READING VLOG: These 2 Books Blew My Mind!

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hi guys it's regan and welcome back to another reading vlog it's actually valentine's day hence the heart sweater i've decided to don for you guys but it is sunday and i have monday off which is why i decided to kind of do an unusual day pairing of sunday monday tuesday for a reading vlog while per usual i don't have any grand plans as it relates to life i am so excited about this video's matilda uh tbr because i'm actually reading the two books i picked out for the blackathon oh both the books sound so good so i guess without further ado let's dive into the tbr for this weekend here's matilda being very sassy so the two books i hope to read this vlog um i honestly feel like they both have the potential to kind of like blow my mind the first one is the lesson by cadwell turnbull this is a sci-fi alien-based story about aliens coming to earth and the complicated relationship between the aliens and humans and then i also have the parable of sower by octavia e butler an incredibly famous very lauded sci-fi dystopian end of the world story about a young girl um and her like empathetic powers and possibly the rise of a new religion i'm really looking forward to reading both of these they're not very long particularly the lesson i think is under 300 pages so i think i'm actually going to start with this and then jump into this i hope to maybe finish both but at least finish this and get a good wave through this one but this book i feel like has the potential to maybe be one of my favorite books of the year just based on all the hype surrounding it i'm really looking forward to it and in general too um i'm looking forward to both these books because i'm trying to read more sci-fi dystopian-based fiction this year and they both fit the bill for that um themselves in terms of a genre so this is what i plan to read over the next couple of days again it's valentine's day clay and i just plan to hang out i'm gonna watch a kdrama right now i think it's sunday morning so i'm just gonna kind of uh relax and maybe clay and i will like watch a movie later i'm not sure i made a delicious japanese curry last night so good not to like brag too much about my own cooking skills but it was very tasty so i think we're gonna have that leftover for dinner tonight now i'm rambling anyway welcome to the vlog it's sunday yes but obviously gotta start the morning out right with a cup of coffee ah nothing nothing is better than a weekend cup of coffee definitely trumps the work a day cup of coffee you know also i am in the midst of like four different k dramas right now you know can't commit at the moment but i'm really liking a lot of them but the two main ones i'm watching are one true beauty which i'm watching with monica so we i'm watching it more slowly because i'm watching it with her which has been so much fun that one is like a very ridiculous coming-of-age romantic story setting around like makeup it's super super funny sorry my camera died classic what i was saying was i'm watching true beauty with monica and it's really fun and cute but because we're watching it together i started another show just to kind of keep me entertained solo and i started the show touch your heart which a lot of you guys recommended to me because the two main actors are grim reaper and sunny from goblin i went in with like medium expectations but i'm loving this drama i think it's one of my favorite slice of life dramas i've watched so far the premise seems basic it basically follows the girl she was a really popular actress but due to a scandal she kind of fell out of the limelight and two years later she's basically trying to reboot her career but she's not known to be the best actress so the director is basically like you have to kind of do like a method acting situation and like work the job to be able to like get the drama role so she does so she becomes the secretary at this like powerful law firm there she meets the male lead and you think it's going to be like this like classic cold guy sunny girl and it kind of is in the beginning but it's honestly the sweetest most pure rom-com it's really like like instead of him being arrogant and bean which you would kind of expect in this sort of drama at least in the beginning he's really just like shy and introverted and the main character the girl is so charming and cute and their relationship builds so naturally and they communicate and they're like open and transparent with one another like there's no prolonged drama of miscommunication conflict like they're so bashful and it's so wholesome and i love it i've only seen nine episodes so there's more drama to come but oh my god i just love them they're so sweet and i'm just happy for them and anyway so it's a great drama would highly recommend it if you want to have a smile on your face and there's like some law drama associated with it too which makes it entertaining like outside of the romance but it's so cute i'm gonna finish up the episode i'm currently watching now um but then i'm gonna start the lesson um i'm gonna start with this book because it's shorter and i do think i can kind of fly through it i'm looking forward to this i've heard really good things i'm hoping this is kind of like a mind-bending sci-fi story so i'm going to read well i'm going to watch my kdrama and then i'm going to read this receive my valentine's day surprise that i may have directly requested but living cookies are my favorite and um they're delish there's nothing better i also got some fleurs big shout out thanks clay you're the bomb happy valentine's day oh is that a scone nice and i'm gonna chat on on this and probably watch some tv i am about to sit down and do a bit of a reading sprint but i'm gonna heat up one of the cookies clay got me for valentine's day these are my heaven heaven on earth is with you cookie one day i'm gonna try to like dupe this cookie um but for now living with the real thing that cookie goodness plus i've already read 20 pages of the lesson and it's definitely captured my attention very very quickly i'm going to read more before i do like an official reading update but i'm going to keep reading this and enjoy my cookie update i have read 50 pages of the lesson so far and i'm actually really really liking it i was anticipating to like it but i'm liking it for a bunch of reasons that i wasn't expecting to um obviously i knew this was about an alien invasion over the us virgin islands but structurally how this book has started out it's giving the impression at least where i'm at that it's going to be a very character focused story about our kind of primary perspectives and the aliens might just sort of be an ancillary force kind of in the background in fact the story opens on pre-invasion by vianna um and you're kind of just jumping from all these different vignettes kind of as a countdown to when the invasion actually arrives the countdown itself creates quite a bit of urgency but the different vignettes too you kind of quickly fall into these characters lives and they're all connected related or close to each other either by familial blood or just they grew up together and through these perspectives you quickly begin to see glimpses of not only their life but their secrets their desires their wants their needs and at the moment pre-invasion all they all feel like they're on a precipice of a big decision that will change the course of their life um for good or bad but then also the invasion happens which is this very large unexpected curve ball for everyone which will kind of change the course of their lives even further as well as this sort of alien invasion which is a global multi-nation problem really contrasts the really intimate very personal human problems each of these characters are kind of working through at the beginning of this book again i've only read 50 pages and there is a bit of a time skip to current present day after about five years of the yana having come to the world and essentially like the reason why they're there is still very much a mystery and all these characters i imagine are so gonna be intertwined because we follow like a husband and wife and then the daughter and then a close family friend at least so far um so i imagine we're still gonna kind of see how they're woven together but all of their lives were deeply impacted by the arrival of the aliens and i think it's gonna continue to expand now that they're here but i love love love love how character focused this is um and also just the structure of how it's told these like short scenes that we're kind of jumping around it just gives you this really intense and intimate view i just in general love stories with the sort of narrative structure cast of characters where you're kind of getting these disparate scenes of their life which gives you a kind of a glimpse into their overall experience like i just really really really like that um and there's a level of urgency this feeling of searching and like wanting more from life but also like secrets and also things people are like trying to hide from others close to them and themselves but anyway 50 pages in this is definitely left quite a big impact i'm really curious to see how the alien component continues to ramp up i imagine it will definitely become more central to the plot but the first 50 pages was very much setting us in just being in the us virgin islands with these characters but i'm really looking forward to reading more of this it reads really really quickly because of kind of the short chapters and also just jumping between all of the characters but i'm liking it i'm really liking it quite a bit i like that it's sort of like with a dash of sci-fi you know but anyway okay i am going to read more but i just wanted to give you an update all right officially read to page 75 i'm really liking this i don't know what again i i'm just loving how character focused it is and it kind of has like a mystery element too i don't know okay i'm not being very coherent but i'm going to take a break from reading and watch an episode of true beauty with monica i'm also heating up some rice clay and i decided to actually eat the curry that i made last night for lunch and then we're going to order pizza for dinner but um yeah i'm excited to watch some of this curry is heated up in my drama monica and i just watched episode 10 of true beauty my heart hopefully we'll watch a little bit later because i need to know what happens next but for now it's getting late at night i don't know where the day went um but clay and i are gonna hang out for a little while and order pizza i think in a couple hours we had a late lunch as i showed so neither of us are super hungry but i might do a bit more reading but i've already read 75 pages of the lesson which i'm really jazzed about um and i anticipate i'll probably do most of my reading tomorrow so if i can just read about like 150 pages tonight i'll be really jazzed about that but just wanted to say ah true beauty getting my heart rate up we got pizza and cheese underneath two layers of blankets shout out to clay for just voluntarily watching the tail end of the k drama with me and inadvertently monica cause we're watching together monica and i've wrapped up our kdrama session for tonight we're tracking to definitely finish it tomorrow but i am now going to sit down and read more of the lesson i again got to 75 pages so i'm definitely gonna attract to get over the 100 page mark of this tonight and then wrap it up tomorrow um but yeah i'm looking forward to reading this it's definitely really engaged me from the beginning as i've already said so i'm curious to see how it continues to progress and as the alien component i feel like becomes more central to the plot and story but i'm gonna read now good morning everyone i've actually been out for a little bit i have been reading i've gotten to page 130 of the lesson i'm really really liking it i'm gonna read some more and then i'll do another reading update but this book has been entirely unexpected in terms of like what i was anticipating but it's really really good hi everyone i'm sitting here i also wanted to quickly rep show off my karasuno volleyball sweatshirt big fan i'm about to get up and get dressed but i've actually spent the morning reading which has been really really nice i've read another about 100 pages of this i'm on page 175 about 100 pages left and i'm really liking this this continues to be very much like a human character focused story it obviously has that first touch alien comes to her earth element but it's very much still character led um again so initially the book opens on before the yana's arrival but we quickly shift five years into the future since they've come and we are continuing to kind of shift through all these different perspectives of the family members and the connected individuals we encountered before the anna but now we actually have a perspective of one of the yana themselves who has actually been on earth for hundreds of years there is a very complicated relationship between the residents of the us virgin islands and the iana themselves they are similar to humans but are very different in key ways they are also very violent and um like basically if you do anything that might be insulting to them they will respond in an extremely violent manner due to this there have been a variety of incidents have continually like created a divide and just a distrust and hatred particularly from humans towards the anna the aliens themselves i feel like within this book are kind of being used a bit as mirrors because in some ways they could be very similar to humans particularly with the yana point of view that we have within this story but it also the story i feel like is definitely using these aliens as a parallel of colonization and slavery as well as all the different perspectives and the responses to the iana as well as different responses to colonization we have many characters that want nothing to do with them we have many characters that have extreme hatred towards them we have some characters that love them and want to be with them it's really complicated but this story is again very much like yes there's a sci-fi and an alien element but it's more used as a device to kind of explore all these different characters and perspectives of people living together as a community as a response um to these aliens that have come to earth um and i really appreciate that the author kind of provided that 30 pages or so of pre-arrival because really like their human desires haven't pivoted dramatically in terms of like everyone is still trying to live their lives but their lives have all inevitably every single person have changed course since the yana have arrived so um i appreciate how that's kind of being explored and it just has such a human quality to it and i love the shifting of perspectives narratively i really like how this is written and set up and again i'm kind of a sucker for stories that kind of have this weaving narrative quality jumping from all these points of views and just like having a deep dive or just like microscopic look on different people in their lives and kind of what they want um or what what's hurting them like it's just a type of story that i personally always really really like and i feel like this having that alien sci-fi element to this makes it one really interesting and i just appreciate um this book quite a bit and it's making me want to read more first touch novels because i do know that this sort of alien device is used in a lot of different ways to kind of explore humanity and i just like it as a genre choice but i also just really like it within this book itself so i'm definitely going to finish this today and start my second book tonight i'm obviously vlogging through tomorrow so i'm hoping to get quite a few pages in but i really like this and i'm reading it really quickly i think too because we're shifting from all these different perspectives i also like how everyone's kind of connected and time is passing i don't know i'm liking it a lot i'm rambling a lot too but anyway i'm gonna get changed now hello it's me i got dressed sorta wearing jeans so i'm counting that as a victory i'm about to make breakfast lunch i got a little bit distracted i did read a bit more i passed the 200 page mark of my book still so good and i edited a video ayo but now um i'm going to make some food i'm actually really excited so let's let's go over the food so here's what i'm making on this gloomy day souffle pancakes i have never made these before i've never tried them before i'm just i don't know i'm excited to see how they turn out how fluffy they may be um i think i'm gonna add chocolate chips to them too but i picked this up just from like our local grocery store and i'm excited to see how it turns out all right so it's instant mix so it took all of five seconds to put together it's just egg and milk and then you kind of whisk it i'm letting it sit i watched a youtube video and the person recommended to let it sit for five minutes before you cook and not mix it a lot i'm like wanting to do like experiments like i feel like a souffle needs a lot of air but they said not to whisk it a lot so i'm curious like maybe i'll i'll try to do more whisking for the other version i don't know i don't want to mess it up obviously this is instant mix so it's not like i made like an egg white concoction and then like folding in other ingredients i'm really reading into this souffle pancake thing a lot so also i'm going to put chocolate chips in mine clay's will be plain but uh we'll see how this goes won't lie everyone while this definitely appears to be a fluffy it's like an american style fluffy pancake so i'm doing something wrong i'm going to change my technique for the next round i mean they're definitely it's fluffy general consensus of the first round is i produced averagely fluffy pancakes delicious golden brown gonna be very good but i'm gonna change my technique for the second batch i'm gonna aerate give a strong whisk to the yolk and milk mix in the batter to see if maybe that'll get them a little taller but i'm gonna go give these to clay now i forgot to put chocolate chips because i was too focused but i definitely i think i'm getting more height this time around so that is exciting huzzah a little close-up shot here i definitely think aerating the pancake like the egg and the milk before mixing in the mix definitely helped they're above average fluffy they're definitely not like the pictures i see on the internet where they're like this thick but i'm looking forward to this i have chocolate chips in these i'm gonna add some whipped cream and some syrup go watch community with clay over there yeah it's me i've been reading and i finished the lesson by cadwell turner enjoyed this quite a bit the ending wow the pacing of this book continued to escalate i don't really want to say more than what i've already had and i really appreciate kind of the approach and the overall themes to this story i think my only criticism is it's not very long it's like 265 pages i wish the end was fleshed out maybe a bit more and we kind of got some more time with the characters just to kind of root us even deeper into their lives and their story i did feel connected to many of them but there were a few i think i would have liked having maybe a chapter more for each one just to kind of feel even more just in tune with their life and their decisions and their connections inevitably with each other but ultimately i really appreciated this it was a weaving narrative tale wonderful writing i loved loved loved how all the characters lives kind of orbited around each other in really interesting ways and the chapters themselves were really seamless it was almost like characters had their own reveals and it was always very satisfying when it occurred and in general i really really liked this and would definitely recommend it read it really quickly it's under 300 pages so it's definitely a quick read but i've also officially finished my first book both for this vlog and for the readathon which is great and i'm definitely gonna start my second book tonight parable of sower um but i think i might take a nap actually i'm gonna eat those hot cheetos and put on a k drama they're calling my name all right clay and i are doing the only thing you do usually on uh random mondays that you have off from work and that is starting a mini docu series so you know maybe watch this whole thing today um but we're watching the jinx life and deaths of robert durst so i'll let you know how we think about it question is how spicy do you think this is going to be and will i be able to handle it or will i be able to handle it but still get heartburn when you get old apparently you just get heartburn when you eat spicy things or at least that's happened to me anyways a tmi but my instant ramen or noodle game i should say not wrong my instant noodle game has been on point since it's been so cold i'm trying on all sorts of brands so we're trying this tonight fogged up the lens but look at that i'm looking forward to this it doesn't smell like it's gonna be too spicy i think it's just gonna be spicy which amazing matilda is a hot dog so clay and i have watched four consecutive episodes of the jinx which is on hbo it's like a true crime yeah yeah true crime docu-series about robert durst who i didn't know anything about until this clay knew more yeah definitely have learned a lot from this but like was somewhat familiar with this documentary and what occurred anyway it's wild we haven't finished but definitely really interesting and like the quality of it is really good um i don't know there's good and bad docuseries out there and i definitely think this one does a good job yeah with its pacing and timing of everything like how it kind of shuffles really interesting and yeah it it's not told in a linear way it's told you know bits and pieces are given to you over time which is which is interesting yeah i still don't i don't know i don't i don't know how it ends because i didn't really know anything about this person anyway we're gonna watch more all right five hours of true crime television later i'm about to go get settled into bed and start my second book of this reading vlog which is parable of sewer which i'm really looking forward to i've read 265 pages obviously because i finished the lesson really liked that book um so i'm actually hoping to read about 200 pages between tonight and then obviously tomorrow um which i think i'll be able to i feel like this book is gonna read really quickly just given how intense i've heard this is i don't know every person i've seen read this on booktube it just shoots the top of their like must read lists for everyone else so i just have a feeling that this is going to be one that i'm going to really love so i'm definitely going to start this tonight and then read probably the majority of it tomorrow so um i'll definitely keep you guys posted as i get started and start to read more pages but so far i feel like both of these sci-fi books obviously haven't heard of this yet but i have a feeling are gonna be i don't know just like really intense mind-blowing stories so i'm really excited about this video's tbr and it's definitely panning out also this has a john green quote on the front cover that seems like a weird choice the other one is n.k jemisin which makes more sense but john green huh hi it's actually the afternoon here's my outfit it's been a chaotic morning but it's fine we till the clay's on a call but matilda's here too all day meetings mean you get poke and eat it while you're supposed to be on a meeting hi friends it's been a bit of a day all my vlog clips i feel like i've checked in today have all felt i feel like have been pretty chaotic lots of uh meetings that being said i didn't want to take a second one to relax but two to let you know of the pages that i'm able to read of the parable of sewer which i read last night so i was able to read to about page 50 and i also read the foreword which was written by nk jemisin and i can already really tell i'm gonna like this i've read 50 pages but like man the the opening the exposition of this novel is intense the structure of how it's written i'm just obsessed with there's so much to say but um if you're not familiar the parable of sewer is basically set in california after an economic and climate crisis in the early 2020s it's almost frighteningly close to the time period we're in and also just like given the reality of the climate crisis we're currently living in like this is a far-off future but you can't help but to read it and just feel like this could be our future but anyway we follow our main character lauren who lives in california like outside of la and since this crisis like america at least has definitely fallen apart there's very little work things like necessities to live like water cost a lot of money and society has kind of crumbled and people who are able to now live in like small walled communities which is where our main character lauren lives with her family and other families her father is actually a preacher now obviously i'm just very much at the beginning of this novel so in the first 50 pages i'm really just encountering the world like this reality that all of these characters live in the rules and kind of the outcome of this crisis we're reading from our main character lauren and structurally how this book is actually written it feels very much like diary entries um she's kind of just writing about certain scenes of that day um and dating them even so immediately we get very connected to lauren but also the story is completely from her point of view and her feelings with her entries we get a viewpoint not only in the world but a lot of what lauren is kind of thinking and talking about within these entries too is like the concept of god and religion and the world and like what it means to believe and she's kind of dissecting all these different philosophies both like what she learns from her father but other religions as well and it's kind of like prophesizing and kind of constructing her own religion based on the outcome of like the new world reality and another thing too our main character has something called hyperempathy so she can feel other people's emotions and pain around her and she has to hide this because in this new reality like any type of weakness can really immediately get you outcasted and survival is key and central to everyone's life so so far i'm just completely riveted by this story the writing obviously we're so rooted in our main character's point of view the setting is horrifying and it's like feasibility you know what i mean like this doesn't seem like that too many degrees off from a reality that we could in theory fall into and then sort of this immediate emotional connection to our main character and the structure of this book being kind of like a diary and at the beginning of each chapter there's kind of like a quote that feels pulled from a like religious text that i think our main character has written at some point later in the story so i don't know there's a lot going on it's so good and this is one i feel like i'm going to love i already could just tell but maybe a book that i'm going to want to reread multiple times because i feel like there's a lot to impact and even in the forward like that's something nk jemisin kind of mentioned she's like i've read this book three times and each time i've kind of begun to dissect another layer of this tale so anyway this is a very long rambling clip but i just want to say i've started this book i'm really liking it there's a lot to say looking forward to continually read this um and share my thoughts i'm hoping to get to page like 160 tonight read like about 100 pages obviously and then i'll finish it this month but just wanted to give you kind of my point of view spreading thoughts and feelings about this book i finished up work for the day and i've put pajamas on um and i've actually read page 75 parable of sewer so that's great this book is so good it's almost whoa that's a larger drop but it's kind of actually also terrifying because it just feels so real like everything about this book just feels like one degree away you know and then obviously like this world is still riddled with all the societal problems that we currently have but it's just the reality of if you continue to leave all these problems that we have as a society unchecked like look at your future you know so it's like it gets your heart racing in that way but um 75 pages in it's so good it's kind of evolving too and lauren kind of confronting the reality and kind of realizing that the adults are still kind of holding on to the past and this idea that things will return to normal versus she thinks like this is our reality now like we're not going to go back but we can continue to change we have to confront our reality and like prepare for that future so i think she's trying to like mobilize her community to be more prepared for inevitably like in the short term like a more violent reality in other news though i am gonna make dinner now and it's not gonna be ramen i'm not gonna eat instant noodles i think i'm gonna make some enchiladas um yeah some black bean enchiladas that will be tasty who doesn't like enchiladas so i'm gonna make that and i'm gonna watch it's probably some k-drama tonight and you text monica and see if she's free to watch an episode of true beauty because we only have three episodes of true beauty left but we'll see but anyway i'm gonna start dinner now definitely read more tonight because parables are so good so good um but also watch some k dramas and just hang out [Music] finished my chopping but just wanted to share taking a break from k-dramas actually to catch up on the challenge my first reality tv love the season's pretty good so far i'm behind but i like a lot of the new additions i love all the survivor crossovers nom is great anyway back to chopping cooking the veg i'm about to add the beans once this cooks down a bit more and i'm also going to mash some beans i love enchiladas because they take no time nice little vegetarian option and they're delicious bone appetit i feel like it's very fair to judge the fact that i still have a christmas cookie jar out and about this is my little face creams but i don't know why i felt the need to tell you that but yeah gotta keep those folds clean but um i can't get rid of it because it's full of candy still we updated it with valentine's day hershey kisses it holds so much we just decided to keep the holiday candy vibe going so it's christmas 24 7. it's how i feel all right i have matilda a handful of hershey kisses and my book and i'm gonna sit down and do more reading again i've already read 75 pages so i'm just gonna see how far i can get and then i'm probably gonna watch more of the challenge but we'll see but i really want to read more of this and then dean compress with some reality tv this book is really good i feel like i'm going to not be saying anything eloquent or new as relates to this book parable of sore because it's so famous and it's been lauded for so many reasons but all of that being said i'm really liking this book it's not an easy read like i read a review and someone described the experience as almost like claustrophobic because it just doesn't feel like this was written in the 90s and it it feels like this could so easily happen i mean i already mentioned this is coming off of a global and economic crisis you know the gaps in wealth disparity are continuing to expand there are no jobs and people are so desperate by becoming servants to wealthy individuals like the new leader is removing all like labor laws and basically like corporations are continuing to expand and take advantage of people and all of this we're basically reading lauren's diary as she's sort of recounting moments of her life with her family and her community when she lives in and like all these things are happening around them but like also their life is still happening too like her own musings and ideas of what should be the philosophy that they live on is something she's constantly focusing on and then obviously the things that are happening to her family as it relates to her community and there's just this growing sense of dread of being like they're like barely holding the damn together and something is going to happen and they're going to need to pick up the pieces and figure out what the next steps are together as a community as a country because this isn't sustainable ah it's so good and i mean i'm reading a quote on the back like in the ongoing contest over which dystopian classic is the most applicable to our time octavia butler's parable books may be unmatched because it just like like the right everything everything about it is so good and um i feel very like look what i'm saying doesn't feel sufficient describe how what this reading experience is like but it's just really good and i really love how religion is kind of woven into this this constant look this search for meaning and fulfillment and answering the question of why and obviously because our main character's father is a preacher there's you know references to christianity and other religions but this sort of building of a new faith that fits humanity where it's at now and its current fight and current struggle is just really interesting too and just like this fight for survival and hope is all wrapped up in there too and the structure's so good i'm rambling but wow wow wow um i definitely will be able to read 150 pages i don't have much to go i might read a bit more hi so my camera died in the midst of my the parable of the sewer chat so while it was charging clay and i watched the last episode of the jinx the life and deaths of robert durst and oh my gosh unrelated this was wild i didn't know anything about this going in knocked my socks off if you like docuseries would definitely recommend this now i'm going to stay up significantly past my bedtime and read more of this i feel like it might give me some intense dreams but it's all going to be worth it i'm really loving this book honestly both the books i read for this vlog are some probably like top books of the month so far that i've encountered they and i would say both of them have really created a lot of dialogue in my brain just made me really think critically and deeply about a variety of topics and the use of kind of dystopian and sci-fi and both of these novels have just it's it's been used so successfully and the authors have both just they're just they're just very good like not this is why i'm not an author because i'm not very good at speaking but i'm a little speechless right now but just both of the books i don't know just like why i love reading but anyway i'm going to do more of that now and read more of this particular book which obviously i keep talking about how much i'm liking so much um hopefully some of this was articulate because i'm fearful it's not but anyway i'm just really pleased with both the books i read this weekend um or this vlog i should say cause it's tuesday um because wow just literature man you know hi friends it's regan and i'm just wrapping up the end of this vlog the next day can confirm i stayed up too late last night reading and i did have weird dreams but i do want to quickly just final thoughts and feelings on the two books i featured and read in this blog so good news i was able to get to page 154 of parable of the sewer so i'm about halfway through this book and i definitely feel like i'm gonna finish this either tonight or tomorrow um i don't have much left i've been rambling on and on ineloquently about this book this entire vlog so good it's intense it's dark it's terrifying and it's likely reality it has so much commentary on like our current societal issues and if we continue to let them fester this is not far off as well as you have a central main character that we are with and watching her confront all these issues with her family and also reckoning with a new idea and philosophy it's excellent and i'm really looking forward to finishing this guy as i said in the next couple of days obviously i also read the entirety of the lesson which is a first touch sci-fi aliens come to earth novel which i really loved how character focused this was but all in all i read about three 430-ish pages so i'm really pleased with that both these books were excellent sci-fi novels i'm really glad i picked them up and they're both definitely inspiring me to continue to explore this genre because these were amazing but anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this video and i will see you soon with another one soon goodbye
Channel: PeruseProject
Views: 38,141
Rating: 4.9690094 out of 5
Id: FoYkFf_B0mI
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Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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