the next part are there any questions there was a question about kindle and ipad and if you can on the ipad make notes that was answered affirmatively but do the text only work in kindle and can you also use them with pdfs um yeah well you can use tags with any app that has a note-taking capability so sorry pocket users i think pocket doesn't have annotation capability so you can highlight something but you cannot use the tagging system because there's no annotation functionality so i would recommend use instapaper not only is it cheaper you can also also add notes so that that's one tip for from me for you but yeah essentially any app that has annotation capabilities and that works with read wise so again [Music] these you can you can use the tagging system when it comes to pdfs um yes it works i've tested it and it went completely wrong it went horribly wrong so i've already had a already had a conversation with tristan about this who is the lead developer and co-founder of uh of uh read wise and he said it's a little bit wonky right now with pdfs so you use it well you use it uh i but be warned it doesn't work perfectly so um for now i would i would still recommend zotero i use zotero for my pdfs and then zot file i will put it in chat how to write it if i can find the chat button [Music] so zotero plus that file that file is a plugin so you can extract highlights from pdfs and i prefer that one over read-wise currently for pdfs because it's it's still in beta and one more question does twitter medium or instant paper need to be linked with read wise using ifttt or sapir no no so all integrations work directly you do have to set it up so you do need to go into read wise [Music] and you have to click add highlights oh oops um so you have to set up twitter once so here it says um here it's here it gives all the instructions so you essentially go to read wise you click add highlights and then you click twitter and you have to set it up once so i've already set it up so now i can essentially i can just mention read-wise the cool thing is i can also send a tweet so i can dm direct message to uh tweets to replies and i can even add my notes to it so when for example when i click let's uh let's do a short demo so for example i want to save case uh tweet here and i say read wise [Music] and anything i type here becomes a request note so now i can save it [Music] and now in theory we should be able to go to revise see tweets say can i find k not yet maybe need some time i will i will go back in a bit because it's uh it's pretty cool how it works all right um can you dm an entire thread yes you can um but you have to mention i think the word threat in the in the message i think to save the entire thread um and can you concatenate within read wise after extracting the highlights no but we'll go into we'll move into that right now because we go into editing highlights so uh there are a few ways to uh to review in read wise um let's take my notes so there are a few ways to review highlights and notes in and read wise first of all there's daily read-wise so you get an email or you can go into your app or just using the web app and you select the date read-wise and you see up to 15 highlights a day and they are picked for you so they're randomly using an algorithm they're picked for you what i've noticed i don't i don't have evidence it actually works like this but i think it works like this um every day breakwise will pick 15 highlights and it will try to determine what is the topic of those highlights and then it will try to find 15 highlights that are somehow related so for example if i have highlights about teaching it will search for highlights that are about teaching so one day it will show me all the highlights that are 15 highlights that have to do with teaching and once i discovered that for me it became a really cool learning tool because that way i can have serendipitous encounters with my own highlights that i took in the past so instead of reviewing highlights from one book at a time i actually have my data read-wise i go through them i through the the highlights and i see how some ideas from completely different books sorry that's some completely different books talk about the same ideas and some days the read-wise algorithm is so good that even though the the language is completely different it can still find related highlights so i really like to use it uh to jog my memory and to see okay what have i been thinking about and some days it's just spot on and i find some new highlights that i had forgotten completely or some books that are somehow related to to something i'm interested in currently um and and then so that it's daily read-wise you can also look for article and in a timeline and i will show you in a bit how that what it looks like and what i then do is i do progressive summarization in uh replies so um i will show you in a bit how this works but this is an overview of the of the shortcuts it uses so requires uses markdown you can just mark up highlights using markdown so bubble text text it's a double star single star for total size and highlight text it's a double underscore and obviously there are also uh shortcuts you can use so let's move into highlighting so currently i am i am in scrolling view so this is one of the ways to uh look at highlights um but i can also go into review mode and what that does is i then see one highlight at a time and it even tells me here it even tells me if i've already seen this highlight or if i've if i'm seeing this uh for the first time so here it says this is your first time reviewing this passage and you highlighted it on august 18th so it even tells me when i highlighted it it gives me a few options so i can i can very quickly give it uh give the review mechanism i can give it feedback so i can say i don't want to see this highlight anymore or i just want to keep it so this is the most simple level but i can give it more granular feedback so for those who have been using who are familiar with anki for example they will be familiar with this so i can tell how soon i want to see this highlight again and again i get the the option to never see it see it soon um later and eventually and this will update the algorithm so depending on what option i choose it will it will show the highlight it will reserve as a highlight sooner or later for me and what the way i do it mostly i mostly use the um the review view to to do progressive summarization so what i do now is i simply hit the e button and i go into editing mode so now i can add a note i can type notes here or i can say oh i want to bolt this so for those who are not familiar with progressive summarization progressive summarization is editing your highlights in a way that you can skim them so for example if i have a very long highlight and not everything is relevant just just the same thing i've shown that i cut them that i cut phrases i do the same thing with bolding so i tell myself what the the highlight is about by building the most important parts and by building the most important parts i can just read those parts and already know what justice of the highlight which saves tremendous time when when reviewing my highlights later on [Music] so what i do that here in read wise as i'm reviewing my my highlights and i can just simply hit command b on windows is ctrl d and now it's it's uh it's bolded if i save it now and i edit it you can see [Music] this is the the short code so if i would remove one star oh it would become italicized so that's how read wise markup works and the beauty of it is when i then export this to evernote or notion or rome all the markup that i did in read-wise will also be exported through row or to my note-taking app so i can go yes ramsey's it's good that you mention that because cliff asks when he makes those enhancements in his replies it doesn't show up in his evernote or notion oh that's weird because in my read-wise it does or in my room it does end up as so i'm thinking if i make ramses if i may just yeah sure so if i've if i have the note uh already imported into read wise and readwise has already exported it to evernote if then i then go back and make changes uh to the note in read-wise i don't see those updates in the file in evernote so once it's in evernote it's it will add additional notes you know uh that you make to that book but it doesn't seem to go back and add uh the edits that i've made in read-wise to the note so so once it's in your note-taking environment it seems like the only way to then progressively summarize whatever is in the note-taking environment and not in read-wise is that correct yeah you're correct um there's a way you can delete the notes you can delete the notes and then it will sync again and then it will grab a fresh copy out of rate wise so if whatever you've done in read-wise will then be synced actually this is the reason i only export books that i've already reviewed in read-wise so i like to review my highlights and my notes and read-wise of books of articles i cannot be bothered so all my article highlights are turned off for review they just go one-on-one to to rome and someday i will probably re-encounter them but for books i mean reading a book first of all a book is already distillation of useful ideas and then i invest about 10 hours in reading a book and i went i wanted to to i want to get most out of it so i use read wise to review it even keeps track of how many highlights i've reviewed because if i go back to my books it says here you've reviewed 20 out of your 135 highlights in this book so it will even tell me have i reviewed the book um so for me it's very useful it's almost uh forcing function to actually go through my highlights but yeah you're right cliff it doesn't update it the the markup and you're right because i did ask tristan a while ago and he said that's currently not the case so you have to delete the nodes but i think they are working on it at least for notion and row but i think for that to work they have they need an api so it's a little bit more i don't want to become too technical but there's a technical uh limitation currently for that i think thank you and if i may troy has a follow-up to this is how do you set the filters to auto sync articles uh but hold books until you manually use until you manually sync thank you yeah we'll we'll cover that in a bit we'll cover that in a bit and i need to speed up i realize this is my this is a vein of my existence i talk way too much um so so that is oh and before we before we go to the output part i want to also show you how you can actually use this as a space repetition system because what i've shown just now the review and the the options it's nice but there's no challenge in that so what i would do is oh let's go in that review mode um let's delete this okay um let's see yeah all right so for example here i also have the master option so i can do a closed deletion so that's just to fill in the blanks exercise i can um for example i don't know for example fuzzy and whenever i preview this i have to i'm quizzing myself and i think okay what's the word here and i think oh yeah fuzzy i do refuel key phrase and i see it here um but do let's see can i now oh yes you'll see that i can now yeah all right but i can also do a question and answer which is actually real flash cards so again for those familiar with anki this is this is really how free twice can that can make your life easier so you have a the front which is the question and then the answer and the beauty of of read wise is instead of typing an answer i can just say use highlight text as answer and it will it will just grab the whole highlight and i can even again um progressively summarize this if i want i can bold stuff i can highlight stuff well i like this work here now it seems but i have complete freedom with my highlights so that's when i wanted to to also show because i think this is one function that people often look over gloss over because they think oh i just want to extract my highlights and then move them on to my uh to my note taking upwards i think this is really useful to re-write re-wire your brain and expose yourself to ideas without it feeling actually like work so for me reviewing my flesh cards doesn't feel like work it's just a game for me all right a lot to cover so um let's see let's go back to the notes i've covered space repetition again and these are in the in the outline i've just posted in my public database so you can you can review these uh for output this is where most people use it just to export to their note-taking app i have a little bit of a different workflow because as she as you saw before i add to certain highlights i have the tweeted tag so what i do when i'm reviewing i try to get at least one tweetable highlight from each review session so i'm i'm actually hunting for tweets while i'm reviewing which sounds a little bit crazy because i should you should be doing this for yourself but i like to use twitter to to force myself to rephrase an idea and to stir a little bit of a discussion because when i post this to twitter many times i will i will hear from people from followers who are interested in the same ideas and they will for example add to the the position or the the opinion i tweeted out or they will point me to other useful content so it's a really good good tool to tweet out your favorite highlights because you will find people who are interested in the same stuff you are interested in you actually this better distill what you've read because you're actually writing your tweet and you will revisit it as people and comment on it or like it so even i use twitter as a space repetition system almost just by tweeting out interesting things and people will like things from uh from me that i posted months ago so sometimes i get a notification that someone liked a tweet of mine which is a highlight and i see that highlight again so it almost works like space repetition system i know it sounds silly but for me it really did wonders to think through ideas by tweeting about them and sometimes even i create entire threads so if i go to twitter and let's see [Music] make it stick [Music] so in these cases i go i go a little bit crazy so i i make this into a very polished thread and these are all images that i directly export out of free twice so there's just a share function in read-wise and you can save a highlight and it will create something like this so i save this i've drafted this in rome so my highlights everything is in row and uh then i i put it to uh to twitter uh if there are no questions link all right quit uh let's see other questions before i dive into the integration because this can be a little bit confusing when i'm going to show now [Music] all right let's continue i'm going to try to finish this within five minutes and then we'll open for a q a and i will stick i will stick for longer than the hour if there are questions um so yeah export as you can see there are three ways to export there are actually more ways to export so there are more ways than these three to export so if you use any other note-taking app you can go to a book for example we'll use the same example [Music] and i'm so do it go over again under browse i went to books and i get my list of books and i click this arrow drop down arrow and i get a few options so this is to tune my daily read wise i can remove the book but i can also export the highlights as markdown so all markup it's it's saved in ratewise and i can export it so if you use any other app then evernote or notion or a row you can use this option to export your your notes and highlights out of every device so there's always a way to export for now i will all only have a look at row the rom exports so the way this works is with a browser plugin so if you open this page for the first time um and you've never exported to row you get this button to first download the the plugin it's a browser plugin so it work it's a chrome plugin and i think they also have one for firefox but the chrome plugins work on brave they work on vivaldi they on all chromium browsers so i use brave and it works flawlessly you can then use you can then choose the database you want to export to i've disabled this the automatic exporting because i want to i want to manually choose what i export i do keep the highlight locations and i use the custom formatting so if i do this you see it will just use the formatting that uh breakwise uses i don't like this template that they have so i have created my own i'll zoom in a little bit so i can change the page title i have this i have the system that i put the type of content always as the first word so if it's an article book or whatever then a slash which in rome is called a namespace this part and then i have to title and then i have very very lightweight metadata so i have the author i put it between double brackets so it becomes a link automatically [Music] if there's a source url it will grab the source and then i have tags but in this case currently bro sorry requires only allows me to essentially put the category here so i cannot even currently i cannot export the the tags that i created within read wise and then there's the highlights header um so you have all the metadata and then the highlights start and then in the case of um in the case of rome you will get something like let's see okay hopefully it's not going to crash now yeah so for example this you get you get something like this i have edited this myself so you get the highlights and then you get nested underneath all the highlights um i can even set up a notification and then here at the bottom i select which i want to export and hey as we can see here um case tweet that i just saved has been picked up and it automatically um selects the 10 latest books articles that i've highlighted so what i always do is select none and then i only select what i want to export in this moment otherwise i get the problem that cliff just pointed out that for example i have highlights that i haven't progressively summarized but they still show up and at that point you can do anything with with what you want so um i know it's a lot of content and my head is spitting myself i just explained this all within an hour i hope it was clear um and i'm going to open the floor for q a and again i use read wise a lot but i'm not a creator so i don't know everything but i'm going to try to answer all of your questions you are a creator you just don't realize it um the one question that came through while you were doing that demo is will the custom formatting changes here be saved for future exports uh sorry what do you mean with oh sorry what do you mean with the custom formatting you mean the metadata that was from you custom formatting changes he made in rome or or where you want to go in read-wise so i'm just curious if you make a change here and then you export uh say i come back in a week and i want to export more books is the changes here going to be applied the same or do i have to remake these uh custom changes to the read wise export formats you mean the metadata yes the metadata is saved so what it does is you you you and this is a little bit technical if you look at here but this this code what it's says is it asks if is is it a news page and if it's a new page it will create a heading with highlights and it will put all the highlights under and then if the page already exists but there are new highlights it will just add those new highlights to the same page uh but if we look at all these other tags and metadata if i if i do a change here let's see click outside of it should save it should save let's see yeah so it's safe it's safe all right and then if if i uh go through the the progressive summarization and i edit a highlight or i add a note and the book book has already been exported into rome do you know if it's going to find that highlight and update it or how does how does it handle that yeah that's exactly what cliff just asked so it doesn't currently um what you would need to do is delete the page from row if you use row or if you use read wise sorry notion then you have to delete that page because then ratewise will see does the page exist and if not it will create the page and it will pull all of the highlights out of your raidwise account for that book or article so if you progressively summarized um then it will pull all those progressive summarization in as well but you have to delete the the page and it's a little bit of a hassle i know read wise is working on updating um highlights but currently they have uh they're running into a technical uh limitations i hope that answers the question thank you perfect any other questions good morning hi hi wendy hi i wanna know you do all your progressive summarization entirely in grid wise and you don't move at all from there until everything is done yes for books so i only do progressive summarization in read twice for books so i also highlight articles but i just export those one-on-one so i don't review those highlights in read-wise but for books yes i do i review them i do progressive summarization in read-wise as well and once i've completely progressively summarized it or reviewed all the highlights of a book then i will turn it on for export so then it is exported okay so your articles go automatic or all your export is manual yeah yeah so yeah so i will share my screen so you can see it so i will so i will select what i want to export so i know this is a book and i've not completely read it yet and i've also not completely reviewed it so i'm going to skip it so i'm only selecting what i do want to and i know this is also a book so this for example then i will export it but the books i will skip until i've completely reviewed them and progressively summarize them within read-wise again that's my workflow and that's only because i use the preview functionality every twice and i also use the question and answers so i know many people who don't want to use read twice for that and they don't want they do want to do progressive summarization but they say i'm not going to do that and read wise then don't follow my approach but for me this works i've noticed and i like it so that's why i'm doing it this way i see and when you are how do how how do you integrate insta paper only for articles from sorry from online articles you find on the surface yeah yeah i mean i just remember the books that i'm reading and i uh unselect them so for example normally they i've just selected none but normally i would see something like this and i would look okay what is a book that i don't want to export and i know this is a book this is a book and this is a book the rest i can export so the rest is just exported and how insta paper plays a role in all of this it's so for example this comes from instant paper um um so all my articles come from instant paper all the articles you see here yeah all that sorry to interrupt you but um the c1 c2 c3 and h1 h2 h3 do you do that on insta paper or android wise oh i do have an insta paper yeah yeah yeah because you cannot later add the tag i think well i'm saying it i i've never tried it but i don't think it works so you have to do it in um in yes so what i would do and i mean i i can i can show because i use insta paper and i just want to follow your settings since you invest so many hours so i'm just start from there yeah okay let's take an example so um um i think i have so i have a few notes here let's see yeah so what i do here i have this highlight i've highlighted this and i've highlighted it's in into paper and i use instapapers note-taking capabilities to add dot c1 and this here you can see dot c2 and then read wise imports these highlights and they exclusive together so that's how it works does that answer your question perfect um let's see cam i think you have your hand raised yep uh awesome ramses uh thank you so much for this you're blowing my mind also lindsay thank you for keeping this machine rolling um again seriously no idea you could do all this and i love it use twitter as a game question is how do you know if it's working um is it you can tell it's being more efficient is it if you're not you're saying you're not a creator uh you know i make videos and i do education around videos so for me output's pretty easy to measure am i producing how do you know this is working and because you're obviously changing a lot i want to know what's guiding you on that process yeah well i i think i'm slowly becoming a creator because i'm just thinking out loud now uh online about this kind of stuff uh before when i just use this in my work i was always the person with the answers so that's why that's how i knew i it worked and i was i was into i worked in policymaking so i worked for an hr department and i was we were very heavy on legislation and uh following like legislation and for example uh gdpr guidelines that we had to follow and i and i had to write policy so i was doing a lot of research about into laws um and i just had to write articles and memos and proposals and i had to pull in quotes and i'd support my case with evidence and i could always find what i wanted because it works so well everything that flow everything that i highlighted in the paper or kindle wherever i know it will end up in my own database because it works so well so in the beginning in all fairness i've sent dozens of emails to the read-wise team because i ran into books or whatever um and things were not working as expected but now i i really believe it works as it should work and for me it has helped me provide the answers that i had to provide in my in my job and now that i'm not in that line of work anymore and i'm transitioning into creating online um i'm seeing it really works because i can show you um let's see if i search for read-wise just prepar preparing for this i had so let's see um i was writing let's see two yeah so i was writing this article all based on research i did before so this this is all research that it's pretty meta so i did research using read-wise about read-wise um but it works because i can i can create an outline so quickly i have just my highlights that i pull in and my notes from read-wise so that this comes directly from read-wise which is exported to to uh my rom database and i created a an outline like in 15 20 minutes now that i'm creating just because i have all my notes highlights that flow into rom and then i do review them shortly in rome to link them up because obviously that's that's not well it's it's possible in in rate wise but it's a hassle i mean i don't have the auto complete and everything so i prefer to link in in row but yeah it works in my in my experience for my line of work um and i've heard many people say the same but obviously once you have your highlights in your notetaking app if you then don't have a workflow to actually do something with it probably i should do a session about that in the future how i actually use my highlights and notes to then create an article to outline an article and to then write an article because that's how i uh how i use it nowadays very long-winded answer but hopefully it it makes things a little bit clearer yeah thank you perfect uh troy i see your hand raised yeah it was just curious about your process with air and how you're finding that because it seems like in my process it almost seems like it's necessary to go into air and sort of clean up the clips and air quotes before before they get too far down down the chain but i was just curious how you're doing that yeah i've tried air um it's exactly the the issue i run into because i can i can clip something but to really be useful and again to be an atomic highlight i have to adjust the clip first yeah so um i've stopped doing that i and i will show you how i take how i take podcast uh notes uh but it's pretty labor intensive so um for example this one uh yeah so this is this is how i create those so this is very manual so i just listen times two and i take notes if i'm on the move i use i write this in dynalist or drafts because another doesn't really work in rome yeah then i clean it up so yeah podcast for me it's my least favorite learning tool i in in in levels of of how useful for me it is it's always first books then articles then even tweets so first everything that's text based and then everything that's audio based so i don't have a good answer for it sorry because i run into the same problem you run into yeah i think it'll improve hopefully with the wrong uh api and read wise being able to update notes because i find that i'll listen to podcasts throughout a week and then i almost need to just keep it from going into rome and then yeah go into air go into air every at some cadence and then sort of refine what those are which i find i think even in that is a step to for that sort of uh it bringing it to light to for some of the uh repetition based stuff too yeah absolutely and um um tim ferriss he is still very much paper based and he had a video recently and um he sees when he writes something on paper and then reviews it to put it in his note-taking app he sees that as um how does he what word did he use um he calls it a wow a pass yeah so he has multiple passes of the same material and it's for him it's a feature not a bug because he says i just want i've written it something down it's worth reviewing otherwise i shouldn't have written it down and i find the same so i don't really find it that bad to review something multiple times because it moves my thinking forward and it also helps me to only have highlights that are actually worth it because i if i just highlight everything i'm burdening my future self so i'm trying to avoid that but for error yeah um for me it takes a little bit of fun out of listening to to podcast if i have to adjust it very very uh yeah every every time i've listened podcast i don't know yeah any even so much not so much with the clips themselves but if it's just a note that you're making so like i'll use the no feature with an app or within there even if the transcript isn't for like even if they haven't subscribed that entire podcast i think that's that's pretty valuable too just as a note-taking feature and then and then you have the context if you ever want to go back to it yeah absolutely absolutely and i think probably now that you say that i think that's a really good approach to not worry too much about the highlights to to have it to use it more like a nice to have because personally i oh when i listen to podcasts i always take notes i so even even when uh air started with the automatic transcription i never looked at the transcription i just was listening and taking notes um because i find that the most valuable way to listen to podcasts um yeah i'm going to use that i like that maybe takes a little bit away a little bit of the uh the pressure because because they don't transcribe i don't think they transcribe automatically it's just based on yet if if people i think each user gets like two requests and so by by just the volume a lot of the most popular ones are transcribed but a lot of the ones that listen to or if they're private feeds um that won't be transcribed and can just use it more for yeah that no that quick note taking especially if you're on the run then and just being able to use like the previous track to to clip it seems pretty valuable yeah absolutely yeah you're welcome [Music] uh let's see the chat um [Music] i see a question from stefan uh what are your views on dino lists well in the last six months i haven't commuted but before i was always using it while commuting because it it's it's such a nice app to use on the go so i only used the mobile app until recently and now many times i just use the uh drafts for quick thoughts let's see um what else i see jeff can you add notes after dot c1 yes you can you just hit return and then you write your notes um what else are there any questions just raise your hand or speak up otherwise we are going to put an end to the to the session i i have a question with the highlights when you actually take the progressive summarization and you use the shortcodes do you use it in that way because you don't have any other way how to use like a graphic highlight or you just use the the shortcut um you mean read-wise if you can use highlight as well yeah you can yeah you can highlight um there because i notice you you use more the so maybe because it's faster for you oh yeah but what so what read-wise does is i can write the shortcodes but i can also use a shortcut so to make something bold i use the control or the command b then for italicized i use the command or control i and then for highlighted it's a little bit weird they use the command u so normally it would be underlying and i can use a short code but if i just use a shortcut and i save it then read wise will type or create the short code for me so to say ah oh i so if i don't know if i can show this very quickly let's see okay um i'm going to share my screen so okay let's see um let's say so this is currently bullet action ability just going to save it and let's say i want to i want to bolt this part this word so i can type this and this will make it bolded but i can also do and now i'm going to type command b and you see it but yeah so but when i save it now so you see it's bolded and when i edit it again you'll see read wise will have added those shortcodes for me does that make sense yes yes so there is no other intuitive like with an icon or graphic easy to remember yeah so as you can see here edit and format your highlights below you see instructions you hover with your mouse and you see formats use markdowns format highlights and you get the three options all right thank you so that's uh that's how it works and i think that's the last question then [Music] thank you all i'm going to stop the recording
Channel: RoamStack
Views: 1,586
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Vgi9MsofedI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 30sec (4290 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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