only READING TIKTOK BOOKS for 24 hours

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[Music] okay this is actually not happening right now but hey what's up so it is currently 11 20. i went to sleep at like 8 30 and i tried to get to sleep i literally couldn't go to sleep i was planning on starting this video at 12 o'clock it didn't work out because i just couldn't get to sleep so i was like let's just start now but i've been resting for like two hours i also have like little pimple patches on my face but i might not take those off because they still need to like sink in you know anyways 24 hour reading challenge here is the rundown i have five books brand new books and they're all very very popular in tik tok and so for 24 hours straight i'm gonna be reading these books i'm not sure if i'm gonna get through all of them anyway 24 hours is a long time but since i was like i need a lot of motivation to start this like actually i keep reading i've read most of six of crows and so i'm literally up to part six which is the last part and i'm gonna just start off with by reading that and basically like finishing that so i can feel like what it feels like to finish a book and just get their reminder and that like kind of serotonin and that kind of like absent so i'm like okay let's read another i'm gonna anyway the other four books that i have are one of us is lying okay if i'm completely honest i don't know much about these books i just saw them on tiktok and i was like okay let's buy them anyways one of us is lying so let's see five students walk into detention and only four leave alive i know this is getting turned into a movie it's basically a murder mystery it's a whodunit um so it's a gig a joke a criminal and a princess and as you can see that's very interesting for me um this is also by um karen and mcmanus i think that's how you say it um then we have the hating game by sally thorne he's the one she loves to hate you're going to get it enemies still love her so there's two characters so there's lucy hutton and joshua templeman nice make sure you guys sleep here yeah are you forgetting yourself they are two people that work like this like in this kind of desk area and they're competing for the same job i think i i can't believe it to read the description so we have the seven husbands of evelyn hugo which i have seen on my for you page so many times i also don't have tic-tac right now actually i should let you know that i haven't had it all of september so it's basically this icon evelyn hugo from hollywood who rose to fame in the 1950s or 1960s and then she left in the 80s and now she's doing an interview after and she's had seven husbands um so that's why it's called seven husbands of evelyn hugo and it's by taylor jenkins reed next we have the song um by madeline miller this the only thing the only two things i know about this is that um when people read it they pull their eyes out and it's great mythology and also i do cry a lot like i don't know why everything just makes me cry even if it's like happy doesn't really matter sad blah blah and so i just feel like i'm going to cry i cried every book i read so like it's not really hard to make me cry so i'm just a little nervous with this one because if people who are like numb and then they read this book and they cry it's like and they they're actually bubbling their eyes out what's it gonna do to me so i have coffee and i'm about to start i stopped watching there we go 20 you ah okay i'm done it has been an hour and four minutes and i'm done um it's currently 12 46 am anyway i'm going to talk about this book a little bit i am going to rate this a 4 out of 5 stars on initial like thought process i think it was really good i love storylines i'm like really wanting to read the second book but i didn't i don't know ending kind of i felt a little bit unsatisfied with the ending and that kind of thing but i get it there is a second book so i guess i just have to read that but overall it was really good there was a lot of build up to task this book kind of covers and i think it's like a slow burn with the task i guess like no just like building up to an optimal adapter so that was like good and bad because like a lot of credit attention was created i also love like the relationships in this book and the connections between people i loved how each character had such good characterization and was so specific and i love the little secrets you uncover anyway really good book 4 out of 5 stars i really loved reading it and i can't wait to read the second one um yeah there's one two seven books in the grisha verse which is the universe that lee harduga created anyway i'm gonna have a quick break and then i'm gonna start on one of us is lying okay so i've read a hundred pages and i'm up to i read like 107 pages i think it's really really good so far all of the characters are flawed but you kind of love all guys i'm on a page 175 and the title was just mentioned is that like satisfying to anyone else so the sun has risen i'm gonna go do like my makeup now and just kind of like get ready a bit um and read at the same time which should be a bit of a challenge but you know me i love a good challenge love good weekly challenge 24 hour challenge yeah it's getting very good this book i'm loving it so far hi so it is 8 29 a.m i've been reading for 8 hours and 45 minutes and i just finished one of us is lying um it was so good it took me a little while to get through this book because i was like kind of falling asleep because it was a really weird time it was like 3 4 5 a.m but it was really really good and i i love i know it's like a murder mystery but it feels like a comfort book there was such good elements of comedy those elements of romance there was yeah it was just so good and i love when you get to figure out the clues with the characters it makes you feel so much more you're part of this story i'm not sure if i want to give this four or five stars but you know i don't know yet i also have a goodreads account if you want to follow it to see what i'm reading or how i read books because i'm always changing my ratings because when i see other people's ratings i'm like oh like i i'll read them and then i'm like that makes sense you know the hating game is up next i'm really really excited for this one and we still love it this is like prominent predominantly a romance book like the first one speaks of course was fantasy this one was kind of like murder mystery thriller and then let's do this i'm going to be cooking and reading at the same time um this may be a recipe for disaster anyway the first line of this book is i always love doing this i have a theory hating someone feels disturbingly similar to being in love with them i've had a lot of time to compare love and hate and these are my observations [Music] go [Music] on the ending of one of us is lying i just saw a review on it and i didn't realize like i think my reviews are so botched right now because you know when you first finish a book and there's just no flaws in it and you're just like okay that's my favorite book five stars whatever whatever whatever you have the gist whatever but yeah the ending was a little twisted i don't think it was dealt with very well but i the the first like three four quarters of the book was so good and it was definitely like a shock like i didn't see it coming okay guys i'm on chapter 16 it is currently 3 16 p.m and i have been reading for 15 hours and 34 minutes i did take a break so sorry but whatever we keep moving on i'm obviously not gonna make it through five books oh maybe i will but i'm only like halfway through i guess i'll just have to make it through four books which is still pretty good though i'm loving the character development in this i'm loving the comedic elements i i feel really tired also i did tan as well but i didn't film it because i was like by tanned from like 11 a.m to like 2 p.m i have a swimsuit top on underneath can you see [Music] i've literally forgot the name look i'm reading because i'm so tired um the hating game that was that was so hard and then oh hi guys so it's the next night and i my nails are now painted blue um but i'm going to go on to the song of achilles i have finished the hating game and i have a few things to say about it so this is probably like the most cliche book i've ever read which is both good and bad because like everyone knew what was gonna happen i don't know i i loved it but you know a little cliche but and i also think sally thorne is a great author uh it was also written in first person which not a lot of her romance books are written in um but i thought it was good i thought she wrote it really well and i enjoyed the storyline even though there was so many cliches anyway so now i'm moving on to the song of killies and i don't really know much about this but i do know it's got some great mythology in it but everyone was like oh don't worry about the greek mythology it's really easy to understand and i'm pretty sure it's a romance as well basically the first sentence is my father was a king and the son of kings so i'm gonna be reading for the next six hours i like i've read the first few books really really slowly i had been awake for like a really long time i didn't get a good sleep the night before at the end of it i was awake for like 45 hours which is just crazy anyway yeah i've got some sleep now which is good because i just like wasn't gonna survive and i just already was like malfunctioning when i was reading this i was reading them so slowly so hopefully this can be a little bit shorter okay i'm a little bit of the way through it's like it's easy to understand i don't have any knowledge on greek mythology like i didn't read any percy jackson like that when i was younger so it's a little bit hard to understand the gods but like they don't really mention them that much so i'm just hoping they're not as important as i think they are and the names are very like greek like achilles i can do the main character's name is um [Music] i can't even say it editing me figure out how to say that i still can't say like any of those names in the book i i probably can i just like in my head that makes sense but when i see them out loud i just they just don't connect you know yeah anyway i gotta go like why am i talking so much i've read the first 100 pages and oh my lore i'm just like worried because it like seems to be going really well and like i know like i'm just waiting for something bad to happen you know when you get that feeling or it's like it's just a little bit too good anyway i'm gonna keep reading i'll update you i'll update you soon okay guys you know how i was like oh everything's going really chill well it's not chill anymore i was on page 98 when i said that now i'm on page 100. it's not as calm anymore but still reading i i feel like i'm being i feel like i'm literally stupid but i've got no idea what's going on i just like can't comprehend it like the last 10 pages i've been like what the hopefully gets better i'll keep you updated [Music] guys four first into my pages now i have like a shower this morning so more convenient here's my pjs change them over because i feel like i wasn't in too long yesterday so yeah i'll get changed real quick [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm almost there my god [Music] okay guys i really hope you enjoyed this video i have finished the song of achilles i loved it i thought the writing was 10 out of 10. i'm giving it a 4 out of 5 stars because lights are a bit slow or some hearts are a bit random like it took a really long time to get to the point but i feel like it would have been a short book if there wasn't any like a lot of difficulties in between so that's what i'm giving out four out of five it was like it was amazing writing i definitely definitely definitely recommend it there are like i decided to highlight okay you literally can't see any of the highlighting but there are so many highlighted quotes in there like one of my favorite ones is whispered all the bits of broken comfort i could find or the author madeline miller explains the way that blood flows so well um this is also part of the bloom story modern classics definitely think it's gonna be a classic i was also the winner of the women's prize i think the author is amazing and i can't wait to read some of her other work it's so beautifully descriptive it's all okay it's like a 4.5 stars i i regret saying four stars because yeah i just think it's amazing anyway thank you so much for watching if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and please subscribe we just hit 200 subscribers oh we're about to hit 200 subscribers i don't know when this can be posted but hopefully i've hit 200 subscribers actually queen we've just hit 225 subscribers and we have 10 000 views on one of our videos now so good job that's really exciting i know it's weird to get excited about but it's really like fun and then like people are always like hey i love your videos and i'm like oh thank you so much good night oh it's 12 22 by the way and i also went three minutes over i'm sorry but you get extra content anyway bye have a great night you're amazing i feel dead inside i've been reading for way too long and my eyes are giving up on me you're super cool and this was super fun thanks bye outro song dope like that german oh hi
Channel: emma mca
Views: 113,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Wl14Rp0J1d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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