reading popular BOOKTOK books *VERY interesting results* | READING VLOG

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[Music] hello i'm very excited because i'm starting a new vlog and this is going to be a really fun vlog because basically i'm going to read three hyped tick tock books and see if they are worth the hype in my opinion of course so yeah very very excited i'm actually doing this video with my friends kevin jamie caitlin we're all filming this video and we're all reading like different books for the vlogs so i'll have their videos linked below hello i quickly wanted to talk about the sponsor of today's video book of the month absolutely love them book of the month is a super popular and fast growing online book service for readers their mission is to promote new and emerging authors and help readers discover books that they love and basically how it works is their team vets hundreds of books each month and gives readers their choice from a curated selection of new and early release book titles so basically this means that you can spend less time researching and more time reading and book of the month is completely risk-free if you're not really feeling the selections for the month you can easily skip that month and yeah you can skip any month at any time and you won't be charged at the moment book of the month only ship two u.s shipping addresses so if you're able to i highly recommend getting book of the month because it is such a great service and they have the best price for new release hardcover fiction you can get your first book for just 9.99 with my code with chloe which is such a good price for a new release hardcover book opening so now i'm going to show you their october selections the first selection is the x hex which is their romance option for the month and this is definitely the one i would have chosen i am so excited to read this because it's basically described as a spine tingling romance with wishes witches and hexes gone wrong and the tagline is never mixed vodka with witchcraft so i think it'll be such a fun time and obviously perfect to read in october the next pick is the perishing by natasha dion which is historical fiction sci-fi and basically this features a black immortal in 1930s los angeles who must recover the memory of her past in order to save the world the next pick is everything we didn't say by nicole bart and this is a thriller and basically we follow a mother who must confront the dark someone that changed her life in order to reclaim the daughter that she left behind this also has like a true crime podcast element which just makes me so excited then we have harlem shuffle by coulson whitehead and when i showed caitlyn that this was one of the picks on facetime she was like oh i love cousin whitehead so i'm very excited to get into this and basically this is historical fiction and it is set in the 1960s in harlem and it's supposed to feature heist shakedowns and rip-offs and the final pick is the lincoln highway by amore towels and this is another historical fiction it's set to 1950s america and this book spans 10 days and it's told from multiple points of view and if you didn't know all the book of the month books are exclusive to book of the month so they have the little book of month logo and then it also has the month here with the book of the month lego embossed on the naked cover so yeah these are the october book selections and book of the month also have add-ons so for this month they also have the book of magic by alice hoffman which is the conclusion to the practical magic series which is the series i've been meaning to read so i'm very excited and how beautiful is this cover as well as apple's never full by lyanna moriarty and obviously this is an iconic australian thriller author so i'm sure this is going to be a fun thriller time and jamie's actually started reading it and she's really enjoying it and if you're a first time member you can sign up with any book that you like including the add-ons so you can choose from any of these sending options so once again you can go to and use my code with chloe to get your first book for 9.99 so thank you so much to book of the month for sponsoring at this video so obviously i'm going to talk about which books i'm planning to read i'm going to be reading the song of achilles by madeleine miller obviously this is a really popular book but specifically on book talk like everyone talks about it and i haven't read it so i was like i think it's time and i think i'm going to love it i've heard that it will make you cry and i'm really hoping it will make me cry because i love a good cry when i'm reading a stunning book and apparently it's just really romantic and stunning and beautifully written so i'm very excited then i'm going to be reading my first colleen hoover book and colleen hoover is super popular on book talk and i've obviously been getting into romance this year so i want to try her out and the book that's really really popular at the moment is it ends with us by colleen hoover i don't know what it's about but it says sometimes the one who loves you is the one who hurts you the most and it's supposed to be like heartbreaking another one that is supposed to make you cry so stunning very excited to see what i think about colleen hover because i'm really hoping i will love her books and finally i'm going to be reading this spanish love deception by elena armas i am so excited for this because i've just seen everyone obsess over this book and i've also seen people obsess over aaron blackford who is the love interest and i've actually already started this book i've read the first chapter and already yep i'm loving the vibes i just know i'm gonna love this book i'm very excited i honestly have high hopes for all these books so hopefully i love them all but basically this is about catalina and she desperately needs a date to her cousin's wedding because she's told her family that she has a new boyfriend after they have constantly badged her about having a boyfriend so she lied and said she does and she needs a fake date for the wedding and she ends up getting aaron blackford to come with her who is her colleague and they have hated each other for a while so yes hate to love fake dating exactly two tropes that i love so i'm very excited about this whole adventure that i'm about to go on i'm going to start with the spanish love deception because obviously i've already started it so i'm going to finish this then i'll decide which book i'm going to start next and i'm going to vlog my thoughts while reading these books and yeah i'll talk to you soon okay so i'm on page 74 of spanish love deception and yeah i'm loving it it is just so easy to read so fun absolutely already love aaron already loved our main character catalina and just can't wait for their journey and we found out why she really hates him and it's a really valid reason i feel like with a lot of hl romances it's like a stupid reason where it's like okay i just feel like because hate to love is such a popular trope there are a lot of books out there with the hate love romance trope that aren't done very well so it's just kind of like oh i hate you but like white hate them and slash or they hate each other for like two pages and then they're in love and i don't like that so you know they're still hating each other at this point and i'm sure they're gonna continue hating each other for a bit and yeah i'm just really excited to see where the story goes like exactly and i don't know if i mentioned but this is my patreon buttery book for this month as well if you don't know i have a patreon where we do monthly buddy reads and this is the book that we're buddy reading this month and i'm pretty sure like everyone in the discord server has loved this book slash is loving this book so i'm just having the best time ever it just makes me so happy like i love it the dynamic is everything and i love catalina's best friend rosie because she's definitely like you guys are in love i just feel like that's what i would be doing if i was her i also love the spanish in this book it definitely gives me like jane the virgin vibes a little okay hello so i have made my progress with spanish love deception i'm on page 96 and i i'm loving it can't wait to make some more progress i'm going to sit down and read more now but yeah i'm just loving it and also caitlyn has just started reading it and i'm on facetime with her and she was literally like oh my goodness by page two and i was like right like the fact that this book hooks you so quickly and the fact that their stunning dynamic is established so quickly too like legit by page two you're already in love with the characters especially aaron that's just stunning and unheard of honestly i'm having the best time ever and i'm so happy that caitlyn has joined me in reading this and the first fake date is about to happen which i'm very excited for by the way i don't know if i mentioned but this vlog won't have any spoilers obviously just my general thoughts but yeah so i'm on page 121 and like i just have to say like i actually just can't breathe because this book is just everything caitlyn lou just said early romance and yeah it's literally elite romance like the vibes everything the writing is stunning the way that just the small movements and their small interactions are described like it definitely has slow burn vibes i don't know if it's going to be like a full and slow bend romance but it definitely has the slow-motion vibes at the moment where like the little interactions are so like oh i feel like it's kind of grumpy sunshine dynamic like catalina is definitely not like sunshiny towards him per se because you know she holds this grudge towards him and she doesn't like him but her personality in general is very like bubbly and she likes to make jokes and you know she talks a lot and i just love it because he's definitely like closed off doesn't talk much so he's kind of just like sitting there like and then she's like anyway so and then like she just says like the most random things oh anyway it's just the most stunning dynamic and aaron is definitely one of my new husbands like he's just stunning [ __ ] my life i think this is my new favorite romance it's definitely one of my new names i don't know i'm not gonna look at him yet the fact that i'm not even halfway through and this is happening like it's next level like it's it's three levels above next level like i'm not kidding aaron he might be cassian for me yeah same aaron is my new little dreamer he's literally everything like look at me right now wait i need to show the book this is what the book has done to caitlin are you in the like cafe yeah i'm just going to literally watch you i got to the um he angled his large body towards me yeah okay i've got to watch him i just need a right exactly the movement that's a joke that is [Music] the head tilt is everything it's everything e v e r y y t h i n g literally l i guys guys guys this book is a sick joke and like i just don't even know that's why my hair is like this that's why caitlyn's hair is like that that's the power of the book chapter 12 what's the best thing i've ever read in my life okay so it's been a few days since i've read the spanish love deception i needed to read another book for another video and honestly i actually was happy to have a few days break because i don't want this book to end and it was making me sad thinking about the fact that it obviously will end at some point so i'm happy that i had a few days to just really you know think about how much i love this book think about how much i love and miss aaron blackfence and now i can get back into it and read some more i'm so excited especially because the book that i just read for that other video no offense i was like you're not the spanish love deception i miss you so very happy to be home [Music] i have the meaning of life oh [Music] [Music] is it chapter 19 okay so i'm on page 273 and [Music] as you would have seen on facetime with caitlin and she is i think she just finished up to 19 right yeah and she literally was like screaming and she literally finished the chapter and she said she's gonna wait for me to chapter 17 which is what i'm up to now and she's gonna re-read it with me because she wants us to be at the same page and like she wants to relive those moments honestly just stunning and she literally has just been sitting on her bed just looking at the ceiling like this i don't know if i'm equipped because just even those last however many pages i just read like my heart's doing peanut butter this really is the best of all time like i actually yeah i don't even know like what life is anymore because aaron where are you we're not gonna settle for anyone less than aaron blackford chapter 19 is the chapter that kaitlyn was really freaking out about she said like this best chapter like ever when i get to that chapter you know i'll be vlogging because i'm sure be freaking out and i'm very excited okay yeah yep that's true okay it's time chapter 19. [Music] seriously cocked my face no keep reading right now sorry okay i'm gonna highlight this but i'm not gonna bother highlighting from now on because i need to just be in the moment yeah yeah because or else you'll be your highlighters run out like you can go back and highlight like it's yeah it's okay yeah yeah okay oh oh good girl oh chloe chloe chloe yeah no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm not a good time thank you i can't [Music] [Laughter] i know is that not the best thing you've ever read it literally i feel like i'm drunk or something i can't even brave like i'm literally in an alternate dimension right now yeah that's how i felt i feel like crying i know it's a full offense moment like oh absolutely that's the biggest full offense of all time i feel like i need to throw up or something [Music] okay hello hello hello hello so i've been reading more of the spanish deception and i'm on page 367 and honestly like i'm just getting annoyed at this point because it's just so good that like it's actually kind of offensive and disgusting like it's reached that level where it's just that good where i kind of want to throw up i can't handle it it's just too much and i've run out of gasps like i actually feel like it's a workout to read it because i'm just constantly i just love them i love aaron he's 100 my new absolute husband of all time because he's a joke like everything about him caitlyn already finished it but she is literally rereading chapters that i'm up to because they're that good and yeah like i want to count how many dog eat moments i've had and if you don't know doggy pages is like my ultimate favorite favorite scenes i've tried to um cut down on how much tabbing i'm doing because like i have so many times but like i just i can't resist like there are just so many good moments that like i have to have it okay so there's seven dog-eared moments but one of those is the whole of chapter 19. that whole chapter is a doggy moment so thank you thank you thank you thank you and honestly the fact that i have this much left like it's just gross like i literally think i'm just trying to film this clip for as long as possible to avoid finishing it because i don't want this book to ever end i didn't sign up for that like oh my god i wonder like does this also have any other books when i got to the end and i read the short about the author section it mentioned her other writing so oh my god there's a whole world out there the world has been blessed cut the cameras cut the freaking but also not cut the cameras because they just turned around reaction [Music] that are you about to cry i [Applause] could oh no no no no no no no no literally send for an ambulance error right now like i'm about to die oh god okay so chapter 23 is a joke guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys no just no i'm getting close to the end i have like 40 pages left i don't like it like i don't know what to do maybe i should just stop now and then never finish it and then i'll always have something for 40. no no no not doing that but sorry like look how little this is like that's a joke this book i just can't even stress like you're probably think of it by this point because i'm just been like freaking out about this book for 10 years but like i'm not kidding it's just well no one paints left i don't like this you got this please are you sad that it's over yes but you should be happy that you experienced it i am very happy but i'm always laughing be sad that it's over but be happy that you've got to experience it i didn't think one could be petrified by pure sheer joy and that's like bill reading this i'm petrified it's a six joke right here wow okay so yeah i finished this masterpiece um yeah i'm honestly so sad because like how it was actually over like this was just such a stunning experience such a stunning ride like the amount of happiness this book has brought me but it's also like it's so much happiness that it heated into sadness because i'm just like wow like and the fact that aaron blackford doesn't actually exist now that is something gross that i don't like to acknowledge well i don't like to think about that um obviously i'm thinking about it right now and aaron blackford lilliary like this is lily three man like he is something and me and caitlin was saying that like reading this really makes you realize like don't settle don't sell anyone everyone watching this don't settle because you will find your own blackfoot and it will be stunning and it will be worth the wait or maybe you're already with someone who you believe to be your iron blackford and if you are good on you i'm so happy for you or if you don't want to be with anyone and you're just happy being by yourself good on you like just good on you everyone anyway yeah this book i'm broken like i don't know what to do with myself like anyway i'm gonna sleep while i'm gonna try hopefully i have a stunning dream about aaron blackford obviously five at half stars like if that isn't obvious i don't know what to tell you like literally one of my new absolute favorite books of all time definitely my favorite contemporary romance book i've ever read everything about it is perfection i just love them so much like the amount of stunning moments i have in this book like it's a joke i already can't wait to reread it like i already know yeah and buddy reading it with caitlyn was so stunning because we got to have so many shared experiences reading this book and i mean this is what life's about guys like this is what life's about anyway i don't know which one i'm going to read next i think i might read the song of achilles next but i'll keep it updated obviously but i definitely need a break for now at least for like 20 hours well actually jokes we'll see how i thought tomorrow but i need a break from reading because i feel like this will put me in a book hanging over like i don't know how i'm gonna like no book will ever compare to this like hello everyone i i was going to start the song of achilles because like i really put my mind to that and i'm not in the mood for that like i'm excited for that but i'm going to really feel like if you mood and caitlyn and jamie were like you know what maybe this isn't the time for you to read the song i'm killing it because i was literally laughing at like some of the first sentences and then i really was like it's just supposed to be comedy and they were like absolutely not anyway so i'm going through that later so now i'm going to read it today so i'm going to start this i mentioned in the beginning of the vlog that i was really excited to read this my excitement has definitely gone down since then because jamie's already read it and she definitely has some thoughts what she's told me about it doesn't sound amazing and now i'm not sure if i'm gonna like it i'm obviously still gonna go in with an open mind like i want to like it obviously but we will just see i definitely have lowered my expectations also i didn't realize that this is actually like i thought this is going to be a really like beautiful romance that is really heartbreaking but it's actually apparently about abuse which i didn't realize so that's nice to know before i go in also first colleen have a book very very interested to see what i think because like obviously the best outcome with me i love it and then i have so many other books to read by her okay so i'm on page four but like already the writing style it's the classic cliche and like other girls vibe at the moment lily bloom the strange girl with the erratic red hair who once fell in love with the homeless guy and brought a great shame upon her entire family that would be me i'm lily bloom i don't usually vibe with this writing style i mean i'm going to try to get in the mindset and like go with it but you know already also the beginning like of chapter one which obviously actually i want page two basically yeah like the opening was like oh kind of random um trying to be edgy about suicide i'm like what's going on here um yeah so i just already like even just on the second page the vibes not vibing with it but obviously you know i'm gonna give it a chance but yeah she's just not sure not sure okay sorry page 14 i'm not liking the main character lily like she's just so like i hate my voice i hate my name and she's like so embarrassed about her name her name is lily bloom literally a sunny name what makes it worse is that i absolutely love gardening i love flowers plants growing things is my passion it's always been my dream to open a flower shop but i'm afraid if i did people wouldn't think my desire was authentic literally no longer it's just very pick me energy like i'm on page 32 and the main character lily is obsessed with ellen degeneres she like writes letters to ellen but doesn't actually send it to them and it's like her way of using a diary but it's addressing it to ellen it's just so bizarre this wasn't what i was expecting this is a really random silly goofy book at the moment well it's not so we getting goofy like it's supposed to be serious but like i just can't take it seriously it's so weird okay so i read a little bit more of it ends with us since we last spoke i'm on page 119 yeah i'm really not vibing it like i don't think we're supposed to like the love interest rile because i believe there's gonna be another love interest that's introduced properly later on and i know that people love atlas but yeah ryle is not it like he literally obviously like i'm not gonna say too many followers but he literally got on his knees begging for sex like what's that about it was literally disgusting i definitely don't ship him with the main character yeah absolutely hate him also i'm just not vibing the writing style like i feel like it's trying really hard to be like quirky and i don't know it's just not for me i don't really like lily to be honest i don't really like anything about the book so far it's giving me one-star vibes which is very interesting i was not expecting that i was really expecting to love this book but you know when you start reading a book and you immediately can like kind of sense what the vibes are i immediately sensed that i wasn't gonna vibe with this book as soon as i started reading it from the opening line and the fact that she writes to ellen like i literally i'm just laughing because it's just bizarre it's so bizarre like why wasn't it just like dear diary and why is it ellen degeneres and it's not like she just writes to ellen to talk about her feelings and stuff and what's going on in her life but she also like gives ellen advice at her show she says things like i hope you're not offended that i skipped through the dancing part of your segment and then she's like getting annoyed that she did a week of reruns like it's just so bizarre i mean you're just reading it like what's going on once so at the moment i'm really not predicting that i'm going to like the rest of the book but obviously you know i'm still going to try to keep an open mind and see where the book goes i'm actually going to try to read a lot today because i really just want to get it done and i am intrigued to see if it does get better and hopefully does but yeah very interesting i'm on page 186 and i'm not kidding i always try it because of how much i don't want to read this book but i just know that if i don't finish it people are gonna say like oh you didn't give it a chance but like i'm just really not enjoying it it's really boring and bad okay so i'm on page 189 and i just feel so uncomfy right now like so obviously there's an abusive relationship in this book which i knew and an abusive scene has happened the aftermath of that scene i feel like colleen hoover was really like romanticizing abuse or something like obviously i understand everyone deals with abuse and handling abuse differently but i'm really uncomfortable reading it yeah i'm not liking this at all like no and i just want to make it clear that i'm not enjoying the book because i feel like it's poorly constructed i don't like the writing style i don't like the characters etc it's not because of the abuse of storyline or anything obviously i'm going to keep reading but i predict i'm not going to like this book i just want to make it clear that if this book meant a lot to you like me not enjoying the book doesn't take away from that like obviously everyone has different experiences with books but yeah for me personally i just feel like at this current moment it's romanticizing an abusive relationship obviously we'll see where the book goes i'm going to continue reading like i said but yeah and also jamie made a really good point because um the other character atlas who i assume she'll end up with because ryle is obviously [ __ ] atlas there's nothing wrong with him like i like him i guess but colin hever is relying on the fact that they've known each other for years for us to ship them but just because they've known each other for years doesn't mean we don't as readers still need some development like obviously we've seen the past and her talking about when they were together in the past but like we need more than that you know like we can't just like oh yeah they've known each other for ages and like they're in love like no if i could write 20 million letters to ellen about some guy being in love with me and have that make it true i would yeah exactly maybe we should try it maybe that's the key well it's a form of manifesting actually so maybe calling hoover is the queen of things okay so yeah this book was not it i actually feel really weird right now like i kind of feel like i want to vomit because i just really didn't like this book and move on comfy i didn't like anything about it really didn't like how abuse was handled and once again obviously everyone has different ways to cope with the abuse and obviously if you're related to this like that's valid and everything but just for me personally i really didn't like it like i said there were definitely moments where i felt like it was romanticized i feel like calling him was trying to be like edgy and cool with it yeah i didn't like the ending like also caitlin and jamie reminded me that when atlas and lily got together atlas was 18 and lily was 15 and that doesn't exactly uncomfy and i don't know there's just a lot of things i don't like about this book and nothing that i liked about it to be honest i honestly don't enjoy talking about it so i'm going to stop talking about it now but if you liked it like that solid like but yeah just no it wasn't for me it wasn't me anyway i honestly need to like do something for happiness right now because it was not a pleasant experience at all definitely not what i expected i really expected like four or five sometimes when i decided to read that book probably will start so i'm gonna kelly's tomorrow or the day after so i'm excited for that and hopefully i will end this vlog on a high because hopefully i will love that book but yeah we went from five stars to one star okay hello i'm just about to go live on twitch i'm going to be doing some reading and chatting and i'm going to finally start the song of achilles and i'm really excited hopefully i love it it's obviously going to be better than it ends with us because that's not going to be hard to beat but very very excited i have high hopes hello i'm currently still in my twitch stream and people are saying hello so i'm going to show you absolutely stunning vibes in the chat right now stunning people wow stunning look at this all the stunning people in the chat it's the best wise right now and i have been reading my book on stream i'm on page 34 and i am loving it already like obviously 34 isn't that far into the book but the writing is absolutely stunning the vibes i'm really in the mood for this vibe the characters metropolis and achilles they're already obsessed with each other and zero said a signing quote they're gay right off the bat like yeah literally they are oh exactly let's get a vlog shout out for the stunning twitch usernames we've had today we have some stunning usernames in the chat right now we have stunning pun 57 exactly night soccer school boss i love readathons so many stunning usernames and i love it anyway so i'm very excited and i'm about to start chapter five and caitlyn is really excited for me to read chapter five because apparently it's a moment so we will see like i already know that i'm gonna cry in this book because obviously a lot of people have cried reading this book and i'm already like so invested i am also feeling emotional so it's the perfect recipe for a stunning cry i'm excited bye caitlyn is my manager and just reminded me that i was gonna say i'm gonna try to finish it today yeah like i said i'm very invested i'm in the mood to read the whole thing today and obviously it's not like too long i feel like it can happen and i feel like i'm reading this at the perfect time like you know when you describe a certain book at a specific time i'm literally the perfect mood for this book and caitlyn also said that the fact that i'm in it this early on like yep that's what it is that's what it is i actually i'm going to die because of this book i'm on page 27 and i literally like tear up i'm about to tear up just thinking about the possibility of thinking about having to them because obviously people say this is a side book i'm assuming it means that i'm about to come to them and you know what i'm going to go to that because i love them so much i would die for them like i'm really nervous i know sometimes i'm nervous like i am getting nervous and i actually love this book with all my heart already and i'm literally on page 27 sorry but it was enough and then i'm still doing my twitch stream and then karen said for me it was enough watching was enough for me was enough august tell us a difference which is my favorite tales song and that's what makes you cry and i'm just they're parallels like i can't and then people are saying that august is um their song and i just i'm not equipped and i i'm actually going to have um a breakdown because i love them too much the writing is just too much and it's just everything and like you know i said i was excited to start this book and like have my cathartic cry and stuff but now i'm kind of i mean no it's because maybe it's gonna be too much like i'm actually kind of kind of gonna die because i feel like it's not a silly goofy kind i feel like it's an actual like i'm gonna actually die cry and i didn't know it was gonna be that level i thought it was gonna be a sleepy feeling oh yeah but no it's gonna be like a literal get me to the hospital cry it's actually a joke like i literally was reading the beginning of chapter six and i knew it was just the most exciting moment about and i literally have to go back get my highlighter and literally highlight this whole thing like i feel like this will definitely be one of my most annotated books because the amount of stunning lines and moments is actually a joke exactly anna put on my gravestone so i'm going to kill this killed it i actually am scared for my life right now no one warned me that this book is capable of killing if i do die you guys know what happened and that's all good and if i do die someone please find this footage and edit it for me because the world needs to see the power of this book you know this is actually a little scary because the fact that this literal physical object has the potential of killing that's scary i'm kind of getting like you know what like go away is madeleine miller good or evil because obviously she's amazing like you know stunning writing a stunning writer but it's also maybe she's using her powers for evil to kill but also girl boss move do you know me like honestly i don't know if that's what her intentions are penny i'm not kidding help i'm dying okay hello i am on page 131 of the song of achilles i read some more today it's obviously a brand new day and i obviously didn't finish it all in that day that i said i was going to finish it off i ended up having a lot to do so i didn't have time to read but i'm finally sitting down now and i'm going to finish it i'm still absolutely loving it of course yeah it's a joke honestly like this book is making me feel so full but also empty it's a lot i love them so much like metropolis and achilles like i would literally die for them and if anything that happens to them like i will kill someone so watch out but also just like the vibes and the writing i actually can't get over it like madeline miller i'm sure she's gonna become a new favorite because the way that she writes is just something like it is exactly the type of writing that i just adore and reading this book honestly just feels like a really warm tea with honey and it's just like so bright the imagery is so vivid and i just feel like i'm going through a stunning garden of roses with the sun beaming down on me like i don't know it's just this really specific stunning feeling that i'm getting i actually love it so much and obviously i know that the heartbreak is going to come i'm just not ready anyway yeah i'm going to try yeah i'm going to try to finish it now yeah i act my cheeks out from smiling oh i love this book i'm on page 254 of the song on kylie's and i'm on facetime with jamie caitlyn do you want to say hello okay hello hi and i was saying that i actually haven't annotated in like 50 pages and i realized it's about the plot at the moment and i mainly care about achilles and metropolis and then jamie was asking me about my opinions on the other characters and i was like um obviously i'm not familiar with greek mythology so there are a lot of people that i'm not familiar with and whenever like their names brought up i'm kind of like anyway like i'm just here for killing some metropolis and then jamie's like okay try to pay more attention to that because it will become important so i'm like okay you know i'm gonna have to pay attention to what's that person's name odysseus agamemnon ajax brisayas the girlie hector is very important well she wasn't i wouldn't he wasn't but he was just a [ __ ] extra okay yeah yeah because yeah at the moment i'm just like no offense i want more achilles and chocolate content but it's all good i want to keep moments between them why are you laughing it's not really a cute book yeah caitlyn and jamie are laughing because they know that i'm gonna experience pain yeah but isn't it helpful to know that we've all experienced pain at one time in our lives [Laughter] we share the same pain we experience the exact same emotions as each other and isn't it such a comfort to know that how's the personality of literature and story obviously this isn't a key book but they've had some stunning moments oh yeah and they will continue to have stunning moments yeah anyway i know that one of them is going to be a death or something in this game anyway i mean should we ever have a few more key moments left don't don't stop reading it please don't forget it's [ __ ] weird yeah do not flip forward and try to skim the future pages no i wasn't sorry sometimes i just do that it's like a fun little thing and then i accidentally actually do read it but then i know it's all good [Music] [Music] okay hello i have finished the song of achilles i kind of suspected what would happen because obviously people say like so heartbreaking so you know i did predict what would happen even though i'm not familiar with the mythology and everything yes heartbreaking but so beautiful i was like smiling through the tears sort of thing this book was just so so so beautiful so stunning in the beginning there were definitely lots of cute stunning moments obviously with the pink tabs you can see lots of moments that i loved and then there's a lot more blue in the second half even though obviously this book is heartbreaking like when i look at it it's more just like wow happiness because obviously yes heartbreaking but their love is just so beautiful they love each other so much the writing is so beautiful obviously and the descriptions of them just you know frolicking around the place like honestly just makes me think of happy stunning summer vibes and i just loved it i know i'm going to reread this in the future like it's definitely just put such a mark on my heart so excited to read cersei by madeline miller now and everything else she releases in the future because her writing is next level and reading this definitely makes me entrenched to learn more about greek mythology and everything so if you have any other book recommendations that are similar let me know but yes so that is the final book that i'm reading for this vlog this was definitely an interesting experience because we started off with the spanish self-deception i don't currently have it with me because i lent it to my friend tess because obviously i want everyone to read that book and experience the same happiness that i got so yes the spanish reception obviously five out of five stars i have not stopped thinking about it since i read it aaron bacon is my husband's like yeah absolutely stunning new favorite then i read in england with us which is one star yeah looking at this makes me annoyed because of how much i didn't like this book and i'm definitely going to be unhauling it and hopefully someone else can appreciate it more than i did but yeah this is not it for me so we went from five star to one star to five stars once again so it's a nice little sandwich definitely not the results that i was expecting i was expecting four to five stars for all of these reads i was not expecting five star one star five star but yes this is such a fun time i definitely want to do some more like experimental vlogs so if you have any other suggestions you can let me know but also maybe i'll just do another reading hyped tick-tock books vlog because there are a lot of hyped books on tik tok that i want to read and this was so fun so thank you so much for watching i will leave caitlyn jamie and kevin's videos linked below this might go up before caitlyn and kevin's videos but obviously you can just check the description to see if they're up i had such a fun time i would also love to know your opinions on these books and if you personally think they're worth the hype i personally think the song of achilles and spanish love deception are worth the hype and i don't think it ends with us is worth the hype but what the hype what does that even mean like obviously everyone has different experiences with the books that they read anyway i haven't even started editing this vlog i hope it's not a million years long but if you made it to the end you're amazing if you're looking for more content for me i have a patreon where i upload extra content like extra reading vlogs we do a monthly live show we have a monthly buddy read et cetera i have all my socials linked below including my twitch which is twitter tv slash game with chloe which is where i stream games and just chatting thank you so much to book of the month once again for sponsoring this video don't forget you can go to and use my code with chloe to get your first book for just 9.99 so thank you so much for watching this video i hope you're having a good day night and i will see you in my next one [Music] you
Channel: books with chloe
Views: 56,014
Rating: 4.9171796 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, booktuber, books, read, reading, reads, bookswithchloe, youngadult, youngadultbooks, ya, yabooks, booktok, booktokbooks, tiktok, tiktokbooks, itendswithus, thesongofachilles, thespanishlovedeception, readingvlog, tiktokreadingvlog
Id: Ni8MRkZk87g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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