Come Book Shopping in NYC With Me! (my 5 fav stores + haul!)

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hi guys it's regan and welcome to the start of an extra special vlog featuring one of my good friends monica but this vlog is extra special for a variety of reasons but the main one is it's going to be a come book shopping vlog in new york city this is a video i have been wanting to do for a very long time for well over a year but for obvious reasons have not been able to but i really wanted to make this video before i move in a couple of months today i'm bringing you along to five of my favorite book stores in new york they're all located in a variety of different neighborhoods i'll show you around i will definitely be buying some books so there will be a haul at the end of this as well obviously new york city is huge and there are so many incredible bookstores all around the city these are just five of my personal favorites but by no means an exhaustive list but anyway let's head out let's begin the book shopping cannot wait to have a fun day full of sunshine books and hopefully food as well but yeah welcome to my book shopping vlog we're off okay [Music] starting with stop number one we went to mcnally jackson books and this is the seaport location there are a few different mcnelly jackson books around in new york city i recommend going to any of them they're all fantastic they just have a huge selection of fiction non-fiction and i personally really enjoy how their bookstores are organized it's really easy to find whatever it is you're looking for plus they also have quite a bit of fantasy which is great always a good day when you locate the science fiction fantasy section this is a rather large selection so cozy in this bookstore i also just love their selection in general successful stop one stop number two is blue stockings which is located in the lower east side this is actually a cooperative bookstore and they have a huge range of genres here as well but they actually focus on curating intersectional feminist stories which i think is really cool not to mention i just really like that this is a community space and you can actually become a member [Music] magic school monica found a cute and cozy graphic novel and she's very jazzed about it i'm very excited for manga this place is great though they have i think zines and just a huge selection of feminist books we love it [Music] monica's thriving with her fancy toast look at that that's relaxing yeah black sesame and cream cheese that's my maple latte she's thick she looks good second bookstore shopping completes we're on our way to our third location our final location in manhattan then we're back to brooklyn the true classic you'll see in a minute still enjoying this nice weather so there you go here we are books of wonder so cute this is where so many signings in new york happen it's a great children's bookstore that's right stop number three is books of wonder and this is the flatiron location books of wonder is such a lovely bookstore they actually focus and only sell children's literature from children's stories all the way up to y a it's truly an expansive selection and you can always find new as well as just older popular releases and it's such a fun place to browse as well get all those chain of gold copies just a wall of wire wild i'm having a hard time not buying everything but i've controlled myself to two books so we're gonna check out while i still have self-control [Music] monica making herself at home my book bags are getting a little out of control but we've gotten three bookstores down onto the fourth one of the day hello friends it's a sunny day i'm in a new outfit because you might not believe me but by the time we got back to brooklyn the bookstores were closed so the day two of this book shopping vlog joined with a new person clay joining us today and of course monica we're heading to two book stores in brooklyn that are my fave that i've already mentioned so let's go and we have arrived the iconic books our magic mural let's pop inside stop number four is books are magic which is located in the brooklyn neighborhood of cobble hill this honestly is just a lovely neighborhood bookstore a really beautiful bookstore from the murals outside and the store inside it also has a wonderfully curated selection of books from both fiction to children's stories it actually has a beautiful little children's section in the back it's just one of my favorite spaces to hang out and shop around and i would definitely recommend checking it out [Music] we did some damage clay got a book too [Music] and then the very last bookstore i'm going to feature and visit today is the store within the center for fiction which the whole mission of this organization is to encourage people both to read as well as write and you can actually become a member here if you're a writer this bookstore is absolutely stunning which you can see from the incredible floor to ceiling shelves as well as they just have an incredible selection of books both new releases as well as rare to find translated works as well in love with this cover of american gods and i did not know this was already out dangerous just like that five out of five book stores have now been shopped at hi friends and welcome back to my apartment let's go ahead and dive into the haul portion of this video because i have some books to show up so let's go ahead and dive in so starting with the first bookstore i stopped at which was mcnally jackson i picked up two books from that location and the first book i picked up from mcnally jackson is crying in hmart this was definitely a bit of an impulse buy this book definitely has a lot of buzz around it i know so many people are reading and absolutely falling in love with this story i was definitely kind of pushed over the edge of buying it because i noticed this is also a signed copy in general i have been trying to read more memoirs as well though i feel like this is going to be a rather emotional one monica told me she read the first chapter and cried on the bus so i do feel like i need to mentally prepare myself for that a bit michelle zauner is actually like a rock star and this is a memoir kind of focusing on family food and grief and essentially recounts the last few months of michelle's mother's life and her decision to move back to her hometown to take care of her this is said to be incredibly emotional for very obvious reasons but also searingly candid as well as a coming-of-age story as we're following michelle in her mid to late 20s trying to figure out her life i'm personally really looking forward to diving into this but i do feel like i need to be in the right headspace before doing so again due to its emotional weight but i'm really glad i picked this up and i hopefully will read this soon next book i grabbed was a declaration of the rights of magicians by h.g perry this is said to be kind of a historical mixed with fantasy and it's also said to be fans of jonathan strange and mr norrell which i feel like if you know my channel you know i didn't particularly love that book but the components that make up that story are ones that really call out to me i still decided to pick this book up anyway this is said to be a genre defying story of magic war and the struggle for freedom it's set during the age of enlightenment and follows different philosophers and magicians as they're essentially trying to spur on different political and philosophical movements but everything is also kind of wrapped in magic again this just seems like a reimagining of a historical moment in time it's sort of injecting magic and fantasy into that i really love history i was a history major so i kind of really like that this is pretty deeply inspired by historical moments and it's also said to kind of put a more human face on these sort of titans of the past which really intrigues me as well i don't know i hope this kind of combines really well researched historical narratives and kind of combining a dark magical academia component as well it just seems really interesting it called out to me i saw it in the bookstore and i picked it up next bookstore i visited was blue stockings and i picked up one book there but it was one of my most anticipated releases of the summer so i'm thrilled to have it in my hands and that is a master of gin by p dejelli clark and this is a historical fantasy steampunk novel set in cairo at the turn of the century all of those elements really call out to me this was also blurbed by essay chakraborty which wrote another cairo set fantasy story that i read and loved so much and in this story we follow our main character who is the youngest member of the ministry of alchemy enchantments and supernatural entities but while she is the youngest member there she is by no means a rookie and she actually saved the world last summer before the start of this book however at the beginning of the story members of this reclusive alchemic brotherhood begin to disappear and she is essentially put on the case to try to solve it she her girlfriend and her other colleagues begin to dive deeper into this mystery so many components of the story call out to me i love the steampunk nature i love this setting and i also like that it kind of has a political thriller element wrapped up in a fantasy story again this is one of my most anticipated releases of the year i've been waiting for this guy to come out so obviously when i saw it in the bookstore i bought it right away it was on my list it was a must buy and the last bookstore i went to in manhattan was books of wonder and i picked up two books there the first one is the ones were meant to find by joan he and let's just take a moment to appreciate this cover because it's absolutely one of the most stunning things i have ever seen this is another new release and one that i've also been highly anticipating i've also just heard so many incredible early reviews about this particular story but this is a why a kind of futuristic sci-fi tale following two sisters that you shift perspectives from the first sister is named c and she essentially has woken up on a deserted island with no memories of anything about her life outside of her sister and she just has the strong sense of trying to escape to reunite with her and she's on this deserted island as well with an android that she built and in general she's just trying to fight to remember her past and also figure out how to escape and the other perspective we follow is casey and she is a stem genius and she lives on an eco city in the sky in this world there's kind of like a climate catastrophe so humanity and society have evolved in a way to try to continue to live on this planet despite some of the things that have occurred and due to this there are now floating cities which is where one of our main characters live and she is also trying to locate her sister this is said to be beautiful in terms of its writing style really twisty as well as the narrative itself being told in a disjointed way creating an intense sort of thriller atmosphere little sisters are trying to figure out what's going on as well as locate each other i was really drawn in by the futuristic setting as well as the sister relationship and also the cover am i allowed to say that but yeah i grabbed this right away when i saw it the second book i picked up i didn't even know was out and that is the way back by gabrielle savage and this is the same author who wrote anna and the swallow man which i read a few years ago and really enjoyed it had this beautiful dreamlike writing style to it and honestly right away when i read the synopsis of the story i felt like this could possibly be a new favorite and i picked it up right away i was like i need to buy this bring it home and have it on my shelf right now this is set in a small riverside town called tubeck which is located in eastern europe and in this town demons are everywhere they live in the trees they live in the surrounding areas and in general they're kind of part of everyday life these demons even have their own land called the far country and this is ruled by demonic lords and ladies one day the angel of death strolls through this small town starting at the chain of events that sets our two main characters off on a perilous adventure through the far country again this just sounds whimsical and magical and dark kind of combining folklore based fantasy and hopefully just incredible writing that'll sweep me away i love dark fairy tale centered stories middle grade why a adult any genre i'm there i want to read it so again right away when i read the synopsis i felt like this could possibly be a new fave for me i loved everything about it alrighty moving on to our brooklyn bookstores we have one book which i picked up from books our magic the book i picked up there is interior chinatown by charles yu which is said to be a groundbreaking and bold novel that soldiers together wit and melancholic whimsy to produce a moving exploration of race and assimilation this follows our main character willis who doesn't really perceive himself as the main character he feels pushed to the side relegated as a background character and often times even as a prop but every day he leaves his small apartment to work in the golden palace which is the location of kind of a never-ending cop show that's constantly being filmed there he dreams of being in the spotlight of being the kung fu character that everyone respects and somehow at the beginning of the story that actually happens after stumbling into the spotlight willis discovers a world wider than he has ever known before and also begins to discover the secret history of chinatown as well as the lost legacy of his own family this is said to be both incredibly inventive while also being deeply personal the synopsis itself really called out to me particularly i think it's interesting how it combines elements of hollywood and movie and show making as well but yeah i saw this and i knew i wanted to buy it right away and then the very last book i picked up on my book shopping day was from center for fiction and it is a desolation called peace by arcadie barton i recently read a memory called empire and absolutely fell in love with the book so when i saw that the sequel was already out and ready for me to purchase i could not say no i immediately grabbed it and checked out basically but if you're not familiar a memory called empire is the first book to a sci-fi opera series it won the hugo award and again i personally loved it in this story you're following our main character mihit and she is an ambassador she's essentially traveling from the small space station that she grew up on to a very large central planet called the empire the empire is a colonizer they own a lot of space around them pete's small station is really determined to stay independent hence why her ambassador position is very very important however once mihit arrives she quickly realizes that the political situation is very very different than she was anticipating specifically the previous ambassador and the person she's supposed to be taking over work from is dead and no one will tell her if it was murder or not so now mikit our main character is thrown headfirst into a political conspiracy she's trying to solve a murder of her predecessor while also staying alive herself this is a political thriller to the t it escalates in the most dramatic of fashions and again i loved the first book so much so i really wanted to jump into the second book right away um so yeah i grabbed this guy as well alrighty guys that is the book haul portion of this come book shopping with me in nyc vlog hopefully you enjoyed i personally had a great day shopping at all of my favorite bookstores yeah thanks for watching and i'll see you guys soon with another video soon goodbye
Channel: PeruseProject
Views: 63,727
Rating: 4.975142 out of 5
Id: 8qypRcYI2HQ
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Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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