books i want to read in june !! [cc]

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thank you so much to cerebral for sponsoring this video hello everyone welcome back to my channel thanks so much for being here today today's video is going to be my june tbr which i'm very excited about i just finished my spring semester of school and it looks like i'm gonna take a summer class but the summer class seems pretty relaxed so hopefully i'm able to do a bunch of this fun reading but before we get into the video let's start with a joke what do you get when you cross bambi with a ghost bam boom so yes today's video is my june tbr i mentioned this but i did come out with a summer tbr that was all for the school reading i'm trying to do this summer and then i'm still going to come out with a june july and august tbr which is more of the fun reading i'm trying to do this summer um so yeah if you're seeing the summer tbr and then you're seeing this video and you're like wait a second didn't you just do this i did just do this but for the academic books that i'm trying to read um and let me also ask you this just to take the temperature on this um with tbr videos do you prefer them to be kind of short and sweet like here's like five or seven books that i'd like to read and i'll probably get to all five to seven books or do you prefer really long tbrs that i don't read everything from but it's still like a long conversation about books that we're excited to read you know um let me know i'm down with either one so i think it would just be helpful if i knew do you like shorter tbrs that i'm more likely to read everything off of or long tbrs where i just tell you all these books i'm excited to read but sometimes i don't get to all of them because it's a tbr and oftentimes we get distracted from our tbrs so just let me know i'm down for either one and yes but before we get into this huge stack of books i do want to thank the sponsor of this video which is cerebral so cerebral is a mental health platform that helps you get the help that you need for your mental health specifically focused around depression anxiety insomnia and a few others i think it's really great because it makes it so much more accessible to get the mental health care that you need so some of the things that i love about cerebral is that it's all online so it's kind of up to you to determine when you need help when help can best fit your schedule it also helps with comprehensive care it's something that it's like a plan that's supposed to keep you moving forward through your mental health and getting the help you need and then lastly it's also really affordable with or without insurance oftentimes a therapy it's like you pay a lot for each session and cerebral is a flat rate fee per month so when you first sign up for cerebral you first identify where you need help so is it with depression anxiety insomnia for me specifically it's with depression and anxiety and once you decide on those options then you're brought to a questionnaire kind of a self-assessment it's not super long which was great but it also felt like i was empowered to answer how i truly felt about my own health i felt like it was really easy to follow and really quick to finish which was awesome and then once you fill out this survey you're then given options for this type of care so you can either get just straight up therapy you can do therapy and medication or you can do counseling and medication and each one of these tiers has a different price point so you can look at all these and you can see what you will get and what you won't get so if you'd like to take the next step in working towards your mental health click the link in my description and start the questionnaire and get connected with a provider right away your first month starts at only thirty dollars so thank you so much to cerebral for sponsoring this video and now let's get into the tbr so let's begin with the late night book club's book choice for june which is the song of achilles this was joel's pick and i'm so excited that he chose this it's one of his favorite books and i read it last january and i've been thinking about it ever since i'm gonna try to get an audiobook for it because i've heard the audiobook is exceptional can't wait to discuss this one the next book i'd love to read in june is a book that i talked about in may it was on my may tbr but i wasn't able to get to it and i think that it would be perfect for june because it's pride month and that is felix ever after let me give you the quick synopsis felix love has never been in love and yes he's painfully aware of the irony he desperately wants to know what it's like and why it seems so easy for everyone but him to find someone what's worse is that even though he is proud of his identity felix also secretly fears that he's won marginalization too many black queer and transgender to ever get his own happily ever after so this sounds great for pride month i'm really excited to get to it and mark my words i will in my june tbr unfortunately i missed it in may but i am excited to get to it in june next up we have a book that is highly anticipated for me i mention this in my like 21 books i want to read in 2021 video and it is malibu rising by taylor jenkins read um i'm so excited for this one i also want to go swimming when i see this cover i think it looks so fun and summery and fresh oh i just love it so let me let me read you just just a quick paragraph so malibu august 1983. it's the day of nina riva's annual end of summer party and anticipate in anticipation is at a fever pitch everyone wants to be around the famous rivas nina the talented surfer and supermodel uh lost my place brothers jay and hud won a championship surfer the other a renowned photographer and their adored baby sister kit together the siblings were a source of fascination in malibu and the world over especially as the off-pre offspring of the legendary singer mick riva the only person not looking forward to the party of the year is nina herself and i won't read any further but um it sounds like the perfect summer read this also might be a future late night book club pick i think we were considering this one so if it ends up being that one i guess i'm getting a head start because i can't wait to read this one all right next up we have a book that i've had my eye on since like last august i think but it was sold out on for months and months and months and then finally i checked it had been like waiting in my shopping cart even though it wasn't available and so i went refreshed saw it saw that it was available and bought it and that is under the udola trees this looks amazing i'm so excited for it let me read you the back a joma comes of age as her nation does born before independence she is 11 when civil war breaks out in the young republic of nigeria sent away to safety she meets another displaced child and they star-crossed fall in love they are from different ethnic communities they're also both girls but when their love is discovered ajoma learns that she will have to hide this part of herself and there is a cost to living inside a lie interested i think so please find this at your local bookstore and read it with me in june because i cannot wait again i've been wanting to read this for over a year or i mean close to a year and i'm so excited to get to it so there we have it very excited for this one this book was an impromptu purchase i saw in the lgbtqia plus section of one of my favorite used bookstores and it looked intriguing and that is upright women wanted so let's see esther is a stowaway she's hidden herself away in the librarian's book wagon in an attempt to escape the marriage her father has arranged for her a marriage to the man who was previously engaged to her best friend her best friend who she was in love with her best friend who was just executed for possession of resistance propaganda wow the future american southwest is full of bandits fascists and queer librarian spies on horseback trying to do the right thing they'll bring the fight to you yes please look at how short it is look at how or hear how fun that sounded i'm so excited for this one i didn't really know much about it it just called to me on the shelf and i'm i bought it so excited next up we have sarah waters fingersmith let me read the back london 1862 sue trinder orphaned at birth grows of among petty thieves fingersmiths under the rough but loving care of mrs sucks by suxby and her family one day gentlemen an elegant con man arrives with a proposition for sue if she works as a maid to mod lily a gentle woman and aids gentleman in her seduction they will all share in mod's vast inheritance with dreams repaying her adopted family sue agrees to the plan once in however sue begins to pity mod and care for her in unexpected ways this quote on the back says oliver twist with a twist all right well sounds really fun sounds really fast-paced and i don't know i i saw it at the bookstore man i had never heard of it and i thought it looked great so let's hope it's great okay next up we have a romance that i'm very excited by and the um the cover was intriguing to me and that is something to talk about like hello there's some whispering there's some pearls and just the title is evocative so hollywood powerhouse joe is fought is photographed making her assistant emma laugh on the red carpet and just like that the tabloids declare them a couple the so-called scandal couldn't come at a worse time threatening emma's promotion and joe's new movie as the gossip spreads it starts to affect all areas of their lives paparazzi are following them outside the office co-workers are treating them differently and a source is feeding information in the media but their only comment is no comment with the launch of joe's film project fast approaching the two women begin to spend even more time together getting along famously famously um emma seems to have a sixth sense for knowing that what joe needs and joe known for being aloof and outwardly cold opens up to emma in a way neither of them accepts they begin to realize the rumor might not be so off base after all but is acting on the spark between them worth fanning the gossip flames hello yes i will be reading and i'm very excited to get to it if you've read it let me know how it was um i'm super stoked all right everyone next up we have her body and other parties by carmen maria machado which is the same author that wrote in the dream house which is one of the most stunning memoirs i've ever read in my life when i was reading it i thought how did someone come up with this like how did you come up with such a creative way to tell a memoir it's truly exceptional i feel like everyone talks about it because it deserves to be talked about it is so creative and so wonderful um anyway so i saw this i picked it up and from my understanding it is a collection of short stories which i have learned to love in the past few months i read the secret lives of church ladies in april i read the refugees in may and i'm hoping to read this in june so not only am i hoping to read this short story collection i'm also hoping to read this short story collection which is called sabrina and karina which was recommended to me by a lovely subscriber um this sounds amazing both of them sound amazing um i don't know much about either because they're short story collections and i don't want like an impression of what they're going to be about i just want to jump into the stories and fall in love so i have a very strong feeling that both of these are going to get very high ratings for me and i'm so excited to give them because they sound great so there we have it all right next up we have loveless by alice oseman which i have had my eye on for a long time i think i've mentioned it many a time that i've wanted to read this and then it continues to slip away on my tbr but mark my words it is getting red in june let me give you a quick snobby um georgia has never been in love never kissed anyone never even had a crush but as a fanfic obsessed romantic she sure she'll find the right person one day as she starts university georgia makes a plan to find love but when her actions wreak havoc among her friends she questions why romance seems so easy for other people yet not for her with new terms thrown at her asexual aromantic georgia is even more uncertain about her feelings than ever so i'm very excited to read this i think the cover is so cool i love this like rich purple i think the story sounds awesome and my sister-in-law's name is georgia so immediately i know i'm gonna love the main character there you go and then i mean we started this video talking about mental health briefly and i would like to show you a book i'm reading on mental health because my mental health has not been very healthy lately and that is unwinding anxiety i'm already i've already started it i'm on page 41 and it is quite informative um and i'm really enjoying it so far but it is like it is science-based at the beginning of the book um and so it's kind of reading like not a textbook but the writing is very personable and i think that the author who is a doctor did a really good job at making it easy to understand the concepts he's exploring um but because it's not like this like novel that is um based on plot and characters i'm going through it very slowly and maybe that's what i need because you shouldn't rush through a self-help book right like you should really take your time and make sure that you're getting what you need out of it so anyway it's called unwinding anxiety new science shows how to break the cycles of worry and fear to heal your mind something also really cool is that he does spend quite a bit of time addressing the pandemic so this was clearly parts of this book were clearly written during the last year and so he's kind of um he's able to connect with you um in the current moment of like uncertainty and fear and anxiousness around what's been going on so yeah really liking it so far and very excited to read it in june also sorry i technically already finished filming this video but i do want to mention there was one more book that was on my shelf that i totally forgot i wanted to read in june and that is freshwater by akwake amezi so excited to read this one same author that wrote the death of vivec ogee which was a five out of five for me back in january let me read you the back freshwater tells the story of atta an unusual child who is a source of deep concern to her southern nigerian family young ada is troubled prone to violent fits born with one foot on the other side she begins to develop separate selves within her as she grows into adulthood and when she travels to america for college a traumatic event on campus crystallizes the selves into something powerful and potentially dangerous so um i'm really excited to get to this one and i think it really rounds out the tbr so yeah hope you all liked this video and i hope to see in the next one bye [Music] you
Channel: Noelle Gallagher
Views: 60,685
Rating: 4.985291 out of 5
Keywords: june tbr, books, what to read, currently reading, tbr, to be read
Id: SJ63xiBkdFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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